OK I think I understand. But they (Muslims) don't call it a Temple and they deny that the Temple ever existed. They built a shrine called Al-Aqsa on the spot where the Temple stood... One day that shrine will be sent to the far reaches of outer space and the Temple will be rebuilt on its chosen place, the place Hashem chose..
Regarding speaking or writing things which are ambiguous or difficult to understand I refer to Pirkie Avot Chapter Two, Pasuk 4
OK, nice quote. The point is I'm half-crypticizing to make it a joke, because the way to make those is with suprise, which you have to want to think first off to experience better. What about poetry then, sometimes its gotta rhyme.
Here's one that sucks, but you see that sticking with the made-up format its better to be cryptic than nothing:
We all got problems,
so don't compare.
Life remains rotten,
so you better care.
It's all gone in a moment,
so always share.
Life happens even when you don't know it,
so be prepared.
At every trap you'll be shown in,
so be wise when dared.
Without love, our hearts start falling,
so nurture what's still there.
And when it's all done,
stop regretting the fun,
wash your hands for the next run.
Victory is achieved,
when you and see and believe,
that hauling hot air won't gun you relief.
So trust your heart,
'Cause brains act too smart.
As far as their temple being sent to outer space, I'd want the rock to go, but the thing I'd rather it be made sand and bullion and remade like the other story. On first thought of that though, my heart did a little