Lately there's been a lot of reminiscing about the poster Yephora and discussion of how we might bring her back. I do not really know her, but everybody says she was an absolutely great member who contributed a ton. I will do a post check of her sometime to see what she was like (she left right as I joined so I did not get to know her), but I wanted to offer a dissenting opinion about her.
If Yephora abandoned JTF because she was offended by the rantings of one nutty poster, does she really have what it takes to cut it as a Kahanist?
Let's think about this. Guys, imagine DownwithIslam and I ditching JTF because we are tired of Dominater and Thunderbolt. Is that rational? Is it a fair response to punish the entire movement and to cut of our nose to spite our face because of a couple of trolls? Are we that thin-skinned? Rabbi Kahane (zt"l) and Chaim have had to endure every kind of condemnation and some of the most hateful bile and slander imaginable from thousands upon thousands of real-life opponents. Rabbi Kahane actually GAVE HIS LIFE for a people which, by and large, hated him, and Chaim ben Pesach gave several years of his life for two million Soviet Jews (again which, like Natan Sharansky [ys"vz], have shown very little gratitude). Should we really spend a lot of energy on somebody who abandoned us over something so ridiculous?
If Yephora left us because she didn't like seeing an insane member (who has now been banned) interact on the forum, what would she do if being a Kahanist got her real-life insults/obscenities/threats? How would she react if arrested for her beliefs? Persecuted? Tortured? When somebody becomes a Kahanist, it is a life-changing event; if you fall away, then you were never really part of us to begin with. It's understood that being one may very well put your entire life in jeopardy and that you may well be called upon to be a martyr for Israel and the Jewish people. In all fairness, do I know for a fact that I have what it takes for that? No. Do I know that anybody here does (with the exception of Jimmy Sullivan)? No. But Yephora's actions have put an especially large question mark next to her name in the area of perseverance and toughness.
Please note I am not saying Yephora is a bad person, just that I don't really think she is meant to be a Kahanist and that perhaps the parting-of-ways was for the best. Good luck in trying to bring her back, but I am not sure that somebody who put her petty quarrel with FOTL above the cause would wish to. If anybody disagrees with me, oh well. These are my two cents.