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Bilderberg and the Corporate Media, part 1
« on: June 24, 2007, 04:38:55 PM »

Hello Truth Seeker, and good day to you.

I've issued a temporary ban on your posting privileges, and have merged your threads here.   While JTF invites discussion on all issues including the NWO, and the threat of multi-national corporations, your flooding of this board with varying conspiracy theories seems more like an attempt to push your ideas onto us rather than an invitation for an exchange and discussion.   

You can still view this board, and you will be allowed to post again in a week.   Please use better judgment if you decide to stay.

With kindest regards until Shiloh comes,
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 06:30:46 PM by Until Shiloh Comes »


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Bilderberg and the Corporate Media, part 1
« Reply #1 on: June 24, 2007, 04:39:55 PM »
Enviro Mentalists Call For Culling Of Human Population
Push for Malthusian social control policies in name of curbing carbon emissions
Steve Watson
Prison Planet
Monday, May 7, 2007

A disturbing move is afoot by several "green" groups to associate climate change with over population and suggest that the solution is to implement depopulation policies and punishments for those who flout them.

The London Times reports today that a report to be published by green think tank the Optimum Population Trust says that children are 'bad for planet and 'having large families should be frowned upon as an environmental misdemeanour in the same way as frequent long-haul flights, driving a big car and failing to reuse plastic bags.

The paper will say that if couples had two children instead of three they could cut their family's carbon dioxide output by the equivalent of 620 return flights a year between London and New York.
John Guillebaud, co-chairman of OPT and emeritus professor of family planning at University College London, said: "The effect on the planet of having one child less is an order of magnitude greater than all these other things we might do, such as switching off lights.

In related news Paul Watson (no relation), founder and president of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society and famous for militant intervention to stop whalers, now warns mankind is “acting like a virus” and is harming Mother Earth, reports Business & Media Institute.

Watson’s May 4 editorial asked the question “The Beginning of the End for Life as We Know it on Planet Earth?” Then he left no doubt about the answer. “We are killing our host the planet Earth,” he claimed and called for a population drop to less than 1 billion.

Watson's eco-extremist stance mirrors that of other Malthusian scientists such as Dr. Eric R. Pianka who gave a speech to the Texas Academy of Science who last year gave a speech in which he advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the population through the airborne ebola virus.

Standing in front of a slide of human skulls, Pianka gleefully advocated airborne ebola as his preferred method of exterminating the necessary 90% of humans, choosing it over AIDS because of its faster kill period. Ebola victims suffer the most tortuous deaths imaginable as the virus kills by liquefying the internal organs. The body literally dissolves as the victim writhes in pain bleeding from every orifice.

Pianka also stated that China's one child policy and its accompanying police state was the perfect model for the rest of the world to follow.

Such chilling comments, and their enthusiastic reception underscore a long term agenda to enact horrifying measures of population control.

The Internet leader in activist media - Prison Watch the 80 minute video in which LBJ's former mistress, Madeleine Duncan Brown, exposes Johnson's role in formulating the plot to kill JFK. Click here to subscribe.

We have previously documented the elite's hideous interest in depopulation techniques, an interest that mirrors the nightmare eugenics visions of Nazi scientists in the 1940s.

Pianka even went as far as suggesting that we should begin to sterilize the human population now, a call that has previously been put forward by Henry Kissinger in a declassified document of the National Security Council (1974) entitled "The Implications of World-wide Population Growth on the Security and External Interests of the United States".

This document lists as a priority birth-rate control in 13 key countries in the Third World, especially in South America. Extraordinary resources were allotted to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to implement the policy of birth-rate control.

It also contains sections entitled:

Creating Conditions Conducive to Fertility Decline, which calls for, amongst other things, "reducing infant and child mortality"

Concentration on Education and Indoctrination of The Rising Generation of Children Regarding the Desirability of Smaller Family Size

Utilization of Mass Media and Satellite Communications Systems for Family Planning

The memorandum also includes a section that lauds abortion and states that " -- It would be unwise to restrict abortion research for the following reasons: 1) The persistent and ubiquitous nature of abortion. 2) Widespread lack of safe abortion techniques..."

The memorandum basically stresses the need to offer increased aid for third world countries that agree to implement programs of sterilization and depopulation.


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« Reply #2 on: June 24, 2007, 04:40:51 PM »
Home | People | Media | Register | Contact Us Home | People | Media | Register | Contact Us Pay Monsanto, or Starve March 2, 2007 · Filed under Agriculture & Food, Environment & Wildlife, Industry by Craig Mackintosh

Many have yet to comprehend the implications of this continuing business trend to grow, merge, centralise and consolidate. I hope the following will help. If these companies are to continue their takeovers, and rule our planet - then shouldn’t we consider what it will be like in their servitude? Depending on what part of the world we live, many of us get to vote our governments into office. The choices offered might not be ideal, but at least there’s a semblance of democracy. But, certain enormous corporations are gaining the power of governments - even over governments - and I haven’t seen the ballot slip.

Imagine yourself as a farmer. I know it’s not easy, since few do it anymore, but give it a shot. Picture yourself as a seasoned farmer on the Canadian prairies. You’ve been working your farm for fifty years, with your wife working at your side. Despite the vicissitudes of life, and heavy pressure from ever-enlarging mechanised farms around you, you’re still there.

Then, one day, you find a large seed and chemical company has filed suit against you - because they’ve found their genetically engineered plants on your land. Firstly, you’re wondering how representatives of this company came to be sniffing around on your land without your knowledge or permission, and secondly, you’re perplexed because you’ve never bought the seed they accuse you of using. In fact, you’ve deliberately avoided using such seed, and have survived competition by saving your own, developing improved strains through the age-old process of natural plant breeding.

Furthermore, despite their genetically modified seed having contaminated your own natural crop - an irreversible action with major long term biological and financial implications for you and any farms around you - you find the courts are only interested in protecting the rights of the ‘copyright holder’ of the seed, even while acknowledging that the seed may have blown in from neighbouring fields or passing trucks.

It turns out that it doesn’t matter how the seed got onto your property, or whether or not you knew it was there. It’s on your land, so you have to pay.

“Whether Mr. Schmeiser knew of the matter or not matters not at all,” said Roger Hughes, a Monsanto attorney quoted by The Western Producer, a Canadian agriculture magazine…. “It was a very frightening thing, because they said it does not matter how it gets into a farmer’s field; it’s their property,” Schmeiser said, in an interview with Agweek. “If it gets in by wind or cross-pollination, that doesn’t matter.” -

Infuriated yet?

Percy Schmeiser receives the
Mahatma Gandhi Award in
recognition of working for
the betterment and good of
mankind in a non-violent way
Most farmers are too busy with the day to day task of trying to run their farms, so risking bankruptcy - losing everything they’ve worked for - by taking on a powerful corporate giant in court is a decision most don’t dare to make. But, you decide that you’re not going to take this lying down. You endeavour to not only defend yourself against their suit, but counter-sue for contaminating your fields. Even though you and your wife are on the verge of retirement, and could just roll over on this, you risk all and battle the giant in court.

That’s the story of Percy Schmeiser. You can read about it here, and more info here. Percy didn’t lose the farm, but the court results to date are far from ideal.

Is it just me, or is there a seriously backward legal perspective here - I mean, if I throw a rock through your window, and then file suit against you for keeping it, you’d think I’m barmy, yes? But no, industry influence has somehow skewed legal thinking into a wonderland that even Alice wouldn’t visit. Shouldn’t the corporation be fined for not keeping their genetically modified seeds within their own borders, and shouldn’t the farmer be compensated for the loss of purity of his non-GM crops?

If we continue to follow this way of thinking, where will this end? And where, where, where is the concern about the inability of GM farmers to contain these seeds? Ecological issues aside, as alarming as they are, these seeds that are blowing all over the place are making the whole world a potential ‘captive market’ for the seed companies. Pollen and seeds are uncontrollable, and at the moment the ‘lucky recipient’ must surrender to the demands of the company - essentially becoming a legally obliged subscriber to a service they not only never asked for, but that operates on a biological and economic philosophy they may wholly reject.

The central issue here, is this ability for a company to patent life. A small genetic change to an organism can enable an organisation to seek intellectual copyright, and charge technology fees and other costs for its use. With life forms, unlike a widget on a conveyor belt, the ‘product’ is self perpetuating (unless that ‘feature’ has been removed by the company - a whole other problem on its own). This effectively means, if unchecked, organisations that megalomaniacally tinker with the building blocks of life (seeds, or otherwise), can take control of everything that makes this planet tick.

The story above, as infuriating as it might be, is nothing compared to the behind-closed-doors activities in developing nations. Here is just one of many examples:

As part of sweeping “economic restructuring” implemented by the Bush Administration in Iraq, Iraqi farmers will no longer be permitted to save their seeds. Instead, they will be forced to buy seeds from US corporations — which can include seeds the Iraqis themselves developed over hundreds of years. That is because in recent years, transnational corporations have patented and now own many seed varieties originated or developed by indigenous peoples. In a short time, Iraq will be living under the new American credo: Pay Monsanto, or starve.

… A new report by GRAIN and Focus on the Global South has found that new legislation in Iraq has been carefully put in place by the US that prevents farmers from saving their seeds and effectively hands over the seed market to transnational corporations. This is a disastrous turn of events for Iraqi farmers, biodiversity and the country’s food security. While political sovereignty remains an illusion, food sovereignty for the Iraqi people has been made near impossible by these new regulations.

“The US has been imposing patents on life around the world through trade deals. In this case, they invaded the country first, then imposed their patents. This is both immoral and unacceptable”, said Shalini Bhutani, one of the report’s authors. - Vegsource (see also)

This is a process where a few men, under the protection of laws of incorporation, transform themselves into gods. These kind of rulers we can do without. Please, say “YES!” to full-disclosure labelling, “NO!” to genetically modified organisms, and “NO!” to patents on life.
March 2, 2007 · Filed under Agriculture & Food, Environment & Wildlife, Industry by Craig Mackintosh

Many have yet to comprehend the implications of this continuing business trend to grow, merge, centralise and consolidate. I hope the following will help. If these companies are to continue their takeovers, and rule our planet - then shouldn’t we consider what it will be like in their servitude? Depending on what part of the world we live, many of us get to vote our governments into office. The choices offered might not be ideal, but at least there’s a semblance of democracy. But, certain enormous corporations are gaining the power of governments - even over governments - and I haven’t seen the ballot slip.

Imagine yourself as a farmer. I know it’s not easy, since few do it anymore, but give it a shot. Picture yourself as a seasoned farmer on the Canadian prairies. You’ve been working your farm for fifty years, with your wife working at your side. Despite the vicissitudes of life, and heavy pressure from ever-enlarging mechanised farms around you, you’re still there.

Then, one day, you find a large seed and chemical company has filed suit against you - because they’ve found their genetically engineered plants on your land. Firstly, you’re wondering how representatives of this company came to be sniffing around on your land without your knowledge or permission, and secondly, you’re perplexed because you’ve never bought the seed they accuse you of using. In fact, you’ve deliberately avoided using such seed, and have survived competition by saving your own, developing improved strains through the age-old process of natural plant breeding.

Furthermore, despite their genetically modified seed having contaminated your own natural crop - an irreversible action with major long term biological and financial implications for you and any farms around you - you find the courts are only interested in protecting the rights of the ‘copyright holder’ of the seed, even while acknowledging that the seed may have blown in from neighbouring fields or passing trucks.

It turns out that it doesn’t matter how the seed got onto your property, or whether or not you knew it was there. It’s on your land, so you have to pay.

“Whether Mr. Schmeiser knew of the matter or not matters not at all,” said Roger Hughes, a Monsanto attorney quoted by The Western Producer, a Canadian agriculture magazine…. “It was a very frightening thing, because they said it does not matter how it gets into a farmer’s field; it’s their property,” Schmeiser said, in an interview with Agweek. “If it gets in by wind or cross-pollination, that doesn’t matter.” -

Infuriated yet?

Percy Schmeiser receives the
Mahatma Gandhi Award in
recognition of working for
the betterment and good of
mankind in a non-violent way
Most farmers are too busy with the day to day task of trying to run their farms, so risking bankruptcy - losing everything they’ve worked for - by taking on a powerful corporate giant in court is a decision most don’t dare to make. But, you decide that you’re not going to take this lying down. You endeavour to not only defend yourself against their suit, but counter-sue for contaminating your fields. Even though you and your wife are on the verge of retirement, and could just roll over on this, you risk all and battle the giant in court.

That’s the story of Percy Schmeiser. You can read about it here, and more info here. Percy didn’t lose the farm, but the court results to date are far from ideal.

Is it just me, or is there a seriously backward legal perspective here - I mean, if I throw a rock through your window, and then file suit against you for keeping it, you’d think I’m barmy, yes? But no, industry influence has somehow skewed legal thinking into a wonderland that even Alice wouldn’t visit. Shouldn’t the corporation be fined for not keeping their genetically modified seeds within their own borders, and shouldn’t the farmer be compensated for the loss of purity of his non-GM crops?

If we continue to follow this way of thinking, where will this end? And where, where, where is the concern about the inability of GM farmers to contain these seeds? Ecological issues aside, as alarming as they are, these seeds that are blowing all over the place are making the whole world a potential ‘captive market’ for the seed companies. Pollen and seeds are uncontrollable, and at the moment the ‘lucky recipient’ must surrender to the demands of the company - essentially becoming a legally obliged subscriber to a service they not only never asked for, but that operates on a biological and economic philosophy they may wholly reject.

The central issue here, is this ability for a company to patent life. A small genetic change to an organism can enable an organisation to seek intellectual copyright, and charge technology fees and other costs for its use. With life forms, unlike a widget on a conveyor belt, the ‘product’ is self perpetuating (unless that ‘feature’ has been removed by the company - a whole other problem on its own). This effectively means, if unchecked, organisations that megalomaniacally tinker with the building blocks of life (seeds, or otherwise), can take control of everything that makes this planet tick.

The story above, as infuriating as it might be, is nothing compared to the behind-closed-doors activities in developing nations. Here is just one of many examples:

As part of sweeping “economic restructuring” implemented by the Bush Administration in Iraq, Iraqi farmers will no longer be permitted to save their seeds. Instead, they will be forced to buy seeds from US corporations — which can include seeds the Iraqis themselves developed over hundreds of years. That is because in recent years, transnational corporations have patented and now own many seed varieties originated or developed by indigenous peoples. In a short time, Iraq will be living under the new American credo: Pay Monsanto, or starve.

… A new report by GRAIN and Focus on the Global South has found that new legislation in Iraq has been carefully put in place by the US that prevents farmers from saving their seeds and effectively hands over the seed market to transnational corporations. This is a disastrous turn of events for Iraqi farmers, biodiversity and the country’s food security. While political sovereignty remains an illusion, food sovereignty for the Iraqi people has been made near impossible by these new regulations.

“The US has been imposing patents on life around the world through trade deals. In this case, they invaded the country first, then imposed their patents. This is both immoral and unacceptable”, said Shalini Bhutani, one of the report’s authors. - Vegsource (see also)

This is a process where a few men, under the protection of laws of incorporation, transform themselves into gods. These kind of rulers we can do without. Please, say “YES!” to full-disclosure labelling, “NO!” to genetically modified organisms, and “NO!” to patents on life.



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Bilderberg and the Corporate Media, part 1
« Reply #4 on: June 24, 2007, 04:43:35 PM »
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Sri Lanka, Mossad, the CIA, drugs and arms dealers.,,2089-1734217,00.html

Sri Lankan foreign minister Lakshman Kadirgamar, a Tamil Christian, was bringing peace to Sri Lanka.

