Author Topic: Revava banned Nikmatdam. He is now with JTF. Revava's Elisha is like the elephant.  (Read 152541 times)

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October 20, 2006, 01:41:13 PM 

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376   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Stand up for Jerusalem!  on: June 14, 2006, 08:40:57 PM 
how sweet of you yby to tell us that we are all a bunch of cowards... you're the real loser here... 'cause i'll wager this time there WILL be a streetbrawl and donneybrook over these creatures having the unmitigated gall to take to the streets of yerushalayim ir hakodesh and bring their depraved filth out into the open... in fact i believe this will be the spark that finally ignites the necessary civil-war to free our land and our people from the vile and defiled mamzerim who are putting them up to this... and we will soon be rid of them all once and for all... nik. out...
377   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / calling all whack-jobs or calling your bluff...  on: June 14, 2006, 08:28:05 PM 
well... well... well... here we all are in hell again... let's see... i've been called a yapping dog... a screwball, a baby and a nut case... and that's just in the last 5 minutes or so... any of you beepos get reprimanded for any of this...? simmer down... it was a rhetorical question... the answer is... no... of course not...

so i say either we get a new moderator who will apply the rules equally to everyone or the gloves come off and i give you all what fir... i've been holding my fire and taking all of your abuse for long enough... i'm ready to take down a few of your meat-houses... only question is... is it worth the bother? you guys are all a bunch of self-righteous, know-it-alls and i'm truly getting sick of all of your pedantism and holier-than-thou posturing... none of you can deal with any of the things i put forth... that is not in a meaningful way... like children you are all out of my league... now i'm not one to brag or to toot my own horn... but all that you guys ever seem to have in response to my rant is name-calling... and the dismissal with the wave of a hand with no substantive proof or argumentation to back up or support such negative reactions... and then just when it becomes obvious to all that none of you can deal with me on a one-to-one basis... you all gang up on me and want me thrown out...great gambit guys... all of it... it's sheer "genius"... who came up with this ploy? really... it's truly artful... and then there is denial... this is another one of your admirable traits and is the clear sign of the ignorant and of the intellectually challenged... and sadly this is the true nature of all of your reactions to me shown here since my arrival... ok so now what? nu... go on... now you morons can answer... i'm really asking... can any of you go toe-to-toe with me... even one round? here's the rules... everything's in play... name calling... foul mouthing... you can have it all... but you also have to prove why i'm wrong on something... or successfully argue how i'm a lunatic whako over something i say... or as yby loves to sing it...  i'm a "crackhead".... let's discuss any one of the issues... you guys choose... then take a poll... loser leaves... all of you guys taken together against me... and on the merits let's see whose arguments hold any water... up for it? nik. out...   
378   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "jerusalem..."  on: June 14, 2006, 07:35:39 PM 
each thread with each song or songs delivers a certain message and each message is different... which means that although they are all lyrics to songs they are not thereby all the same... (just a little extra help for those of you out there slow on the uptake)... and now you can all see that ergo for this reason they each need to bear their own separate post... no need for a fresh thread for each because you animals don't have to respond to any of them and thus or hence there will be no for a long new thread... capiche? good... nik. the zookeeper out...
379   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 14, 2006, 12:58:26 AM 
staff... b'emet thanks... i'll take a look as soon as i can... nik.
380   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 13, 2006, 11:34:51 PM 
yeah i'd like to hear the voice of jabotinsky myself... nik.
381   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***"jerusalem..."***  on: June 13, 2006, 11:09:49 PM 
(by matisyahu)...

"jerusalem, if i forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
jerusalem, if i forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.

in the ancient days, we will return with no delay
picking up the bounty and spoils on our way
we've been traveling from state to state
and them don't understand what they say
3,000 years with no place to be
and they want me to give up my milk and honey
don't you see, it's not about the land or sea
not the country but the dwelling of His majesty...

jerusalem, if i forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
jerusalem, if i forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.

rebuild the temple and the crown of glory
years gone by, about sixty
burn in the oven in this century
and the gas tried to choke, but it couldn't choke me
i will not lie down, i will not fall asleep
they came overseas, yes they're trying to be free
erase the demons out of our memory
change your name and your identity
afraid of the truth and our dark history
why is everybody chasing we
cut off the roots of your family tree
don't you know that's not the way to be...

jerusalem, if i forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
jerusalem, if i forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do.

caught up in these ways, and the worlds gone craze
don't you know it's just a phase
case of the simon says
if i forget the truth then my words won't penetrate
babylon burning in the place, can't see through the haze
chop down all of them dirty ways,
that's the price that you pay for selling lies to the youth
no way, not ok, oh no way, not ok, hey
ain't no one gonna break my stride
ain't no one gonna pull me down
oh no, i got to keep on moving
stay alive...

jerusalem, if i forget you,
fire not gonna come from me tongue.
jerusalem, if i forget you,
let my right hand forget what it's supposed to do..."

as you can see for yourselves... no other words of commentary are necessary save for these few...

for all of you who have heard this song you know that it's true... that if this wasn't a thoroughly jew-hating planet... this song would be one of the monster hits of all-time by now... as great as he was... bob marley never wrote or sung anything better... a tie maybe... this song is superlative and as i said above... this song says it all... all by itself.... nik. out... 
382   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 13, 2006, 10:18:22 PM 
no... the one at b'nai david/judea the year before his death... i asked him a question from the floor... nik.
383   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Stand up for Jerusalem!  on: June 13, 2006, 09:18:36 PM 
no matter what we do... and i'm not saying we shouldn't try...and/or counter demonstrate... i.e. skokie, ill.-style... with baseball bats at the ready... just like the jdl did against the klan...

i'm telling you all they want this demonstration to go forth to assure jerusalem's moral compromise and thus the pollution will aid and abett their planned destruction and dismantlement of the state of israel... if ever you wanted or needed satanic-illuminati proof of a conspiracy here it is... they wish to be m'tame the land with innocent blood and with zenut in order to get G-d to drive us all out... as it says in the torah... "do not do the evil and degraded things (maesim) that the inhabitants of the land (the canaanim) did before you...or the land will spit you out just as it did them..." they are hedging their bets just in case the torah is true... this is the all-out war we face for the kedusha and the very possession of eretz yisroel... welcome to the next round and the next salvo in the milchemet gog u'magog which began at the signing of oslo...

and a point of some note... isn't it interesting that this war began on sept. 13 1993... hmm! sept. 13... 13...  now... where have i heard of a number like that before...? 9/13... 9/13... 9/11... er... i mean 9/13...

nik. out... 
384   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 13, 2006, 08:35:47 PM 
super... if you have one from l.a. i'm in one of them... nik. out...
385   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / sing it loud jews... sing it loud... hatikvah... the hope!!!  on: June 13, 2006, 08:32:57 PM 
ah... but as rav meir was so want to say... "how nice to see how our dream of 2000 years has come true... so very, very true... 'leheyot am chofshi b'artzenu!!!'" am chofshi.... so free we are.... who walks free from fear in our land... the jew or the arab? am chofshi... (my ass).... am chofshi what an obscene joke... am chofshi... more like am chofshit!!!!! nik. out in utter disgust...
386   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D  on: June 13, 2006, 07:54:42 PM 
a friend of mine has a fair share of rav meir videos... i'll ask them to post the links here... nik.
387   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "unfair and unbalanced" moderating by yissachar....  on: June 13, 2006, 07:25:06 PM 
whoa! now hold on there a moment sailor... just a sec... let me be clear and disavow you of something... i... I... did not mistreat anyone... i've been minding my own business and doing my thing here quietly ever since the staff flare-up and out of nowhere br ch. broadsides me telling me... "to shut up and stop barking like a small dog..." and in my book that's out of bounds... now granted i've told people here and elsewhere to shut-the-hell-up a time or two as well... but comparing my rant to the incessant yipping of a pooch is beyond the pale for me... and i will always sally forth when attacked... especially because my message is so vital and so dire... and so that's what set me off and since he initiated and drew first blood in direct violation of the so-called (sissified)"rules"... he's the one who should be getting your ire right now and not me... he should be hearing your beef and feeling your grief... not moi... all i did is what i know... how to play full-contact blogging... if he's raring for a fight he has come to the right place... bring it on bring it on... so he started it... i'm just finishing it... and for that matter i don't see you telling him or anyone else here to behave and treat people nicely... just me... so what gives? am i not a person too...? do you also want a piece of me? well have at it... i'm ready... and  irregardless of your wish for a go 'round with me... you sure got one now... bub... i'm hopping mad at you right now... ta... nik.
388   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 13, 2006, 07:19:01 PM 
ada raba... there are at least two pesukim in the megillah that feature the dirge niggun of eicha... and that is singing!!! nik. out...
389   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and here comes senor alberto... ole!  on: June 13, 2006, 12:02:37 AM 
and just so you can all check up on me... go to my posts and look up #'s 522 (the original one), 571, 587, 608, 619, 671 and 676... all referring to my prediction of these onshim min hashamayim... nik. out...
390   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and here comes senor alberto... ole!  on: June 12, 2006, 10:59:52 PM 
you guys won't recall this... but i predicted hurricanes to punish america for gush katif... and katrina and rita were the first salvos... when katrina hit i said next would be texas and rita obliged me... and then i said they would turn north and go... right on up the eastern seaboard all the way up to new england... we just had to wait for this year's cycle to start to begin seeing this come to pass... all the way up the coast now with fury... over the next few weeks and months... i hope they are all devastating to america's economy (not to the people... unless they can fell a few rashayim along their path)... nik. out...
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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October 20, 2006, 01:42:00 PM 

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391   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: DEMOCRACY OR POLICE STATE???  on: June 12, 2006, 10:06:19 PM 
what are you stumped on? nik.
392   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 12, 2006, 10:03:48 PM 
i am bringing you this sight unseen... let's read it together and see if what i said before was indeed correct or not... nik. out...

Rabbi Jachter's Halacha Files
(and other Halachic compositions)

A Student Publication of the Isaac and Mara Benmergui Torah Academy of Bergen County

Parshat Yitro               20 Shevat 5762               February 2, 2002               Vol.11 No.17


The Parameters of Kol Isha
by Rabbi Howard Jachter

The Gemara (Berachot 24a) records the prohibition of Kol Isha. In this essay, we shall outline the parameters of this issue, as delineated by twentieth century Halachic authorities. We shall discuss the source of the prohibition and its applicability in our times. Then we shall discuss the questions of whether this prohibition applies to Zemirot, tape recordings, and radio broadcasts. We shall conclude with a brief discussion regarding husband-wife restrictions, and men hearing young girls sing.

The Source of the Prohibition
The Gemara (Berachot 24a) states, “The voice of a woman is Ervah, as the Pasuk [in Shir Hashirim 2:14] states ‘let me hear your voice because your voice is pleasant and appearance attractive.’” Rashi explains that the Pasuk in Shir Hashirim indicates that a woman’s voice is attractive to a man, and is thus prohibited to him. Rav Hai Gaon (cited in the Mordechai, Berachot 80) writes that this restriction applies to a man who is reading Kriat Shema, because a woman’s singing will distract him. The Rosh (Berachot 3:37) disagrees and writes that the Gemara refers to all situations and is not limited to Kriat Shema. The Shulchan Aruch rules that the Kol Isha restriction applies to both Kriat Shema (Orach Chaim 75:3) and other contexts (Even Haezer 21:2). The Rama (O.C. 75:3) and Bait Shmuel (21:4) clarify that this prohibition applies only to a woman’s singing voice and not to her speaking voice.

The Shulchan Aruch (E.H. 20:1) rules in accordance with the view of the Rambam (Hilchot Issurei Biah 21:1) that a couple is biblically forbidden to have physical contact if they are forbidden to live with each other. The Acharonim (summarized in Teshuvot Yabia Omer 1:6) debate whether the Kol Isha prohibition is also a biblical level prohibition. Rav Ovadia Yosef (ibid.) rules in accordance with the opinions that it is only a rabbinical prohibition.

Both Rav Ovadia Yosef (ibid) and Rav Yehuda Henkin (Teshuvot Bnei Banim 3:127) reject the claim that this prohibition does not apply today since men nowadays are accustomed to hear a woman’s voice. These authorities explain that since the Gemara and Shulchan Aruch codify this prohibition, we do not enjoy the right to abolish it. The Gemara and its commentaries do not even hint at a possibility that this prohibition might not apply if men become habituated to hearing a woman’s voice. Thus, all recognized Poskim agree that the prohibition of Kol Isha applies today.

There is, however, considerable disagreement regarding the scope of the Kol Isha prohibition. For example, the question of its applicability to Zemirot has been discussed at some length in the twentieth century responsa literature. Rav Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg (Teshuvot Seridei Eish 2: notes that traditionally women refrained from singing Zemirot when there were males who were not family members sitting at the Shabbat table. However, he records that the practice in Germany was for woman to sing Zemirot in the company of unrelated men. Rav Weinberg records that Rav Azriel Hildesheimer and Rav Samson Raphael Hirsch (two great German Rabbis of the nineteenth century) sanctioned this practice. Rav Weinberg reports that they based their ruling on the Talmudic rule (Megila 21b) that “Trei Kali Lo Mishtamai,” two voices cannot be heard simultaneously.

Rav Weinberg writes that he does not find this explanation satisfying (perhaps because the Gemara (Sotah 48a) writes that men and women singing together is a major impropriety). Rav Weinberg instead defends the German Jewish practice by citing the Sdei Chemed (Klalim, Maarechet Hakuf, 42) who quotes the Divrei Cheifetz who asserts that the Kol Isha prohibition does not apply to women singing Zemirot, singing songs to children, and lamentations for the dead. This authority explains that in these contexts men do not derive pleasure from the woman’s voice. In fact, the Pasuk (Shoftim 5:1) records that Devora the prophetess sang a song of praise to Hashem together with Barak the son of Avinoam. According to the simple reading of the text, Devora was married to Lapidot and not Barak. The Sdei Chemed writes that he believes that it is proper to be strict and not follow the approach of the Divrei Cheifetz, but he regards the lenient opinion as a viable approach.

Rav Weinberg writes that we should not pressure women who wish to follow the traditional practice to join Zemirot in a mixed group. Indeed, many Poskim oppose this practice of German Jewry (see Otzar Haposkim E.H. 21:1:20:3). However, some cite the Gemara (Megila 23a) that states that women are forbidden to receive an Aliyah to the Torah because of Kavod Hatzibbur as proof to the German practice. They argue that the fact that the Gemara does not mention Kol Isha as the reason to forbid women’s Aliyot proves that the Kol Isha restriction does not apply when a woman sings sacred texts. Others reply that the Gemara might be speaking of a woman reading the Torah to her immediate family members or may be speaking of a female child reading the Torah (see comments of Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach, Rav Eliezer Waldenberg, and Rav Yosef Shalom Eliashiv cited in Nishmat Avraham 5:76-77). These suggestions might also explain the Gemara (Berachot 57b and Rashi s.v. Kol) that states that hearing a woman’s voice is a soothing experience.

Accordingly, the question of whether the Kol Isha prohibition applies to Zemirot remains unresolved. Chareidi communities in Israel and North America generally follow the stringent view on this matter and Modern Orthodox communities in Israel and North America generally follow the tradition of German Jewry in this regard. It seems appropriate, though, not to expand this leniency and permit situations beyond that which the German Poskim specifically authorized – a group of men and women singing Zemirot together. Interestingly, I asked Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik in July 1985 whether he agrees with this ruling of Rav Weinberg. The Rav replied, “I agree with everything that he wrote, except for his permission to stun animals before Shechita” (see volume one of Teshuvot Seridei Eish). Rav Soloveitchik related his great appreciation of Rav Yechiel Yaakov Weinberg. Rav Shalom Carmy later told me that Rav Soloveitchik and Rav Weinberg had been close friends during the years that Rav Soloveitchik studied in Berlin.

Recordings and Radio Broadcasts
Twentieth Century Halachic authorities have also debated whether the Kol Isha prohibition applies to recordings and radio broadcasts. Rav Eliezer Waldenberg (Teshuvot Tzitz Eliezer 5:2) rules leniently based on two considerations. The first is that the Gemara (Sanhedrin 45a) states, “The Yetzer Hara is not interested in what the eyes do not see.” The second is that technically he does not hear the woman’s voice because radio broadcasts and recordings are mere electronic reproductions of the woman’s voice. Rav Waldenberg writes that if we cannot fulfill Mitzvot such as Tekiat Shofar and Kriat Megila when hearing them on the radio, then the prohibition of Kol Isha does not apply over the radio. Rav Yosef Eliyahu Henkin (cited by his grandson Rav Yehudah Henkin, Teshuvot Bnei Banim 2:211 and 3:127) agrees with this position. Rav Y.E. Henkin was unsure whether the prohibition applies to hearing a woman’s voice broadcasted on television (ibid.). This might be because only one of the two lenient considerations that apply to the radio question is relevant to the television issue. Rav Waldenberg cautions, though, that listening to a woman’s voice on the radio is prohibited “if his intention is to enjoy her singing.”

Rav Yaakov Breisch (Teshuvot Chelkat Yaakov 1:163), on the other hand, forbids a man to listen to a female voice on the radio. He reasons that the aforementioned Gemara in Sanhedrin 45a does not apply when there is some form of connection with the woman. He argues that a man’s Yetzer Hara is interested even if he only hears a woman’s voice. He rules strictly even in case where the listener is not acquainted with the singer. Rav Shmuel Wosner (Teshuvot Shevet Halevi 3:E.H.181 and Rav Binyamin Silber (Az Nidberu 9:9) also rule strictly on this question.

Rav Ovadia Yosef (Teshuvot Yabia Omer 1:6) and Rav Chaim David Halevi (Teshuvot Aseh Lecha Rav 3:6) adopt a compromise approach to this issue. They permit listening to a female voice on the radio only if the listener is not acquainted with the singer. They both rule strictly, though, even if the listener once glimpsed a picture of the singer. Rav Ovadia rules that the prohibition applies even if the singer is not alive.

Rav Chaim David Halevi asserts that there is absolutely no basis to permit Kol Isha merely because the woman is singing into a microphone. He writes that the prohibition applies even if the man is not, technically speaking, hearing the woman’s voice. Rav Waldenberg’s aforementioned lenient ruling applies only when the man does not see the woman. Rav J. David Bleich (Contemporary Halachic Problems 2:152) notes that no recognized Halachic authority rules that the use of a microphone alone mitigates the prohibition of Kol Isha.

Husband and Wife
The Pitchei Teshuva (Yoreh Deah 195:10) is uncertain whether a husband is forbidden to hear his wife singing during the time when the couple must separate. The Aruch Hashulchan (Y.D. 195:23) and Rav Moshe Feinstein (Teshuvot Igrot Moshe Y.D. 2:75) rule strictly and Rav Ovadia Yosef (Taharat Habayit 2:167-170) rules leniently, but writes that one who is strict on this matter will be blessed. Rav Mordechai Willig (in a Shiur delivered at Yeshiva University) ruled that a couple is permitted to rely on the lenient ruling of Rav Ovadia Yosef.

A Young Girl
Rav Moshe Feinstein (Teshuvot Igrot Moshe O.C.1:26) and Rav Ovadia Yosef (Taharat Habayit 2:270) rule (based on the Mishna Berura 75:17) that in case of need, one may rely on the ruling that the prohibition of Kol Isha does not apply to girls who are not Niddot. Rav Moshe writes (in 1947) that one may assume that there is no question with girls below the age of eleven. Rav Moshe writes that men must be strict regarding girls older than the age of eleven, since there are girls who “nowadays” become Niddot at the age of eleven.

