Author Topic: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?  (Read 39753 times)

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Offline milutinn

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Hi all

I am new to the forum.

Just wondering, does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel? If so which one/s?

The powers that be have for at least two millennium been demonising and trying to exterminate both nations.


Offline Slobodan

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #1 on: June 15, 2011, 08:39:40 AM »
if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel

Si vis pacem, para bellum.

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #2 on: June 15, 2011, 08:54:16 AM »
They are not.

Offline Kerber

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #3 on: June 15, 2011, 11:21:34 AM »

Some(foreigners) say the we have roots related to ancient Elam, but not with Semitic nations. But, that's irrelevant today.

The fact of persecutions and constant problems from abroad that is common is not related to ethnic background but to the way of living(accepting at least the basic moral principals that Creator gave or rebel against it).

Try not to live like vast majority of the modern world(free "love",homosexuality, alcoholism, drugs,junk/GMO food,etc...) and you'll see how you will be mocked and treated as crazy until you join. If you do not join, you will be attacked.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2011, 11:29:00 AM by Kerber »

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #4 on: June 15, 2011, 04:36:18 PM »
Hi all

I am new to the forum.

Just wondering, does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel? If so which one/s?

The powers that be have for at least two millennium been demonising and trying to exterminate both nations.

There is some indications for that. I said that I will write about  similarity between Jews and Serbs but i had no time to write so this member gave me a stimulus for that!
Not lost tribe maybe origin!? There is no hard evidence but indications are strong. Need someone to do serious research!

Uploaded with
1.column Phoenician
2.column Latin
3.column Vinca

Comparison of the Phoenician, Latin and Vinca script. You can se
 great similarity (almost identical) between   Phoenician and the
Vinca script. Everybody knows that the  Vinca culture is
oldest in Europe and therefore her letter. Literacy
is thus created in Europe in Serbia!!!!!!!!! (Vinca is location near Belgrade).

Who are the Phoenicians? Phoenicians were very similar people to
Jews were different from the Jews by religion and some other stuff (eg
as Serbs and the Croats) and in addition have been seafarers and traders!
If you look at the Phoenician alphabet you will see a great similarity
with the Hebrew alphabet  that
again supports the similarity of two people! So Phoenician
language is nothing more than the paleo-Hebrew language!

Uploaded with
Hebrew, Phoenician and Aramaic alphabet comparison!

Uploaded with
1.column Cyrillic
2.column Latin
3.column Vinca
Comparison of Latin , Cyrillic  and Vinca letters . See also the great similarity of the two letters (Cyrillic  and Vinca letters). What makes it clear that the Latin came later!

Also there is many words in Serbian (and Slavs ) language that have origin and its similarity to Hebrew Book about that !
The language of the Serbs and Jews

       - City, bridge, rock, the foundation, square, bajta (pojata - first house of Slavs )..., words are Hebrew origin, since the peoples of the Balkans construction learned from the Phoenicians, who, in turn, close to the Jews to the extent were Serbs and Macedonians, for example - says Zeljko Stanojevic (27), author of a Hebrew-Serbian dictionary, the first in the history of these peoples, to be published by the Publishing House "Rad" appears in bookstores before the Belgrade Book Fair. Along with vocabulary, a young professor of Hebrew Language and Literature (study completed in Israel, in Haifa, and after returning to Belgrade, 1997., at the Theological Seminary he taught Hebrew and Tanach  exegesis, today the Faculty of Philology lecturer at the group Hebrew Language and Literature) wrote a book "The language of the Serbs and Jews":

"Slavic peoples are taken from the Jews and Phoenicians only terms related to the building, but for the pottery. It is thus that the Jews and Phoenicians were good potters, and our Terms of bottles, glasses, bath, basin, pitcher ... related to the phonological and semantically with the corresponding Hebrew word, "said Stojanovic noting that this book is not intended to prove the etymology of the word, which is otherwise difficult to prove, but to note the similarity between some Slavic and West Semitic words, and to encourage other researchers to be seriously interested for this phenomenon.

