I'm not necessarily against big business itself but so many large corporations, including those who make products that many people use on a daily basis, are corrupt in many ways. I think it's frustrating that this is the case because sometimes a big corporation like Microsoft for example is needed for better innovation. They tend to promote a left wing agenda. Bill Gates has even talked about things like population control which is kind of scary if you think about it. When liberals talk about population control they usually mean at the very least abortion and I think he was referring to more than that. He's a very brilliant person but using his G-d-given mind for the purposes of evil.
Look at the Google "doodles". The potential is there to reach a vast audience with a good message, but instead it always pushes a communist/globalist/liberal agenda.
It's an internal conflict when I want to listen to a lot of the music I used to listen to when I was a teen too because now that I'm more politically educated I can see the communist or occultist or disgusting elements hidden within the lyrics of many of the songs that I didn't recognize when I was younger.
Also movies and tv shows that I enjoyed also had a leftist and/or occultist agenda they were pushing. Even relatively innocent movies seem to be pushing those things. I've educated myself on some of the symbolism used by masons and witches and I see a lot of that in tv shows and movies that I didn't used to even recognize were there.
Great example being the movie "The Dark Crystal" which on the surface seems to be an adventure sort of movie that while I enjoyed it a lot also has a LOT of occult symbolism in it, unecessarily. There's even a part where one of the characters (Aughra) takes a triangle shaped thing and puts it over her eye. There is also the false teaching that good and evil are two sides of the same coin embedded into the movie's theme. Why did all these subliminal messages need to be placed in a kid's movie in the 80s or at any other time?
So in general I don't trust big companies, movie makers, music producers, etc. because they all seem to be pushing an agenda that isn't good.