So what do you guys think?
Option 1 makes sense since really all we want is for Obama to lose. The problem with this option is that it opens the door for terrible candidates to win such as Ron Paul, Romney or Herman Kain. I would rather support somebody than wait and see who will win the Republican nomination.
Option 2 makes sense since we are a movement of idealists and have faith in Gd. As of now, it seems that Bachman has a chance to win the primaries and Gd willing the whole election. However, is considered weaker than Perry. This option is attractive and I have faith in Gd that if it is His will to move the hearts of many decent people in this country, that she will not only win the primaries, but also the election against Obama. If she was a little known person that had no recognition, then I would pass on this option.
Option 3 makes since since Rick Perry, while not the best choice, as the best chance of beating Obama. This is an attractive option for JTF. However, he is not an ideal candidate for what this movement believes in. Should we compromise on our beliefs or be realistic?
Option 4 should be what every Jew on this forum should vote for as a second option

Other ideas are welcome