Author Topic: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.  (Read 6637 times)

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2011, 10:03:28 AM »
willkommen mein Freund

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #26 on: July 07, 2011, 11:17:16 AM »
You can be both pro white and pro-Jewish. There is no real conflict there. I'm glad that you no longer want to associate with bad people. JTF is against the left wing establishment whether they're Jewish or non-Jewish people involved.

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #27 on: July 07, 2011, 11:38:12 AM »
Well I'm still new to all of this so I'm still trying to figure out exactly what to make of things right now. I assure you all I'm saying is coming from a place of very well meaning.

You might want to read more and post less until you get a feel for the board and what you can learn here and things that might change your mind. You've been fed a lot of crap about Jews that's just simply not true. There are Jews in left wing movements but they're prominent in many movements both right and left wing because they have a lot of intelligent people within their community and tend to be high achievers as a cultural type of thing. It's not a conspiracy and they have no special advantage. It's just that their community does tend to produce high achieving individuals as a natural and cultural thing.

So if there are Jewish people involved in leadership in something out of proportion to their population it's usually because they just tend to be really good at whatever they do decide to get involved in. Many Jews in the USA are raised to be democrats and this is historically the case for many reasons but you should never take this as an excuse to hate Jewish people as a whole, because that's all it is, just an excuse, and there are right wing Jews too.
I think 99.9% of white nationalists on StørmFrønt haven't either, they only want the same thing that you want and that is survival of their people. In fact it was talking to a messianic Jew who worked at a gas station about the NWO and corrupt Jews in the media and agreed with me about race etc that sort of helped me wake up.

It's probably better if you don't talk about messianics on this particular board because a lot of people don't like it here. Some Jews are very sensitive about that topic because they consider it to be assimilation. It's just a topic better left for other boards like Christian forums if you want to get along here.

If it wasn't for Michael Savage and the two guys from JTF who post video's on youtube I probably wouldn't be here right now. The reason why I am is because they are more than willing to call out the corrupt and decadent jews of Hollywood and the Bolsheviks etc. You have to understand that covering up the crimes of these bad Jews only makes it look like you are all conspiring against us. I think this is how they have successfully isolated you. Also it works in their favor as it makes you side with the Jews in the media and dependent on them as any time a gentile white criticizes a decadent Jew they will say they are nazi's.

It's better if you can remember that the Bible, which Judaism believes in, is against bad things. So if someone happens to be Jewish and believes something bad, that doesn't mean that they believe something bad because they're Jewish. Someone really following Judaism would have a Bible-based morality. Most of the left wing Jews are either atheists or they're involved in the reform movement or something like that, which is very left wing, sort of like the epsicopal church says it's Christian but it's really not anymore.

Just look at who the media is saying is responsible for the economic crisis. They are blaming bankers. Its not too long before Obama says it is the Jewish bankers who are too blame. Sure enough when people start googling the names of Bernanke and Greenspan that will be all the evidence that will be needed by the public. Its very important that you seperate yourselves from them. Honestly I'm only trying to help and explain how you are perceived. You are being set up guys! I think these are satanists pretending to be Jews so that Jews will be held accountable for all the financial problems.

It's definitely not anti-Establishment to be an anti-Semite. If you listen to the WN people they will act like it's so rebellious or against the grain to be an anti-Semite but it's not. Anti-Semitism is mainstream. Being truly pro-Israel or pro-Jewish and anti-NWO is against the mainstream. If you want to be anti-mainstream or anti-NWO you are in the right place.

Offline Aces High

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #28 on: July 07, 2011, 12:16:51 PM »
No offense buddy, but  I'm not concerned one way or the other if you blame the country's problems on the Jews.   People who blame the Jews are a dime a dozen. 

Anyway, if people from our movement take power in Israel, the Arabs, and other Nazi- Jew hating riff- raff will be out of Israel.   This is one of our main goals. 