Observance of the Kol Isha prohibition is quite challenging for us as this prohibition runs counter to the prevailing Western culture. In today’s promiscuous society where outrageous behavior is deemed acceptable, a woman’s singing voice appears innocuous. Moreover, the general culture views this prohibition offensive and demeaning to women. We are challenged to hold firm to our beliefs against the flow of the general cultural tide. This is one of the issues that we must part company with the rest of society, just as Avraham Avinu and Yitzchak Avinu parted with their two servants on the road to Akeidat Yitzchak. Rav Yehuda Amital told me that we should strictly observe the Kol Isha prohibition today precisely because of the deterioration of the moral standards of western society.


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393   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri/ i know... ban nik.  on: June 12, 2006, 09:56:06 PM 
no one will trivialize what i have to say and get a  pass on it from me... and yiss. i don't think you can ban me... i am writing strictly at the behest and the request of david haivri that i do so... of course you all are free to lobby him to get rid of me... but no need... i will go quietly upon the request of david... if you people are such wosses that you can't handle my fire then i will take my trip elsewhere with pleasure... anytime...

remember 2 things people...

1) all of you discount and scoff at any of my postings at your own peril... the threat to the survival of israel is real and the danger to all jews worldwide is sadly very, very true... i wouldn't be in this... baring my soul and putting myself up to ridicule, derision and scorn if everything i say was not the absolute truth... why would i...? i'm not a meglomaniac or a lunatic... even if you all say that the jury is still out on that one...

2) and as i am always want to say... "if you can't stand the heat... stay way the hell out of the kivshan haaish!!!!"

i bid you a goodnight... ta... nik.
394   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 12, 2006, 09:42:57 PM 
i'll get back to you soon... yis. //nik. out
395   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 12, 2006, 09:41:46 PM 
just check out any birnbaum siddur... it has in the back a book they call the scroll of the maccabees... and it is pure sheker, guzmah, and fairy-tales... nik. out...
396   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 12, 2006, 09:39:29 PM 
to br ch... you should be... i promise you... you don't want any piece of me... nik.
397   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 12, 2006, 12:24:32 AM 
excellent post hebhon. excellent... ben sira and the other apochraphyl works were all banned with a curse leveled by r. akiva to whoever owns any of these books or keeps them in their homes more than 30 days... these books were all re4jected supposedly "prophetic" works offered at one period of time to be considered for inclusion in the "only testament" (tnach)... and they were thrown out... including the scroll or magilat hashmanoiim printed in birnbaum siddurim... (birnbaum was a sabbatean that's why he printed this drivel in his siddur)... they are all treif and chazal said so already back then when they concluded that prophecy had ended and had been removed from the velt until the advent of moshiach would arrive... and so they knew these were falsehoods and lies... mendacities of the worst kind which directly led to the yashka and meshuganah muhamid travesties and their deceitfulness and wickedness led to the slaughter of millions of jews throughout the course of history and so these books led to those books which led to our slaughter and so they are OUT... O-U-T forever and anyone reading them, teaching them or holding by them should be shunned and bltted out from am yisroel... amen selah... and holy hell should be unleashed against any followers that any of these groups or books might still possess... nik. out...
398   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed  on: June 12, 2006, 12:11:17 AM 
absolutely true bk... we have to rise up and revolt!!!! we simply do not have another choice in the matter because if we do not and Hashem doesn't step in... on and of His own accord... than we are cooked... israel will be destroyed and nothing will be left of eretz yisroel or of torah in eretz yisroel... it is down to it now... all the way... do or die... now or never... nik. out...
399   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Yekutiel of Voices of Judea Asks For Help - Soon To Be Arrested  on: June 11, 2006, 09:58:26 PM 
i'm telling you the truth... it wouldn't open and it wouldn't let me move it... and despite going into the bulk folder to edit it to keep things in there up to a month's time... it disappeared over shabat without my deleting it!!!! now explain that one you blasted fools and/or conspirators with our enemies to kill kl'al yisroel!!!! (bastards each and every one of you and whoever you are... and you know who you are... you will burn for this... in hell forever)..(mark my words on it!!!!.)... furthermore none of this has ever happened to me before in any e-mail i have ever received from anyone about anything... never... so the only other explanation to give or conclusion to reach besides the one i drew is that something was wrong with the transmission of my one e-mail whereas all of you got it just fine without any difficulties... so bull... i doubt that is the case just by me alone by accident or just by coincidence... look i don't want anyone to be "on to me" or to be tailing me or to be checking me out... etc. this is not a game and i am not having any 007-fun with this... this is serious stuff... life and death issues and of sacred import... we are trying to save our land, our people and our torah way of life... and... AND i know...  as in... K-N-O-W that we are being read here and watched by we all know who and why... they are really intent upon and set on destroying israel and ruling over whatever is left of the region after the war is over... this is just fact... this is what they are all about... no matter what they or anyone else on their behalf says about what they are doing or the motives behind such and such plans and policies they come up with and try to implement... as for the rest of you... i can't tell you to be on guard... you just have to know it for yourself... if you think we don't have open files somewhere over this site you are nuts... every last one of you... or simply complicit... that is all... nik. out... "give me eretz hakodesh or give me death..." i will never back down from this cause... i will never back off from this fight...and i will never ever bow down or cave-in to their pressure and oppression... never...  i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of the one G-d of  israel... and i yearn for redemption with all of my heart and being but i absolutely ache for vengeance with every fiber of my soul... n.
400   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn.../ music to my ears....  on: June 11, 2006, 09:33:21 PM 
sure if someone asks me... the above was provided to us in a lecture one motzei shabat in yerushalayim ir hakodesh by a chassidishe rav from the uk (name escapes me now) on or around the winter zeman of 1976... nik. out... (i obviously have also augmented it with my own research in shulchan aruch... i'll find the numbers for you if you request them... i haven't got it memorized nor do i have one here at the moment... nik. out...
401   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri/ i know... blast nik.  on: June 11, 2006, 09:29:02 PM 
yby... no they are not stopping me from making aliyah... but they are stopping me from becoming prime minister and blowing all the arabs off of our land... they are stopping me from refusing to commit suicide and hand over more land to those who seek our destruction... they are preventing me from going up on har habayit and dragging those monstrosities off of there.... they are also impeding my climbing up there and beginning to rebuild the beit hamikdash and in the meantime the re-starting of the shnai korban tamidim... they are even preventing me from going up there and davening shachrit, mincha and ma'ariv... whatelse? let's see now... well i'm sure you get the picture by now... aye dufus...? nik. out...  no... i won't shut-up... but here is what i'm going to do for you instead... since you live in such a depraved land which has been filled with the worst reshayim throughout all of human history... mamash the filthiest and vilest scum ever... so out of rachmanot and in the spirit of true brotherly love...  i'm going to cut you some slack... just this one last time... however... if you ever tell me to shut up again i will unleash on you a barage of venom the likes of which have not been seen on this site before... and i will go off on you giving you exactly what you truly deserve for trying to undermine, minimize or illigitimize my attempts at lifesaving posts and dire warnings to and for our people... so you just sleep tight... nik.
402   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed/hoping he's next on my hit-parade...  on: June 11, 2006, 05:47:54 AM 
hey look... i didn't say there is a "death davening" concept in judaism... well actually there is one in kabbalah.... it's called "the pulsa d'nura"... i am saying that i have invented what i call "death davening" on my own as a tool and a method of fighting back when all other options of recourse and avenues of approach for the defense of jews is blocked or destroyed or just no longer available to us to utilize.... then there is still "death davening" and it makes you feel like you are doing something to help... not just standing idly by and impotently watching the vile scum have their murderous, sick and twisted way with jews and with the land of israel... and ever since i started last summer... and you are welcome to count 'em for yourselves.... these many are all no longer with us thank G-d... they're all gone and burning in hell forever... and furthermore... tell me... when in the past has there ever been a streak of 12 months when a similar bunch of jew-haters yemach shemam v'zichram have all bitten the dust like these bastards have... and in such close tandom? kain yirbu...

the pope... peter jennings... king faud the fraud of saud-dust... the emir of kuwait... casper weinberger... chief justice and supreme nazi rehnquist... and of course one of our very own... efing dog manure sharon... not bad for a year's worth of davening... not too damn shabby... if i do say so myself... amen kain yehi ratzon... nik. out...
403   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 11, 2006, 05:33:56 AM 
oh i don't know.... say about what i just posted here... on whether we are in a yehareg v'al yavor status right now over the mitzvah of eretz yisroel which the filthy goyim are trying to rip out of our hands... how 'bout that one...? care to debate it...? nik. just calling your bluff... over and out...
404   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn.../kol isha...  on: June 11, 2006, 05:21:37 AM 
actually as usual all you armchair rabbis and poskim are incorrect...

the real and only isur of kol isha... is live from a woman not your wife (and also from your wife if she is in nida) unamplified singing a clearly suggestive, lewd and seductive song to you... publically or privately... all other forms and variations on theme are just chumrah... in fact for sure women singing zemirot at a shabat table in unison especially with male voices included... is not... again...ABSOLUTELY IS NOT KOL ISHA BY ANY STRETCH OF THE IMAGINATION... refusal by girls and women in this setting is just due to social and peer pressure and attributable to an aculturation of zeniut that is way beyond the letter of the law... but mind you it is not shtus or tipshish either... it is simply and purely a matter of a woman's deep sensiitivity to her mission in life and chiyuv of modesty but... HOWEVER... it is NOT m'ikar hadin kol isha... and many would include a solo woman singing tehillim or davening or zemirot to this fold as well...

furthermore in a setting where no man present can layn the megillah for instance the halacha is clear a woman may... and in fact must for that community to fulfill their obligation to hear the megillah... and she is not bidden to just read the words... she is allowed and indeed encouraged to do so in her full melodic voice and with the proper trop... just like any male chazen would do it... nik. out...
405   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Yekutiel of Voices of Judea Asks For Help - Soon To Be Arrested  on: June 11, 2006, 05:03:27 AM 
more... i was sent i think this letter to my bulk e-mail box on friday last but it wouldn't open and i couldn't move it to my inbox or folder... this has never happened to me before... i know they are trying to block all word of these brave and heroic jews from reaching us... we have to help them... we have to fight back... gunrunning would be great if it could work... but we see it can't... the only hope we have besides what Hashem can (and will one day hopefully soon) do for us... is for a coup to occur... there are enough weapons in israel already more than sufficient to get the job done... we just need to turn them around on the nazi kapo thugs now ordering them to be trained on us... and get them to be pointed on these scumbags and their arab lackeys... nik. out...
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406   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / barry... in his own words... in defense of chamish....  on: June 09, 2006, 01:21:36 AM 
he does not post on these sites... they post him!!!!

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 » Op-Eds & Letters » Article
Feb. 2, 2006 8:07 | Updated Feb. 2, 2006 15:20
Sorry for being right

Talkbacks for this article: 47

As Israel approached the 10th anniversary of the Rabin assassination, Yediot Ahronot published a survey which showed that 35 percent of Israelis did not believe the government's version of the murder. Discounting the Arab sector, which has almost no knowledge of the issue, close to half of all Israeli Jews believe or suspect the government is lying to them about the circumstances of Rabin's demise.

Just previous to the release of the poll, long and, I would say, respectful features about me were printed in a wide variety of Hebrew publications including Anashim (People), ShofarNews and Ma'ariv. In the wake of the poll, I was invited to appear on four television programs in a week, including the very staid and establishment "London & Kirschenbaum" and "Hok Vetzedek" (Law and Justice).

And why not? A good portion of the reason for the poll's result was directly attributable to my book, Who Murdered Yitzhak Rabin, which has sold over 34,000 copies in six languages.

I have achieved that elusive prize which escapes almost many Anglo writers: widespread recognition by mainstream Hebrewspeaking Israelis. Not a bad achievement for someone who dared to write that Yigal Amir did not murder Yitzhak Rabin.

It is this cultural breakthrough that may have generated some resentment. I've been "accused" of writing about UFOs - a heinous crime if there ever was one.

From 1987-99, Israel saw a barrage of unexplained aerial phenomena, all highly publicized by the Hebrew media. Using ethical journalistic standards, I documented the events and received worldwide recognition for my efforts. Four episodes of the NBC-TV program Sightings were dedicated to my discoveries, and in 1999, Fox-TV devoted a full half hour of prime time to my work. I'm very proud of this period of my career but the phenomena stopped and I haven't written a word on the subject in six years.

The next criticism of me is so slanderous that I have actually sued one obsessive accuser: that is the absurd charge that I am a Holocaust denier.

Type my name into Google and you will find that my work appears on the Internet 71,100 times. A few of those sites are run by the deniers. Talk about guilt by association. I have no control over the Internet and anyone who finds my writing useful can copy and paste it into their sites.

As Yaacov Levi, who moderated a pro-Israel Internet discussion group and looked into the issue noted: "[Chamish] is always identified as pro-Israel and a Holocaust 'believer'. They quote him simply because he raises questions looking for accountability from the Israeli government. What a concept!

"I also checked out other Web sites of the revisionist genera, they ALL cite him as pro-Israel and anti-revisionist. Not a one made any tiny effort to identify him as an ally."

I also wrote to the editors of several of the sites asking them to confirm the obvious. Jeff Rense, who incidentally is not in my view a denier, but nonetheless sure doesn't like Zionism, wrote: "At no time, never once, has Mr. Chamish ever solicited the posting of his work on my site of"

ONE OF the errors of literally all Israeli writers in English is that they restrict their audiences to like-minded readers. My audience runs the gamut of contemporary thinking and by also entering the homes of the enemy, I have neutralized much anti-Semitism worldwide. I do this indirectly by exposing the crimes of those in power who have brought us "peace," and, I insist, are endangering the existence of our state.

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 Post comment | Terms
47. Ripe for ridicule...
Neomaccabee - (02/05/2006 13:46) 
46. Barry Chamish
Dave - (02/05/2006 11:32) 
45. what?
Avrohom - USA (02/05/2006 07:07) 
44. Chamish a Hero
Yogi - USA (02/04/2006 17:46) 
43. ofra haza
michael korn - usa (02/04/2006 03:02) 
42. Odds are...
MICHAEL S - usa (02/04/2006 01:16) 
41. the Kempler video
David Rutstein - Israel (02/03/2006 21:34) 
40. Barry Chamish
Kim Walker - Colorado (02/03/2006 15:56) 
39. Why there is only one of your books in Russian?
Leonid - Israel (02/03/2006 10:21) 
38. Wrong?
Sam - RSA (02/03/2006 07:16) 
37. Barry Chamish
Duane M Thomas - USA (02/03/2006 05:19) 
36. way to go, Barry!
Ellie - USA (02/03/2006 02:18) 
35. Say It Again, Barry
Carl in Seattle - USA (02/03/2006 01:53) 
34. Schopenhauer & the Sheeple
Kevin the Karaite - U.S.A. (02/03/2006 01:35) 
33. Left-wing ad-hominem attacks
Marya - USA (02/03/2006 01:26) 
32. So sorry for being right
Ilana Levy - Australia (02/02/2006 23:24) 
31. Yea...
Sabra - Israel (02/02/2006 22:43) 
30. Things that make you go hmmmmmm
Jeff - USA (02/02/2006 22:35) 
29. Chamish makes more sense than some regular contributors
Tee Gee - Israel (02/02/2006 22:27) 
28. Chamish is right
Jeff - (02/02/2006 21:56) 
27. It's wrong to be right
James MacLean - United States (02/02/2006 21:44) 
26. Truth Hurts JanMan
Saul Lowenstein - USA (02/02/2006 21:44) 
25. His next book
Steve - USA (02/02/2006 21:35) 
24. Who killed Rabin?
Bob - (02/02/2006 21:33) 
23. I still have questions
Erez - NY (02/02/2006 21:00) 
22. chamish is right, his detractors here offer no refutation, only personal attacks
alan - (02/02/2006 20:59) 
21. It's the message, not the messenger
Wayne - USA (02/02/2006 20:43) 
20. hire him
yoni - (02/02/2006 20:40) 
19. Wow!
Howie - USA (02/02/2006 20:36) 
18. Sorry for being right
Udo Patschkowski - Germany (02/02/2006 20:32) 

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407   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 09, 2006, 12:18:06 AM 
me neither but i try to stay away from overt filth (like brittany spears for example)... live or on radio or tv... nik.
408   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed/let's hope so (the bastard)...  on: June 09, 2006, 12:07:57 AM 
it doesn't matter how he got eliminated... it could not have occurred without the will of G-d willing it to be so...

true though i wish for all these reshayim to bite the dust from Hashem directly and not by anyone killing them... this is only so that no one can question that it is from Hashem and that they have made Him go on the warpath by their actions, plans and designs on eretz yisroel and especially upon yerushalayim...

i'll take any of their deaths by any means necessary or by any means done... but i do not call for anyone to lift a hand against them so that it is clear when they fall that it is Hashem and only Hashem who brought them down...

but if it happens that someone assassinates them... well what can i do?  but i will not do so myself against them for my reasons stated nor will i sanction or call for anyone to do so for the reason that i don't want others harmed or hurt especially jews if any jew does do this to any of them including goyish leaders coming against israel and the jewish nation... but since we live in a time of misunderstanding i want Hashem to fight for us alone to prove to the world that He is still here and still Al-mighty... when moshiach finally arrives we will have our share of the nekamah to do and we will see plenty of action then... until then only Hashem should act... save for our prayers and our words of defiance standing up against their evil rishut... but that is the full extent and should be now the full measure of our avodah and our involvement in these political/global warfare affairs... nik. out...

oh but if anyone of them dies and each and every time one of them dies... by whatever turns out to be the method or the agency of death to them... since it will still mark and be the sentence and deliverance of din by Hashem to them... therefore... i will still rejoice and celebrate their demise with glee and joy!!!! kain yirbu motam!!!! amen selah!!!! nik. out...
409   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed  on: June 08, 2006, 11:29:49 PM 
i'll say amen to that... death to them all!!!! as in death davening... it continues on... nik.
410   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?  on: June 08, 2006, 11:20:47 PM 
hello? anyone out there... i had a point to explain chamish's actions vis a vis the nazi scum... hello? is this thing on? hello? n.
411   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 08, 2006, 11:16:56 PM 
you are correct kchai... i know wagner is treif as i know the philosophy of nitzche is as well... i am not advocating goyish anything... i am just saying i find meaning in the lyrics (and i enjoy the music) of these songs... that is all... nik.
412   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 08, 2006, 09:02:20 PM 
no... i don't base it on anything... i don't hold by it... i don't even know how the # originated and began to be considered satanic... to moi 666 is just another number on the way up the ladder to infinity... however... i was sure some devil-worshipping coke-head was going to do something evil... i was worried it would be against jews but i was hopeful (if something WAS going to happen) that it would be against some of the scum-sucking goyim... (and only against the rotten ones mind you)... and that's all i meant by the reference to it... of course the other part of this post was just ignored... as usual... nikie-pooh and goodnight... n.
413   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?  on: June 08, 2006, 08:57:39 PM 
and yet again no one will deal with what i said on the subject... i will not let you guys get away with ignoring what i have to say... until then you will keep seeing this thread at the top of the charts... ta... nik.
414   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri/let it sink in already...  on: June 08, 2006, 08:46:44 PM 
of course i can count on all of you guys to continuosly ignore my posts.... cannot even one of you debate me in open forum if you disagree with me? and with substantive argumentation not with the usual name-calling and prozac offerings... or are you all totally onboard already to lay down your lives for eretz yisroel... for the mitzvah of it...? and if so... THEN STOP TALKING ABOUT STATE-WORSHIP BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EXISIT!!!! YAHREG V'AL YAVOR!!!! get it thru your thick skulls... nik. out...
415   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 08, 2006, 12:05:15 AM 
again those who dismiss ALL and  EVERY conspiracy theory from being true... are either...

