Author Topic: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro  (Read 48799 times)

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Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #25 on: January 09, 2011, 05:10:37 AM »
Prozreli su te, a ja sam im rekao da nisi kao ona budala Novakovic. Prevario sam se.

ha, covek se po delu poznaje, da li si ti svestan ovog trenutka zasto me napadas?Zato sto nemas argumente ili ti se ne svidjam zbog istine, mozda bi ti trebao da razmislis o svojim postupcima i manirima.
Bilo kako bilo, pravi covek i junak ne menja istinu za laz ni jednog trenutka,i ne uvlaci se u bulju samo da bi bio deo neceg, tako se ne plaseci ni smrti a kamoli 'banovanja'.
Moja jedina vodilja je logika a cilj istina a ne zelje!
Ali najvise mrzim kukavice!!

Ne znam imas li mentalnog kapaciteta to da shvatis, ali ne mogu ja de te banujem, niti imam veze kod administratora. Ti, kao i Novakovic, ces biti banovan zbog krsenja pravila ovog foruma. Branis clana kojeg su banovali zbog antisemitizma. Sta to govori o tebi? I o kakvoj tvojoj istini pricas? Sta buncas?

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #26 on: January 09, 2011, 05:33:58 AM »
Prozreli su te, a ja sam im rekao da nisi kao ona budala Novakovic. Prevario sam se.

ha, covek se po delu poznaje, da li si ti svestan ovog trenutka zasto me napadas?Zato sto nemas argumente ili ti se ne svidjam zbog istine, mozda bi ti trebao da razmislis o svojim postupcima i manirima.
Bilo kako bilo, pravi covek i junak ne menja istinu za laz ni jednog trenutka,i ne uvlaci se u bulju samo da bi bio deo neceg, tako se ne plaseci ni smrti a kamoli 'banovanja'.
Moja jedina vodilja je logika a cilj istina a ne zelje!
Ali najvise mrzim kukavice!!

Ne znam imas li mentalnog kapaciteta to da shvatis, ali ne mogu ja de te banujem, niti imam veze kod administratora. Ti, kao i Novakovic, ces biti banovan zbog krsenja pravila ovog foruma. Branis clana kojeg su banovali zbog antisemitizma. Sta to govori o tebi? I o kakvoj tvojoj istini pricas? Sta buncas?
Ja ne branim Novakovica nego govorim  kako si se ti ponasao prema njemu , bez trunke postovanja, a s Novakovicem sam imao najvise sukoba ovde ali mene ne zanima da li si ti Novakovic,Voo-yo ili neko sesti vec samo istina. I nemoj optet da se pravis pametan i da vredjas na suptilan nacin, naravno da ti ne mozes da me banujes,i ako bi sad to voleo samo zato sto ti se ne svidjaju cinjenice u vezi Makedonije, ali ti si ovde rekao da si me branio, javno to nisi cinio to znaci da imas kontakt na PM sa nekim Administratorom!

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #27 on: January 09, 2011, 05:39:59 AM »
Fresh new!
This is surprise for me to!
80% of  people(ordinary people without politicians) in FYR Macedonia (without Albanians) feel sorry and regret, for separation from Serbia.!

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #29 on: January 09, 2011, 06:06:59 AM »
Prozreli su te, a ja sam im rekao da nisi kao ona budala Novakovic. Prevario sam se.

ha, covek se po delu poznaje, da li si ti svestan ovog trenutka zasto me napadas?Zato sto nemas argumente ili ti se ne svidjam zbog istine, mozda bi ti trebao da razmislis o svojim postupcima i manirima.
Bilo kako bilo, pravi covek i junak ne menja istinu za laz ni jednog trenutka,i ne uvlaci se u bulju samo da bi bio deo neceg, tako se ne plaseci ni smrti a kamoli 'banovanja'.
Moja jedina vodilja je logika a cilj istina a ne zelje!
Ali najvise mrzim kukavice!!

