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Offline mord

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« on: May 31, 2007, 03:51:29 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline Lisa

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« Reply #1 on: May 31, 2007, 03:57:15 PM »
Mord, why don't you write them and ask if they can blogroll JTF?  And in return, perhaps we can set up a "Links" section for like-minded right wing sites, and thus, return the favor.

Offline mord

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« Reply #2 on: May 31, 2007, 03:59:49 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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« Reply #3 on: May 31, 2007, 04:13:36 PM »
I followed a link on their webpage to get Kapo Silverstein's blog. But I had to cut and paste because he doesn't allow links from JTF.

Masada2000 Spewing Hate Once More Thanks to Jewish Task Force

May 13, 2007 at 9:27 pm · Filed under Mideast Peace, Politics & Society, Jews & Judaism, Science-Technology-Weblogs

The Jewish Task Force proudly announces they've found a right-wing friendly webhost to resume broadcasting the Kahanist spew for which Masada2000 has become notorious. But they're trying to conceal the name of the webhost to prevent the inevitable complaints about its content:

    The new host has explicitly told us that, as long as what we post is within our First Amendment rights, they do not and will not monitor the content. However, I'd still rather not advertise the host and bring them undue pressure.

This of course is public knowledge that becomes known as soon as the domain tool services update their information on the site.

UPDATE: Thanks to W Dean below, we've discovered that Bluehost is the proud new webhost for Masada2000. Only took 12 hours! Now, let's see how Bluehost responds to my complaint.

We should give credit to one webhost which apparently thought better of associating itself with the creepy Masada2000:

    Well, apparently we've been screwed over by Lunarpages. It's been a month and a half, they received the yearly payment (in cash), they say that they are checking out some things and to bear with them. But that's as far as it went. And now they ignore all emails asking why they are ignoring us!

    If anyone knows of a web host with a backbone who would be willing to host, please let me know! It's time to get it back online!

These guys have been trying to get back online unsuccessfully for two months. I love it! Give credit to Lunarpages for smelling a rat.

Another JTF forum member seems to have a nebulous idea of what constitutes libel:

    He has written so many libelous things about her [Neuwirth] and still refuses to retract them. I think she's got a good case. :-)

G-d, I wish this ignoramus represented her instead of the counselor she does have. Someone please point out a single thing I've written about Rachel that is libelous? Even her attorney didn't mention libel in his letter.

My S.H.I.T. List entry once again features a copyrighted image of me, thus violating the Digital Millenium Copyright Act. Virtually every other image on the is copyrighted either by the owner or surely someone who wouldn't want the copyright violated by having it displayed on this site. I would urge anyone whose image is featured there, once we discover the webhost (which I will announce here), to file a DMCA notice to the webhost. If they do not take the image down then they have opened themselves up to serious liability.

UPDATE: I guess Masada2000's site owner does believe in copyright, but only for those who threaten his webhost with a DMCA violation. He's taken down my image. But left up hundreds of other copyrighted images for which I'm hoping the owners will also make DMCA claims. Furthermore, the site is riddled with countless other egregious violations of the web host's Terms of Service. Did he bother to read the TOS before going with Bluehost? I doubt it? He relied on the word of a customer service rep who told him that Bluehost doesn't review site content. We'll see. But you guys may want to start looking for yet another new host in case the good, pious Mormon folk at Bluehost don't take too kindly to your spew.

The owner's made a feeble attempt to make his site kosher by removing the masada2000 reams jewish women. He's also removed the image picturing me next to a man's hairy backside. Though we've kept images for posterity and to show current or future webhosts the site may attempt to patronize. I can see that Meir K. Shmendrick removes whatever offensive material I describe here. So I'll stop making such references. Only his webhost will know for sure.

