A gentile of course likes money....but a Jew
literally loves it! This being because the innate cupidity of the human soul is enhanced in the higher-sourced Jewish soul, and the yetzer hara subverts it from being a desire to amass mitzvos into a desire to amass
gelt.And none more than the Israeli Jew!
Thus if Bennett pulls his plan off - to defang Israel's demonic bureaucracy and to aid the competitive entrepreneur against the monopolist tycoon - he really could be in line to be the next Prime Minister!
R.kahane had it right all along when he said back in 1977 that if he became Israeli PM, the
very first thing he would do, even more than enacting the death penalty for terrorits and expelling the Arabs, would be to dismantle the Histadrut & thereby restore the Jewish Work Ethic which has been so stultified by Israel's Leftist Socialist economic system!