Hillel is absolutely anti-Israel.
Hillel for decades was connected to the Judenrat kapo traitors of Bnai Brith. Bnai Brith was formed to encourage American Jews to assimilate as much as possible.
Then in the 1990s, Hillel was taken over by the ultimate Judenrat traitor Edgar Bronfman yimach shmo. Bronfman met with the Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat in the 1970s when everyone was still against this mass murderer. Bronfman called for a "Palestine" state with Jerusalem as its capital way before other traitor Jewish leaders did so. Bronfman and CBS kapo Mike Wallace also had dinner with the black Hitler Louis Farrakhan who said "I like when the Jews compare Farrakhan to Hitler. Hitler was a great man, Hitler was a very great man." Farrakhan has also said that the Jews deserve another holocaust. Bronfman offered to give Farrakhan tens of millions of dollars but their deal later fell apart.
Hillel hires legions of deformed, reconstructed and conserved "rabbis" to further confuse the already confused and assimilated American Jewish youth on college campuses. I cannot begin to describe all of the cowardly things that Hillel has done.