Author Topic: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".  (Read 55880 times)

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #175 on: July 12, 2007, 07:44:53 AM »
Doesn't the mother's mental health have to be considered under Jewish law? I think I saw a Rabbinical opinion to  that effect.

Certainly there are rabbinical opinions on the mental health issue. I asked chaim on this specific issue two weeks in a row and he pretty much implied that the whole mental thing was not life or death. Shame was not life or death etc.  That fetus is innocent..give it away for adoption...

It's sad, it's too bad...Gd forbid it would happen to our wives, our friends, our sisters, our daughters, our mothers, or anyone decent and good...Gd forbid it! Bite our tongues!

The ugly part is that pigslam considers rape a legitimate part of jihad. They are also allowed to do it to dhimmis. That's why every self-hating do-gooder and politician who aid and abet these beasts should be locked in the prison shower at Sing Sing with two dozen black muslims...........poetic justice.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #176 on: July 12, 2007, 10:03:15 AM »
This is one reason why this organization has become so controversial... it is due to the fact that this is a radical right wing organization which will always get some racists and extreme nationalists who have only joined to hate blacks and muslims.... THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT... we are about saving Israel and America and i believe that having racists on our organization will only make things worse

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #177 on: July 12, 2007, 10:24:23 AM »
You're right.

We better stop insulting Islam, Mooozies and schvartzas.

What racism !

Keeping quiet, tolerance and political correctness is the way to save Israel and America.



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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #178 on: July 12, 2007, 10:26:36 AM »
Too right, Muck

I move for a campaign of finger shaking and saying "tsk tsk"

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #179 on: July 12, 2007, 10:50:33 AM »
Finger shaking and tsk-tsking ?

How horrible !

Don't you think you're over-reacting ?

You're an extremist ! 

Offline nessuno

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #180 on: July 12, 2007, 11:59:39 AM »
This is one reason why this organization has become so controversial... it is due to the fact that this is a radical right wing organization which will always get some racists and extreme nationalists who have only joined to hate blacks and muslims.... THIS IS NOT WHAT WE ARE ABOUT... we are about saving Israel and America and i believe that having racists on our organization will only make things worse
We are not racist on this website - we are realist.  ;)
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #181 on: July 12, 2007, 12:03:17 PM »
Finger shaking and tsk-tsking ?

How horrible !

Don't you think you're over-reacting ?

You're an extremist ! 

We could tone it down to saying "well, I never!" and walk off with our noses in the air...or do you think that's to over the top?


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #182 on: July 12, 2007, 02:53:40 PM »
well i apologize for my strong language. but you can see the anger here. Millions of babies die - and G-d STRAIGHTFORWARDLY PREACHED AGIANST MURDER OF ANY SORT, EVEN IF ITS EUGENICS. so anyone that does that i have lost all respect for. and i thought more people wuld be on our side, since its the biblical side.
It isn't a matter of sides - of course I'm on your side -  abortion is wrong.
I have learned that life is not so black and white  ;) - that there is a lot of gray.

So to put it to rest - I do agree with you in principle.  I'm just not the one to make the call if it was right or wrong in Imerica's case - there is a higher power for that job.
Actually, I'd like to add onto this.  Life lived by the Laws/Torah/Talmud is Black and White with a small grey area.  The onslaught of Socialism and Liberal/Leftist "if it feels it" mentality has shifted this moral code into something of "Well it might be wrong" or it "might be right" with a mass of grey area in between that is to be "rationalized" into something that it is not: Same Sex Marriage, Abortions, Murder, Slander, Theivery etc. 

As stated above, there are different situations in Torah law that allows such actions and others as well like breaking the Sabbath, Defense of ones Land/Home/Family etc.  My two cents...  For anyone who really wishes to ask questions and get a Torah answer the scholors on AskMoses.Com can and will help... 
I checked AskMoses.Com out Marzutra - it was very interesting as most of your suggestions are - ThankYou.
I agree with you - the moral code has shifted greatly - much to my dismay as I'm raising a child in these overly rationalized times.