This was bad news for the arms dealers.

On 12 August 2005, Lakshman Kadirgamar was shot dead as he climbed out of the swimming pool at his luxury home.

SP Thamilselvan, leader of the Tamil Tigers’ political wing, denied that the Tigers were involved. He suggested that elements of the majority Sinhalese might be responsible. “We know there are sections within the Sri Lankan armed forces operating with a hidden agenda to sabotage the ceasefire,” he said.

Arms dealers? Sri Lanka's arms dealers, 'a shadowy bunch of politicians, servicemen, bureaucrats and their relatives and friends, who conclude multi-million-dollar deals nearly every day pocketing hefty commissions' are the beneficiaries of trouble in Sri lanka.


According to Larouche:

"In the early 1970s, the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) began establishing training camps and secret arms caches under the cover of a chain of Refugee and Rehabilitation Farms of the Gandhian Society.

"Funds for the farms came from Oxfam (Oxford Famine Relief), one of the most powerful and secretive British intelligence organizations acting under non-governmental organization cover...

"John Glover, a British feature writer, wrote to the Western Mail in Wales about the ongoing and future training programs for Tamil youth by British mercenaries.

"A band of mercenary soldiers recruited in South Wales is training a Tamil army to fight for a separate state in Sri Lanka. About 20 mercenaries were signed up after a meeting in Cardiff and have spent the last two months in southern India preparing a secret army to fight the majority Sinhalas, in the cause of a separate Tamil state in Sri Lanka," he said...

"According to accounts by retired officials of the Israeli secret service, the Mossad, the Israelis were simultaneously training the Sri Lanka Army and the Tigers, and providing arms to each.

"Victor Ostrovsky, author of By Way of Deception, told Indian Abroad news service in 1991 that the Tigers were trained in Israel in 1985. "These groups kept coming and going. It was part of our routine job to take them to training camps and make sure that they were getting training worth what they paid for, not more and not less." The groups paid in cash.

"Ostrovsky said that the arrangement for the training was made by the Mossad liaison in India, who lived there under a British passport.

"A December 1983 Sunday Mail article reported that the Mossad was arming and training the Tigers, as well as the Sri Lankan Armed Forces.
"The British Special Air Services (SAS) firm Keenie Meenie Services, was simultaneously training the Sri Lankan Army and the LTTE...

The LTTE is reported to be involved in trafficking heroin...

"According to intelligence reports, most of the arms used by the LTTE are purchased from Singapore, India, Afghanistan, and the Mideast.

"In 1987, the Hindustan Times reported that large quantities of arms with Pakistani and Israeli markings were seized by the Indian Peacekeeping Force in Jaffna from the LTTE.

"In 1989, according to a Sri Lankan government secretary, the LTTE was receiving armaments directly from the Sri Lankan government of President Ranasinghe Premadasa, who wanted to force the expulsion of the Indian Peacekeeping Force from Sri Lanka, and who was also using the LTTE to wipe out the JVP (People's Liberation Front) Sinhala insurgency...

"The LTTE reportedly has bought Russian-made Strela anti-aircraft missiles from Belgian arms dealers."


Rajiv Gandhi, Prime Minister of India, was killed in 1991 by the Sri Lankan Tamil Tigers -Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam

Justice Jain's final investigated the conspiracy to assassinate Gandhi.

He came across evidence that one suspect known as Chandraswami had links with the CIA and Mossad, and through them with the LTTE.

Justice Jain 'seems convinced' that Chandraswami was involved.

According to Asia Times:

Justice Jain 'has linked Chandraswami with the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) in which arms dealer Adnan Kashoggi, several terrorist groups, and intelligence outfits like the CIA and Mossad had accounts.

'The money in it was used for terrorist operations and political assassinations. The report is quoted as saying that $4 million of Mr Kashoggi's money was transferred to the LTTE's accounts. Justice Jain had said this on the basis of a 130-page document prepared by US Senator John Kiri.

'The commission quotes evidence of former cabinet secretary Zafar Saiffullah who said Chandraswami had links with Mossad and the CIA, and that the government had received intercepts of wireless communication between Israel (where Mossad is based) and Jaffna (where the LTTE was operating till recently) which established Chandraswami's involvement...

'Money transactions in Chandraswami's name and his links with international arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi and the now defunct Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI) have made the commission point an accusing finger...'


Quote from a review by Sachi Sri Kantha of "By Way of Deception; The Making and Unmaking of a Mossad Officer", the famous book on the inner secrets of the Mossad by Victor Ostrovsky and Claire Hoy:"Ostrovski's disclosures on the deals made by the military and political power-brokers of the ruling UNP and the Mossad had been published in excerpts in the Tamil Nation of Oct.15, 1990.

"What shocked the Sinhalese ruling establishment and the journalists (including the editor of Lanka Guardian, Mervyn de Silva) was the revelation of Ostrovski that Mossad had trained the Sinhalese military personnel and 'a group of Tamil guerrilla factions' simultaneously....[/b]

"Oh, and here's the good part. Israel trained the Sri Lankan resistance in the mid 1980's. The very first Tamil Tiger suicide attack was on July 5, 1987.

"Obviously influenced by the success of the Tamil Tigers, and prompted by the Israeli state terrorism against the Palestinian people, the Palestinians started using suicide bombers in the 1990's.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

"Is it just possible that the technique of suicide bombing - now of course migrated to such places as New York, Iraq, and London - is the ultimate example of 'blowback', as it was taught to the Sri Lankans in the mid 1980's by the Israelis, who ended up on the wrong side of it when the Palestinians picked it up in 1993, and used it particularly from 2000 on.

"Where would the Israelis have learned of its success? From Lebanon in the 1980's. The technique was first used in Lebanon in December 1981 by the Islamic Dawa Party (the current Prime Minister of Iraq is a member of this party!).....

"If Israel learned of the tactical success of the technique by studying Hezbollah's use of it in Lebanon, and passed it on to the Sri Lankans in the mid-1980's - possibly just to cause enough conflict in Sri Lanka to generate more business training the Sri Lankan army at expensive rates! - it would be very ironic if the Palestinians took it up as the only alternative open to them at a time when the similarly powerless Tamils were using it to great success in Sri Lanka. The example of the Palestinians has led to the technique being used everywhere...."   

There is nothing more important for you at this time than to seek higher than you have done to date. We must be uncompromising and unconditionally consecrated to the Truth -.....EXPANDED AWARENESS


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« Reply #5 on: June 24, 2007, 04:44:16 PM »
Globalists Love Global Warming
Trilateral Commission, chairman of British Petroleum, CFR, Club of Rome fan hysteria to achieve world government
Planet Prison

A common charge leveled against those who question the official orthodoxy of the global warming religion is that they are acting as stooges for the western establishment and big business interests. If this is the case, then why do the high priests of the elite and kingpin oil men continue to fan the flames of global warming hysteria?

The Trilateral Commission, one of the three pillars of the New World Order in alliance with Bilderberg and the CFR, met last week in near secrecy to formulate policy on how best they could exploit global warming fearmongering to ratchet up taxes and control over how westerners live their lives.

At the confab, European Chairman of the Trilateral Commission, Bilderberger and chairman of British Petroleum Peter Sutherland (pictured top), gave a speech to his elitist cohorts in which he issued a "Universal battle cry arose for the world to address “global warming” with a single voice."

Echoing this sentiment was General Lord Guthrie, director of N.M. Rothschild & Sons, member of the House of Lords and former chief of the Defense Staff in London, who urged the Trilateral power-brokers to "Address the global climate crisis with a single voice, and impose rules that apply worldwide."

Allegations that skeptics of the man-made explanation behind global warming are somehow doing the bidding of the elite are laughable in the face of the fact that Rothschild operatives and the very chairman of British Petroleum are the ones orchestrating an elitist plan to push global warming fears in order to achieve political objectives.

We have a similar situation to the Peak Oil scam, which was created by the oil industry as a profit boon to promote artificial scarcity, and yet is parroted by environmentalists who grandstand as if they are in opposition to the oil companies.

In his excellent article, Global warming hysteria serves as excuse for world government, Daniel Taylor outlines how the exploitation of the natural phenomenon of "global warming" was a pet project of the Club of Rome and the CFR.

"In a report titled "The First Global Revolution" (1991) published by the Club of Rome, a globalist think tank, we find the following statement: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill.... All these dangers are caused by human intervention... The real enemy, then, is humanity itself."
"Richard Haass, the current president of the Council on Foreign Relations, stated in his article "State sovereignty must be altered in globalized era," that a system of world government must be created and sovereignty eliminated in order to fight global warming, as well as terrorism. "Moreover, states must be prepared to cede some sovereignty to world bodies if the international system is to function," says Haass. "Globalization thus implies that sovereignty is not only becoming weaker in reality, but that it needs to become weaker. States would be wise to weaken sovereignty in order to protect themselves..."

Taylor also points out future British Prime Minister Gordon Brown's admonishment that only a "new world order" (world government) can help fight global warming.

Other attendees at the recent Trilateral meeting raised the specter of climate change as a tool to force through tax hikes.

Calling on the United States government to adopt a "carbon monoxide control policy," former CIA boss and long term champion of creating a domestic intelligence agency to spy on Americans John Deutch, argued that America should impose a $1-pergallon increase in the gasoline tax under the pretext of fighting pollution.

The lapdog media have proven adept in the past at taking their orders from the elitists in pushing higher taxes in the name of saving the environment.

"When the TC called on the United States to increase gas taxes by 10 cents at a meeting in Tokyo in 1991, The Washington Post, which is always represented at TC and Bilderberg meetings, called for such an increase in an editorial the following day," reports Jim Tucker.

Tucker writes that an essential means of achieving global government by consent over conquest, as has long been the ultimate goal of the elite, is by "fanning public hysteria" over climate change, encouraging further integration by forcing countries to adhere to international law on global warming. Such restrictions have prevented the development of third world nations and directly contributed to poverty, disease and squalor by essentially keeping them at a stone age level of progress, as is documented in The Great Global Warming Swindle documentary.

People who still trust the platitudes of politicians and elitists who implore us to change our way of life, cough up more tax money, and get on board with the global warming religion save being linked with Holocaust denial, are as deluded and enslaved as the tribes of Mesoamerica who, unaware of the natural phenomenon of a solar eclipse, thought their high priests could make the sky snake eat the Sun, and therefore obeyed their every demand.

Globalists love global warming! Oil industry kingpins, Bilderbergers and Rothschild minions have all put their weight behind it. This is a fraud conceived, nurtured and promulgated by elite, and to castigate individuals for merely questioning the motives behind climate change fearmongering by accusing them of being mouthpieces for the establishment is a complete reversal of the truth.

There is nothing more important for you at this time than to seek higher than you have done to date. We must be uncompromising and unconditionally consecrated to the Truth -...EXPANDED AWARENESS


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« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2007, 04:45:20 PM »
The War On Consciousness
By Paul Levy –

We are truly in a war. It is not the war we imagine we are in, which is the way our true adversaries want it. It is not a foreign war against a foreign enemy. It is a war on consciousness, a war on our own minds. The global war on terror that is being fought around the world is an embodied reflection in the material world of a deeper, more fundamental war that is going on in the realm of consciousness itself.

We have the most criminal regime in all of our history wreaking unspeakable horror on the entire planet, while simultaneously waging war on the consciousness of its own citizens - Us. If we aren't aware of this, we are unwittingly playing into, supporting and complicit in the evil that is being perpetrated in our name.

A government's war on the consciousness of its own citizens is by no means unique to the Bush administration. Abusing power over others so as to limit their freedom is an archetypal process that has been endlessly re-enacted by governments throughout history in various forms. With the Bush administration, however, the pathological aspect of this process has become so exaggerated and amped up to such a degree that it is just about impossible not to notice its staggering malignancy. With the Bush administration, the underlying evil that has played out in our government over many years is becoming overwhelmingly obvious for all to see. With the Bush administration, the underlying evil that informs systems of government that are based on "power over" instead of "liberty for" is coming out from hiding in the shadows. Instead of being acted out underground, our government is acting out this evil above ground, in plain sight for all who are courageous enough to look.

Impeaching Bush and Co. ultimately won't change anything unless we deal with the corrupt powers which control and direct them. George Bush is just a finger-puppet of the hidden hand which animates him. Bush only has apparent power, as he himself is a minion of far more powerful predator-like forces whose nefarious interests he serves. Whether we call it the illuminati, the global elite, a shadow government, or a secret cabal, there is no doubt that there are darker, self-serving forces that have insinuated themselves into and taken over our government.

The terrorists that we should be worried about are domestic terrorists who are actually implementing their agendas from deep within our very system of government itself.

The United States Government itself has become a "front" for the underlying military-industrial-financial crime syndicate that animates it. This is not to say that there aren't many good, well-meaning people in our government – they are simply prohibited by the very nature of the corrupt system they are in from reforming it. Our system of government is rigged in such a way so that there is no way to transform the system within the system itself.

The underlying core of our government has become rotten such that the entire operation simply feeds into and is an expression of the same underlying corruption. All of the scandals continually coming out are like the superficial skin rash of a much deeper systemic disease, like a cancer that is infecting the greater body politic. Citizens who are not aware of our government's insidious intrusions into our lives are unwittingly feeding the corruption they are looking away from in their very act of looking away.

The "powers" that have taken over our government have become concentrated and centralized in just a few elite hands, proving how easy it is for the few to control the many. They almost control all the levers of power: financial, political and judicial. In this war on consciousness, these powers-that-be are using the most advanced mind-control technology that our world has ever known to make its takeover complete.

The essence of mind-control is information control, which is one thing our overly secretive current administration is very good at.


The private interests that control our government have an incredible mind-control/propaganda machine at their disposal in the form of the mainstream media, which if not quite fully owned and controlled, is certainly under their "influence" enough to serve their underlying self-serving agenda. George Orwell once said that omission is the greatest form of lie – this perfectly describes the corporate owned media of today which is nothing other than the propaganda organ of the state. The corporate world and our government are becoming indistinguishable, which is one of the hallmarks of fascism, or more accurately – corporatism.

In addition to information, our government is adept at putting out dis-information, whose intention is to create distractions and confusion so as to cover its tracks and hide its true intentions. It will purposely leak stories that are not true simply to cover-up what it is really doing. By putting out misleading information, the government hides behind its self-generated smokescreen like an octopus squirting ink.

Quite often, right at the moment when people's focus is moving towards some area of criminality in the White House, the administration will even create a diversionary event for the public to put their attention on. Memories of those color-coded terror alerts that always seemed to happen right when something bad was starting to happen for the Bush administration come to mind. In creating distractions, our government is able to steer our collective attention in directions that allow it to successfully accomplish its malevolent goal of grabbing all the power it can get.

In a diabolical ploy, the administration will even feed stories to a compliant press, and then reference these stories as justification for enacting its pre-planned agenda. One glaring example is when the administration fed Judith Miller of the New York Times stories about Iraq's weapons of mass destruction. Once this propaganda appeared on the front page of the Times, the administration was only too happy to use it as evidence for why we should go to war.

WMD could easily stand for "Weapons of Mind Deception", as our own government is continually trying to "Deceive" our "Minds", which is the battlefield in which the war on consciousness is being fought. We are all on the front lines in the war on consciousness, whether we know it or not.

Instead of shooting us, our government is using cutting-edge mind-control technology to psychically emasculate us. In order to be able to deal with the evil that the Bush regime is perpetrating, we first have to become acquainted with that very same potential evil in ourselves so as to be able to recognize it in the outside world. The way to vanquish our adversary is to be found hidden within the very nature of our own awareness, which contains the key to its own freedom.

