Author Topic: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011  (Read 6670 times)

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Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« on: July 30, 2011, 06:58:27 PM »
Dear Chaim, three questions for this week's Ask JTF.  

1. Why does Turkey want to exterminate the Kurds? Aren't Kurds also Muslims? Also, Saddam Hussein also wanted to exterminate them. What is the real reason why Arabs and Turks do not like the Kurds?

2. What is your opinion on Michael Berry?

3 Well she asked for it again. Could you respond the best way you can to this female quranrat?

From Aapa

I am so tired of the Zionists. I want to learn about those that Allah Loves. And why does Allah love them. Teach me about the Taliban. Sorry, I had to resort to an old teacher trick to get your attention.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 03:46:56 PM by Hot Spot »
Dan - Stay calm and be brave in order to judge correctly and make the right decision

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2011, 07:20:34 PM »
Shalom Chaim

Here are the zootube questions

From: CheezInspector
I don't know. I mean it seems kind of low to take swings at people who suffer addictions. And as for swearing a lot? Seems less evil than what is being done to the Palestinians (I say as a Jew).

Now if you want to take issue with the fact that Ozzy has taken an area of his house and turned it into one big Nazi memorabilia display where he dresses up as a Nazi soldier for fun, well then Okay. ... Especially since his wife is Jewish.

From: OrthodoxDarwinist
"Self-hating Jew" is just a phrase used to describe those who actually possess basic human decency and morality and can see the damage that the vehemently racist and criminally insane worldview of Israel's governance has done to the reputation of Jewry all around the world.

They know they can't shut a fellow Jew up by slandering them as "anti-Semitic", so they resort to calling them "self-hating

From: hladami4
What was in Norway that’s small portion what Zionist are doing in Poland and to this nation from 1945 to the present time. The latest are CASA crash and Smolensk, many unknown disappearing people or murdered. Over there the prime minister Tusk is hidden Zionist Jewish, also Komorowski. All of them belong to Illuminati Rothschild loges.

From: surfboardhacker
Islam was innocent of the events of 9/11 as well as of Norway, Islam is not a danger and the Zionists are trying to sabotage the reputation of Islam and Muslims as in media Amerikan controlled the Zionists, and in the Muslim holy book God said «the killing of a soul without a soul or corruption in the earth as if he killed all mankind, and revived it as if he saved all mankind.

Gd Bless You, Your Loved Ones & The Chosen People.

« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 07:22:35 PM by Irish Zionist »
The banding together by the nations of the world against Israel is the guarantee that their time of destruction is near and the final redemption of the Jew at hand.
Rabbi Meir Kahane

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2011, 07:43:30 PM »
Shalom brother Chaim,

1: Please call down a mighty curse upon the Los Angeles Dodgers and anyone affiliated with that satanic organization. Last fall, Bryan Stow, a San Francisco Giants fan who was a paramedic and devoted father, was beaten nearly to death by a massive mob of Dodger fans (mainly black and Hispanic gang members) in the parking lot. He is still in intensive care, nearly vegetative, and quite possibly blind. Hundreds of people (average Dodgers fans) watched the beating and cheered and stadium security did absolutely nothing to save him. The Dodgers have not even sent any condolences to Stow's family. The majority of Dodgers ticket holders are ghetto lowlifes from the projects of Watts and East L.A. who supported this monstrous lynching and those few that aren't are just as evil for continuing to financially support this hideous team.

2: Don't forget that Israel is not the only nation facing annihilation from Muslim Nazis that Nazi Norway (yimach shemo to it) has tried to exterminate. Norway has long been a key player in the NATO effort to commit genocide against Serbia and has long pressured Sri Lanka to commit national suicide (fortunately they did not listen). Consequently, Norway is roamed constantly by packs of Pakistani, Kurdish, and Tamil gang members that rape Norwegian women. (These same Norwegian rape victims, of course, want a second Holocaust.)

3: This summer marks ten years that the satanic kurva Chandra Levy (praise G-d for giving her what she deserved) was kidnapped and murdered by a Salvadorian illegal alien serial rapist. This whore, who bragged about seducing married men, traveled to Arab nations and dressed up like Arab Nazi she-devils, and was the paramour of the viciously Jew-hating congressman Gary Condit, met her match from one of the illegal immigrants that she so coddled and worshipped. Please talk a little bit about this harlot.

