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Author Topic: What is your Height? Weight??  (Read 129504 times)

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #50 on: September 02, 2007, 10:19:55 PM »
ummmm....thanks, daniel, but i don't think so.  not for a 46-year-old, 332 pound, unemployed man.  give me brad pitt's looks and bill gates' money, and maybe i would have a chance.

That doesn't matter! There are people of all ages, sizes, and statuses on there! There are plenty of women who would fit into this category as well. Don't sell yourself short until you try!

Several years ago, my aunt tragically passed away. My uncle was 55 at the time. He used JDate and met his present girlfriend who is a real sweetheart (who also tragically lost her spouse) and they are preparing to get married next year. So no matter what your age or situation, there's always someone else that is in your same situation or someone that will take an interest in you. Can't hurt to give it a try!

A am very happy to hear that your uncle has found new love... most people who lose their loved one never regain there ability to find someone...


Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #51 on: September 02, 2007, 10:28:16 PM »
Well, it all depends on one's standards.  I am sure that I could easily find some heavy, middle-aged, domineering Rozanne Barr type of woman, but frankly, I would rather be alone than experience that.  But the odds of me getting an Ofra Haza clone is about the same chance that I have to win the lottery.


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #52 on: September 02, 2007, 10:30:24 PM »
Well, it all depends on one's standards.  I am sure that I could easily find some heavy, middle-aged, domineering Rozanne Barr type of woman, but frankly, I would rather be alone than experience that.  But the odds of me getting an Ofra Haza clone is about the same chance that I have to win the lottery.


Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #53 on: September 02, 2007, 10:39:40 PM »
with friends like you, who needs enemies?


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #54 on: September 02, 2007, 10:47:24 PM »
F@$kn A



Offline New Yorker

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #55 on: September 03, 2007, 01:55:22 AM »
Hmmm... noticing a trend here. A lot of fatties.  :D

Gentlemen, for those of you that want to get in shape, this guy's program, "ripped rulez", is fantastic, it will get you results. http://rippednaturalbodybuilding.com/
Disclaimer: I'm not associated with the guy, I just did the program and really liked it and giving you a recommendation.

And guys, where you are now physically means nothing, if you have the desire and knowledge, get on a good program of diet and excercise and stick to it, you can make your physique what you want it to be.

After the initial grind starting something new, you stick to it, then start seeing results, and it even becomes fun, like a hobby you enjoy, next thing y'know, you look like an athlete.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 02:20:43 AM by NewYorker »
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #56 on: September 03, 2007, 02:54:49 AM »
6' 183 Lbs.

Funny, I should disagree the most with you but I weigh the same as you, only a few inches shorter at 5'6".


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #57 on: September 03, 2007, 03:02:26 AM »
6' 183 Lbs.

Funny, I should disagree the most with you but I weigh the same as you, only a few inches shorter at 5'6".


I'd never say 'mmmm hmmm' to you in person. :)


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #58 on: September 03, 2007, 03:05:30 AM »
6' 183 Lbs.

Funny, I should disagree the most with you but I weigh the same as you, only a few inches shorter at 5'6".


I'd never say 'mmmm hmmm' to you in person. :)
If I were bean-pole thin, you wouldnt' get away with it. I dont' think I'm an Amazon at all. But if that repells people like you... so  be it. :)


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #59 on: September 03, 2007, 03:07:42 AM »
6' 183 Lbs.

Funny, I should disagree the most with you but I weigh the same as you, only a few inches shorter at 5'6".


I'd never say 'mmmm hmmm' to you in person. :)
If I were bean-pole thin, you wouldnt' get away with it. I dont' think I'm an Amazon at all. But if that repells people like you... so  be it. :)

Amazon is a compliment. What a big, strapping girl. What are you in heels?.......6'3", 6'4"?


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #60 on: September 03, 2007, 03:18:18 AM »
6' 183 Lbs.

Funny, I should disagree the most with you but I weigh the same as you, only a few inches shorter at 5'6".


I'd never say 'mmmm hmmm' to you in person. :)
If I were bean-pole thin, you wouldnt' get away with it. I dont' think I'm an Amazon at all. But if that repells people like you... so  be it. :)

Amazon is a compliment. What a big, strapping girl. What are you in heels?.......6'3", 6'4"?
You actually know women who LIKE to be called Amazons? I'm sorry, I'm not one of those women. Xena, the Warrior Princess was a strapping broad...I'm just me.

