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The inappropriate use of Holocaust and Nazi imagery to attack political opponents is rampant both on the left and the right and both among Jews and non-Jews.  In fact, it seems far more prevalent on the left, many of whose most vocal ideologues invoke it against all manner of enemy ranging from George W. Bush, to Israel, to me (“Zionazi”).  Rabbi Michael Lerner and his supporters refer to Kristallnacht  when attacking those who criticize them.  Rabbi Arthur Woskow decries the possibility of a nuclear Holocaust.  Keith Olbermann repeatedly invokes Nazi imagery.  Move On, an organization funded by George Soros, produced a video showing pictures of Hitler and Nazi rallies and claiming that Hitler’s war crimes have become President Bush’s foreign policy.  Norman Finkelstein, whose articles are published and praised by Michael Lerner, repeatedly compares the Israeli army to the Gestapo.  Gilad Atzmon apologizes for making such a comparison, arguing that the Israeli army is far worse than the Gestapo.

There are also several prominent Israeli professors who regularly compare Israel and Nazi Germany.  And just a week or so before this Wall Street Journal ad appeared, a prominent Jewish liberal congressman, Steve Cohen, compared Republican arguments against Obama healthcare to the “big lies” told by Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels.

One would think that a group of rabbis, many on the hard left, would express concern about their coreligionists and ideological soul mates misusing the Holocaust.  “But nooooooo!,” as John Belushi used to say.  These rabbis, 400 strong, took out a $100,000 ad in the Wall Street Journal, limiting their vitriol to two right wing figures who have misused Holocaust imagery:  Glenn Beck and Roger Ailes.  Not surprisingly, the list of rabbis includes both Michael Lerner, whose dubious rabbinical credentials have been questioned for years, and Arthur Woskow, a strident demonizer of Israel.  Both of these rabbis are guilty of the very offense they accuse Beck and Ailes of committing.  I would bet there are also other rabbis on the list whose sermons and political screeds include inappropriate Holocaust references and support for Move On.

Why then did so many decent rabbis sign an ad that includes indecent rabbis and that fails to deal with the far more serious problem of Jewish demonizers of Israel who repeatedly compare the Jewish state to Nazi Germany?  Related to that question is another one:  Who shelled out the $100,000 that it costs to run a full-page ad in the Wall Street Journal?  Certainly it wasn’t the rabbis themselves, many of whom earn yearly salaries less that the cost of the ad.[ME IT WAS SOROS]  The third question is how many of these rabbis would sign an ad condemning the inappropriate use of Holocaust imagery by hard left delegitimators of Israel such as Lerner, Woskow, Finkelstein and Atzmon?

The primary mission of rabbis, after all, is to repair the Jewish world first—to criticize first those fellow Jews who trivialize the suffering of the Jewish people.  Why then did these rabbis ignore Jewish sinners and limit their criticism to two non-Jews?

It is no answer to argue, as I’m sure the rabbis will, that Beck and Ailes are important media figures, far more influential than Jews like Lerner, Woskow, Finkelstein, Atzmon and Cohen.  First, that is a dubious proposition, especially when it comes to young people on college campuses throughout the world today.  Jews who misuse their ethnic credibility to delegitimize Israel in the eyes of future leaders are, tragically, quite influential on college campuses.  Second, rabbis simply cannot ignore Jewish sinners who misuse their Jewishness to justify their invocation of Nazi images as battering rams against the Jewish state.

Analogies are often appropriate in public discourse.  We use the terms McCarthyism and Witch Hunt without criticism (I myself wrote a book about the Bill Clinton scandal entitled Sexual McCarthyism), but Holocaust metaphors should be used sparingly and never, ever with regard to Israel.  Any such comparison is obscene, ahistorical, anti-Semitic and despicable.

It is time to declare a general moratorium on the use of Nazi and Holocaust images both by the left and the right and by Jews and non-Jews alike.  Even the Wall Street Journal ad itself went too far when it explicitly stated that its political attack on Beck and Ailes was being issued “on the occasion of the United Nations Holocaust Remembrance Day.”