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2011, 12:59:20 PM »
I hope Chaim is reading through all this.  (But I'm sure this is just confirming what he already knows)

I noticed 3 things that REALLY stand out from omnium's post

1)     He changed his perspective by simply speaking with a righteous Jew.  Thats really all it takes.  Ive asked the strormfronters, and what they said supports this..... they had NEVER actually come in contact with a Jew...  but they had heard bad things about them.  All of their ideas about Jews come from the nonsense propoganda, and many times, all they have to do is meet ONE REAL RIGHTEOUS JEW who isnt a black idolizer or leftist, or 'greedy' and they will change many of their preconceptions.

Obviously that wont work with David Duke, but any of the younger generation, who found StørmFrønt NOT because they wanted to start a crusade against Jews but because they hated the onslaught of Black culture... and once they got immersed in it, they got bombarded with Jew hating evil from the 1930's.

2)   The JTF videos are are very powerful!! Seeing a religious Jew talk against black culture and Islam has a powerful effect.

3)   MICHAEL SAVAGE!!!!!   I know we hate his bipolarism and his 'liberal' moments, BUT he has been the anti-StørmFrønt.  Angry white listeners flock to him because he is the ONLY major media figure that comes accros as pro-white, and anti-illegal.  And Michael has been carefully sprinkling in pro-Israel sentiment along the way and after listening for a while, listeners ultimately find out that Michael is Jewish, and that has a VERY powerful effect, sepcifically since StørmFrønt members have never actually been in contact with a Jew.

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #30 on: July 07, 2011, 01:17:50 PM »
No offense buddy, but  I'm not concerned one way or the other if you blame the country's problems on the Jews.   People who blame the Jews are a dime a dozen. 

Personally, I always wished there was an International Jewish Conspiracy...the world would be run much better  :laugh:

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #31 on: July 07, 2011, 01:22:16 PM »
Welcome to the forum.  Interesting story I must say.
Chad M ~ Your rebel against white guilt

Offline Rubystars

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #32 on: July 07, 2011, 03:21:40 PM »
3)   MICHAEL SAVAGE!!!!!   I know we hate his bipolarism and his 'liberal' moments, BUT he has been the anti-StørmFrønt.  Angry white listeners flock to him because he is the ONLY major media figure that comes accros as pro-white, and anti-illegal.  And Michael has been carefully sprinkling in pro-Israel sentiment along the way and after listening for a while, listeners ultimately find out that Michael is Jewish, and that has a VERY powerful effect, sepcifically since StørmFrønt members have never actually been in contact with a Jew.

In general I really don't want those types of people trying to join here. We're not in any way competing for their members. The vast majority are morons who read too many Thor and Odin comic books as the basis of their religion and have some obssessive compulsive disorder wrt Jews and by the way also hate Christians who are pro-Jewish. Why would we want anti-Jewish and anti-Christian people around on a pro-Jewish forum? 

Offline briann

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #33 on: July 07, 2011, 04:24:21 PM »
In general I really don't want those types of people trying to join here. We're not in any way competing for their members. The vast majority are morons who read too many Thor and Odin comic books as the basis of their religion and have some obssessive compulsive disorder wrt Jews and by the way also hate Christians who are pro-Jewish. Why would we want anti-Jewish and anti-Christian people around on a pro-Jewish forum? 

I agree that these people don't typically belong in THIS forum.  But what I am trying to say is that as much as we all hate Michael Savage for his 'liberal moments', etc, he HAS made a HUGE dent on the Jew hating population.... at least among whites and conservatives.   I read somewhere that 97% of white conservatived consider themselves pro-israel.  This is a drastic change from 30 years ago, and I really think talk-radio has helped cement this change.

That doesnt mean I want savage listeners to flock to our webiste, but what Im saying is that Savage is, for the most part, Pro-Israel, if you look at his website, nearly all the articles regarding Israel are pro-zionist.  And he HAS changed many of these 'unreachable' people in ways that no one else could.  But that doesnt excuse his liberal moments or him having Buchanan on his program, etc etc.

