Author Topic: Hi Everyone - Why I Startebd To Lean Left  (Read 7411 times)

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Offline Tag-MehirTzedek

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Re: Hi Everyone - Why I Startebd To Lean Left
« Reply #75 on: July 16, 2015, 11:35:10 AM »
" mosgiah is the real answer"

Tag-  So what are you proposing? That people Jews and Arabs receive your dead Rebbe as the moshiah and all problems will be solved. Everyone will be "saved". Sounds very familiar with a different renegade sect who splitting off and eventually became the persecuters of Jews .

That would be nice. it's not like Xnianity where you are saved. What I meant was if you had a Torah jewish king he can execute people at will. it's practical.

Clearly my Rebbe is the leader on this issue already. Who else articulated what I said so well.i took it all from him.

 :laugh:  I saw right through you. This is all about your missionary activities. And about having a REAL Jewish King. Not one that died he won't have absolute sovereignty unlike you think in your paganistic mindset. The ultimate sovereign is G-D and not a man. Certainly not one who already died.

« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 08:08:12 PM by Tag-MehirTzedek »
.   ד  עֹזְבֵי תוֹרָה, יְהַלְלוּ רָשָׁע;    וְשֹׁמְרֵי תוֹרָה, יִתְגָּרוּ בָם
4 They that forsake the law praise the wicked; but such as keep the law contend with them.

ה  אַנְשֵׁי-רָע, לֹא-יָבִינוּ מִשְׁפָּט;    וּמְבַקְשֵׁי יְהוָה, יָבִינוּ כֹל.   
5 Evil men understand not justice; but they that seek the LORD understand all things.

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Re: Hi Everyone - Why I Startebd To Lean Left
« Reply #76 on: July 16, 2015, 03:38:46 PM »
I think this guy is a lost cause. Let him be one with his aliens and the saviors of his soul, Alex Jones and Jeff Rense.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Hi Everyone - Why I Startebd To Lean Left
« Reply #77 on: July 16, 2015, 09:34:11 PM »

So the situation is far more complicated as we want a Toah solution when the power in Israel is in the hands of haters of the Torah. (in large part NON JEWISH satan worshipin ROTHCHILDS and Satanic worshipping Sataniust like Shimon Perez may his name rot (although the Rebbe did try to get him to do teshuva) and f off  for whatever names you want throw at me for that TRUTH
"conspiracy theorist" "loon or whatever....I"m not an idiot, i'm unbiased to the best of my ability, i do research and i've been studying this stuff for a lot longer than you if yo'uve studied it at all so step off. And look in the mirror...YOU GUYS are actually brainwashed in that you cannot spend 2 minutes thinking outside your box or questioning your own beliefs. what does that tell you? it tells you instilled with fear about thees topics. instilled by who? you weren't born this way i promise you that...think about [note: you won't think about it])

See this is in part where you are woefully misguided and frankly, very disrespectful.  You thumb your nose at every JTFer and say these extremely condescending. remarks basically telling us that we don't think we are blind sheep bla bla bla.  We're all big boys and girls here so no one is going to be crying over your insults but you need a reality check.   Many of us have considered the facts, have thought deeply about these issues and yet we came to different conclusions.  Many here are baalei teshuva who began praticing Judaism after thinking deeply about it and life.  Many here became rightwingers by evaluating prior beliefs and discarding them.   You should show more respect for people here.

You are not the only person who thought about 9/11 and if only we would we would agree with your crazy conclusions.   This is a delusion of grandeur and it is very commonly shared and often expressed by truthtards on the internet who believe in nutty 911 conspiracy theories. They claim: "We're the only ones who thought about this and once you think about it it's obvious and self evident truth.  The blind sheeple are not enlightened and once I show them x y z they cannot argue, and if they do it's because theyre a Rothschild or a neocon or a silverstein". 
The facts DO NOT support your conclusions and that is why we disagree.  NOT because none of us bothered to count the number of seconds it takes the tower to fall (which btw is documented on video SLOWER than freefall speed).

It is bad enough you are considering the treasonous path of aiding our gazan nazi dare you look down upon the members of this forum assuming us to be thoughtless and calling us mindless zombies who should quit questioning lubab the great intelletual because you spent endless hours ccoming to twisted and incorrect conclusions which you have adopted as your new beliefset.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 10:44:15 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Hi Everyone - Why I Startebd To Lean Left
« Reply #78 on: July 16, 2015, 10:00:57 PM »
but the propoganda is a lot easier to make in that they can point to the fact that they are boxed in in gaza, can't drive normally, can't vote, don't have  running water while all the jews right over the border to etc etc. etc.

