Author Topic: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?  (Read 15811 times)

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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #75 on: May 12, 2016, 02:59:47 AM »
I'm hard pressed to find anything moral in pisslam. Even half moral things like fasting are done for evil purposes and have evil histories. What is so moral about pisslam to you, Islam Sucks?

You were already responded to on a child saying kaddish. Like a marriage, he is commanded to obey his parents, but can marry who he wants if he really wants, his father can tell him not to say kaddish, maybe if the mom cheated on him, but he can do it anyways if he loved her. Jews are very happy with halacha, go bug someone that isn't leading the world in innovation and freedom.

"And how in the world does Judaism prefer to promote Greek/Roman views as "Halacha"?"

You and your whole family should get cancer, you filthy rotten evil liar.

"What does it say?"

Go away, no one falls for your pathetic attempts at manipulation. You are truly a miserable and pathetic slug.

"The only thing it does say is that all religions are capable of teaching both good and evil things."

To anyone who knows anything about Judaism, calling it a religion is extremely offensive. Religions are not capable of anything but being what is in them, and pisslam is twisted evil.

"That's why I no longer want to be part of Judaism."

How many accounts do you have to make to tell us that? Go tell a Rabbi. We know you're lying, hated Judaism in the first place, and are making up another story.

"Some even want me to die. LKZ continues to bash me even after I proposed peace. He also wished me cancer."

If you died that would be alright. You continue to lie after you tell me not to say anything after you lie. The correct grammar for your last sentence would be "He wished cancer on me".

"What's the point to keep arguing with uncivilized savages like him who wish other people cancer and rejoice when their loved ones die?"

We have different definitions of arguing. Repeating lie slogans and not responding to what anyone else says, except with personal insults like to edu, is not arguing. There is no point for you to keep posting your same lie slogans you repeat verbatim from Torah-haters. You should stop.

"Good bye!"

Please mean it.
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Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #76 on: May 12, 2016, 03:08:52 AM »
Message that the troll sent me. He says he is against leftists, and that Judaism treats women worse than Pisslam. Wonder what his next account will say.


I just want to let you know that I'm leaving the forum and probably Judaism. You can blame me for being intolerant, or you can blame LKZ and edu for being rude and wishing me to die of cancer. I cannot and will not stay in the environment that harbors such hatred against individuals like me. I tried to have a legitimate discussion, and got numerous threats and insults instead. Everyone here hates me and wants me banned.

I'm also embarrassed about Judaism's mistreatment and disregard of motherhood. This is the reason why my mother doesn't want to have anything to do with religion either. Everyone here lied to me that Judaism is great to women etc. You really thought I will never be able to read the Jewish texts and find out on my own that it's not true, especially in this era of technology and internet? How come Islam says mothers are superior to fathers, while Judaism says the opposite? You really want your religion to look more backwards than islam? There are things we just have to change in Judaism to improve it. This is not a biblical law, so why such fury? Father should not be allowed to prevent son from saying kaddish for his deceased mother, but Halacha allows it.

Dennis Prager wrote an excellent article a while back called "Can Halacha be Wrong?" where he lists halachic laws that he says lack any morality and need to be changed. Whether you agree with his position or not, this is a good read:

Some people here told me that I'm wrong. You see, if they would at least explain to me where exactly I'm wrong at, this situation would not happen and I would still remain part of Jewish faith and would actively promote JTF activism. Instead, I got disrespected and teased by some JTFers who did nothing but called me a "troll", "missionary", "nazi", "feminist", etc.

I'm just letting you know that I'm leaving voluntarily so you don't have to ban me.

Farewell and thank you for all your time you take to help save your people from dangers of Islam and left-wing traitors within.

Good bye!
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Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #77 on: May 12, 2016, 08:48:31 AM »
He keeps saying a million times he's "leaving Judaism" ----->  Again how do you leave something you never practiced?!     ???

