Masha, you're not starting any fights, at all. I'm not upset by anything you said. I hope that I have not been offended by my observations. You're right. Most Blonde Jews still look semitic. But some don't. That's all I'm saying. I can't post my picture on the site. But when I get some of my childhood pictures scanned, I'll send it to you.
No, I'm not offended. Hope I haven't offended you. Peace!

Yes, please send me your childhood pictures - I'll be objective.
I have a suggestion. You might want to take me up on it - or not. Someone on this forum gave a link about a month ago to a genetic testing lab. You lick a swab (or something simple like that) and send it to them. They send you the result of the test and break up you heritage into components.
Found the link!, we know that blond hair and blue eyes are carried by recessive genes. So if they can only be inherited from the surrounding Gentile populations (those who have raped Jewish women), then one might reasonably expect that more that half of a blond Jew's genotype is not Jewish. If you find that more than half of your genotype is Jewish - this is a definitive proof that Jews do have native blond phenotypes. (Now, when I say blond, I don't mean as blond as Scandinavians but those who have blond hair in childhood that later become light brown).
I'm going to do it myself - test myself. As soon as I can afford it - I'm broke right now. But I'm very curious what the test result will say. For some reason I'm sure that I'm close to 100% Jewish.