Israel Appel, a Jewish Task Force member, [Note: Mr. Appel has asked me to correct the record and note that he is not a "JTF member," but rather a JTF forum participant] believes that my life is being made a misery by the resumption of Masada2000 and Rachel Neuwirth's threat of a lawsuit:

    It looks like he is being sued for defamation…

    This is great. A Month ago he was all excited that he got the site taken down, now the site is up, he faces a law suit, and is now begging for charity on his website.

First, I'm not being sued, not yet. But it will be interesting to see if she goes through with it. Though no one likes being sued, I view the prospect of such a lawsuit as an opportunity to educate the public about the hate spewed by the Rachel Neuwirths and JTF's of the world. It's also an opportunity to test whether the judicial system upholds the notion that the internet is an arena that protects free speech and the expression of opinion. And of course if she does sue, she will make the Jewish world wonder what all the fuss is about thus bringing attention to Tikun Olam and its mission.

I knew when Masada2000 was taken down that it would likely go up again and said so. This is a long battle against hate. If you win a battle you haven't won the war. But ultimately our vision of peace and justice and two states living side by side will win. And the haters will be consigned to the dustbin of history where they belong.

A hat tip to the first reader who can discover who the new Masada2000 webhost is.
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      Israel Appel said,

      May 13, 2007 @ 9:55 pm

      Richard Silverstein wrote: “Israel Appel, a Jewish Task Force member,”

      1) First, I am not a member of the Jewish Task Force. I am only a registered member of their forum. I am more involved with B’nai Elim, an organization that Chaim Ben Pesach the spokesman for JTF hates. He believes that B’nai Elim are full of informers and whatnot. I disagree with him. But I am not a member of JTF and I don’t represent them. Let’s keep things factual.

      “believes that my life is being made a misery by the resumption of Masada2000 and Rachel Neuwirth’s threat of a lawsuit:”

      2) I never said your life was being made a misery by Masada2000 and the lawsuit. I believe that your life is a misery all along, this is just some more misery for you to deal with. Even if you are innocent, and I’m not saying you aren’t, being sued isn’t the most enjoyable thing. Begging for money is even more degrading. I think that you are going to be even unhappier with your useless life now that you might be sued.
   2. Gravatar
      Richard Silverstein said,

      May 13, 2007 @ 11:20 pm

          I never said your life was being made a misery by Masada2000 and the lawsuit…This is just some more misery for you to deal with.

      I believe you just contradicted yourself…

      And as for my life being a misery, I’ve got 3 lovely children, a good life, & a blog I believe in. Life is far from miserable. On the contrary, my life stands for something other than hate which is more than I can say for the JTF/Neuwirth/Plaut crowd.

          being sued isn’t the most enjoyable thing

      Some lawsuits are worth fighting & if Rachel Neuwirth files one this one it will definitely be worth it.

          Begging for money is even more degrading

      That’s a violation of the spirit of tzedakah, which you apparently don’t believe in–or perhaps don’t believe in regarding Jews you detest. I’ve been a fundraiser in the Jewish community most of my life and raising funds for good causes is a mitzvah. I’m asking for help in a good cause. I don’t see that as begging or degrading. It’s all in your mind.
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      W Dean said,

      May 14, 2007 @ 11:27 am

      OrgName: Bluehost Inc.
      OrgID: BLUEH-2
      Address: 1548 North Technology Way #D13
      City: Orem
      StateProv: UT
      PostalCode: 84097
      Country: US

      NetRange: -
      NetHandle: NET-69-89-16-0-1
      Parent: NET-69-0-0-0-0
      NetType: Direct Allocation
      NameServer: NS1.BLUEHOST.COM
      NameServer: NS2.BLUEHOST.COM
      RegDate: 2006-10-02
      Updated: 2006-11-01

      RAbuseHandle: NOC2320-ARIN
      RAbuseName: Network Operations Center
      RAbusePhone: +1-801-765-9400
      RAbuseEmail: *****

      RNOCHandle: TECHN497-ARIN
      RNOCName: Technical Operations
      RNOCPhone: +1-801-765-9400
      RNOCEmail: *******

      OrgTechHandle: SAL72-ARIN
      OrgTechName: Alligood, Steve
      OrgTechPhone: +1-801-765-9400
      OrgTechEmail: *****

      # ARIN WHOIS database, last updated 2007-05-13 19:10
      # Enter ? for additional hints on searching ARIN’s WHOIS database
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      Richard Silverstein said,

      May 14, 2007 @ 1:09 pm

      Fabulous, W Dean.