ignorant, petrified or complicit... there are no other scenarios for these people... one or a combination of the maxim is all that is possible... nighty night all you stupid, cowards some of whom are in on the kill of judaism and jewry and the the land of israel.... ta... nik.   
416   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?  on: June 08, 2006, 12:00:35 AM 
the links show his posting there... but not why he is doing it... maybe to tell the story of the good, religious jews who hate what israel is doing and maybe they will see that we are not the enemy... weak i agree.... because i know they want every jew on the planet dead... but maybe this or something similar is the reason for going to these jew-hating sites... to tell the scum that we hate those same jews too... rothchild's etc. but no matter what the reason is.... nothing i saw on dense for ex. betrays torah judaism or we who follow it... what about this point? "valid and true" is all you should respond if you are intellectually honest that is... nik. out...
417   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 07, 2006, 11:21:32 PM 
shkoyach yby.... er... that is yasher koach.... nik.
418   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 07, 2006, 11:20:06 PM 
the way matisyahu does it is kosher... regee is fine also... marley had some great messages delivered to us thru his songs...
419   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / we should do this... and it all stands or falls on our doing so...  on: June 07, 2006, 08:40:47 PM 
i used to agree with that last statement just made... but as rav meir writes in "why be jewish" (the exact page recorded in one of my posts last month... was it 202? no it was 207-209... wheew!!! not too shabby!!)... anyway... as he says there and as you all continue to ignore... and so i must re-iterate... since 1977 rav meir held (thru psak from his gedolim and rebbeim from the sefardic world)... he held that the goyim were engaged in an effort to break israel of one of its mitzvot... one of the taryag mitzvot in the torah... which one is irrelevant... anyone would bring down our chiyuv to sacrifice our lives for its protection and preservation... and he said this time it just happens to be one of the most crucial and fundamental tenets of our faith, creed and doctrine... eretz yisroel... the mitzvah for us to hold it... announce that it is ours... and solely ours... all of it and as much of it as we have and possess at any one period of time... and the isur then to relinquish our hold over any inch of it and/or to denounce the importance of this commandment or our chiyuv to obey it... in fact they want from us a denial that Hashem ever told us that this land is to be ours exclusively and without compromise completely devoted to torah and torah law entirely and dedicated to no other religion whatsoever... nowhere... not on any square inch of it... and so... thus this mitzvah in the torah has since '77 become an issue of... and let me put it to you in bold headline-fashion... for that matter i'll hang a freakin' neon sign out for you on this one... for crying out loud... you guys miss the point we all have for so long now... what a pity he didn't stick to this one point and hammer away at it... hit us over the head with it until we finally got it... he didn't so i will have to do it for him and for all of us...


and so people... this is not worship of the land... this is true avodat Hashem... this is what He requires of us now... and to reinforce the point that this is so and evermore so today than ever before... Hashem continues to torture us with more and more political pressure... and social grief... not to mention the agony of lost loved ones... and He will continue to do so until we stand up and acknowledge to Him and to ourselves that we are indeed in this matzav and that we are duty bound to make this stand even if it means our very lives...

until i reread these words which i had forgotten... there was no doubts lingering in me about the rectitiude of everything i had learned and had been taught by rav meir and rav binyamin... but i had a kasha as indeed so many have had and still do maintain until this day... and that is...


and this thought worried me repeatedly... i asked on rav meir once to a rebbi in one of my yeshivot... he too did not know the answer but acknowledged that the question was indeed a valid one and a very good one... and i have even recently come under the gun here from a rebbi of mine who excoreated me and called me to my brother and a fellow rebbi-friend of ours... called me a rodef for potential possibility of my getting american-jewry in trouble by and thru my open pronouncements of my "death davening" campaign... not just against sharon (which now that he has been dispatched... he said to them "even if you think he is right about what he is doing still it is wrong to threaten the safety of the rest of us").... (i'm sure he is absolutely shocked that sharon bit the dust just a few weeks after he lowered the boom on my concept here/not that i am taking credit davka that it was me that brought sharon down... i am not and i do not... i only say that apparently... in sharon's case {and in a few others as well} Hashem seems to agree with my tefilot and has for His own reasoning and sense of justice indeed brought them down and slain them for their sins against am yisroel and eretz yisroel... not to mention their sins against the torah and against Hashem Himself)...

but he really lost it at me when i said i was also death davening for any goyish leaders worldwide who advocate a two-state solution and are attempting to impose their will upon us to get us to give up parts of eretz yisroel and yerushalayim as well...

so i've been under the gun big-time here for the past two months over this... and i have been raked over the coals... but i will not back down...

especially because when i reread those words of rav meir's the answer to my worry and dilemma was forthcoming and my fears were laid to rest and my "rodef" status was over... for if indeed it is a time of shmad against one of the mitzvot of the torah then anyhow all of our lives are supposed to be forfeit... if indeed we are to claim that we are in compliance with or we were or that we are now trying to really do our obligation of true avodah and the exactly correct and required service to G-d and that therefore we are willing to do our duty to sacrifice our lives for the mitzvot of Hashem if need be... if this is all truly so then i am not a threat to you all... we are to ourselves by our failing to rise to our station as a true mamlechet kohanim v'goy kadosh...

for don't you see... the same argument could have been made and point of contention could have been said of matisyahu and the chashmanoiim in their mesirat nefesh stance for eretz yisroel... and the same accusation could have been leveled at mordechai for his "getting" all the jews in the world in trouble by mord's going out of his way to demonstrate that he would not bow down to haman... in both of these eras and crisis the title "rodef" could have been applied but wasn't... not once in the chanukah story and only until the truth came out of am yisroel's sins being the true cause of their own peril in the purim maesah... and now it is dropped and false in rav meir's case as well... and with me too... i am not the cause of kl'al yisroel being in such danger... and it can never be because of me... because of what i do or say... because our danger is already upon our heads... the threat to our very lives is already upon every single one of us... for it is all of us... it is all of our fault taken together because we refuse mostly out of fear and cowardice to do our duty... to keep G-d's mitzvah of kiddush Hashem and of eretz yisroel... and it is all of us who deserve punishment for this sin... and we all need to do tshuvah not just by fasting, tefilah, tzedaka and repentence... but by action... this is a lav hanitaek b'aseyh... a sin we can only rectify by action... by performance... the performance of the mitzvah to stand on kiddush Hashem for the preservation and salvaging of eretz hakodesh... of keeping hold of it in jewish hands... of keeping it out of the clutches of the idolatrous 70 nations... of not giving our heritage away to the filthy goyim... and thus THE crucial action required of us is that of our standing up for this mitzvah of Hashem that the goyim are coming after us to relinquish of our own volition... and therefore this is a mitzvah over which we ALL must be prepared to risk and sacrifice our lives if need be...

and so... since i know... because i know... that rav meir was and is right in his assessment of the times we live in... i have no fear any longer of getting fellow jews in danger or in trouble... for all of our lives are required of the L-rd now and we must respond with faith and courage and even if we don't... all of us anyway will be brought to the very brink by Hashem who is laboring to induce us to choose... continuously endeavoring to make us decide if we are for Him or against Him...

and He will push us further and further until the absolute point of no return... and it is not my doing any of this but Him... and actually it is we who are doing this to ourselves... because our sinning... by our refusal to stand up... this and this alone is causing Hashem to scare us so much and to frighten us into a corner from which we will have to choose... from which He will make us swing into action.... but so far... we continue to fight against doing what Hashem wants us to do... and by our constant refusal we bring evermore grief and trouble down upon ourselves.. because we still refuse to listen and to act...

and there you have it my friends... clear proof of our obligation today... clear proof of our duty to G-d Al-mighty... yehareg v'al yavor!!!!!  nikmatdam...
420   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 07, 2006, 07:35:09 PM 
hardly so and i have chassidish rabbis who have acknowledged to me that music is not treif... only zenut-dic rot like brittany's stuff is asur... nik.
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421   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What happened to the JDL/you really don't know?  on: June 07, 2006, 01:59:32 AM 
what happened to the jdl? are you daft? what happened? you ask.... my G-d...

the same thing that happened to kach and kahane chai... they killed its leaders and then destroyed what was left of it by infiltrating it... and then by thoroughly corrupting it from within they were able to scatter it into the wind to the 4 corners of the earth never to be seen or heard from ever again... nik. out....
422   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***giving creedence to code pink....***  on: June 07, 2006, 12:42:23 AM 
"bad moon rising"
(by john fogerty and creedence clearwater revival)...

"i see the bad moon arising
i see trouble on the way
i see earthquakes and lightnin'
i see bad times today

don't go around tonight
well, it's bound to take your life,
there's a bad moon on the rise...

i hear hurricanes ablowing
i know the end is coming soon
i fear rivers over flowing
i hear the voice of rage and ruin

don't go around tonight
well, it's bound to take your life,
there's a bad moon on the rise...

all right!
hope you got your things together
hope you are quite prepared to die
looks like we're in for nasty weather
one eye is taken for an eye

don't go around tonight
well, it's bound to take your life,
there's a bad moon on the rise...

don't go around tonight
well, it's bound to take your life
there's a bad moon on the rise..."

"the dark side of the moon"
(by pink floyd)...

"us and them"

"us and them
and after all we're only ordinary men
me, and you
G-d only knows it's not what we would choose to do
forward he cried from the rear
and the front rank died
and the general sat, as the lines on the map
moved from side to side
black and blue
and who knows which is which and who is who
up and down
and in the end it's only round and round
haven't you heard it's a battle of words
the poster bearer cried
listen son, said the man with the gun
there's room for you inside
down and out
it can't be helped but there's a lot of it about
with, without
and who'll deny that's what the fightings all about
get out of the way, it's a busy day
and i've got things on my mind
for want of the price of tea and a slice
the old man died..."

"brain damage"

"the lunatic is on the grass
the lunatic is on the grass
remembering games and daisy chains and laughs
got to keep the loonies on the path
the lunatic is in the hall
the lunatics are in my hall
the paper holds their folded faces to the floor
and every day the paper boy brings more
and if the dam breaks open many years too soon
and if there is no room upon the hill
and if your head explodes with dark forbodings too
i'll see you on the dark side of the moon
the lunatic is in my head
the lunatic is in my head
you raise the blade, you make the change
you re-arrange me 'till i'm sane
you lock the door
and throw away the key
there's someone in my head but it's not me.
and if the cloud bursts, thunder in your ear
you shout and no one seems to hear
and if the band you're in starts playing different tunes
i'll see you on the dark side of the moon

'i can't think of anything to say except...
i think it's marvelous! hahaha!'"


"all that you touch
all that you see
all that you taste
all you feel
all that you love
all that you hate
all you distrust
all you save
all that you give
all that you deal
all that you buy
beg, borrow or steal
all you create
all you destroy
all that you do
all that you say
all that you eat
everyone you meet
all that you slight
everyone you fight
all that is now
all that is gone
all that's to come
and everything under the sun is in tune
but the sun is eclipsed by the moon.
there is no dark side of the moon really.
matter of fact it's all dark..."

and that to virtually all of the goyim is how they perceive the world... when the total eclipse of the sun by the moon occurs then they feel comes evil and all is dark... but the gemora at the very end of brachot teaches us that when the sun (the goyish nations of the world) eclipses the moon (k'lal yisroel) that is an evil omen for the jewish people... but when the moon eclipses the sun it is a good sign for am yisroel... and so it goes... whatever is good for us is bad for them and whatever is bad for us they think is good for them... when actually it is lehefech... whatever is good for the jews is truly good for the world as a whole... and whatever is bad for us is really dangerous and frightening for them...

as per the other major statement of the gemora in the opening perek of brachot... "if the goyim of the world had only known what amazing and great benefit they themselves garnered and received from the beit hamikdash and via the service therein... they would have ringed har habayit around with a million men to guard it from ever being destroyed..." if only they had known... and if only we jews knew as well... so great is the pity... so great is the shame... so great is the loss to all of us... so great is the guilt and shame of mankind...

as the story of the brisker rav goes based upon the famous mishna in the sixth perek of perkei avot... "everyday a bat kol emanates forth from har sinai saying... 'whoa to the world for the elbona shel torah' (the insult and abandonment of the torah)..."

once the rav was taking a long ride by horse-drawn carriage over many miles and over many days... each day the wagon driver took a shot of whiskey from the flask in his coat pocket... just one... once each day of the journey... never though at the exact same moment of the day... sometimes at 2 or 3 pm... sometimes later... sometimes earlier... on one of these days the rav turned to the driver and said to him... "i bet you need to take a drink from your flask right about now..." to wit the driver excalimed "yes!!!" "but how did you know for i drink at all different times... never at the same moment two days in a row...?" and the rav answered the poor, bedraggled and benighted jewish am haretz driver... "'every day a voice goes forth in the world from har sinai bemoaning the fate of mankind because of the neglect of G-d's torah...' i hear it and do tshuvah and begin to learn with more fervor... you only sense it subconsciously by your soul and you shudder with fright and take a drink of liquid courage to make yourself feel better..."

and so it goes for all of us as well... we are all like that simple, ignorant wagon driver (ba'al hagalah) we are not aware of the insult the torah feels at our neglect of it... of our failure to cry out for its immediate restoration to power and insistent implementation as the law of the land in eretz yisroel... and for this we are being slowly driven mad by Hashem... for our great sin of ommision... our refusal to cry out for torah eventhough we are a tiny minority and it appears our raising our voice in tochecha will amount to nothing... that it appears to be an utter waste of our time and of our breath... however what we fail to realize and understand is that the call for torah and truth on behalf of the holy torah is what Hashem expects from us and that this lofty but much forsaken act of kiddush Hashem is and would be our secret weapon and is the key to unlock the door to our complete and final redemption... and as such... since this is our one and only true path to the geulah shelaymah we must find within ourselves the requisite courage and vision to stand up for G-d's law... or else we risk... lo alenu... the lengthening of our exile evermore... replete with ever-greater and increased suffering for and of our people and nation...

and so this is our common task... this is our sole goal... and this is our united dire avodah... we must step up to spare ourselves... all of us... unnecessary and unneeded grief and agony... nikmatdam...   
423   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: burn baby burn...  on: June 07, 2006, 12:20:51 AM 
my rebbe taught me... all music is holy even if it emanates from a rasha or a menuval...  for example motzart was a lowlife, womanizer and alcholic however Hashem still chose to send down such beauty and art thru this filthy kli in order to be mehanah the world... and so you can use their niggunim in zimrot and tefilot even for example... and you can see wisdom b'goyim in their poetry even within the works of the reshayim shebehem... and besides... this particular song was early on in elton's career... before he became a faggot... nik. out...
424   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***burn baby burn...***  on: June 06, 2006, 10:37:47 PM 
"burn down the mission"
(by elton john and bernie taupin)...

"you tell me there's an angel in your tree
did he say he'd come to call on me
for things are getting desperate in our home
living in the parish of the restless folks i know

everybody now bring your family down to the riverside
look to the east to see where the fat stock hide
behind four walls of stone the rich man sleeps
it's time we put the flame torch to their keep

burn down the mission
if we're gonna stay alive
watch the black smoke fly to heaven
see the red flame light the sky

burn down the mission
burn it down to stay alive
it's our only chance of living
take all you need to live inside

deep in the woods the squirrels are out today
my wife cried when they came to take me away
but what more could i do just to keep her warm
than burn burn burn burn down the mission walls

burn down the mission
if we're gonna stay alive
watch the black smoke fly to heaven
see the red flame light the sky

burn down the mission
burn it down to stay alive
it's our only chance of living
take all you need to live inside

and burn down the mission
burn it down to the ground..."

so true... true now... true in the middle ages...

true ever since this vile christianity first showed its demented face in the world...

all the sicknesses of mankind... all of the pain... all of the shame... all that is inhumane... all the genocidng as a repeated refrain of the jewish people and of many, many others as well... all remains tortured and twisted... perverted and putrified... to this very day because this cursed religion has been foisted upon us all and has been permitted to reign over us and rain down upon us evil and cruelty... fire and brimstone... suffering and anguish... and death and destruction.... all for their lies and unfounded myths to "wax true" so that they could thereby rule over us and enslave us in chains of bondage and eternal serfdom together and o'er the entire globe.... and the dark ages threaten us all once again... we will never be free until both christianity and islam... (which is nothing but an arab/yishmaelian version of rome/esav's usurpation of the one true G-d and the denial of His chosen people's preeminent place and eternal covenant... not to mention their attempt to plagerize and steal the torah itself... the only and true will of G-d)... nik. out...   
425   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 06, 2006, 09:45:22 PM 
i say we all drop out, tune in and turn on... drop out of the efing state... tune in to the torah of G-d... and turn on to the revolution of conscience by ignoring all the systems of thought and manners of behavior that deny G-d and lack true emunah and pure bitachon in Hashem... state of judea arise!!!! nik.out...
426   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?  on: June 06, 2006, 09:39:12 PM 
oh yeah and another thing... nice of you all to notice... you who have been poopooing him and putting him down... first he has a stroke (like sharon had the first time) one which only sidelined them both for awhile and now someone tried to run him down... must be he has something the efing powers are worried about... must be people are not so quick to dismiss him any longer as a kook and a conspiracy theorist... must be he has the goods on them all... must be he knows of what he writes and speaks... must be you all are utter fools and knaves!!!! must be... ta... nik.
427   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is someone trying to kill Barry Chamish?/duh....  on: June 06, 2006, 09:19:53 PM 
yes!!!! he wrote me and told me soon he will send me the whole story and next he wrote and said he had just been the victim of a hit and run truckdriver and barely survived... he's looking for a way to get the hell out of there because he knows the bastard peres has a hit out on him for the pressure barry is applying to him over rabin's murder which he proves is peres' doing... nik. out... 
428   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 06, 2006, 09:16:57 PM 
and ogle i have two words for you... "elevator music"... that's what your comment to me means to me... nik. out...
429   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 05, 2006, 08:54:08 PM 
well whatever it means or doesn't mean... i hope something really terrible happens to the goyim tomorrow... nik. out... anyone seen or read the da vinci code? not bad... reveals alot about why we were slaughtered so much from both sides... priory/templars and from the vatican/illuminati/jesuit~opus dei... the movie/book explains alot... nik. out... 
430   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: won't back down...  on: June 05, 2006, 08:44:08 PM 
and that's just what the powers-that-be here have done... but each song or set of songs is for a different idea... i just haven't had a chance to finish them all due to shavuot and the lack of a sefer to complete one of them before... so now what should i do...? well i'll think of something... i always do... however... i'll probably have to redo them... nik. out... 
431   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "loving your neighbor as yourself..."  on: May 31, 2006, 07:35:10 PM 
yes it is as straight forward as yby makes it out to be... rav meir says repeatedly all over the torah... rayecha or achi... etc. "means your neighbor, friend or brother IN MITZVOT" and anyone not following them on purpose... lehachit... out of hatred and derision and scorn for Hashem, torah or the metziat and tafkid of am yisroel (our mission) is not our brother and we owe him/her no love or affection... no respect or kindness... etc. and...AND he for all intents and purposes is to be excluded from, cut off from, shunned or banned (karet or cherem) "from his people"... in this world and in the next... so rav meir never tired of teaching us that "v'ahavta l'rayecha kamocha..." only applies to observant jews and not to idolators or backsliding jews... lehachit... not a mumar l'taiavon which we are still to treat as a full jew... whether this chiyuv applies to good goyim... gerey toshav b'aretz and/or decent G-d fearing b'nai noach b'chutz and those among them who are also the tzidkay umot haolam... is debateable... probably not technically included in v'ahavta... but Hashem still instructs us to treat them with decency and respect if not "love"... however halacha instructs us "mepnai darkei shalom" to care for even the akum (idolators) and show them a modicum of respect and basic human kindness in order to"promote peace"... and the darkei moshe (the remah) describes for us two ways to understand what mepnai darkei shalom means.. either simple pshat that because we are in a weakened position in golut and have suffered so much anti-semetic pogroms we are allowed to show even disgusting idol worshipers some regard in order not to arouse venom and hatred and violence against us... the other standard explanation is that we actually should try to spread peace and harmony even with reshayim so that war and other upheavals do not occur... so one is more to "keep or maintain the peace" while the other is actually to "grow the peace"... the example given in the gemora is the case of  a jew drowning on shabat and then an akum (not ger toshav, ger tzedek or b'nai noach but an actual idolator)... the jew we save but the akum we let drown... because we save a jew by breaking shabat so that he can go on to mekadesh shem shamayim by keeping many mitzvot and shabatot in the future which increases the kedusha of the world and of am yisroel and makes Hashem's name evermore sanctified in the briah... not so with the akum... he cannot sanctify G-d by keeping shabat... even if he would repent from idolatry still he is not bidden to keep shabat and so we do not save him because the jew is in the middle of sanctifying G-d by his shabat observance right then and there and he would break that kiddush Hashem were he to violate one of the melachot even in order to save a life...

however... and let me finish... if the goy is righteous we would save him even though he also does not have a mitzvah to keep shabat and hence a jew would be stopping his kiddush Hashem to do so... why i do not know... clearly we are being taught here that human life in general does not come first... kedusha does... and even where we break the laws of shabat to rescue a jew... it is because his life comes first because one jew doing a kiddush Hashem is not as great a level of bringing kedusha and light into the world as it is when two jews do so... so we save him so he can continue to keep shabat and all the other mitzvot... and of course the jew who rescued him but had to violate shabat he does not get an aveira and he too will continue observing that shabat and many more to come hopefully... b'ezrat Hashem... and even a jew who is a rasha we save on shabat breaking the shabat to rescue him because he has the potential hopefully to do tshuvah and thus increase the kiddush Hashem in the velt and so we are commanded to save even him but not an akum... this should be clear now!!!

