should one not attempt to understand rashi, ramban, gra, and zohar? should we write them off because we dont so to speak understand them? should we then not be surprised to understand them and realize that they all agree? should we equally not be enthusiastic to see that we are in the year that they proclaim? no one invented this concept of was given to daniel, and since then people have tried to understand it. who said the sugia is dead? and as i see it, we are in the sugia now...and if the calculations are wrong, then the sugia still continues...mind you, all i have done was plug in the numbers brought down by the rishonim...did you listen to the shiur to see that is what it is about? or is this discussion theoretical? because if you have listened to it, i would love to hear how you differ with my pshat of the pratim given in the respective sources. this has nothing to do with bringing moshiach. this has to do with tzipia leyeshua, as i understand it. and i see nothing wrong with doing that mitzva, leshma, and b'simcha...and making it lamysa...which i assure i will do until moshiach comes or 120, which ever comes first..and as you said...every generation has signs..therefore what is the harm with noting an apparent sign? certainly signs are good when based on truth, ie. rishonim, chazal, psukim, etc. as for bringing moshiach, well that seems to be the task at hand does it not? how about fullfilling the torah, that would be a start. of course we all disagree about what the torah wants from us. in that case, to each his own. and hatzlacha raba. may one of us figure it out soon, spread the word, and bring moshiach...and if you think the status quo is working, and has been working, but that it just takes time, no chiddushim necessary, then hatzlacha raba to you too. we all have an emunah, and the torah summarized is tzaddik bemunaso emunah tells me to understand rishonim. i did that. my emunah is to share that knowledge b simcha, in the knowledge that an age old machlokes and source of doubt, is in fact not a machlokes and can be viewed as chizuk and strengthening our emunah, and in our the very least, rashi saying 5771/2010, as opposed to 1405, as well as other rishonim mentioned, makes me smile a little brighter...and maybe they knew a little more than we give them credit for. torah and her sages are meant to be understood, and not to ridicule those who attempt and for the time being have succeeded in understanding...if you would like to pussul this shiur in 5775, you wont be able to, for i will already have done so, happily. yet that means moshiach didnt come, sadily...then as i said...reconfigure, put the pieces together, in an even stronger fashion...and i am sure Hashem will provide the kelim, to make the klals emunah even stronger than we can greet moshiach, and or have the capacity to get to 6000. and at erev 6000, no moshiach what will the am say? they will say, lets try to configure and understand what is going calculations are just part of the briah, as we all subscribe to the 6000 years notion, as moshe coming in the midst of the 6th hour notion at sinai, etc. calcualtion is part of torah, it was given to daniel for a reason, and it is torah. mind you, daniel himself, the calculator...calculated, errored, and reconfigured, ie. 70 years of galus bavel. in closing, the goal is to understand, torah in general...when we can begin to go down that alley, maybe then we can understand what Hashem wants from us, whatever it is that hasnt been done, and that we are not doing. there are no answers until the trial is over. but to not participate out of complexity and difficulty, i do not believe is the answer. nor is it appropriate to proclaim "the answer" when it is mere speculation. but there is the sharing of emunah, and the torah we percieve and on some level believe we understand. my emunah, and understanding is that we are in the process of geulah, and that it is very near, most likely by 5774, as predicted/believed/forseen/or even guessed by sages, or misinterpreted "students" of torah...which if the later is true, then rashi and ramban said the geulah was many many years ago unfullfilled...and to me that is depressing, of katnei emanah, and a lessening of the gadlus of rishonim and their messorah. this has nothing to do with being right. it has to do with what my eyes have seen and are seeing. and my emunah is to believe that we are in it now. and as of date, nothing has led me to believe otherwise. so i will continue down this emunah, between me and God, which i have chosen to share with those interested in listening to a simple torah shiur, about rishonim, and their agreed stance on when they perceived through tradition going back to daniel about when the geulah would come. i hope to those who listened to the shiur, that it gave you simcha, chizuk, and a desire to understand what Hashem wants from us, in that we can bring the geulah, not only "in its own time", but in the fashion of "i will hasten it", producing the Kiddush Hashem, that we are all after: to Understand Hashem, His Torah, and His People....sof mysa, machshava techila...may it be soon.