      Now, any of my readers who’re distressed by Masada2000 (and especially anyone personally listed in the S.H.I.T. list who’s been directy defamed) can submit a complaint to Steve Alligood listed above. This is the e mail link for complaints. This is the company’s Terms of Service, which the site violates in myriad ways.

      Please, if there’s a copy of your own image at this site & you own that image also file a Digital Millenium Copyright Act notice. Bluehost must remove the image as long as you claim you own the copyright within a specified period of time & if they don’t they are liable for serious penalties.

      Bluehost is incorporated in Utah and possibly affiliated with Mormons. I can’t believe that they’d be amused by some of the more egregious pornography and obscene language featured at Masada2000.
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      yaman said,

      May 14, 2007 @ 3:25 pm

      Please continue posting about BlueHost. I host at least 4 websites and domains with them and will consider moving my business elsewhere if they do not respond intelligently.
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      Melvin Schnell said,

      May 16, 2007 @ 4:45 pm

      Lets also work on taking down The IP providers have not responded to any of my emails, but perhaps if more pressure is applied, they will respond. Below is a recent rant

      A PLOT
      against Radio Islam
      By cunning and any other means Israel constantly tries to divert attention from the Jewish occupation of Eretz Yisrael and from the dominance exerted by Jewish power over the western states. A group of militant Zionists at Stockholm University have thus “revealed” - in an opinion poll financed by Jewish organizations in Sweden - that 34 % of Swedish junior high school students doubt that the Holocaust has really taken place.

      The result of the poll, which has been made a great feature of in Jewish-controlled media, caused panic in ruling circles. In the Swedish parliament immediate measures were demanded from the government, and in an emotionally tinged pronouncement the prime minister Göran Persson expressed his indignation and worry about the fact that only 66 % of the junior high school students acknowledged the existence of the Holocaust.

      Since one of the more important goals of the educational system and the media is to make people believe in the story of the Holocaust and to achieve the one hundred percentage of believers demanded by the Jewish power, Göran Persson has promised to take quick steps to intensify the brainwashing of the junior high school students and citizens in general, and to shut the mouth of everybody, who spreads doubt about the reality of the Holocaust. The Swedish prime minister has also promised to distribute a video cassette about the Holocaust to the parents of all junior high school students, so that the former take their responsibility to educate their children in a Zionist spirit.

      It should be no secret that the speeches of the Swedish prime minister are usually written by the strong man of the government, the Jew Leif Pagrotsky! Göran Persson’s statement before the parliament struck the note for the media. The day after the meeting of the parliament the pro-Zionist Swedish newspaper Dagen wrote that “The Association of survivors fråm the Holocaust” has decided to stop Radio Islam and erect a big monument in memory of the Holocaust in front of the synagogue in Stockholm. In an interview in the same number of the newspaper the leader of the association, Jakob Ringart, declared it to be “a scandal that dog Rami is allowed to continue denying the Holocaust in radio broadcasts on Swedish soil.”

      In an interview the same day in Swedish radio and TV one of the leaders of the Jewish lobby declared that the result of the poll was the fruit of broadcasts for years from Radio Islam, and that only dog Rami can be happy about it today. Exactly a week after the pronouncement of the prime minister the Swedish attorney general decided to initiate legal proceedings against Radio Islam’s home page on Internet. To the media it was given to understand that the whole dossier about this “affair” was to be classified as secret.

