Author Topic: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?  (Read 16318 times)

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Offline Fruit of thy loins

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2007, 06:32:54 PM »
I apologize for the previous post I made in this thread.  It was gratuitous.
Every white woman deserves the black man of her dreams.  But what does every white man deserve?

Offline Asymmetry

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #26 on: May 12, 2007, 03:09:10 AM »
First and foremost I am a Roman Catholic and I am an avid supporter of JTF principles and objectives. 

Upon seeing this post, it reaffirms my belief that certain people on this forum should go read more and comment a whole lot less. 

I think that Catholicism suffers from the incredible lack of understanding found in non-Catholics.  I would like to respond to the points made by the poster one by one.

In regards to Popes vying for Israeli surrender... It must be understood that any "good Christian" is one that is a complete and total pacifist and would surrender his life even if threatened by imminent doom at the hands of evil hordes.  So really when you see all these hawkish Christians (like myself) that believe in and take part in killing evil people where they sleep, they are in reality bad Christians.  This may seem insane to some but that is what Christianity is at its core.  Tying this back in to Israel, it is not that Popes believe in "Israeli surrender" it is that they pray for peaceful resolutions and wish for that to happen even if that meant the Palestinians teeming into Israel murdering every Jew in sight.  It is not because the Popes hate Jews, it is because they believe that the Jews letting themselves get murdered is more moral than them killing (sinning) to protect themselves.  I know this sounds strange, but it is what it is.  Maybe some people see the logic in that even if they believe it is perverse.

In regards to devout Catholics being Jew haters... Saying that any of the individuals you mentioned is a devout Catholic is like me saying that Rudolph Giuliani is a social conservative.  In the realm of pacifist, love-driven morals, devout Catholics are probably the most zealous people one could ever meet.  It is so cliché on this forum that I almost don't want to say it, but Jews are a sacred people to any good Christian.  I was brought up my whole life being told that Jews were God's chosen people.  Think of that notion for a moment, a religion that teaches its young adherents that ANOTHER RELIGION's adherents are GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE.  Let that set in for a bit.

In regards to Jews killing Jesus... Speaking literally, the Romans convicted and executed Jesus Christ.  However, I think that we can all agree on where this concept originates.  Jesus was betrayed by Judas, one of his disciples who was a Jew only then to have a crowd of Jews rally before the Romans to essentially lobby for his death.  Now this is the part I never understood; Why does any of what I have said, accurate or otherwise,  mean that we Catholics have an obligation to hate all Jews for eternity?  That goes against the whole concept of Catholicism and Christianity, particularly in two ways.  First we should never hate anyone, and should especially love our enemies and those who act against us.  Secondly, if it were not for Jesus being arrested and savagely executed then he obviously would not have been able to resurrect and save all mankind from their sins, as is the belief of Catholics.

As for the last bullet that is a bundle of different ideas... Where to begin?  First, Catholics do not deify man.  We worship God (NOT MARY, STATUES, CRUCIFIXES, CANDLES, INCENSE, BARNEY THE PURPLE DINOSAUR or anything else you might have heard), who is an all powerful being.  Jesus Christ was a man.  His ability to perform miracles and the like came from his likeness to God, a likeness that all men have due to our being created by God and having souls.  The Holy Trinity is what may confuse some people.  It is something that is another topic all together which I can speak to if anyone is interested.

Contraception is considered a sin because it prevents the creation of life which must be considered the greatest gift bestowed upon us by God.  I am not sure why the poster tied this into pedophilia but I can talk to that a bit too.  First of all the pardons come from the Catholic Church's message of mercy and forgiveness.  Many of us who are more conservative think pedophiles should be tossed in a cell somewhere or worse, however, that is not the stance of the Catholic Church.  That same message of mercy, no matter what the crime, ties back in to the whole "turn the other cheek" concept, which is also why Catholics are not supposed to believe in capital punishment.  I can also answer some questions as to why there is a trend of Roman Catholic priests in the United States and you never hear of similar scandals in other nations with many Catholics such as Spain or Italy.  One reason is that many men of the generation that are today’s priests were in some cases practically coerced by parents into becoming priests because it was trendy to have a priest in your family.  Secondly, regardless of all the Paris Hiltons and Pamela Andersons running amok, America is a very sexually repressed nation.  Some would debate that to the bitter end, but I think that people are more comfortable with sexuality in Europe than in America.  That being said I genuinely believe that this repression is a factor in the pedophilia issue.  As a parallel to support the point, we can look at the pedophilia issue in Muslim countries.  I say this not to make a joke, but I know that while I was serving with Iraq, all the biggest baddest terrorists I killed were enjoying little boys much more than their four wives.  The whole point being that I think we can count Muslim nations as some of the most sexually repressed nations on Earth.

