I have to say I strongly disagree with this adamant concession of ground to the barbarians beneath us.
"The chairman" himself on occasion has stated his support for the ideal of the Confederate States of America. In fact he's stated that next to the Israel flag on the original broadcasts, a Confederate flag should have been next to it.
"The chairman" has also shown his support for ANN COULTER who called the Iranian President AhmedDREKajad a Sand APE !
Perhaps this doesn't come across as Racist to you !!

Btw I'm Glad Flower-Girl HIPPIE Sarah and Her TOKEN BLACK Friend America have gotten back to their MULTI-Cultural Jargon about how we are all equal.
Disgraceful White Women like you where stoned before the "Rosa Park-N-Ride" Affirmative Action days for dishonoring White's SUPREME Status !
I don't care what any of you MULTI-Cultural Sympathizing LIBERALS have to say, JTF endorses WHITE Western CULTURE above All OTHERS !
Heads High BRETHREN !
It's Still OUR Country !
Do you honestly like the idea of having BABOONS chase your Wives and Daughters around town ?
You are lying to yourselves.
Honesty is something that White Culture has suppressed.
"The chairman" has stated that if the truth came out the MAGGOT MINORITIES would know they were SCUM ! ... Plz Believe It !