4: Why do Nazis hate Ariel Sharon (yimach shemo) so much? Sharon has done more harm to Israel and Jewry in general than most of the world's Nazis could ever dream of. You'd think some of them would acknowledge that. Nazis admire Jews such as Noam Chomsky, Bobby Fischer, and Dick Silverstein (yimach shemam), so why not Sharon?

G-d bless you and your loved ones,
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 06:30:25 PM by YimachShemoToEngland4ever »

Offline Meerkat

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2011, 08:02:27 PM »
shalom chaim

well, looks like america got it's credit rating downgraded. could this chas v'chalila turn out to be america's kiss of death?

what do you think of Dino Rossi? the guy who twice ran for governor in the state of washington and once for senator.

what do you think of Z-street?

is hashem keeping that penaut farmer alive so that he lives to see a a kahanist government retake the sinai?
when this beast receives a massive heart failure because all he worked for has been reversed by the kahanists in israel, will he try hiding in the refrigerator like indiana jones at a nuclear testing site?

lets be honest, there are way too many people, especially politicians, who would screw their country over for a few dollars, should political corruption carry the death penalty?

have you met any nationalist jews who are atheists? i have a few in my family

in a situation that the current trends continue (chas v'chalila), some of europe will look like latin america, other parts of it will look like morocco, and america will be an anti-israel leftist dreckhole like europe is today (chas v'chalila). we also know that china is a rising superpower and is looking for allies. if the west were to turn it's back on israel, would a kahanist israel turn it's back on the west and enter warmer relations with china? we know that just like america, china is only interested in the muslims countries for the oil and that the muslims want china destroyed as well. we also know that china will want an ally in the region that will not stab it in the back on the 1st opportunity. im not suggesting israel should ever receive aid from china, but in case the entire west decides to go on an anti-semitic hate fest, we should keep china in mind as a friend as a way of saying "screw you" as a last option.

when the kibbutzim are forced to compete like any other town, do you think some of them would betray socialism and get contracted to sell their produce to a food company to compensate for the lost subsidies? as you can tell im not a huge fan of them either but i don't want them gone completely. i agree that individualism is better than collectivism, which is why it is very unlikely that i will be moving to a kibbutz, but it does seem to work for some people, even if its a small percentage.  i think it would be great if they sell their produce more efficiently rather than get extra subsidies, that way they can still exist and actually be productive instead of being parasites on the tax payer.

what were your experiences like in Michigan?
how does it compare to the other 56 states?

what do you think of hermain cain? he sounds like a decent choice ,not good but decent (certainly orders of magnitude better than hussein barack the muslim); that probably stems from the lack of political history. is there something i don't know about him? if elected, will he pressure israel? would he be good for the economy?

there might be hope for michelle bachmann, she is 2nd to Romney by only a 1 percent margin.

who do you think michelle bachmann would choose as her VP, same question to herman cain?

israel is at its maximum capacity between the nile and the euphrates but the muslim nazi arabs turks and iranians want another go at taking us out so they gather their armies around israel's borders. you do a pre-emptive strike and occupy a large chunk of land. what do you do with this new land? obviously we can't settle it but if we give it back it gives the muslims the license to try that again.

please respond to this email someone gave pat condell which he reposed on his website

"godless & d*ckless ... a coward chatting behind a screen suckin on a saggy 1 inch jew penis. brave mother f*cker... check me in real life... i won't deleted u... will allow my dog the honour. LOL

heres another one



how often do you receive death threats from the religion of peace?
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 11:34:46 PM by Meerkat »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #4 on: July 30, 2011, 08:17:37 PM »
Shalom chaim

1. What if the debt crisis isn't solved?
2. What disagreements did the late rabbi schneerson have with rabbi kahane, both blessed memories?  What disagreements our difference in opinions did they have with expelling the arabs from israel?
3. What merit does free will have if Gd already knows the decisions we will make?

And a dvar torah of this week's parashah?


