I wonder what motivates the person who opened this thread. There are literally thousands of worthless and evil movements, organizations and web sites who constantly spread lies and immorality to one degree or another. But "Rashi" decides to try to tear down the one Jewish movement that exposes the often unpopular truth on a shoestring budget.
Does "Rashi" think the thousands of people we reach with our Hebrew and English videos are unimportant? Does he think our message is unimportant? Would he prefer complete silence when Jewish heroes are unjustly imprisoned, when Jewish settlers are expelled from their homes, when Nazi Iran is building thousands of nuclear bombs, when tens of thousands of Israeli Jewish girls go out with and sleep with Arab Muslim Nazis, when 78% of American Jews vote for Barack Hussein Obama, when 90% of American Jews are assimilated, when "gay marriage" is legitimized and shoved down our throats, when our "leaders" in Israel and America lie to us day and night and lead us down the road to self-destruction?
"Rashi" says our videos are free. Really? We cannot function technically or professionally without Shlomo as a full-time employee. We must also pay for our dedicated server and its protection - which is not cheap for an organization with our budget.
Moreover, we send financial help to Jews in Israel who are being persecuted for their political beliefs and to Jews who are fighting to prevent expulsions of hilltop settlers in Judea and Samaria. In many cases, we are the only group to help these Jews.
As far as our news pages are concerned, "Rashi" again tries to tear down what we are doing. He says that we only have news articles from other sites on our news pages. What he fails to mention is that all conservative web sites - including the biggest and most successful - are mainly news articles from other sites. Drudge, Breitbart, the Blaze, the Daily Caller, RedState and the other large web sites with millions of visitors are almost entirely news articles from other sites. Unlike JTF, these web sites have billionaires who finance them so that they can advertise extensively and hire large staffs. Furthermore, these sites are only interested in ratings which is why they are now promoting Donald Trump rather than Ted Cruz. Finding the right mix of informative articles from hundreds of possible web sites is no easy task and Shlomo does an outstanding job. Anyone who goes to our news page will learn something new and important every day.
Also our news pages have links to our many videos and our commentary, which you will not find on other web sites.
Once again, I fail to understand the motivation behind this thread. Is "Rashi" trying to demoralize our movement?