Author Topic: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups  (Read 45078 times)

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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #101 on: September 08, 2007, 11:27:31 PM »
* The Rumantsch, speakers of the Rumantsch language, settling in parts of the Grisons, historically of Raetic stock.

What is that?

Also, would you classify the Italian-speaking Swiss as "Italians"?

The Romansh is a Romance ethnic group, and the Italian-speaking Swiss are ethnically Italian, but see themselves as being Swiss.

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Offline EagleEye

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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #102 on: September 08, 2007, 11:28:56 PM »
Armenoids are a geographical variant of the Dinaric subtype, therefore, Romanians/Serbs/Bulgarians are fairly similar to ashkenazi Jews.

What is Dinaric a sub-type of, Alpine?

I believe not, though Dinarics may be mixed with some amount.  Alpines would be slavs, typical Polish or Russian person.

Offline Hail Columbia

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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #103 on: September 08, 2007, 11:30:03 PM »
* the Romands, traditionally speaking Franco-Provençal dialects, today largely assimilated to the standard French language (Swiss French), amalgamated from the Gallo-Roman population and Burgundians (the historical Upper Burgundy). They are closely related to the French (especially those of Franche-Comte).

So that brings us to the question of what is the makeup of The French? I know the native French population (Those from the original Gaul.) are related to the original inhabitants of The British Isles [The Galic-speaking peoples of Wales (Derived from "Gaul".), Scotland, and Ireland.]. I think these French still live in Britanny and Normandy. All these people are descendants of Gomer, from Japheth, son of Noah.

The French people are made up of a mixture of Gauls (Celtic), Franks (Germanic), and Romans.

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Offline EagleEye

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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #104 on: September 08, 2007, 11:33:57 PM »
I think that this gentic testing has proven that although Jews tend to be either ashkenazi or sephardic, it is membership to a religious community that makes someone truly Jewish, not genetics.  Someone with a Jewish father clearly has Jewish DNA, but is not Jewish by Orthodox standards.  Someone with no Jewish DNA can convert.

Jews are not a race.

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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #105 on: September 08, 2007, 11:42:30 PM »
while that which remained in Asia Minor became assimilated into the Dinaric and Armenoid.
What you posted there is very consistent with what I was saying earlier.

Offline Ashkenazi

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Re: Erica says Italians aren't white.
« Reply #106 on: September 08, 2007, 11:51:51 PM »
I mean white as in their blood line overall thats the only way to find a solid yes or no, personally I dont think their white no freakin way (maybe part white) my best friend is italian also others aswell and to me they dont look or act white. Last time I checked italians have thick curly hair, are real hairy, big lips, and have different facial features contrary to those we know as pure caucasians such as swedes, germans, danes, you get the point and now excuse my amature genetic analysis but last time I checked thick or curly hair isnt white big lips not white. I think that 20% of italians are pure white Ive seen some (rarely) that look white as in comparable to a german, but think that the obvious (majority) are mixed with arab or something non white because I refuse to denie what my eyes tell me about their appearance.

Arabs are white so Arab blood mixed with Italian blood is still white.

I will not tolerate your Anti-Mediterranean racist statements on here. You talk like a German Nazi who claims that only "Aryans" [sic] are white. Of course Germans are not Aryans and Nazis consider real Aryans to be non-white because they are white Asians, not European. But the stupid Nazis thought that "the German race" was "the true Aryan race".

Anti-Mediterranean? how didnt you read my post? didnt I say that my best friend was italian and that I have other italian friends? When I said white I meant just that (100% white people as in swedes and ext) I wasnt belittling mediterraneans in any form just stating a personal thought. I talk like a german nazi? I guess thats pre talk that'll eventually leed up to you calling me a nazi right? dont forget your writing to a jew not just any jew a ashkenazi jew in which 6,000,000 of my own were murdered by those animals and you have the nerve to say that I talk like nazi because in last post I said that italians, arabs, and ext are not the same as northern euro's, well they're not same are they? Anyways hopefully this better interpritation of my last post clears any suspitions of me being a nazi.