HOWEVER... any jew in the category of a tinuk shenishba... is included in our love and our overall duties to care for our fellow jew as we do for ourselves... etc. in fact the rambam as taught us by rav simcha wasserman zt"l relates how kind and loving we have to be and how far we should be prepared to go out of our way to do for them and to extend ourselves for them selflessly in order to try and be mikarev them back to the torah-fold... (or obviously as is the case more often than not... help them find their way underneath the kanfei hashechina for the first time having never before in their lives even known of its existence... anyway... kach shematey v'lomaditi on this issue... nik. out...
432   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Police Shoot To Ward Off Yitzhar Stone Throwers  on: May 31, 2006, 06:54:36 PM 
well... well... well... how nice... that which they (the idf and the is. police) would never do against arab rock-throwers they have suddenly no problem doing to jewish (dati and/or settler) rock-throwers... i say good for the kids!!!! damn hypocritical reshayim state of madness and insanity and of course cruelty and sickness... i hate the israeli gov. infrastructure from top to bottom and i loathe all of their demented so-called chiefs, heads and underlings... "just following orders...etc. ad nauseum..." death to the memshelet zadon!!!!! death by the hand of G-d... we don't need a civil war we just need Hashem to take them all down and out...
433   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***'the war to end all wars..."*** (ww1)... ha!!!!  on: May 31, 2006, 12:02:53 AM 
"gimme shelter"
(by mick jagger and the rolling stones)...

"oh a storm is threatening
my very life today
if i don't get some shelter
oh yeah, i'm gonna fade away

war, children, it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
war, children, it's just a shot away

ooh, see the fire is sweeping
our very street today
burns like a red coal carpet
mad bull lost its way

war, children, it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
war, children, its just a shot away
it's just a shot away

rape, murder!
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away

rape, murder!
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away

rape, murder!
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away

the flood is threatening
my very life today
gimme, gimme shelter
or i'm gonna fade away

war, children, it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
it's just a shot away
i tell you love, sister, it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
it's just a kiss away
kiss away, kiss away..."

"brown sugar..."
(by mick jagger and keith richards of the rolling stones)...

"gold coast slave ship bound for cotton fields
sold in a market down in new orleans
scarred old slaver knows he's doing alright
hear him whip the women just around midnight
brown sugar how come you taste so good?
brown sugar just like a young girl should
drums beating, cold english blood runs hot
lady of the house wonderin' where it's gonna stop
house boy knows he's doing alright
you shoulda heard him just around midnight
brown sugar how come you taste so good, now?
brown sugar just like a young girl should, now
ah, get along, brown sugar how come you taste so good, baby?
ah, got me feelin' now, brown sugar just like a black girl should
i bet your mama was a tent show queen
and all her boyfriends were sweet sixteen
i'm no schoolboy but i know what i like
you shoulda heard me just around midnight
brown sugar how come you taste so good, baby?
ah, brown sugar just like a young girl should, yeah
i said yeah, yeah, yeah, woo
how come you... how come you taste so good?
yeah, yeah, yeah, woo
just like a... just like a black girl should
yeah, yeah, yeah, woo..."

quotes from the movie... "v for vandetta..."

"people should not be afraid of their governments... governments should be afraid of the people..."

"artists use lies (fiction) to tell the truth (hint at it anyway) while politicians use the truth to tell lies>>>"

and from the vault...

question: "why doesn't the mexican olympic team ever win any medals?"

answer: "because anyone of them who can run, swim or jump is already over here (in the u.s.)... "

and this beaut...

question: "how do you know when a politician is lying to you?"

answer: "whenever you see his lips moving..."

and you all think that that "shot" was the one fired in sarajevo on that fateful day... sunday, june 28th 1914... 4 tammuz 5674... ha!!! and double ha!!!

it was fired in the boardrooms of the bankers in the city of london and from off of the very throne of england... a vile and vicious plot was hatched to take the world by storm and later when that didn't quite work out to next plunge the entire globe into economic depression and when that too didn't get the deed done... to try, try again and this time get it right... with a little help from german, american and arab/moslem nazis the british fascists finally conquered the planet... as we shall now endeavor to explain to all of you shocked and dismayed viwers out there... in 1929... four years before his death... the chofetz chaim was quoted as saying probably i imagine to his talmud muvchak... rav elchonon wasserman... "you think ww1 was bad... just wait and see... the real thing will begin ten years from now..." and it did... oh and how it did... but to understand the shoah you've got to trace its roots to ww1 first... and then slide forward in time and see all the various things we've all along missed or have been misled about in history...

it goes back to 1910...  (from your favorite guy... barry chamish)...

That's what Israelis were told and that's what they believe. But we know there are bigger conspiracies to fry. There is just so much more to believe. You must get C.T.Wilcox's excellent, Transformation Of The Republic.  [email protected]  Within, you will understand how the Jesuits murdered Lincoln. Now that's a conspiracy but not as good as them sinking the Titanic.

finally found the Video i first found the Titanic conspiracy reported :

"Who Controls The World? Illuminati, Jesuits, Bilderberg, Church, Skull,
Religion "
43 min 10 sec - Mar 11, 2006
At 26 min 45 secs the Titanic reporting starts :
In 1910, seven men met on Jekyll island just off the coats of
Georgia to plan the Federal Reserve Bank. Nelson Aldrich and
Frank Vanderclip represented the Rockefeller (Illuminati)
financial empire. Henry Davidson, Charles Norton and
Benjamin Strong represented J.P. Morgan (Illuminati). Paul
Warburg (Illuminati) represented the Rothschilds (Illuminati)
Banking dynasty of Europe. The Rothschilds were the banking
agents for the Jesuits and hold `the key to the wealth of the
Roman Catholic Church.'
The Morgan gang, the Rothschilds gang and the Rockefellers
gang were fierce competitors yet entered joint ventures.
They were to establish the national banking cartel called the
Federal Reserve System....

.. but there was a problem.

Three of the richest people in the world opposed the
Illuminati/Jesuits' plan to establish a central bank in the
United States because they knew what would happend to
America if this happened. Alse these people would most likely
of also tried to stop the Jesuits's plan to engineer world War I.
These three people were Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss
and John Jacob Astor.
The Jesuits were determined to create the Federal Reserve
bank in America and so they HAD to somehow get rid of these
three people.

This is how the Jesuits did it.....

There were a number of powerful men who were
NOT in favor of the Federal Reserve System.
Benjamin Guggenheim, Isa Strauss and John Jacob
Astor opposed the formation of a Federal Reserve
System. These men were arguably the richest men in
the world and stood in the way of the
Jesuits'/Illuminati plan.
These three men were coaxed and encouraged to
board the Titanic. Not only were these enemies of
the Jesuits againts the Federal Reserve Bank, but they
would have used their wealth and influence to
oppose World War I.
Construction of the Titanic began in 1909 at a ship
yard in Belfast, Ireland. Belfast was Protestant and
hated by the Jesuits. Morgan took control of the
White Star Lines. The Jesuits ordered J.P. Morgan
to build the Titanic. From the very beginning of the
luxury dinner, the Titanic was destined for doom.
Edward Smith was the captain of the Titanic. He had been
traveling the North Atlantic waters for twenty-six
years and was the world's most experienced master of the
North Atlantic routs. he had worked for Jesuit, J.P.
Morgan, for many years.
Edward Smith was a 'Jesuit tempore co-adjutor.' This
means that he was not a priest, but he was a Jesuit
of the short robe. Jesuits are not necessarily priests.
Those who are not priests serve the order through their
profession. Anyone could be a Jesuit, and their identity
would not be known. Edward Smith served the Jesuit Order
in his profession as a sea captain.

When the Titanic departed from Southern England on April 10,
1912, Francis Browne, the Jesuit master of Edward smith, boarded
the Titanic.

Now here is the ultimate world conspiracy. The Frankist Labor Zionists and Hitler.You can't get bigger than this. None of the crazy conspiracy "conspiracies" coming out of Israel could match this.

founder of israel.pdf of israel.pdf

and here he ends off with a letter from a friend the end which mentions some of this stuff...

But lying has taken over Israel.
In fact, lying has taken over the official Jewish world.
I discussed this on Bill Deagle's radio show earlier this week. Somewhere in the psyche of the
Jew he knows his "leaders" are unelected crooks. He knows they let Europe's Jews die during the Holocaust. Yet he defends them all because he's afraid the genuine anti-semites will pounce on him. I told Bill that this time is not 1941 and I will expose the Sabbatain/Frankists and maybe save ourselves. It's not a pretty alternative but it's self-preservation.
I had a brief discussion in Jerusalem last week with an advocate of one Rabbi Ginsburg. The Rav wants to save Yesha but with a difference. Religious Zionism cannot win, he explains. It has to stop.
Yes, it has to end. We are returning to 1940 when one tiny group of Zionists lead by Hillel Kook tried to get America to intervene for Europe's Jews. This tiny group lost to organized Frankist Labor Zionists who got their kicks from dead European Jews.
The Kook group today should be the Jews of Yesha but they have been worn down by infiltration and egoism to sawdust. Every issue that could save them has been taken away from them. Yigal Amir's little brother can set up a website for the family, which naturally is so proud of its murder. Little boys in unshapely peyot are the only collectors for Pollard. Pollard has lost all common sense, as evinced by a new reader who knows him:

 He gave me some CIA and Navy Intelligence information, but to tell you the truth I think most of the stuff is jibberish. His bunkee was Marvin Hersh (so called pedaphile) another a-hole. Jonathan Pollard can't even wash windows good at the Clemson Unit where he lives in Butner FCI, Butner, NC. He never goes to Jewish services, stays away from all the Jews at the place. And to tell you the truth, he didn't really impress me, with his so called sharpness. I didn' t think he was the sharpness knife in the set. As far as security, the only thing you've got to worry about at Butner FCI, Butner, NC is getting a hangnail on your finger.

Israel was raised by the Frankists from the bodies of Europe's Jews. And if these Frankists want it, Israel will fall from the bodies of her own Jews. That's how much Frankists care about

But they brought us here and we have to act like a nation. And that means defending Israel. What else is left? They brought half the world's Jewish population here and how we must survive their mess. There is no other choice. Meaning, all that and no more Zionism. That dreadful period is over, and preserving Israel has begun.

As for me, I wish I could get out of this damned hole. If only I knew all this 34 years ago, before I decided to move here. But now my family is very Israeli and their life is here. I'm stuck. I have to watch the train tracks go down everywhere and all the land in central Israel getting bought. And that's on good days.

But so there's no mistake; at a young age, this country makes me very sick. 

As for all the people who could have saved this place: I gave you all you ever needed on Rabin's murder, but you followed whatever other crap you were handed.


and we will get into alot of these last matters when we conclude in a week or two... nik. out...
434   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***"all the world's a stage and we are merely stagecoach drivers..."***  on: May 30, 2006, 08:50:56 PM 
or so a friend of mine once said a long, long time ago... too long ago... almost 30 years ago now...

but first just because i know you guys love it so... a little musica maestro, c'vous plait!!!!

"after the goldrush"
(by neil young)...

"well, i dreamed i saw the knights
in armor coming,
saying something about a queen.
there were peasants singing and
drummers drumming
and the archer split the tree.
there was a fanfare blowing
to the sun
that was floating on the breeze.
look at mother nature on the run
in the nineteen seventies.
look at mother nature on the run
in the nineteen seventies.

i was lying in a burned out basement
with the full moon in my eyes.
i was hoping for replacement
when the sun burst thru the sky.
there was a band playing in my head
and i felt like getting high.
i was thinking about what a
friend had said
i was hoping it was a lie.
thinking about what a
friend had said
i was hoping it was a lie.

well, i dreamed i saw the silver
space ships flying
in the yellow haze of the sun,
there were children crying
and colors flying
all around the chosen ones.
all in a dream, all in a dream
the loading had begun.
they were flying mother nature's
silver seed to a new home in the sun.
flying mother nature's
silver seed to a new home..."

"southern man"
(by neil young)...

"southern man
better keep your head
don't forget
what your good book said
southern change
gonna come at last
now your crosses are burning fast
southern man...

i saw cotton
and i saw flax
tall white mansions
and little shacks.
southern man
when will you
pay them back?
i heard screamin'
and bullwhips cracking
how long? how long?

southern man
better keep your head
don't forget
what your good book said
southern change
gonna come at last
now your crosses are burning fast
southern man...

lily belle,
your hair is golden brown
i've seen your black man
comin' round
swear by G-d
i'm gonna cut him down!
i heard screamin'
and bullwhips cracking
how long? how long?

i once told my parents hareney kaparat mishkavam... "right place; wrong century..."
meaning... i was born in the right place (california)... just in the wrong time period... i wished then (and now) to have been alive pre-1840-45... before the goldrush and the industrial revolution ruined the earth and destroyed the collective soul of all mankind... we have polluted our planet and our minds and hearts now for over 150 years... funny how time comes and goes... pre-1940-45 would have been a good world to live in too... but wealth and power had already by then set our course to oblivion for over a hundred years... rotting out our neshamot... not that man was so good, peaceful or kind before then... they weren't... far from it... however we were not spoiled yet... we had not yet aquired our taste for style and money and vice... not like we have in today's world anyway... sure there was sinning going on back then and throughout all-time but the people and globe were still unpaved... unpaved by the universal avarice and greed of our culture today and war had not yet hardened us to numbness and lethargy and the gravel of mass genocide had not yet settled like dust on our collective hearts... we all... each and every one of us almost without exception... we all have stone hearts now and so we have a cement earth to go along with them... oh how i long for the pristine world Hashem once created... can any of you imagine the virtual paradise on earth that was central and northern and even parts of southern california even up to 1800? san diego and malibu... santa barbara and montery... or san mateo and san rafael...? that was the turning point... the world greeted a new dawn and a century was born and not one spot on earth was then at war... peace and tranquility reigned everywhere on the planet for about a day or two of the nineteenth century... and then the vile powers-that-be got together and proclaimed... "this is not good... this won't do... how can we make fortunes and rule the earth without warfare and strife...? without the weeding-out process" of might makes right...? why we anglo-saxons will be out-numbered in no time at all... and all of the earth's rich resources will have to go to the vast unwashed masses out there... what will we have? how will we gain or profit from this situation? this can't be... we'll all be ruined!" and so they set out to genocide the planet and foment hatred and war... dearth and famine... disease and jealousy... all to upset the applecart and plunge the world headlong into 2 centuries going on 3 now of misery and grief; of heartbreak and agony... all so they can rule and dominate... "divide and conquer" or as i like to paraphrase it... "corrupt and conquer..." and thus we have all been enslaved and against our will thrown into a spiritual dungeon... one in the name of progress (theirs not ours) and science and discovery, invention and device... the machine age to ruin the age of people and the age of land... the rise of ambition, competiton and "enlightenment" and "sophistication" and with it class warfare and a newer caste-system... which in reality has become nothing other than just another kind of dark age...a long, endless night of misery and lonliness... a forced exile from our G-d and hence a total banishment from our true inner-selves...

but let us not forget the truth... britain and america did all of this to us and did so for their own sick ends not to benefit mankind... not to perfect, protect, improve and restore and preserve human life and uphold and maintain its sacredness... as they would all have you believe and as you all are so thoroughly convinced as to their true, pure motivation and goal... no sir... no uh... not in the slightest is there any concern for us anywhere in their ice-cold hearts... and in their calculatingly devious and selfishly deceitful minds... it all started with the push "to modernize" and explore... and it ended with the  holocaust and its wake the atom bomb/computer age walking us all up to the edge... to the very precipice of decimation and annihilation... which leads down the primrose path straight to gehenom... right into perdition and gone... 

and when it is all said and done... let us never forget that it was the british during the beor war in south africa circa 1890 who devised and came up with the concentration camp-style prison, slave labor and death trap... and taught it to the world... they instructed the german nazis to do us in... but to put them up only upon polish and ukrainian soil for they hated us worse than the germans did and they were unrefined culturally and much more brutal and thereby had the requisite disgusting stomaches to get the job done and do what just "had to be done"... and when you check out the last "british are coming" post... part 8 i believe you will see the rest of the story about our "good friend" the english... "perfidious albion"  the worst snake of a people and country in the history of the world... but first coming up we have to tie up some loose ends with the aftermath of ww1, the balfour declaration and of course that wonderful "blessing" (curse) the british mandate years over palestine... next time... nik. out...
435   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / carry on/moshiach is almost here/rambam's depiction of who and what moshiach is  on: May 30, 2006, 07:46:53 PM 
***"dust in the wind"/"carry on wayward son"***

"i close my eyes
only for a moment and the moment's gone
all my dreams
flash before my eyes of curiosity

dust in the wind
all they are is dust in the wind

same old song
just a drop of water in an endless sea
all we do
crumbles to the ground though we refuse to see

dust in the wind
all we are is dust in the wind

don't hang on
nothing lasts forever but the earth and sky
it slips away
and all your money won't another minute buy

dust in the wind
all we are is dust in the wind
dust in the wind
everything is dust in the wind..."

"carry on my wayward son
there'll be peace when you are done
lay your head to rest
don't you cry no more

once i rose above the noise and confusion
just to get a glimpse beyond this illusion
i was soaring ever higher
but i flew too high
though my eyes could see i was still a blind man
though my mind could think i was still a madman
i hear the voices when i'm dreaming
i can hear them say

carry on my wayward son
there'll be peace when you are done
lay your weary head to rest
don't you cry no more

masquerading as a man with a reason
my charade is the event of the season
and if i claim to be a wise man
it surely means that i don't know
on a stormy sea of moving emotion
tossed about i'm like a ship on the ocean
i set a course for winds of fortune
but i hear the voices say

carry on my wayward son
there'll be peace when you are done
lay your weary head to rest
don't you cry no more..."

and so we must ask ourselves what it is all about... this waiting for moshiach... we had a long discussion on the subject over the last few weeks... one thread raged on about the difference between halacha and midrash... the rambam and the zohar... and so i think you will all find this very interesting when i reveal to you the words of the rambam himself involved in waxing "apocryphal" in his terminology describing moshiach...

from the rambam's "letter to yemen"...

characteristics of the true mashiach"...