The corporate-mainstream media "captivates" our attention, capturing a part of our self-reflective, discriminative awareness, thereby restricting the range of our conscious awareness, which is what hypnotism is all about.

Once the attention of the masses becomes entranced, the corporate/government media can then "play with" our mind. This unholy trinity of corporate/government/media can create an obsessive fixation on certain superficial events that "seize" the collective psyche. For example, it feeds the masses sensationalized stories such as Anna Nicole Smith ad nauseam so as to divert our attention from the evil that is being done behind the scenes in our name.

Ex-CIA director Allen Dulles used to say that the most effective way to disguise a secret is to pretend to openly share information. The Bush administration isn't interested in solving problems as much as creating good PR (Public Relations) for itself. With one hand the Bush administration will try to appear like it is openly sharing information and being transparent, while with its other hand it will be actively obstructing the very process it is seemingly supporting. A vivid example is the government's 9/11 commission, whose aim was allegedly to shed light on what happened on 9/11, while covertly – behind the scenes – the Bush administration was doing everything it could to hinder the commission's inquiries (see, for example, 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions, by David Ray Griffin). All one has to do is investigate the numerous ties to the core cabal of the neocon Bush administration that the members of the 9/11 commission have and the degree to which it was a deliberate operation to obscure the truth becomes apparent. It was as if the White House was investigating itself; the foxes truly guarding the henhouse. The 9/11 commission and its report, just like the Warren Commission and its report on the Kennedy assassination, was a façade, a show, a display in which it appeared like our government was giving us what we wanted, while actually being part of a deceptive game of smoke-and-mirrors. It is like a magician has hypnotized us, and is stealing what's in our pockets while they have us under their trance in which we believe they are serving us.

As if by a perverse Jedi mind-trick, the Bush administration has bewitched us into believing that it controls the national dialogue, when in a democracy the opposite is actually true. One of many examples – when confronted with overwhelming evidence that we have been torturing our adversaries, Bush responds by saying he "rejects" that claim, and the conversation stops right there and moves on to other, more superficial topics. Our government is supposed to represent us, which is to say that they are our employees. Bush has turned this around and put himself in the role of the dictator with us as his subjects.

And somehow we have allowed him to get away with this. There is no escaping our individual and collective complicity in this sad state of affairs.

One difference between what is happening in our country and the state-controlled media of the old Soviet Union, is that in the Soviet Union, most people were quite aware that what was being presented to them by their corrupt government as news was nothing but mind-warping propaganda.

Many Americans have fallen so under the spell of the Bush regime's criminal lies that they don't even know they are being lied to. It is like we are living in a land of state-controlled zombies who think they are free citizens of a free country.

It is as if millions of our fellow citizens have fallen asleep, as if they have become hypnotized and brainwashed by the powers-that-be's incessant "managing" and "massaging" of reality. These powers simply manipulate an already gullible and highly suggestible public into a game of "divide and conquer." They get rich off of other's blood - they incite conflict, and covertly support both sides, as they themselves reap the benefit of the conflict.

The corporate war machine, which is co-dependently entangled with our government, profits wildly from our invading other sovereign countries. The government-military-industrial complex's solution to the very problem that they created by instigating wars – more war! It's completely sick and totally insane. And we, in our dulled denial – like hypnotized sheep - simply go along and allow the whole parasitic enterprise to be fed by offering our sons and daughters as fodder. To the extent that we are not shedding light on the utter criminality and insanity of what the Bush administration is doing and saying "No," we are all complicit in feeding our own genocide.

Bush and our Congressional leaders are mouthpieces for the advertising campaign of distortion and falsehood that is being "bomb-arded" into our psyches on a daily basis. Our "leaders" repetitive slogans and incantations brand and imprint themselves deep into our unconscious, where many who do not have enough psychic resistance fall under the spell. (please see Chapter 8 – "Breaking Bush's Spell", in my book The Madness of George W. Bush: A Reflection of our Collective Psychosis).

People's ability to discern truth from fiction has been rendered inoperative by our own government's pattern of routinely taking liberty with the truth. Government propaganda has inverted the perception of what is actually happening, as lies are presented as truths, and up is portrayed as down in a truly Orwellian universe of confounding doublespeak. Through the "Big Lie" – which is based on that the bigger the lie, the harder it is for people to see the truth - the government has transformed myth in to seeming fact, and has achieved its goal of muddling our minds so as to dis-empower us.

Many of us haven't developed the psychic immunity to be able to fully ward off the toxic effects of our government's covert, fear-based psychological warfare. An expression of the success of our government's psy-ops against US is the fact that there's so little awareness about the government's assault on our minds that it's hardly even a part of our national dialogue.

The insidiousness of the government's covert manipulation of our minds is even found in the very term "Global War on Terror". "The Global War on Terror" is a crazy-making, self-contradictory statement, as we can never stop terror with a war – on the contrary, wars induce terror! This term carries with it a false and self-negating premise that if we accept we've already given away our power.

If we leave this underlying assumption unquestioned, we unwittingly allow them to frame the agenda on their terms. We have then already fallen under their spell without knowing it, as our capacity to think and respond creativlely is undermined. Our inability to creatively respond to the war on our consciousness is an expression of being immobilized in fear as if frozen in trauma. The war on terror is really a war on our psyche. The war on terror is ultimately about control – control of our minds.

What Bush and our Congressional leaders are doing is so morally outrageous that it is literally off the charts of accepted, "normal", ethical, sane human behavior. In the words of French poet Andre Chenier, Bush and Co. are committing "crimes that make the laws tremble," as they are covertly undermining our very legal and political system itself.

The corruption that has infected our body politic is like a virus that is exploiting weaknesses in our political immune system so as to feed and spread its pathology.

Those of us who are somewhat sane can easily lack the imagination for the depth of depravity that the Bush administration regularly acts out in the world. Our lack of imagination works to the government's advantage, as it allows them to continue to act out the darkness in a manner which is incomprehensible to us.

This is why the great doctor of the soul C. G. Jung counseled us to develop an "imagination for evil," as being able to imagine the scope of evil that human beings can fall prey to and act out empowers us to see it clearly and thereby deal with it more effectively.

Our government's lying and criminality is so pervasive that we have become desensitized to their corruption. Their evil has become so "normalized," that just like someone watching TV becomes numb and anesthetized to the violence, we have become desensitized to the horror of what Bush and his cronies are doing right in front of our very eyes day after day.

We've learned – or, shall I say, become programmed - to accept the fact that the Bush administration is almost always lying, for, as we are told "All governments lie".


Bush and Co., with the help of the US Supreme Court and the approval of Congress, rigged the 2000 and 2004 elections (see, for example, Fooled Again by Mark Crispin Miller). Then, with the help of the corporate media which is dependent on the good graces of military and government budgets and operations, Bush and Co. put out mind-numbing propaganda that no such hostile takeover had even taken place, to the point where after a little while most people forgot that anything out of the ordinary had occurred. The government's propaganda machine plays with our minds, putting us in a somnambulistic state so that we eventually begin to accept the version of reality (in our example, that Bush has been "elected" to be our president) that serves its underlying agenda.

Once the office of "perception management" convinces a critical mass of people of a particular viewpoint, there is a "consensus" or "agreement" that is reached among the masses as to what is objectively true. The agreed upon version of reality takes on a "weight" and becomes the established dogma of what is collectively imagined to be really happening. Like a "religious" truth, it is irrationally believed like an act of faith by its card-carrying members, even if overwhelming evidence points to the contrary. Anyone who doesn't buy into the arbitrarily established story is marginalized and demonized, and either called crazy, a conspiracy theorist, or even a terrorist ("You're either with us or you're with the enemy").

If only one person believed the propaganda-created consensus version of reality, they'd be thought of as crazy. If a small group of people believed it, they'd be thought of as a cult. When a certain critical mass of people irrationally believe this fictionalized version of reality (in our case, that Bush has been "elected" by the people) to be objectively true, however, they are considered normal.

Mass psychology then becomes the order of the day, as our species, animated and inspired by fear – which Bush and his regime are only too happy to cultivate - reverts to the primitive psychology of the herd. A collective amnesia ensues, continually fed by a self-generating web of endless denial, as the manufactured consent is recreated anew every moment.

A field of force which literally resists conscious reflection becomes conjured up around those who have fallen under the seductive spell of the agreed upon and artificially constructed consensus reality.

Anyone reflecting back their unconscious condition is considered to be the enemy. Dissociating from their own darkness, they fight with it outside of themselves as it is projected into and reflected back by the world. Believing the agreed-upon fantasy, they collectively fall into their unconscious together and reinforce each other's delusions in a self-perpetuating feedback loop, which is another way of saying that they have fallen into a collective psychosis.

Bush was not elected by the people. The military-industrial-financial crime syndicate's minions and operatives had already insinuated themselves into key positions of power so as to accomplish their long-planned for covert takeover of the government. Some of their cronies had already infiltrated the Supreme Court, where they literally derailed the democratic process and decided, with no basis in law, to unconstitutionally invest themselves with the authority of bestowing the election upon Bush.

Bush's seeming "election by the people" was in fact a strategically implemented political coup d'etat. Very few even noticed this act of violence because of the criminal syndicate's control of the mainstream media. Their propaganda machine succeeded in managing our perceptions just the way they wanted, which is a polite way of saying they successfully pulled the wool over most of our eyes, or pulled the rug out from under us without too many of us even noticing.

In a diabolical feedback loop, the underlying crime syndicate, by putting out propaganda (that Bush has been elected president) creates the very situation (Bush becoming president) which confirms the truth of their propaganda, like in a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Being in a position of power, they are tapping into how they can shape the world in their own image, which they are imposing on the world through forceful means. They have in some perverse way begun to access how they can seemingly manipulate and create "reality".

Because of their position of power, these sick few can control the masses by manipulating events in the world, as well as playing with our perceptions. They are tapping into how in managing our perceptions, they can literally create events, and in creating events, they can manage our perceptions. This is a divine secret, but in tapping into it with an impure heart, where power is prioritized over love, it is always destined for failure.

In the end, these black magicians will ultimately self-destruct, there is no question about this whatsoever. It is simply a question of mitigating the disaster as they create their own ruin.

Another example of our government's attack on our consciousness: After the 9/11 attacks, there is only one thing certain – the official story put out by our government, itself a conspiracy theory, is not true. There is no question about this to any thinking person who has even minimally studied the evidence. (see, for example, <><><>). The fact that our own government is not telling the truth to us about what happened on 9/11, as well as actively obstructing any investigation into what actually did happen, is a huge red flag – why would our own government be lying, and covering up their lie?

* Who knows (maybe the shadow?) at this point whether 9/11 was a false flag operation, covertly perpetrated by our own government against us, or whether they knew about it beforehand but simply allowed it to happen so as to gain political advantage? Something's very fishy about the whole thing. The fact that our country, except on the margins, is not even having an open discussion about what

really happened on 9/11 – the official version put out by the government is blindly accepted by millions of people as the objective truth - is another expression of our government shaping our dialogue, both nationally and within our own minds. The government's distorted story about what happened on 9/11 is itself an expression of the deeper and more general underlying conspiracy of our government to defraud us of the truth.

The last thing this criminal enterprise wants is for us to see what it is doing. These criminal war lords want us to believe that we live in a democracy. For example, in a diabolical sleight of hand, we are given the illusory stage-show of free elections, while there is overwhelming evidence that the elections were rigged. Even to be in a position to run for president you have to be able to raise hundreds of millions of dollars – this itself is the entrance fee to the game. In addition, the only people who would be allowed by these robber barons to be in a position of power such as "Commander-in-Chief" is someone they control. Barack or Hillary? It's an illusion of choice, a stage-managed distraction from what's really going on. We are left with the appearance, and a misguided belief, that we live in a government run "by the people and for the people."

In a very real sense, the Democrats and Republicans are simply various factions who are fighting for the right to represent the underlying military-industrial-financial crime syndicate that owns and operates our government. Those who control "our" government want to keep their operations covert, beneath our conscious awareness. For if enough of us become conscious of the evil and depravity that they are perpetrating in our name on the entire planet, their gig is up.


The powers that have taken over our country will do anything in their sorcerer's bag of tricks to distract us and keep up the illusion that they are protecting us so as to maintain power. These banking and corporate pirates are willing and more than ready to intimidate, buy off, or destroy any and all critics.

It is important for us to realize the depth of evil we are dealing with here – they are willing to kill as many people as needed to accomplish their aims. It is shocking to realize that the very entity that is supposed to be protecting us – our government – is the very thing from which we need protection. It is shattering to realize that our leaders are genuine psychopathic criminals who are trying to take over our planet, impose full-spectrum dominance, enact a new world order and centralize power and control.

Instead of this being a conspiracy theory, the evidence is all around us, as it is everywhere we look if we have the eyes to see beyond the carefully crafted and disseminated spell that is being perpetually woven all around us.

What is happening in our world has more the "feeling" of an invasion from a parallel universe than a physical coup d'etat. This is because the intrusion is taking place on the plane of mind, and only secondarily on the physical plane. If we could stop this covert incursion into our minds it would be much easier to mitigate the outer wars that plague our world.

These criminals clearly have way more power than we do in terms of guns, tanks, media and technology, but they are no match for us if we activate the inherent brilliance of our consciousness – a force with unlimited potential.

Part of the spell they are casting is that there's nothing we can do, that we are powerless to stop them from doing whatever they want, like when Cheney mentioned it doesn't make a difference what Congress or the American people want, this administration is not going to be stopped from sending more troops to Iraq.

The Bush regime's worst nightmare is for us to wake up to how we've been manipulated, hoodwinked and played by them like fools. The last thing they want is for us to access the natural intelligence inherent in being consciously aware, and connect with each other through the open-heart of lucidity.

The powers-that-be's greatest fear is for us individually, as well as collectively, to connect with our intrinsic God-given power to create.

Once we clearly see what is being perpetrated in our name, we can come together and "conspire to co-inspire" so as to awaken – and mobilize – our collective genius, which is a power greater than any weapon of mass destruction. In actuality, our connecting in shared lucidity is the antidote to all WMD's – it is what I call a WMC – a "Weapon of Mass Consciousness". It is what becomes activated when enough of us come together and see (i.e., become conscious of) what is happening.

Connecting with each other is crucially important, as the more of us that consciously associate with each other - as if re-membering (putting our "members" back together to form a unified body) - the stronger the field of unified force that we are able to generate. Once enough of us sync up, we become more able to collectively invoke and channel through our expanded awareness a power that is able to dis-arm any WMD: the power of consciousness infused with wisdom and compassion. Genuine compassion can be very fierce, however, as it both demands and empowers us to come together and say "No" to the evil being done in our name. We can step out of the fear-based reality in which we appear to exist separately from each other in any moment and consciously connect with each other through the open-heart of lucidity. When we are truly serving what is best for the whole – for everyone – a world-changing power becomes available to us.

The solution to winning the war on consciousness is for us to RECOGNIZE the nature of the war we are in, which can only happen through the agency of our consciousness. Realizing that the true war we are in is an assault on our own minds is the expansion of consciousness which is itself simultaneously the solution.

From a deeper, more expansive perspective, the war on consciousness is itself the very catalyst and instrument for consciousness to awaken to itself.