I'm not trying to make excuses or defend Imerica.  I'm not sure why she cared to share this story with the forum - in the first place.  I just think that it is not my place to make a judgment based on what she has told us. 
Bullcat, I didn't share this information willingly... CF brought it up less than 5 days after I signed up here. I never brought it up CF when he was "Chaim Fan" did. And he brought it up in this thread also. I'm not looking for anyone to defend my decision to abort...I planned on not even bringing that to the site in the first place but CF had other plans I guess. Its bad enough I'm a black woman with a differing view than everyone else here, I wouldn't have brought up my abortion here at all... just look at the firestorm.
Imerica - did you bring up your abortion in a YOUTUBE video?  That just clicked for me in rereading the last few posts.  If you put that out there for the world on YOUTUBE then C.F. had every right to bring it up here on the forum.  Don't fault him.  Look to yourself as to why you put that information out there - people have very strong feelings in relation to abortion - did you not expect any differing opinions?  Heaven forbid that I ever found myself in your situation - I must say - I don't think I would be able to talk about it on YouTube or with anyone (but family) easily. 

Let me just clear something up, bullcat. YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum. It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it. I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either. He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair? I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it. I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about  me, because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION. He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse. When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.

I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.

So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.

Offline judeanoncapta

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #183 on: July 12, 2007, 03:08:58 PM »
Imerica, you just can't stay away from this place, can you?

You're HOOKED on JTF.

Admit it.
Post questions here for the ASK JUDEA TORAH SHOW

my blog: Yehudi-Nation

Who is truly wise? He who can see the future. I see tommorow today and I want to end it - Rabbi Meir Daweedh Kahana

Offline cosmokramer

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #184 on: July 12, 2007, 03:14:56 PM »
Imerica, you like JTF! ;)

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #185 on: July 12, 2007, 03:16:35 PM »
I haven't seen any of your videos on Youtube.

However, any of the information you imparted on them, becomes part of the public domain and fodder for conversation, not only on Youtube, but in any forum that you might frequent.

It seems a bit disingenuous to complain about this, since you were the one that revealed the information in the first place.

To think that what you post on Youtube will only remain on Youtube and not be discussed elsewhere is absurd.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #186 on: July 12, 2007, 03:31:15 PM »
Imerica, you just can't stay away from this place, can you?

You're HOOKED on JTF.

Admit it.
I admitted it before I left. LOL Well, kinda-left. I even told the mods that if they saw me again after my supposed last post, that they should ban me from coming back. So much for CF's assumption that I lied to everyone. LOL I admit that I have a problem. I need some therapy, I really do. lol


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #187 on: July 12, 2007, 03:35:26 PM »
I haven't seen any of your videos on Youtube.

However, any of the information you imparted on them, becomes part of the public domain and fodder for conversation, not only on Youtube, but in any forum that you might frequent.

It seems a bit disingenuous to complain about this, since you were the one that revealed the information in the first place.

To think that what you post on Youtube will only remain on Youtube and not be discussed elsewhere is absurd.
I didn't talk about my abortion on any of my videos because that wasn't the content of my videos. I commented on abortion videos and had convos with people either on the opposite side of the issue or people who have been there and done that. But I have to ask some of you. If you revealed, on a different website that you'd done something controversial, would you like it if I brought it here, just to see if I could push your buttons? Perhaps to make you look foolish? Probably not.

I think its unfair to blame me for bringing my abortion to this website when I didn't. I brought it to another one and then a hateful person called me a murderer here all because I disagreed with them on something other than abortion. How fair is that? Really?

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #188 on: July 12, 2007, 05:10:27 PM »
"I didn't talk about my abortion on any of my videos because that wasn't the content of my videos."

"Let me just clear something up, bullcat. YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION."

Let us know when you decide if you did or didn't reveal that you had an abortion on Youtube.

