Montenegro to day have two fraction of people, they are in this group :
1) ANTISERBIAN - This group have most former communist, very match Albanians (Siptari), Nazi Croats(all Catholic) and greens fraction ( supporter of dynasty Petrovici ), and
2) PRO SERBIAN - This group are all Serbian and also withes fraction (supporter of dynasty Karadjordjevici) !
First group are in POWER and they split US from SERBIA, second fight to REUNITE. I only disagre whit HUSAR in that I like to call them ANTISERBIAN Montenegrin not NAZI MONTENIGRIAN my facts is this :
1) In Montenegro during 1918-1945 never has Jew's to develop antisemitism ! Montenegro was very poor cantry even my family in that time are remove in Macedonia ! NAZI ideology is to hate Jew's, sloven race and Negro's !
2) My fraction fight with all first group members, but WE NOT genocide OUR women and children's !
3) Montenegro was occupied by ITALY, greens ( fraction who support Petrovici) was they ALLY and establish government there, bat Italian soldiers was different then Germans, they do not kills children's ! In 1943 Italy left the war so maybe same greens join CETNIKS !!!
4) If like Husar we call all first group whit one single name NAZI MONTENIGRIAN, then I will mast go to genocide half of my other distance relatives members, and that will not be nice !!!
5) In the end in Montenegro HAVE half population ANTISERBIAN, but I like to ask Husar whit cold head, do we mast them call like NAZI MONTENIGRIAN and why ?
6) It is better to convert them to like normal people ore to kills them, Husar ?
p.s Husar pisem ti ko brat, bratu nemoj da me bombardiras sa slike nego normalno odgovori mi sa faktima ! CCCC