It is our turn to come together so as to render powerless these sick criminals who have been terrorizing us. We can help each other to access our intrinsic heart-centered power and collectively turn the light of truth upon them so that they have nowhere to hide from their lies and corruption. For "truth", to quote the infamous Nazi Hermann Goering, is "the greatest enemy of the state." Bush and the private interests who keep him in power and profit richly from his actions are absolutely terrified of one thing - the truth. As the late Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis said, "Sunshine is the best disinfectant." Like pouring water on the Wicked Witch of the West in "The Wizard of Oz", when the true light of awareness is shed on what Bush and the real powers behind him are doing, their illegitimate power over us is dis-spelled as the illusion it always was.

There is nothing more important for you at this time than to seek higher than you have done to date. We must be uncompromising and unconditionally consecrated to the Truth -...EXPANDED AWARENESS


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« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2007, 04:46:13 PM »
Aids Unveiled: Population Reduction
Kjeld Heising – June 3, 2007

Friends and critics, it's time to cast some light on the issue of hiv and aids. So far, no one to my knowledge has taken the bull by the horns, probably due to some kind of compassion for the victims. But both the scientific world and the critical media world has now gathered so much documentation that there is no longer any doubt: The concept of hiv and aids is a fraud.

Here are some simple facts that even your mainstream doctor can confirm for you: No hiv virus has up to now been isolated from any living being. No image of any hiv virus from any electron microscope has been published - despite billions of dollars put into research. If your doctor contradicts this, ask him for a reference. You won't get any.

Aids itself is no disease. It is an umbrella for a various selections of classic diseases, from pneumonia and diarrhea to hepatitis, malaria, tuberculosis, certain cancers and many more. In fact, different countries have different criteria - some operate with 19 diseases, others up to 60 diseases. The very definition of aids is one of these diseases when accompanied by a positive hiv test.

Now, ask your doctor about the hiv test. He will tell you there are two types: The Elisa test and the Western Blot, the Elisa being the oldest. He may add that a third test can be performed, the viral load test based on the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) invented by Nobel prize laudate Kary Mullis.

Most people think these test actually test for a virus presence - they don't. The two of them test for the occurrece of antibodies in your blood as a response to certain proteins induced. Your doctor will say: proteins that are believed to resemble hiv proteins. Again and again highly qualified microbiologists, virologists and other researchers have pointed out that these proteins are not specific to any particular virus. That antibodies do not form for specific microbes but to varieties of microbes. Thus, more than sixty conditions are documented to react to the hiv test. Among them: common flu, flu vaccination and other vaccinations, recent blood transfusion, malaria, alcoholism, drug abuse, liver deceases, having once had herpes and many more. Worst of all: Pregnancy of perfectly healthy women can also react on the tests and give a positive outcome.

Concerning the PCR, we have the inventors's word that this can under no circumstance say anything about the presence of an hiv virus. Actually, Kary Mullis is a leading sceptic on the hiv-aids-setup. So, ladies and gentlemen, we are talking about a disease based on a never documented virus, diagnosed by a couple of unspecific, and thus useless, tests reacting on a variety of body conditions.

And it is getting worse: In Africa, WHO has implemented a special diagnostics technique. Since hiv tests are far too expensive, the WHO has approved The Visual Diagnosis: Has a person lost 10% of his weight, has he fever or persisting diarrhea, eventually accompanied by skin itching? Well, then he has aids. Period.

Now, can you understand how the number of hiv-infected persons are reported so high in Africa (the same applies to South East Asia)? While simple poverty related deceases become completely ignored? And do you get the point - there is an agenda running that has nothing to do with a virus?

Now, look at the ghost itself: The Aquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, AIDS. Technically defined as one of 19-60 classic deceases accompanied by a positive hiv test. Among most people understood as a general loss of immunity, an open door for any infection. So, there is no specific symptom tied to an "hiv virus", there's only the fact that the patient does not get better but worse.

There is no mystique here. The getting worse can have two reasons. Either the person is generally weakened by malnutrition or by the classic decease being cronical and untreated. Or the person has been prescribed aids drugs. Look at the latter.

The most common aids drug is Azidothymidine, shortened AZT. This drug was developed in 1964 as a chemotherapy for cancer treatment. It was discarded before it reached the market, since already in the lab the test animals simply died of the drug. AZT is considered the most toxic drug ever invented in the medical world. It has no viral oriented effect, it is simply a cell poison, working by terminating all DNA synthesis in all living cells. And unlike cancer chemotherapy which is prescribed for a couple of weeks and never more, the aids treatment is prescribed for the rest of the person's life. A deadly toxic drug ... the rest of life.

Maybe you can recall the images of the skeletons on the hospital: Skin and bone, hair falling off, skin rash, pain all over the body. Slowly and painfully dieing. Maybe you even had a friend there. Think of the officially recognised list of effects of the aids drug: Destruction of bone marrow and consequently anaemia and - since the immune system is also formed in the bone marrow - collaps of the immune system. Destruction of the intestines's ability to take up food followed by weight loss. Stomach pain, back pain, chest pain, lip edema, fever, flu symptoms, bleeding gums, diarrhea, liver failure, depression, confusion and much more.

Now, add it all up: People get sick from an alleged virus never documented, diagnosed by unspecific tests, treated with deadly toxic drugs causing exactly the symptoms the "disease" is said to produce. What do you get out of that?

You could think, it's not possible - but not for long. Firstly, there are other examples of such "diseases"; so many that they have a name: Iatrogenic diseases. The 1950-75 Japanese SMON was one of them. Maybe you also remember the Swine Flu from the 1970'ies, and sure, you have heard of the Pentagon Bird Flu stunt from the last couple of years. And of course, you know it's all about money. And war.

Secondly, think of the now well understood agenda of population control, excercised more or less openly in the third world (mass murder through medication), but also increasingly open in the west - following the general police state formation. In the UK, a mandatory hiv test for all pregnant women is underway, the same in the US. Forced prescription of deadly toxic drugs - or children taken away from their mothers if they refuse - will follow. Now, compare with the fact that pregnancy often gives a false positive hiv test and conclude: This is legalised murder. Compare with the completely unscientific foundation of the whole hiv-aids-plot and conclude: This is population reduction - going on right in front of our eyes.

And it actually goes to the core. It is common antropology that if you wish to reduce a population, you must kill the women. Killing the men has a very temporary effect.

The good news is that more and more scientists are discovering the scam. The amount of sources and documentation is growing fast. Still better, more and more common people who have been diagnosed hiv positive have seen through it. Instead of blindly taking the doctors toxic drugs they go on the Net, make their research and end up flushing the drugs in the toilet never to touch it again. Enough accounts are now available to see the pattern: These people are today alive and perfectly well while their fellow drug users get thin and eventually die. Among the first "alivers" was American Christine Maggiore who formed the organization Alive and Well. Many more have followed.

Make your own research on hiv and aids. It's a very big issue and it takes time and effort to get the picture. But these are good places to start: contains scientific articles on the issue. Christine Maggiores homepage - tells her own story and much more. offers videos with overwhelming series of intervies with researchers and others. Some of these videos are also available on Google Video – as are many other videos.


PS: As written on June 2 this year, there might be developed a virus in American government labs (Fort Detrick) attacking the human immune system. Actually, it would be strange if there wasn't. But it can have absolutely nothing to do with the "virus" being "tested" in the hiv tests.

Also, a vaccine against a virus whose existence has not been documented and that has not been isolated, is nonsense. The vaccine described in the article on may be real but the question is: What virus is it exactly connected to?

Definitely not to the "virus" that is the basis of the multi-billion-dollar aids empire. 



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« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2007, 04:47:34 PM »
by Dr. Alan Cantwell & Dr. Sue Arrago – Conspiracy Planet June 3, 2007

To all persons interested in the man-made origin of AIDS...

I am a physician and AIDS researcher who has authored two books on the man-made origin of HIV/AIDS ("AIDS & THE DOCTORS OF DEATH: AN INQUIRY INTO THE ORIGIN OF THE AIDS EPIDEMIC" and "QUEER BLOOD: THE SECRET AIDS GENOCIDE PLOT.").

On the eve of the Blue Moon of May 31, 2007, I was sent the most explosive email I have ever received concerning possible insider evidence pertaining to the man-made epidemic of AIDS.

The communication was sent by Sue Arrigo, M.D., who claimed she was a physician licensed in California (G50197). Because her email (attached below) was so mind-blowing, I immediately googled Arrigo and found several entries including a note on one website in which Arrigo claimed to have been kidnapped, raped and threatened with death in 2004 (this as NOT mentioned in her email to me). In addition, I checked online and verified that she was indeed alicensed CA physician, although her license expired in December, 2006, and her current residence is in Canada.

In her email Dr. Arrigo asked if I would help her get the word out to interested persons. I would ask that anyone who receives this communication to do all they can to spread the word regarding her accusations that AIDS is a man-made disease.

Over the past two decades there have been only a handful of other physicians and health professionals who have had the courage to alert the public to evidence that AIDS is man-made (namely Robert Strecker MD, William Campbell Douglass MD, Eva Snead MD, and Leonard G Horowitz DDS) .

In general, their research (books, videos, internet communications) have been ignored by the CDC, the NIH, the AIDS establishment, the major media, etc. – and merely passed over as "conspiracy theory" and "paranoia."

Dr. Arrigo has a long association with the CIA as an expert on biological warfare, and also has apparent ties to the highest powers (and presidents) in the U.S. government.

Thus, her insider status makes her an extremely valuable witness to the truth about AIDS and its man-made origin. Please do all you can to confirm or deny the truth of Dr. Arrigo's accusations – and to publicize her plight – and to air her plea on behalf of the abominations of secret biological warfare experimentation and use against human beings. I have attached the google references to "sue arrigo", her email to me in its entirety, proof of her CA medical credentials, and a website note of her rape and torture.

In truth and justice,
Alan Cantwell M.D.
[email protected]

On May 31, 2007, at 8:32 PM, Sue Arrigo wrote:

Dear Dr. Cantwell,
Thank you for your courage and integrity in speaking the truth. As an ex- CIA physician with high level access, I wrote a report for DCI Webster in about 1991 arguing for closure of all the US Bio-Warfare Labs. I did that after reviewing the Ft. Detrick and the CIA's Langley Bio-Warfare Labs's research, looking at their own documents. That review was authorized because Bush, Sr. had sold dangerous Bio-Warfare agents to Hussein, which I ended up having to recover from Iraq. Webster, as a former judge, willing to evaluate the evidence, allowed me to research the field and write a report for him of close to 100 pages and 1000 pages of supporting documents.

Although the focus of my report was why the Bio-Warfare Labs should be closed, the issue of the HIV virus developed by the Ft. Detrick lab formed about 18 pages of my report. At the time I wrote that report, the vaccine for HIV that had been developed in 6 months of work, had already been used by the Cabal since 1983.

It was a crime against humanity that the virus was unleashed on the world, and it continues to be a crime that the vaccine has been kept secret and for private use only.

Meanwhile, the outer research to get to a vaccine is an exercise in how not to arrive at a solution before millions more die. The initial "hopes" for HIV per its designers was to be able to walk into Africa and take the resources from a ghost continent. They had hyped it as killing everyone there within a year, in their pre-release reports.

The research at the Labs addressed the fastest way to make vaccines to Bio-warfare agents, both in labs, at a front, and impromptu on a battlefield. That was a pressing concern and one that was researched using millions and millions of dollars. Briefly, the consensus at the time was that

1) Any agent from a sick soldier left in a Waring Blender for 8 hours would be broken down well enough to not be infective in small doses ( i.e. less than a 100 germs). The Labs had made an IgM set of antibodies to sediment out the human HLA antigens by centrifuging it. That allowed the supernatant to be used as a vaccine with little serum sickness problems. A physician in a war zone equipped with a Waring Blender, a blood specimen centrifuge, and a vial of the IgM could make a fast "fresh" vaccine and start inoculating soldiers. The labs tested that using a variety of agents and common cold agents. It was only if one wanted to store the vaccine in vials that one got into the problem of denaturing the proteins of the agent due to heat, chemicals,etc. That was where most of the problems of loss of effectiveness crop up.

2) The Labs found that causing a 1cm by 1cm abrasion until one got lymph and applying a drop of the "fresh vaccine" and a band aid, worked almost as well as an injection. The abrasion could be caused by three fast firm strokes of very fine sand paper over a template with a square of skin bulging through it. This method had much less serum sickness problem. The major problem was occasion keloid and scar formation and superficial infections.

3) The Labs also showed that it was possible to make a crude live vaccine as an emergency directly on the battlefield. The principle was that infection occurs when the body's defenses are overwhelmed but that the body can usually fend off 10 to 50 organisms even of Bio-warfare agents. It was a simple dilution to get the agent into the right ballpark, starting with a secretion of a sick person. Then a drop of that dilute live agent would be placed on an abrasion. That was also tested during war games with colds etc. The diluted material can't be stored for longer than an hour due to the risk of multiplying the agent.

It was assumed that in the field it would not be known whether the agent was a virus or a bacteria. A bacteria that divided every 20 minutes could be 8 fold in quantity after an hour and risk causing the infection one was attempting to prevent. Of course, such a live agent could be extremely dangerous and except in an extreme emergency would not be used.

4) The issue of how to quickly sterilize a make-shift vaccine was also addressed in the research. The best method was to dry the agent, if time permitted. Second best was to preserve the agent in Vodka (40%), not gin, etc., and then to dilute it down to less than 2% alcohol before applying it to the abrasion.

That means that a simple vaccine for HIV can be made by virtually anyone in the world in a short period of time, though it would likely need to be repeated periodically to get and keep the titers up. But repeating it is a good idea anyway as that helps address the mutation problem. So, suppose one took 1 cc of secretions from each of 10 HIV patients in an area (without fungal infections preferably) and mixed them together to have a range of HIV agents. Then one could add 250 cc of Vodka and let it sit a week. Then one could remove a cc of that and add 20 cc of clean water to get a less than 2% alcohol solution.

A drop of that could be applied to an abrasion. That, I believe, would give you about 60% protection. Repeating that at intervals of about 2 weeks to a month for 6 months and using new HIV secretions every 6 to 12 months, I think would give one fairly good protection in a person with a normal immune system to start with. Of course, that is a crude method and should be tested for efficacy etc. But it is simple enough to test on sex workers, if they were willing to volunteer. They are at such high risk that the likely benefits almost certainly outweigh the risks. The chief risk would still be sensitization with human HLA proteins. The beauty of using abrasions is that one can wash the vaccine off as soon as any untoward reaction is noticed.

If you know of people doing HIV research who are not controlled by the US govt, could you please pass this information on to them? It would be good to get it out to those who could investigate this information with the intention of saving lives with it. Bio-warfare research is immoral and illegal. Unfortunately the US govt is accelerating that research and production of secret private vaccines.

Sincerely, Sue Arrigo, MD

(below from:

An American Already Tortured By Cheney's Team in the US [Report this comment]
Posted by: kunzangwangmo on Nov 11, 2005 10:16 PM

Current rating: Not yet rated [1 = poor; 5 = excellent]

As a coerced CIA asset, I was asked by Cheney in Aug. 2004 to frame Iran as developing nuclear weapons. Because Cheney was afraid of CIA leaks, he gave me the assignment at a Chinese restaurant in DC after hours.

It was not the first meeting that I have ever had privately with him as I acted as a negotiator between him and Tenet. Within the CIA I had been an outspoken critic of US wars of aggression, its nuclear first strike plans, and its breaking of nuclear arms control treaties.

I spent most of my life as an operative risking my life as a remote viewing spy monitoring and recovering lost WMD.

I am a doctor and the assignment Cheney gave me was to go to Iran as a physician. Once in Iran, a camera crew would be filming when an Iranian agent would rush in to say that he knew a secret bunker where the Iranian govt. was developing nuclear weapons. Cheney admitted that the rest of the filming would occur in Hollywood with a mock up of said lab.