Ne znam imas li mentalnog kapaciteta to da shvatis, ali ne mogu ja de te banujem, niti imam veze kod administratora. Ti, kao i Novakovic, ces biti banovan zbog krsenja pravila ovog foruma. Branis clana kojeg su banovali zbog antisemitizma. Sta to govori o tebi? I o kakvoj tvojoj istini pricas? Sta buncas?
Ja ne branim Novakovica nego govorim  kako si se ti ponasao prema njemu , bez trunke postovanja, a s Novakovicem sam imao najvise sukoba ovde ali mene ne zanima da li si ti Novakovic,Voo-yo ili neko sesti vec samo istina. I nemoj optet da se pravis pametan i da vredjas na suptilan nacin, naravno da ti ne mozes da me banujes,i ako bi sad to voleo samo zato sto ti se ne svidjaju cinjenice u vezi Makedonije, ali ti si ovde rekao da si me branio, javno to nisi cinio to znaci da imas kontakt na PM sa nekim Administratorom!
Ja sam ti vec jednom rekao da ne postoji razlog zasto bih imao postovanja prema takvima kao sto je on. Zasluzio je mnogo gore.
Nikakve ti cinjenice nisi izneo, samo svoja misljenja.
Nemam kontakt s administratorom, vec obicnim clanovima, a branio sam te preko licnih poruka. Ne brini, necu vise napraviti takvu glupost.

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #30 on: January 09, 2011, 06:11:08 AM »
Serbia 14. century just before Ottomans attack!

feudal area of todays macedonia was under the Vukašin Mrnjavčević and later to his son Marko Mrnjavčević (Marko Kraljevic- most popular  person in the serbian epic poetry !
This is enough to Zelhar to understand who are the " Macedonians " !
Bulgaria ruled those areas far longer than Serbia. Serbia ruled parts of Greece. Medieval maps don't prove anything.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #31 on: January 09, 2011, 06:20:10 AM »
Serbia 14. century just before Ottomans attack!

feudal area of todays macedonia was under the Vukašin Mrnjavčević and later to his son Marko Mrnjavčević (Marko Kraljevic- most popular  person in the serbian epic poetry !
This is enough to Zelhar to understand who are the " Macedonians " !
Bulgaria ruled those areas far longer than Serbia. Serbia ruled parts of Greece. Medieval maps don't prove anything.
Its not matter who rules some territory but who live there!

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #32 on: January 09, 2011, 06:41:41 AM »
Serbia 14. century just before Ottomans attack!

feudal area of todays macedonia was under the Vukašin Mrnjavčević and later to his son Marko Mrnjavčević (Marko Kraljevic- most popular  person in the serbian epic poetry !
This is enough to Zelhar to understand who are the " Macedonians " !
Bulgaria ruled those areas far longer than Serbia. Serbia ruled parts of Greece. Medieval maps don't prove anything.
Its not matter who rules some territory but who live there!
And who lives there? People who don't see themselves as Serbs. Where is your evidence that they are Serbs? If you have them, I'll accept it.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #33 on: January 09, 2011, 07:35:14 AM »
Serbia 14. century just before Ottomans attack!

feudal area of todays macedonia was under the Vukašin Mrnjavčević and later to his son Marko Mrnjavčević (Marko Kraljevic- most popular  person in the serbian epic poetry !
This is enough to Zelhar to understand who are the " Macedonians " !
Bulgaria ruled those areas far longer than Serbia. Serbia ruled parts of Greece. Medieval maps don't prove anything.
Its not matter who rules some territory but who live there!
And who lives there? People who don't see themselves as Serbs. Where is your evidence that they are Serbs? If you have them, I'll accept it.
Your proof that they are not serbs is that they do not recognize themselfs as serbs BRAVO!

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #34 on: January 09, 2011, 07:49:48 AM »
Serbia 14. century just before Ottomans attack!

feudal area of todays macedonia was under the Vukašin Mrnjavčević and later to his son Marko Mrnjavčević (Marko Kraljevic- most popular  person in the serbian epic poetry !
This is enough to Zelhar to understand who are the " Macedonians " !
Bulgaria ruled those areas far longer than Serbia. Serbia ruled parts of Greece. Medieval maps don't prove anything.
Its not matter who rules some territory but who live there!
And who lives there? People who don't see themselves as Serbs. Where is your evidence that they are Serbs? If you have them, I'll accept it.
Your proof that they are not serbs is that they do not recognize themselfs as serbs BRAVO!
It's you who have to prove it, not me.

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #36 on: January 09, 2011, 08:05:06 AM »
You are the only one who dont see  evidences !
What evidence?

Offline Kerber

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #37 on: January 09, 2011, 08:27:41 AM »
Don't debate about irrelevant issues. This is not important for Zelhar's questions.

Offline voo-yo

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #38 on: January 09, 2011, 08:32:48 AM »
Don't debate about irrelevant issues. This is not important for Zelhar's questions.
Absolutely. He only asked what is our relationship with neighboring countries.
That relationship is bad, but we're deluding ourselves thinking it's good. 

