Save Western Civilization > Save America
SICK Santorum and his stillborn son
Honestly Santorum makes me very uneasy... I find myself changing the channel after a few moments anytime he speaks on the TV... His political baggage is a mess and his personal baggage is not much better... I want a candidate that talks money and jobs... I am tired of hearing about abortion and condoms... This guy was run out on a rail in his own home state... I commend him for his stand on Israel however he will never be in a position to put that stand to good use... If this is what the Republicans plan to put in front of the American people in November they better start preparing the concession speeches now.
Circus Boy:
--- Quote from: Confederate Kahanist on January 09, 2012, 07:50:36 PM ---Can you give us a link to the article?
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I don't have it. You have to go to Barnes and Noble or or the library.
Karen Garver Santorum- "Letters to Gabriel" (1998)- CCC of America
--- Quote from: Circus Boy on January 09, 2012, 07:43:42 PM ---That thinking is what got you banned from Israel for life.
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That really is uncalled for... Chaim gave up years of his life to help fellow Jews... You really should retract that nasty statement.
--- Quote ---That thinking is what got you banned from Israel for life.
--- End quote ---
SPEAKING OF BANNING!!!!!!!!!! I think its about time Circus boy went back to the circus!!!
Circus Boy:
--- Quote from: Chaim Ben Pesach on January 09, 2012, 07:20:38 PM ---בס''ד
Any Jew that puts other issues ahead of Israel is a traitor.
--- End quote ---
I removed a couple of my over-the-top comments but I don't like how the word "traitor" or "malshin" is used by you so trippingly off your tongue or keyboard for somebody who has thoughts a little bit skew from yours or the upper echilon of JTF.
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