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Noachide prayer shawl?

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I like your answer.  It just bothers me with the rainbow prayer shawl is that the Noahides of ancient times didn't have this and it gives the appearance that you are changing Noahidism even though in reality this isn't the case since you are free to make additional sub laws as you see fit.


--- Quote from: jdl4ever on July 29, 2007, 02:56:22 AM ---I like your answer.  It just bothers me with the rainbow prayer shawl is that the Noahides of ancient times didn't have this and it gives the appearance that you are changing Noahidism even though in reality this isn't the case since you are free to make additional sub laws as you see fit.

--- End quote ---
We can't really 'make sub-laws as we see fit.' We have to get Rabbinical approval. The prosciption against adding laws referrs to ones made up by gentiles because it could pervert the faith. Any extra laws we can take on are any of the 613 Jewish laws that don't involve impersonation of a Jew. We can grow beards but not peyott. We can rest on Shabbos but not refrain from kindling fires or doing it to the same extent as a Jew. A Rabbi came up with the idea of a noachide prayer shawl as a tool for prayer focus that would also differentiate us from Jews in the schull. Like kippot, we only wear them in schull....not every day. It gets really complicated because Rabbis have not had to address this issue for 2000 years.

I'm curious about the wedding ceremonies for noachide chasids performed by Rabbis. Do they use a Chuppa?

I understand why you may want Rabbinical advice, but I don't understand why you need Rabbinical approval, I need to learn more about modern Noahidism since a lot of things don't make sense to me.  To me it seems logical that Noahides should be free to uphold the Noahide laws as they see fit and add on as many additional sub laws as they see fit as long as they are optional and don't have the same authority as the original 7 (and can't be confused w/ judaism), and be free to decide things for themselves as Noahides did in ancient times, and not be controlled by Jews since it is insulting to Noahides for this to happen.  I don't understand, help me out.

A theory put forward by on Rabbi was that the 7 laws (which break down into about 88 specific laws-or 66 depending on the source- as the 10 commandments become 613) should be a minimum with extra specific pieces of legislation added by gentile courts of justice according to culture provided they don't contradict the 88 laws of the sheva mitzvot. Take pornography fot example. There's no prohibition against it in the sheva mitzvot but most societies would wish to pass laws regulating it's distribution.

The big danger in not getting rabbinical guidence/ approval is that corrupt gentile leaders could try to implement self-serving, unjust laws and try to give them a holy stamp of approval by making them into mitzvot.

Another alarming prospect is some Rabbis wanting to leave the goyim to run their own race as far as worship is concerned. This will lead to disaster. Gentiles are not meant to be their own priests, that is what Jews are for ('a nation of priests'). If gentiles have their own chuches/ministers we'll end up with meglomaniacs claiming to be messiachs and inventing new replacement theologies and repeating the last 2000 years of madness.

Newman, you are very intelligent and what you say makes a lot of sense.  It would be best in theory to have the Noahides in complete control of themselves and have Noahide priests but given that the Noahides were obliterated in the past 2000 years as you stated makes such a move risky and would have the same result.  I understand now.   

Do Noahides have their own congregations?  I don't understand why they pray in a Jewish congregation as you suggest.  Why would they do this?


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