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Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« on: January 06, 2011, 06:39:01 AM »
I am curious to know how do Serbs get along with the folk from the minor Yugoslav republics (Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro). Have Serbs been persecuted by any of them, or ethnically cleansed ?

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2011, 08:30:13 AM »
I am curious to know how do Serbs get along with the folk from the minor Yugoslav republics (Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro). Have Serbs been persecuted by any of them, or ethnically cleansed ?
Almost all macedonians are serbs (genetical 80-90%), but just that, there is a small group of people who says that they are serbs!Montenegrins are 100% serbs, but approximately one half denies its origins(Milo's followers), other half is tyrannized by frist half! serbs in  Slovenia are minority, and dont have some specifically place in that Society!

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2011, 10:51:24 AM »
I am curious to know how do Serbs get along with the folk from the minor Yugoslav republics (Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro). Have Serbs been persecuted by any of them, or ethnically cleansed ?
Hey Zelhar,
we have a kind of schizophrenic relations with all three countries/peoples.
Montenegrins are indeed ethnically Serbs, and throughout history they were the biggest Serbian nationalists and they basically preserved our nation from extinction. Majority of population of Serbia have ancestors in Montenegro. That is why it's ironic, majority of Montenegrins claiming they have no connection with Serbs, but you should know it's all Vatican's project. About a third of their population stays loyal to their Serbian name, with divisions often in the same family. For example, two brothers will claim to be of different nationalities.
Officially, we are still "brothers" with them, while they recognized Kosovo as an independent country. Those who wish to remain Serbs are under pressure from the government. The scale of their treason is unimaginable, but our leadership pretends it's not a problem.
  The situation with Macedonia is pretty much the same. Their nationality is not that clear, though. Some say they are Serbs, some say they are Bulgarians, and some even claim to be descendants of ancient Macedonians, hence the conflict with Greece. Our connection with them is not like with Montenegro, and we consider them a "friendly" country. They also recognized Kosovo and put Serbs under government pressure.
  Slovenia is a country we had no connection with until the early 20th century. They also claim to be our friends, but an overwhelming majority of them are backstabbing rats who only look their own interest with no consideration for others. They're not enemies like Croats, but definitely are not friends. Serbs in Slovenia are guest workers and live like in any other western European country.   

I hope this was helpful, if you have any other questions, be free to ask.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2011, 12:12:33 PM »

  The situation with Macedonia is pretty much the same. Their nationality is not that clear, though. Some say they are Serbs, some say they are Bulgarians, and some even claim to be descendants of ancient Macedonians, hence the conflict with Greece. Our connection with them is not like with Montenegro, and we consider them a "friendly" country. They also recognized Kosovo and put Serbs under government pressure.

Only fools believe that macedonians are greeks(ancient Macedonians)! for example  ancient Macedonians call themselves Hellens (greeks). Macedonia its a territory, and real Macedonia(province) is on the north of Greece to the souther border of FYR Macedonia! And that is a reason why Macedonians calls their state FYR Macedonia , Greeks dont allows that! For greeks that is a attack on the sovereignty of Greece and fiction of real history, and they have full right for that!
Macedonians had a surnames like serbs,with suffix "ić" (ich) but they, changed that in the close history!
They flag was like this or with red background
But that was a flag of ancient Macedonians(greeks) so Greece forbid using of this flag, now they have like this flag
similar, but more with old Japan flag then ancient Macedonia!

Language that uses Macedonians are ancient serbian dialect, I can understand the 90%(maybe more) words and context, when an Macedonian speaks!There is  In the souther serbia dialect very similar to Language that uses Macedonians,they understand each other very well!
They have a 10-20% genes of bularians, greeks,albanians... but they are serbs 80-90%!
You see, Serbs from Montenegro are Montenegrians,from Bosnia they are Bosnians,Herzegovina - Herzegovinians,from srbija - Srbijanci,... that is just territorial designation(like, for example,Yehudah land and Israel, not exactly,but very similar) and that is the same with macedonians, but they  denies serbian origen, like croats and muslims from BIH!