Dr. dan
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 07:57:20 AM by Dr. Dan »
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline danny100

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #5 on: July 31, 2011, 06:20:17 PM »
Shalom Chaim I expected the thread to be locked at 7 or 8 PM but you locked it earlier in the afternoon. Anyway I mention a lot of events about World War 2 is because I compare them to today's phenomenons.

1. Remember Mossad Chief Meir Daggan said if we hit Iran, then their Missiles will fly around us. My answer back is historical, when 2,000 V-2 rockets were fired at London, it only caused minor damage to the city not to mention Israel has the Arrow Defense system that can greatly reduce harm. It looks like Israel's leaders are so afraid of Ubama, they find excuses to cover for that.

2. In the UAE they banned people from Carrying a call of duty game because some of the missions were in a background similar to Iraq. Imagine if someone made a game about the Iran-Iraq War where you can play as either side.

3. Why would Stalin send Israel military supplies during their War of Independence? It sounds very confusing a genocidal Anti-Semite would try to help Israel in it's Founding.

4. Why do many Self-Hating Jews have the nasal Woody Allen Accent?
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 09:16:14 PM by danny100 »

Offline Rin Tin Tin

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #6 on: July 31, 2011, 08:41:17 PM »
Why did Jordan not enter the Yom Kippur War of 1973 against Israel along with Egypt and Syria as it did in the Six Day War of 1967?  I can think of two possible reasons: 1) King Hussein feared another loss of territory as in the Six Day War of 1967 when Jordan was halved in size and population and 2) King Hussein still felt Sadat and Assad backed the PLO and Arafat and the PLO's claim to the "West Bank" as they had done in the 1970 Black September crisis against Jordan and King Hussein didn't trust Sadat and Assad.  If Jordan had opened a third front simultaneously across the "West Bank", would the outcome have been far worse for Israel and might the Jordanians have won back part of the lost "West Bank" or "East Jerusalem"?  I believe that the answer might have been YES, owing to the unpreparedness of Israel due to Prime Minister Golda Meir's and Defense Minister Moshe Dayan's incompetence and overall timidity.
« Last Edit: August 02, 2011, 03:22:22 PM by Rin Tin Tin »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #7 on: July 31, 2011, 10:15:15 PM »
Dear Chaim

Since showing my true colors online I've been getting some "fan mail" from nazis and muslims. Now we need to deal with the issue of the protocols of the elders of zion. Have you read this? I don't wanna read it, it was bad enough ploughing through the Koran. Are there any so called predictions it made, you'll see why i'm asking in a bit. Did they apparently come true. Debunk this document for us if you would.

OK wait a second. One of our members is called yemachshmo to england4ever, what did england4ever do wrong? I doubt he has any clue in what manner he is being cursed here.

 What is your opinion of the house of Rothschild?

I visited my doc this week. I'm happy to report that Judeophobia is actually a mental illness. Now if only we could get all the haters and scumbags committed to the loonybin. Anyway I know you love chewing up nazi nutcases so I brought you another one. Please respond to this conspiracy nut who decided to spout his propaganda at me.

From StephenG1483
Has it occured to you that Jews control wiki? Of course they deny The Protocols are real, they are hardly going to openly admit it.
 Have you read The Protocols for yourself? If not, do so, google it. Judge only after you have read them. They were written in the 1800s and have predicted what has happened and what continued to happen to a tee. It is absolutely obvious by now they are true. You can't accurately predict that many things so long before they happen.
 Muslims wouldn't even be in our countries if it were not for Jewish control. Have you read the quotes from them on my channel?

I have an idea. We have the usernames and channels of all these filth. Some have blatant names like gasthekikes. We should join forces online and flag  them or spam them till they are driven off, one evil sod at a time. They moan about jew controlled web and censorship lets give em something to really complain about.

For your education and amusement I present my own answer to the above mentioned person, which the gutless fool has not been able to respond to.

