To be honest RYF, I think the main attraction is by ignorant people that, for correct reasons, are tired and disgusted with all the "Love everybody else but yourself" propaganda. Everywhere one looks it is "embrace diversity", "multiculturalism", affirmative action, race-culture rationalism and the decline of the west due to Marxist/Socialist indoctriation to "hate whitey".
I answered a question on another thread that dealt with so-called racism. In today's egalitarian elitist guided world of immense propaganda an Asian, Black, Arab, Muslim, Hindu, Buddist etc. are all encouraged to have pride and respect for their own race, culture and faith. For example Black "natioanlism" or true Racism is incouraged if not openly promoted. Black Power groups or Blacks, logically wishing to be with other blacks is acceptable and encouraged, to which I have nothing against and too am fond of. Now the minute that same logic is directed to a White: Jew or Christian respectively it is automatically a debate over an ineptness of understanding and fraudulantly contorted ideology of "racism".
So logically when one continually sees propaganda for white women to have sexual relations with black men or anyone other than a "visible minority" to hold self respect, pride for ones ethnicity or heritage one is quite illogically deemed a "racist" or a "hater". So these groups that cater, logically, to White pride or separatism are logical and doing the right thing but where they go wrong in my opinion is that they combine the illogic of ultra leftist thought/ideology into their movements which ends up bolstering hate and not logic and factually based reasoning.
I hope that is a good depiction or answer to your question. Kol tov achi..