Clearly, this was an immoral assignment. There was no way that I was going to have the blood of innocent Iranian women and children on my hands, so I refused.

When I did so, Cheney threatened the life of my mother. Since my mother had recently told me she would rather die than have me be emotionally blackmailed in this way, I held to my no.

During the course of our about 40 minute talk, one of his secret service officers interrupted us twice. The next week when I was kidnapped in Virginia, raped and tortured for 4 days, I recognized the voice of that officer as one of the rapists.

It is an outrage that Cheney is advocating torture. He has already shown by his actions, that he will stop at nothing, not even the torture of American born CIA personnel in order to get his way. He has a clear conflict of interest in making money off these wars.

Are we, as Americans, going to torture people just so that corrupt officials can line their pockets with oil and war profiteering revenues?

Please write your congresspersons to prevent others being tortured as I was. Cheney and Bush should be impeached for lying to force us into war. We are not winning the war on terrorism, torture is terrorism as anyone who had been through it knows. I was raped and subjected to three mock executions, when will this US reign of terror end?

Sue Arrigo, MD
California medical license G 50197

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« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2007, 04:48:22 PM »
Weaponized Weather
Proposed global warming "solutions" could do double duty as weapons
—By Bennett Gordon,

May 3, 2007 Issue

As the world slowly wakes up to the threat of global warming, a few high-profile scientists known as geoengineers are pushing plans for large-scale technological "solutions" to the looming crisis. According to David Shiga, writing for the New Scientist's environmental blog, the various ideas have included a proposal to launch trillions of tiny "sunshades" into space to angle the sun's rays away from the earth and a plan to inject sulfur into the atmosphere to create a sort of global shade. Shiga questions the plausibility of these plans, asking whether "even entertaining these ideas takes focus away from practical, if somewhat inconvenient, steps we will have to take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions?"

The real problem with geoengineering might be worse than simple distraction. Historian James R. Fleming writes for the Wilson Quarterly that the United States has been pursuing geoengineering technology since the 19th century. Early attempts by American scientists focused on rainmaking to combat droughts, but the projects quickly turned militaristic as the US government realized the potential of turning earth's climate against its enemies.

After World War II, Fleming writes, advances in "cloud seeding" technology were quickly turned against the post-war enemies of the United States. North and South Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, India, Pakistan, the Philippines, Panama, Portugal, Okinawa, and Cuba have all been the targets of US programs of artificial rainmaking, Fleming reports, all under military sponsorship with "direct involvement of the White ­House." When evidence of those programs emerged in the 1970s, the United Nations quickly banned the use of environmental modification techniques for hostile purposes.

Today's geoengineering projects, however, are presented as efforts to protect the earth, rather than acts of war. Writing for the electronic engineering magazine IEEE Spectrum, William Gail acknowledges the militaristic history of geoengineering, but still maintains that such projects are needed to combat global warming. In fact, according to Gail, the question is not if these projects will be implemented, but when. "t is inevitable," he writes, "that we will begin to apply our newfound capabilities to actively manage -- even engineer -- climate."

In spite of the United Nations ban, the Wilson Quarterly's Fleming argues, "it is virtually impossible to imagine governments resisting the temptation to explore military uses of any potentially ­climate-­altering ­technology." When scientists speak of injecting the atmosphere with sulfur, the idea begs the question: Who will control the weather? Fleming points out that many countries, including Russia, may have differing views from the United States on what an ideal environment is (for example, the Russians might want an ice-free Arctic Circle open for trade routes). Should these two nuclear powers end up butting heads over their preferred climates, the so called "solution" to global warming may end up causing more harm than the problem itself.

Go there >> The Climate Engineers

Go there, too >> Far-Out Schemes to Stop Climate Change

And there >> Climate Control

« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 05:16:16 PM by Hail Columbia »


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« Reply #10 on: June 24, 2007, 04:49:02 PM »
The Overpopulation Lie is Killing Us!
(Part 1)
"There are now 6 billion people on Earth. The planet's population will most likely continue to climb until 2050, when it will peak at 9 billion; other predictions have the world's population peaking at 7.5 billion in 2040. In either case, it will then go into a sharp decline. The world may soon be facing an under-population crisis -- a prospect that has all but escaped media scrutiny." -- Anthony C. LoBaido (
"The world is NOT over-populated. More than 97%  of the land surface on Earth is empty.... Yes, certain cities are over-populated, of course. Yet the entire population of the world could fit inside the state of Arkansas. So, then, how is the world 'over-populated'? Europe and Japan will be facing under-population crises in the coming decades, even according to UN studies on population." -- Anthony C. LoBaido (
Overpopulation? -- 10 Myths
by Dr. Jacqueline R. Kasun, Economist and Author
It's a day like any other. Your child comes home from school with an assignment. Only today, the assignment is to detail the problems that "overpopulation" is causing the world's ecosystem.
And part of this assignment is to educate you about the world's population "problem."
What do you do? Do you go along with what s/he's being taught? After all, this is what you've been hearing on television and in the newspapers for decades. Or do you have some counter-arguments? Might you, in fact, need to defend yourself and your child from a very real threat?
You should be aware that the question of "overpopulation" is no longer merely a topic of conversation, if it ever was. It is a burning matter of policy and action at the local, national and international level. Our national government is actually committed by law and by international agreement to reducing the worldwide rate of population growth.
Government spokesmen, such as Ambassador Timothy Wirth, insist that this effort must also apply to the population of the United States. Your chances of having grandchildren depend on whether and how this program is carried out. In many countries already, governments sterilize and abort their citizens by force, often with financial help from the United Nations, the United States and government-supported private agencies such as Planned Parenthood.
There are many government policies that make it difficult for families to bring children into the world, and for those children's fathers to support them and their mothers to stay home and raise them. Those policies include levying heavy taxes on families with children, discrimination against men in the job market, building codes and land use restrictions which increase the cost of housing, regulations which discourage productive activity. The groups which have supported these policies have plainly stated their intent to reduce population growth.
The United States government and the United Nations have promoted sex education in the schools, teaching children that there are too many -- far too many -- people in the world. The programs teach that abortion, sterilization and contraception are necessary to reduce "excessive" population growth.
If you familiarize yourself with the myths surrounding "overpopulation," you'll be in a better position to defend yourself and your family against these idealogical threats.
MYTH 1: The world is overcrowded and population growth is adding overwhelming numbers of humans to a small planet.
In fact, people do live in crowded conditions, and always have. We cluster together in cities and villages in order to exchange goods and services with one another. But while we crowd together for economic reasons in our great metropolitan areas, most of the world is empty, as we can see when we fly over it. It has been estimated by Paul Ehrlich and others that human beings actually occupy no more than 1-3% of the earth's land surface.
If you allotted 1250 square feet to each person, all the people in the world would fit into the state of Texas. Try the math yourself: 7,438,152,268,800 square feet in Texas, divided by the world population of 5,860,000,000, equals 1269 square feet per person. The population density of this giant city would be about 21,000 -- somewhat more than San Francisco and less than the Bronx.
Another fact: World population growth is rapidly declining. United Nations figures show that the 79 countries that comprise 40% of the world's population now have fertility rates too low to prevent population decline. The rate in Asia fell from 2.4 in 1965-70 to 1.5 in 1990-95. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the rate fell from 2.75 in 1960-65 to 1.70 in 1990-95. In Europe, the rate fell to 0.16 -- that is, effectively zero -- in 1990-95.And the annual rate of change in world population fell from 2% in 1965-70 to less than 1.5% in 1990-95.
Worldwide, the number of children the typical woman had during her lifetime (total fertility) fell from 5 in 1950-55 to less than 3 in 1990-95. (The number necessary just to "replace" the current generation is 2.1.) In the more developed regions, total fertility fell from 2.77 to 1.68 over the same period. In the less developed regions it fell from more than 6 to 3.3. Total fertility in Mexico was 3.1 in 1990-95. In Spain it stood at 1.3, and in Italy, it was 1.2.
Official forecasts of eventual world population size have been steadily falling. In 1992-93, the World Bank predicted world population would exceed 10 billion by the year 2050. In 1996, the UN predicted 9 billion for 2050. If the trend continues, the next estimate will be lower still.
MYTH 2: Overpopulation is causing global warming.
The message that is most likely to arouse the fervor of young people is that overpopulation is destroying the environment and the biosphere. On this point, the first thing to keep in mind is that some of the most beautiful parts of the world, with the highest environmental quality, are in densely populated countries such as western Germany, which has more than 600 persons per square mile, and the Netherlands, which has almost 1200 persons per square mile, compared with 330 in China. Several myths promote the belief that we are engulfed in an environmental catastrophe.
For instance, Vice-President Al Gore and some scientists say population growth is causing global warming. But there is much disagreement in the scientific community about this. Seventy-nine scientists issued the "Leipzig Declaration" in 1995 saying "...There does not exist today a general scientific consensus about ... greenhouse warming ...." Additionally, the satellite readings of global temperature, available on the NASA Web site at, do not show a warming trend. And further, respected climatologists such as Hugh Ellsaesser, Richard S. Lindzen and Robert C. Balling vigorously dispute the notion of a global warming danger.
MYTH 3: Overpopulation causes ozone depletion.
Like global warming, the cause and significance of the so-called ozone "hole" is a matter of intense scientific dispute, although the United States and other nations have agreed to reductions in the use of chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), which were alleged to have caused it. S. Fred Singer, an atmospheric physicist who participated in the earliest ozone measurements, calls the ozone scare a "misuse of science." In fact, many think the chief function of the CFC ban has been to help big chemical companies establish highly profitable new monopolies on the CFC substitutes which they developed.
MYTH 4: The world's forests are disappearing because of overpopulation.
This is an important matter because forests are an essential part of the world's environment and, therefore, humanity's well-being. The Psalmists spoke in awe of the cedars of Lebanon. Today we know that trees inhale carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, which means that they are a first line of defense against air pollution and the specter of global warming. The world forested area, estimated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO), currently amounts to four billion hectares, covering 30% of the land surface of the earth. Few people realize this is the same figure as in the 1950s.
In the United States, vast forests cover a third of the land, according to the US Forest Service. That's equivalent to two-thirds of the amount of land that was forested when the Europeans arrived in the 1600s. This acreage has not declined since 1920. In fact, annual forest growth today is more than 3-1/2 times what it was in 1920. Two-thirds of the nation's forests are classed as timberland, capable of producing at least 20 cubic feet per acre of industrial wood annually. Another fact: Trees are growing 33% faster than they are being cut.
The highest volumes of growth occur on privately-owned forest industry land, while the government-owned national forests, where the trees are older, have the lowest volumes of tree growth. The National Wilderness Preservation System grew from nine million acres in 1964 to 96 million acres in 1993. But this is not enough for the environmentalists of The Wildlands Project, who hope to turn fully half of the land area of the United States into wilderness areas inhabited by grizzly bears, wolverines and mountain lions, and make it off-limits to humans. There has also been great agitation about the "destruction of the tropical rainforests." Someone has claimed that an area twice the size of Belgium is now being logged worldwide each year, but people don't realize Belgium could fit into the world's tropical forests 500 times, and in the meantime, the rest of the world's trees -- 99.6% of them -- are continuing to grow. One of the greatest of these tropical stands exists in Brazil, with more than half of the forests of South America.
FAO and Brazilian government figures suggest that logging takes about 0.2% of forest acreage per year, and in 1993, Brazilian forests covered 58% of the country's total land area. Such figures hardly suggest a catastrophic decline. Another thing that's misleading is that FAO figures show a "decline" in forest cover even when forest land is appropriated for use as public parks, and not a single tree is cut down. And if in fact some deforestation is occurring in Brazil, it can scarcely be the result of overpopulation; Brazil has less than half as many people per square mile (31.2) as the world average (101).
MYTH 5: Air pollution is the result of overpopulation, and acid rain, a byproduct of air pollution, is destroying lakes, rivers and forests.
In fact, air and water pollution levels have been highest in the centrally-planned economies of Eastern Europe and China, where population growth is low or negative. Legendary air pollution in Poland and Russia has occurred in areas with thinly-settled populations. In the United States, air pollution is declining significantly. The federal government's National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program recently reported "no widespread forest or crop damage in the United States" related to acid rain.
MYTH 6: Many plants and animals are disappearing because of the growth in human numbers.
There is absolutely no scientific data whatsoever to support this claim. Even a scientist such as David Jablonski, who believes species will decline, says, "We have no idea how many species are out there and how many are dying." Some species, such as blue whales, spotted owls and blackfooted ferrets, have been found to be more numerous than was once thought. Since many species exist in forests and the earth's forest cover is remaining about the same, the claims of massive species extinction appear doubtful.
MYTH 7: Overpopulation is threatening the world food supply.
According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, world food supplies exceed requirements in all world areas, amounting to a surplus approaching 50% in 1990 in the developed countries, and 17% in the developing regions. "Globally, food supplies have more than doubled in the last 40 years ... between 1962 and 1991, average daily per caput food supplies increased more than 15% ... at a global level, there is probably no obstacle to food production rising to meet demand," according to FAO documents prepared for the 1996 World Food Summit. The FAO also reported that less than a third as many people had less than 2100 calories per person per day in 1990-92 as had been the case in 1969-71.
At present, farmers use less than half of the world's arable land. The conversion of land to urban and built-up uses to accommodate a larger population will absorb less than 2% of the world's land, and "is not likely to seriously diminish the supply of land for agricultural production," according to Paul Waggoner, writing for the Council for Agricultural Science and Technology in 1994.
MYTH 8: Overpopulation is the chief cause of poverty.
In reality, problems commonly blamed on "overpopulation" are the result of bad economic policy. For example, Western journalists blamed the Ethiopian famine on "overpopulation," but that was simply not true. The Ethiopian government caused it by confiscating the food stocks of traders and farmers and exporting them to buy arms. That country's leftist regime, not its population, caused the tragedy. In fact, Africa, beset with problems often blamed on "overpopulation," has only one-fifth the population density of Europe, and has an unexploited food-raising potential that could feed twice the present population of the world, according to estimates by Roger Revelle of Harvard and the University of San Diego. Economists writing for the International Monetary Fund in 1994 said that African economic problems result from excessive government spending, high taxes on farmers, inflation, restrictions on trade, too much government ownership, and overregulation of private economic activity. There was no mention of overpopulation.
The government of the Philippines relies on foreign aid to control population growth, but protects monopolies which buy farmers' outputs at artificially low prices, and sell them inputs at artificially high prices, causing widespread poverty. Advocates of population control blame "overpopulation" for poverty in Bangladesh. But the government dominates the buying and processing of jute, the major cash crop, so that farmers receive less for their efforts than they would in a free market. Impoverished farmers flee to the city, but the government owns 40% of industry and regulates the rest with price controls, high taxes and unpublished rules administered by a huge, corrupt, foreign-aid dependent bureaucracy. Jobs are hard to find and poverty is rampant. This crowding leads to problems such as sporadic or inefficient food distribution, but this problem is caused -- as in Ethiopia -- by that country's flawed domestic policies.
It is often claimed that poverty in China is the result of "overpopulation." But Taiwan, with a population density five times as great as mainland China's, produces many times as much per capita. The Republic of Korea, with a population density 3.6 times as great as China's, has a per capita output almost 16 times as great. The Malaysian government abandoned population control in 1984, ushering in remarkable economic growth under free market reforms, while Ecuador, Uruguay, Bulgaria and other countries complained at the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo that though they had reduced their population growth, they still had deteriorating economies.
MYTH 9: Women and men throughout the world are begging for the means to control their fertility.
Not so, according to reports from such places as Bangladesh, Africa and the Philippines. The fact is, surplus condoms and birth control pills fill warehouses in the less developed world and women flee the birth control workers and beg to have their implants and IUDs removed.
US foreign assistance law requires countries receiving American foreign aid to take steps to reduce population growth [you can find this in 22 US Code, sec. 2151-1; 22 US Code, sec. 2151(b)]. Far from meeting an "unmet need" for birth control, foreign-supported family planners in India, Bangladesh and other countries must pay, or force, their clients to accept it, according to reports from these countries. Foreign-supported population control is so unpopular in Bangladesh that riots over this issue prevented the prime minister from attending the International Conference on Population and Development in Cairo in 1994.
Dr. Margaret Ogola, a Kenyan pediatrician, disputed the claim of "unmet need" for family planning at the International Conference on Population and Develop-ment in Cairo in 1994. She said that foreign aid givers have lavished pills, condoms and IUDs on hospitals and clinics in Kenya, but that simple medicines for common diseases remain unavailable. A United Nations survey of abortion and birth control policies throughout the world found that high proportions of women were familiar with and were using "traditional" methods (NFP) of limiting births.
In 1981, the typical Bangladeshi woman was having seven children during her lifetime; since then the number has fallen to 3.4. According to Bangladesh press reports in 1994, the secretary of health acknowledged that "coercion, blackmail [and] abuse of payment provisions" were problems in the population control program. Alarmed by extremely low fertility, South Korea reported to the International Conference in Cairo that it has slashed its government expenditures on birth control. Singapore, faced with below-replacement fertility, reported that it now offers tax rebates to couples with more than two children. Government-supported "family planning" agencies in the United States, such as Planned Parenthood, claim their services save public assistance costs. In fact, published research has shown that states which spend large amounts on birth control subsequently have higher costs of public assistance. Research also shows that states which require parental consent for a minor to have an abortion have lower rates of adolescent pregnancy.
MYTH 10: Overpopulation causes war and revolution.
The most war-torn continent on earth -- Africa -- is also one of the least densely populated, with about half as many people per square mile as in the world as a whole. Bad governments, propped up by ineptly and unjustly managed foreign aid, are more probably the root of strife.
The worldwide movement which promotes population control is not small or weak. It is a powerful alliance of United Nations agencies, national governments, foundations and "nongovernmental organizations." It commands many billions of dollars in resources. Its members include family planning agencies, radical leftist environmental organizations such as the Sierra Club and the World Wildlife Fund, development planners, international financial institutions such as the World Bank, foreign relations agencies such as the US Agency for International Development, and "research" organizations such as Worldwatch Institute. Its ideology increasingly dominates school and college instructional programs and textbook publishing.
Ultimately, however, its power rests on public ignorance in countries such as the United States. For the billions of people who inhabit God's creation, and for the billions more He intends it for, it's up to us to find out the truth about "overpopulation," and to share it with as many people as will listen.
Dr. Jacqueline R. Kasun is an economist and the author of The War Against Population: The Economics and Ideology of World Population Control (Ignatius, 1988, 1998). 