"...regarding the question of how and where mashiach will appear; we know he will make his first appearance in eretz yisrael. as it says, "suddenly he will come to His temple" (malachi 3:1). but no one will know how he will arise until it actually happens. mashiach will not be a known person that can be identified beforehand as the son of so-and-so of such-and-such a family. the signs and wonders he will perform will be proof that he is the true mashiach. we are told by Hashem regarding mashiach's person, "behold, a man called tzemach (sprout) shall sprout forth from the place where he is" (zechariah 6:12). similarly, yeshayah said that he will arrive without anyone knowing anything about either his father, mother or family: "for he shot up like a sapling, like a root out of dry ground" (yeshayah 53:2).

after making his appearance in eretz yisrael and gathering the entire jewish people in jerusalem and the surrounding countryside, the news will spread to the east and the west until it reaches yemen and the jews beyond in india. this has been prophesied by yeshayah, "go, swift messengers to a nation tall and of glossy skin, to a people awesome from their beginning onward; a nation that is sturdy and treads down, whose land rivers divide... to the place where the name of Hashem of Hosts abides, to mount zion" (yeshayah 18:2,7).

the qualities of mashiach are described by all the prophets from moshe to malachi. you can gather this information from the twenty-four books of tnach. his most outstanding characteristic is that the news of his coming will appall and terrify all the kings of the world. their kingdoms will collapse. their attempts to defy him by military force or otherwise will utterly fail. overwhelmed  by the miracles they are witnessing, they will stare openmouthed at the wonders he performs. yeshayah portrays the subservience of the kings to mashiach in the verse, "kings will be silenced because of him, for they will see what has not been told them, will behold what they never have heard" (yeshayah 52:15). he will kill whomever he wants by the word of his mouth. no one can escape or be saved, as it says, "he will strike down a land with the rod of his mouth, and slay the wicked with the breath of his lips" (yeshayah 11:4). worldwide upheavals and wars, ranging from east to west will not come to an end at the beginning of the reign of mashiach, but only after the wars of gog and magog. this was foretold by yechezkel (yechezkel 38, 39)."

and there you have it... the words of the rambam himself... the words of the rational, philosophic and erudite maimonides... sounding like a rabbi sermonizing in shul or like a sunday school teacher of our own era... simply amazing to read!!! this should completely end the debate of that other thread... nik. out...
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436   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: May 30, 2006, 06:13:07 PM 
bully for you...
437   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: won't back down...  on: May 30, 2006, 06:12:31 PM 
not on crack... just find meaning in them relating to the message i wish to impart... nik.
438   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: May 30, 2006, 05:07:48 PM 
"G-d gave me everything"
(by mick jagger and the rolling stones)...

"you can see it in a clear blue sky
you can see it in a woman's eyes
you can hear it in your baby's cries
you can hear it in your lover's sighs
you can touch it in a grain of sand
in the palm of your hand
feel it 'round you everyday
and hear what i've got to say

G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you
G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you

i saw in the midnight sun
and i felt it in the race i won
and i hear it in the windy storm
and i feel it in the icy dawn
and i smell it in the wine i taste
and i see it in my father's face
and i hear it in a symphony
and i feel it in the love you show for me

G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you
G-d gave me everything i want

come on
i'll give it all to you
G-d gave me everything i want
i can't stop can't stop
i'm still looking now
G-d gave me everything i want
oh come on
i'll give it all to you

crazy you said
it's all in your head

G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you
G-d gave me everything i want
come on
i'll give it all to you..."

"sympathy for the devil"
(by the rolling stones)...

"please allow me to introduce myself
i'm a man of wealth and taste
i've been around for a long, long year
stole many a man's soul and faith
and i was around when jesus christ
had his moment of doubt and pain
made damn sure that pilate
washed his hands and sealed his fate...

pleased to meet you
hope you guess my name
but what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game...

i stuck around in st. petersburg
when i saw it was a time for a change
killed the czar and his ministers
anastasia screamed in vain
i rode a tank
held a general's rank
when the blitzkrieg raged
and the bodies stank...

pleased to meet you
hope you guess my name, oh yeah
ah, what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game, oh yeah...

i watched with glee
while your kings and queens
fought for ten decades
for the gods they made
i shouted out,
who killed the kennedys?
when after all
it was you and me...

let me introduce myself
i'm a man of wealth and taste
and i laid traps for troubadours
who get killed before they reach bombay...

pleased to meet you
hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
but what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game, oh yeah, get down, baby...

pleased to meet you
hope you guessed my name, oh yeah
but what's confusing you
is just the nature of my game...

just as every cop is a criminal
and all the sinners saints
as heads is tails
just call me lucifer
cause i'm in need of some restraint
so if you meet me
have some courtesy
have some sympathy, and some taste
use all your well-learned politesse
or i'll lay your soul to waste, um yeah...

pleased to meet you
hope you guessed my name, um yeah
but what's puzzling you
is the nature of my game, um mean it, get down...

who, who...
oh yeah get on down
oh yeah
oh yeah!

tell me baby, what's my name
tell me honey, can ya guess my name
tell me baby, what's my name
i'll tell you one time, you're to blame...

ooo, who (3x)
ooo, who, who (4x)

oh yeah
what's my name
tell me, baby, what's my name
tell me, sweetie, what's my name

ooh ,who, who (7x)
oh yeah..."

when governments lie to their people and protect and shield the rich and powerful from the justice they deserve for the crimes they have commited then i would clearly say that man himself is responsible for all of the evil in the world...

when corporations and their ceo's and boardrooms decide the foreign policy and drive the issues of when to go to war and when to sue for peace for an entire country, region, continent or hemisphere... or for the whole world... then there is something terribly wrong on planet earth...

when open public debate is either censored or stifled and the only opinions allowed out into the air of free thought and free speech are the words and ideas expressed by an ever-shrinking and tightly-guarded oligarchy of men and women bent upon their manipulation, manufacture and the framing of any given discussion on all sides of the issue... then i say it is time for a revolution... or we will all be relegated back down to serfdom for the rest of human history...

while of course it is true that G-d created the very fabric of evil and hence the potential for the yatzer hora to operate and function within this world in the first place and even called it "very good" in order that the precious soul of each denizen of G-d's world will have an equal chance and a fair opportunity to be tested and hopefully earn an eternal reward and place in the world-to-come... yet it is still each and every human being utilizing and exercising one's own G-d-given bechirah chofshit (freedom of choice) who chooses for him/herself between good and evil... between right and wrong... and who ultimately distinguish between truth and falsehood...

and so you tell me... who is at fault for the holocaust... or for 9/11 or for milchemet gog u'maygog when and if it finally arrives...? and if you say it is us and not G-d who only created the potential for evil in order to give us independence of action and therefore meaning to our life... and thus if you answer that it is us and not satan who is nothing but an emissary of Hashem to test us... then you have demonstrated that you understand the history of mankind accurately... nik. out

439   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***"won't back down..."*** (now complete)...  on: May 30, 2006, 04:18:24 PM 
"i won't back down"
(by tom petty and the heartbreakers)...

"well i won't back down, no i won't back down
you can stand me up at the gates of hell
but i won't back down

gonna stand my ground, won't be turned around
and i'll keep this world from draggin me down
gonna stand my ground and i won't back down

hey baby, there ain't no easy way out
hey i will stand my ground
and i won't back down

well i know what's right, i got just one life
in a world that keeps on pushin me around
but i'll stand my ground and i won't back down

hey baby there ain't no easy way out
hey i will stand my ground
and i won't back down
no, i won't back down..."

(by tom petty and the heartbreakers)...

"we got some thin we both know it,
we don't talk too much about it
ain't no real big secret, all the same,
somehow we get around it

listen, it don't really matter to me
baby, you believe what you wanna believe
you see, you don't have to live like a refugee

somewhere, somehow, somebody must have
kicked you around some
tell me why you wanna lay there,
revel in your abandon

honey, it don't make no difference to me
baby, everybodys had to fight to be free
you see, you don't have to live like a refugee
no baby, you don't have to live like a refugee

baby, we ain't the first
i'm sure a lot of other lovers been burned
right now this ain't real to you
it's one of those things you got to feel to be true

somewhere, somehow, somebody must have
kicked you around some
who knows, maybe you were kidnapped,
tied-up, taken away and held for ransom

honey, it don't really matter to me
baby, everybodys had to fight to be free
you see, you don't have to live like a refugee
no, you don't have to live like a refugee
baby, you don't have to live like a refugee..."

unless of course you are a jew from gush katif or from amona...
and then you do have to live like a refugee...
and much worse even 'cause then you might be blown up or shot at...
or your children might be exterminated right in front of you... or if you are a jewish woman
they may shoot or tear out your fetus right from your guts...

and so because this is true and until it is no longer true...
i will not stop... no, i will not back down...

and since i know so much coroborating evidence to all the "conspiracy" stuff i spout and accept as true...
like the massive fbi cover-up of the okl. city bombing and its very real connection to 9/11 and specifically to logan airport and the city of boston in general...

and due to all the sideline anomalies (at last count i had 70 of them) that i know about that sick, sinister event... on 9/11 just on my own... out from my own indep. research over the last 5 years... therefore the videos from loosechange and the links from barry chamish of "who rules the world"... etc. ring true to me and i believe they are real as they are the only plausible explanation for all the madness and insanity going on all-over the world today... and thus i "know" that the cabal (gog) are running the show and i am privy to their global plans which they do not even try anymore to keep secret from us... they are that arrogant as to their power and their iron-clad domination...

and so people you can say or do whatever you want in reaction to me and my opinions and insights but i will never let up and i will never cease fighting to expose and bring down the memshelet zadon... not until they are deposed and not until every jew on the planet is safe from violence and death at the hands of all the jew-haters...
this is my solemn pledge and dedication... nikmatdam...
440   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the blue-sapce monkeys vs, the green  on: May 26, 2006, 08:46:25 PM 
right bk... and just remember... the blue space-monkeys are our friends... they tried to prevent 9/11 from happening but we failed to heed their warnings to us... let's not make this same mistake all over again... so keep your eyes on the green ones... aye? nik. out...
441   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Add the OU to the list of sick Jewish Lemmings/ and the yu/ou rabbis too!!!  on: May 26, 2006, 08:37:30 PM 
no... no... not true... i know plenty of rabbis here in l.a. and back east from yu/ou and they are all traitors to our cause... cowards thru and thru... one and all... more interested in not making waves and in not losing their 6 figure salaries... and if selling out jews in yesha (and later it will also be in yerushalayim... just wait and see)... if this is the price they have to pay so be it... just as long as the israeli consulate here and the gov. in israel smother them in kavod and flatter them beyond all chanifah... then they are pleased... just as long as they continue to receive the vip/red carpet treatment by these nests of vipers each and everytime they take a little junket over to aretz and have their egos massaged nice and long... then they are content to let the rest of us fall by the wayside... such arrogant and selfish bastards!!!! they'll get theirs one day soon when moshiach arrives they will be punished by being relegated to the back of the line for the zechut to honor moshaich and Hashem when we all finally go out to greet the geulah shelaymah... just like the old saying goes... everybody now!!! shout it out!!! "...and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog AGAINST yerushalayim..." (see... yechezkeil:36)... nik. out...
442   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: My Yelling Against Expulsion to The Consul-General to Philadelphia.  on: May 26, 2006, 08:27:55 PM 
good for you and good for reva l'sheva and my good friend... yehudah asher katz... we go aways back... say hi for me when you see him in ny... when will that concert be and where... maybe i can make it... nik. out...
443   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert to arm Fatah/proof-positive...  on: May 26, 2006, 01:37:34 PM 
too bad... that's one civil war i would support wholeheartedly... and support and pray for both sides to be matzliach to the ultimate possible level of hatzlacha!!!! halevai!!!! but again as you see... they pulled them off the streets because it was all a show and a ploy to get fatah more weapons for both of them to use against us... this newstory is proof... evidence... clear truth of what i am proposing is going on and is thereby extractable and expandable to EVERYTHING  i am saying about you know what... nik. out...
444   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 26, 2006, 03:25:14 AM 
oh and by the way bk... i never said that blue-space monkeys were going to blow up the eiffel tower... no... i said the sears building in chicago... and they're green space-monkeys not blue... nik. out...
445   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert to arm Fatah to kill jews not hamas... don't be fooled...  on: May 26, 2006, 03:20:28 AM 
it figures... just remember they did not give them weapons in the first place to use on hamas... they gave them back then purely to be used against jews opposed to oslo... and so neither are they doing this on this occassion as well... the plo/fatah have faked a near civil-war with hamas to justify this move by israel to seemingly prop up their "peace partner" (the one whom they no longer negotiate with and have unilaterally withdrawn from and drawn their own map and border without their input)... and so they will now give more weapons into these murderous vile hands in order to foil any protest by jews in yesha from resisting the rest of the "disengagement" which is really a cowering capitulation to terror and to the will of the goyim (i.e. their bowing, grovelling, prostratating and their scraping slavishly to the whim and dictate of america and britain)... nik. out...
446   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Al HaNissim for Yom Yerushalayim  on: May 26, 2006, 02:51:42 AM 
since rav meir stated from ezekeil:36 that our whole redemption process to date was only begun because G-d was at last sick and tired of His name being dragged thru the mud by our continued sinning in and even if not... our continued living in the golut... where the goyim constantly say to each other about us: "this is the people of G-d and He has sent them out of His land..." meaning He is either too weak or non-existent otherwise why can't He keep them in their own and in His own chosen land for them...? they never seem to understand that G-d demands our obedience and without it He has and will punish us until we repent and return to His torah way... and because we fail to "get it"... thus G-d decided and was forced on His own without us to bring the geulah... however He did so only after a tremendous suffering where again the goyim all said... "if i can do this to so many of you (murder you)... where then is your G-d o' israel...?"

and so G-d became at last angry and fed up with the mocking of the nations and hence He began the final redemption process without us... but only with a tiny sliver of our ancient homeland restored to us (we as a whole did not deserve anymore than this) and only with reshayim in charge in a non-torah and an anti-judaism atmosphere... and not because we were worthy of it at all... not even in the slightest... in fact we were and we remain unworthy of the geulah shelaymah to this very day... and so He could only bring the geulah in a beito manner with tremendous agony to date over the last nearly 60-100 years...

and thus rav meir taught us that we say hallel because it is G-d's nes and it matters not who is running the show down here... it isn't because of us and on account of our good deeds anyway that we are seeing the slow evolution of the coming of moshiach... and since this is the justification to say hallel in the face of a continued rebellion by jews in and out of the land against Hashem and His torah... therefore i say tachanun as well...

hallel for Hashem and what He has done for us despite our great many sins... simply because He decided it was time to re-kaddish His name in the world He created.... so thus hallel anyway despite and in defiance of and in the face of the terrible leaders we all have here and in israel... and ergo... for that very reason tachanun also... for the fact that we are still not worthy and because we continue to blow each and every opportunity that He gives us to rise up and demonstrate our faith in Him so that He can shorten and end the process and bring moshiach ben david already... case in point the great nes of the 6 day war which brought the yom tov of yom yerushalayim into our midst...

so i say a full hallel with a bracha after davening and say tachnun during in its proper place in the tefilah... this is purely my own cheshbon... there are plenty of people who object to my saying hallel on yom yerushalayim and on yom atzmaut... but i do not pay any attention to them all... for clearly they are blind and deaf to the pure truth and insight that rav meir provided for us... he is clearly correct... and now you all object to my saying tachanun as well... but i also will pay you no heed as i know that this is the right course as deduced from my understanding here of rav meir's teaching on the subject... chag somayach... nik. out...
447   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?  on: May 25, 2006, 05:57:59 AM 
the gemora in megillah around daf 12... relates that in their day... (of the amorim) amalek was located in... "germania shel edom..." a clear reference to the area known as germany... my teachers have instructed me that after sancherev of ashur (the assyrians) came he was mevalble all the lineages of the world and so except for the remnant of jews from eretz yehudah there are no pure bloodlines anymore leading to the exact progenitors of the ancient world... however the mitzvah of mechiat amalek and parshat zachor... remain until the job is done and that all people who exhibit the middot of amalek be they jew or gentile will inherit the din of amalek and be finally properly dispatched when moshiach comes and al pi navi he and eliyahu will point out to us who and where and which peoples qualify as and are amalek... and these will reap the wrath of G-d and will feel the vengeance of am yisroel... for they truly have been and are still the murderers of our people from time immemorial right on down to our own day and age... and as the gra brings down at the end of his sefer kol hator... amalek in the end of days will comprise elements from yishmael, esav and... AND... yaakov... the erev rav who have attached themselves to yaakov since the period of the yetziat mitzrayim... nikmatdam...
448   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 25, 2006, 05:28:17 AM 
it wasn't G-d who was weak or powerless to rescue us... it was we who failed to try and show compassion and love for our brethren to get G-d to do more to stop this evil decree which he imposed upon us due to our many and loathesome sins before it got so greatly out of control... He had hoped we would see the error of our ways... sinat chinum, loshen hora, etc. and thus earn His stepping in to defend us and redeem us completely instead of only partially in terms of numbers and degree of salvation... but we blew it before and up to the holocaust to cause Hashem to bring it in the first place... and we blew it during and even after the shoah to prevent Hashem from reducing the level of tragedy and loss and causing Him to have to severely minimize the size, shape, glory and koach of the ressurection of the state of israel in the aftermath of the war... nik. out
449   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I think you guys will like this one/the fifth son...  on: May 25, 2006, 05:01:04 AM 
mon... rav meir and rav binyamin both wrote that the fifth son who doesn't even bother attending the seder... and not because he is a tinnuk sh'nishbah either (that is the status of the fourth son)... but he is a true kofer... one who abhors the ritualistic seder and wishes to eschew his heritage, etc. so he is not worth saving... he is not our concern and it is not our mitzvah to woo him back into the fold... in fact just the opposite... we are bidden instead rather to protect and defend ourselves from him and from his evil designs against us and against Hashem and His torah...  and therefore we must pronounce havdalah over him the same as we insist upon with the goyim... and indeed he has a din of a goy... and not just any goy... an akum... an idolator and a dangerous enemy and foe... kissinger and peres are perfect examples of this fifth column/fifth son... an unjewish jew... thus if they are too far gone then they are too far gone... and that's just too damn bad for them and sad for us but we must draw a line in the sand somewhere delimiting and confining in measure as to whom we will hold out love and respect for and with whom we allow ourselves to be involved with and associate with... and since they have a din of amalek or of canaanim... (gra and rav meir) they are therefore no longer halachically considered to be our brother or son... and so i say nuke 'em high!!! and do away with them as well!!! nik, out...
450   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I think you guys will like this one  on: May 25, 2006, 04:31:19 AM 
yby nothing is wrong... but sometimes i take strong objection to some of the things you say... like in that post on pg.1 of this thread... you seem to agree with the yu/ou crowd demanding we abandon our fight for the land and even for jerusakem and just stick to teaching torah... reminds me of a story my rebbe rav bulman zt"l once told us... "there was a new rabbi in town at the shul... on his first shabat he gave a drasha about the importance of shabat observance... the pres. runs up to him after davening and says... "rabbi!!! don't speak about shabat like that... you are insulting those who drove here...' so the next week he talks about kashrut... again the complaint by the pres. not to bring up that sore point with everyone... and yet again he continued the very next shabat and spoke of tahrat hamishpacha... 'rabbbiiii!!!!! you mustn't bring that subject up ever again or you will be dismissed!!!" sighing the rabbi asks... 'so what should i talk about then..." the pres. replies... 'why speak about the torah!!! you know from the sedrah...' and so the next shabat he indeed delivers a beautiful d'var torah on the deeds of moshe rebenu... afterwards the pres. comes up to him smiling and informs him that he did a fine job on that speech... but he adds with a query... 'but did you have to say moshe rebenu... couldn't you just say moses...?'" (hamaven yaven)... judaism without kiddush Hashem, mesirat nefesh and selflessness... is a kin to driving a tricycle on the freeway instead of using a car... it is an emasculated judaism and not worth observing since it is not close to being the truth of what G-d wants from us and what He commanded us to keep... nik. 
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451   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ZEERO... a very good number for galut.... amen selah... kain memaieat...  on: May 25, 2006, 04:20:55 AM 
israel doesn't blow... we and the land and state are the miraculous creation of Hashem... the jews running it and in power and in control who think they are in charge and that the whole thing is their brainchild and genius... who consider it... all of it... as their's and their's alone... they... they are the ones who blow... and they blow bigtime and they are all disgusting pagan animals of the lowest order... AND LIKE THE RABID DOGS THAT THEY ARE THEY WILL BE PUT DOWN AT THE APPROPRIATE TIME when moshiach arrives... very soon now... any day now... nik. out...
452   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / 66666666666666666666666666666666666666... 6,000,000,000...!!!!!!  on: May 25, 2006, 04:14:48 AM 
oh come on now...6.....6 MILLION JEWS!!!! count 'em... 6 MILLION... AS IN SIX MILLION... THAT IS 6,000,000,000... you see all those 0's...? try counting to yourself up to six million... that's a huge number my friend... a huge efing number... those were alll precious jewish neshamot alive on this planet... think of the spiritual power they all had collectively... that we are bereft of in today's world...... each AND EVERY ONE OF THEM was A WHOLE WORLD... AN ENTIRE UNIVERSE... all of them now kedoshim of an awesome level of kedusha and some of them were sooo... sooo... very holy even before they were exterminated... some of them walking sifrei torah... the likes of which no longer walk the earth... so WHAT ARE YOU SAYING...? HOW CAN YOU MINIMIZE THIS MONSTROUS EVIL ACT...?  that's a pretty damn good job... i'm sure all the nazis and jew-haters STILL OUT THERE really love that time period... are really proud of their accomplishment and yearn to do it all over again... "it wasn't so bad because they wanted all of us and only got a third of the whole of us world-wide and got less than a full half of us who lived in europe then... my G-d you are cold-hearted... nik. out...
453   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: lay the blame for 6 mil. jewish deaths on our own shoulders as well...  on: May 24, 2006, 10:45:07 PM 
hey just in case you guys haven't heard yet or have forgotten already... the holocaust was a plot and a scheme that G-d allowed to work... however it was a test... not of the goyim but of us... the jews... they would possibly be unpunishable if they truly only tortured and killed us to serve Hashem and do His bidding as we know they are all sent to do by G-d when we need an onesh... but when they go overboard and inflict more pain and agony than G-d ever intended for us to suffer in the first instance... and in doing so do it for their own sick reasons of hatred and dominance... than they are not serving G-d and they deserve what awaits them... however the test was for we jews... to see if we would stand up and move heaven and earth to save our brethren and then just perhaps 6 million of us might not have perished and the casualty list cut down and reduced to only 1 or 2 mil. which in itself would have been an heroic hour for our nation... instead we were too timid and afraid or too uninformed or pretended to be... or worse we didn't really give a damn about them... and so we are chayiv... and we are guilty and we will yet have to pay for this great sin against G-d and our people... and again eventhough the nazified europe and those collaborators from britain and america had the upperhand and had control to accomplish this evil... we should have done more even if they killed us for our efforts or even if they didn't because they didn't have to because all of our best efforts might have been utterly futile against their might and their evil intent... still the attempt to help would have meant that G-d would have sent moshiach at the end of the war all at once and not have to start this slow and agonizing redemption process purely b'eito instead... and we wouldn't be in the terrible matzav that we are in right now and we would all be safe and sound at this moment... and it would all be over for the memshelet zadon al haaretz... nik. out...   
454   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 24, 2006, 01:08:43 PM 
ulterior motives and ultimate goals are for their supremacy and hegemony over the earth forever... thru their descendents obviously... but this is gog... trying to "kill G-d" and then kill the jewish people and rule for all-time... this is happening right now people right under all of our noses and we won't even recognize it and acknowledge its existence let alone stand up to it and fight against it... such a pity for us... we will be enslaved forever...