So here is my challenge:  Let those who funded the anti-Beck-Ailes ad, fund another ad that condemns those on the left, especially Jews, who use Nazi and Holocaust images to demonize Israel.  Names should be named, and statements should be quoted, just as they were in the Wall Street Journal ad.  Let’s see how many of these rabbis for “justice,” actually support justice and not just use their rabbinical degrees (those who actually have them) to serve narrow political and ideological ends.  The ad should then publish the names of each rabbi who signed the anti-Beck-Ailes ad but refused to sign the ad condemning Jews on the left who misuse comparable imagery.  Now that would be an interesting ad, but don’t hold your breath  

ARTHUR WASKOW    :::D :::D    

Arthur Ocean Waskow, born Arthur I. Waskow, (born 1933 in Baltimore, Maryland) is an American author, political activist, and rabbi associated with the Jewish Renewal movement.

    * 1 Education and early career
    * 2 Religious initiatives
    * 3 Views and public honors
    * 4 Bibliography
    * 5 References
    * 6 External links

[edit] Education and early career

Waskow received a bachelor's degree from The Johns Hopkins University in 1954 and a Ph.D. in American history from University of Wisconsin–Madison. He worked from 1959 to 1961 as legislative assistant to Congressman Robert Kastenmeier of Wisconsin. He was a Senior Fellow at the Peace Research Institute from 1961 through 1963. He joined Richard Barnet and Marcus Raskin and helped to found the Institute for Policy Studies in 1963, and he served as Resident Fellow until 1977.[1]

In 1968 Waskow was elected an alternate delegate from the District of Columbia to the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. His delegation was pledged to support Robert Kennedy, and after Kennedy's assassination Waskow proposed and the delegation agreed to nominate Reverend Channing Phillips, chair of the delegation, for President — the first Black person so nominated at a major party convention.

Waskow was a contributing editor to the leftist Ramparts magazine, which published his "Freedom Seder" in 1969. The "Freedom Seder" was the first widely published Passover Haggadah that intertwined the archetypal liberation of the Israelites from slavery in Ancient Egypt with more modern liberation struggles such as the Civil Rights Movement and the women's movement.[1]

Through the 1960s, Waskow was active in writing, speaking, electoral politics, and nonviolent action against the Vietnam War. Since 1963, he participated in sit-ins and teach-ins, and was arrested many times for protests against racial segregation, the Vietnam War, the Soviet Union's oppression of Jews, South African apartheid, and the Iraq war.[1]
[edit] Religious initiatives

Since 1969, Waskow has taken a leadership role in the Jewish Renewal movement. In 1971, he helped found the Fabrangen Havurah in Washington, DC. The torah discussions at Fabrangen inspired Waskow's G-d-Wrestling (NY: Schocken, 1978).

He founded The Shalom Center in 1983 and serves as its director. In its inception the Shalom Center primarily confronted the threat of nuclear war from a Jewish perspective, emphasizing the story of Noah and the imperative to save the world from "a flood of fire". As the Cold War abated, the Shalom Center turned its focus toward ecology and human rights issues.

From 1982 to 1989, Waskow was a member of the faculty of the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College, where he taught courses on contemporary theology and practical rabbinics. He has also taught in the religion departments of Swarthmore College, Temple University, Drew University, and Vassar College.[1]

In 1993, Waskow co-founded ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal. Between 1993 and 2005, he performed research, wrote, and spoke on behalf of ALEPH.[1]

Waskow was ordained a rabbi in 1995 by a beth din (rabbinical court) made up of a rabbi with Hasidic lineage, a Conservative rabbi, a Reform rabbi, and a feminist theologian.[1]

Waskow's best-known books include Godwrestling (1978), Seasons of Our Joy (1982), Down-to-Earth Judaism: Food, Money, Sex, and the Rest of Life (1995), and Godwrestling — Round 2: Ancient Wisdom, Future Paths (1996).

« Last Edit: February 02, 2011, 10:56:32 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Ari Ben-Canaan

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« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2011, 03:03:09 PM »
Waskow was ordained a rabbi in 1995 by a beth din (rabbinical court) made up of a rabbi with Hasidic lineage, a Conservative rabbi, a Reform rabbi, and a feminist theologian.