I will not attack anyone on this forum and I am by no means a perfect Catholic, quite far from it, but I think that if the most creative thing that someone can do on the JTF forum is call my Church the “First Nazi Church of Perpetual Sodomy,” then they are no friend of JTF, Israel, America or Western Civilization.  I must say that I am tiring rather quickly of the recurring theme I have seen of people either doing nothing but making jokes and calling out problems and offering no solutions.  I believe that Chaim and people like him have every right to joke and criticize because they are ACTORS in the movement, NOT TALKERS.  According to the tenets of my own Catholic/Christian faith, I have literally sacrificed my soul doing what I have done for my country and to keep people like the poster safe from threats such as transnational terrorists.  I have one final thing to say, and it goes out to all of those people on this forum that are sitting in dorm rooms on college campuses where they are learning some generic trade; You contribute nothing eating potato chips and typing slurs into this forum.  Get up off your rear end and join the military, the intelligence or Foreign Service community, enter the political world, DO SOMETHING.  I truly tire of putting my life and my family’s stability on the line to do work that benefits and protects people I will never meet and never be thanked by while they accomplish nothing more than being night and weekend cyber activists.

I look forward to responses.

Offline Asymmetry

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #27 on: May 12, 2007, 03:18:22 AM »
My feeling is that although Roman Catholicism is not all bad, it does not measure up to Presbyterianism or the Pentecostals, for instance, who do not have such a technocratic stucture. The power of the message is evident in Catholicism, but I simply cannot trust an organisation with that much money, power, influence.

That is an interesting comment considering the money, power and infleuence that has been ammassed worldwide due to the brilliance of the Jewish people.  Speaking in the context of modern time I would say that the wealth and infleuence of the worldwide Jewish community is comprable to that of the Catholic Church.  For those people that are rolling their eyes, we can debate this but in another thread at another time.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #28 on: May 12, 2007, 08:30:29 AM »
Re:  "Rt. Rev. John Sentamu, the Archbishop of York"

Maybe Tony Blair will now buy the Rt. Reverend a new suit!


Looks like he cut up the window drapes at the Holiday Inn Nairobi!

Offline nessuno

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #29 on: May 12, 2007, 08:41:32 AM »
What was meant by the use of the word 'cult'?
I must agree that this is an offensive thread and divisive to the forum.

Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2007, 08:50:38 AM »
"...I have literally sacrificed my soul doing what I have done for my country and to keep people like the poster safe from threats such as transnational terrorists..."

-Keep sacrificing....we don't feel safe yet.
"...You contribute nothing eating potato chips and typing slurs into this forum..."

-We provide jobs for Lay's Potato Chips, Inc. (a division of Frito-Lays, Inc.).  We keep the internet on line.  We also contribute slurs.
"... I truly tire of putting my life and my family’s stability on the line to do work that benefits and protects people I will never meet and never be thanked by while they accomplish nothing more than being night and weekend cyber activists..."

-Maybe a short vacation at Panama City Beach will help.
"...Some would debate that to the bitter end, but I think that people are more comfortable with sexuality in Europe than in America..."

-Maybe it's just because they truly enjoy oral-genital herpes infections and contracting human papylovirus.
"...That being said I genuinely believe that this repression is a factor in the pedophilia issue..."

-I have always genuinely believed that they were simply perverts.
"...It is not because the Popes hate Jews, it is because they believe that the Jews letting themselves get murdered is more moral than them killing (sinning) to protect themselves...."

-This must explain why The Vatican is protected by its Swiss Guard, and also why the Pope travels with a bullet-proof "PopeMobile".

Offline cjd

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #31 on: May 12, 2007, 09:33:48 AM »
People look at the Vatican and make more of it than what it really is. Yes they are a structured organization. One has to look at the Vatican as a small country and the POPE  as its leader. The Catholic church does have a great deal of wealth however much of it is in relics that can not be sold to raise cash. In the past 50 years the churches finances have taken a beating due to poor management and declining followers. At one point in the early 90s the Church's finances were in distress. I don't think the evils of the Catholic Church are any better or worse than found in any other  organized religion. Its only their great size and profile in the world that makes it seem they have more influence in things than they really do.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Asymmetry

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #32 on: May 12, 2007, 10:08:42 AM »
MassuhDGoodName, is that all you have to offer after my detailed and respectful post?