and once more... whoever dismisses ALL so-called (supposedly all already debunked) conspiracy theories is... either ignorant... petrified... or complicit in them... nik.
455   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I think you guys will like this one/they're all eunics...  on: May 24, 2006, 12:56:16 PM 
great post monarchist and as for you yby... your true colors are now showing... again kiruv is fine and necessary but without teeth judaism is unappealing, uninspiring and doomed to failure... those yu/ou types are sell-outs for money and kavod and are certifiable cowards... one and all... they are afraid to stand up to the memshelet zadon and as such they are empty shells and no teachers and models of real judaism and authentic torah... not like rashbi or r.akiva both demonstrated anyway... and so their words to the effect that "love is all you need" falls on deaf ears with me because i consider them traitors or at best misguided, confused and lost jews who "know not the G-d of israel"... the truth is truth and it should set you free from fear and from moral and ethical impotency... nik. out...
456   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "A Special Place in Hell"  on: May 24, 2006, 04:25:55 AM 
so true ex... we are doing virtually nothing as an am to fight for the jewish lives that these soul-snatchers are attempting to decimate... we are indeed going to be held accountable for our silence and lack of response... nik.
457   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Temple Mount and Land of Israel Faithful March  on: May 24, 2006, 04:21:22 AM 
here... here... emet... nik.
458   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 24, 2006, 04:03:36 AM 
chances are yes... but i really do not believe anything "they" say anymore... and that goes retroactively back to the earliest memories of events in my childhood and beyond that far off into the very distant past in all the history and philosophy, etc. which i was taught or have read that is out there for public consumption... all of history is a lie... maybe not the events and people and places and wars, etc. but the reasons, the real motivations and purposes behind them all are... the goals and every other aspect... they are all lies, subterfuge and utter deceptions of the highest order to keep us all in the dark and thus at bay... "knowledge is power" someone here wrote a short while ago... and power corrupts... ergo it is axiomatic already that all knowledge is being used as a device and a ruse; as a ploy and a strategem in an attempt to decieve, manipulate, defraud and control... events, people and civilization as a whole... and this is the sad truth... everything else talked about or explained out there are all sheer falsehood and total lies... absolute sheker v'chazav... cut by and with as rashi teaches us... with a tad of truth mixed in so people will accept and believe all the diseased and demented disinformation that they receive on a daily basis... several times a day for most of us... nik. like outta here man... like... later... dude... be good... n. 
459   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Al HaNissim for Yom Yerushalayim  on: May 24, 2006, 01:19:58 AM 
very nice i will say this along with hallel with a bracha and tachanun because we are still not worthy ourselves of this great nes and we are on the verge of having it taken away from us again... please G-d no... and so this practice of mine is not a stira... bec. we haven't achieved a level of yom tov d'rabanan like by purim or chanukah for this day to be like those where we are exempted from saying tachanun...

but now i will add this even inside my shemone esreh which is a huge step for us because one takes a chance of not being yotzi... perhaps it will be o.k. to go off nusach... the official nusach that is for one day in order to show Hashem our true love of Him and yerushalayim and our true gratitude and hakorot hatov for the return of jerusalem and har habayit to our hands... please Hashem...

but before thursday night... could someone translate the hebrew into english... i intend to say it in hebrew but i want to ahead of time make sure i understand every nuance being expressed here... so please post a translation here... thanks... chag somaech and not just for the fast approaching shavout yom tov... nik. out...
460   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Add the OU to the list of sick Jewish Lemmings......  on: May 24, 2006, 01:10:31 AM 
as for me and this is key here... keep repeating after me and reminding yourselves so you are not so shocked each and everytime you witness another cowardice act of sedition and perfidy by the org. rabbanim of various groups and sects and leadership of councils and forums and outlets and platforms established for the dissemination of their ideas, shitas and psakim... they are all bought off (as in bribed... shochad) or they have been threatened with violence and/or they have been blackmailed and thus warned off by their misdeeds being brought up to them with the express intention to air them in public... unless they all "co-operate and go along with the master plan to give jerusalem to the vatican and give the oligarchy and cabal... the brit./amer. yachas of amalekites the keys to throne of israel financially and militarily...

and so everyone with me... (from zechariah 14)...

"...and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog AGAINST yerushalyaim..."


"... and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog AGAINST yerushalayim..."

once more...

"...and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog AGAINST yerushalayim..."

the time has come to wake up and smell the "coffee" or we will one day feel and see the coming nuclear fall-out... lo alenu and G-d forbid!!!! nikmatdam...
461   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MBY  on: May 24, 2006, 12:46:41 AM 
rav meir WAS in our generation and so until and unless we are gone... he will do for the role of moshiach ben yosef... unless he wasn't him but the destined navi precurssor to the coming of moshiach... then mby and mbd are still out there to be uncovered and revealed... but if rav meir was it... then mbd is all that is left and thus with and thru faith in Hashem... he is all we will ever need... so let's wait and see what unfolds... at this point i would much rather just be waiting for mbd... however... rav meir certainly did not vanquish esav as is the duty and role of mby... "yaakov is the torch and yosef is the flame and esav is the straw..." remember? so... clearly we see that mby has not fulfilled his role... ONLY he can destroy esav... not yehudah... yehudah can and will only get rid of yishmael... won't that be nice as well... and then moshe rebenu is due back to fight with both of them to finally finish off the last remaining reshayim left standing... the erev rav... so mby revived from the dead and mbd alive and well since his birth in our generation... who will never be defeated once he finally appears on the world stage together with moshe rebenu will all 3 of them rid the earth of the erev-rav unjewish jews... this time forever... nik. 
462   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 24, 2006, 12:34:54 AM 
you are going to have to make me shut up because i never will until i'm gone or until the matter of this threat to kl'al yisroel and eretz yisroel is over... so bring it on tough guy... make me... put up or shut up your own bad self!!!! nik. out...
463   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rambam and Yishuv Haaretz  on: May 23, 2006, 10:45:59 PM 
extremely well put bk and thanks for refreshening my memory... this is exactly what rav meir wrote in sefer harayon... again great post!!!! nik.
464   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?  on: May 23, 2006, 10:43:12 PM 
yes he does... read the opening to yad hachazakah hilchot deaot and the end... hilchot melachim... no one disputes what i have just written here... nik. out... 
465   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I think you guys will like this one/i sure do...  on: May 23, 2006, 10:39:21 PM 
this guy is a sickness... the whole of yu and the o-u has been corrupted by the memshelet zadon... i don't trust a word they say... not a single word... how can we do outreach to teach torah the lev or heart and soul of the am when we abandon eretz yisroel and yerushalayim and desecrate Hashem's name in a time of yehareg v'al yavor... when the nations have gathered together with jewish traitors both frum and frei to sin against the land and the am and against Hashem by allowing the goyim to break us of our commandment to hold the land and state that this is the decree of Hashem for us to do so...? you cannot teach torah in a cowardly way without showing and demonstrating mesirat nefesh and kiddush Hashem to defy the evil ones bent on torah's destruction... for removing the land from us is tantamount to their making us give up and abandon Hashem and the torah itself... rather we have to stand up even for a single mitzvah to the death if necessary and fight like rebbi akiva did... to flaunt the goyim's attempt to arrogate to themselves the right to decree, dictate and demand and command us to spit on the torah and deface it publically... the o-u and yu have cave... they are diseased scum right now... not all but some... most? can't say... but the leadership calling the shots is and has been bought off, threatened or compromised... you can only teach torat emet by example... let's not follow these sick suggestions and advice... only thus!!!! rak kach!!!! stand up for torah now... it will save us and it will free us from their rule forever.... please G-d now!!!!! nik. out... 
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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466   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?/ excuse me... wait a sec...  on: May 23, 2006, 10:18:17 PM 
wrong!!!! all of you wrong!!!!!

moshiach ben david... i cannot vouch openly for moshiach ben yosef... because i'm not sure i only think so and believe so by him... but according to rav aryeh kaplan in derech Hashem and other works he either translated or penned himself... according to him... moshiach ben david will... not may but WILL reach and become the second highest level navi in history... in the end only moshe rebenu's koach of nevuah will have been on a higher madrega and that is only because 1) he earned it and deserved it on his own merits and in his own right... and 2) the times required and necessitated A higher level and THE highest level in history in order to be able to receive, be taught, learn and teach torah for the first time in history on earth for mankind as a whole and for the jewish people in particular...  in other words... because it was necessary to be bring down the torah into this world from shemayim... it wasn't going to get here any other way because the world as whole and even the jewish people by themselves couldn't handle all of them at the same time this level of moshe therefore he had to do it for us alone... all by himself... after we understood he wasn't inventing and making it all up as he went along... there really was a G-d and we knew He was sending it down then in this fashion... the only pathway open for the world and am yisroel to recive it... nik. out... this is deep people... not saying this to show off or toot my own horn... this is not my torah... this is the ramchal's and rambam's (and i guess everyone elses' who matter in this regard... no one argues with these points i am making... there are no machloketim herein... on this subject... on this topic... on this issue... in this matter... none whatsoever).... so think into this here... absorb this teaching... it comes pure fromHashem... thru His servants... all i have done is understand it and offer to pass it along to all of you... chag someach... may we all be zoche this year especially to a true kabalat hatorah in all its pratim and inyanim... b'emet... kol tuv... amen  n.

moshiach ben david will not have to do this because the torah is already here... nor will he quite deserve this level on his own but he will even merit a level of prophecy above and beyond that of even the avot who will then collectively fall to third place all-time... rav aryeh kaplan also states openly that in the age of moshiach... right before the coming of moshiach when the world is on the brink... on the verge of moshiach's imminent arrival... then at least then if not even a tad earlier in the ikvata d'mashicha... in the reshit smichat geulatenu... nevuah could then be restored in part or full even in jews who are not the moshiach himself in order to prepare the world for his coming... some hold this was the real level of the rebbe... a navi before the coming to get us ready and yearning and anticipating better his arrival... in any event though to be called a navi officially you need to come before the sanhedrin... is this one we have now legitimate? i hope so but i don't know for sure... i am going to give it the benefit of the doubt for the time being until or unless i learn elsewise...

in any event mbd is in need of at least eliyahu hanavi's imput and even according to the ramchal... his very own extraordinary level of nevuah... in fact now that i think on the subject... what if mby needs eliyahu's help and mbd doesn't except for eliyahu announcing three days prior that mbd is here and about to proclaim and assume his true destined and rightful malchut toppling all the others in the world (hamaven yaven)... destroying all the remaining "idols" blocking mankind's vision of Hashem's rule on earth... may it come today still... nik. out...
467   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rambam and Yishuv Haaretz  on: May 23, 2006, 04:24:27 AM 
both of those two last points are not the rambam's own words... they are verbatim quotes from the gemora... both of them from the last perek in ketubot between 110-111 or so... nik.
468   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?  on: May 23, 2006, 04:20:55 AM 
and rav binyamin wrote that that last point is a misnomer because we all do know where the mizbeach goes and as far as amalek goes right you are... they damn well exisit as the gra writes in the end of kol hator that the nexus of esav, yishmael and of the erev rav jews comprise amalek and all of them together in the end of days will have the din of amalek and of such require the sentence of amalek... hence the need for moshiach ben yosef at least if not both plus moshe rebenu to come back to vanquish theerev rav he should never have taken out of mitzrayim with him and us in the first place...

lastly the rav (r. meir) writes that if the melech we appoint in a torah-jewish state prior to moshiach... if he agrees on penalty of death to vacate his throne when moshiach arrivesd... we can even have a temporary king now... tonight... if only we had a revolution or a coup... we could have it all by daybreak... on any given day or night... b'mehayrah v'yamenu... amen selah!!! nik. out... 
469   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 23, 2006, 04:10:26 AM 
no just say the guy from l.a. who was your chavruta and was close to rav bulman in migdal haemek... he knows me and don't be coy... i already acknowledged who i was to you awhile back... nik.
470   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rambam and Yishuv Haaretz  on: May 22, 2006, 09:13:58 PM 
i'll have to recheck in sefer harayon hayehudi but i know from other sources like "why be jewish" that rav meir says that the rambam holds that it is asur to abandon the land of israel into the hands of they goyim whenever we are strong enough to prevent it... and he brings down that it is also asur to sell or give them an achuzah b'aretz... even a grip of any sort on even the smallest portion of it... so you learn out from there his shita that ergo living in eretz yisroel is a mitzvah even though "yishuv" per say is not mefuresh part of taryag mitzvot according to the rambam... but since we are not allowed to ever give it away or sell it off... well then memaelah he holds that it is understood and not necessary to be a separate commandment in the torah to live there because since we are bidden to kovesh it, take possession and never willingly relinquish it to any individual goy or gentile nation ... then i think it is safe to say that he feels we should reason and infer from these 2 other mitzvot that we have an obligation to live in the land whenever possible given our exile-state and downtrodden status... surely today he would say we almost have no excuse to live elsewhere except for those heterim brought down in halacha... that in extreme crisis' are we allowed to depart from it... for learning purposes if far superior opportunity for growth lies elsewhere for this particular student... or to find a zivug... or in case of severe famine or other hardships (war? rav meir says no... there is no heter to leave then) but solely for parnosa... and so to sum up... it is and it is not a mitzvah to live in the land in an objective sense by direct command according to the rambam (as opposed to the ramban who says there is a direct decree to live there)... nonetheless i believe that i can say from the rambam's writings that he felt that every jew should at least try and make the attempt to live there... and i am certain that in our day he would be remonstrating against our abandonment of the land and the consequent danger this imposes on kl'al yisroel to be "over" on the two mitzvot there are legabi yishuv haaretz... two prohibitions... not to give it away or sell it or to give a tfisah to goyim on any part of it... by our not living there in greater numbers to stymie these threats to our possession of it we are indeed all chayiv and will indeed be judged accordingly... Hashem have mercy on our souls... we must go up in greater numbers or we will lose our chelek there one way or another... hope this helps you out... chas v'shalom... nik.out 
471   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: When do we detach ourselves from the Knesset?  on: May 22, 2006, 07:55:56 PM 
you are so correct... and just remember... in zechariah:14 it says... and i quote...

"...and yehudah will fight (along) with gog AGAINST yerushalayim!!!"

and my rav... rav nachman bulman zt"l always used to tell us... "yosef" or "ephraim and menashe" always means the worldly and even secular and irreligious jew thru history and "yehudah" means the frum and even the scholarly and rabbinic jew in history... nik. out
472   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ***the british are coming for us all... parts# 7a &7b...*** (now complete)...  on: May 22, 2006, 05:45:38 PM 
"midnight rambler"
(by mick jagger & keith richards of the rolling stones)...

"did you hear about the midnight rambler
everybody got to go
did you hear about the midnight rambler
the one that shut the kitchen door
he don't give you a hoot of warning
wrapped up in a black cat cloak
he don't go in the light of the morning
he split the time the [censored]'rel crows

talkin' about the midnight gambler
the one you never seen before
talkin' about the midnight gambler
did you see him jump the garden wall
sighin' down the wind so sadly
listen and you'll hear him moan
well, talkin' about the midnight gambler
everybody got to go

did you hear about the midnight rambler
well, honey, it's no rock 'n' roll show
well, i'm talkin' about the midnight gambler
yeah, the one you never seen before

oh don't do that, oh don't do that, oh don't do that
don't you do that, don't you do that (repeat)
oh don't do that, oh don't do that (repeat)

well you heard about the boston strangler
it's not one of those
well, talkin' 'bout the midnight... shh...
the one that closed the bedroom door

i'm called the hit-and-run raper in anger
the knife-sharpened tippie-toe...
or just the shoot 'em dead, brainbell jangler
you know, the one you nevwer seen before

so if you ever meet the midnight rambler
coming down your marble hall
well he's pouncing like a proud black panther
well, you can say i, i told you so!
well, don't you listen for the midnight rambler
he'll leave his footprints up and down your hall
and did you hear about the midnight gambler
and did you see me make my midnight call

and if you ever catch the midnight rambler
i'll steal your mistress from under your nose
i'll go easy with your cold fanged anger
i'll stick my knife right down your throat, baby
and it hurts!"