PS territory of FYR Macedonia always been serbian land! Now FYR Macedonia have a same problem with a albanians  like we had,. Albanians want a 1/3 -1/2 of FYR Macedonia and half of Skoplje Capital city!

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2011, 01:55:30 PM »
Yes I know that the Albanians are a trying to takeover part of Macedonia. If they stayed united with Serbia I think the Macedonians could defend their country better.

So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2011, 03:19:50 PM »
Yes I know that the Albanians are a trying to takeover part of Macedonia. If they stayed united with Serbia I think the Macedonians could defend their country better.

So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?
Macedonians will never(at least in close future) approach to serbs because they are manipulated(and some serb to) from Western states, they our ecumenical, and some serbs are responsible for this loss!  Macedonian orthodox church dont have autocephalous,  FYR Macedonia, Bosnia and herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro and Serbia is territory under the Serbian Orthodox Church (Serbian Patriarchy) so other Orthodox churches cant have autocephalous(independence)!  Macedonians declare the autocephalous without legal act(on force) supported by Vatican(unofficially off course ).All this is done by ecumenic Macedonian's orthodox priests! So our orthodox priests(and that one who recognize the serbian Patriarchy) are hunted in Macedonia like a wild beast!
Same thing its done by Montenegro (with same background). Montenegro also change his Writing (few years ago), only few letters (nothing important, stupidity) and now that language have a name, nor serbian, not Montenegrian, than 'Native language' , funny is it not? ^-^
Just watch Montenegro and you will understand how had happened that we have Croats, Muslim(Bosnians), Macedonians... But not just serbia,you will understand how they change language,names,culture,history ....
Off course, Head Chef was a Pope, and thats why this eating is so bitterly!

Slovenians,for close history they  are not serbs but for long history, maybe?But, surely they are connected to us genetical, somehow! I can understand maybe 10-20% percent of Slovenian language not more, I can even better to understand Czecho-slovakian language , 40-50%, or more if he speaks slow!

The official history says that we are all Slavs, but i do not trust in official history, its made by western countries. There is some suspicion that word serb=Slav. But that is just theory and this is so far from topic!
But one thing is for sure, serbs are not barbarians and they are came on Balkan before 6-7th century!....

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2011, 03:38:18 PM »
Only fools believe that macedonians are greeks(ancient Macedonians)!
Well, then there are a lot of fools in Macedonia. They even named their biggest airport "Alexander of Macedon". It's their official policy to claim connection to ancient Macedonians.
Macedonians had a surnames like serbs,with suffix "ić" (ich) but they, changed that in the close history!
Any source for this?
Language that uses Macedonians are ancient serbian dialect, I can understand the 90%(maybe more) words and context, when an Macedonian speaks!
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.
They have a 10-20% genes of bularians, greeks,albanians... but they are serbs 80-90%!
Where did you read that? Present day Macedonians are an undefined mass of Slavic speakers, who were much longer under Bulgarian than Serbian rule. Their language is closer to Bulgarian than Serbian. There are a lot of romanized Vlachs called Tzintzars among them.
All in all, the Macedonian situation is not clear like Montenegrin, and if they don't want to be Serbs, it's their choice. Albanians will destroy them in that case.
So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?
Slovenians are in no way Serbian. They're much closer to Czechs and Slovaks, including their language.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2011, 06:29:28 PM »
Only fools believe that macedonians are greeks(ancient Macedonians)!
Well, then there are a lot of fools in Macedonia. They even named their biggest airport "Alexander of Macedon". It's their official policy to claim connection to ancient Macedonians.
Macedonians had a surnames like serbs,with suffix "ić" (ich) but they, changed that in the close history!
Any source for this?
Language that uses Macedonians are ancient serbian dialect, I can understand the 90%(maybe more) words and context, when an Macedonian speaks!
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.
They have a 10-20% genes of bularians, greeks,albanians... but they are serbs 80-90%!
Where did you read that? Present day Macedonians are an undefined mass of Slavic speakers, who were much longer under Bulgarian than Serbian rule. Their language is closer to Bulgarian than Serbian. There are a lot of romanized Vlachs called Tzintzars among them.
All in all, the Macedonian situation is not clear like Montenegrin, and if they don't want to be Serbs, it's their choice. Albanians will destroy them in that case.
So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?
Slovenians are in no way Serbian. They're much closer to Czechs and Slovaks, including their language.