What if these  the Phoenicians, were not the Phoenicians, but Jews ??

''3 Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
my steadfast, sure love for David.
4 Behold, I made him a witness to the peoples,
a leader and commander for the peoples.
5 Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know,
and a nation that did not know you shall run to you,
because of the Lord your G-d, and of the Holy One of Israel,
for he has glorified you.''

"As I did with David, I will make an alliance of mercy with you, too. As I choose David to be the king and the guidance to peoples, so there will be a people you did not know but will call upon. The people that did not know you will flock to you for the glory of G-d." Depending on the way one translates the verb, it could be said "will gather round you" instead.

''I say this because this quote, with exception of some modern Bibles, was not translated as it says in the original, but I saw it in Buber's  version, written in the Hebrew language.''

Isaiah 55

good for thinking!?

 I know you will all attack me, just to say that I apologize if this offends someone, but these are facts !

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2011, 04:48:31 PM »
Theory that serbs are pagans from Caucasus came on Balkan in 6th century has more hole  then French cheese! That history is write by western countries from suspicious documents, not by serbs, and certainly not from serious research! One thing is sure , serbs lived on Balkan before 6th century!!

Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #6 on: June 16, 2011, 07:13:59 AM »
If not one of the lost tribes, are Serbs originally of the tribe of Judah?

I invite Jews and gentiles alike who may know the answer to my question to comment also. I have attempted to find the answers on the net but haven't been able to find any reliable information/sources.

Thanks to all who made the effort to reply so far.


I certainly don't find anything offensive in what you have written. Thank you for your efforts.

Неверујем баш у западну историју која је нама Србима наметнута задњих стотину година. Волео бих ако је могуће да сазнам дали смо пореклом Јевреји или Израелци.

Још нешто ме интересује што је тривијално али интересантно. У Шумадији одакле су моји преци псује се следеће кад се лјуди налјуте.

1. бо*а сунца (или само сунце)
2. бо*а јарца
3. итд, итд...

Да је Српско порекло паганско, ја и нисам баш убеђен.

« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 09:26:05 AM by milutinn »

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #7 on: June 16, 2011, 08:04:30 AM »
It is even less likely that Serbs are from the tribe of Judah, that would make you guys Jews lol.

Serbs are slavic speaking from the indo-european stock of people. BTW you know which people are somewhat more likely to be descended from the lost tribes- the Pashtuns of Afghanistan. So these Taliban bastards might be related to my people but I couldn't care less for them.

Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #8 on: June 16, 2011, 09:12:23 AM »
Shalom Zelhar

I guess you hit the nail on the head. I really was asking if Serbs are essentially Jews. If we are, I wouldn't find it funny, it would be awesome to be Jewish.

So, do you (or anyone else for that matter) know which of Noah's son's we are descendants of? Shem, Ham or Japheth?

I would like to be able to somehow find out where my origins as a Serb are from since Noah.


Offline mord

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #9 on: June 16, 2011, 09:14:15 AM »
Theory that serbs are pagans from Caucasus came on Balkan in 6th century has more hole  then French cheese! That history is write by western countries from suspicious documents, not by serbs, and certainly not from serious research! One thing is sure , serbs lived on Balkan before 6th century!!
No thats albanians pagans like the original chechens
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Zelhar

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #10 on: June 16, 2011, 01:57:41 PM »
Shalom Zelhar

I guess you hit the nail on the head. I really was asking if Serbs are essentially Jews. If we are, I wouldn't find it funny, it would be awesome to be Jewish.

So, do you (or anyone else for that matter) know which of Noah's son's we are descendants of? Shem, Ham or Japheth?

I would like to be able to somehow find out where my origins as a Serb are from since Noah.

As far as I know according to Jewish tradition Serbs and all the Indo-European people are descended from Japheth.