Wow this is exciting. Im talking to a real live mentally ill person here. Let me tell you mister, it supports your fantasy that you have this piece of literature. But if it wasn't jews it would be aliens and you'd be quoting all the alien conspiracies from now till forever. If it wasn't aliens it would be something else. There's plenty of proof quote unquote to fuel a number of conspiracies out there.
 As for not being able to predict things before they happen. I beg to differ, the BIBLE predicted that the jews would return to the land of Israel 2000 years before it happened 1800 years before your bloody protocols. It says in the bible a thousand of them shall fall at thy right hand and ten of ye shall put a hundred of them to flight.
 That came true, look at Israels wars, such a tiny band of jews against all those arab nations, thats not ten of ye putting a hundred of them to flight.
 The bible says that the deserts shall be made green. Israel was a wasteland till it was resettled and THEN it started raining again.
 So if predicting things accurately makes a book true then the BIBLE is true. Or do Jews control the weather as well as hollywood? Hmmm?

 That should bother you mister because the bible makes very clear, I shall bless them that bless thee and curse them that curse thee. Anyone who makes an enemy of the Jews will be destroyed by the hand of god. It is not Jews who control the world it is GOD who controls the world and making up lies about his chosen servants isn't anyway to gain favors.

 I recommend to you bible study prayer and some strong medication.


  Well, regardless of your decision on youtube. I haven't finished with these foul excretions. They will regret coming to the attention of BritishSword. I will utterly humiliate them. I will find out what their careers are and destroy them. I will grip my targets like a bulldog and hound them to the depths of hell.
 You see, getting on my bad side is not something health conscious people do.

OK. I'm off to make some neo-nazis regret their lifestyle choice. Everyone else have fun doing whatever it is you do.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2011, 07:00:02 PM by BritishSword »
I'm British. I'm Sharp.  I'm Deadly.
I am BritishSword


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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #8 on: August 01, 2011, 10:44:45 AM »
Shalom Chaim, I sincerely apologize, I mispoke my question last week. I meant to ask, besides JTF, what pro-Israel and pro-Jewish organizations are worthwhile?

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #9 on: August 01, 2011, 04:56:54 PM »
Dear Chaim,
   Sorry to bother you with this triviality..I was recently bamboozled, and I'm sorry to say the guy is a Bukarian/Iranian Jew.   I purchased a condo at an auction and a man next to me said that if I put him down as my agent, he would split the commission with me. He received the commission check but couldn't cash it since he told me he put down the wrong name on the check. I asked a business associate of mine (who owns a check cashing business)to cash it, and  the commission was split. The check bounced and I felt bad for my business associate friend, and gave him the total amount of the check (My portion and the agent's).  He's telling me now, week after week, that he's going to reimburse me for the money I layed out. But he never does. Meanwhile he got his cut of the commision and not only didn't I get part of the commision, BUT I'm out $1255. Since then he bought a new Lexis and I've lost my patience. I can't tell you how furious I am. To top it off he said he was going to make a substantial contribution to JTF when I informed him of the Website, but now he says he'll get to it. The guy lives in Great Neck and he doesn't want to give me my money...

« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 06:16:14 PM by ItalianZionist »

Offline Eden Ben Yitzchak

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #10 on: August 03, 2011, 01:58:22 PM »
Dear Chaim. Shalom!
I hope you're fine. I have some questions that I would like to ask you, but before I do, I want to share something with you guys.
There's a new guy in my workplace. He's a young British Jewish fellow, and he's a radical leftwinger, he actually volunteered as a UN activist in Gaza during the last Israeli attack there... You can only imagine how we argue and how much anger and even hatred we both radiate while we talk about politics. However, he said something interesting once, when I said that Jews like him only damage Israel... He answered  "We don't self-damage, we invite others to hurt us. "
And here are my questions....
1. Did your parents support rabbi Kahane too?
2. Do you think the USA is a moral country? It is a country that spreads filth all over the planet and strongly affects other nations. We all know the the USA was founded by great, decent, moral, God fearing, Bible believing people, however, now unfortunatelly, it all changed. And it hurts me as a Jew, to see that much of the immorality is made by self hating kikes, for example,  the Jews of Holywood, the Jews involved in the US politics, and many others.
3. Do you like Muzika mizrachit? If so, who are your favorite singers?
4. Chaim, you say that we should not buy anything from countries like Austria and Germany and I partially agree with you about that. But I have a German shepherd dog - do you think it is a bad thing?

