Author Topic: Just look at these animals  (Read 39976 times)

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #50 on: September 05, 2006, 07:58:06 AM »
the "innocent" people could have left but they were too busy helping Hezbolla
Hezbollah said theyd shoot if they left. They werent busy helping - they had no choice.

And even if youre right - Its Hezbollah, not Israel, whos helped rebuild Lebanon. If Israel had contributed even a little bit its rep would have gone up.

There were innocent people at the World Trade Center . The peacefull Muslims didn't have much concern for them.
I never said I supported that.

Granted their may be some Muslims who really don't want to see the murder of innocent people take place however I truly believe their numbers are small compaired to the overall Muslim population. I have known a few Americanised Muslim people and even when conversing with them I always got the impression that while they outwardly  denounced terrorism and hatred for non Muslims deep down they were very sympathetic with the terrorist cause.

Lebanon reminds me very much of the French during WW2 after putting up token resistance once the Germans came in it was one big happy family unless you were Jewish. Same in Lebanon the people seemed very content having Hezbollah around.

Hezbollah helped rebuild Lebanon thats nice. Muslims seem to have that nasty habit of setting up military encampments in the middle of civilian populations so I guess they were just setting up camp so to speak. Most civilised army's  try to avoid civilian population during war not use it as a shield.

Finely in the aftermath of  9-11 their was just to much dancing in the streets of many Muslim neighborhoods here in America for my tastes. Most normal people citizens of America or not were shaken by this barbaric act but the piecefull Muslims were dancing in the streets.

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Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #51 on: September 05, 2006, 09:49:27 AM »
Jeff, when you talk to this guy always remember Takiya, the muslim religious duty to lie to the infidel to make Muslim world conquest easier, maybe thats why he talks about peace and yet everything he supports would lead to Jews being dhimmis or another Holocaust altogether.
You know, when I came here I thought you lot would at least listen to me open mindedly. I guess that was too much to expect from you fascist pigs.

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #52 on: September 05, 2006, 10:52:57 AM »
that was too much to expect from you fascist pigs.

Now the TRUTH comes out!


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #53 on: September 05, 2006, 10:54:29 AM »
Made a mistake here..will repost.


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #54 on: September 05, 2006, 11:01:16 AM »
Jeff, when you talk to this guy always remember Takiya, the muslim religious duty to lie to the infidel to make Muslim world conquest easier, maybe thats why he talks about peace and yet everything he supports would lead to Jews being dhimmis or another Holocaust altogether.
You know, when I came here I thought you lot would at least listen to me open mindedly. I guess that was too much to expect from you fascist pigs.

Now the TRUTH comes out!


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #55 on: September 05, 2006, 11:16:58 AM »
Khaan, don't lose your temper.

Everyone else, don't preach such violence, yes, I agree Islam is evil, but mass murder is also evil, you cannot defeat evil with evil. Any killing that can be averted should be averted.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #56 on: September 05, 2006, 11:22:35 AM »
Khaan, don't lose your temper.

Now we are seeing "The Wrath of Khaan".

"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #57 on: September 07, 2006, 04:57:36 PM »
Muslims deserve to die an excruciating death!
This must be the famous judaeo-christian-western-Israeli tolerance and peace i've been hearing so much about. posting things like that makes you no better than the terrorists, seeing as the majority of muslims are peaceful.

I have some more pictures of animals. Only this time, its the other way round:

and a few more:

Israels actions with Lebanon were particularly disgusting.

What muslims get, they deserved. They start all the troubles and violence in the world, then cry when victims respond and kick their slimy @ss. Stop crying about  what the world or Israelis do to muslims, they asked for it, they're all in on the violence and the hatred. As one of the posters here states, where there are no muslims, there's no terrorism.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #58 on: September 07, 2006, 05:12:46 PM »
by the way- i dont understand whats the so bad behaviour our muslim friend showed in those pictures: lets have a look:
-soldiers beating up a guy- could be a palestinian arab opposing arrest or something like that.
-soldiers carrying a boy- he was throwing stones on them, so they caught him and now carrying him to the police station. look- he was so brave to throw stones but the moment he got caught he wet his pants.
- a Jewish girl and boy pickling on an old muslim woman- imagine what the muslim arabs would do to an old Jewish lady say in gaza or jenin. its not compareable even. always remember the lynches arabs did to Jews that got the wrong road ended up in an arab town in 2000 or 2001.
-the burning city of tyre- well, what did you want, Israel not to bomb the Katiusha launchers or hizbullah headquarters, that was intentionally placed among cevilians, by the way?
-more burning stuuf- probably after Israel rocketed a car driven by a terrorist. you couldnt expect Israel to let these killers live, right?
-the ruins of dahia, beirut- its the "hizballah town", come on, you cant expect Israel to allow hizballah headquarters to continue operating. plus, the terrorists hid weapons and even rockets (!) at their homes, situated in dahyia, therefore got bombed.

dude, unless you have real proof of how bad Jews are to these arabs dont fill my screen with this crap. it doesnt show anything, doesnt prove anything, and compare it to the pictures of arab violence- and youll notice which side here is the cruel and who are the good guys here.
« Last Edit: September 07, 2006, 05:14:40 PM by NeverMore »

Kahane was right!