I wanted to imply before that it's up to you or any individual to be good or evil, it doesn't matter what is your ethnicity or lineage. Hence even if it would be an absolute certainty that the Taliban are descended from the Ten lost tribes I wouldn't feel any comradeship to such wicked people. While on the other hand I do feel Jews and Serbs have comradeship since the Serbs were kind to the Jews and even to this day we share pretty much the same enemies- Muslims and their progressive-liberal allies.

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #11 on: June 16, 2011, 06:41:23 PM »
If not one of the lost tribes, are Serbs originally of the tribe of Judah?

I invite Jews and gentiles alike who may know the answer to my question to comment also. I have attempted to find the answers on the net but haven't been able to find any reliable information/sources.

Thanks to all who made the effort to reply so far.


I certainly don't find anything offensive in what you have written. Thank you for your efforts.

Неверујем баш у западну историју која је нама Србима наметнута задњих стотину година. Волео бих ако је могуће да сазнам дали смо пореклом Јевреји или Израелци.

Још нешто ме интересује што је тривијално али интересантно. У Шумадији одакле су моји преци псује се следеће кад се лјуди налјуте.

1. бо*а сунца (или само сунце)
2. бо*а јарца
3. итд, итд...

Да је Српско порекло паганско, ја и нисам баш убеђен.


Nisam toliko strucan, ali ko psuje sunce i boga sunca jasno je sta misli o paganima. Kod mene isto se psuje sunce!

Offline Kerber

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #13 on: June 16, 2011, 06:54:02 PM »

Још нешто ме интересује што је тривијално али интересантно. У Шумадији одакле су моји преци псује се следеће кад се лјуди налјуте.

1. бо*а сунца (или само сунце)
2. бо*а јарца
3. итд, итд...

Да је Српско порекло паганско, ја и нисам баш убеђен.


То није тачно. Те псовке које си поменуо гласе: "Сунце Божје" и "Сунце јарко", а нико не изговара никакаве "богове Сунца и јарца". То не постоји нити је икада овде постојало.
Паганска "божаснтва" јесу постојала у виду Перуна и сличних пре прихватања Хришћанства.

А, што се тиче везе са семитима, посебно Јеврејима, то нема никаквог значаја. Најважнија је духовна веза,а не етничка. Најблажи су они који деле исте вредности.

Српска култура(називмо то и цивилизација) јесте једна од најстаријих у Европи. У Европи је тренутно најстарија позната "винчанска култура" и винчаснко писмо поред Винче у Србији, 14 километара од Београда. Писмо је скоро идентично данашњем српском писму, па се може тврдити да су Срби најстарија позната цивилизација у Европи.

2009 године председник Медведев лично је потписао закључак Руске академије наука и уметности да је руско-српска култура најстарија у Европи.
Ево документ:
« Last Edit: June 16, 2011, 07:31:46 PM by Kerber »

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #14 on: June 16, 2011, 06:56:53 PM »
''It is obvious that the territory of today's Serbia, there are people who wrote the paleo-Hebrew script. And now, there may be set a lot of questions. Is spirituality Serbs and centuries-old struggle against the occupiers consequence of the Jewish religion which our fathers confessed, but later accepted Jesus as the Messiah??

''It is interesting to note that for the first time Christians distanced themselves from the Jews that they  not had problems in the pagan Roman Empire. Similarly we have that the Serbs Catholics (Croats), Serbs, Muslims (Bosniaks), Serbs Uniates (Macedonians and Montenegrins) over time, distanced themselves from the source (the Serbs) and invented a new nation, to be so close to the modern world trend known as "Satanism, "because obviously the Serbs and Jews were always" against the world "and" outside of world ". It turns out that all those thus cut off from its Jewish roots, running from the Serbs.?? ??

Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #15 on: June 17, 2011, 05:33:36 AM »
То није тачно. Те псовке које си поменуо гласе: "Сунце Божје" и "Сунце јарко", а нико не изговара никакаве "богове Сунца и јарца". То не постоји нити је икада овде постојало. Ради се о селима у централној Шумакији.