You see,  Zelhar,this the reason why we are Shred down, because always there some naive Serb who have trust in the West, like voo-yo.

I can call my house a palace of Alexander of Macedon, and than my house have macedonian history origin!LoL
Until Tito cames no one had that stupid Thought, the same thing is for Montenegro. Tito made this borders to!
Dig deeper Vo-jo! Do some comparisons!
I can understand more of you because i am from village, and i know some archaic words that you dont know!
Many serbs from Leskovac, Vranje ... go to study in Skoplje without classes for Macedonian!So do not write a foolish things here that they are closer to Bulgerian language.Bulgerian language is close to Russian language, I speak russian so i do know that , But even Bulgerian language we can understand a lot, especially if you do read or person speaks slowly !
Israel was occupied almost 2000years , is that means that Jews are know palestinians, Serbia was under turks 500years , are you Turk! Serbia lost Macedonia when Turks Ottomans occupied serbia!
Its true that Macedonians do not want to be serbs i said that, for couple years no single Montenegrian who will said that is a Serbian!
Yes there is a lot of fools in macedonia and in Croatia(what they done to us, bu they are genetical serbs)!

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2011, 06:55:41 PM »
Only fools believe that macedonians are greeks(ancient Macedonians)!
Well, then there are a lot of fools in Macedonia. They even named their biggest airport "Alexander of Macedon". It's their official policy to claim connection to ancient Macedonians.
Macedonians had a surnames like serbs,with suffix "ić" (ich) but they, changed that in the close history!
Any source for this?
Language that uses Macedonians are ancient serbian dialect, I can understand the 90%(maybe more) words and context, when an Macedonian speaks!
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.
They have a 10-20% genes of bularians, greeks,albanians... but they are serbs 80-90%!
Where did you read that? Present day Macedonians are an undefined mass of Slavic speakers, who were much longer under Bulgarian than Serbian rule. Their language is closer to Bulgarian than Serbian. There are a lot of romanized Vlachs called Tzintzars among them.
All in all, the Macedonian situation is not clear like Montenegrin, and if they don't want to be Serbs, it's their choice. Albanians will destroy them in that case.
So what about the Slovenians,You don't consider them  to be of Serb origins ? I think they speak similar language don't they ?
Slovenians are in no way Serbian. They're much closer to Czechs and Slovaks, including their language.

You see,  Zelhar,this the reason why we are Shred down, because always there some naive Serb who have trust in the West, like voo-yo.

I can call my house a palace of Alexander of Macedon, and than my house have macedonian history origin!LoL
Until Tito cames no one had that stupid Thought, the same thing is for Montenegro. Tito made this borders to!
Dig deeper Vo-jo! Do some comparisons!
I can understand more of you because i am from village, and i know some archaic words that you dont know!
Many serbs from Leskovac, Vranje ... go to study in Skoplje without classes for Macedonian!So do not write a foolish things here that they are closer to Bulgerian language.Bulgerian language is close to Russian language, I speak russian so i do know that , But even Bulgerian language we can understand a lot, especially if you do read or person speaks slowly !
Israel was occupied almost 2000years , is that means that Jews are know palestinians, Serbia was under turks 500years , are you Turk! Serbia lost Macedonia when Turks Ottomans occupied serbia!
Its true that Macedonians do not want to be serbs i said that, for couple years no single Montenegrian who will said that is a Serbian!
Yes there is a lot of fools in macedonia and in Croatia(what they done to us, bu they are genetical serbs)!
What are you talking about?
Crnitrne, ocigledno ne razumes engleski dobro, jer onda ne bi odgovarao nesto sto nema veze s onim sto sam ja napisao. Drzi se srpskog.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2011, 07:02:03 PM »
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.
You're thinking of Shtokavian, which is a dialect of the Serbian language originated in Serbian Hercegovina and Rashka. Shtokavian is not the only dialect spoken by Serbs.

