The Rambam writes in the Mishneh Torah that "there is no greater falsehood than Christianity".
To invite the Chilean miners+wives (=66 people) to Israel on a plain all paid tourist holiday after what they went through is a generous act & one thing
But to publicly invite them
at Jewish tax-payers expense for a "spiritual Christmas Christian sites holiday" is an anti-Torah disgrace and faux pas by the Israeli Tourism Ministry & government. This is no longer 'generosity', but comes under the Kabbalsitic term
"chesed d'klippah" ie an act of ostensible kindness that actually promotes evil by publicly giving energy the
klippah of Xtianity & Yoshkism & Marianism.
It is as bad as when obsequious Knesset speaker Reuven 'Ruby' Rivlin kissed the Panzer Pope's hand, genuflected, & called him
"the Holy Father" in the Knesset itself.
When Moshiach comes, any gentiles still surviving in Eretz Yisrael will perforce become Noahide
ger toshavim, or be immediately expelled. "Noahide" does
not include Christians or Muslims, and the churches will be demolished
even before the mosques,
starting with the "Church of the Holy Sepulchre" being
levelled first!