Offline edu

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #78 on: May 12, 2016, 08:56:21 AM »
Israel Chai quotes the troll as saying:
I just want to let you know that I'm leaving the forum and probably Judaism. You can blame me for being intolerant, or you can blame LKZ and edu for being rude and wishing me to die of cancer. I cannot and will not stay in the environment that harbors such hatred against individuals like me. I tried to have a legitimate discussion, and got numerous threats and insults instead. Everyone here hates me and wants me banned.
The troll thinks this will cause me a feeling of remorse.
On the contrary, I hope the troll does leave this forum because the troll is a heretic who is trying to cause the people to sin against the Torah.
Especially in the early days of Communism it was not uncommon to find men of Jewish origin among the leading communist personalities. Indeed the father of Communism, Karl Marx, was of Jewish origin. (Under pressure from the Russian Czar to assimilate, Marx's parents superficially took upon themselves Christianity. )

Another very famous Jewish Communist was Lev Bronstein, known more widely, as Leon Trotsky, Stalin's rival in the leadership struggle for rule of the Soviet Union after Lenin.

It was told in the biography of Rabbi Elchanan Wasserman (in the English Artscroll edition, page 59) what the Chafetz Chaim (who usually has the final say on what is Jewish Law) did to the Communist, Trotsky.

That the Chafetz Chaim agreed to curse this wicked man with a curse , special for wicked Jews and within a short time thereafter, Trotsky fell from power (one should add that after a few years later , Stalin also murdered him). And see also the Be'ur Halacha, siman 329 the words beginning with Eleh L-fi ''that it is permissible to curse a wicked Jew''....for it is written '' and a leader of your nation do not curse'' -when he does the action of your nation.

And also of the messiah, it is written, ''And he shall smite a land with the rod of his mouth and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked'' (Yishayahu\Isaiah 11:4).

And even though, it is possible to curse without hating, based on the Be'ur Halacha to Siman 1 beginning with the words V'lo Yitbayesh we can conclude that definitely the Chafetz Chaim, for purely spiritual reasons, did hate Trotsky.

To spare the reader from having to seek out the source, I'll quote the passage :

"But if he is standing in a place that has Apikorsim (heretics) that rise up against the Torah and wish to enact some regulations in the matters of the city, and by means of this they will bring the people to transgress the will of G-d; and he opened in peace, and his words were not obeyed. In such a situation the Beit Yosef did not speak of at all. And it is a mitzvah to hate them and quarrel with them and nullify their plotting with all that he has the ability to do. And King David, peace be unto him said, '' Do I not hate, Hashem, those that hate you and with those that rise up against you , I shall quarrel ! I hate them with an utmost hatred: I count them as my enemies''. (Psalms 139:21,22)

We clearly see from the above, that it is wrong to display groundless love to extremely wicked Jews, (in modern times, such as, Trotsky) .

Most important, everything has a season - there is a time for mercy and a time for such traits as cruelty, all in keeping with Hashem's commands and definitions. Whoever emulates Hashem's attributes properly brings kindness and goodness to the world. This is the point of the Mishna (Berachot 54A): 'Love Hashem your L-rd with all your heart' (Deut. 6:5): With your two impulses, good and evil.

From the holy lips of Rabbeinu Yona emerged the following Divine words:

We can say that the good impulse is for such traits as mercy and that the evil impulse was created for cruelty. When one shows the evildoers no pity and is cruel to them, he does a great mitzvah, serving G-d with his evil impulse.
How great Rabbeinu Yona's words! How opposed to ideas of the sons of the alien culture of our times!

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #79 on: May 12, 2016, 08:56:28 AM »
I'm not going to write anything anymore. I'm simply going to quote your own rabbis and let people interested in truth see for themselves what Judaism teaches:

Just in case, let's compare now with this:

You see the paradox?
How in the world does violent and murderous religion like islam sometimes teach moral stuff? And how in the world does Judaism prefer to promote Greek/Roman views as "Halacha"? What does it say? The only thing it does say is that all religions are capable of teaching both good and evil things. That's why I no longer want to be part of Judaism. Who are we to criticize other religions when ours sometimes contains much worse teachings (this being an example)? We're all humans and we're all capable of changing systems to better standards.