Хвала Керберу на одговор.

Што се тиче "бога јарца", чуо сам моју мајку (икс пута) да тако псује док сам био мали. Углавном када сам нешто скривио. Чуо сам и друге људе по селима да исто тако псују. Можда се по градовима није псовало тако раније (наравно ни сада). Ради се о селима у Централној Шумадији.

As stated previously, it isn't important but thanks for your reply.


Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #16 on: June 17, 2011, 06:13:11 AM »
Hey Zelhar

Gentiles who believe in Hashem believe in the Tanach as well, not just the New Testament. We also see Jews as our friends and our brothers. Few gentiles are aware that Shabat (Sabbath) needs to be observed but accept the Roman instituted Sunday as the day of worship/rest. Unfortunately so called Christianity has been paganised over the last two thousand years and has pretty much turned into baal worship.

We gentiles should be seeking to be guided by the scriptures and by Torah believing Jews regarding faith in Gоd, The God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob.


Брате, хвала на одговорима.


Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #17 on: June 17, 2011, 06:19:16 AM »
I just noticed that every time I write the word G-d, the letter o is replaced by a hyphen (-). Why does that happen?

Does it have anything to do with Exodus 20 (Ten Commandments)?
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."

Offline mord

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #18 on: June 17, 2011, 06:28:36 AM »
I just noticed that every time I write the word G-d, the letter o is replaced by a hyphen (-). Why does that happen?

Does it have anything to do with Exodus 20 (Ten Commandments)?
"Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy G-d in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain."
You're right .Thats why
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Orde

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #19 on: June 17, 2011, 10:26:41 AM »
If not one of the lost tribes, are Serbs originally of the tribe of Judah? I invite Jews and gentiles alike who may know the answer to my question to comment also.

Genesis chapter 10 is called (at least in my church) the "Table of Nations" because it shows the distribution of all humanity that came from the 3 sons of Noah:  Shem, Japheth, Ham, and by looking at Gen 10, we can compare those names with the names of recorded history to know some of who went where -- but of course, all of this is before the much later scattering of *some* (a minority) of the northern 10 tribes. 
So from the 3 sons of Noah compared to history, it seems the best odds by far for the father of Serbia would be
(whose 7 sons are in Gen 10:2, and of those 7 sons , #4 son JAVAN is most likely Serb father, with #7 son TIRAS possible, and #1 Gomer, & #2 Magog, slightly possible)
BUT, even though Noah's son Ham is almost certainly  not a father of the Serbs, there is a long-shot chance for Noah's other son:
(2) SHEM, the father of the Semites, and if so, of the 5 sons of Shem in Gen 10:22, the Serbs most likely did *not* come from Shem's son Arphaxad (who is father of line the Jews came from by way of Eber), but the more likely Semitic ancestor from any line of Shem would be Shem's 4th son Lud, and with a much lesser chance, Shem's 1st son Elam)

Since Japtheth is most likely father of Serbs, I will break down the 2 of Japtheth's 7 sons (from Gen 10:2) that have good chances for being father of Serbs:
(1) JAVAN - we know the Greeks came from him, and of Javan's 4 sons (from Gen 10:4), all 4 are possible fathers, Kittim (ties to Cyprus and possibly Macedonia), Dodan (ties to Dardanelles area), Elishah (Greeks), and Tarshish (least likely, but very possible ties to Phoenicians)
(2) TIRAS (Gen 20:2) is Japheth's #7 son, and has ties to Bulgaria
ok, all of that has is nothing about the so-called "lost tribes of Israel," who were some (but not even close to most) of the northern 10 tribes that scattered during the Assyrian conquest (most stayed in the land and were not deported) as we know from the Bible (especially the book of Second Chronicles) and from archaeology.  But yes, in fulfillment of Moses' prophecy, Jews were scattered to many nations, but I do not know of Jewish history in Serbia, but do know 100% that not one single Jewish person will not be returned to the land at the time of the final regathering  -- not one (for example, see Ezekiel 39:28:  "...I gather them back into their land and leave NONE..." and Moses said so in Deuteronomy 30:4).  For that reason & many others, I do not like to call them "lost," b/c He who brings them back knows where they are, and because the great majority of them never left the land, but moved in with the 2 tribes in the South (Judah & Benjamin) & were later helping repair the Temple (2 Chron 34:9), celebrating Passover (2 Chron 35:17-28), etc. 