Also acceptable would have been:

A homeless person, the recently deceased, a Klansman, and a viciously antisemitic Arab.
"You must keep the arab under your boot or he will be at your throat" -Unknown

"When we tell the Arab, ‘Come, I want to help you and see to your needs,’ he doesn’t look at us like gentlemen. He sees weakness and then the wolf shows what he can do.” - Maimonides

 “I am all peace, but when I speak, they are for war.” -Psalms 120:7

"The difference between a Jewish liberal and a Jewish conservative is that when a Jewish liberal walks out of the Holocaust Museum, he feels, "This shows why we need to have more tolerance and multiculturalism." The Jewish conservative feels, "We should have killed a lot more Nazis, and sooner."" - Philip Klein

Offline mord

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« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2011, 03:03:54 PM »
Also acceptable would have been:

A homeless person, the recently deceased, a Klansman, and a viciously antisemitic Arab.
:::D :::D :::D :::D :::D :::D
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline mord

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« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2011, 04:09:50 PM »
These 'so called rabbits' have ties to soros Schwartz   

February 2, 2011
Jewish Funds for Justice Whitewashed Antisemitism in 2006

Group that called for sanctions against Glenn Beck also used its Jewish identity to whitewash’s promotion of anti-Semitic hate speech
by Bill Levinson

We wrote previously that Jewish Funds for Justice, which called for sanctions against talk show host Glenn Beck for his attacks on George Soros, had a potential conflict of interest because it had received grants from  We also recall that Jewish Funds for Justice joined the National Jewish Democratic Council, aka National Judenrat Democratic Kapos, in using its nominally Jewish identity to whitewash’s promotion of hate speech against Jews, Catholics, evangelical Christians, and others This suggests that any opposition that Jewish Funds for Justice might have to hate speech against Jews or anybody else ends where the extreme left wing of the Democratic Party begins.

The JFJ ad says in part (the time frame is November 2006),

      More than two months ago, the group removed anonymous anti-Jewish postings in an open forum after it was alerted to their existence, but the Republican Jewish Coalition has called on Robert Casey, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania, to return campaign funds he received from MoveOn., which knowingly and willfully welcomed the hate speech that garnered overwhelming votes of approval from its membership, removed no more than a token handful of the hate speech.

First of all, lied about not knowing about the hate speech as shown by its own FAQ page, which it has amazingly left online even though it took down the Action Forum for good at the end of 2006.

      How can I make sure someone at MoveOn reads my post ? All comments are read at least twice. While there is no single criteria, comments that suggest a possible MoveOn action and are not duplicative are likely to be immediately passed on, or included in a summary to the whole MoveOn team. Ratings, while important, are not definitive and some comments with few or low ratings are included in the summaries. Important issues are sometimes followed up with a survey to a sampling of the membership.

This alone proves that Eli Pariser lied about’s sudden “discovery” of the hate speech in question. Furthermore,’s moderators were very diligent in finding and removing our own postings about, for example, Al Sharpton’s role in the Freddy’s Fashion Mart incident and Crown Heights riots. Exercise of editorial control in this manner makes 100 percent responsible for the hate speech that its moderators did not remove even though they read each posting twice.

Furthermore, the hate speech in question was rarely condemned by other Action Forum participants; it received overwhelming approval. The following material was copied from the Action Forum two weeks after Eli Pariser lied to the Anti-Defamation League by saying it had been removed. Here are but a few examples of what Jewish Funds for Justice used its nominally Jewish identity to whitewash and sweep under the rug to save from the consequences of its actions.

      We can all see how AIPAC/Israel has taken control of America. Not to get nasty but jews have a long history of subverting governments for their own enrichment and glory to the detriment of whole societies. Many more than “6 million” have died by semetic aggression, 100′s of millions even, remember the conqueror writes history. Even the roman empire feared jewish power. Over and over again, whites, particularly semites have distorted truth through their supremacist, zenophobic minds. Ariel Sharon Oct of 2001 per Kol Israel, “… Don’t worry about america, we control america and the americans know it.” There is a mental pathology gripping my tribe, as the native americans say, “white man have forked tongue”, we must become enlightened, or we will be destroyed.
      13 of 16 voted to AGREE with this

      Did Anyone Watch the AlteraVista tape Showing A Missle Hole Not An Airplane Shape into the Pentagon? And many other things from video and reporters as 9/11 was happening that it isn’t what it looks like.
      One thing is true that we Do know: American Citizens died as pawns. Let’s get to the truth, however painful it is going to be to discover. Our nation’s future depends on it.
      9 of 11 voted to AGREE with this

