Something about real arabs and cultural ones:
The western part of the "arabic" world (maghreb=west)
is merely Berber, i.e. autochtonous population
that was subjugated by arab conquests.
Iran is seen by many as an arabic nation: it is not.
The kurds are not either.
Iranians, Kurds, Afghanis are Indo-Europeans, related to Slavs and western europeans.
The true arabs are the ones from sa(u)distic arabia,
on the east (mashrek) of the "arabic" world.
Arabs from the west (maghreb) say themselves that they are a mix of populations
They refer to Lebanon as a true arabic country, since lebanese language is written,
as far as they know, in the most "pure" arabic.
alfred rosenberg wrote about the Jews "working on the mixing of the races" ?
What would he say if an arab nomad caught his "german" mother ?

I continue a bit:
almost everybody refers to 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 as "arabic" numbers (chiffres).
(Whereas we know the roman ones: I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X.)
They are not "arabic", they are Hindu.
"arab" science ?
Avicenne, a famous doctor in medicine (Ibn Sina), was Persian (Iranian).
Avicenne, among many others scientists and intellectuals, is called "arabic", which is non-sense.
YET, Avicenne is called an "arab", by the arabs.
"arab" philosophy ?
It's the Greek one.
And so forth...
True arabs just gave birth to one thing: the quran.
A book of conquests.
A book that matched perfectly with hitler's "mein kampf".
Germans have a similar history to the arabic one.
Almost everybody thinks of germany as an unmixed population, it is not so.
As a Serbian, I have a beautiful (but very sad) example: the Lusatian Serbs.
Germanicized, the same way as the arabs do arabicize everything and everyone they encounter,
they (Serbs) still do fight to have some Rights (Language, Culture, Flag).
Not recognized as a particular Nation by hitler, they were forced to call themselves "germans".
they could slightly breath after 1945, but since the wall (most soft punishment for germans) falled,
they still do have to fight for their Rights.
Needless to say Serbs are autochtonous to "germany".
They were there before any german settlement.
The Father of "german" philosophy ?
A Lusatian Serb, from the Ljubnica Family.
The most renowned "german" Kaiser (Emperor) ?
A Lusatian Serb, who has his roots in Lusatian Serbian villages.
"germany" is never "sufficiently" (enough) "german".
It has to create revolutions to get germanicized, always, anew.
Poor creatures.
arabs and germans fit together very well.
I forgot:
croats, albanians, bosno-muslims and magyars
join arabs and germans very "naturaly", without any kind of complex, or whatsoever.