You stickied the thread and I unstickied it because we are not promoting Michael Ben Ari and his videos on this forum. After I unstickied it, you stickied it again. So the only way for me to stop the thread from being repeatedly stickied was to remove it.
We have made clear why we are opposing Ben Ari. He is not a Kahanist and not a genuine right-winger. If you want to support someone who says we must accept a nuclear-armed Iran, who condemns the underground fighters of Tag Mechir, who says that Jewish taxpayers should bail out and save the extreme left-wing newspaper Maariv, who blesses the memory of Yitzchak Rabin saying "zichrono livrachi" repeatedly after his name, who shakes hands with extreme left-wing Meretz traitors and blesses them with "shana tova" (good New Year), and who publicly ridicules our videos calling them "insanely laughable" - if all of this doesn't bother you, then support him. But we do not and will not support him.
You yourself told me that Baruch Marzel (the number two candidate on their party list) told you that I can go to Israel any time I want to. In other words, Marzel was claiming that I am not really banned from Israel, that I am making it up. This is just another example of how these people are vicious slanderers and backstabbers. I sent tens of thousands of dollars to help Marzel get elected to the Knesset - yet he repeatedly slandered me for no reason. What type of Jew behaves like this?