Author Topic: Is me wanting America the United States to remain majority white make me a racis  (Read 8850 times)

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Offline MuslimNaziTraitor2007

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Is me wanting America the United States to remain majority white make me a racist or a neo nazi white supremacist ?

Buchanan says while he did not oppose all aims of the Civil Rights Movement, he deplored what he saw as its increasingly left-wing orientation. Buchanan expresses preference for the social and cultural views of most of Black America prior to the baby boom generation. In his 2001 book Death of the West Buchanan shows a more positive opinion of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but assails African-Americans who do not consider themselves part of American culture.

In his 2006 book State of Emergency, Buchanan writes having the federal government repeal the Jim Crow laws were the right decisions,: Buchanan[page needed] but racial quotas and busing were and are a bad idea. He maintains Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy was a good idea, and dedicates an entire chapter called "The Suicide of the G.O.P." to his view the Republican Party's new strategy of courting minority votes at the expense of its traditional base will spell doom.

State of Emergency also details his take on the importance of race, statistics dealing with race, crime and education, and America's history concerning race. In the book, Buchanan praises the anti-immigration positions of black leaders like Frederick Douglass, Booker T. Washington, his favorite black American leader,[20] and W. E. B. Du Bois. He has especially praised Washington's pleas with industrialists to hire blacks instead of immigrants. He attacks modern day African-American leaders (along with contemporary union and business leaders) for not taking the same position.

Buchanan's book The Death of the West deplores the decline in non-Hispanic whites and argues no nations have held together without an ethnic majority[28][page needed]. Buchanan believes if immigration and birth rate trends continue, young Americans (in that case the Millennial Generation) will spend their golden years in a "third world America", which will reduce the nation to a conglomeration of peoples with nothing in common. He believes this can be credited to the 1965 Immigration Act and the cultural revolution of the 1960s. He notes past immigration was European, while 90 percent of new legal immigrants are Asian, African, and Latin American and they are not "melting and reforming."[29]

In State of Emergency, he writes:

Any man or any woman, of any color or creed, can be a good American. We know that from our history. But when it comes to the ability to assimilate into a nation like the United States, all nationalities, creeds, and cultures are not equal. To say that is ideology speaking, not judgment born out of experience.

During an interview promoting the book, Buchanan said he did not prefer only white immigrants, yet lamented changes in demographics of the United States.

I'd like the country I grew up in. It was a good country. I lived in Washington, D.C., – 400,000 black folks, 400,000 white folks, in a country 89 or 90 percent white. I like that country.

Asked if he believed the country should try to keep such ratio, he replied:

No, no. What I believe is that people should not deliberately alter the character and composition of the country without consulting the American people. If you adopt two children, Alan, you're going to go in and you're going to decide who comes. Who should decide who comes and who doesn't? First, illegals should not come. Secondarily, the American people should be consulted about how many immigrants come, what are the criteria. — And we haven't been consulted.

Buchanan once heard Martin Luther King, Jr. speak at a Baptist church in north St. Louis in 1962.[35] He claims King accused the 1964 Goldwater presidential campaign of "dangerous signs of Hitlerism."[36] He opposed making King's birthday a national holiday. Buchanan urged Nixon not to visit King's widow Coretta Scott King in 1969, because:

It would outrage many, many people who believe Dr. King was a fraud and a demagogue, and perhaps worse. ...It does not seem to be in the interests of national unity for the president to lend his national prestige to the argument that this divisive figure is a modern saint.

Despite his anti-Communism, he now opposes sanctions on Cuba[45] and criticized proposed sanctions on North Korea.[46] Buchanan also opposed economic sanctions against South Africa during apartheid (see South Africa, below).

Buchanan argues that the United States' ability to control its own affairs is under siege due to free trade ideology, globalism, globalization and other issues, discussed below. He once remarked, "we love the old republic, and when we hear phrases like 'new world order,' we release the safety catches on our revolvers."