"midnight rider"
(by gregg allman and kendall payne of the allman brothers)...

"well, i've got to run to keep from hiding,
and i'm bound to keep on riding.
and i've got one more silver dollar,
but i'm not gonna let them catch me, no
not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider.

and i don't own the clothes i'm wearing,
and the road goes on forever,
and i've got one more silver dollar,
but i'm not gonna let them catch me, no
not gonna let 'em catch the midnight rider.

and i've gone by the point of caring,
some old bed i'll soon be sharing,
and i've got one more silver dollar,

(repeat three times and fade)
but i'm not gonna let 'em catch me, no
not gonna let them catch the midnight rider..."

"one way out"
(by the allman brothers)...

"ain't but one way out baby, L-rd, i just can't go out the door.
ain't but one way out baby, and L-rd i just can't go out the door.
cause there's a man down there, might be your man i don't know.

L-rd you got me trapped woman, up on the second floor;
if i get by this time i won't be trapped no more.
so raise our window baby, i can ease out soft and slow.
and L-rd, your neighbors, no they won't be
talking that stuff that they don't know.

L-rd, i'm foolish to be here in the first place,
i know some man gonna walk in and take my place.
ain't no way in the world, i'm going out that front door
cause there's a man down there, might be your man i don't know.
cause there's a man down there, might be your man i don't know.
cause there's a man down there...

L-rd, it just might happen to be your man...
L-rd, it just might be your man,
oh baby, i just don't know..."

"logical song"
(by supertramp)...

"when i was young, it seemed that life was so wonderful,
                a miracle, oh it was beautiful, magical.
and all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happily,
                      joyfully, playfully watching me.
but then they send me away to teach me how to be sensible,
                      logical, responsible, practical.
and they showed me a world where i could be so dependable,
                       clinical, intellectual, cynical.

there are times when all the world's asleep,
            the questions run too deep
               for such a simple man.
won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
                   i know it sounds absurd
                 but please tell me who i am.

now watch what you say or they'll be calling you a radical,
                        liberal, fanatical, criminal.
      won't you sign up your name, we'd like to feel you're
         acceptable, respectable, presentable, a vegetable!

                 at night, when all the world's asleep,
                        the questions run so deep
                           for such a simple man.
      won't you please, please tell me what we've learned
                          i know it sounds absurd
                       but please tell me who i am..."

""fool's overture"
(by supertramp)...

"history recalls how great the fall can be
while everybody's sleeping, the boats put out to sea
borne on the wings of time
it seemed the answers were so easy to find
"too late", the prophet's cry
the island 's sinking, let's take to the sky

called the man a fool, stripped him of his pride
everyone was laughing up until the day he died
and though the wound went deep
still he's calling us out of our sleep
my friends, we're not alone
He waits in silence to lead us home

so tell me that you find it hard to grow
well i know, i know, i know
and you tell me that you've many seeds to sow
well i know, i know, i know

can you hear what i'm saying
can you see the parts that i'm playing
'holy man, rocker man, come on queenie,
joker man, spider man, blue eyed meanie"
so you found your solution
what will be your last contribution?
'live it up, rip it up, why so lazy?
give it out, dish it out, let's go crazy,

"crime of the century"
(by supertramp)...

"now they're planning the crime of the century
what will it be?
read all about their schemes and adventuring
it's well worth a fee
so roll up and see
and they rape the universe
how they've gone from bad to worse
who are these men of lust, greed and glory?
rip off the masks and let's see.
but that's not right ~ oh no, what's the story?
there's you and there's me
that can't be right..."

"bloody well right"
(by supertramp)...

"so you think your schooling's phoney
i guess it's hard not to agree
you say it all depends on money
and who is in your family tree
right, you're bloody well right
you know you got a right to say
right, you're bloody well right
you know you got a right to say

ha-ha you're bloody well right
you know you're right to say
yeah-yeah you're bloody well right
you know you're right to say
me, i don't care anyway!
write your problems down in detail
take them to a higher place
you've had your cry ~ no, i should say wail
in the meantime hush your face
right, quite right, you're bloody well right...
you know you got a right to say..."

(by supertramp)...
yes, yes by supertramp yet again
but i promise you it's the very last one...

"i can see you in the morning when you go to school
don't forget your books, you know you've got to to learn the golden rule,

teacher tells you stop your play and get on with your work
and be like johnnie-too-good, well don't you know he never shirks
~ he's coming along!

after school is over you're playing in the park
don't be out too late, don't let it get too dark
they tell you not to hang around and learn what life's about
and grow up just like them ~ won't you let it work it out
~ and you're full of doubt...

don't do this and don't do that
what are they tring to do? ~ make a good boy of you
do they know where it's at?
don't criticize, they're old and wise
do as they tell you to
don't want the devil to
come out and put out your eyes

maybe i'm mistaken expecting you to fight
or maybe i'm just crazy, i don't know wrong from right
but while i am still living, i've just got this to say
it's always up to you if you want to be that
want to see that
want to see that way
~ you're coming along!"

i'll make this short here and leave the main part for the big finale to come soon afterwards...

this next bit of truth comes straight from rav meir via his son rav binyamin in "the haggadah of the jewish idea"... itis on page.... and it is a perush on one of the songs we sing at the end of the seder... listen up... it is about Hashem and eliyahu hanavi... both known as "the midnight rider"...

473   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 22, 2006, 04:35:37 PM 
say hello for me and give him my warmest regards... we saw each other earlier this year here in l.a. one shabat... he knows what i'm doing... "death-davening" and all... we discussed it together... nik. out...
474   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Kook and Rav Zonnenfeld on rare video from 1918  on: May 22, 2006, 03:41:15 PM 
what you all should notice is how none of the rabbis shook any arab's hand on the way out... nor even nodded at them nor did any of the filthy arabs make any gesture of salutation towards them... doesn't any of this seem strange to any of you...? i mean look... the meeting was supposed to be between all three parties and factions for setting up an amicable partnership for shepherding the jewish state into existence with arab approval and cooperation and via the wise stewardship and experienced leadership of the masters of the earth... the bloody efing brits...  and you should also take notice of the fact that the british were there in full military regailia... hence the general seen in the last frame in the doorway at the top of the stairs... a diplomatic meeting for the league of nation's planned for british mandate for the middle east and palestine would not have required a military presence until and unless the troops were brought up from egypt AFTER the agreements were all signed and the provisions of the accord put into place... and furthermore... why weren't any of the arab "dignitaries" invited to participate in the meeting? they don't even appear to care that they were made to wait outside... they are just standing there calm as can be... so i smell a rat... this looks to me like the old bait, hook and switch ploy... tell the jews one thing but really mean the opposite as per the prior agreed to terms already configured and offered to the arabs (the otherside)... divide and conquer people... divide and conquer... so what we see here if you look with knowing eyes... is the double-dealing betrayal and double-cross of the future state of israel and of the jewish people being set up and put into operation...... this is a sick video and huge evidence of collusion between the arabs and british neither of whom even bother to escort away or salute the rabbanim as they departed... no they are much too busy enjoying each other's company at that very moment as is clearly visible to anyone viewing this clip... all smiles for each other and buddy-buddy but not toward the religious jew... and so we can see the dagger to the back being set in motion at that very meeting... and by the way... where were all of the mucky-muck big-shots from the jewish agency...? ben gurion? weizman? they are nowhere to be seen... are they all out to lunch or still inside planning for the holocaust against their own brothers and sisters and children... (the plot we see being fomented and aimed mostly at eastern-european and largely torah observant jews)... is that what they were doing at that moment after the rabbanim were all dismissed... they were remaining behind to assist the brits in hatching the shoah and preparing for their own sinister and diabolical role in it...? nik. out...
475   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hizbullah poised to attack the targets in NYC, throughout the US  on: May 22, 2006, 03:28:40 PM 
if they are then they are doing so at the behest of the powers-behind-the throne of good ol' dubya... yemach shemam v'zichram l'olam vaed... (and that includes ol'georgie boy and his father and all their families and cronies)... murdering for the sake of more and more increased power over us and utter domination of the entire earth... nik. out...
476   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?  on: May 22, 2006, 03:25:56 PM 
then obviously they hid it in order for it to be revealed and returned to the kodesh kodoshim l'atid lavo when moshiach rebuilds the eternal third bayit.... that sound about right? nik. out...
477   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: response to a friend...  on: May 22, 2006, 05:41:27 AM 
anyone wishing to view the pics he sent along with this message send me your e-mail address and i will forward them to you... i can't figure out why they won't copy and paste with the text... nik.
478   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / response to a friend...  on: May 22, 2006, 05:32:46 AM 
yeah i here you man... but let's talk sometime and
i'll show you that the war against them can be won in
15 minutes simply by nuking mecca and medina and being
done with it already!!! no... this they won't do for
some reason known only to G-d (and to me... shh don't
tell anyone...) we know why because they are in league
with them to conquer and rule the earth together...
because if the arab/muslim world really was such a
G-d-awful danger as they say it is... why would anyone
hesitate even a second to do the deed that needs to be
done and get the job finished forever...? so by logic
there must be no solid reason to go to war against
them in the first order... secondly... if they would
they would be attacking their own partners and that
they do not want to have to do... until and unless
they really get out of hand and start betraying the
accord and understanding they have between them... a
war which is sure to come eventually because of the
torah maxim... "that two kings cannot where one
crown..." to which i personally add on... "nor can
there be two crowns fashioned for both to rule
simultaneously..." it will be either/or and not both
together in the end if they ever get that far as to
indeed conquer the entire planet and re-enslave the
whole of humanity as it was during the days of nimrod
and thereafter under paro in egypt at the beginning of
the history of mankind... and so, therefore... the
charade of the islamic power and seeming menace to the
world and civilization as a whole is propped-up and
artificially maintained... it is pure fiction in
reality as already explained because they are only one
mega-nuke away from silencing the mouth of the entire
arab/muslim world... stopping them forever from their
prosyletizing and their attempt to force islam to
sweep the globe...

and thus the pagan "christian world" run via the
vatican and by their jesuit-goons and agents-
provacatuer everywhere and anywhere know all of this
and have the upperhand meanwhile still and know they
can finish the muslims off any old time they want to
or anytime they have to if the yishmaelim ever break
fee and ever pose a serious and legitimate threat to
esav's existence and his quest for eternal world
domination... a thorough denomination which includes
one even over the G-d of israel... even over their
long-ago already acknowledged Creator... even so they
want to deny Him His hegemony over the earth and
pretend He never existed or even better that He has
finally been banished and/or vanquished from this
world and from the earth by them forever... and so
they align with their sworn and bitter enemy cousin
and brother-in-law and together they are intent upon
destroying and murdering their own brother yaakov...
and to do this at last in history and be done with it
they are conjoined with their co-conspirators and
their co-equal counterpart of the pagan islamic
faction within the islamic/arab/muslim world ...
neither of them really believing in the ultimate truth
of their own respective religions and creeds; let
alone each others'... but hating judaism and torah and
everything it and the jewish people and "their" G-d
stand for... and already having declared a war to the
death on us centuries ago... during the first crusades
(1096)... if not even earlier... certainly this is
true if only later on by the time of shabbtai tvi and
jacob frank heresies in the 1660's and early 1700's...
followed closely upon these by the next century's
goyish contingent of black nobility and
bavarian-illuminati sickness... and thus all of these
regenerations of evil within and without the jewish
world have continued down through history with one
goal in mind... destroy the torah jewry and torah-true
judaism... never let the messiah come and never ever
allow the third temple to be built... unless it can be
a co-opted and transformed into their vision of a
one-world and one-religion new world order... a
masonic/satanic/demonic one to their bosphorous idol
and god... (to devil worship ba'al, molech and other
gnostic deities)...  and so the descendants of these
progenitor and prior generations of fascists and
reshayim are the very ones continuing this battle of
darkness against light... wickedness against
righteousnenss... evil against goodness down to our
own day and age... and of course ultimately they are
the ones fighting for the triumph of sheker
(falsehood) over emet (truth) and right now they
appear to have the upperhand and are winning and
furthermore they are poised on the very verge of
ultimate victory... and so in this era's current
incarnation of this evil monstrous beastial
blaspheming group of would-be world despots and
tyrants we see their cabal (their secular,
technological, financial, educational/media and
propaganda machine replete with military, governmental
and clerical-driven compartments, thusly-constituted
and comprised entity or oligarchy)... and they... THEY
are the one's scheming and plotting and propping up
this supposed threat from our actual and in truth
enemy... the arab world... but an enemy we could
nonetheless easily dispatch and eliminate at will and
without bloodshed... without the spilling of their
despicable blood which really should be and deserves
to be genocided off the face of the earth or more
importantly without need for the shedding of our own
(our jewish and our truly decent and friendly gentile
neighbors across the planet) blood...

but no... we are told one day (on 9/11)... of the
sudden need for a generational "war on terrorism"
which turns out to be only a ruse and just a ploy for
their own advantage, advancement and increased control
over the earth and over all of us... and what this
really is in all actuality and in real truth... is
their brazen creation of, manufacture of and
utilization of a worldwide crisis for their own
increased power and control... (and by the way... at
the very least the same was true about both world
wars... 1&2... if not true about all warfare
throughout history... all done in order to place
wealth and power in the hands of an ever-shrinking
amount of people across the world)... and so the cabal
are weilding this tragedy and this supposedly
"unprovoked attack" as their means, excuse and sword
to accomplish all of their manifold and thoroughly
sick, diabolical and demented goals and ends... they
are using nothing more than an artifice, a ruse, a
trick, a slight-of-hand and outright prevaracations to
foist this travesty and fraudulent deception and
duplitious device upon us which is sureal and nothing
but the creation and child of their own sordid and
disgusting matunations (this utter falsehood of a
supposedly real attack by our enemies upon the
supposedly unsuspecting and innocent "freedom-loving"
and democratic peoples of the world) and they are
milking and manipulating this for all it is worth in
order to dominate and re-entrench into serfdom the
truly freedom-loving peoples everywhere and in order
to deny us our birthright... our G-d-given and
inalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of
service to the one true G-d and thus the path to our
(the entire human race's) entitlement of life and
freedom of conscience and action to pursue the Divine
G-d's true will for our achieving eternal happiness,
brotherhood and tranquility... and they further seek
the removal from us of our human-worth, dignity and
equality along with all of our just and desired rights
and liberties... as expressed by G-d in the torah and
as He had infused and inspired into america's
founding- forefathers the desire to emulate His torah
when they penned their own document yearning for peace
and freedom and thus they broke-through to the
awareness of His omniscience and omnipotence and the
need to strive for truth and to work toward the
eradication of all tyranny and despotism from the life
of man upon this earth...

and so this especially is the goal of these
bloodthirsty, avaracious and arrogant wild beasts who
seek our total enslavement back into the harsh chains
of bondage... a bondage to last for all time now...
and so they strive to be able to break our torah and
constitutional independence from their overpowering
rule and from the abject slavery to their idolatrous
god's hegemony which they desire as well to lead us
all into and use it as a club and a prop to weild an
enthralling domination over us and cause their might
and our natural fear of and aversion to violence and
to their stifling and cruel rulership to silence us
and render us completely impotent to rise up
courageously and rebel against them... and so that and
in order that their will and their dominanace and
their sheer barbarism and terror hold sway over us and
in this way they hope they can and will then vanquish
us and make their malchut (kingship) have permanence
over all of us forevermore... over jew and gentile

the elite "in-club" is very small compared to the rest
of us the "great unwashed" as they deem us and term
us... and they wish things to remain like this forever
with no chance of our eventual conquest of them...
this is amalek (and gog u'maygog) and they are trying
to conquer the world and destroy israel, the land of
israel and the G-d of israel... all of whom they hate
and have had a blood-fued with  throughout the entire
course of human history... and they wish their empire
to crush and smother us once and for all so that their
rule can be eternal and total... but Hashem will
defeat them and wipe THEM off the face of the earth
instead and moshiach will be sent to us to usher in
the final redemption... you just wait and see...
nik... out...

a friend sent this to me... which prompted this
response of mine... check it out...
> This was sent to me.  All I can say is Wow!  Are we
> prepared for this in
> "our" streets?
> *Subject:* Religion of Peace
> *
> **         Islam's "Religion of Peace" street
> demonstration
> *
> **
> **
> *
> **WE may not be at  war with THEM, *
> *but THEY sure are with US! *
> **
> *
> When will our media  wake up?
>   *
> *Below I  have enclosed pictures  of Moslems *
> **
> *who marched  throughout the streets of  London   *
> **
> *during their  recent Religion  of Peace
> Demonstration.   *
> **
> *These  pictures have never been  shown *
> **
> *in any of  our American *
> **
> *newspapers or  television news programs *
> **
> *because  we should  never appear to offend anyone!
> *
> **
> *View the  pictures...and read on! *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> * *
> **
> *Why would  anyone think *
> **
> *that  we should be at war *
> **
> *with  such nice, peaceful  Moslems?! *
> **
> **
> **
> *Can a  devout Muslim be an American patriot and a
> loyal citizen? *
> *
> Theologically, no.   Because his allegiance is to
> Allah, the moon god of
> Arabia.
> Scripturally, no.   Because his allegiance is to the
> five pillars of Islam
> and the Quran  (Koran).
> Geographically, no.   Because his allegiance is to
> Mecca, to which he turns
> in prayer five times a  day.
> Socially, no.   Because his allegiance to Islam
> forbids him to make friends
> with Christians or  Jews.
> Politically, no.   Because he must submit to the
> mullah (spiritual leaders),
> who teach  annihilation of Israel and destruction of
> America, the great
> Satan.
> Domestically, no.   Because he is instructed to
> marry four women and beat
> and scourge his wife  when she disobeys him (Quran
> 4:34).
> Religiously, no.   Because no other religion is
> accepted by his Allah except
> Islam (Quran,  2:256)
> Intellectually,  no.   Because he cannot accept the
> American  Constitution
> since it is based on Biblical principles and he
> believes the  Bible to be
> corrupt.
> Philosophically,  no.   Because Islam, Muhammad, and
> the Quran do not allow
>  freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and
> Islam cannot co - exist.
>  Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or
> autocratic.
> Spiritually,  no.   Because when we declare "one
> nation under God," the
>  Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is
> NEVER referred to as our
>  heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the
> Quran's 99 excellent
> names.
> Therefore after much study and  deliberation....
> perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS
> in this country. They
>  obviously cannot be both good Muslims and good
> Americans.  Call it what
>  you's still the truth.   If you find
> yourself intellectually in
> agreement with the above, perhaps you  will share
> this with your friends.
>  The more who understand this, the  better it will
> be for our country. Pass
> it on Fellow Americans...... The religious war is
> bigger than we   know.
> *
> ------ End of Forwarded Message

479   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: cause for concern...infamous yellow star is back  on: May 22, 2006, 05:25:25 AM 
thanks yby...
480   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I could use some help  on: May 22, 2006, 05:13:56 AM 
it also says in bereshit that Hashem told yitzchak to remain in the land promised him and his father and not leave and go like avraham did down to mitzrayim due to the famine which also broke out in yitz's lifetime soon after avraham's death... he was then stationed in gerar by the plishtim lead by avimelech and so we see yitz. who as an olah temimah because of the akeda was not allowed to leave eretz yisroel and had not done so in his move out from hebron and be'ershevah to gerar and though he wondered whether he should then follow completely in his father's footsteps was told by Hashem not to... and we further know that the plishtim always lived in aza... or gaza as we call it today... asdod and ashkelon were their main cities which we eventually took from them as we have once again done in history to the filthy "palestinians" (kain yirbu)... and so gaza was always and is still intended to be a part of eretz yisroel and must be finally (never was fully by us) conquered someday once and for all... nik. out...
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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481   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 21, 2006, 06:43:00 PM 
we were chavrutot in ohr somayach in the late 70's... nik.
482   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: When do we detach ourselves from the Knesset?/56 years ago...  on: May 21, 2006, 06:42:02 PM 
oh my G-d... this red-line has been crossed long ago by what they did to us during the holocaust... this is a sick rabbi full of fear and cowardice!!!! nik.
483   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: cause for concern...infamous yellow star is back/time fpr war!!!  on: May 21, 2006, 06:15:39 PM 
everyone should check out the gemora in sanhedrin 91 or 2 i think but nevertheless you can find it quoted on daf beit amud beit in a tosfot in avodah zara... that "edom (rome) will finally conquer peras (iran) and rule over the entire earth for 9 months and then moshiach will come..." if this occurs we are going to be redeemed then in a beito-fashion as those 9 months will be agony like childbirth... after they think they have it all... yishmael will inform and intice esav that he hasn't got it all because yerushalayim is still not in his total possession and he (gog) will then come against the land of israel to complete his total conquest and will be utterly decimated and destroyed by Hashem... now it is sad that american and british troops will perish and disappear when it is their leaders back home doing satan's bidding... but it must somehow be just or Hashem would not do this to them... they must be chayiv because they all should have known (as christians) to keep their hands off of Hashem's holy city and throne... but since they won't they are going to get it but good.... big-time!!! and so they all should refuse those orders if and when they come to march on eretz yisroel and if they don't they will be wiped out completely... and this if it happens will be a great development for all the decent folk on this planet and in this world for then we can finally vanquish and throw-off the yoke of the evildoers... the memshelet zadon which stalks the earth down thru the ages and whose reign has meant nothing but terror and horror for all good, decent and G-d-fearing peoples everywhere... and who are the truthful power-base and war-mongers of this earth... without an army at their disposal they will at long-last become ripe and easy pickings for us to wreak our long-awaited and yearned for and destined vengeance upon them for all the evil and bloodshed that they have rained down upon us all... jews and decent gentiles together...

