Save Western Civilization > Save America

SICK Santorum and his stillborn son

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Circus Boy:

--- Quote from: briann on January 09, 2012, 06:32:23 PM ---Does this story have a reference?  It sounds fake to me.

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Karen Garver Santorum- "Letters to Gabriel" (1998)- CCC of America-I don't have it.
I'll try to find it in the library and scan it and post it.  I wouldn't buy it.  Alan Colmes brought it up in a Fox News debate recently where he was moderator and got embarrassed immediately.  It's mentioned several places on the internet but not quoted directly.  Steve Malzberg, a personal friend of Santorum, mentioned it yesterday.

Circus Boy:

--- Quote from: Chaim Ben Pesach on January 09, 2012, 06:24:42 PM ---בס''ד

So even if he's good on Israel, you wouldn't support him because of some other issue? Are you Jewish?

--- End quote ---
I am 100% Jewish but many of the candidates are acceptable on Israel and Jewish issues but if they have baggage on domestic and personal issues that I find difficult, that is a strike against them. I am not a Johhny one-note about Israel-that is- if they are good on Israel, they are immediately the one I will vote for. I am an American.  I am not a hyphenated American.

Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks:
This sounds made-up but if it is true, I don't see what is wrong in what he did.

Chaim Ben Pesach:

--- Quote from: Circus Boy on January 09, 2012, 06:47:52 PM ---I am 100% Jewish but many of the candidates are acceptable on Israel and Jewish issues but if they have baggage on domestic and personal issues that I find difficult, that is a strike against them. I am not a Johhny one-note about Israel-that is- if they are good on Israel, they are immediately the one I will vote for. I am an American.  I am not a hyphenated American.

--- End quote ---


Any Jew that puts other issues ahead of Israel is a traitor.

Confederate Kahanist:
Can you give us a link to the article?


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