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"Bolistianian Beoble" :laugh: :laugh:
(Who don't understand the joke : Arabs can't pronounce the letter P, instead, they pronounce it as B)
--- Quote from: Dexter link=topic=8331.msg79688#msg79688 date= ---"Bolistianian Beoble" :laugh: :laugh:
(Who don't understand the joke : Arabs can't pronounce the letter P, instead, they pronounce it as B)
--- End quote ---
AH HA! Finally, proof that Pal-es-tinians don't actually exist. After all, who would call themselves a name that they can't even pronounce? ;D
How does one define a people and a nation? Is your definition of a nation the biblical one? Or is a nation defined in the context of a common people sharing a land and a culture?
If it's the latter, then there was/is a Pal-es-tine. Whether you want to admit it or not, a common people (Arabs, Muslims/Christians) lived in Pal-es-tine and created a national identity.
If you are denying that there is such a thing as a Pal-es-tinian, then you are denying that there is such a thing as an American. Americans are a common people who created a common identity and one cannot deny that there is such a thing as an American.
Even the Native Americans, prior to colonization had a culture, a very strong one. Did they have a flag?..No. But people lived there and the Europeans, with a similar mentality as you, thought they were better...more civilized. They felt that they had every right to claim what was to become North America... for the Natives were savages. In a sense I suppose they were. The natives did fight amongst themselves, and they didn't have sophisticated technology. The Europeans had stronger weapons, they built better boats.
However, do you believe what the Europeans did was moral? 200 hundred years from now, if the Native American community became stronger and rised up against the system and fought to reclaim their land...a land that was originally theirs; would you support them? Would you willingly give up your land, because hundreds of years ago, it once belonged to someone else?
I highly doubt that you would. So why would expect anything less from a Pas-es-tian? A people you claim don't exist, even though there are millions who disagree with you.
You people can continue being delusional, believing what ever "facts" fancy you. If telling yourself that there are no such thing as Pal-es-tinians relieves your guilt for doing very similar things to what the Europeans did to the be it.
qa4383: "...If it's the latter, then there was/is a Pal-es-tine. Whether you want to admit it or not, a common people (Arabs, Muslims/Christians) lived in Pal-es-tine and created a national identity..."
-You repeat the standard Communist Party CCCP line very well, but it is all a lie.
-There never was an independent state, nation, or people in Eretz Yisrael after Rome exiled the Jews.
-There was only a depopulated and desolate territory area coming under one the rule of one or another various empires. Read Mark Twain's personal travel log of his visit there. It confirms our truth and refutes your lies.
-After the rule of the Ottoman Empire it became the area legally known as British Mandate P_les_tine.
-This British controlled area included ALL of what is today the State of Israel as well as ALL of what is today The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
-One half of Jerusalem which was ALWAYS the capital city of THE JEWS ONLY plus ALL of historically Jewish Judaea & Samaria (known to Marxists worldwide as "The West Bank" (which is supposed to refer to an imaginary land which doesn't's a term referring to the west bank of the Jordan River) WERE UNDER THE SOVEREIGN RULE OF JORDAN!...
-Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, & Iraq are ALL artificial constructs devised in the decade of the 1940's out of thin air by the British & French Imperialists who ruled those areas; carving up the maps to cause division and allow Western control of oil resources.
-There was NO "P_les_ine devised as a nation by these European Imperialists.
-There was never a nation with boundaries called P-alest-ne.
-Neither was there a government by that name; nor was there any leader of the area other than Turkish or European imperialists.
You think that a group of unlawful squatters is not going to just "get up and leave; giving the land back to its rightful owners?"
You're right only on that observation, and that is exact why the Jews fought both British Imperialists and also Arab terrorists tooth and nail and retook OUR own land by blood and by fire.
Even those you would support refute you as well as the rest of your so-called "international community":
-"Yes, the existence of a separate Palestinian identify serves only tactical purposes. The founding of a Palestinian state is a new tool in the continuing battle against Israel," said Zuheir Muhsin, the head of the terrorist PLO's "military department" in a March 1977 interview with Trouw, a Dutch daily newspaper.-
Now...why don't you get busy carving up your own country to create a "Black HomeLand" for the "Nation of Islam"?....they have always claimed they are a separate nation and demanded that the U.S. Government set aside an entire region of this country to satisfy their demands...What's wrong?...don't like associating with [censored]?
--- Quote ---Now...why don't you get busy carving up your own country to create a "Black HomeLand" for the "Nation of Islam"?....they have always claimed they are a separate nation and demanded that the U.S. Government set aside an entire region of this country to satisfy their demands...What's wrong?...don't like associating with [censored]?
--- End quote ---
Oh those [censored] ???.. such appropriate and level headed comments. Why am I surprised that such racial epitaphs are commonplace on this site?? I'm slowly realizing that it's a waste of time to try and infuse an alternate perspective into this site as many here claim that they're not racist. My experience here indicates otherwise. Calling me a communist, a liberal, a self hater, evil or morally vacuous is just your way of avoiding answering the subject matter. The funny thing is I am neither a communist, a self hater or any other identity tag you use to define me. You people are so fearful of another holocaust that your logic in clouded by fear. "From fear comes insecurity, from insecurity comes greed, from greed comes frustration, from frustration comes anger, and from anger comes aggression and violence leading to separation and ugliness. By freeing yourself from fear and insecurity, one has no need to attatch himself to outside objects and does not go down this negative spiral." ~Mark Forester
The insecurity and fear I see on this site is breeding more antisemitism. You can desire separation from the world, but then you can't also expect their support.
I will leave you with this one thought for all of you to ponder......
Israel has humiliated, marginalized and out right banished the P A L E S T I N I A N S and yet, they're still there. In fact there is more of them today then there was 10 years ago. You can keep kicking them while they're down and enclosing them in a walled Bantus tan state but, they're not going away and they're becoming more radicalized and angry by the minute. This is not a situation that anyone would want to leave behind for his kids to deal with in the future.
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