2000 - Pat Buchanan's definition of the New World Order

Pat Buchanan attacks globalism as a conspiracy of "elites" callously indifferent to the wages and living standards of working families

"Global elites view the White Western world as the main obstacle standing in the way of a future world government. Multiculturalism is a tool used by such elites to dismantle White Western civilization."
Pat Buchanan (from a 2004 speech given in Falls Church, VA)

She has criticized former president George W. Bush's immigration proposals, saying they led to "amnesty". In one column, she claims that the current immigration system is set up to purposely reduce the percentage of whites in the population. In it, she said:

The society opposed aspects of the 1960s civil rights movement because it claimed the movement had communists in important positions
. In the latter half of 1965, the JBS produced a flyer titled “What’s Wrong With Civil Rights?,” which was used as a newspaper advertisement.[11][12] In the piece, one of the answers was: “For the civil rights movement in the United States, with all of its growing agitation and riots and bitterness, and insidious steps towards the appearance of a civil war, has not been infiltrated by the Communists, as you now frequently hear.

The society opposes "one world government", and has an immigration reduction view on immigration reform. It opposes the United Nations, the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), the Central America Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA), the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), and other free trade agreements. They argue the U.S. Constitution has been devalued to favor of political and economic globalization, and that such alleged trend is not accidental. It

Savage has summarized his political philosophy in three words: borders, language, and culture. Some, including Savage himself, have characterized his views as conservative nationalism,[8] while critics have characterized them as "fostering extremism or hatred."[9] He outspokenly opposes illegal immigration to the United States, supports the English-only movement and argues that liberalism and progressivism are degrading American culture. Although his radio delivery is usually characterized as confrontational and politically themed, some of his show involves ruminating on topics such as medicine, nutrition, music, literature, history, theology, philosophy, sports, culture, and personal anecdotes.

Offline Zelhar

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Buchanan is a nazi Jew hater. If you adore him, you can't claim to be a friend of the Jews. It's that simple.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Where is BF? He would have a hay day right now!!
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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If you support the Nazi Pat Buchanan, then you are a Nazi. Buchanan wrote an entire book defending Hitler yimach shmo. He has spent a lifetime defending Nazi war criminals and denying the holocaust.

One sure way to detect a Nazi is when someone is "rightwing" on every issue except Israel. When it comes to Israel, the "rightwinger" suddenly supports the leftwing view that Israel has to surrender her land and commit national suicide. That is also the case for the Nazi pig Buchanan who refers to Congress as "Israeli-occupied territory" and who bashes Israel every chance he gets.

The John Birch Society supports the Nazi Buchanan as well as the other Nazi Ron Paul. JBS also defends Nazi war criminals.

Buchanan is so obsessively anti-Semitic that he even supports the Muslims in the Middle East just because they are against Israel. Paul and JBS also defend the Muslim Nazi enemies of America and the West.

This is a Kahanist forum - which means we are zealous Zionists. If you support enemies of Israel and the Jewish people, then you are definitely in the wrong place.

G-d will destroy all enemies of His people - the Jews are G-d's chosen people. Anyone who goes against Israel is going against G-d Himself.

Offline Khan Krum

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Any person with a brain wants America remain White. Although I dont know that it will. Pat Buchanan at first gave me a bad opinion of America but then I realized he is the fringe of American political.

Offline Khan Krum

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Update: Buchanan did attack Israel, but tried to explain it. He said : "I like how the US is committed to Israel's survival but…"- can be no but's. We are committ to Israel's survival period. Unless you are a liberal hater of G-d and Israel.

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Update: Buchanan did attack Israel, but tried to explain it. He said : "I like how the US is committed to Israel's survival but…"- can be no but's. We are committ to Israel's survival period. Unless you are a liberal hater of G-d and Israel.


The Nazi Buchanan is not committed to Israel's survival. He is committed to Israel's destruction. This is someone who defends Hitler, the holocaust and the Nazi war criminals.