Lies and nonsense.   You have bought into the leftist propaganda and goebels-esque arab propaganda machine hook line and sinker.   The obese gazans can drive wherever they want, Israel is not even in gaza anymore..   if a gazan's toilet gets clogged he blames Jews.  A completely inept clearly evil and paranoid hateful society.   Even though they danced in celebration when the Twin Towers collapsed, they also would agree with you it was an inside job and it was done by, who else, zionists and Jews.  Gazans are not justified in their hatred of Jews and it is sickening that you and your organization think so.

I really don't care if gazans are amalek or not.  There were many nations who were at war with the Jews and in the other commonwealth periods we fought them and it would have been treason to aid them.   The Syrian greeks were not amalek, yet there is hanukkah.  The romans were not amalek, yet there was a bar kochva revolt.  The 7 nations were not amalek but Moshe instructed to fight them..

Vilna gaon said any nation who makes war against the Jewish people is defined as amalek.  He did not qualify with having no (so-called) logic to their hate like u claimed.. but this is semantics and doesn't matter if they are amalek for the reaons I said above.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2015, 10:31:43 PM by Kahane-Was-Right BT »

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Hi Everyone - Why I Startebd To Lean Left
« Reply #79 on: July 16, 2015, 10:33:46 PM »
Speaking of Jewish kings with the power to give capital punishment, I believe when we do have a Jewish king, he will probably put to death a person who worships him.

Offline cjd

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Re: Hi Everyone - Why I Startebd To Lean Left
« Reply #80 on: July 18, 2015, 04:15:04 AM »
Guys. You can drop the attacks on me. My view is not set in stone yet. And we have not started feeding anybody. I came on here to get the other side  of the story. I am NOT a person who likes to learn the hard way, as someone here said. That's why I don't make a move until it's really thought out or at least that's how I"d LIKE to live.

I'm not trying to convince you guys I don't think I ever will. I did however want to vent for a moment about CJD's early post to me. This was horrific. If you are Jewish or not you should be ashamed of yourself especially as a moderator. To have such hate for me personally  when I have never  in my life lifted a finger against you is vile. I've dealt with those with such hateful character traits as yours  so  I expect no apology or any soul searching but if I were you I would start soul searching into exactly why  you hate me as a person so much and what you hoped to accomplish with your comments and did it get the desired result.


Back to the topic at hand. I'm still not clear on what to do but things are becoming more clear. I'm analyzing this from a TORAH perspective guys. Not a secular one. I'm not secular, and I wrote the title of my post intentionally in an incendiary way. But I"m not a leftist. I"m a Jew and try to be the best chassid of the lubavitcher rebbe I can.

So here is what i see. I see first of all that the source of all the problems in the middle east is that Israel does not have a Torah monorchy. So moshiach is the real answer.

In a Torah monorchy things would be simple. A carrot and a stick. You either accept and prove you practice the  noahide laws which means an abandonment of support for bloodshed and pay a tax to the  Jews and be subservient to the Jews, and if you do that you get the benefits of living in the land of Israel. Mas ve Avdut. If you're found to be violating any of the Noahide laws the punishment is death. You cannot vote us out, because it's a monarchy and there is no vote so that's the deal take it or leave it.  Only truly righteous people can and will take it or that's the goal anyway.

So the situation is far more complicated as we want a Toah solution when the power in Israel is in the hands of haters of the Torah. (in large part NON JEWISH satan worshipin ROTHCHILDS and Satanic worshipping Sataniust like Shimon Perez may his name rot (although the Rebbe did try to get him to do teshuva) and f off  for whatever names you want throw at me for that TRUTH
"conspiracy theorist" "loon or whatever....I"m not an idiot, i'm unbiased to the best of my ability, i do research and i've been studying this stuff for a lot longer than you if yo'uve studied it at all so step off. And look in the mirror...YOU GUYS are actually brainwashed in that you cannot spend 2 minutes thinking outside your box or questioning your own beliefs. what does that tell you? it tells you instilled with fear about thees topics. instilled by who? you weren't born this way i promise you that...think about [note: you won't think about it])

Further complicating the situation is our status in Israel. Many will be shocked to hear this but the Rebbe once said that if the point Neturei Karta was making wasn't being made by them we would have to go out into the streets and make the point ourselves.