Thank you very much Chaim. God bless you and your dear ones.

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #11 on: August 04, 2011, 11:47:16 AM »
Shalom Chaim Ha Tzadik,

I know in the past you have objected modestly when I address you as "Gedol Doreinu" - but so you know, this is not flattery. It is a sentiment I share with friends and members of my family that you are our spiritual leader and the only hope for Israel and America.
Did you address or refer to HaRav Kahane (z't'l') as "Gedol Doreinu" when he was alive? Did he object to it?

What do you think of הקבינט השלום? Who are some of the most evil traitors to serve there?

What are some of your favorite Israeli films?

Please take a moment to describe the vile satan-worshiping swine, Jorge Bush Sr. It seems that the Bush family has a pathological, fanatical and hysterical obsession with Mexico, Mexicans and all things cucaracha. I remember when Jeb was running for governor and the camera panned to show his children shrieking in hysterical voices "Viva Bush! Viva Bush!" Is this Bush obesession just political opportunism or is there something deeper embedded here?

Speaking of Bush Sr, who was the most evil member of his cabinet? James "F the Jews" Baker? Were there any closeted sodomites working in the whitehouse under Bush?

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #12 on: August 04, 2011, 03:26:57 PM »
Dear chaim

1. When we become a strong movement in israel, Are we going to be doing sociological things umongst our attempts to overthrow the evil boulshavics? IF we are going to have true free market capitalism in israel, we must have the israeli jewish population understand and implement jewish values in there communitys to help eachother. It cant all be about praising materialistic things in israeli society.

2. What are we going to accomplish with the mass video campaign? When is it going to start?

3. Do you think michelle bachman is a rightous gentile?

4. When is shlomo's master plan going to be implemented?

5. Do you think that the vatican still posses alot of jewish artifacts? Do you think that the menorah depicted on king titus's arch was the same menorah from the 2nd beit hamigdash?
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 08:26:34 PM by The proud Jew »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #13 on: August 05, 2011, 01:26:39 AM »
Shalom Chaim,

Once again thank you very much for your hard work for the best cause in this world. I am very honored to be amongst such righteous people. I look forward to hearing your opinion every week and consider your every word seriously.

Now for a real challenging question...

1) Being that we have entered the 9 days before Tish B'Av is there any lesson concerning rectifying the causes which brought about the destruction of the Holy Temple? I find it a challenge at times to balance the right amount of righteous hatred against the improper desire to raise myself up and be overly judgmental. Baseless hatred is a thin line. I have always tried to explain that there is a need to be zealously hateful against things which are intrinsically wrong, first attempting to rebuke the wrongdoer in a Chesedik manner. What is your philosophy/hashkafah in this matter?

2) I don't know if you have already been asked this but I will ask anyway... In order to be able to answer these questions, and to have opinions on world events, you must read a lot of information. If you don't mind sharing with us what websites or books you read which influence or lead to your opinions?

3) I realize that you do not have any inside knowledge, nor do I suggest that you are a prophet {although sometimes you do seem like one}, but do you think that Jonathan Pollard will ever live a day of freedom again? I am very saddened to hear that his health has declined so badly and yet they are keeping him like a animal in his cage. What should make anyone angry is that the British freed the Pan Am Lockerbie bomber on 'compassionate' grounds and the scumbag just attended a pro-Quadaffi rally 2 years after being freed {they said he only had 3 months to live}...

4) Have you ever met Shifra Hoffman? She is a very vocal Rabbi Kahane advocate who occasionally has a radio spot on Tamar Yonahs show. I like to listen to her because she always peppers her talks with references to Rabbi Kahane {Ztl}. I also saw her on a video which was filmed for the Rabbis memorial in the last few years. Do you have any good words about her?