Offline Ephraim Ben Noach

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Update: Buchanan did attack Israel, but tried to explain it. He said : "I like how the US is committed to Israel's survival but…"- can be no but's. We are committ to Israel's survival period. Unless you are a liberal hater of G-d and Israel.
How old are you, and when did you come to America? Just curious.
Ezekiel 33:6 But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the horn, and the people be not warned, and the sword do come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity, but his blood will I require at the watchman's hand.

Offline realist26

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Forgetting about Pat Buchanan, the point is that the United States has demographic problems.  Close to 30% of the population are either black or hispanic.  The blacks, who constitute 12-13% are unproductive and a drain on resources.  Whilst many Hispanic immigrants are good workers and a source of valuable cheap labor, many are not and their children are not as productive

Offline Khan Krum

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How old are you, and when did you come to America? Just curious.
I'm 20, and I came to America 4 years ago. I've studied hard at learning English, and Bulgarian (I'm from Romania). I can communicate with my fellow Bulgarians fluently, only if they speak to me in English I speak it to them.

Offline Khan Krum

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The Nazi Buchanan is not committed to Israel's survival. He is committed to Israel's destruction. This is someone who defends Hitler, the holocaust and the Nazi war criminals.
I know, Buchanan was lying, obviously. He has wrote a new book and I'm embarassed to admit I watched him talk about it on the news. Basically he said Churchill is to blame for the Holocaust. This is when I knew for sure beyond any doubt he's a nazi. The entire interview was so stupid because the reporter didn't realize he was talking to a nazi, after he basically said in code that hitler was innocent. I forget who was the reporter but he was extremely dumb.

Offline Khan Krum

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Forgetting about Pat Buchanan, the point is that the United States has demographic problems.  Close to 30% of the population are either black or hispanic.  The blacks, who constitute 12-13% are unproductive and a drain on resources.  Whilst many Hispanic immigrants are good workers and a source of valuable cheap labor, many are not and their children are not as productive
not all Black people are. I say extremely racist things about those who are, while at the same time I have much respect for those Black people who deserve respect.The basic lesson is that people aren't always who you expect them to be.

Offline Rubystars

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One sure way to detect a Nazi is when someone is "rightwing" on every issue except Israel. When it comes to Israel, the "rightwinger" suddenly supports the leftwing view that Israel has to surrender her land and commit national suicide. That is also the case for the Nazi pig Buchanan who refers to Congress as "Israeli-occupied territory" and who bashes Israel every chance he gets.

That is the perfect test. And the bad thing about left wing thought is that even if you carry a little left wing thought, it poisons everything else. You can't just eat a little rat poison and have it be safe. If you eat any at all it poisons you. This is the same with left wing thought.

Offline MuslimNaziTraitor2007

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Ok leave Pat Buchanan out of this thread please. I made a mistake posting videos of him please talk about my question thank you. Is me wanting America the United States to remain majority white make me a racist or a neo nazi white supremacist ?

Offline MuslimNaziTraitor2007

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On Patrick Buchanan and anti-Semitism

"As a Jew, I never felt any hostility from Buchanan on that score, never heard him make a disparaging remark about Jews, never noticed any difference in the way he treats Jews and non-Jews,"
-Michael Kinsley, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire"

"Even after the Rosenthal column, nobody responsible in the Republican Party said, 'Yes, Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite.' They didn't join in. Very few journalists joined in. What happened was, when he entered the presidential politics, then he entered a new level of criticism and attack on him."
-Robert Novak, syndicated columnist

"I've known [Pat] now for twenty-five years. We have agreed on almost nothing, starting with Richard Nixon . . , there's not a scintilla of evidence in all I've known about Pat that he is anti-Semitic . . , This is an attempt to say that if you disagree with Israel on a matter of policy, you can be called anti-Semitic..."
-Jack Germond, Baltimore Sun columnist

"No true Christian can carry within his heart hatred for any of God's children . . . I am as aware as any other Christian that our Savior was Jewish, His mother was Jewish. The Apostles were Jewish. The first martyrs were Jewish...So no true Christian, in my judgment, can be an anti-Semite."
- Pat Buchanan, comment to a Christian magazine, 1992

Offline Zelhar

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Now, that you bring your 'proof' in the form of quotes from self hating kikes, converts like robert Novak, and the nazi pig Buchanan himself, I believe you, Buchanan is pro Israel. NOT!