Which point? Obviously not the point that we should grovel and kiss tuchus in front of our enemies. The point, and nobody in JTF wants to hear this, but the point of Zionism. That we have a G-d given right to Israel right  now.  The chabad rebbe were against this becauase it's simply not true in the galut. It's true in the times of Moshiach. And the zionists...if you do a little research did things in a very nasty unfair and untorah based way which we all know contributed to the current hatred)

Later the Rebbeim had to accept the fact that the Jews are there and we're not going anywhere. And we have a serious problem of merciless terrorists who have the support of basically every Arab.

Therefore, it is a danger to life, to comprimise as Chaim so clearly and correctly stated.

Therefor the Rebbe said to even mention giving up an inch of LAND. is showing weakness...and showing the terrorists they now have a better chance of winning if they continue blowing people up.
The rebbe was yelling at specifically leftist and corrupt rabbis who were ABANDONING the torah, ABANDONING our belief in the sacred nature of every Jewish life FOR MONEY. 

At the same time the Rebbe has also said, as I mentioned that if Israel would fight the war in a way that was not peicemeal but rather extremely quick and decisive. it would save lives on BOTH sides.

So the Rebbe also recognized that even though we should not be giving away our strategic positions for a mirage of peace, but we should not be reckless with their lives EITHER. We should be careful to save life jewish or non jewish.

this to me is a real indication that Rebbe did not believe they are clear cut amalek or nazis. Amalek and nazis must be wiped out man woman and child.   

And we know they are not clear cut amalek or nazis from I think all major rabbis in orthodox Judaism. i believe the reason for this is because the distinguishing feature of Amalek is  they hate the Jews with absoultely no reason to hate the Jews.

The Arabs of Gaza, for all their vicious hatred could actually form a logical argument for the hate and usually when you speak to them it's not ONLY lies and propoganda...dont get me wrong they are very brainwashed.

but the propoganda is a lot easier to make in that they can point to the fact that they are boxed in in gaza, can't drive normally, can't vote, don't have  running water while all the jews right over the border to etc etc. etc.

Disagree...but this is not the talk of pure amalek. listen to hitler and it's a very different line.

Now would they want to kill us all even if we removed all those reasons? Possibly. Which is why the issue is in doubt. But being in doubt, and being in the 21st centurty with all the complication an ethnic cleaning would bring.

We do not favor killing all arabs. and even JTF, despite attacking me for giving food, would actually be comfortable giving them money in exahange for leaving

well i think JTF is on the right track with that.

it's the best carrot and stick we can probably come up with under the circumstances.

and i think this is where i went wrong with my campaing. We can't just give out food to those arabs the way we give it out to Hindu's in India.

We can't be kind to the cruel as Chaim said.

At the same can't just put people in a pressure cooker...and threaten them with death if they get out of line. what happens in any classroom if you put them in a pressure cooker and give them nowhere to go. they will eventually blow up. and that's what the leftists are saying. they WILL blow up if the conditions are bad enough so what do you expect

and i can show you a documentary about LITTLE ARAB KIDS trying to commit suicide. and it's a common problem now...and's real

i don't care what you all say my heart goes out to those kids. and while i would never give up an inche of jewish security and an inch  the Torah I do NOT think the torah wants little kids committing suicide in our watch.

So the questino there any possible way to BOTH improve conditions...possibly removing the pressure cooker aspect....and at least open a door to some kind of truth and some possbility of  teshuva (Yishmael did teshuva at one point) while at the same time ensuring we never embolden anyone to life a finger against a Jew...

My organization may be able to help with that.

And that is where i'm holding.

To explore if this is possible. and as the torah says. if you did not find and you said you searched. we dont believe you..

So I'll keep searching.
Let's get one thing straight first off... I don't think anyone here at JTF most likely most of all me has anything personally against you... My only post to you in this thread was not all that that"horrific"...  You knew when you started this thread most people here would think you lost your mind with ideas like the ones you put forward in this thread.... Or were you upset over me cautioning you to think about your personal safety dealing with such nice people over in Arab occupied Israel... If anyone has to do soul searching in my opinion it's you... The positions you take on issues on the day to day ground are not rooted in fact... They are not today and were not the last time you were active here at JTF... Clearly as this thread progressed it's not only me that has a problem with your way of seeing things...  Anyway I just wanted to make it clear that I have nothing against you personally it's just that I must not be smart enough to see the larger picture as you seem to have an ability to do... Best of luck to you with your ideas of bringing aid and comfort to the arabs.
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