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #34 on: July 07, 2011, 05:24:18 PM »
I have been watching this thread from the start but  didn't know what to say here.... Lets just say I am watching this thread closely... I am quite skeptical of where all this is going... This person has had quite a conversion... To many conversions if you ask me... The thing is deep down he is still splitting hairs about good and not so good Jews... Lets just say I am expecting the worse for now... Lets hope I am proven wrong.
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Offline Aces High

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #35 on: July 07, 2011, 05:34:59 PM »
I have been watching this thread from the start but  didn't know what to say here.... Lets just say I am watching this thread closely... I am quite skeptical of where all this is going... This person has had quite a conversion... To many conversions if you ask me... The thing is deep down he is still splitting hairs about good and not so good Jews... Lets just say I am expecting the worse for now... Lets hope I am proven wrong.

CJD, glad you said something.  I was thinking the exact same thing. 

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #36 on: July 07, 2011, 05:46:06 PM »
I have been watching this thread from the start but  didn't know what to say here.... Lets just say I am watching this thread closely... I am quite skeptical of where all this is going... This person has had quite a conversion... To many conversions if you ask me... The thing is deep down he is still splitting hairs about good and not so good Jews... Lets just say I am expecting the worse for now... Lets hope I am proven wrong.

Take a look what I wrote also. Never hurts to see if he changes for the better or worse
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Aces High

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #37 on: July 07, 2011, 06:03:44 PM »
CJD, glad you said something.  I was thinking the exact same thing. 

I don't trust his agenda, and what he writes here is complete garbage,

 "Jews in positions of high power in federal reserve, financiers of Bolshevik revolution, hollywood, media are purposely trying to make all of you look bad! They get in these positions of power and do horrible things while openly proclaiming their Jewishness on purpose they are trying to get everyone to hate you. I sincerely believe they are satanists (it sounds weird to say that since I've been an atheist since I was 13 or so) They are trying to get everything blamed on the average normal jew. If I were the leader of a Jewish conspiracy and plotting to take over the whole world I would not put openly Jewish people where anyone who takes 2 minutes with google could be able to find them and point them out to the world. I would put up gentile puppets and pull their strings silently from behind the scenes so when the drek hits the fan it will be blamed on them. Not only that but the Jews in the media.

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #38 on: July 07, 2011, 06:30:26 PM »
I agree with Rubystars that you probably should not talk about Jews that have become Christians or any other religion. That is offensive to Jews. However, it's awesome to have read how G-d delivered you from this evil, satanic philosophy.

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #39 on: July 07, 2011, 07:23:17 PM »

Take a look what I wrote also. Never hurts to see if he changes for the better or worse
I read your post earlier today and it makes many good points... My problem with this so called former white nationalist "atheist" is why would an atheist have a problem with Jews? Most white nationalist are Christians of some form or another... I could see a person like him having problems with non whites but this guy is giving us boilerplate antisemitism... Our forum is well moderated enough and our members are sharp enough to deal with problems should they crop up... In the meantime lets see how things go.
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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #40 on: July 07, 2011, 08:52:58 PM »
I read your post earlier today and it makes many good points... My problem with this so called former white nationalist "atheist" is why would an atheist have a problem with Jews? Most white nationalist are Christians of some form or another... I could see a person like him having problems with non whites but this guy is giving us boilerplate antisemitism... Our forum is well moderated enough and our members are sharp enough to deal with problems should they crop up... In the meantime lets see how things go.

the problem I had with his posts was what seemed his obsession with the Joos running everything underneath the sun and causing the ills of, if he is here and he is sincere, then he can be taught's not just evil's evil scumbags of any group that have caused the problems of our society..not just joos...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: Hi, former white nationalist convert to christianity here.
« Reply #41 on: July 07, 2011, 08:57:05 PM »
the problem I had with his posts was what seemed his obsession with the Joos running everything underneath the sun and causing the ills of, if he is here and he is sincere, then he can be taught's not just evil's evil scumbags of any group that have caused the problems of our society..not just joos...

Again, what I find odd is the accusation of being satan... That is one of the biggest antisemitic canards which is taught...
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14