Offline HiWarp

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #40 on: October 19, 2012, 08:36:12 AM »

Macedonians come from the territory in the above map. Whatever people to the north of these territories are, they are not Macedonians. Just stating that you are something does not by default make your statement true. I can call myself a Mongolian but that does not make me a descendant of Genghis Khan.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #41 on: October 19, 2012, 12:03:37 PM »

Macedonians come from the territory in the above map. Whatever people to the north of these territories are, they are not Macedonians. Just stating that you are something does not by default make your statement true. I can call myself a Mongolian but that does not make me a descendant of Genghis Khan.
I cant see the map!

Offline HiWarp

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #42 on: October 19, 2012, 12:07:15 PM »
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson

Offline HiWarp

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #44 on: October 22, 2012, 07:06:11 AM »

Not dead  for me but here it is anyway.

"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson

Offline Montenegro

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #45 on: October 23, 2012, 02:24:11 PM »
If Montenegrins are Serbs,I am Clint Eastwood.We created state in 6th century,you created it in 7th.You call it "Serbian state" or "principality" or "country".Seriously?Why would we have state in Middle Ages,not unite with yours,and yet worse,why Duklja (Montenegro) was at wars with Rascia (Serbia)?Serbia after all,in 1180's,conquered it by war.And on modern history of ours.
First to make it clear.I am not follower of Milo,nor I will ever be.I won't talk right now about his mafia government.
Term of "Serbdom" was never known to Montenegrin people,until up about 1840's.You may put up falsificated letters from beyond that period,but that won't help,my friend.
"Serbdom" came with Vuk Karadzic,reformer of Serbian language,and with Ilija Garasanin,Serbian politician and Prime Minister.First target that started it was Njegos,Montenegrin Prince-Bishop.Of course Vuk was some time at him and he presented him his work "SERBS - Everyone and everywhere" ("Srbi svi i svuda") .That was,together with "Nacertanije" of Ilija Garasanin,first step that leaded to Serbicizing,or accepting Serb ideology.
Of course,under Vuk's influence,Montenegrin Prince-Bishop wrote famous book "The Mountain Wreath" .It is amazing piece of poetry,but what it contained lead to accepting of Serbdom.His sucessors,Prince Danilo and King Nikola also continued with ideology.Only at end of his life,after World War 1,when Serbian King,who was his grandson,forbidden him from coming back to Montenegro,he realised how fake these theories were.
Theories that Montenegrins are Serbs that came here after Battle of Kosovo are not true,because Montenegro (called Zeta at a time),already had Balsic dynasty ruling,and there were already many people and clans,of which we descend from.
Montenegrin people always knew who they are.Today,on Cetinje,center of Old Montenegro,everyone will tell you that they are Montenegrins,old men also.Only on north of Montenegro,there are "Serbs".
On this elections,Serbs also "sold themselves",they were bribed to vote for Milo.
Why do you want to appoint our history for yourselves?Probably because you were under Turks for 5 centuries,while down south,near the sea a handful of men lived free.
I lived in Montenegro,and I lived in Serbia,in Nis.People have different mentality,very different,that's for sure.I can't draw any similarities between them.
Please,stop doing this.We two are brotherly people,and I like Serbs,just don't make up what we really are.

