Save Western Civilization > Save Serbia

My First Trip to Serbia!

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America should have let the Serbs wipe out the Bosnians while they had the chance.  Too bad BJ clinton was too busy being serviced by monica to realize who was on the right side of things.

Bill Klinton deserves to be charged with  war crimes along with Monkey Annan for the crimes they set upon the Serbian people.  God will never forgive bombing Christian men, women and children to save the worthless lives of Muslim barbarians. 

The Serbs warned Europe and America as well what is coming, no one listened to the Serbians.  Milosovich was unfortunatly socialist as well as so many other Euro leaders but on this.  He was right, the Serbs were right to defend themselves. 



Clinton the well known war criminal caused Al Qaida to get stronger.THE BOSNIANS AS WELL AS THE ALBANIAN DRUG DEALING MOSLEMS HAD PLENTY OF AL QAIDA FIGHTING WITH THEM THE SERBS WERE FIGHTING AND KILLING AL QAIDA.But both Bush and Clinton helped themoslems against the Serbians

masterWolf, I agree with everything you said 100%.  BJ clinton does need to be tried for war crimes against humanity, for helping the barbaric islamofascist terrorists controlling bosnia to murder the philosemitic christian serbians.  slobodan milosovic had the right idea!  we should have armed him in his efforts.

I have also heard that BJ clinton had TEN CHANCES to kill osama bin ladden, but each time, he refused.  Maybe he was too busy being pleasured by monica to realize what he was doing.

It is amazing that liberals can get away with ANYthing, while conservatives are vilified no matter what we do.  That gay leftist Jew, barney frank, can run a prostitution ring for gay homos right in his own home, and he is honored by the media, while the Republican Congressman Larry Craig is not even allowed to have a wide stance when visiting a restroom.

There is something wrong here.

Welcome back ...  ;)


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