That's all! You probably not going to see me here again. Everyone here hates me and wants me banned. Some even want me to die. LKZ continues to bash me even after I proposed peace. He also wished me cancer. What's the point to keep arguing with uncivilized savages like him who wish other people cancer and rejoice when their loved ones die?

Good bye!

For the 100th time,
It is immoral for a father to demand his child not to say Kaddish for the mother.    The halachic sources deal with ALL hypothetical situations.    NO ONE HAS EVER ENCOURAGED A FATHER TO BEHAVE LIKE THIS.

Even if it's immoral, the rabbis have to answer the question, what does the child do?    You still have no idea how halacha rabbinic literature and Talmud works.

The question is, if you are the child, and your father has done x, y , and z, which might be really really bad, but he has done it and we can't undo it, NOW WHAT?   What is the law?  What is the legal requirement of the child in that case?     And then some say this way some say that way because it's a dispute.  You attack one side of the dispute.   We have already quoted many rabbis here who on ethical grounds said you do not have to follow that demand of the father even in the face of the DEORAISA - TORAH COMMANDMENT to honor one's father.   But you won't listen.  Because you saw blood and want to paint Judaism as evil.

It goes back to an old machlokes, there is requirement to honor father and mother.  Everyone agrees.   What happens if IN A HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION, you can only perform one act, and hanging in the balance is a choice - either you honor the father or your honor the mother and IN THIS HYPOTHETICAL IT IS IMPOSSIBLE TO DO BOTH, SO YOU HAVE TO PICK ONE - OK, now what is the halacha?    A machloket!    Some say this.  Some say that.    Halachic deciders ruled on it.      That machloket is tied to this question about the kaddish thing.     Which is why some use it to say listen to the father.   But there are other factors involved.   So many rabbis including the quoted Rabbi Bar Hayim do not say one must listen to the demand.    And one does not have to follow every single extraneous one-liner they find in voluminous millions of pages of rabbinic literature.   But This troll wants to portray a falsehood.   

There is no winning with a troll missionary propagandist because they will just continue to paste their one-liners, never answer direct questions, never admit to being wrong, and simply flat out LIE to achieve their agenda.     Goodbye.

The fact that someone could argue this hypothetical question about saying kaddish would be "MORE EVIL" than Islam the religion of 9/11, jihad, murder of infidels, etc.  shows a severe mental deficiency.

Offline Kahane-Was-Right BT

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #80 on: May 12, 2016, 09:09:26 AM »
This choker failed to missionize the forum because we were too smart for his arguments, so now he runs away and cries foul.   Pathetic!

Offline Israel Chai

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #81 on: May 12, 2016, 08:08:03 PM »
Israel Chai quotes the troll as saying:The troll thinks this will cause me a feeling of remorse.
On the contrary, I hope the troll does leave this forum because the troll is a heretic who is trying to cause the people to sin against the Torah.

It's happened a million times in a million forums, it's a pathetic tactic.

First, if now you say "oh so sorry please don't leave", he's in control. For people visiting the forum, he has tried to make it look like we're hateful. When he comes back with his new troll account, which they always do, they if we did feel bad, we'll be slower to attack him for saying Islam is the best and that he hates Judaism. Finally, missionaries get most of their converts by creating a loving and welcoming environment, so lonely and disenfranchised people are drawn into the group and their desire to belong, like a street gang. The trolls keep attacking JTF on that, because it discourages members.

How bout instead of throwing away any work you did on this election into the trash by tolerating trolls that make the forum look bad, you ban them when it's obvious they have nothing to contribute? Hmm? If any regular American came here from a video and saw the thread, you can almost guarantee he didn't stay. The purpose of this forum this election was not to support Ted Cruz, but to give a platform to a commie and to make chilul Hashem about Judaism.