Go back to the StørmFrønt forums.

On Patrick Buchanan and anti-Semitism

"As a Jew, I never felt any hostility from Buchanan on that score, never heard him make a disparaging remark about Jews, never noticed any difference in the way he treats Jews and non-Jews,"
-Michael Kinsley, co-host of CNN's "Crossfire"

"Even after the Rosenthal column, nobody responsible in the Republican Party said, 'Yes, Pat Buchanan is an anti-Semite.' They didn't join in. Very few journalists joined in. What happened was, when he entered the presidential politics, then he entered a new level of criticism and attack on him."
-Robert Novak, syndicated columnist

"I've known [Pat] now for twenty-five years. We have agreed on almost nothing, starting with Richard Nixon . . , there's not a scintilla of evidence in all I've known about Pat that he is anti-Semitic . . , This is an attempt to say that if you disagree with Israel on a matter of policy, you can be called anti-Semitic..."
-Jack Germond, Baltimore Sun columnist

"No true Christian can carry within his heart hatred for any of G-d's children . . . I am as aware as any other Christian that our Savior was Jewish, His mother was Jewish. The Apostles were Jewish. The first martyrs were Jewish...So no true Christian, in my judgment, can be an anti-Semite."
- Pat Buchanan, comment to a Christian magazine, 1992

Offline Dr. Dan

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American patriot is not an American patriot.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline mord

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O.K. back to question yes i would like to see the U.S. at least 90% Euro American,most of new 3rd worlders are haters of Jews and Caucasian Americans.BTW Robert Novak converted to Catholicism but even before that he was  self hating Jew.He was a bigger Jew hater then Pat Buchanan by alot.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 09:59:47 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline cjd

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It seems that America's most productive years were when it had a majority of Euro American population... It seems that people coming from that part of the world came here to America in order to build a better society than they left behind... They came here to be Americans...It seems that most of the  people coming here to America in the past 20 or 30 years from other parts of the globe do not have the same intention... Newer immigrants seem to want to pick up where they left off in the old country.... For them America has to change to fit their needs... The thing I don't get with this newer group is the fact that the places they came from were dysfunctional so what makes people like them think that their system will work any better here... America's only hope is that this new demographic eventually sees the light as earlier immigrants did and work at being real Americans.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Buchanan on the Israeli blockade of Gaza 


Pat Buchanan: Those unarmed flotilla passengers reminded me of civil-rights protesters
posted at 5:52 pm on June 4, 2010 by Allahpundit

Me too. Remember that time MLK and Ralph Abernathy ambushed a bunch of cops and tried to beat their heads in with metal bars in order to create a shipping route for terrorist armaments? That was the goal of the Montgomery bus boycott, if I recall correctly.

I’d call this a new low, but considering the source, c’mon.

    But that 2 a.m. boarding of an unarmed ship with an unarmed crew, carrying no munitions or weapons, 65 miles at sea, was an act of piracy. What the Israeli commandos got is what any armed hijacker should expect who tries to steal a car from a driver who keeps a tire iron under the front seat…

    But we have a blockade of Gaza, say the Israelis, and this flotilla was a provocation. Indeed, it was. And Selma was a provocation. The marchers at Edmund Pettus Bridge were disobeying orders of the governor of Alabama and state police not to march.

    Yet, today, liberal Democrats who regard Martin Luther King as a moral hero for championing nonviolent civil disobedience to protest injustice are cheering not the unarmed passengers trying to break the Gaza blockade, but the Israelis enforcing the blockade…

    Israel has a right to secure Gaza to deny Hamas access to weapons, especially rockets that could reach Israel. But that does not justify denying 1.5 million people what they need to live in decency.