      Israel has 8,000 Palestinian prisoners, Hezbollah and Hamas has 3 Israeli prisoners.
      Israel is killing civilians and their children with our missiles and has never stopped stealing Palestinian land, farms, and precious aquifers.
      Removing all Israeli obsessed Jews from congress would stop a lot of killing.
      12 of 14 voted to AGREE with this

      Nearly 3/4 of the entire Jewish population was exterminated. If you can’t tell us why, We are stuck with logic and commonsense.
      I’m saying Jews instead of Israelis because I read the Israeli newspapers, the “Israeli Lobby” papers and have seen the House vote 410-8 in support Israel while the UN typically votes 191-4 against Israel. Also the billions in aid and military equipment are conspicuous. The world court unanimously voted against Israel.
      By blaming Hitler you don’t have to face the truth.
      I will stop condemning Jews when they become acclimated with all people.
      Stop professing to know and start reading.
      9 of 12 voted to AGREE that Jews did “something” to deserve the Holocaust

      Another neo-con appeared today on C-Span to defend Bush and his spying program! I am Jewish and proud of it (despite everything) but I am sick of seeing those neo-cons posing as average joes on national television to defend Bush and his lies. Since they don’t have the decency or honesty to identify themselves by saying: “But you know, I am a Zionist and may be biased” and since most Americans can’t tell the difference and don’t have the courage to ask, maybe they should be forced to wear an Israeli flag on the lapel of their jackets. Isn’t it time to tell the American people the truth, i.e. that Jews control all the media.
      8 of 8 AGREE that the Jews control all the media

      As an Evangelical Christian, the president [Bush] is doing his part to hasten armageddon, as evidenced by his middle-east policies. He would like nothing more than full scale war between the Jews, Christians and Muslims, as has been prophesisied in the Bible. Also keep in mind that the Evangelicals have no great love for the Baptists or the Catholics, many of whom the president managed to kill in New Orleans. Yet the president’s Evangelical Christian agenda is largely ignored – and it needs to be exposed.
      9 out of 11 agree

      But until the priests are hounded down and arrested like the baby rapers they are, the neverending cycle will continue. You want to throw a monkey wrench in both political parties? Call for the arrest and immediate incarceration of the Catholic Pedophiles of America. Then we can do a little research. These priests were teachers. Find out who their students were and do a cross reference to see how many elected leaders were “educated” by them. Records of arrests for pedophilia have been kept for years. Are the hotspots of pedophilia in areas where the priests were relocated to? Until our elected leaders pursue this matter we won’t know if the people we entrust our children to are people we can trust, or people trying to lower the age of consent to birth.
      8 out of 9 voted to AGREE with this

In addition, itself published this anti-Catholic hate cartoon that could have come straight from the pen of 19th century cartoonist Thomas Nast. anti-Catholic hate cartoon

We would not have joined Glenn Beck in saying that George Soros actually helped send Jews to death camps. Soros does however admit that he helped confiscate Jewish property, with the explanation that if he had not taken it somebody else would have. This is not the excuse of somebody who assumes a role to save his life by concealing his Jewish identity–an excuse we would have readily accepted had Soros not presented the excuse of a common looter. In addition, Jewish Funds for Justice complains,

      Mr. Beck has made “literally hundreds of on-air references to the Holocaust and Nazis when characterizing people with whom [Beck] disagree.” Beck routinely compares American leaders to Nazis, has likened his crusade against progressives to that of “Israeli Nazi Hunters,” and has said that putting the “common good” first leads to “death camps.”

Although we are quite familiar with Godwin’s Law, which says that the first person who compares his opponents to Nazis loses the argument, it seems that JFJ has one standard for Glenn Beck and another for George Soros. Soros is on record as saying,

      America needs to follow the policies it has introduced in Germany. We have to go through a certain de-Nazification process.

JFJ apparently has no problem with Soros’ comparison of the United States to Nazi Germany, which tells us everything we need to know about the credibility of its letter.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

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« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2011, 04:14:14 PM »     

February 1, 2011
Beck stands by Israel. The 400 Rabbis stand by Soros

By Aliza Davidovit, journalist and former Rabbi’s wife

I’m very impressed that in such difficult economic times 400 rabbis were able to come together to raise $100K for a newspaper ad in the Wall Street Journal condemning Glenn Beck and what they deem as his improper “references” to the Holocaust.