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #59 on: September 07, 2006, 05:17:56 PM »
ive already commented on that where there are no muslims, there's no terrorism. See elsewhere.

ive already said about lebanon - a ground force that targeted hesbollah as opposed to bombing randomly would have enabled less loss of civilian life, and would have been better. If israel had contributed to rebuilding Lebanon after the bombing, it would have lowered anti-Israeli hatred in Lebanon and may have been a way to peace.

[nowadays] Im not siding with either however. To me, the arab extemeists are pretty bad, but they dont have the advanced weaponry that the Israelis have. The stats of the Israel-Lebanon war on wikipedia will confirm that.

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #60 on: September 07, 2006, 05:40:53 PM »
ive already commented on that where there are no muslims, there's no terrorism. See elsewhere.

ive already said about lebanon - a ground force that targeted hesbollah as opposed to bombing randomly would have enabled less loss of civilian life, and would have been better. If israel had contributed to rebuilding Lebanon after the bombing, it would have lowered anti-Israeli hatred in Lebanon and may have been a way to peace.

[nowadays] Im not siding with either however. To me, the arab extemeists are pretty bad, but they dont have the advanced weaponry that the Israelis have. The stats of the Israel-Lebanon war on wikipedia will confirm that.

man, did they fire you from a stand up club or somethin'?
i surely agree that a ground force would have saved the lives of these arabs, but i care more about the lives of our dearest Israeli soldiers, not the enemy cevilians. there actually were some commandoes operation made just to save arab lives, resulting at least in woundings of our soldiers (i dont know about deaths, but dont exclude them).
now you want Israel to actually aid her enemies giving them money? maybe we should also pay them for bombing us per rocket? you must be rather "not smart" or a simple ignorant or just a disguised JEW HATER to say such awful things, that make sense only to the devil himself and you.
i really thought you were someone else, ya know? but thats whats so good in giving you this stage to express yourselves- at the end you make jokes of your own selves and proove your level of thinking.
did you ever hear hasan nasrallah saying how sorry he was for intentionally killing Israeli citizens? and how would he react if you had suggested him to pay Israel for all the damage he's done to so many families, to the economy, and even to me, forcing me to run tens of times per day to the shelter??
think about that before you make yourself a bigger joke dude- my impression of you was too good it seems.

Kahane was right!


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #61 on: September 07, 2006, 06:39:59 PM »
In my opinion, it would be nice if Israel could help to rebuild Lebanon, but unless hezbollah is disarmed, I think it would be stupid for Israel to in any way aid Lebanon, except of course for killing/capturing members of Hezbollah.

Offline NeverMore

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #62 on: September 07, 2006, 06:55:38 PM »
In my opinion, it would be nice if Israel could help to rebuild Lebanon, but unless hezbollah is disarmed, I think it would be stupid for Israel to in any way aid Lebanon, except of course for killing/capturing members of Hezbollah.
I agree with your last statement, but come on, so many arab rich countries there are to help them, and Israel should throw its few dollars too, and on who? a country that bombarded us? me? a rocket fell some 200 meters from my house, i dont want a country that housed these terrorists to receive any help from the taxes i pay!! never!!  >:( >:( >:(

Kahane was right!

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #63 on: September 07, 2006, 10:42:30 PM »
If israel had contributed to rebuilding Lebanon after the bombing, it would have lowered anti-Israeli hatred in Lebanon and may have been a way to peace.

Nothing Israel has ever done to help one of those third-world arab countries has ever lowered the anti-Israel hatred. It's not about who can help... it's an ideology in their religious beliefs. You aren't going to change that by throwing money away at these idiots. Plus... what's the point in going to war and then un-doing it? What kind of message would that send? The radicals would just think Israel was a laughing stock and weak.

So no, Israel isn't going to gain friends with muslim countries in the middle east. It hasn't happened in the last several thousand years and it's definitely not happening now. You have to be realistic and look at the facts. History repeats itself and only fools ignore it.
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #64 on: September 08, 2006, 12:10:05 PM »
I would like to commend the person above me for posting such an excellent post.

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #65 on: September 08, 2006, 12:17:14 PM »
It hasn't happened in the last several thousand years and it's definitely not happening now.
If thats the case, that Israel has NEVER had ME freinds, maybe you should look at Israel, not the others, and see what can be fixed. After all, there was no islam during abraham or moses or whatever. Looks to me like the problem is within israel itselft

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #66 on: September 08, 2006, 02:01:51 PM »
OOOHHH... so you say it's actually Israel's fault! That is so absurd and dishonest... what a joke. What one single gesture have they EVER given to Israel? And how many gestures did Israel make? Do you actually know history or do you have the islamic filtered version?

Just as I expected... you are an Israel and Jew hater. I knew your true colors would show soon.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 02:04:50 PM by jeffguy »
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #67 on: September 08, 2006, 02:08:53 PM »
So everyone who has a different point of view is an Israel and Jew hater now?

