But he didn't. He died of the vaccine. Since he was a fighter for the vaccine it didn't help the propaganda, so his family lied about his death on facebook for the cause. Don't condemn me too hard until you improve at the googling.

No he got his injection and died right after. Oracle makes Java, which countless devices run on. As mentioned, they had a multi billion dollar lawsuit against google for stealing Java to make android. Now he decided to be a hero and protect others with the vaccine in the ultimate way. Good for the heroes. Medical testing helps those who don't get better quality services eventually.
Your assumption here is that anyone who had a vaccine shot and dies, must have died from the vaccine. But we know that the vaccines are not 100% efficacious and some people contract Covid despite vaccination (either partial or full vaccination).
All that we know is that he had one shot.
You have no evidence that the family lied. You made that up. You have no evidence that the company lied. You made that up.
Why would they lie about his cause of death? They didn't want him to die and they don't want others to die the way that he did.
You can dose someone with a gallon of spike protein, or a gallon of any Covid vaccine of your choice that is being distributed in the US and none of that will cause someone to test positive for COVID-19. To test positive for COVID-19, a person has to be exposed to and contract the virus, from someone else who is infected. This is not, and cannot be, caused by a vaccine.
Your googling hasn't helped you, it has made you look like an imbecile.