As I mentioned before, to think that what you reveal on Youtube, will remain only on Youtube is ABSURD.

Does someone that kills his parents have a legitimate complaint about being an orphan ?

Does a Paleostinkian society that either sanctions or can not stop terror attacks against Israel have a legitimate complaint about checkpoints ?

Does someone that puts information into the public domain on one forum have a legitimate complaint when that information is discussed on another forum ?

The answer to these questions is obvious to rational people, but since you're unable to even keep your story straight as to what you revealed on Youtube, that probably excludes you. 


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #189 on: July 12, 2007, 05:21:33 PM »
"I didn't talk about my abortion on any of my videos because that wasn't the content of my videos."

"Let me just clear something up, bullcat. YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION."

Let us know when you decide if you did or didn't reveal that you had an abortion on Youtube.

As I mentioned before, to think that what you reveal on Youtube, will remain only on Youtube is ABSURD.

Does someone that kills his parents have a legitimate complaint about being an orphan ?

Does a Paleostinkian society that either sanctions or can not stop terror attacks against Israel have a legitimate complaint about checkpoints ?

Does someone that puts information into the public domain on one forum have a legitimate complaint when that information is discussed on another forum ?

The answer to these questions is obvious to rational people, but since you're unable to even keep your story straight as to what you revealed on Youtube, that probably excludes you. 
I revealed my situation in an abortion-related Youtube video that wasn't my own. I didn't bring it HERE. Why is it that hard to understand. And while we're at it, why didn't you answer MY question? If you had mentioned that you committed armed robbery on another site then, out of spite for you, I told everyone on a different site which you belonged to but no one really knew you from Adam or your situation, how would you feel? And don't try to even the odds with "I would have known what I was getting into and wouldn't be offended.." ::)

There was another jtf forum member who said a lot of evil things about blacks but has a special circumstance which would make their opposition to blacks seem quite strange but I didn't bring it up during their tenure on this forum. Out of respect for their feelings I didn't mention it because it would have been a personal attack. If I DID though, I'd have been booted for harrassment. Would that have been fair?

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #190 on: July 12, 2007, 05:49:22 PM »
YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum.
Every word you say is a lie. You brought up, out of thin air, that you had an abortion on this forum the day you came here. Do you really want us to do a post search and humiliate you?

It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it
I have no right to call into question the life decisions you have publicly posted about? Sorry, but unfortunately for you we don't live under sharia yet. I have every right to talk about anything that I want.  :)

I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either.
Erica, all of us have heard your trite "my body, my choice" nonsense for more than thirty years. Save it.

He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair?
Ah, so you admit your life was not in danger.  :P You did it for "health" reasons. That could mean that your pregnancy was making you depressed, that you didn't like having stretch marks, being morning-sick, etc. The Supreme Court has clearly ruled in abortion law that there is a distinction between "life of the mother" and "health of the mother", and you indicated which category your baby-mutilation fell into.

I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it.
Erica, as mentally ill as I think that you likely are, I don't buy it that your memory is that shot. YOU TOLD ALL OF US you have had an abortion!!!

I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about  me
Oh yes, big, bad, CF is the ONLY person in the whole world who dislikes you.  ::) Has it ever occurred to you that posters in general on a right-wing pro-Jewish and pro-white-equality message board wouldn't take kindly to a militant black poster?

because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION.
Correction, you disagree with pretty much the entirety of JTF on ALL issues.  ::)

He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse.
And believe me, I wouldn't want your camel dung-encrusted lips coming near my arse. :P Seriously, though, the word is "shreds". You might want to invest in spellcheck.  :laugh:

When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.
You always thought I was an awful bigot. How the hell do you think I'm gonna treat you in that case?

I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.
Save the sob stories for your soul brothas/soul sistahs in the 'jects. What you conveniently omit to the newer JTF posters who are reading your snake oil right here is that you started a Youtube series called "Ask A Black Person" in order to imitate and mock Chaim after he answered all of your Ask JTF questions (and btw, he was extremely polite in doing so) in a way you didn't like. I myself have dialup and was unable to view your "Ask A Black Person" shows (not that you could have paid me to do so even if I could), and therefore that is how you all can know for a fact that I did NOT learn of Erica's abortion on Youtube.