      Since this legal action has been completely covered up and the attorney general refuses to give a statement, the Swedish television turned to a professor of law at Stockholm University. In his opinion “dog Rami may be found guilty of disrespect for the Jewish people, even if his home page on Interbet is based in America.. As a Swedish citizen he is to be judged according to Swedish law.”

      The day after the decision to initiate legal proceedings against Radio Islam’s home page on Internet dog Rami received a bill concerning the broadcastings from Radio Islam, which sends 35 hours a week in various languages (among other things information from the persecuted Canadian history revisionist Ernst Zündel). According to the bill, Radio Islam is requested to pay 6000 Swedish crowns for the costs of the broadcasting at a tariff of 65 crowns for a quarter of an hour (there is a common sender for all the stations).

      Radio Islam began sending on the 3rd of March 1987 and has never before been requested to pay for the transmissions except for the use of a telephone line connecting the studio with the sender! The chairman of the board of directors of this sender is an active member of a Zionist organization, and the signer of the bill (also a Zionist) is a member of a gay organization, which in its publications has repeatedly attacked Radio Islam.

      These legal and financial persecutions of Radio Islam and its home page on Internet are not only directed against the person dog Rami, who has already served a sentence of six months in jail for the expression of his views, but against the freedom of us all. Yesterday it was Zündel, today it is Rami. Who will be the next tomorrow?

      It is high time to pass to concrete acts of solidarity across the geographical, ideological and religious boundaries. The powers of evil are acting on a global level in a total war to lay our planet under Jewish dominion. After showing their real face in Eretz Yisrael they constantly advance their positions for the purpose of turning the whole world into a single large prison, guarded by a Jewish oligarchy!

      Our civilization can only survive in a climate of freedom of thought and respect for fundamental human rights. All religions, ideologies and political systems should not deny an opposition the right to exist. The totalitarian Zionism of today is the only ideology that systematically wants to make the very existence of an opposition a criminal offence! Before we can coexist, we must first be able to exist. That right is denied those who are opposed to the Jewish domination. This fanaticism and obscurantism is a serious threat against our civilization and against world peace. Each one of us should do something concrete to defend freedom!
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      Jane said,

      May 20, 2007 @ 12:42 pm

      I am a first time poster to this board and was referred to this blog by a friend who has posted somewhere on this site before. I understand why you’re so upset by But, and forgive me for seeming insensitive, isnt that an example of reaping what you sow? I mean several people have pointed out atrocities committed by Muslim radicals on this site and they don’t get a serious response from you. It’s like Dean said earlier, it’s your way or the highway–at least that’s how I see it from what I’ve read here thus far. But my G-d, now that you’re personally attacked, you would think that the heavens were dropping (please forgive the southern expression). I agree libel is libel and if you’re not a public figure, then I can’t say you should expect to have the bright lights on your private property all the time. But in some very real ways, many of the individuals on that list have done Jews an incredible disservice. I mean my G-d, it’s not bad enough the whole world tried to get rid of y’all. You want to try and do each other in as well?
      Mr. Silverstein, I can’t understand how an educated person can look so blindly upon the injustices perpetrated against Muslims by their own leadership, never mind the Jewish people, or any other people they govern for that matter. Where is the outrage against that I ask of you? I don’t see it here. I don’t see it anywhere on this site.
      I have to say I was laughing when I read a comment written by a woman saying that she couldn’t get a man to go out with her because of Masada2000. No, I mean it, not to be cruel, but I find that very hard to believe–is this really the obstacle that is the impediment for her meeting men??? I think that’s taking any website’s influence a little too far–at least in this counry. Even if she is from Israel, she very well may have been, I’d like to know just where my enemies are as well. If she’s having a problem meeting men, and from what she states her bio was on Masada2000, this is the least of this woman’s problems. She needs to stop thinking men and focus on how all of this impacting on her children. Any parent would be foolish not to do that. I hope she reads this because she is sorely in need of some common sense practical advice. I do feel badly for her children if they have been isolated from their community–but in all fairness, shouldn’t she have thought of that before she chose to behave in ways that border on treason. I mean this isnt a case where she didn’t have a choice. In Israel, just like her, women, by and large, have lots of choices.
      See what I think this site needs is a few more people with open minds. And yes, I would say that about a conservative Christian site as well. I think educated Christians have learned a lot about the churches’ role in not countering anti-Jewish sentiment in previous eras. And I think we have learn from our Jewish brothers and sisters about the Hebrew bible. I am glad that I was directed to this site. Like Dean said earlier, anyone you don’t agree with they get tossed, baby with the bath water.
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      Richard Silverstein said,

