Yes, I like reasoning.
Now you went childish. Again. When will you learn Spiraling Kitty?
Hyades left JTF; that does not imply/necessarily mean he left Judaïsm. And although it may appear to be so, JTF does not possess a patent on 'justice for Israel'.
is that how Dutch people think?
I said he left Judaism by deciding to stay in Germany. By that, he gave up on his Jewish destiny and mission in the world. Until he chooses otherwise, he left his Judaism by choice but can still be rebuked and even come back.
It is not certain at all that Hyades will never move to Israel,
I don't know about you, but I tend to believe him. It's very logical for a wealthy Jew in Germany who doesn't want to be poor (by moving to Socialist Israel) to stay in Germany (but still wrong, of course).
Besides all this, Hyades is not near as old as Lisa and Muman. He has plenty of time untill he reaches their age.
What does that have to do with anything? Hyades is mature enough to decide for himself.
Please, let's stay critical. I only want fairness. I want to see you tirade just as much against Lisa and Muman as you did against Hyades.
Give me reason to "tirade" against Lisa and Muman. That's the problem with you Robert - your "reasoning" gets you into conclusions far from reality that you believe in fanatically.
I have nothing to "tirade' Lisa and Muman against, from what I see. If you desire, you may target my "tirading" on what Hyades tell us he is.
And what you claim to know means just as much as islam to me: ...nothing.

You want a candy?