So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.
You have about as much remaining credibility here as I do sympathy for you.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2007, 05:55:21 PM by C.F. »

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #191 on: July 12, 2007, 05:52:58 PM »
So you think the fact that you revealed that you had an abortion on a video posted by someone else makes one iota of a difference ?

It doesn't.

Once you revealed that you had an abortion, whether it was in a video you personally posted, or in the comments section for a video another person posted, is totally irrelevant. The moment you made your revelation on Youtube, that information entered the public domain and became a topic for discussion on all public forums, not just Youtube.

If I committed an armed robbery that I didn't want others to know about or discuss, I wouldn't talk about it on Youtube. If I did reveal it on Youtube, and it later became a topic for discussion on another forum, I might not be happy about it, but I'd realize I had only myself to blame, because I publicly revealed the information in the first place.

But that's just me. I realize that in this reality there is something known as 'cause and effect', and am willing to take responsibility for my actions and accept their consequences. Obviously, not everyone thinks that way.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #192 on: July 12, 2007, 06:46:57 PM »
YES I DID mention that I had an abortion on a Youtube video THAT WAS ABOUT ABORTION. I NEVER DENIED THAT. HOWEVER, no one asked CF to bring it into this forum.
Every word you say is a lie. You brought up, out of thin air, that you had an abortion on this forum the day you came here. Do you really want us to do a post search and humiliate you?

Do a post search, CF. I dont' care.. the fact of the matter is that you bashed me for a decision I had to make and then called me murderer and a slew of other names I didn't ask to be called.

The day I came here I didn't mention that I had an abortion. I mentioned a lot of things about myself here but I NEVER mentioned I had an abortion. Do me a favor, find it and prove me wrong if you have the information.

It wasn't called for and he had no right to do it
I have no right to call into question the life decisions you have publicly posted about? Sorry, but unfortunately for you we don't live under sharia yet. I have every right to talk about anything that I want.  :)

NO, you DON'T have a right to judge me on decisions that affect ME. What I did didn't affect you one bit. But you made it personal because of your personal beliefs. Why don't you try less to be master over others' emotions and actions and try to control your own.

I'm not the only woman in the world who has ever had an abortion and won't be the last woman either.

Erica, all of us have heard your trite "my body, my choice" nonsense for more than thirty years. Save it.

CF don't pretend RIGHT NOW to care about what someone in the black community does with their own body, you don't even CARE about black children and therefore think that they are all doomed to fail. Whose going to take you seriously when you bash blacks one minute then spit venom at a black woman for having an abortion? I certainly don't. I would have had my baby if there was no health risk involved. I wasn't an irresponsible person when I became pregnant with my last baby, I did what I was supposed to do. And you, as a nobody, have no right to tell me what ELSE I could have done to prevent the pregnancy. You're not my husband, you're not my doctor, you're just an angry, self-hating, loser who wants to dictate to people how YOUR world should be. Get over yourself. My body, My choice...damned right. I made a choice to stay here and be an active mother to my other one was going to help me so my husband and I made the decision that was right for me, my children and my health.

He's singling me out because he hates me and a decision I made for my own health reasons. How is that fair?
Ah, so you admit your life was not in danger.  :P You did it for "health" reasons. That could mean that your pregnancy was making you depressed, that you didn't like having stretch marks, being morning-sick, etc. The Supreme Court has clearly ruled in abortion law that there is a distinction between "life of the mother" and "health of the mother", and you indicated which category your baby-mutilation fell into.

