Lashana Tova! May you be inscribed in the Book of Life and that all your wishes come true this year..first and foremost, with a loving wife and a complete family.
Chaim, when I came back from Israel recently I realized that in MY LIFE that religion and secularism should, at least, be both practiced in moderation. The benefit of Torah law written by Gd should be for our benefit here on earth and not as much for the sake of a next world or the new messianic world. (Yes, I would rather go to heaven after death than hell and yes, I would like to be resurrected in the messianic era). HOWEVER,
I choose to follow the mitzvot of treating my fellow human being properly because, it's simply, the right thing to do.
I choose to praise Gd daily and honor my parents because it's a healthier to be humble than haughty.
I choose to learn an aspect of Torah from the eyes of wise men inspired by Gd because knowledge is good and their logic is beautiful to my brain like classical music is beautiful to my ears.
I do not want to do these things for an incentive after death.
I think one reason we are put in this world by Gd is to appreciate His Majesty and to, Gd willing, bring others into this world so that they can benefit the same thing. After all, only a few souls in this universe are lucky enough to be given a life.
What do you think of what you just read?
oh and to avoid any confusion with any of the Daniels on this forum, just call me "boreh meenay mizonot" for now on