another mindless ranting against the Torah and Religious Jews by Shinuy and Meritz. 
Who's Shinuy and Meritz?
Guess I'm wasting my time here. I try to teach people real Torah by actually using Torah proofs in the style of the Rav and all I get is insults. So few of my proofs have even been discussed. I'm talking to a brick wall.
Nobody is shui or Meretz on here as they literally support Israel having Sharia law which I haven't seen any of us support. We are only pointing out the flaws of certain jews in hope they will become better.
Stop lying. They do not support Sharia law. But all they do is trash Judaism day and night and pretty much say many of the things that are said here. They want a secular "democratic" society without Torah and religious Jews, even without Muslims.
anyway maybe sharia law would be better then having a complete anti-religious (Jewish) government. (not opinion just idea).
Interesting, you might have to consult the Rambam who in Hilkhoth Hannukah talks about the great thing about Hannukah was the returning of Jewish government for more than 200 years.
Think of who he is including in this praise.
Yannai, who crusified 900 Talmidhei Hakhomim on the road to Jerusalem.
My G-d, Even Shimon Peres hasn't done that.
Think a little before wishing foreign rulers instead of Jewish sovereignty, Ok?