Offline BabylonianJew

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #33 on: May 12, 2007, 03:26:19 PM »
My best freind is Catholic a great guy, Mormons are a clut and wrose than Catholics, they belive that Natives Americans are Israelities, and that New Jersulam is in the U.S lol, and what worse their helping the Mestizos invade America, and they also had anti-Semitic writings, but it dissloved.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #34 on: May 12, 2007, 04:24:01 PM »
With the Muslims being an exception, I have never found an individual's religious belief system to be an impediment in regards my ability to become friends with them.

I have always had friends who are Mormon, Catholic, Methodist, Presbyterian, Baptist, Lutheran, Pentecostal, Jewish, Hindu, Ba'hai, Buddhist, and Sikh.

There are good and bad people to be found in every race and in every group.

Almost everybody is brought up by their families to believe in the faith in to which they're born.

Every belief system is considered a "cult" by the majority, until it gains such widespread acceptance that it gradually becomes known as a "religion".

Offline nessuno

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #35 on: May 12, 2007, 07:34:36 PM »
I don't consider myself a member of a cult because I am Catholic.
I practice the Catholic religion.
I think we can safely say that Catholicism is an established religion and not a cult.

I know you think we all drink the Pope's KoolAid.  ;)  You would be wrong to assume that.

I participate in this forum because of the great respect I have for Chaim and JTF.
I was taught by my (Catholic) Father to have great respect for the people of Israel.
He often tells me of their great accomplishments.

So there you have it - I am a much dreaded Catholic American of Italian descent.
Yet - I was not taught to hate people based on their religion.
Except if they are terrorists.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #36 on: May 12, 2007, 09:35:43 PM »
Assymetry asks:  "MassuhDGoodName, is that all you have to offer after my detailed and respectful post?"



Offline christian_love

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #37 on: June 04, 2007, 08:38:45 PM »
How many of you think Catholicism is almost as big a plague on Western civilization as Islam?

FACT: Virtually all popes favor Israeli surrender, or at least negotiation with, the Muslim world. A few have been cheerleaders for holocausts against Jews and pretty much all non-Catholics.

FACT: A significant core of devout Catholics (i.e. Sobran, Buchanan, Gibson) are enthusiastic Jew-haters and Holocaust deniers and these guys have an awful lot of influence.

FACT: For many years Catholicism taught that Jews, all of them, are responsible for killing Jesus. Yeah, that changed in Vatican II, but how much of that was sincere and how much was in order to appease its critics?

FACT: The Vatican and most, if not all, of its cardinals (Los Angeles' very own Roger Mahony is a prime example) are Mexico-worshipping fascists who demand that America surrender now to the illegal hordes. Gee whiz, do you think that most Hispanics are born into Catholicism might have something to do with this?  ::)

FACT: The Catholic Church is, at its core, the worship of religion and the deification of man. It's also the First Church of Hypocrisy. The RCC calls it a mortal sin for a married couple to use any form of contraception or engage in any act that's not "open to life", but pardons time and time and time and time again its thousands of pedophile priests who not only molest, but actually RAPE tens of thousands of little boys. It refuses to turn in these perverts to the authorities and hides/destroys evidence against them, because Church "law" is superior to secular law (hmmm, what other religion teaches that?). Even now, when it's been completely dragged through the mud and discredited in the eyes of pretty much every single non-Catholic man, woman, and child on the planet, the Vatican STILL stonewalls on the priest-abuse issue.

With all due respect to the probable majority of American Catholics that are average, regular people having nothing to do with this wickedness, I think the RCC should be officially renamed to the First Nazi Church of Perpetual Sodomy. Chaim is right about Catholicism and I am not afraid to says so.

i agree.

I do not cosider the smoke chucjers are christians, they are sun god worshippers that have hijacked christianity.

Offline Shoshana

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #38 on: June 25, 2007, 12:22:57 AM »
No, I don't believe catholicism is a cult but I do believe the pope's views on the Arab-Israeli issues are appeasement and just plain immoral.

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Re: Catholicism: the world's biggest cult?
« Reply #39 on: June 25, 2007, 12:57:56 AM »
This topic is divisive and we have many good Catholics in JTF. I am locking this thread.
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