Bulgarians are Slavicized Asians. Their ethnonym and original language are non-Slavic. The language they speak now and their Orthodox faith were passed on to them by Serbs. Bulgarian and Macedonian languages are actually an older form of the Serbian language, which predominated among eastern Serbs (east of the Drina) until 18-19th centuries which brought the period of Vuk Karadzic's reforms.

Skoplje used to be Serbia's capital city and was the center of the Serbian Kingdom. Macedonians are in fact a clearly defined people and their their origins are well established. The problems is with them not wanting to accept it.
So, Serbs started talking differently because Vuk Karadzic told them so? That's ridiculous. There are some Serbs on the border with Macedonia and Bulgaria who speak serbo-bulgarian mix, but that's not a genuine dialect.
Uskoro ces reci da Zemunci govore posebnim narecjem.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #11 on: January 07, 2011, 06:01:02 AM »
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.
You're thinking of Shtokavian, which is a dialect of the Serbian language originated in Serbian Hercegovina and Rashka. Shtokavian is not the only dialect spoken by Serbs.

Bulgarians are Slavicized Asians. Their ethnonym and original language are non-Slavic. The language they speak now and their Orthodox faith were passed on to them by Serbs. Bulgarian and Macedonian languages are actually an older form of the Serbian language, which predominated among eastern Serbs (east of the Drina) until 18-19th centuries which brought the period of Vuk Karadzic's reforms.

Skoplje used to be Serbia's capital city and was the center of the Serbian Kingdom. Macedonians are in fact a clearly defined people and their their origins are well established. The problem is with them not wanting to accept it.
Generally saying, i agree with you.Vuk Karadzic maybe worked for AU but his work have some good thing. Now we have simpler grammar and the best Writing of language,One  symbol - Single voice(sound-phones). So Serbian language have the best Writing in the world, the easiest language for reading, anyone can learn to read serbian just in 2-3 weeks, and faster!

And Voo-yo, my english is not so good but Zelhar understand what i was saying. And I was not writing just a that what you are asked. I was writing all in one post, that was easy for me!
And classical moment, when arguments are gone, you start to talk about orthography and grammar of English language,and next your step is directly Insulting! But you are doing that just to Serbs !
So please stop to posting that pro-western and Vatican c.r.a.p here!
PS We all know that you are good in English language, and admire to you!

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2011, 06:18:59 AM »
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.
You're thinking of Shtokavian, which is a dialect of the Serbian language originated in Serbian Hercegovina and Rashka. Shtokavian is not the only dialect spoken by Serbs.

Bulgarians are Slavicized Asians. Their ethnonym and original language are non-Slavic. The language they speak now and their Orthodox faith were passed on to them by Serbs. Bulgarian and Macedonian languages are actually an older form of the Serbian language, which predominated among eastern Serbs (east of the Drina) until 18-19th centuries which brought the period of Vuk Karadzic's reforms.

Skoplje used to be Serbia's capital city and was the center of the Serbian Kingdom. Macedonians are in fact a clearly defined people and their their origins are well established. The problem is with them not wanting to accept it.
Yes Serbstvo, thx for help!

Lets ask our friend Zelhar to describe unlike and similarity between ancient Hebrew and, modern Hebrew,Tiberian Hebrew or Masoretic Hebrew,Mishnaic Hebrew,Amoraic Hebrew (also called Late Rabbinic Hebrew or Mishnaic Hebrew II),Samaritan Hebrew language,Ashkenazi Hebrew,Sephardi Hebrew,Mizrahi Hebrew or Oriental Hebrew,Yemenite Hebrew...even more a Yiddish language! Are this  languages of Jews people?