In heels, I'm 6' even. I have tall uncles from 6'4- 6'8... and my grandfather was 6'7 1/2. My 16 year old stepdaughter is 5'8 and 130 lbs, taller than I am...and my 12 year old daughter is 5'5 at 100 lbs. Their dad and HIS brothers are towering men also. 6' to 6'5. But you didn't ask for all of that.

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #61 on: September 03, 2007, 10:41:39 AM »
Although exercise has been shown to be more important than dieting when it comes to one's overall health, one should also keep in mind to be realistic about one's exercise plans.  It is all well and good to have grand ambitions, such as running the marathon or aspiring to be built like California's governor, but one must also keep in mind that for this to occur,that exercise would have to be one's #1 occupation.  Everything else would have to play second fiddle, including one's spouse, children, work, school, and so on. 
A far more realistic, liveable, and I think sane approach, is to do just enough exercise for your body that one's body needs.  This involves no more than a few minutes of heavy weight lifting, stretching, and then finding some way to burn 300 calories per day doing aerobic exercise.  As for which aerobic exercise to do, the more one enjoys it, the better.  There is no point in choosing some form of exercise that one hates, because it simply will not last.
Personally, of all aerobic exercise, I think the best kind is a combination of walking, and occasional stair climbing.  Swimming would be wonderful to, and is great for heavy people such as myself, as that is the one time when us heavy people can feel what it is like to be a normal person.  But swimming does not offer one's legs the resistance it needs to get a full workout.  Running/jogging is even worse, offering too much resistance, ultimately resulting in knee/lower back injuries.  Walking offers just enough resistance, without the risk of injury, and is also the most natural, convenient form of exercise there is.  No special equipment or fancy health clubs required.  And when it comes to stair climbing, if you ever have to enter a building to some office or apartment off the ground floor, try to climb the stairs for 2 or 3 of those floors, taking the elevator for the rest of your climb upward.  When taking the elevator down, do not use the stairs at all, as walking downstairs can cause some of the same kinds of injuries as jogging/running does.
Finally, when exercising, never, ever underestimate the importance of water.  I know that water is the most boring thing one can eat or drink, but it also happens to be by far the most important thing one can eat or drink.  Just think of how we all feel on Yom Kippur, how it is far easier to refrain from eating than it is from drinking water.  And water is very inexpensive, plentiful, and has zero calories.  One can almost never drink too much water.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 10:56:42 AM by JewishTeddyBear »

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #62 on: September 03, 2007, 10:54:20 AM »
I forgot to mention something just now.  Typically, for the person of normal weight, one burns about 100 calories for each mile one walks.  Since one should have as their goal to burn 300 calories per day doing aerobics, that means that one should aim for the goal of walking three miles every single day.  It is true that exercise is cumulative; but who wants to not exercise all week, except for one day when one would then have to walk 21 miles?  Not exactly something to look forward to.
On the other hand, since exercise is cumulative, one can find creative ways to break into smaller, more manageable bits, the three miles one has to walk each day.  So for example, what I do, is when I go shopping, I try to park in the furthest space away from the store, but still in the parking lot.  Or when I go to the gym, I try to park one or two blocks away.  When I park at home, I likewise try to park about a block away.  Even when I go on an escalator going up, if there is nobody right in front of me, I try to climb its stairs.  A few extra steps here and a few extra steps there of walking may not seem like a big deal, but it does add up, and before one knows it, one may have walked all of the three required miles for the day.
So you see?  Getting in shape need not be a chore at all.  It can seem almost effortless.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 11:24:06 AM by JewishTeddyBear »

Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #63 on: September 03, 2007, 11:31:33 AM »
Wow, I can't seem to stop talking, can I?  Once I start, watch out!
But another thought occurred to me.  Recently, Merv Griffin died.  For those of you who have no idea who that is, he was a talk show host, started several of the more successful television game shows such as Jeopardy and The Price Is Right, was a night club singer, and was a super super rich man, with assets in the billions, not millions of dollars.  He also happened to be one of those rare people in Hollywood who had the chutzpah to be a Republican.  He was an overall nice guy, too.
So what does any of this have to do with a discussion about health?  Well, because of the following.  When he died, he was 82 years old.  My father lived just a few months shorter than him.  My father was a very hard worker, but our family was never rich.  We were a middle class family who had to constantly be conscious of not spending too much money.  And yet in the end, my father lived about as long as Merv Griffin did.
To me, one of the lessons to be learned from this, is that all the money in the world, does not absolve one's self of one's morality.  Death comes to the rich and the poor alike.  As much as we try to deny it, there but for the grace of G-d go I.
On a less philosophical but perhaps more practical level, it also means that one's health is far more important than one's wealth.  What good is all the money in the world, for example, if one is dead or even crippled in some way?  One cannot even enjoy all the wealth one has in such a case.  In contrast, if somebody is struggling financially, but he or she is the picture of good health, then that person can truly enjoy his or her life quite well.
The moral of the story is, that one should value and aspire to good health, far more than one should strive for great wealth.
« Last Edit: September 03, 2007, 11:35:00 AM by JewishTeddyBear »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #64 on: September 03, 2007, 03:03:38 PM »
jewishteddybear:  "...Recently, Merv Griffin died.  For those of you who have no idea who that is, he was a talk show host, started several of the more successful television game shows such as Jeopardy and The Price Is Right, was a night club singer, and was a super super rich man, with assets in the billions, not millions of dollars.  He also happened to be one of those rare people in Hollywood who had the chutzpah to be a Republican.  He was an overall nice guy, too...."

You left out one other characterization of the well-liked and respected Mr. Griffin...he was homosexual.

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #65 on: September 03, 2007, 03:39:27 PM »
I never knew he was a gay homo.  Thanks for bursting my bubble.  One less hero for me to admire. 

Of course, that little tidbit of completely useless information has absolutely nothing to do with what I wrote about.  Then again, the kind of person that uses his energy to out people about their personal sexual orientation, is probably not the sort of person interested in the more important, deeper aspects of life.


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #66 on: September 03, 2007, 03:51:47 PM »
I never knew Merv was gay, he obviously didnt flaunt it or march in parades or anything like that.

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #67 on: September 03, 2007, 04:06:05 PM »
I don't know how you in the US, Europe SA etc' measure height and weight, but this is how we in Israel measure it :
1.75 Meters and 59 KG .
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
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Offline JewishTeddyBear

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #68 on: September 03, 2007, 04:48:08 PM »
just look at her.  isn't kelly maureen the most beautiful woman any of you have ever seen?  and trust me, as gorgeous as she is on the outside, her soul is infinitely more beautiful than that.

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #69 on: September 03, 2007, 07:24:32 PM »
I don't know how you in the US, Europe SA etc' measure height and weight, but this is how we in Israel measure it :
1.75 Meters and 59 KG .
That would be about 5'9" and 130 lbs.
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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #70 on: September 03, 2007, 08:01:30 PM »
I don't know how you in the US, Europe SA etc' measure height and weight, but this is how we in Israel measure it :
1.75 Meters and 59 KG .
That would be about 5'9" and 130 lbs.

Plus he can lick his elbow. Our Dexter's gonna be real popular with the ladies.

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #71 on: September 03, 2007, 10:27:49 PM »
just look at her.  isn't kelly maureen the most beautiful woman any of you have ever seen?  and trust me, as gorgeous as she is on the outside, her soul is infinitely more beautiful than that.

Looks like someone's developing a Kelly fetish :)

Offline jdl4ever

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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #72 on: September 03, 2007, 10:29:07 PM »
JewishTeddyBear, don't make us invent a new rule on the forum not to crave after Shiksaz  :P
"Enough weeping and wailing; and the following of leaders & rabbis who are pygmies of little faith & less understanding."
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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #73 on: September 03, 2007, 10:32:00 PM »
You know hes kidding around, he and i have been friends for many years ;D


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Re: What is your Height? Weight?
« Reply #74 on: September 03, 2007, 10:32:15 PM »
I don't know how you in the US, Europe SA etc' measure height and weight, but this is how we in Israel measure it :
1.75 Meters and 59 KG .

Thats the metric system....

We use it hear in Australia too