I can care less about what muslims believe. It makes no difference. And as we know it is possible for those who do not believe in a religion to view practices in a biased light. We Jews have been accused of these very same things, that we pray to the wall (facing East), we make pilgrimages to Jerusalem, that Hashem has many names in the Torah (people think that means we worshipped many gods)... So I am not quick to judge what muslims do or do not believe.
I judge them based on their actions. And their actions stink. Until islam can peacefully coexist with the Jewish state, islam is my enemy. Not because of beliefs, but because they declared war on us.
Muman, there is a great difference between praying at the Kotel and praying at the Ka'bah.. First of all, the Kotel is the remants of the wall that surrounded the Beit Mikdash. Jews have never worshipped the Kotel or the Temple, but worshipped in the Temple. Also, the Kotel is part of the Jewish scriptures and sanctified by Hashem. The Ka'bah itself is a manifestation of ancient Arabian idol worship. Many Arabic deities themselves were worshiped in the form of stones. It was believed that their gods would dwell within these objects and there power would be exhibited through the worship of the objects. This type of practice predates Islam and is very ancient. Some claim that some of these type of practices are sourced from Sanskrit and may contain some influences from Ancient Hinduism, but intermixed with various Arabian mythologies. Also, since Muslims claim to be of an Abrahamic belief system, then pagan practices such as these are completely contrary to Abrahamic belief and prove that in fact, they are not an Abrahamic belief system, but rather a belief system based on Arabian mythology with some Abrahamic practices infused into them. There has been plenty of research proving that the Ka'bah was built much later than the time of Avraham and that there was no possible way Avraham could have built the house of the black stone, refuting Mohammad's bogus claims in the Qur'an/Hadiths.
What makes the Ka'bah and the black stone an idol is that the object itself is considered to be the manifestation of allah on earth. The Jews never worship the Temple or even the Ark of the Covenant, but rather honor G-d there as this is his holy sanctuary. No object, itself , has power or is worshipped, but rather the presence of Hashem dwelling in his most holy sanctuary.
Contrary, the Ka'bah is purely sourced from idol worship. The black stones were idols that were worshiped and considered to be the manifestation of their gods on earth. They actually believe that allah is inside the stone and that the stone is their god. That is why they make pilgrimage (Hajj) to the stone and pray towards the stone and come to kiss the stone. There is nothing biblical about it, but if you study arabian mythology you will see that these stones are in fact various arabian gods, where Al-iLah, the moon god of war, is considered the most honored and respected of all the gods of Arabia. It was through this pagan deity and this black stone that Mohammad was able to unite the warring Arabian tribes and promote the Islamic religion. BY uniting the tribes to worship this one black stone, he was able to conquer a good portion of the world and promote this religion throughout the world.