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Bilderberg and the Corporate Media, part 1
« Reply #11 on: June 24, 2007, 04:52:02 PM »
Hot Air, Cold Cash
Who are the Merchants of Fear?

No response is more predictable than the reflexive squawk of the Greenhouse fearmongers that anyone questioning their claims is in the pay of the energy companies. A second, equally predictable retort contrasts the ever-diminishing number of agnostics to the growing legions of scientists now born again to the "truth" that anthropogenic CO2 is responsible for the earth's warming trend, the melting of the icecaps, the rising of the seas, the increase in hurricanes, the decline in penguin fertility and other horrors too numerous for individual citation.

Actually the energy companies have long since adapted to prevailing fantasies, dutifully reciting the whole catechism about carbon-neutrality, sniggering jovially over Tom Friedman's rapturous endorsement of "clean coal", repositioning themselves as eager pioneers in the search for virtuous alternative fuels, settling comfortably into new homes, such as British Petroleum's "Energy Biosciences Institute" on the UC Berkeley Campus, first fruit of a $500 million deal between the oil company and a campus whose founding family ­ the Hearsts ­ did after all make its pile in the mining business.

In fact, when it comes to corporate sponsorship of crackpot theories about why the world is getting warmer, the best documented conspiracy of interest is between the Greenhouser fearmongers and the nuclear industry, now largely owned by oil companies, whose prospects twenty years ago looked dark, amid headlines about the fall-out from Chernobyl, aging plants and nuclear waste dumps leaking from here to eternity. The apex Greenhouse fearmongers are well aware that the only exit from the imaginary crisis they have been sponsoring is through a door marked "nuclear power", with a servant's sidedoor labeled "clean coal". James Lovelock, the Rasputin of Gaia-dom, has said that "Nuclear power has an important contribution to make." (I refer those who rear back at the words "imaginary crisis" to my last column on this topic, where I emphasize that there is still zero empirical evidence that anthropogenic production of CO2 is making any measurable contribution to the world's present warming trend. The greenhouse fearmongers rely entirely on unverified, crudely oversimplified computer models to finger mankind's sinful contribution.)
The world's best known hysteric and self promoter on the topic of man's physical and moral responsibility for global warming is Al Gore, a shill for the nuclear industry and the coal barons from the first day he stepped into Congress entrusted with the sacred duty to protect the budgetary and regulatory interests of the Tennessee Valley Authority and the Oakridge National Lab. White House "task forces" on climate change in the Clinton-Gore years were always well freighted by Gore and his adviser John Holdren with nukers like John Papay of Bechtel.

As a denizen of Washington since his diaper years Gore has always understood that threat inflation is the surest tool to plump up budgets and rabblerouse the voters. By the mid Nineties he positioned himself at the head of a strategic and tactical alliance formed around "the challenge of climate change", which had now stepped forward to take Communism's place in the threatosphere essential to all political life. Indeed, it was in the New Republic, a tireless publicist of the Soviet menace in the late 70s and Reagan 80s, that Gore announced in 1989 that the war on warming couldn't be won without a renewal in spiritual values.

The footsoldiers in this alliance have been the grant-guzzling climate modelers and their Internationale, the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, whose collective scientific expertise is reverently invoked by all devotees of the Greenhouse fearmongers' catechism. Aside from the fact that the graveyard of intellectual error is stuffed with the myriad tombstones of "overwhelming scientific consensus", the IPCC has the usual army of functionaries and grant farmers, and the merest sprinkling of actual scientists with the prime qualification of being climatologists or atmospheric physicists.

To identify either the government-funded climate modelers or their political shock troops, the IPCC's panelists, with scientific rigor and objectivity is as unrealistic as detecting the same attributes in a craniologist financed by Lombroso studying a murderer's head in a nineteenth-century prison for the criminally insane. The craniologist' fingers and calipers were programmed by the usual incentives of stipends, grants and professional ego to find in the skull of that murderer ridges, bumps and depressions, each meticulously equated with an ungovernable passion, an ethnic deficit or a mental derangement. The murderer's individual head became a universal model, the particular promoted to an unassailable theory.
At least Lombroso and his retinue measured heads. All Al Gore has ever needed is a hot day or some heavy rain as opportunity to promote the unassailable theory of man-made global warming. Come a rainy summer ('95), a perfectly routine El Nino ('97) or forest fire in Florida ('9 and Gore was there for the photo op, the uplifted finger warning of worse warming to come. '97 also found Gore in Glacier National Park, pointing at Grinnell glacier and telling the press gravely that it was melting, which indeed it has been since the end of the Little Ice Age,1450 to 1800. Mid-latitude glaciers expanded then, just as they contracted in the Medieval Warming Period, hotter than today and thus so vexing to climate alarmists like Michael Mann (now a reigning weather bureaucrat at the IPCC) that they had wiped it off their historical temperature graphs, just like an editor in Stalin's time cropping a team photo of early Bolsheviks to get rid of recently anathematized undesirables.

Man-made global warming theory is fed by pseudo quantitative predictions from climate-careerists working primarily off the big, mega-computer General Circulation Models which include the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, the Department of Commerce's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab, a private GCM which used to be at Oregon State before the University of Illinois lured the team away. There's another one at Livermore and one in England, at Hadley.

These are multi-billion dollar computer model programming bureaucracies as intent on self-preservation and budgetary enhancement as cognate nuclear bureaucracies at Oakridge and Los Alamos.
They are as unlikely to develop models confuting the hypothesis of human-induced global warming as is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to say the weather is possibly getting a little bit warmer but that there's no great cause for alarm and indeed some reason for rejoicing, since this warming (whose natural causes I discussed in that recent column) gives us a longer growing season and increased CO2, a potent plant fertiliser. Welcome global greening.

Back in the early 1970s, in agencies such as its Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) the UN did nourish some quite radical plans for a new international economic order, one establishing more favorable terms of trade for the poorer nations. By the late 70s all such hopes were vanishing under the neoliberal tide and the Reagan-Clinton era finished them off. By the late 1980s the UN high brass clearly perceived the "challenge" of climate change to be the horse to ride to build up the organization's increasingly threadbare moral authority, and to claim a role beyond that of being an obvious American errand boy. In 1988, the United Nations Environment Program, originally formed in 1972, was united in unholy bureaucratic matrimony with the UN's World Meteorological Organization, giving us the IPCC.

The cycle of alarmist predictions is now well established. Not so long before some new UN moot on What To Do About the Weather, a prominent fearmonger like James Hansen or Michael Mann will make a tremulous statement about the accelerating tempo and dimensions of the warming crisis.
The cry is taken up by the IPCC, (and in the 1990s, by the Clinton/Gore White House), with the press releases headlined by the New York Times, with exactly the same intentional lack of critical evaluation as that newspaper's recycling of the government's lies about Saddam's weapons of mass destruction. Months and years later come the qualifications and the retractions, long after new contracts and grants have been awarded, and fresh legions hired to staff the ever-expanding empires of the threatmongers. (The Pentagon has at last caught on, and instructed by a glitzy admiral-led study from the Center for Naval Analysis, is building the intellectual foundation for huge new budget increases based on hypothetical connections between global warming and burgeoning, famine-driven terrorism.)

When measured reality doesn't cooperate with the lurid model predictions, new compensating "factors" are concocted, such as the briefly popular sulfate aerosols of the 1990os, recruited to cool off the obviously excessive heat predicted by the models. Or the existing, inconvenient data are water-Xboarded into submission as happened with the ice-core samples that fail to confirm the modellers' need for record temperatures today as opposed to half a million years ago. As Richard Kerr, Science magazine's man on global warming remarked, "Climate modelers have been 'cheating' for so long it's become almost respectable."

The consequence? As with the arms spending spiral powered by the Cold War merchants of fear, vast amounts of money will be uselessly spent on programs that won't work against an enemy that doesn't exist. Meanwhile, real and curable environmental perils are scanted or ignored. Hysteria rules the day, drowning urgently needed environmental cleanup in our backyard while smoothing the way for the nuclear industry to reap its global rewards
Eternal Freedom - Infinite Awareness

Offline Tzvi Ben Roshel1

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Re: HOT AIR, COLD CASH - Who are the Merchants of Fear?
« Reply #12 on: June 24, 2007, 04:54:04 PM »
stop spamming.
The Academy of Elijah taught, whoever studies the laws (of the Torah) every day, (he) is guaranteed to have a share in the World to Come.

‏119:139 צִמְּתַתְנִי קִנְאָתִי כִּישָׁכְחוּ דְבָרֶיךָ צָרָי
My zeal incenses me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
‏119:141 צָעִיר אָנֹכִי וְנִבְזֶה פִּקֻּדֶיךָ, לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי.
 I am young and despised; I have not forgotten Your precepts.

" A fool does not realize, and an unwise person does not understand this (i.e. the following:) When the wicked bloom like grass, and the evildoers blossom (i.e. when they seem extremly successful), it is to destroy them forever (i.e. they are rewarded for their few good deeds in this World, and they will have no portion in the World to Come!)

Please visit: (The Greatest lectures on Earth).

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Re: Enviro Mentalists Call For Culling of Human Population
« Reply #13 on: June 24, 2007, 04:55:16 PM »
Are they going to target Africans, Europeans, or Asians?

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In thy power Almighty, trusting,
Did our fathers build of old;
Strengthen then, O Lord, their children
To defend, to love, to hold
That the heritage they gave us
For our children yet may be:
Bondsmen only to the Highest
And before the whole world free.
As our fathers trusted humbly,
Teach us, Lord, to trust Thee still:
Guard our land and guide our people
In Thy way to do Thy will.


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Re: Enviro Mentalists Call For Culling of Human Population
« Reply #14 on: June 24, 2007, 05:02:50 PM »
Are they going to target Africans, Europeans, or Asians?

They have already started with the Africans long time ago, then the Asians and then.....geuss whos coming to dinner?  Certainly not Natty Dread Locks!! ;D


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Re: HOT AIR, COLD CASH - Who are the Merchants of Fear?
« Reply #15 on: June 24, 2007, 05:03:52 PM »
stop spamming.

Spreading truth is spamming?  What are you so afraid of?  Both sides of the story being told?  Get a grip!


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THE QUEEN - Why movies lie!
« Reply #16 on: June 24, 2007, 05:05:21 PM »
"The Queen" - Why Movies Lie
"The Queen":Why Movies Lie
by Henry Makow Ph.D. – March 26, 2007

"The Queen" illustrates how the public is lulled to sleep with Mother Goose stories.

The drama rests entirely on Queen Elizabeth II's refusal to speak publicly after the death of Princess Diana in 1997; and how, under pressure from a grieving nation, she graciously rose to the occasion.

Nominated for "Best Picture," the movie doesn’t mention she had good reason to hesitate. Helen Mirrren won for "Best Actress" but if Mohammed Fayed is right, Elizabeth II deserves the Oscar.

She may have orchestrated the hit with her husband and son. "I want Charles and Philip together in court." the father of Diana's fiance said recently. "These are the people who ordered the murder."

Now that would have been a movie!

However in this movie, Elizabeth's excuse is to "suffer silently and with dignity" and "focus on her grandsons' suffering." The tensions between the Princess and the House of Windsor are only implied.

The movie is very comforting. Elizabeth II really is a good person, not the front for the world's greatest criminal syndicate, dealing in drugs, arms, prostitution and banking, according to Lyndon LaRouche's book "Dope, Inc." (1992.)

Prince Charles, Prince Philip and Tony and Cherie Blair are dedicated citizens and family people, not inbred Masons, Satanists, traitors, warmongers, criminals perverts and crystal gazers depicted by David Icke. (I reserve judgment on reptilian shape shifters.)

[Philip is Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of Freemasons of England.]

After seeing "The Queen," I left the cinema feeling with poet Robert Browning, "God is in His Heaven and all is right with the world."

Our leaders are decent people trying to do what's right! The old ladies in the audience shouted, "pip, pip" when Elizabeth finally saw the light. "Well done, your majesty!"

The movie critics felt the same way. Ninety eight per cent gave the movie positive reviews. .


However, in the case of murder we must always ask, "Who Benefits?"

After the divorce of Charles and Diana in 1991, "The London Daily Mail" emphasized England "now has effectively two Royal Houses—the House of Charles and the House of Diana. In the first five months of separation, Princess Diana attracted five times as many spectators, twice as many reporters, and more than twice as many photographers than her husband." (Peter Fearon, "Buckingham Babylon" p. 372)

Diana's death looks like an old fashioned Mafia hit, a British dynastic spat. Didn't Queen Elizabeth I have Mary Stuart beheaded in 1587? Diana threatened the family business and needed to be rubbed out.