You all know I didn't appreciate people jumping on me when I came here, and I know I'm a bit smarter than most, so I rationalized the lies I had grown up with, and presented them well. I do that because I don't know what's right, and it works great when you put what you know out there and let it get criticized.

Repeating the same slogans over and over again after you've been responded to is not how to learn. People that do that are trying to indoctrinate, and I felt better about turning threads into a war zone and look terrible to anyone who came here to support Cruz, because not making chilul Hashem is more important than the election. That being said, I'd have rather you ban him, ,and we could deal with him when the election is over, instead of wasting a lot of time for the people here, and guaranteeing no new members from whoever reads his garbage or the response.

I like this forum, firstly because of the information you disseminate, and secondly because you handle trolls. If the forum is infested, then I'll just come for the videos, I want to help, but talking with trolls here does not help America or Israel.
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Offline Rational Jew

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Re: Can't we dismiss some trolls and useless and annoying?
« Reply #82 on: May 12, 2016, 08:49:30 PM »
It's happened a million times in a million forums, it's a pathetic tactic.

First, if now you say "oh so sorry please don't leave", he's in control. For people visiting the forum, he has tried to make it look like we're hateful. When he comes back with his new troll account, which they always do, they if we did feel bad, we'll be slower to attack him for saying Islam is the best and that he hates Judaism. Finally, missionaries get most of their converts by creating a loving and welcoming environment, so lonely and disenfranchised people are drawn into the group and their desire to belong, like a street gang. The trolls keep attacking JTF on that, because it discourages members.

How bout instead of throwing away any work you did on this election into the trash by tolerating trolls that make the forum look bad, you ban them when it's obvious they have nothing to contribute? Hmm? If any regular American came here from a video and saw the thread, you can almost guarantee he didn't stay. The purpose of this forum this election was not to support Ted Cruz, but to give a platform to a commie and to make chilul Hashem about Judaism.

You all know I didn't appreciate people jumping on me when I came here, and I know I'm a bit smarter than most, so I rationalized the lies I had grown up with, and presented them well. I do that because I don't know what's right, and it works great when you put what you know out there and let it get criticized.

Repeating the same slogans over and over again after you've been responded to is not how to learn. People that do that are trying to indoctrinate, and I felt better about turning threads into a war zone and look terrible to anyone who came here to support Cruz, because not making chilul Hashem is more important than the election. That being said, I'd have rather you ban him, ,and we could deal with him when the election is over, instead of wasting a lot of time for the people here, and guaranteeing no new members from whoever reads his garbage or the response.

I like this forum, firstly because of the information you disseminate, and secondly because you handle trolls. If the forum is infested, then I'll just come for the videos, I want to help, but talking with trolls here does not help America or Israel.
How many times did I apologize to you and how many times did you refuse an apology and continued trashing me? How many times did you and your buddy edu turned what could be a legitimate debate into personal attacks against me? How many times are you going to lie that I said "Judaism treats women worse than pisslam" (never mind I've never said it and actually made it clear that, in most cases, it is not so)? Your tactics are to spread vicious lies against people like me who just want to have legitimate discussions on any topic. Let's not forget what you did with that Belgian guy "Order 777". You first provoced him into writing insulting stuff by insulting his religion, then started spreading vicious lies against him and eventually got him banned. Now you wish me and my whole family to "die of cancer"? You're sick piece of slime! You are the cancer. If there is a problem on this forum, it is YOU.

Again, if you claim to love Judaism, let's go Jewish way then: bring two legitimate witnesses who personally saw me engaging in missionary activities and can confirm it. If not, then [censored] off.

I have a personal website where I fight Islam and defend western values. You're just a forum rat who likes starting fights with people. Get a life, imbecile!

I wasn't trying to be funny. Delete the threads, or ban the troll.
But you're the one who started this thread. Indeed, delete it. Pathetic loser!
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