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #21 on: June 17, 2011, 02:18:27 PM »
This days in serbia is gonna start real researching  about this , by some group of intellectuals , as private project! We will see what they will found out, and what is the true and what is a myth!

Offline crnitrn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #22 on: June 17, 2011, 02:30:02 PM »
Genesis chapter 10 is called (at least in my church) the "Table of Nations" because it shows the distribution of all humanity that came from the 3 sons of Noah:  Shem, Japheth, Ham, and by looking at Gen 10, we can compare those names with the names of recorded history to know some of who went where -- but of course, all of this is before the much later scattering of *some* (a minority) of the northern 10 tribes. 
So from the 3 sons of Noah compared to history, it seems the best odds by far for the father of Serbia would be
(whose 7 sons are in Gen 10:2, and of those 7 sons , #4 son JAVAN is most likely Serb father, with #7 son TIRAS possible, and #1 Gomer, & #2 Magog, slightly possible)
BUT, even though Noah's son Ham is almost certainly  not a father of the Serbs, there is a long-shot chance for Noah's other son:
(2) SHEM, the father of the Semites, and if so, of the 5 sons of Shem in Gen 10:22, the Serbs most likely did *not* come from Shem's son Arphaxad (who is father of line the Jews came from by way of Eber), but the more likely Semitic ancestor from any line of Shem would be Shem's 4th son Lud, and with a much lesser chance, Shem's 1st son Elam)

Since Japtheth is most likely father of Serbs, I will break down the 2 of Japtheth's 7 sons (from Gen 10:2) that have good chances for being father of Serbs:
(1) JAVAN - we know the Greeks came from him, and of Javan's 4 sons (from Gen 10:4), all 4 are possible fathers, Kittim (ties to Cyprus and possibly Macedonia), Dodan (ties to Dardanelles area), Elishah (Greeks), and Tarshish (least likely, but very possible ties to Phoenicians)
(2) TIRAS (Gen 20:2) is Japheth's #7 son, and has ties to Bulgaria
ok, all of that has is nothing about the so-called "lost tribes of Israel," who were some (but not even close to most) of the northern 10 tribes that scattered during the Assyrian conquest (most stayed in the land and were not deported) as we know from the Bible (especially the book of Second Chronicles) and from archaeology.  But yes, in fulfillment of Moses' prophecy, Jews were scattered to many nations, but I do not know of Jewish history in Serbia, but do know 100% that not one single Jewish person will not be returned to the land at the time of the final regathering  -- not one (for example, see Ezekiel 39:28:  "...I gather them back into their land and leave NONE..." and Moses said so in Deuteronomy 30:4).  For that reason & many others, I do not like to call them "lost," b/c He who brings them back knows where they are, and because the great majority of them never left the land, but moved in with the 2 tribes in the South (Judah & Benjamin) & were later helping repair the Temple (2 Chron 34:9), celebrating Passover (2 Chron 35:17-28), etc. 
well said, but I also said there is no lost tribe! Can be only a part of some tribe or more of them ....

Offline milutinn

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #23 on: June 17, 2011, 06:59:23 PM »

Thanks for your explanation.

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Re: Does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel?
« Reply #24 on: June 18, 2011, 04:32:20 AM »

Можеш ли да ми преведеш ово, не знам Руски? Мада не види да игде спомињу Србе.
Si vis pacem, para bellum.