According to "This is London" (March 2) "Mr. Fayed has been implacable in his insistence that Prince Philip 'masterminded' the couples' death. He says Dodi and Diana planned to marry but the British establishment could not accept the prospect of the mother of a future king marrying a Muslim."

Or giving him a Muslim half-brother? There were rumors she was pregnant. Diana expressed fears that Charles would use MI-6 to arrange a car crash. There is evidence this is exactly what happened.

Imagine if this movie revealed the truth instead of covered it up?


"In pre-movie days the business of peddling lies about life was spotty and organized." Ben Hecht, a veteran screenwriter wrote. Since then, "One basic [movie] plot only has appeared daily...the triumph of virtue and the overthrow of wickedness.... ("A Child of the Century," p. 468)

But in real life the bad guys are always the winners. The Cabbalist central banking mob finagled control over national credit and is consolidating this advantage into world tyranny. They fund the movies that deceive, distract and debilitate the boobs while they advance toward their goal.

Society as a whole is organized like a secret society (i.e. Freemasonry, Communism, Zionism, Feminism.). Most members are not told the real agenda. They are easier to manipulate with idealistic sounding platitudes about freedom and righteousness. The function of the mass media as well as education: is to lie; to reinforce the official illusion: how things "are supposed to be."

[In a famous interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992, George Bush Sr. admitted: "Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched."]

To be duped (by some Cause) is probably the characteristic modern human experience, but of course few know it. [Think of Pat Tillman who wanted to avenge 9-11.] Even those who rise in the NOW Masonic conspiracy are often "useful idiots" who provide a convincing facade.

James Forrestal, for example, was a corporate lawyer who became Truman's Secretary of Defense. When he realized Masonic bankers controlled Communism as well as Capitalism, he couldn’t keep quiet. He was deemed "insane" and thrown from the window of Bethesda Naval Hospital. He was a good guy. He lost. There are no movies about him. Joe McCarthy was likely murdered at the same hospital a few years later.

"Treason doth never prosper: what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason."

Richard Nixon realized the same thing and wanted to take back the USA. The CIA used "The Washington Post" and Watergate to impeach him. Yet the movie "All the President's Men" tells a ridiculous story about the press bringing down a corrupt ruler. The truth – a political hack who reaches for greatness by defying the Rockefellers – would have been wonderful. Even Oliver Stone missed this story in his movie Nixon."

Have you seen an honest movie about the murder of George Patton or Huey Long? One about 9-11? What about Margie Shroedinger, the woman who sued G.W. Bush for rape and then "committed suicide" ? There are dozens of "good guys" murdered during the Clinton Administration. Each one would make a great movie.

[At the 1991 Bilderberg meeting, David Rockefeller thanked the media for covering up elite plans for the "supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers." “It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years."]

"News" and "Entertainment" are the main reason for our collective arrested development. They define reality, past and present. We depend on them for guidance and inspiration. There still are good movies but most fit the description above.

Hopefully the Internet will be a source of entertainment that nurtures rather than enslaves

See also my "The Illuminati World of Make Believe"

See also: Google Video -- Tony Blair and British Freemasonry

There is nothing more important for you at this time than to seek higher than you have done to date. We must be uncompromising and unconditionally consecrated to the Truth -..EXPANDED AWARENESS.


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UK “Prime-Minister-in-Waiting” speaks of "New World Order"
« Reply #17 on: June 24, 2007, 05:08:34 PM »
UK “Prime-Minister-in-Waiting” speaks of "New World Order"
News Commentary – February 3, 2007

Gordon Brown, Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer, is only nominally "Prime Minister in waiting" and may never occupy number 10 Downing Street. However he has the right credentials, including one key characteristic that is absolutely essential for the job.

The Illuminati like to back all the leading contenders in the race for power: just as they did with Kerry and Bush during the last U.S. presidential election. This helps them maintain the illusion of "political freedom" while ensuring they remain in control.

Beyond an overriding lust for power, which propels candidates forward in the first place, the Illuminati also demand complete and utter subservience.

That much is apparent in Tony Blair, who embarked on the Iraq invasion despite widespread opposition to it at home. It is also manifest in his fawning readiness to follow George Bush and, if you read between the lines, in the article below about Gordon Brown.

Apart from complete obedience however, the Illuminati also require something else to ensure total compliance.

A hidden secret or a dark episode in the candidate's past is also obligatory.

Then, if they ever step out of line or threaten to expose the hidden workings of political power, that secret can be "leaked" – thereby destroying the candidate's political prospects and credibility and thus ensuring their obedience.

As regular visitors to this website are probably aware, with George Bush this secret lies in his homosexual liaisons which culminated in 2005 with a male prostitute's regular visits to the White House.

With Tony Blair this secret lies in his past as an informant for MI5.

Moreover if you control, or own the press as the Illuminati do, you can decide what to publicise or not. Thereby giving you some power over how the voters view the candidates.

The combination of media ownership and the ability to vet aspiring leaders gives the Illuminati an iron grip over the political process in the West.

Gordon Brown’s secret, we are reliably informed, lies in the form of photographic evidence of Brown together with a male prostitute.

The British Chancellor of the Exchequer only married in 2000 in what was essentially an arranged marriage to buttress his public image. Prior to that, and despite attempts to cast him as a “man about town/bachelor”, he was well known in certain homosexual haunts.

So, whether he assumes the office of Prime Minister or not, Gordon Brown is an Illuminati pawn ready and willing to do their bidding. And note, as seen in the photo below, Alan Greenspan is now a key advisor to Gordon Brown – a sure sign that Brown is in the running.

Looking like two puppets in a political 'Punch and Judy' show, former Federal Reserve Bank head Alan Greenspan and Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown receive honorary degrees at the University of New York.

UK “Prime-Minister-in-Waiting” sets forth vision for New World Order
Catherine Macloed– The Herald January 18, 2007

Gordon Brown spelt out his vision for a world order underpinned by British values, to meet the economic and security challenges of globalisation, in India yesterday.

Revealing the international priorities of a Brown premiership likely to begin this summer, the Chancellor argued that global institutions must be inclusive and open to represent the emerging world order.

Without sounding like a British bulldog, he nevertheless beat the drum for Britain, hailing British values as the building blocks for the new institutions.

“I see myself as representing Britain and doing my best for Britain, talking about what is going to bring Britain prosperity in years to come. Everything is a challenge because there are new opportunities we can build for our country.

“We can help to build things and shape this new world order in a way that is good for Britain and British values,” he said.

Earlier, when he and Alistair Darling, the Trade and industry secretary, visited companies which have invested in Britain and British companies, Mr Brown trumpeted the strength of the British-Indian partnership.

‘Without sounding like a bulldog, he nevertheless beat the drum for Britain’

Speaking to the Confederation of Indian Industry in Bangalore on his first visit to the sub-continent, he challenged institutions to reform to meet the needs of this century.

He pointed out that the institutions had dealt with the demands of the world during the Cold War, but now needed to change to meet the demands of the modern world.

He said: “I believe that it is only now, as we see the impact of globalisation, that we can also imagine the full shape of the emerging new world order - a new world economic, political and social order, driven forward not just by considerations of the balance of military strength and ordinary political power, but by the seismic shift in social and economic power brought forward by globalisation.” (Empahsis added.)

Making no secret of his wish to let India join the United Nations Security Council, he said: “My theme today is how co-operating together and with a plan to reform our international institutions we can ensure that globalisation works to ensure proserity and opportunity for not just some of the people, but all of the people.”

His agenda is ambitious - he urged reform of the United Nations, the G8, Nato, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the European Union, which he said must move from looking inward to outward-looking internationalists in a global Europe.

Acknowledging India’s role as the third biggest UN peacekeeping force, he urged the UN to modernise to become an effective peacemaker in the modern world.

Aware that India was only slowly opening doors to foreign investors, he made clear he hoped that Britain and India would continue to co-operate to their mutual benefit.

“I am sure that India and Britain together - the world’s largest democracy and one of the world’s oldest democracies, with our shared history and culture, and common values of understanding and tolerance - can, working in unison, play a critical role as partners in addressing the great challenges of our times.”


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Bilderberg and the Corporate Media, part 1
« Reply #18 on: June 24, 2007, 05:22:36 PM »
Posted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 9:07 pm    Post subject: Did New York Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami? - Moral America   

Did New York Orchestrate The Asian Tsunami??

With Afghanistan and Iraq already lost, the Wall Street bankers were all desperately looking for other ways to control our world, when suddenly and very conveniently, the Sumatran Trench exploded. Trick or Treat?

Copyright Joe Vialls, 5 January 2005, Updated 4 February 2005

Click here for: "Secret OSS Plans to Trigger Earthquakes in Japan"

We gratefully accept credit cards!USS Abraham Lincoln CVN72Real Blast Epicenter in Sumatran TrenchMosque near Ground Zero, Aceh"Others are engaging even in an eco type of terrorism, whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes or volcanos remotely, through the use of electromagnetic waves." American
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen, April 1997. Big surprise! Presumably Cohen already knew that a nuclear weapon generates what he refers to obliquely as "electromagnetic waves". Despite having a huge number of tsunami victims in its own State of Tamil Nadu, India completely converted the survey ship INS Nirupak into a 50-bed floating hospital in less than 72 hours, then sent it unarmed to help the desperate people of Aceh in Indonesia. . By direct comparison, America sent combat ships and armed Marines. The US Navy has two 1,000 bed hospital ships, the 'Comfort' and the 'Mercy', but neither one was dispatched. Though the USNS Comfort was deployed to New York when 3,000 Americans died in September 2001, this current lack of action sends a strong signal that 150,000 (mostly Muslim) dead in South East Asia, and half a million injured, are of no concern whatever to the power brokers in New York. The Indian Government knew full well that this was not a "normal" earthquake. On 27 December India refused to join George Bush's planned exclusive 'club of four', which would have effectively pulled this Asian nuclear power out of its new coalition with Russia, China and Brazil. On 28 December the Indian Government politely warned the American military to stay clear of Indian sovereign territory, and on 29 December the India Daily Editorial publicly questioned the nature of the event: "Was this a showdown by a country to show the region what havoc can be created?" ... "Given the level of devastation and given the fact India is a regional power in South Asia, [the] Indian Navy has an obligation to investigate and tell the world what they found."
Theoretically, the American 9 megaton W-53 thermonuclear warhead shown on the left, could easily be encased in a small 'lookalike' saturation diving chamber similar to that on the right, to protect it from the massive 10,000 pounds per square inch pressures at the bottom of the Sumatran Trench. The whole armored package would weigh less than five tons, allowing it to be slipped over the stern of any oil rig supply vessel, of which there are more than 300 in Asia alone. Who would even notice? Despite a natural human tendency to be shocked into silence by the sheer number of dead and injured across Asia on 26 December 2004, and despite also being slightly fearful of losing personal credibility because of the magnitude of the apparent crime, there are many provable irregularities in the official American tsunami story that simply have to be recorded now, or forever be lost in the sands of time.
It is beyond any doubt that a giant tidal wave (tsunami) smashed its way through South and South East Asia, and still had enough legs to continue all the way across the Indian Ocean to Africa, where it killed and injured a few hundred more. So the only question we must ask, is whether this tsunami was a natural or man-made catastrophe? A natural event would be horrifying enough, but if the tsunami was man-made, then we are unquestionably looking at the biggest single war crime in global history.
To make any sense at all of the irregularities, we must start at the very beginning, and then follow the course of events as they unfold, especially events in the immediate vicinity of the real tsunami epicenter, because the latter is quite different from the location being remorselessly peddled by the New York Times and CNN.
At midday local Australian time I faithfully recorded the magnitude and position plotted by the Jakarta Geophysical Office in Indonesia. An earthquake measuring 6.4 on the Richter scale had hit the north of the Indonesian island of Sumatra. The Jakarta Geophysical Office meticulously noted that the epicenter of the event was located 155 miles south-southwest of Aceh Province.
This location is approximately 250 miles south of the position later selected by the American NOAA, which plotted the epicenter to the north-west of Aceh, and initially claimed a Richter reading of 8.0. Alas, even that was not enough to cover the damage caused by this extraordinary event, so NOAA progressively upgraded the reading to 8.5, then to 8.9, and finally to 9.0 - at least for the present.
So, the first proven irregularities were peddled by American officials at the NOAA, who suddenly invented a new 'flexible' peak seismic wave for the event, of far greater magnitude than Jakarta, when the Jakarta office was located much closer at almost point-blank range. Believe me when I tell you there is no such thing as the new 'flexible' peak claimed by NOAA. The first seismic peak you record is the only real peak, unless of course you later manually draw in a few more peaks of your own, to match a contrived agenda. Naturally there is also only one epicenter, which was faithfully recorded by dozens of Indonesian and Indian seismographs.
Quite apart from the huge disparity in Richter values, the Indonesians and Indians were disturbed to find that the normal earthquake 'preamble' was missing from their seismograph charts. All this means is that the normal steadily increasing number of transverse shear "S" waves that always precede an earthquake were missing, as were later aftershocks, which likewise always accompany a naturally occurring or Tesla standing-wave generated earthquake. There were 'warnings' of aftershocks from the NOAA, but none actually eventuated.
To simplify matters for non-technical readers, an earthquake is always triggered by a resonant electromagnetic frequency in the range 0.5 to 12 Hertz, but it is not an instant process, because the resonant frequency must be precise. Thus as true resonance approaches, the fault line starts to tremble like a piece of rope under tension, and sends out warnings to the seismographs in the form of steadily increasing transverse shear waves.
If all you get is a cluster of "P" compression waves, then you are almost certainly looking at an underground or sub sea explosion. These were in fact the only copious seismic signals that the Indonesians and Indians received, and they looked curiously similar to those generated many years ago by large underground nuclear weapons in Nevada.