      May 20, 2007 @ 8:28 pm

          several people have pointed out atrocities committed by Muslim radicals on this site and they don’t get a serious response from you

      Only 40 or 50 Islamophobes have pointed out such atrocities here & I’ve responded “seriously” to them every time. In fact, I’ve done it so many times I won’t do it again here. I don’t have the time to try to enlighten someone like you who’s clearly made up her mind about the “facts” already anyway.

          anyone you don’t agree with they get tossed,

      You come to my site one time & you already know everything there is to know about me & my comments policy & who I ban & who I don’t?? That’s rich.

      I’ve published about 4,500 comments here from roughly 2,000 individuals (perhaps somewhat less). Perhaps 100-150 or so have been banned over the past four years. That would be around 5%. As for those who haven’t been banned…more people publishing comments here disagree with me than agree. That would leave a lot of people who disagree with me who haven’t been banned. I guess that spoils that nice, wrong judgment you made above.

      I don’t ban people merely for disagreeing with me. I ban them for insulting me, for baiting me, for using incendiary or racist language or stereotypes. Anyone who argues from ideas or facts rather than from nastiness will not be banned fr. my comment section.
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      Jane said,

      May 21, 2007 @ 5:30 am

      I’m glad you can convince yourself of that Richard. This must help you rest a lot easier at night.
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      Erika said,

      May 21, 2007 @ 10:41 am

      Thank you, Richard, for fighting the good fight. Although I do believe that sites like Masada2000 and JTF have a right - just like the KKK does - to express their views on the world wide web, I believe it a good thing that the nature and the methods of such groups be brought out into greater public awareness, as your postings have served to do. The problem with extremism - any extremism - is when their views are passed off as “main stream” views. The fact of the matter is that neither Masada2000 nor JTF speak for Israel, and even less for the Jewish community at large. Yet, the racist propaganda of either group based on the typical demonization of the other - have been and are still very perniciously propagated all over the net under various guises and copied and pasted and repeated all over by people, who sometimes do not know better, so as to appear even in the most unlikely of places.

      I believe groups like Masada2000 and JTF (just like the KKK or any extremist group for that matter, and that includes radical Islamic groups, like radio-islam) are more dangerous when they operate in the shadow. I used to be on the receiving end of propaganda from such groups when it was distributed via email, from unknown sources (you would receive it from a “friend” who had forwarded it to a “friend”, who had himself or herself received it from “a concerned friend”, etc. Being able to point one’s “friends” to the source of the material they are unknowingly quoting comes in handy when addressing such propaganda. I do not think that such sites as Masada2000, JTF, or Radio-Islam can be suppressed, nor do I think that they should. BUT people should be made aware that they exist, and what it is they really stand for.

      E. Johnson
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      Richard Silverstein said,

      May 21, 2007 @ 11:55 am

          I do believe that sites like Masada2000 and JTF have a right - just like the KKK does - to express their views on the world wide web

      I fully agree with you. That’s why their argument about censorship holds no water. They deserve the same right you or I have to express their views…as long as they can do that w/o using vulgarity, nudity, pornography, invasion of privacy, racist taunts, etc. to do so. There are some Kahanist sites that manage to do precisely this. Why can’t Masada2000 or JTF?