What a shame that these same rabbis and their confreres who are so worried about the preservation of Jews didn’t read the January 19th article in Haaretz: “Israel’s greatest threat is not security, it’s poverty” with 1,774,800 citizens living in destitution. They sure could have bought a lot of sandwiches for $100,000. And how many of them actually work on behalf of the impoverished Holocaust survivors still extant who barely make ends meet and have to beg at the doorstep of Federations, Jewish Family Services, and the Claims Conference?

I’d also like to know where Glenn Beck’s “thank you” note is from these same rabbis for being among the very few journalists/commentators who stood up for Israel during the Gaza Flotilla crisis when the whole world was against it. Couldn’t George Soros lend them 44 cents for a stamp? They may want to watch Beck’s show of 06/02/10 wherein he expounds upon Israel’s history and points to the facts legitimizing the Jewish Homeland when its very right of existence is being questioned and threatened at every bend. With sanctions, boycotts and divestments being the latest vitriolic war against the Jewish State, odd how Glenn Beck’s use of the word Holocaust is what’s ratcheting up their ire?

I’m sick and tired of Jews who keep sticking up for our enemies. And George Soros, at the center of this issue, is no friend to Jews or Israel. As one of the world’s richest men, let his relatively sparse philanthropy toward Jewish causes speak for itself. Let his support for J Street with its alleged agenda to delegitimize Israel speak for itself. In 2003 the Jewish Telegraphic Agency ran a story saying, “George Soros says Jews and Israel cause anti-Semitism.” Wow, is there anything lower than blaming the rape victim for the rape.

Perhaps these same rabbis love watching CNN and the BBC where Israel seems to be blamed for all the world’s ills. Is it so hard for them to digest that Fox has been unbiased toward Israel from Operation Cast Lead to the flotilla fiasco?

Why don’t these rabbis take out ads against the United Nations whose Human Rights Council has adopted more resolutions against Israel —than any other country in the world, while terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, who are fighting a proxy war for Iran, are given immunity by that scam of an international body.

Did these same rabbis write angry letters to Columbia University when it invited Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who denies the Holocaust ever happened, to speak to impressionable young students?

Did the same rabbis write letters to President Obama saying they were offended that he is forcing Israel to make peace with a Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, whose Ph.D thesis was a blatant denial of the Holocaust? Or do they only know how to love those who hates us and hate those who love us?

Maybe these same rabbis are also part of the Goldstone fan club and prefer to gaze east from the gas chambers than from Mt. Scopus.

In addition, since when is there a copyright over the word Holocaust and how it can be used? All Jews are equal shareholders. I own the history too! But, moreover, since when has the word Holocaust become solely a Jewish fiefdom? Can only a Jew make such references with impunity? Or is this group no better that the Muslim fundamentalists who decry the use of the name of Mohammed by infidels—surely cause to exterminate the offender…not! Whether you like it or not, the Holocaust is just a word, just as is Nazi. What counts are the millions of people who were murdered–if these same rabbis want to honor the memory of the dead, let them behave like menschen and say thank you to today’s friends.

And so, I thank Glenn Beck for keeping not only the memory of the Holocaust alive but the evermore important lesson, how the Holocaust came to be to begin with. By teaching how history unfolded he is doing much more than simply reiterating the slogan “never again,” he is pointing to the incremental steps that eventually led to the Holocaust and alerting us to the signposts.

As an aside, I’d like to remind these rabbis about the Talmudic decree that it is a sin to embarrass a person in public which is regarded as tantamount to murder. If they have a problem with Glenn Beck or Fox, why not raise their complaints behind the scenes? Their act makes it obvious that there is a much bigger agenda at play here.

The Jewish state is in greater peril now than perhaps it has ever been since its coming into existence. Antisemitism, as well, is also on the rise. It would serve our people much better to galvanize around the common purpose of survival rather than posing centerfold in the Wall Street Journal. If they are looking for a word war let them play a crossword puzzle in the New York Times. They will find themselves at home there.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03