I would like once again to thank you very much for your time answering our questions. JTF has a wonderful following and we should spread the message and enlarge our membership. I have spent almost three years working with you and all the great JTF members and I must say I have enjoyed almost every moment {:)}

« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 11:58:19 PM by muman613 »
You shall make yourself the Festival of Sukkoth for seven days, when you gather in [the produce] from your threshing floor and your vat.And you shall rejoice in your Festival-you, and your son, and your daughter, and your manservant, and your maidservant, and the Levite, and the stranger, and the orphan, and the widow, who are within your cities
Duet 16:13-14

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #14 on: August 07, 2011, 12:52:16 PM »
Shalom Chaim

1) What I don't understand about this wave of Israeli protests is the lack of understanding of basic facts on their part.  They protest the high cost of housing.  Isn't that a result of success?  I am sure there is cheap housing in Gaza City or the worst parts of Sudan but who wants to live there.  Then they don't want to allow Jews to live in Judea and Samaria where housing in less expensive (not cheap from my understanding).  They seem to want Socialist answers which lead to impoverishing the nation.  Israel has been economically outperforming most of the world the last few years.  My son works at a movie theater and gets applications from PHDs and other highly educated people to work there because nothing else is available.  Do these people in Israel prefer that scenario?

2) Any thoughts on the S&P downgrade of US debt?

3) My standing request for another actual case of JTF helping Jews in Judea and Samaria.

We all need to pray for Barack Obama, may the Lord provide him a safe move back to Chicago in January 2,013.

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #15 on: August 07, 2011, 02:06:48 PM »
Dear Chaim:

Hope all is well.  Below are my comments and questions for this week.

(1)   Sometimes Hashem’s justice manifests itself in strange ways.  Take for example the so-called trial of Muslim Nazi Husni Mubarak, his sons and other police figures for firing on and calling approximately 800 Muslim Nazis.  It was interesting that Egypt would humiliate their so-called here of the Yom Kipper War by showing Mubarak on a gurney gilded in an iron sand monkey cage. My wish was to see Mubarak’s severed head in a jar of formaldehyde places on the defendant’s designated table being tried by Kahanists for crimes against Hashem.  I think all Muslim Nazi’s and their sympathizers should be subject to this pickling treatment.

(2)   Several times a week I go to an office by 42nd Street in Manhattan. I usually walk about 3 to 4 blocks from the parking to the office.  Not a day goes by that I do not see homeless smelly dirty shvartzas blocking the streets, begging for money or just passed out on the floor of the concrete jungle.  The other day, I saw a half naked shvatza creature with what appeared to be a large hernia patruding from his lower belly.  These creatures do not seem to be effected by the high temperatures.   I really don’t understand what the heck is wrong with these sub-humans.  In the jungle, monkeys ascend to the trees to take comfort from the shade afforded by the foliage.  This would seem to be a basic instinct When is it appropriate to feel bad for these creatures and when is it appropriate to view them with scorn.  Please give me your thoughts?

(3)   Who do you think is behind the so-called protests in Israel?  Is this a George Soros plot to undermine the country?
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 02:32:30 PM by Nekama »

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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #16 on: August 07, 2011, 02:33:20 PM »
Shalom Chaim and Thank you as always for your hard work and for answering my questions.

Last week you complained about the Republicans agreeing to cut defense spending, but is a single penny spent on defense worth spending when the U.S. military is wasting time,money, and lives in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya? The U.S. military fights with ridiculous rules of engagement, and endangers America by training and supplying Islamic militants in the so-called Afghan National Army, Iraqi National Army, and now Libyan Rebel Forces. In addition much of the defense budget is given out to multinational contractors such as Haliburton which has its headquarters in the UAE. Considering all this isn't it better that less money is given to the U.S. military?
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Re: Ask JTF for Sunday August 7, 2011
« Reply #17 on: August 07, 2011, 06:41:59 PM »
Shalom Chaim,

1)   Earlier today,    former New York Governor Democrat Hugh Carey passed away at 92.     I'm interested in your input on Hugh Carey as Governor and in general?

2)   On many past ' Ask JTF'  shows,  you discussed some of New York City's past Mayors.   One former Mayor I can't recall you discussing is  Democrat Abraham Beame,  who was a one term Mayor in the mid 1970's.    What's your opinion on Abe Beame?

3)   Who was the best Queens Borough President that you can recall?       

4)   Who was the worst Queens Borough President that you can recall?

Thanks as always,  eb22.
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )
