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--- Quote from: qa4383 on September 05, 2007, 10:42:09 PM ---
--- Quote ---Now...why don't you get busy carving up your own country to create a "Black HomeLand" for the "Nation of Islam"?....they have always claimed they are a separate nation and demanded that the U.S. Government set aside an entire region of this country to satisfy their demands...What's wrong?...don't like associating with [censored]?
--- End quote ---

Oh those [censored] ???.. such appropriate and level headed comments. Why am I surprised that such racial epitaphs are commonplace on this site?? I'm slowly realizing that it's a waste of time to try and infuse an alternate perspective into this site as many here claim that they're not racist. My experience here indicates otherwise. Calling me a communist, a liberal, a self hater, evil or morally vacuous is just your way of avoiding answering the subject matter.  The funny thing is I am neither a communist, a self hater or any other identity tag you use to define me. You people are so fearful of another holocaust that your logic in clouded by fear. "From fear comes insecurity, from insecurity comes greed, from greed comes frustration, from frustration comes anger, and from anger comes aggression and violence leading to separation and ugliness. By freeing yourself from fear and insecurity, one has no need to attatch himself to outside objects and does not go down this negative spiral." ~Mark Forester
The insecurity and fear I see on this site is breeding more antisemitism. You can desire separation from the world, but then you can't also expect their  support.  

I will leave you with this one thought for all of you to ponder......

Israel has humiliated, marginalized and out right banished the P A L E S T I N I A N S and yet, they're still there. In fact there is more of them today then there was 10 years ago. You can keep kicking them while they're down and enclosing them in a walled Bantus tan state but, they're not going away and they're becoming more radicalized and angry by the minute. This is not a situation that anyone would want to leave behind for his kids to deal with in the future.

--- End quote ---
While your final comment again shows your lack of knowledge of the situation and the effectiveness of Arab/Muslim propoganda, as it is in fact the Jews and every other people who endure the tragedy of liveing under the Muslims who are constantly humiliated and brought low, you are right, we musnt leave the Arabs occuping our country for our children. That would indeed be cruel, that is why we believe in the expulsion of ALL Arabs/Muslims from Israel, the complete liberation of our homeland, and the right of all peoples to live free of the curse of Muslim colonizers.

"From fear comes insecurity, from insecurity comes greed, from greed comes frustration, from frustration comes anger, and from anger comes aggression and violence leading to separation and ugliness. By freeing yourself from fear and insecurity, one has no need to attach himself to outside objects and does not go down this negative spiral, but creates an atmosphere in which everyone you come into contact with feels this harmonious and peaceful atmosphere and responds positively to it. You create around yourself a state of peace and harmony in which you can respond freely and creatively in everything you do.
This precept gives us a clue as to how to get the best out of those we come into contact with. If we are not aggressive, almost all the people we meet will be equally non-threatening, and those who approach us with aggression will feel quite disarmed by our lack of aggressive response.

What we give out to the world returns to us, and we all know that when we are angry or aggressive, we meet rage around every corner." ~Mark Forester

I am not interested in feeling angry anymore. It is an emotion that I rarely feel, yet it has been rearing its ugly head ever since I came onto this forum.
Despite what you may think...I am extremely content. I completely acknowledge and appreciate my good fortune. I have truly been blessed with everything one can ask for. I only pray that anger and fear like yours remains a minority, within all fundamentalist groups. I am so thankful that I did not grow up with such negativity.

Having said that, I bid you all farewell and I hope that our paths do not cross in the near future.


Beth:  "...I am not interested in feeling angry anymore. It is an emotion that I rarely feel, yet it has been rearing its ugly head ever since I came onto this forum..."

It's merely the anger welling up inside of you at the sudden realization that you've swallowed hook, line, and sinker all of the propagandistic lies the media and every kook group of international socialist "touchie-feelie" girlie-men and "she-he's" have been telling you all your life.

Knowing that we have the truth, and speak the truth, is what is angering you...the thought that our tiny minority, far outnumbered by a hostile world, actually have the truth and intend to fully act on it.

You see, Beth, the Middle East is not "the middle West", and we didn't learn about Mohammedan murderous scum from some bi-sexual professor of "political science" with a specialty in "Islamic studies" or "womyns' studies"!

We've been murdered and raped by "the religion of Piss" for quite some time now, and we have no intention of allowing it to continue.

Pass the word on to your pansy academic friends at your next "sustainable world" convention, or maybe the next time you're out burning Arab oil in your SUV on the way to your Sierra Club meeting reducing your "carbon emissions".

Oh!...and lest I forget...don't forget to go to the Dennis Kucinich speech so you can get up and ask him to "do more to stop the genocide in Darfur"!

That way you can prove that you are really, really, good...someone who really justice....and!

Beth:  "...This is not a situation that anyone would want to leave behind for his kids to deal with in the future..."

Hey, Beth!

Make sure you leave your address at your college dorm so we can send some "Nation of Islam" boogies over to "dey new HomeLand"!

You b so full of love for dem!....pretend yew in Dafur!

kahaneloyalist:  " are right, we musnt leave the Arabs occuping our country for our children."


Please do me a favor...will you remind me when it's time to "take out the trash"?


p.s.--I've given much thought to my negative feelings about Bush...
Perhaps I've been too quick to judge the man, considering the fact that he has not only ordered the killing of more A-rabs than did Sodomy Hussein, but he's also been responsible for encouraging A-rabs to kill more A-rabs than Sodomy Hussein!


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