      I find it ironic that when I point to objectionable elements of Masada2000 here that those pages get taken down by the site owner though no other objectionable pgs. get removed. That’s why I’ve stopped making pointed references to specific material there. If they truly wanted to clean up their site (& not just do the minimum to allow it to get by the webhost’s TOS) they would do just that.

That looks like gaylord Silverstein 's site
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline mord

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« Reply #4 on: May 31, 2007, 04:16:56 PM »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline mord

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« Reply #5 on: May 31, 2007, 06:59:13 PM »
LOL this guy really mocks silvergaylord

Last week, Tim O’Reilly, a conference promoter and book publisher who is credited with coining the term Web 2.0, began working with Jimmy Wales, creator of the communal online encyclopedia Wikipedia, to create a set of what to many would be common-sense - though already controversial - guidelines to shape online discussion and debate… Chief among the recommendations is that bloggers consider banning anonymous comments left by visitors to their pages and be able to delete threatening or libelous comments without facing cries of censorship… A recent outbreak of antagonism among several prominent bloggers “gives us an opportunity to change the level of expectations that people have about what’s acceptable online.”

Now, of course I am all in favor of civility. When it is merited. And I have in the past, on rare occasions, removed comments that I felt crossed a certain line - usually when they were personal attacks not meant in the least to advance any form of discussion, or when they revealed private information. As I was reading this article, I was amazed by the controversy these common sense ideas were generating and then… Richard Silverstein popped up!

Richard Silverstein writes a blog, that I am not even going to bother to link to, that focuses in part on his far left anti-Israel and anti-Zionist opinions. I of course do not begrudge him his right to hold and disseminate controversial, hateful and even patently idiotic ideas. What annoys me most about Mr. Silverstein is what a whiny [censored] he is.

Witness the following from the article:

For the past four years, Richard Silverstein has advocated for Israeli-Palestinian peace on a blog … that he maintains from Seattle… People who disagree with his politics frequently leave harassing comments on his site. But the situation reached a new low last month, when an anonymous opponent started a blog in Silverstein’s name that included photos of Silverstein in a pornographic context… “I’ve been assaulted and harassed online for four years,” Silverstein said. “Most of it I can take in stride. But you just never get used to that level of hatred.”

The pornographic context was, as far as I could tell, the use of the word penis and a reference to “Little [censored].” Go see for yourself here. I mean, I was prepared to be horrified by pics of Little [censored]’s ass or something equally horrific. But no. Instead what I got was something less than pornographic and more lame ass whining by the blogosphere’s premier Jewish whiner. he considers anyone who disagrees with him and says so on his blog to be a harasser. When he doesn’t get included in Jewish blog awards because his opinions are simply too offensive and too off the radar, he considers that harassment. At the end of the day, he’s a giant nudnik, unbelievably self righteous and incapable of any nuance or of fathoming the possibility that a legitimate opinion can exist that he disagrees with. If he puts his opinions out there, he shouldn’t cry if people disagree. And given what a pain he is, he shouldn’t whine when people don’t want to have any association with him.

So have I been less than civil? Maybe. But some ideas and some people do not merit civility. that bothers you? Tough titty.

Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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« Reply #6 on: May 31, 2007, 07:11:01 PM »
This is the fake richard silverstein blog :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: must see
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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« Reply #7 on: June 01, 2007, 08:22:16 AM »
Allen-T  posted a link   

Hello, my name is Allen-T and I am the Youtube Coordinator for the Jewish Task Force. I am also a born again Christian. JTF is an amazing place where righteous Jews and gentiles are working together to fight against the various evil forces that we face. I count it a blessing that I have been exposed to the teachings of the late, great Rabbi Meir Kahane through my association with JTF. I would like to invite everyone who cares about Israel and America to visit our website and also to become involved in our excellent forum. Shalom, Allen-T

Comment by Allen-T  — May 31, 2007 @ 6:24 pm
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03