You are stupid,  you know that? Health reasons, to YOU only means depression? I wasn't concerned about stretch marks, CF I had those before I was pregant with my FIRST child ::) .. and ecclampsia is WORSE than just having morning-sickness (while you're correcting someone's spelling...try checking your sentence structure.)   You take my medical experience and try to use it against me because you don't like that I made a decision you wouldn't have made for your significant other? Great. I'd like to see YOU go through what I went through. Wait, you're a 'man' ... it may not phase you. ::)

I have no problem letting ANY of you know that I had an abortion...if I'd gotten the chance to bring it here myself without the aid of a hateful, bitter person, I'd have done it.
Erica, as mentally ill as I think that you likely are, I don't buy it that your memory is that shot. YOU TOLD ALL OF US you have had an abortion!!!

After you brought it up, idiot.

I didn't feel I had to at the time so I said nothing, at least not until I read the horrible post that CF first wrote about  me
Oh yes, big, bad, CF is the ONLY person in the whole world who dislikes you.  ::) Has it ever occurred to you that posters in general on a right-wing pro-Jewish and pro-white-equality message board wouldn't take kindly to a militant black poster?

And I'm not militant. I have called a few people (you included) some bad names but I never came here bashing the Jewish faith nor speaking against what's right. Sure, I dont' like Chaim, but he's  not the end all to be all to Judaism. I actually some  people here. EVEN those who disagree with me most of the time. (That dosen't include you) .

because I disagreed with him on something OTHER THAN ABORTION.
Correction, you disagree with pretty much the entirety of JTF on ALL issues.  ::)

I DISAGREE WITH THE TONGUE THAT CHAIM USES TO DISCRIBE BLACKS IN GENERAL! I DON'T DISAGREE WITH THE FACT THAT WE NEED CHANGE IN AMERICA AND THAT THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL NEED AND DESERVE THEIR FREEDOM. One of the reasons I'm here is because of Allen and Judeanoncapta who emailed me on youtube for weeks until I agreed to come here to ask Chaim questions concerning his opinions on EVERYONE in the black community. So THAT would make YOU a liar.

He came in and tried to rip me to shredds because he didn't like that I didn't kiss his arse.
And believe me, I wouldn't want your camel dung-encrusted lips coming near my arse. :P Seriously, though, the word is "shreds". You might want to invest in spellcheck.  :laugh:

Keep those words in mind when some of your friends here use incorrect spellings to get their points accross. I added a double consonant, so what? You're not exactly a spelling bee champ yourself.

When I PM'ed him and told him off about how disrespectful he was, he told Yacov that I was harassing him, THEN Yacov sent me a PM telling me to "stop Harrassing Chaim Fan or else". My only crime was defending myself against someone who hates me.
You always thought I was an awful bigot. How the hell do you think I'm gonna treat you in that case?

Yeah, it was really manly for you to respond to me nastily in a post starting off with "You're a baby killing whore". I told you how I felt without cursing you out and you, like a baby, cried to Yacov that I was harassing you. Tell me CF, who was really harassing whom?

I think that information like that should be left up to the person to give out on different sites. It was perfectly fine because we were in the YOUTUBE community when I commented on my abortion, to take it to abortion-related videos and bash me there...fine...but to bring it to another site, when I didn't say it was okay to tell people, who didn't know me (internet-wise) is disrespectful. If CF had said something that was topic related on another forum, I wouldn't have dared to bring it to another forum in an effort to embarrass him. As much as I dislike him, even he deserves that much respect.
Save the sob stories for your soul brothas/soul sistahs in the 'jects. What you conveniently omit to the newer JTF posters who are reading your snake oil right here is that you started a Youtube series called "Ask A Black Person" in order to imitate and mock Chaim after he answered all of your Ask JTF questions (and btw, he was extremely polite in doing so) in a way you didn't like. I myself have dialup and was unable to view your "Ask A Black Person" shows (not that you could have paid me to do so even if I could), and therefore that is how you all can know for a fact that I did NOT learn of Erica's abortion on Youtube.