We will return later to the relatively simple task of delivering a multi-megaton thermonuclear weapon to the bottom of the Sumatran Trench, and then detonating it with awesome effect, but right now we need to return to our initial task of following the trail of events and inexplicable irregularities. First we must travel south to the distant desert island of Australia, currently ruled by an obsequious Wall Street toady known as Little Johnny Howard. To the intense displeasure of many of his Australian "subjects", Little Johnny never makes a move outside Australia unless he first receives explicit instructions from one of his New York minders. Remember this reality, because it is extremely important in terms of what Australia did next.
On the morning of 27 December, the Australian (New York owned) media was making it very clear that the most badly hit nation in the region was Sri Lanka, an island at the southern tip of India, which like Australia is a member nation of the British Commonwealth. Accordingly, Tim Costello, head of one of Australia's largest charities, made immediate plans to fly to the area and assess the need for aid. But that same morning, Little Johnny was dancing to a very different tune, which, based on his known subservience, must have been playing down his secure telephone line from Wall Street.
In true covert manner, Little Johnny secretly dispatched two RAAF Hercules transport planes packed with supplies to Malaysia on "Stand By", and directed two more to Darwin in Australia's north. Please note that if Little Johnny had any humanitarian concerns at all, all four Hercules could have flown directly to Commonwealth partner Sri Lanka, where every other Australian had already been told by the media that aid was needed. But no, it wasn't to be, and Little Johnny waited patiently for orders from New York.
The waiting period was short, and after a high-flying reconnaissance jet confirmed that the runway was clear at Medan in eastern Sumatra, all four Australian Hercules complete with troops, guns and other tackle, invaded Sumatra just south of the devastated province of Aceh. In turn, with 90% of its population killed by the tsunami, Aceh might perhaps one day soon become Indonesia's very own Guantanamo Bay, crawling with hundreds of heavily armed Australians and Americans.
Remember carefully though, at the time these four Hercules touched down in Medan, the ordinary Australian public still had no idea that Sumatra was badly hit. Only Little Johnny knew, and of course his trusty crystal ball in New York. To hell with Sri Lanka, his bosses wanted a main base for the huge reconstruction contracts in Asia, designed to replace the failed oil theft and reconstruction in Iraq, and keep poor old Zion on its tottering New York legs for a few more weeks or months.
In the end, what the hell did it matter how many Goyim had to die? And, hey, on the credit side they'd already managed to kill more than 100,00 Muslims in Sumatra with a single tidal wave, which was partial payback for their own resounding defeats in Afghanistan and Iraq. Needless to say the Australians were merely the advance party, soon to be joined by a curiously well prepared and equipped U.S. Military, though it is doubtful that any of the officers and men involved really comprehend what is going on. Only a handful thought to question why they had been spending a whole year training for a "Humanitarian Mission", when the whole point of the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps is normally to kill people in very large numbers. Just look at Fallujah, people, look at Fallujah.
As if by magic, the Pentagon managed to have two battle groups ready to sail at an instant's notice from Hong Kong and Guam during the normally chaotic Christmas to New Year period. Crikey! Military discipline has come a hell of a long way since my day, when everyone including the ship's cat was sleeping it off at some highly questionably hostelry or another. Not these 10,000+ Americans though, who must have been standing rigidly to attention beside their hammocks day and night, tugging furiously at their forelocks whenever an officer of NCO came in sight.
The next bit was superbly orchestrated, because it took place at sea, far away from the prying eyes of dock spies or imaginary KGB agents. But oops, first you have to know who was involved. Out of Hong Kong rushed team one, comprised of the nuclear-powered USS Abraham Lincoln and her escort vessels, while the far more interesting team two rushed out of Guam, led by the USS Bonhomme Richard, a marine amphibious assault carrier crammed to the gunwales with gun-toting wooden tops. And that is not all, believe me, because the Bonhomme Richard is in fact leading a veritable armada known as "Expeditionary Strike Group 5".
Flagship USS Bonhomme Richard is accompanied by the U.S.S. Duluth, an amphibious transport dock vessel; the USS Rushmore, a landing ship dock; the guided missile cruiser USS Bunker Hill, guided missile destroyer USS Milius, and the guided missile frigate USS Thach. To take care of the underwater side of things they are joined by the nuclear hunter-killer submarine USS Pasadena, while the U.S. Coast Guard's high-endurance cutter Munro is also tagging along, presumably to deal with Asian Customs and Excise.
Now then, though 'Strike Group 5' may be toting enough nuclear weapons to destroy half of the known world, and the title is perhaps lacking when viewed from a strictly humanitarian perspective, engineer chief Staff Sgt. Julio C. Dominguez says otherwise: "The Marine Service Support Group has been preparing for a humanitarian mission of this type for about 12 months now, and is more prepared for an actual mission". Well, OK chief, but didn't you ask why you were being trained for a mysterious humanitarian mission a year before it actually happened, especially when your day job is normally shooting Muslims full of holes?
The really sneaky (inexplicable) bit came as both battle groups entered the Indian Ocean. The USS Abraham Lincoln looked about as innocent as a carrier with 70 attack planes can look, but was already carrying 2,000 marines instead of her normal complement of around 500. That is a huge amount of grunt firepower to put on the deserted streets of Banda Aceh, especially when Wall Street normally expects these marines to die quietly for Zion in Iraq. Now then, how did they know the extra marines would be needed before team one left Hong Kong, because the surplus 1,500 marines were certainly not just standing around on Kowloon dock waiting to hitch a ride.
Then while the two battle groups (apparently) headed in two different directions across the deserted Indian Ocean, an even stranger event took place. Though Expeditionary Strike Group 5 (Humanitarian) was supposed to help the folks in Sri Lanka, the combat marines aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard transferred to amphibious transport dock vessel U.S.S. Duluth, which then split from ESG-5 and headed towards team one. So without the Indonesians really being aware of it, the (relatively) harmless and Bulky aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln has been used to screen the arrival of at least 3,500 heavily-armed US Marines in tiny Aceh Province.
That more or less brings us up to date on known military activity, though yesterday an Australian television cameraman did accidentally film some of these heavily-armed US Marines (who tried to shoo him away), searching a devastated Indonesian military base for any remaining weapons. Now call me old-fashioned, but if these guys and their bosses are straight, that particular job should be left to the Indonesian Army…
I will be circumspect as to exactly how a large American thermonuclear weapon managed to arrive at the bottom of the Sumatran Trench, though all of the seismic evidence and preparedness for the resulting mission indicates strongly that this is the case. After all, we are back to the age-old question of "who benefits?", and in this particular case, "Who is insane enough to kill more than 150,000 civilians just to hang on to power?' Based on their past performance in Iraq and other luckless countries, it would seem that the only realistic candidates are Wolfowitz and company, striving as always to create a "One World Government".
Certainly no other nuclear powers including Russia and China stand to gain anything at all from such an outrageous mass murder, so, as always in the end, we come back to Sherlock Holmes via the pen of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: "When you have ruled out the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, is the truth."
For the Zionist Cabal, obtaining a thermonuclear weapon in America is no great trick, especially when we have the precedent of 100 small 'decommissioned' air-to-air atomic warheads being smuggled out the Pentagon's (civilian) back door, to form the core of the Jewish State's current nuclear arsenal. Once a weapon system is out date and out of service, loyal uniformed US military personnel can no longer track it.
Those who wish to understand how such a seemingly small weapon could rattle a 20,000 feet-deep oceanic trench, and then force a giant tsunami right across the Indian Ocean, would do well to look at the diagram of the famous 'Dambusters' attacking the German dam below, most of which is self-explanatory.
The designer of the RAF's bouncing bomb (actually called "Highball") was a scientist called Barnes Wallace, who had already gained a formidable reputation with his Wellington bomber, which he constructed geodetically, thus enabling it to absorb enormous punishment before actually being shot out of the sky. Many Wellington returned to base literally in tatters, while many luckless cousins like the Stirling and Halifax were all too often consigned to the murky deep of the North Sea.
Wallace knew that bombing the dams vertically was a complete waste of time, and the only possibility of success lay in placing a mine hard up against the dam wall at its base. You see, water cannot be compressed, meaning that if the mine was pressed against the dam wall at the moment of detonation, part of its energy would automatically be expended on the wall itself. Too far away in the relatively shallow water, and most of the blast energy would be lost to atmosphere, in a huge exploding cloud of water of course.
Though it was obvious that the dam wall could not be destroyed by a single bomb from a single Lancaster bomber (it would weight far too much for the aircraft to get off the ground), Wallace pinned his hopes on the scientific fact that cumulative stress should do the job, and he was proved right. Though officially three of the bombs, each containing 6,500 pounds of TNT, were considered to be direct hits, one of these veered off slightly, meaning that the giant Mohne Dam was completely breached by a total of 13,000 pounds of tri-nitro toluene.
It is the incompressibility of water in particular that matters deep down in the Sumatran Trench. At the bottom you already have 10,000 pounds of pressure per square inch pressing down on your weapon of choice, and above that weapon there is a column of water 20,000 feet tall, which is what caused the pressure in the first place. Not only that. The trench narrows at the bottom, meaning that the weapon is 'hemmed-in', with a very real chance of moving a tectonic plate if sufficient tonnage is used.
In this particular case there was no real need to shift a tectonic plate, and science suggests that if this blast had caused such an effect, several very powerful aftershocks would have occurred, as has happened with every other major earthquake in the past. But, as previously stated, and setting aside the seemingly deliberate provocative though false warnings from the American NOAA, there has not been a single aftershock which can be directly & scientifically linked to the 'event' in the Sumatran Trench at 0758 hours local on 26 December 2004. Later tremors might or might not be connected to the weapon.
To force subservience on Asia, and ensure the lion's share of incredibly lucrative reconstruction contracts, all that was needed was a very large tsunami targeted on the selected nations, which was easily within the capabilities of a large thermonuke. There is nothing new about "Sea Bursts" as they are called, and more than 30 years ago plans existed in both America and Russia to wipe out each other's coastal cities using exactly this technique. The tidal wave from a deep sea burst is relatively clean, allowing the aggressor to take over both land and remaining buildings etc. with the minimum of delay.
If everything had gone to plan, then Indonesia, Sri Lanka and India would have been in hock to the IMF and World Bank for thirty or more years - time enough to wait for the price of oil to come down again after the lethal fiasco in Iraq. At the same time, if the Indian Government had taken the bait, the deadly Russian-Chinese-Indian-Brazilian coalition would have been dead in the water. Not a bad day's work for a single thermonuclear weapon discreetly removed from the decommissioning process.
There are those who may claim that I have 'left out' the giant ExxonMobil gas fields in Aceh, but that is not the case. Certainly they are very productive sub-surface fields, and will unquestionably produce lots of gas again once the surface equipment has been repaired, but in isolation they are completely incapable of saving the New Zion from collapse. Wall Street needs giant reconstruction contracts, and plenty of them.
If I remember correctly, shortly before Christmas I received a large number of emails from various people about some "German Guy", who apparently claimed that Wolfowitz had got hold of a critical weapon and was going to nuke Houston on either the 26 or 27 of December. I never did read the whole email, but it seems very likely that it was initially circulated by Wolfowitz or one of his ilk, as a classic disinformation distraction. Try something along the lines of "You suckers all watch Houston very carefully on 26 December, while I nuke Asia behind your backs… "

Update 6 Jan 2005
Tsunami 'Just Missed' India's Top Fighter Jets & Nuclear Power StationIndia's nuclear reactor at Chennai in Tamil Nadu State, flanked on either side by state-of-the-art hyper performance Sukhoi SU 30 jets, which should have been vulnerably situated in the Nicobar Islands front-line when the tsunami roared north from the Sumatran Trench. India has a major air force base on the Island of Car Nicobar, which guards the front line of Indian airspace in the Bay of Bengal. This base was being upgraded as 'home' to 25 of the IAF's Russian Sukhoi SU 30 jets, every one of which is capable of firing both the Sunburn and Onyx Mach 2.0+ sea skimming anti-ship missiles.
The Sukhoi squadrons were due to arrive in Car Nicobar on 14 December, but had to be delayed because of construction work, which is extremely ironic. Despite the tidal wave roaring over the island and breaking up the runways, India still has its incredibly valuable SU 30 hyper performance planes, now situated on the mainland fully armed, and within striking range of both US Battle Fleets currently in the Indian Ocean.
"We will have the fighters operating from the base within six months," a determined Air Chief Marshal S Krishnaswamy said as he assessed the damage caused to the [Car Nicobar] base. "In a year's time we will make the base fully operational. The problem is of transporting each and every construction material by ships and planes again to this place. The material include even the concrete which we have to lay on the runway."
There could also have been a major catastrophe at Chennai in Tamil Nadu, India's southernmost state and home to its fast breeder nuclear reactor. About another 0.2 on the Richter Scale, and the world (india in Particular) would very likely have been facing a second Chernobyl - yet another catastrophic 'spin-off' from the Sumatran Trench event. Fortunately, as if by fate, the tidal wave damaged only the cooling water inlets, which play no part in the nuclear process.
As I post this update in the early hours of 6 January, Bloomberg has very kindly just confirmed the transfer of power from Expeditionary Strike Group 5 (humanitarian duties only), to the USS Abraham Lincoln battle group off Aceh. Now not one but both massive assault landing carriers are bound for poor old Indonesia and its 110,000,000 Muslim citizens...
"The USS Bonhomme Richard and USS Duluth today arrived in Sumatran waters and airlifted more than 200,000 pounds (90,000 kilograms) from two warehouses for distribution to areas unreachable by road, the U.S. embassy in Jakarta said in an e- mailed statement. The ships carry 25 helicopters each and more than doubled the number of U.S. aircraft to carry aid. "

Update 4 February 2005
Condoleeza Rice's Unbelievably Arrogant "Profitable" Tsunami

At a recent Senate Foreign Relations Committee hearing on her appointment by Bush to the post of Secretary of State, Condoleeza Rice declared that the tsunami constituted "a wonderful opportunity to show not just the US government, but the heart of the American people." "And I think it has paid great dividends for us," she added.
The French Government has shown an interest in this unbelievably arrogant gaffe, with a former director of the French Government "Centre National de la recherche Scientifique" putting to bed any notion that the tsunami was a 'natural event'. THe author, physicist Dr Jean Pierre Petit, provides some excellent photographs of American-occupied Diego Garcia, and predicts a very chilling future for America, if a similar 'natural event' should accidentally happen in the Canary Islands.

"Tsunami" by Dr Jean Pierre Petit, Click Here

For those who cannot read French, there is a free automatic translator called "Babel Fish" located at Copy and paste the French page URL into the box marked 'Translate a Web Page', select 'From French to English', and then hit the return key. The resulting free translation to English is direct and thus grammatically imperfect, but it is quite good enough to follow and comprehend the author's arguments. Tsunami Part Two, 24 Feb 2005, Click Here


There is nothing more important for you at this time than to seek higher than you have done to date. We must be uncompromising and unconditionally consecrated to the Truth -...EXPANDED AWARENESS

Offline Tzvi Ben Roshel1

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Re: HOT AIR, COLD CASH - Who are the Merchants of Fear?
« Reply #19 on: June 24, 2007, 05:25:00 PM »
i didnt read your writings, but you put on too many topics all at once and some of the titles look ludacris.
The Academy of Elijah taught, whoever studies the laws (of the Torah) every day, (he) is guaranteed to have a share in the World to Come.

‏119:139 צִמְּתַתְנִי קִנְאָתִי כִּישָׁכְחוּ דְבָרֶיךָ צָרָי
My zeal incenses me, for my adversaries have forgotten Your words.
‏119:141 צָעִיר אָנֹכִי וְנִבְזֶה פִּקֻּדֶיךָ, לֹא שָׁכָחְתִּי.
 I am young and despised; I have not forgotten Your precepts.

" A fool does not realize, and an unwise person does not understand this (i.e. the following:) When the wicked bloom like grass, and the evildoers blossom (i.e. when they seem extremly successful), it is to destroy them forever (i.e. they are rewarded for their few good deeds in this World, and they will have no portion in the World to Come!)

Please visit: (The Greatest lectures on Earth).

Offline mord

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« Reply #20 on: June 24, 2007, 05:26:40 PM »
Victor ostrovsky never made it through mossad training # Lyndon larouche is a joke
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: HOT AIR, COLD CASH - Who are the Merchants of Fear?
« Reply #21 on: June 24, 2007, 05:28:19 PM »
I suggest you read and think before you post foolish statements!

Offline kahaneloyalist

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Re: HOT AIR, COLD CASH - Who are the Merchants of Fear?
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2007, 05:39:35 PM »
I believe this is the latest incarnation of truthtyper, a Neo-Nazi who was fond of conspiracy theories and was banned from the forum
"For it is through the mercy of fools that all Justice is lost"

Offline mord

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« Reply #23 on: June 24, 2007, 05:42:44 PM »
Joe Vialls LOL LOL LOL LOL hes claimed to being 10 things at one time ::) ::)

Oh heres Joe crackpot Vialls site :laugh:
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 05:55:11 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Bilderberg and the Corporate Media, part 1
« Reply #24 on: June 24, 2007, 05:56:39 PM »
« Last Edit: June 24, 2007, 06:14:01 PM by jdl4ever »