« Last Edit: September 08, 2007, 11:54:11 PM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »
We must ensure that the State of Israel has a definite Jewish majority, or otherwise the notion of a Jewish state will become void.

Ehud Olmert

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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #107 on: September 09, 2007, 03:45:03 AM »
The Indo-Europeans are made of Germnics, Slavic, Romantic, and Celtic nations plus few others like Albanians or Greeks; they're other like Basks and Ugro_fines like Hungarians and Finns all are white skined and caucasoid; that's science all this antroplologicall mambo-jumbo about hierarhy of races and sub races is good for nazis; Did you realise haw people in Roman Empire migrated and mixed from one province to another; or haw the in the migaration periods changed the continent? The Est gemans are more slavic then germanics for ex; and bavarian are  partialy of roman ancestry; Do you noticed that  in Germany the Rhienland and Bavaria which were before V century Germanic Invasion roman stayed Roman Catholic after reformation? culture and etnicity is more important than mithical "Race" Ashkenazi Jews are still Jewish mediterean or not. BYW Khazars were Turkic nation not "Nordic" or "Aryan" and hardly European living in Est Ukraine and Volga region not Poland or Belarus. But when they converted into Judaism they become Jews period.     
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #108 on: September 09, 2007, 04:07:38 AM »
There are probably less divorced blacks than whites because most blacks never get married to begin with.  Just look at the rates of out-of-wedlock births in the black community, it is astronomical.
I know some African American couples who have been together for the better part of 25 years but never got married...they also had children. They were scared of commitment, a binding peice of paper. How do you explain the divorces of white couples in America?

That's not a good example because they should have got married. That's still a form of illegitimacy.

Are you ligitimate? If so, why does it matter to you whether someone gets married or not? You don't even think blacks are human, or have any worth. Why does it matter if they get married or not?
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 04:22:44 AM by Erica »


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #109 on: September 09, 2007, 04:08:36 AM »
There are probably less divorced blacks than whites because most blacks never get married to begin with.  Just look at the rates of out-of-wedlock births in the black community, it is astronomical.
I know some African American couples who have been together for the better part of 25 years but never got married...they also had children. They were scared of commitment, a binding peice of paper. How do you explain the divorces of white couples in America?

That's not a good example because they should have got married. That's still a form of illegitimacy.

Legally, I believe this is a form of common-law marriage.
It is, Daniel. In Chicago after 7 years, common law marriage is what it is...a marriage just with no ceremony or licence.


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #110 on: September 09, 2007, 04:23:52 AM »
There are probably less divorced blacks than whites because most blacks never get married to begin with.  Just look at the rates of out-of-wedlock births in the black community, it is astronomical.
I know some African American couples who have been together for the better part of 25 years but never got married...they also had children. They were scared of commitment, a binding peice of paper. How do you explain the divorces of white couples in America?

That's not a good example because they should have got married. That's still a form of illegitimacy.

Are you ligitimate? If so, why does it matter to you whether someone gets married or not? You don't even think blacks are himan, or have any worth. Why does it matter if they get married or not?

They should get married because G-d doesn't allow harlotry. G-d gave blacks free will just like He gave whites. It just so happens to be that most blacks choose evil.

And you're choosing to be evil. You don't have a heaven or a hell to put anyone in Yacov. You can't tell people when to get married.
« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 04:27:43 AM by Erica »


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #111 on: September 09, 2007, 04:29:44 AM »
Are you legitimate?


Good for am I...sort of. LOL My mom and dad decided to get married 4 months after I was born... My birthday is February 1, 1974... My mom and dad's wedding day was June 20, 1974 *Father's Day*.


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #112 on: September 09, 2007, 04:33:29 AM »
Are you legitimate?


Good for am I...sort of. LOL My mom and dad decided to get married 4 months after I was born... My birthday is February 1, 1974... My mom and dad's wedding day was June 20, 1974 *Father's Day*.

