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Pack Of At Least 7 Schvartzes Attack Girl On School Bus

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Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
What race were the kangaroos, and did they accuse the little girl of making racial slurs against them?


--- Quote from: Axl Rose on January 08, 2012, 01:54:46 AM ---What race were the kangaroos, and did they accuse the little girl of making racial slurs against them?

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It was a gray kangaroo. In the video, the girl talks about how during the attack all she could see was gray, gray, gray.

Imagine if the girl attacked by the schvartzas said all she could see during the attack was black, black, black. She would be demonized.

In the video about the kangaroo, the girl's mother says that gray kangaroos in that area need to be culled because there are too many of them. I'm sure the mother of the girl attacked by [censored] might feel the same way about them.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:

--- Quote from: Rubystars on January 08, 2012, 05:44:18 AM ---It was a gray kangaroo. In the video, the girl talks about how during the attack all she could see was gray, gray, gray.

Imagine if the girl attacked by the schvartzas said all she could see during the attack was black, black, black. She would be demonized.

In the video about the kangaroo, the girl's mother says that gray kangaroos in that area need to be culled because there are too many of them. I'm sure the mother of the girl attacked by schvartzas might feel the same way about them.

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Well, they may be demonized even now by the PETA people because to these freaks no amount of human life equals the life of one animal. I can believe that the kangaroos need to be culled because the kangaroo population of Australia is prodigious. Kangaroo meat is excellent eating, too.

where does it say they are black?sorry im a abit stupid today.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
Of course it is not going to name their race...


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