Author Topic: Not that I care..a little email I got about Elizabeth Taylor  (Read 478 times)

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Not that I care..a little email I got about Elizabeth Taylor
« on: March 28, 2011, 12:43:09 PM »
I'm sorry..I laughed as soon as I saw the part where she converted to "Reform Judaism".  The following is not my sentiment of Elizabeth Taylor..just thought I should share what many American Jews who think they are pursuing true zionism think....

We need to fix these Jews by educating them with real facts.


Elizabeth Taylor converted to Reform Judaism in 1959.

It was announced by Temple Israel, of which Rabbi Max Nussbaum, a leading Zionist, was the spiritual leader.

She took the Hebrew name Elisheba Rachel Taylor and later said that her decision to join the Jewish people had nothing to do with her marriage, but rather was something she "had wanted to do for a long time."
The ceremony took place in the chapel of Temple Israel in the presence of Convert Taylor’s parents. Facing the open Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Scrolls, she answered the ritual questions put to her by Rabbi Nussbaum. Among them: “Do you promise to cast in your lot with the people of Israel amid all circumstances and conditions?” “Do you agree to rear your future children according to the Jewish faith?”

Then Elisheba Rachel Taylor repeated the pledge: “I, of my own free will, seek the fellowship of Israel . . . I believe that G-d is One, Almighty, All-Wise and Most Holy . . . I promise that I shall endeavor to live, as far as it is in my power, in accordance with the ideals of Jewish life . . . Most fervently, therefore, do I herewith pronounce the Jewish confession of faith: Shma yisroel adonoy elohenu adonoy echod [Hear, O Israel: the Lord our G-d, the Lord is One]. Boruch shem kvod malchuso I’olom voed [Praised be his name whose glorious kingdom is for ever and ever].”

In 1959 Elizabeth Taylor Elizabeth Taylor bought $100,000 in Israeli bonds. As a result, The United Arab Republic officially banned all motion pictures featuring Hollywood cinema star Elizabeth Taylor.
In 1962 Elizabeth Taylor was barred from entering Egypt as she was blacklisted as Jewish. As a result the movie CLEOPATRA had to be moved from Egypt to Rome for its completion.  Gen. Essam Elmasri said in the Egyptian capital that Miss Taylor will not be allowed to come to Egypt because she has adopted the Jewish faith and "supports Israeli causes."
In 1977, Elizabeth Taylor offered herself as a hostage for the more than 100 Air France hijack victims held by terrorists at Entebbe Airport in Uganda during the tense days before the Israeli rescue raid.
Time and time again Elizabeth Taylor raised money for the State of Israel, over 2 million dollars raised thanks to her.
In 1967 Elizabeth Taylor cancelled plans to attend the July Moscow Film Festival because of opposition to the Soviet diplomatic offensive against Israel.
In 1983 Elizabeth Taylor traveled to Israel and met with Prime Minister Menachem Begin at his office in Jerusalem. The session was part of Ms. Taylor's one-woman peace effort.
In 1987 Elizabeth Taylor helped launched an appeal to free Soviet Jewish refusenik Ida Nudel
I like to share this story, Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton used to really go at it and publicly , they would rival the likes of Charlie Sheen, lol.
One such fight involved over who was more Jewish. Burton who was not Jewish said to Elizabeth Taylor “You are not Jewish at all “ in one of their very public fights. To which Elizabeth Taylor responded “I am Jewish and you can F**k off”.
RIP      Elisheba Rachel Taylor 
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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