You're making a discussion about a group's behaviour into something personal about YOU as an individual again.


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #113 on: September 09, 2007, 04:37:10 AM »
I asked you a personal question and I told you something personal about me. No harm no foul.

Since you want to point out specifics though, you didn't tell me what someone else NOT getting married has to do with you and your personal life. You convieniently left that out of the above quote.

« Last Edit: September 09, 2007, 04:43:40 AM by Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim »


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #114 on: September 09, 2007, 04:42:39 AM »
Are you legitimate?


Good for am I...sort of. LOL My mom and dad decided to get married 4 months after I was born... My birthday is February 1, 1974... My mom and dad's wedding day was June 20, 1974 *Father's Day*.
I asked you a personal question and I told you something personal about me. No harm no foul.

Since you want to point out specifics though, you didn't tell me what someone else NOT getting married has to do with you and your personal life. You convieniently left that out of the above quote.
You're making a discussion about a group's behaviour into something personal about YOU as an individual again.

The personal lives of others are affected by un-married parents because their bastard children grow up to be muggers and criminals.


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #115 on: September 09, 2007, 04:53:43 AM »
And you've proven us right about blacks not getting married before they have kids. Are you parents still married?

Also, aren't your step-children illegitimate too?

My parents divorced when I turned 8. It just didn't work out.  And another thing, my stepchildren's mothers weren't married to my husband when they were concieved. They're not Illigitimate, they're worth everything. And we have custody of them. Illegitimate children are children who aren't being taken care of by their mother or dad. They are WELL provided for, thanks.


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #116 on: September 09, 2007, 05:07:17 AM »
Look up illegitimate in the dictionary.

il·le·git·i·mate  (l-jt-mt)
1. Against the law; illegal.
2. Born out of wedlock.*******
3. Grammar Not in correct usage.
4. Incorrectly deduced; illogical.
5. Biology Unacceptable as a scientific name because of contradiction to the international rules of nomenclature.


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #117 on: September 09, 2007, 05:23:10 AM »
Are you legitimate?


Good for am I...sort of. LOL My mom and dad decided to get married 4 months after I was born... My birthday is February 1, 1974... My mom and dad's wedding day was June 20, 1974 *Father's Day*.
I asked you a personal question and I told you something personal about me. No harm no foul.

Since you want to point out specifics though, you didn't tell me what someone else NOT getting married has to do with you and your personal life. You convieniently left that out of the above quote.
You're making a discussion about a group's behaviour into something personal about YOU as an individual again.

The personal lives of others are affected by un-married parents because their bastard children grow up to be muggers and criminals.
Generalizing again...


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #118 on: September 09, 2007, 05:26:27 AM »
Look up illegitimate in the dictionary.

Newman already posted it. My children, every one of them are well- taken care of. Calling them or other children illegitimate is setting them up for failure. The same thing happens when you call a child 'n' all their lives. They grow up thinking that's their name and therefore act the part. By the way "n" and "b with an itch" is in the dictionary also..should we go around saying it because its printed in a dictionary?

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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #119 on: September 09, 2007, 05:31:10 AM »
Are you legitimate?


Good for am I...sort of. LOL My mom and dad decided to get married 4 months after I was born... My birthday is February 1, 1974... My mom and dad's wedding day was June 20, 1974 *Father's Day*.
I asked you a personal question and I told you something personal about me. No harm no foul.

Since you want to point out specifics though, you didn't tell me what someone else NOT getting married has to do with you and your personal life. You convieniently left that out of the above quote.
You're making a discussion about a group's behaviour into something personal about YOU as an individual again.

The personal lives of others are affected by un-married parents because their bastard children grow up to be muggers and criminals.
Generalizing again...

Of course he's generalizing.  He never claimed to be not generalizing.  Just use some analysis and realize what his point is.  Children of unmarried parents are more likely to be involved in crime than children of married parents, and that affects the lives of other people.  There, was that so hard?  These are facts.