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2011, 06:45:12 AM »
Vuk Karadzic wasn't the one calling the shots. He was an agent assigned by the Habsburgs to alter the Serbian language so that it more resembled the languages of Slavic peoples within the Austrian-Hungarian Empire than Russian and Bulgarian, which it was closer to at the time. This was part of Vienna's greater plan of eventually absorbing Serbia into the Empire. Before Karadzic's linguistic reforms, Serbian, Bulgarian and Russian were equally understood between its respective peoples. Serbs and Russians were able to communicate in their own languages without the need of interpreters. Nowadays, Serbs and Russians have to speak in English in order to understand each other.

Karadžić's reforms of the Serbian literary language modernised it and distanced it from Serbian and Russian Church Slavonic, instead bringing it closer to common folk speech, specifically, to the dialect of Eastern Herzegovina which he spoke. Karadžić was, together with Đuro Daničić, the main Serbian signatory to the Vienna Literary Agreement of 1850 which, encouraged by Austrian authorities, laid the foundation for the Serbian language, various forms of which are used by Serbs in Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia today. Karadžić also translated the New Testament into Serbian, which was published in 1868.

And it was the Serbian king, under enormous Austrian pressure, who implemented Karadzic's reforms. Vuk Karadzic named his daughter Wilhelmina, a clear indicator of who he was and who he worked for.

It's a nice conspiracy theory. One question for you. What language do Serbs west from Drina and in Montenegro speak? Croatian?
What you are now saying is that what Croats claim. That we stole their language.
And it was the Serbian king, under enormous Austrian pressure, who implemented Karadzic's reforms. Vuk Karadzic named his daughter Wilhelmina, a clear indicator of who he was and who he worked for.
Like I said, that's ridiculous. You can't force an entire nation to change the way they talk, especially in those times, when majority of people didn't even go to school.
Vuk Karadzic was married to a German woman and lived in Vienna. That's why his daughter was called Wilhelmina, it was a compromise with his wife. His son had a Serbian name. It doesn't make him a foreign agent.

And btw, Church Slavonic was a fake language, invented by clergy who learned from Russian books, and it was a language of the educated upper class. That's why they fought Vuk's reform, because they despised common uneducated Serbs - "govedare".

Are you from Russia?

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #14 on: January 07, 2011, 06:51:21 AM »
Again, provide a source for this. The base of Serbian language is from Herzegovina, not Macedonia. I can understand maybe 60% when they speak.
You're thinking of Shtokavian, which is a dialect of the Serbian language originated in Serbian Hercegovina and Rashka. Shtokavian is not the only dialect spoken by Serbs.

Bulgarians are Slavicized Asians. Their ethnonym and original language are non-Slavic. The language they speak now and their Orthodox faith were passed on to them by Serbs. Bulgarian and Macedonian languages are actually an older form of the Serbian language, which predominated among eastern Serbs (east of the Drina) until 18-19th centuries which brought the period of Vuk Karadzic's reforms.

Skoplje used to be Serbia's capital city and was the center of the Serbian Kingdom. Macedonians are in fact a clearly defined people and their their origins are well established. The problem is with them not wanting to accept it.
Generally saying, i agree with you.Vuk Karadzic maybe worked for AU but his work have some good thing. Now we have simpler grammar and the best Writing of language,One  symbol - Single voice(sound-phones). So Serbian language have the best Writing in the world, the easiest language for reading, anyone can learn to read serbian just in 2-3 weeks, and faster!

