Here's one video Chaim could do.
You take this traitorous Q and A from their website in English and Chaim rips it to shreds. If I had a dime for every lie in this peice....
Frequently Asked Questions
Click on the questions to jump to the answers
I'm for peace (who isn't?), but is now the time for peace?
Isn't peace with the Arabs an unachievable ideal, a "pie in the sky"?
Whether intentionally or not, isn't Peace Now helping the cause of the Palestinians at the expense of the Israelis?
Don't you agree that Israel must end up the winner in its conflict with the Palestinians and Arab States?
But isn't defeating the Palestinians a necessary condition for peace?
I'm for peace (who isn't?), but is now the time for peace?
"Seek peace and pursue it" is a commandment from our Jewish tradition. It indicates that wanting peace and actively working towards it are separate and distinct enterprises. Peace Now's name denotes an aspiration; we have always been a pragmatic political force for change. At Peace Now, we are aware that we don't hold a monopoly on desiring peace. We also know, however, that Israel's long-term security interests can never be achieved without taking action in pursuit of peace-the kind of action that Peace Now and APN are engaging in every day.
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Isn't peace with the Arabs an unachievable ideal, a "pie in the sky"?
Peace between nations is based on the realities of geo-politics. Israel has achieved peace agreements with Egypt (the most populated Arab country and the leader of the modern Arab world), and with Jordan (the country geographically closest to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv) in order to eliminate military threats and normalize relations with two of its neighbors. Israel's ability to have two of its most troublesome borders now fortified by peace agreements is a meat and potatoes staple of Israel's national security, not pie in the sky.
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Whether intentionally or not, isn't Peace Now helping the cause of the Palestinians at the expense of the Israelis?
Peace Now's concern is Israel's safe and secure long-term survival. Period (in Hebrew, we say "Nekuda!"). It is not surprising, given Peace Now's deep roots - within Israel's security establishment, and the fact that Peace Now is the largest grassroots movement in Israeli history. We advocate the establishment of a Palestinian state because we know that ending Israel's occupation in the West Bank and the implementation of a two-state solution is the best way to bolster Israel's survival as a democratic Jewish state. It is also the best way to provide Israelis with the long-term economic and social well being they deserve.
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Don't you agree that Israel must end up the winner in its conflict with the Palestinians and Arab States?
Of course. Israel has proven in the past that the ultimate winning strategy is combining military deterrence and military action when necessary, with pro-active diplomacy. Peace Now views the two as complimentary.
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But isn't defeating the Palestinians a necessary condition for peace?
Defeating the Palestinians so they submit to a "peace" dictated to them by Israel is not a viable strategy. A deal that accommodates the core needs of both sides, including security arrangements for Israel, is the only way to truly achieve the secure life that the people of Israel deserve. With peace both sides win. Without, neither will.
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