Also, your changing around of the definition of the word illegitimate isn't going to fly.  The word has a clear definition that everyone here, including yourself, knows, so please don't play any games with us.

I find it funny that you argue to us about your own situation and say that you're always an exception to the rule, but your parents weren't married and your husband has illegitimate children from two different women.  You seem to fit the stereotypical definition in that regard. 
"The Jews will eventually have to face up to what you're dealing with here.  The arabs will never love you for what good you've brought them.  They don't know how to really love.  But hate!  Oh, G-d, can they hate!  And they have a deep, deep, deep resentment because you have jolted them from their delusions of grandeur and shown them for what they are-a decadent, savage people controlled by a religion that has stripped them of all human ambition . . . except for the few cruel enough and arrogant enough to command them as one commands a mob of sheep.  You are dealing with a mad society and you'd better learn how to control it."

-Excerpt from The Haj by Leon Uris


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #120 on: September 09, 2007, 05:43:21 AM »
Are you legitimate?


Good for am I...sort of. LOL My mom and dad decided to get married 4 months after I was born... My birthday is February 1, 1974... My mom and dad's wedding day was June 20, 1974 *Father's Day*.
I asked you a personal question and I told you something personal about me. No harm no foul.

Since you want to point out specifics though, you didn't tell me what someone else NOT getting married has to do with you and your personal life. You convieniently left that out of the above quote.
You're making a discussion about a group's behaviour into something personal about YOU as an individual again.

The personal lives of others are affected by un-married parents because their bastard children grow up to be muggers and criminals.
Generalizing again...

Of course he's generalizing.  He never claimed to be not generalizing.  Just use some analysis and realize what his point is.  Children of unmarried parents are more likely to be involved in crime than children of married parents, and that affects the lives of other people.  There, was that so hard?  These are facts.

Also, your changing around of the definition of the word illegitimate isn't going to fly.  The word has a clear definition that everyone here, including yourself, knows, so please don't play any games with us.

I find it funny that you argue to us about your own situation and say that you're always an exception to the rule, but your parents weren't married and your husband has illegitimate children from two different women.  You seem to fit the stereotypical definition in that regard. 
I'm no stereotype. But like I said, how does what one person or three people does in their life affect you? How does  my having step daughters who have two different mothers impact your life at all? I never said I was an exception to ANY rule, that's what you and newman say. I'm one of many stepmothers who married men with children.

The word illegitimate is a negative term used to hurt children of broken homes. ANd I told you that my parents WERE married, Yacov. They got married on Father's day to make the day important to my dad. He had all intentions of marrying my mother even before I was thought of, my mom was too young at that time. My mom and dad stayed married for 8 years. They did all they could and it didn't work out.


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #121 on: September 09, 2007, 05:57:51 AM »
If she was too young to get married, why was she having sex?

Why are you asking me? I wasn't there... ::) I'm imagining that my grandmother was too afraid to talk to her about sex and she learned through other means.


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Re: Italians and Other Mediterranean Racial Groups
« Reply #122 on: September 09, 2007, 06:01:19 AM »
I'm no stereotype. But like I said, how does what one person or three people does in their life affect you? How does  my having step daughters who have two different mothers impact your life at all? I never said I was an exception to ANY rule, that's what you and newman say. I'm one of many stepmothers who married men with children.

It's not a problem that you married someone with kids or that they have two different mothers. The problem is that your husband was never married to either of the mothers at the time the babies were conceived. But it is indeed commendable that you didn't have kids out of wedlock.

BTW, just because people don't have kids out of wedlock, it doesn't mean it's okay to have sex outside of marriage, even when using "protection".

Yacov, you do know that you're not lord over anyone or their actions, right? If my husband had married the my step-daugthers mothers, they'd have been divorced 2 months afterwards because they both cheated on him. I think it was smart of him not to marry them. That's my opinion though. As for the conception of his kids, he regrets having them so early in life, but never flaked out of caring for them. He loved them from the moment they were born. No matter what the circumstances were,he's still a real man.