Hi all
I am new to the forum.
Just wondering, does anyone know if Serbs are one of the lost tribes of Israel? If so which one/s?
The powers that be have for at least two millennium been demonising and trying to exterminate both nations.
There is some indications for that. I said that I will write about similarity between Jews and Serbs but i had no time to write so this member gave me a stimulus for that!
Not lost tribe maybe origin!? There is no hard evidence but indications are strong. Need someone to do serious research!

Uploaded with
ImageShack.ushttp://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=q15zs71dy7hivos&thumb=41.column Phoenician
2.column Latin
3.column Vinca
Comparison of the Phoenician, Latin and Vinca script. You can se
great similarity (almost identical) between Phoenician and the
Vinca script. Everybody knows that the Vinca culture is
oldest in Europe and therefore her letter. Literacy
is thus created in Europe in Serbia!!!!!!!!! (Vinca is location near Belgrade).
Who are the Phoenicians? Phoenicians were very similar people to
Jews were different from the Jews by religion and some other stuff (eg
as Serbs and the Croats) and in addition have been seafarers and traders!
If you look at the Phoenician alphabet you will see a great similarity
with the Hebrew alphabet that
again supports the similarity of two people! So Phoenician
language is nothing more than the paleo-Hebrew language!

Uploaded with
ImageShack.ushttp://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=k7lu0regqc60vsh&thumb=4 Hebrew, Phoenician and Aramaic alphabet comparison!

Uploaded with
ImageShack.ushttp://www.mediafire.com/imageview.php?quickkey=7s6ttdf9csjr6qc&thumb=41.column Cyrillic
2.column Latin
3.column Vinca
Comparison of Latin , Cyrillic and Vinca letters . See also the great similarity of the two letters (Cyrillic and Vinca letters). What makes it clear that the Latin came later!
Also there is many words in Serbian (and Slavs ) language that have origin and its similarity to Hebrew
http://www.nin.co.rs/2001-08/30/19495.html Book about that !
The language of the Serbs and Jews
- City, bridge, rock, the foundation, square, bajta (pojata - first house of Slavs )..., words are Hebrew origin, since the peoples of the Balkans construction learned from the Phoenicians, who, in turn, close to the Jews to the extent were Serbs and Macedonians, for example - says Zeljko Stanojevic (27), author of a Hebrew-Serbian dictionary, the first in the history of these peoples, to be published by the Publishing House "Rad" appears in bookstores before the Belgrade Book Fair. Along with vocabulary, a young professor of Hebrew Language and Literature (study completed in Israel, in Haifa, and after returning to Belgrade, 1997., at the Theological Seminary he taught Hebrew and Tanach exegesis, today the Faculty of Philology lecturer at the group Hebrew Language and Literature) wrote a book "The language of the Serbs and Jews":
"Slavic peoples are taken from the Jews and Phoenicians only terms related to the building, but for the pottery. It is thus that the Jews and Phoenicians were good potters, and our Terms of bottles, glasses, bath, basin, pitcher ... related to the phonological and semantically with the corresponding Hebrew word, "said Stojanovic noting that this book is not intended to prove the etymology of the word, which is otherwise difficult to prove, but to note the similarity between some Slavic and West Semitic words, and to encourage other researchers to be seriously interested for this phenomenon.
What if these the Phoenicians, were not the Phoenicians, but Jews ??
''3 Incline your ear, and come to me;
hear, that your soul may live;
and I will make with you an everlasting covenant,
my steadfast, sure love for David.
4 Behold, I made him a witness to the peoples,
a leader and commander for the peoples.
5 Behold, you shall call a nation that you do not know,
and a nation that did not know you shall run to you,
because of the Lord your G-d, and of the Holy One of Israel,
for he has glorified you.''
"As I did with David, I will make an alliance of mercy with you, too. As I choose David to be the king and the guidance to peoples, so there will be a people you did not know but will call upon. The people that did not know you will flock to you for the glory of G-d." Depending on the way one translates the verb, it could be said "will gather round you" instead.
''I say this because this quote, with exception of some modern Bibles, was not translated as it says in the original, but I saw it in Buber's version, written in the Hebrew language.''
Isaiah 55
good for thinking!?
I know you will all attack me, just to say that I apologize if this offends someone, but these are facts !