Well im glad youre thinking of banning me because right now i want absolutely nothing to do with you.
Tough American was right.

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.

Offline Shlomo

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #68 on: September 08, 2006, 02:17:28 PM »
So everyone who has a different point of view is an Israel and Jew hater now?

Well im glad youre thinking of banning me because right now i want absolutely nothing to do with you.
Tough American was right.

Did I say everyone? Or did I say arabs in the middle east? And what you call a "different point of view" is what I call an insane pile of lies (that are EASY to tear apart) to achieve an agenda against Israel and the Jewish people. It's all about jealousy and evil dictators who want more power by controlling ignorant people who can't think for themselves with islam.

"Tough_American" was an idiot. I've wondered if you were actually the same person.
« Last Edit: September 08, 2006, 02:20:03 PM by jeffguy »
"In the final analysis, for the believer there are no questions, and for the non-believer there are no answers." -Chofetz Chaim

Offline khaan

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #69 on: September 08, 2006, 02:21:09 PM »
Well, for starters, as stated earlier, Im not arab. Neither are Europeans. Neither is George Bush. Neither are those so called "self-hating Jews."

I doubt white supremacy was as well, but he was certifyably an idiot ...

"LOVE FOR ALL. HATRED FOR NONE" - the primary motto of the ahmadiyyat, the sect of Islam I belong to.

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #70 on: September 13, 2006, 01:46:39 AM »
Hey Muzzie lets see here ok?

Over 3,000 Americans murdered on Sept 11, 2001 ... No MUSLIM APOLOGIZED OR SHOWED DEEP SYMPATHY

220 tourists from Australia murdered in a suicide bombing in Bali, Indonisia... NO MUSLIM APOLOGIZED OR SHOWED DEEP SYMPATHY

Over a 120 in Madrid, Spain were murdered in a bombing on a passenger train... NO MUSLISM APOLOGIZED OR SHOWED DEEP SYMPATHY

Around 70 killed in a bus and subway bombing in London, England just last year... NO MUSLIM APOLOGIZED OR SHOWED DEEP SYMPATHY

Muslims in Saudi Arabia left 4 girls to burn down in a building that was on fire cause their faces were covered... NO MUSLIM OUTRAGE OR ANY FORM OF SYMPATHY THERE

Muslims in Indonisa cut off the heads of school girls... NO MUSLIM APOLOGIZED OR SHOWED DEEP SYMPATHY

Muslims cut the heads off of Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl and then displaying their severed heads like if it was a trophy... NO MUSLIM APOLOGIZED OR SHOWED ANY SYMPATHY.

on and on and on... Your damned cult is the center of world wide ridicule cause the only time you Muslims are outraged when the west and Israel gives you a kick in the pants.  Muslims are very tough firing rockets from schools huh Muzzie and you whine here about "innocent civilians"  those so called innocent civilians were dancing in celebration when those Twin Towers in my city came falling down from your sick damned cult.  So don't you dare tell anyone here about "innocent civilians".  As far as I am concern, there are no innocent in Islam.  All of them either are the terrorists, support the terrorists, sympathizes with them or harbors them. 

Funny Muzzie we only hear about Fatwa's from your Fat ass Sheiks and Mullahs only to westerners like say Solomon Rushdee, or say anyone who leaves that damned cult but not one filthy pig Mullah and Sheiks ever gave out a Fatwah to Osama bin Laden or Yasser Arafart or Abbas or any one of these Muslim sick pig creatures that thrive on the blood of innocent men, women and children.

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #71 on: September 13, 2006, 04:43:14 PM »
Oh and Muzzie, I truely hope that every single stinking Muslim pig hates my guts infact I find that to be an honor.  Especially from a cult that uses children as human bombs and then use them as human shields.   That sick cult is the spawning of the devil himself.

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #72 on: September 19, 2006, 04:07:58 AM »
Hey Khaan,

Your motto says "Love for all. Hatred for none." But I only love the loveable, and I hate the hateful. This is a far superior moral code. And what do I find hateful? Islam and Muslims. You guys seem as savage and barbaric as communists and nazis. Maybe worse. The day all you evil, hateful communists, nazis, and Muslims die out is the day I celebrate! Yee-HAA!!!
Classical liberalism is the future!

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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #73 on: September 19, 2006, 10:52:50 AM »
So everyone who has a different point of view is an Israel and Jew hater now?

Well im glad youre thinking of banning me because right now i want absolutely nothing to do with you.
Tough American was right.

If its not Israel, It is America, If it is not America it is the west, not the west its the Christians, Jews, Hindus or Buddist.  Muslims will come up with any excuse for their vile hatred and envy towards anyone.  And thats all it is their hatred and envy.  Cause Islam makes people retarded.


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Re: Just look at these animals
« Reply #74 on: September 19, 2006, 11:00:19 AM »
So everyone who has a different point of view is an Israel and Jew hater now?

Not at all, not at all. 

If you are a muslim however, you are REQUIRED to be a Jew hater.