And Voo-yo, my english is not so good but Zelhar understand what i was saying. And I was not writing just a that what you are asked. I was writing all in one post, that was easy for me!
And classical moment, when arguments are gone, you start to talk about orthography and grammar of English language,and next your step is directly Insulting! But you are doing that just to Serbs !
So please stop to posting that pro-western and Vatican c.r.a.p here!
PS We all know that you are good in English language, and admire to you!
Jedini koji ovde vredja si ti. Zato pazi se, jer sledeci put necu da te branim kad drugi budu govorili da si trol i misionar.
Ne mozemo da raspravljamo na engleskom, jer ti ne razumes sta ja pisem, i onda odgovaras desetu stvar, a i ja ne razumem tvoj engleski, a ponekad i srpski.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #15 on: January 07, 2011, 08:20:22 AM »
Lets ask our friend Zelhar to describe unlike and similarity between ancient Hebrew and, modern Hebrew,Tiberian Hebrew or Masoretic Hebrew,Mishnaic Hebrew,Amoraic Hebrew (also called Late Rabbinic Hebrew or Mishnaic Hebrew II),Samaritan Hebrew language,Ashkenazi Hebrew,Sephardi Hebrew,Mizrahi Hebrew or Oriental Hebrew,Yemenite Hebrew...even more a Yiddish language! Are this  languages of Jews people?
Ancient Hebrew texts, and medieval texts etc. are fairly easy to read since the grammar is just a little different and most of the words are still in use in modern Hebrew. As a spoken language it is harder to understand somebody who speaks in a different pronunciation like Ashkenazi or Yemeni since they are quite different from modern pronounciation which is based mostly on Sephardi pronunciation.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #16 on: January 07, 2011, 01:17:16 PM »
No. The language spoken by all people west of the Drina (Serbs, Croats, Muslims) is Shtokavian. A dialect of Serbian! Chakavian is the authentic Croatian language but it's not understood by most so-called Croats because all Shtokavian speakers are of Serbian descent. There are Kajkavian (Slovenian dialect) speakers in Croatia who also identify as Croats even though they are Slovenian. Croats are awfully good at assimilating people. In the past 20 years, Croatia has converted some 30000 of the few remaining Serbs left in the country.
Unbelievable. "Shtokavian language"? Something like that doesn't exist and that term was made up so that Croats don't have to admit they are speaking Serbian. All those who spoke "shtokavian" were catholic Serbs.
As you see, I am not saying what Croats claim. But you are when claiming that Macedonians are a separate ethnic group from us and that their language is Bulgarian, when both Macedonian and Bulgarian are in fact an archaic form of Serbian spoken in a certain period in history by all Serbs including west of the Drina before there was a Shtokavian.
What are you trying to say, that Bulgarians are Serbs? Where is your evidence for such claim? You are probably just another fanboy of that "historian" Deretic.
Albanians have two entirely different dialects in their langauge (Tosk and Gheg) but Serbs are somehow not allowed to?
It's also a political construct made for the purpose of unity of fake Albanian nation. Tosk and Gheg are different languages, not dialects.
Serbs made the mistake of bounding the Orthodox religion to Serbdom. The Vatican, Vienna and finally the Communists later followed the same idea when erasing the Serbian identity from its Catholic and Muslim populations. You are doing the same with declaring everything non-Shtokavian as Bulgarian.
I'm not forcing anyone to be Bulgarian. But at the same time we can't force them to be Serbs. Many of them have downright hostile attitude to Serbian people. I can't call them brothers just like I can't call those Ustashas from Herzegovina brothers. They are purer Serbs than Macedonians are, but blood isn't everything. If they want to be Serbs, I have no objections. However, they don't.
Serbs to the south and east are not Shtokavian speakers. Why don't you tell them they are Bulgarian then? That is exactly what Bulgarians are doing and why for more than a century they have been trying to annex Nis, Pirot, Vranje and Macedonia, and who knows what other places.
Those Serbs speak "Shtokavian". There is a slight Bugarian influence in their language but it's not Bulgarian. We once had a lot of Turkish words in our language, but it doesn't mean we were speaking Turkish.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #17 on: January 07, 2011, 01:58:46 PM »
If you read me carefully you would've noticed that I said Bulgarians are an Asian people, mixed with Serbs. They are not Serbs, but their language is. Macedonians are though. A genetic study recently conducted on the territory of the Balkans has revealed that Serbs, "Macedonians", and Romanians are genetically identical. Genetic material of Bulgarians differs by about 40%. I have the info stashed somewhere. I'll have to dig it up.
Now Romanians are also Serbs? Is Romanian a dialect of Serbian as well?
It's too late for that now. Serbs should have thought of that centuries ago. The damage has been done. Besides, you said Macedonian is Bulgarian. That's saying the opposite.
I'm saying that Macedonians are a mix of mostly non-slavic people who speak a language closer to Bulgarian than Serbian. For example, Tose Proeski. He was a Tzintzar, declaring as Macedonian. Toma Fila, the famous attorney, also a Tzintzar from Macedonia, declares himself as a Serb.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #18 on: January 07, 2011, 02:05:37 PM »
Lets ask our friend Zelhar to describe unlike and similarity between ancient Hebrew and, modern Hebrew,Tiberian Hebrew or Masoretic Hebrew,Mishnaic Hebrew,Amoraic Hebrew (also called Late Rabbinic Hebrew or Mishnaic Hebrew II),Samaritan Hebrew language,Ashkenazi Hebrew,Sephardi Hebrew,Mizrahi Hebrew or Oriental Hebrew,Yemenite Hebrew...even more a Yiddish language! Are this  languages of Jews people?
Ancient Hebrew texts, and medieval texts etc. are fairly easy to read since the grammar is just a little different and most of the words are still in use in modern Hebrew. As a spoken language it is harder to understand somebody who speaks in a different pronunciation like Ashkenazi or Yemeni since they are quite different from modern pronounciation which is based mostly on Sephardi pronunciation.
Thank you Zelhar, i asked that you can  understand situation about serbian dialect! Croats,Bosnians,Montenegrians and Macedonians its very similar to hebrew situation !