I’d sure like to meet the “liberal Democrats” who are cheering Israel on here; aside from a few members of Congress and the staff at TNR, they appear to be voices in Buchanan’s head. My hunch is that he wrote this piece in about five minutes given that, a few paragraphs before he claims the passengers were unarmed, he acknowledges that the film proves the IDF was attacked with clubs and metal rods. Then, a few paragraphs after acknowledging that Israel has a right to secure Gaza, he insists that “the Gaza siege must end” — while insisting that Israel should be able to inspect ships and trucks. What that would mean in practice, I have no idea. Aren’t random inspections of incoming cargo still an affront to Palestinian sovereignty, which is what really galls the blockade runners? What’s so grating about this piece is that Buchanan, while skeptical of Hamas’s motives, seems to take the motives of the flotilla goons and their Turkish sponsors — whose “friendship” he spends a paragraph cooing about — at face value. That’s how you get from jihadist nuts shrieking Islamic battle cries before the boats set off and the Islamist leadership of Turkey putting on a clinic of demagoguery in the aftermath to Martin Luther King and Selma: They’re all humanitarians, aren’t they? They’re all in this for civil rights. You can’t be as shrewd a politico as Buchanan and draw this analogy innocently, which is to say, naively. You have to want to see it. And he very clearly wants to.

The latest news as I write this is that passengers onboard the next aid boat headed towards Gaza have rejected Netanyahu’s offer to land in Ashdod and have their aid shipped in from there. What a curious refusal from “humanitarians” intent on bringing aid to the suffering Palestinians. No wonder 94.4 percent of Israelis agree with the decision to stop the flotilla last week. (62.7 percent wish that it had been handled differently.) Here’s a new video released today by the IDF just hours after they claimed to have found gun-sights and cartridges on the ship, which suggests that weapons might have been brought onboard. I’m sure both reports are simply more Jew lies. They must be: Neither sounds very MLK-ish.   

photos of hard times in gaza           

more of dilapidated hotel in gaza 

more from Pats terrible gaza
« Last Edit: July 23, 2012, 10:54:06 AM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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American patriot is not an American patriot.



No true American patriot would defend a Nazi.

No true American patriot would defy G-d's eternal warnings in the Bible - "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all families of the earth will be blessed through you" (Genesis 12:3). Nazis like Buchanan bring G-d's curse upon America. The Third World invaders who are destroying this once great nation will surely come in far greater numbers until they overrun the entire country if America tolerates anti-Semites like Buchanan and Barack Hussein Obama.

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any goals set to be aimed at keeping America as predominantly White, comes with multifold problems. You cant have Conservative Christian speakers/advocates talk about withholding White representations in American Institutions. Cause the same American Christian institutions have been feeding the multi-ethnic evangelists around the World, and giving rise to the idea that Jesus sees his followers as equal in his eyes, irrespective of race or ethnicity.

The only option is to follow the ideology of JTF, for advocating a state which supports the righteous cause, irrespective of race, creed and Religion too if that does not come in the way of upholding American culture & heritage.

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Besides, I would prefer a United States with a majority civilized than majority useless lazy people.



No true American patriot would defend a Nazi.

No true American patriot would defy G-d's eternal warnings in the Bible - "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all families of the earth will be blessed through you" (Genesis 12:3). Nazis like Buchanan bring G-d's curse upon America. The Third World invaders who are destroying this once great nation will surely come in far greater numbers until they overrun the entire country if America tolerates anti-Semites like Buchanan and Barack Hussein Obama.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline Khan Krum

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On Patrick Buchanan and anti-Semitism…

Pat Buchanan has viciously and venomously attacked Israel. If you can provide anything where he shows support for Israel then I'm sure our opinions would change. But as none can be found, Pat Buchanan is anti-Israel and clearly an enemy of the Jewish people. I think maybe I see the Arabs at work here infiltrating the conservative movement. I wonder if he has any friend named Hussain or Ali in Saudi Arabia with stacks of cash and oil wells who is a known supporter of the "Palestinian" cause having any connection with Pat…

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America is majority white by definition. America will always be majority white. But America's borders will continue to change as they have been since 1965...