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #46 on: October 23, 2012, 09:58:33 PM »
If Montenegrins are Serbs,I am Clint Eastwood.We created state in 6th century,you created it in 7th.You call it "Serbian state" or "principality" or "country".Seriously?Why would we have state in Middle Ages,not unite with yours,and yet worse,why Duklja (Montenegro) was at wars with Rascia (Serbia)?Serbia after all,in 1180's,conquered it by war.And on modern history of ours.
First to make it clear.I am not follower of Milo,nor I will ever be.I won't talk right now about his mafia government.
Term of "Serbdom" was never known to Montenegrin people,until up about 1840's.You may put up falsificated letters from beyond that period,but that won't help,my friend.
"Serbdom" came with Vuk Karadzic,reformer of Serbian language,and with Ilija Garasanin,Serbian politician and Prime Minister.First target that started it was Njegos,Montenegrin Prince-Bishop.Of course Vuk was some time at him and he presented him his work "SERBS - Everyone and everywhere" ("Srbi svi i svuda") .That was,together with "Nacertanije" of Ilija Garasanin,first step that leaded to Serbicizing,or accepting Serb ideology.
Of course,under Vuk's influence,Montenegrin Prince-Bishop wrote famous book "The Mountain Wreath" .It is amazing piece of poetry,but what it contained lead to accepting of Serbdom.His sucessors,Prince Danilo and King Nikola also continued with ideology.Only at end of his life,after World War 1,when Serbian King,who was his grandson,forbidden him from coming back to Montenegro,he realised how fake these theories were.
Theories that Montenegrins are Serbs that came here after Battle of Kosovo are not true,because Montenegro (called Zeta at a time),already had Balsic dynasty ruling,and there were already many people and clans,of which we descend from.
Montenegrin people always knew who they are.Today,on Cetinje,center of Old Montenegro,everyone will tell you that they are Montenegrins,old men also.Only on north of Montenegro,there are "Serbs".
On this elections,Serbs also "sold themselves",they were bribed to vote for Milo.
Why do you want to appoint our history for yourselves?Probably because you were under Turks for 5 centuries,while down south,near the sea a handful of men lived free.
I lived in Montenegro,and I lived in Serbia,in Nis.People have different mentality,very different,that's for sure.I can't draw any similarities between them.
Please,stop doing this.We two are brotherly people,and I like Serbs,just don't make up what we really are.
Another lost soul.
Serbia will never surrender Kosovo to the breakaway province's ethnic Albanian majority or trade its territory for European Union or NATO membership,

Offline Montenegro

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #47 on: October 24, 2012, 07:59:07 AM »
Another lost soul.
Postujem.Ionako je to jedino sto mozes reci.

Offline Slobodan

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #48 on: October 24, 2012, 01:41:55 PM »
Оооо, па ђе си Милогорац (или можда Шиптогорац), шта има? Него, реци ти нама шта ћеш ти уопште овде, слуго Ватикана?
Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Slovenia, Macedonia, Montenegro
« Reply #49 on: October 25, 2012, 10:01:52 AM »
If Montenegrins are Serbs,I am Clint Eastwood.We created state in 6th century,you created it in 7th.You call it "Serbian state" or "principality" or "country".Seriously?Why would we have state in Middle Ages,not unite with yours,and yet worse,why Duklja (Montenegro) was at wars with Rascia (Serbia)?Serbia after all,in 1180's,conquered it by war.And on modern history of ours.
First to make it clear.I am not follower of Milo,nor I will ever be.I won't talk right now about his mafia government.
Term of "Serbdom" was never known to Montenegrin people,until up about 1840's.You may put up falsificated letters from beyond that period,but that won't help,my friend.
"Serbdom" came with Vuk Karadzic,reformer of Serbian language,and with Ilija Garasanin,Serbian politician and Prime Minister.First target that started it was Njegos,Montenegrin Prince-Bishop.Of course Vuk was some time at him and he presented him his work "SERBS - Everyone and everywhere" ("Srbi svi i svuda") .That was,together with "Nacertanije" of Ilija Garasanin,first step that leaded to Serbicizing,or accepting Serb ideology.
Of course,under Vuk's influence,Montenegrin Prince-Bishop wrote famous book "The Mountain Wreath" .It is amazing piece of poetry,but what it contained lead to accepting of Serbdom.His sucessors,Prince Danilo and King Nikola also continued with ideology.Only at end of his life,after World War 1,when Serbian King,who was his grandson,forbidden him from coming back to Montenegro,he realised how fake these theories were.
Theories that Montenegrins are Serbs that came here after Battle of Kosovo are not true,because Montenegro (called Zeta at a time),already had Balsic dynasty ruling,and there were already many people and clans,of which we descend from.
Montenegrin people always knew who they are.Today,on Cetinje,center of Old Montenegro,everyone will tell you that they are Montenegrins,old men also.Only on north of Montenegro,there are "Serbs".
On this elections,Serbs also "sold themselves",they were bribed to vote for Milo.
Why do you want to appoint our history for yourselves?Probably because you were under Turks for 5 centuries,while down south,near the sea a handful of men lived free.
I lived in Montenegro,and I lived in Serbia,in Nis.People have different mentality,very different,that's for sure.I can't draw any similarities between them.
Please,stop doing this.We two are brotherly people,and I like Serbs,just don't make up what we really are.
Watch this carefully this is a recipe for making false nations ! This is way that which have passed the Macedonians, Bosnians, Croats, and now Montenegrins ("milogorci")! This is all from Vatican kitchen!