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2011, 03:33:54 PM »
Linguistically speaking they aren't, although there are many Serbian words in the Romanian language and Cyrillic was their alphabet until the second half of the 19th century. But we have the same genetic makeup. Bulgarians are linguistically Serbian, but they're Asian.
Romanians who live close to Serbia speak a Romanian language influenced by Serbian, just like Serbs close to Bulgaria are influenced by Bulgarian. There are also Bulgarians in western Bulgaria who speak a mix of Bulgarian and Serbian. It's not a big mystery, languages are mixed in border areas.
I don't see how we would have the same genetic makeup as Romanians. They aren't Slavic at all.
I'm saying that Macedonians are a mix of mostly non-slavic people who speak a language closer to Bulgarian than Serbian.
Well you're wrong on that one. If you substituted the word "Bulgarians" for "Macedonians" the statement would be correct.
Could you clear that up a bit? You want me to write:
I'm saying that Macedonians are a mix of mostly non-slavic people who speak a language closer to Macedonian than Serbian?
That would make no sense at all.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #20 on: January 07, 2011, 03:58:04 PM »
Next time come with some arguments into a discussion so you don't get embarrassed.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #21 on: January 07, 2011, 04:05:45 PM »

Jedini koji ovde vredja si ti. Zato pazi se, jer sledeci put necu da te branim kad drugi budu govorili da si trol i misionar.
Ne mozemo da raspravljamo na engleskom, jer ti ne razumes sta ja pisem, i onda odgovaras desetu stvar, a i ja ne razumem tvoj engleski, a ponekad i srpski.
Nemoj ti da me branis molim te, ako znas administratora ne znaci da si u pravu i ovo je cista pretnja! Ako ja budem zbog istine izbacen neka me izbace. Ali moram jedno da ti kazem da bi znao gde ti je mesto. Ja bolje poznajem i srbsku i jevrejsku istoriju od tebe i jevrejski narod, i veci sam im prijatelj nego sto ces ti ikad biti i zato miran i ne glodji lanac!
A da si vredjao jesi,samo sta si pisao novakovicu to ni pas masla ne bi pojeo!