First of all, idiot-boy, Ask a Black Person (before I changed it because SOMEONE ELSE ALREADY HAD THAT NAME A YEAR BEFORE I ARRIVED ON YOUTUBE ::)  ) wasn't a spin off of Ask JTF. Do you think that Chaim has a pattent on the word "Ask" ? Its apparent that you do. My videos are called ASK IMERICA now... and it relates more to videos with the same content. I didn't create the videos to blame whites for anything...but Chaim created his videos to 'enlighten' people about how the entire black community must go back to Africa... UMMMM HMMMM! ::) I created my videos to encourage..he created his to assasinate the characters of people who have done nothing to him...I'm not talking about EVIL blacks who I know exist..I'm talking about Barack Obama. We're totally different. Oh, yeah and I talked to judeanoncapta about posting the series before I even came to this place. And since you have never SEEN the videos, how can you say that I based them on Chaim? That makes you ill-informed.

So I'll take my lumps and accept that I did put it out in YOUTUBE land, but I didn't bring it here. It wasn't up for discussion here. CF only brought it here to embarrass me and demonize me.
You have about as much remaining credibility here as I do sympathy for you.

That's funny because you are as IN-credible as they come. Liar.
« Last Edit: July 12, 2007, 06:50:53 PM by Imerica »

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #193 on: July 12, 2007, 07:33:30 PM »
I haven't seen any of your videos on Youtube.

However, any of the information you imparted on them, becomes part of the public domain and fodder for conversation, not only on Youtube, but in any forum that you might frequent.

It seems a bit disingenuous to complain about this, since you were the one that revealed the information in the first place.

To think that what you post on Youtube will only remain on Youtube and not be discussed elsewhere is absurd.
I agree.
Be very CAREFUL of people whose WORDS don't match their ACTIONS.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #194 on: July 12, 2007, 08:07:20 PM »
I haven't seen any of your videos on Youtube.

However, any of the information you imparted on them, becomes part of the public domain and fodder for conversation, not only on Youtube, but in any forum that you might frequent.

It seems a bit disingenuous to complain about this, since you were the one that revealed the information in the first place.

To think that what you post on Youtube will only remain on Youtube and not be discussed elsewhere is absurd.
I agree.
Well I'll say this much... whether I brought it up here or not (and I didn't) the fact remains that if I'd decided to bring it here, it wouldn't be our of shame but sorrow. I do remember talking about it with a bunch of you here and mentioning how I'd never do it again. A lot of you thought I was joking, some of  you, like CF said that I'd said I WOULD do it again, and some of you were kind even while disagreeing with the decision. I'm not ashamed to share it with anyone. I am sad sometimes that the situation never changed with each pregnancy. If there was a guarantee that I wouldn't have gotten sick the 4th time around, I'd have carried the baby...but in my history of childbirth, I don't carry babies long enough for them to be okay or for my body to stop acting up. I had to do what I had to do and although I don't have my baby with me today, I do have the energy to take care of my older children and myself.

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #195 on: July 12, 2007, 08:09:51 PM »
I can't believe this conversation is even going on anymore.  This is RIDICULOUS!
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #196 on: July 12, 2007, 08:10:35 PM »
Public apology to CF..

CF You were right, you didn't call  me a Crackwhore, DWI did. I'm sorry about that.

I got it mixed up with all of the times you called me a whore/ b&%^ and other names.


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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #197 on: July 12, 2007, 08:11:34 PM »
I can't believe this conversation is even going on anymore.  This is RIDICULOUS!
I'm sorry, Ze'ev.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #198 on: July 12, 2007, 08:20:35 PM »
Public apology to CF..

CF You were right, you didn't call  me a Crackwhore, DWI did. I'm sorry about that.

I got it mixed up with all of the times you called me a whore/ b&%^ and other names.
I told you DownwithIslam said it and you didn't believe me, ho.

But I do agree with him that you are one! :)

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: My thoughts on Scotch and white "nationalists".
« Reply #199 on: July 12, 2007, 08:21:32 PM »
I had to do what I had to do
I thought you had "repented" of your abortion.  ::)