I totally agree Dr. Dan. Execute or castrate the rapists.
Seriously, let's get something straight here. Dressing modestly (women AND men) is a very good thing. It means you have respect for yourself, and that you want people to see you for who you are, rather than just a sum of body parts. There's also the benefit of not giving these sickos any ideas. So for that reason, I'm against these "slut walks."
However, I do have a problem when people say a woman is "asking for it" by dressing immodestly. In a way, it sounds like something a Muslim man would say. Remember that Imam in Australia who said immodestly dressed women bring rape on themselves? He compared them to uncovered meat swarming with flies.
There's a big difference between Western first world societies and Muslim/Third World dumps. In the latter, there are almost no limits on male sexual behavior. A man can pretty much drop his pants and get right down to business whenever the urge takes him, without repercussions, regardless of whether or not the female is willing. These are always the most backwards barbaric societies.
In America and the West, the opposite is (fortunately) true.
Now some of you might say "Well, men are visual creatures," which is true. But the difference between us and those Third World sewers is that we have some limits on male sexual behavior.
Again these harlot protesters are the biggest morons imaginable. You don't go out protesting to dress like a whore. You go out there and protest for giving rapist beasts the death penalty. I'm sorry, whether a woman dresses modestly or a little sexy doesn't stop a sick animal from wanting to rape or sexually assault a woman.
I demand giving those rapist animals the death penalty...or castration penalty...American Idol can use a few more eunuchs.