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #22 on: January 07, 2011, 04:07:44 PM »
Prozreli su te, a ja sam im rekao da nisi kao ona budala Novakovic. Prevario sam se.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #23 on: January 08, 2011, 06:47:37 PM »
Prozreli su te, a ja sam im rekao da nisi kao ona budala Novakovic. Prevario sam se.

ha, covek se po delu poznaje, da li si ti svestan ovog trenutka zasto me napadas?Zato sto nemas argumente ili ti se ne svidjam zbog istine, mozda bi ti trebao da razmislis o svojim postupcima i manirima.
Bilo kako bilo, pravi covek i junak ne menja istinu za laz ni jednog trenutka,i ne uvlaci se u bulju samo da bi bio deo neceg, tako se ne plaseci ni smrti a kamoli 'banovanja'.
Moja jedina vodilja je logika a cilj istina a ne zelje!
Ali najvise mrzim kukavice!!

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #24 on: January 09, 2011, 03:27:48 AM »
A lot has been said already, but here's my opinion.

In Slovenia there is no persecution of Serbs, or I have not heard before. We have a correct relationship due to chicken minds and ignorance of Serbs that Slovenia started disintegration of former Yugoslavia.They strangled young Serbian boys(18-19 years old), unarmed regular Yugoslavian Army troops while withdrawing from the territory of Slovenia. No one was convicted, nor our traitorous government want to persecute them.
About them I have neither a positive nor a negative stance. I do not care about them and most Serbs do not think about them.
Slovenians like to visit Serbia(Belgrade) ,especially for a new year evening. It is known fact that they like Serbs but not Croats.Croatia and Slovenia have worsened their relationship because of some unsolved territorial issues on the sea border.

Montenegro, the Serbian state. The cradle of many Serbian heroes. A large number of the Serbs in Serbia had its roots in Montenegro. "Montenegrin nation" does not exist and it is the invention of Tito's communist regime to reduce the Serbian corpus in the Balkans. "Montenegro" name is not given by ethnicity of the people who live there but by the characteristics of the terrain and difficult life(Montenegro means "Black Mountain"). Currently, the Serbs are being assimilated and forced to accept "Montenegrin nation". There are attacks on the Serbian Orthodox Church conducted by Vatican and supported by EU. This was already seen in Croatia during the WWII by creating a "Croatian Orthodox Church" to separate people from the Serbian Church and Serbian identity. The same recipe is used today in Montenegro with creation of so called "Montenegrin Orthodox Church". In addition to that, occupier invents the "Montenegrin language" that was never and nowhere recorded in our history. This year it was officially invented as the mother tong of "Montenegrin nation".
As you can see the Serbs are now terribly persecuted in Montenegro and they are blackmailed and pressured to forget their origin, language and religion. Occupiers in Montenegro have announced a destruction of small church on a certain mountain and this event could provoke civil conflict between the traitors and the remaining Serbs in Montenegro. Current prime minister Milo Djukanovic recently threatened to Serbs in Montenegro that they should remember what happened to Serbs in Serbian Krayina(today Croatia) referring to their cleansing.
Hard times are in front of the Serbs in Montenegro...really hard.

Considering Macedonia... We all know that this is a political project to make this Southern Slavs(very similar to Serbs and Bulgarians also) as "Macedonians". Macedonia is a Greek name and Macedonians were Greeks. This territory was Southern Serbia and just before WWII it was named Vardar province in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, not a state. Communist made it a state calling it Macedonia. That was a moment of twisting of the people's identity and today they live in a dream that they are real Macedonians, even claiming that Alexander was of current false "Macedonian" ethnicity.
The most important is that there was a try to create a "Macedonian Orthodox Church" with the similar goals just like in Montenegro and Croatia - in order to separate them from Orthodox Serbs. This "church" is not recognized by Serbian Church, Greece do not recognize this state by its name as it is stolen Greek heritage , and Bulgaria as I know do not recognize their language considering it to be Bulgarian.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 04:25:43 AM by Kerber »