BUT in truth and in deed they are bound to do all the above... and while it will seem good for the jews to get rid of iran and it will be just for peras to be duly punished for their exile  and oppression of us... still a huge element in all of this will be terrible for it will spell the final ascent of esav and from these lofty heights of power and might rivalling G-d's own omnipotence... he will torture his brother yaakov good and hard... and even if this is to be short-lived it will still be pure agony and pure hell on earth for all of us during those 9 months before moshaich finally arises... so i dread this prophecy coming true as much as i welcome it to hurt and destroy the persian empire... for it would be far better if we jews did the bombing and the conquering as this would make esav's descent and fall come earlier without reaching its zenith which in the end would spare us much, much yesurim and suffering... (if only we could be truly worthy of this... halevai!!!)... as all negative prophecies do not have to come true or be fulfilled if we jews and/or mankind in general do tshuvah... in any event any of you pulling for america to do this is insane... insane for what i just revealed to you and insane because nothing america ever does is solely and purely for or in the name of freedom... though they never tire trying to convince us that this is so about all of their foreign ventures and conquests...  for in truth... in the end... america has been and still is no different in governance and in terms of the exercise of sheer, raw power... than any other goyish nation in history from nimrod's era and rule on down... and the sooner we understand this and breakthrough the blinders we have on or have allowed ourselves to be fitted with and constricted and shackled by... all the very much better off we will finally and actually be... nikmatdam...
484   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: is it allowed to rebuild the temple?/yes!!!  on: May 21, 2006, 05:32:43 PM 
r. binyamin said yes in many articles in his darke shel torah... first of all "tumah hutra b'tzibur..." if the whole or even just rov of the am is tamei then the avodah b'mikdash is mutar... any and all except yom kippur's kodesh kadashim chelek of the avodat hayom... secondly we do know where everything goes and went... small machloketim remain on minute details but everything is basically laid out in mishnayot midot in seder kodshim... third... even though the final bayit proportionally is supposed to be much larger than even the first one was as per the nevuot of yechezkeil... still we can build ours to the first or second one's scale and moshiach can correct and expand it later after he arrives... and of course for that one we need help al pi navi... eliyahu hanavi... to teach us what to do and where... and how as well... lastly even according to those who maintain it is forbidden to now on our own build the temple... we could still erect shuls and yeshivot on the herodian parts of har habayit which do not have the same kedushat hamakom as the main areas... and we could build even the tiniest of mizbachot and offer up most korbonot afilu b'tumah and afilu bli the bayit... obviously then the avodah b'fnim would prevent some korbonot from being done and make it impossible to fully do other korbonot not to mention the other avodot like the menorah and the b'samim... but if we were able to do just the two olot hatamid for a few weeks or months... i bet you moshiach would come and we would have it all restored in no time but the goyim around the world and their jewish goyim kapos know this and that is why they all collude to prevent us from even saying a sh'hakol up there... yemach shemam v'zichram l'olam vaed... for this hatred and vicious rishut they will all pay and they will burn forever... nik. out....
485   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 21, 2006, 12:44:52 PM 
got it from rabbi avraham sutton's translation/perush on the first 2 chapters of kol hator... nik.
486   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 21, 2006, 12:43:00 PM 
i would never do that... i reserve that for the gov. types jewish and non... and for their jewish leadership (sic)... and their stupid, vapid... "rabbis"... nik.
487   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!/and another thing here...  on: May 21, 2006, 01:21:21 AM 
one more point here... the gra in his day and he said so openly... felt he was moshiach ben yosef... and said that all the great leaders have been in previous generations... so then the rambam had no reason to write about mby since he was it and he hoped that after him we would only need to wait for mbd which he does give us the guidelines for what and who he is supposed to be... but mby was not necessary to record.. just my thinking outside the box is all... b'torat  efsher and ulai.... nik. out...
488   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / One of Rav Binyomin's Best!/study the coming of mbd just don't calculate it...  on: May 21, 2006, 01:15:20 AM 
the rambam and the others told us not to try and predict the exact date and time of redemption... we are permitted to learn all we want about it and the coming of moshiach...sefer daniel's closing perakim are what they objected to our utilizing and trying to be machshev the keitz... predicting it is forbidden... not to think about it or discuss it openly... we are taught that we will be judged upon first whether we set aside time for talmud torah... whther we were honest in business and whether or not we expected, waited for or yearned for the coming of moshiach... so machshev means to consider it in terms of when... not the pondering of it as to the what, where why and how of it... or else why did the rambam teach us hilchot melachim with the keitz included... and even despite their own orders to us against predicitng when... they all... rambam, ramban, etc. all had dates they openly revealed to am yisroel in their days as auspicious times or segulah years when moshiach might have or might come easier then than in previous or future years... they weren't all mistaken or wrong because he didn't show up back then... no... the real truth is we have all blown it... over and over and over again... we are just not zoche... and we have never been worthy of being redeemed... even from mitzrayim or bavel we weren't... so much so that Hashem had to start the final redemption by Himself without us... (see yechezkeil:36)... and He has been forced by us make it agonizingly slow with much tragedy and horror and heartache... (the holocaust and 5 wars with the efing arab world)... we are presently in yet another segulah year... like back in '48 and '56... and '67 and '73... and '82... these next two years 2006-2007 are vital and crucial... after or if and when they pass without moshiach arriving, G-d forbid... we may have a long wait ahead of us for another excellent chance to usher in the messianic era and complete the final redemption process... it is solely and completely all up to us... all up to all the jews on the planet... just like it always has been all along the way... all along our tortured journey thru history... nikmatdam...
489   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 21, 2006, 12:56:26 AM 
outreach... teaching... writing... kiruv... befriending... the normal ways...
490   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: cause for concern...infamous yellow star is back/learn jews from history...  on: May 21, 2006, 12:55:12 AM 
for once in our history may we finally learn from it and do something about a problem before it gets out of hand... time to stamp iran's ticket for their one-way trip back to the stone-ages... we (america and israel) should have cleaned their clock 30 years ago already... but now is the time to send them all packing... all the imams and ayatollahs... time to dispatch them all to allah and mohamid so that they can begin roasting away in gehenom along with him... only the utter insanity of israel keeps us from having wasted them yesterday already... and every passing day not only makes us more vulnerable and more exposed but more hesitant and much sicker in the head as well... furthermore only the vast jew-hatred in the world among the ruling aristocracies keeps these powers at bay... allowing iran to get anywhere near a bomb... or for that matter tolerating any moslem nuke anywhere in the world even for a single hour... the world is out of its flippin' gourd... nik. out to get 'em good once and for all...
491   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rebbe of Gur and Rabbi Shteineman Cancel Canada Visit  on: May 21, 2006, 12:42:12 AM 
fyi... breaking news... update.... btwym yby... shh... keep this quiet... raul walenberg was a goy... you heard me... a great goy... one of the greatest goyim of all-time... one of the very rare class of tzdekei umot haolam... and in their present configuration... i'd take one r.w. over any amount of nks... nik. out... 
492   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / One of Rav Binyomin's Best!/moshiach as explained by the rambam & gra...  on: May 19, 2006, 12:50:45 AM 
the rambam doesn't give us any indication of how we can hasten the geulah... that is true... BUT he does tell us how to recognize moshiach and i quote...

"if someone stands up from within b'nai yisroel claiming to be a navi... he must go before the sanhedrin and give three nevuot of prediction of natural phenomena... like a volcano eruption, tidal wave or an earthquake... time, date and place... etc. if he is right in all three we confirm him as a navi... (as he has displayed that he has a chazaka) and is now a muchzok in regards to Hashem speaking to him... and in our eyes he becomes a bonifide prophet whom we all are obligated from then on to listen to what he tells us to do or not to do...

as for moshiach... the rambam clearly states that for someone to be considered and regarded as mbd... as the long heralded moshiach... he also must create a chazaka... but of a different kind in nature... he must in-gather the exiled jewish people... all of them from around the globe... and then we think him a possible moshiach... then he must lead us in battle against our enemies and be victorious against them until a permanent peace is forged and established... and then he becomes a probable moshiach and when he then at long last... finally builds the beit hamikdash and completes it... then he is vadai moshiach without any further doubt... and he becomes our king then for the rest of this world's history... until techiat hamatim when david hamelech himself will again reassume the throne forever... "

rambam further goes on to say that anyone doing none of the above to 100% fulfillment or only one or two of the above but not all three... is either a failed moshiach or a false one depending on who he really is and what he gets done in the way explicitly stated for moshiach to accomplish... but when someone does all 3 and to absolute resolution and perfection then he and he alone has proven himself to be moshiah ben david and he can keep the throne... however until he does all of this avodah he is just a hopeful contender for the throne... we only will know for sure retroactively...

none of which is the case by moshiach ben yosef... for he will only be successful if we are worthy otherwise he will die... he is destined to be killed... murdered... assassinated... before he can link up with mbd... but the gra says the first thing mbd will ask Hashem for is the techiat hamatim of mby... and Hashem will grant him his wish... and then together they will do all of the 3 mandated goals as just stated above...     

the question then becomes... if Hashem will raise him up upon mbd's request... again if and only if we are not found sufficiently worthy for him to not have to die to begin with... so if it becomes NECESSARY FOR HIM TO DIE BECAUSE OF OUR SINS... but Hashem will rise him up... why kill him in the first place...?

answer because of our sins we need this pachad and final test of our emunah to see who will give up after his petirah and throw in the towel so to speak and lose their faith and trust in Hashem and deserve punishment for failing to remain faithful... that's why and that is what in our generation has happened by the tragic loss of rav meir and/or his son reb binyamin... hy"damayhem... so keep the faith baby!!! nik. out...
493   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 18, 2006, 12:59:37 PM 
but there is a big difference between those who wouldn't leave and those who left and moshe would not abandon them to their own devices when they stalled and balked and became too frightened to continue on... now you could (and you did) say that the 4/5 are like american jewry... and they are... but that means at least 1/5 remains to be rescued and i work to save them... nik. out
494   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 18, 2006, 12:56:48 PM 
amen... the truth of the torah will come to power when we all rise up as one and demand it... otherwise we will sit silently and wait a longggggg time for Hashem to save us and do this for us... nik. out
495   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ISRAEL- Important!!! Please read all!  on: May 18, 2006, 03:04:34 AM 
don't wish to douse the flames of your entusiasm... but letter writing campaigns and call-flooding won't work because it is amer. and brit. themselves driving this effort to get the pm of is. to "volunteer" to unilaterally withdraw when all along it is and always has been the coersion of the memshelet zadon around the world... the goyish filth and vile blasphemers and haters of G-d who have been pushing, brow-beating, haranguing, remonstrating, demanding and blackmailing israel to capitulate and fall back to the pre-'67 aushwitz borders... not so peace will finally be achieved but in order to all the more easily wipe israel off the map... anyone giving any credence to or putting their faith in the goyish despots and their rubber-stamp governments is sadly mistaken and in for a very rude awakening... if not an altogether outrageously shocking and eye-opening wound to the heart... and all of this is quite simply the truth...  nik. out and very sorry to have to burst your bubble on the real reality and actual picture of things as they truly are on both the political as well as on the religious fronts in the waging of this war to the death with all of our manifold enemies including and especially so... america and great britain... with full awareness of the enemy's forces arrayed against us with such vicious and i might add such overwhelming derech hatevah odds for defeating us which bring me nothing but much, much sadness... n.   
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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496   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 18, 2006, 02:14:35 AM 
that is of course correct... but there is work to be done here as well to get the masses of jews willing to go so that they won't have to perish, chalilah, that is true ahavat yisroel... otherwise why didn't moshe rebenu just tell the recalcitrant people... "look i'm going to eretz yisroel... anyone following me... good... anyone wanting to stay here or return to egypt... fine by me... but i'm going to israel now... see ya..." he didn't say this or do that... he cared to shepherd them all in... all or nothing... now i'm not moshe rebenu but we all have a job to care about our fellow jew... "kl'al yisroel aravim zeh lazeh..." we are all responsible for each other... all in the same boat with each other and all guarantors for each other... so i don't need the lecture... i'm totally dedicated to reaching out to bring jews back home to torah and back home to israel... nik. out...
497   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Binyamin's Plan... (the "Last Message")!  on: May 17, 2006, 04:07:29 PM 
great post bk... yes i have read this essay... it was in that yom tov booklet he wrote wasn't it...? anyway... it is the only way to go... 
498   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rebbe of Gur and Rabbi Shteineman Cancel Canada Visit  on: May 17, 2006, 04:04:09 PM 
thanks yby... at least on this issue we are on the same page... nik. out
499   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 17, 2006, 04:01:18 PM 
once again the idea to hurt the goyish economy is NOT to change them.... the government won't anyhow... too arrogant... and the people won't rise up to demand it... too complicit and/or afraid... or apathetic for that matter... the idea of the tuna boycott is to motivate, activate and awaken yidden and then from that point get us all to move to israel and/or until then keep fighting with mesirat nefesh for kl'al yisroel and for eretz yisroel... and to demonstrate to Hashem our willingness to suffer and sacrifice so that He may be willing to redeem us based upon our revitalized faith and new-found unity... nik. out
500   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 17, 2006, 04:45:42 AM 
i'll tell you why we must defy and go after the goyim and not the less powerful and far from in control jewish establishment of shabbtai tzviniks... and that is because we live in america and the jews even the evil ones who are in league with and only being utilized by the goyish powers-that-be have no real power of their own nor are they driving the policy to destroy judaism and eretz yisroel and am yisroel... although they too are for this and are working towards all this... still they are just the "hired help" to get the job done and do the dirty work against the torah jews for them... and thus we must go against the source to accomplish kiddush Hashem by standing up to the real evil and the real deniers of the emet of Hashem and the one sole will of G-d... and by warring against the american and british gov. we are fighting them in their attempt to break us of our mitzvah to hold the land given us by Hashem... for they are the only ones who can break us of torah not the filthy and vile unjewish jews... who have no real and indep. power to begin with... nik. out...   
501   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rebbe of Gur and Rabbi Shteineman just in l.a.  on: May 17, 2006, 01:02:07 AM 
yby is right... they (nk, satmar and any other chredei group against the state) do fight against Hashem... for Hashem just uses these mamzarim in power to get done what He can from their actions His redemption process... and therefore the chasidim should realize this and fight in different ways against the usurpers of G-d's throne rather than join our enemies' side... for were the scum to prevail and topple the state... not only the reshayim jews would die but so would all the decent and G-d fearing ones be slaughtered as well and because of this point the charedim should not be on the side of hamas...

for to side with goyish murderers of our people is worse than a pretend support for the jewish murderers of our people... because there is such a big difference... for whatever is m'kayim the land of israel in jewish hands even if that be in erev rav unjewish jews' hands is much preferable to the geulah being rolled-back and the haters of our G-d and torah and people coming to power to exterminate us... and therein lies the hevdel... at least until the peres/olmert faction actually start juden-reining the west bank and hand over jerusalem to the filthy catholic church with all that these things imply... in which case then there will be no difference between the two groups however even then still you have to side with the crowd that Hashem helps and has helped all these 60 years...

they don't do anything for Hashem or to honor Him and fear Him and seek His will and command as our King... but that's o.k. because it's not up to them or about them it is solely Hashem working behind the scenes for the sake of His holy name... to bring moshiach... He is not using the arab world to accomplish any of all this... He just uses them when we need punishing... but soon He will expose the real culprits behind all this sharade... american and british interests striving for power and wealth which have always thus been driving the events of the middle east...

by the way they were both here in l.a. last night and it was quite an uplifting evening... we were 5000 yidden strong... and their message to us was to ever increase and grow in taharah, kedusha and limud hatorah... but back to the tolpic at hand...

since Hashem does everything... isn't it clear that He has been using this evil gov. of jews to get the ball rolling on redemption... they are nothing... they can be overthrown or thrown over at any nano-second by Him when the time is right... but it is not His will to let His name get degraded and desecrated anymore and so He will continue to operate on israel's side no matter what we or the erev rav jews do... (sure He may punish us from time to time when we refuse to listen... but never again will be driven out into golut or see our land in ashes... overrun by the nazi-islamo-fascists or their nazi-esavite cohorts...

think about this point for a moment and learn a deep insight into the inner-workings of Hashem... if we had all been thoroughly righteous and deserved and were worthy of geulah He would have turned over all the cards already long ago and ended this madness and tragic nightmare even from before the holocaust... but we didn't deserve it... and even the torah world did not deserve it because of in-fighting and causless hatred... and so the shoah happened and also occured all the arab/israeli wars...

BUT... seeing as we were not even worthy from the torah-world view and perspective...Hashem used a ruse to get israel back on-line back in the 40's after almost 2000 years of exile and abject enslavement... and since we didn't deserve any better we did not merit moshiach and the world recognition of our right to eretz yisroel and of Hashem's existence... but nor would the world have ever given us a state even after the holocaust if we were all dati... torah-observant jews... for this jew... the goy has been trying to obliterate from the planet from time immemorial... and so Hashem fooled them and tricked them into giving the jewish people back our land.... to a puppet gov. of traitorous jews whom they thought they could control for all-time and better yet with the help of the holocaust they all planned together... they thought they could destroy the torah jew and make it impossible for him to ever come to power over israel... and so they invested immense power and might into the traitors' camp and they have used it of late for extreme hatred of Hashem and His torah and people... but nonetheless there they all are helping Hashem's redemption process go forward albeit at the snail's pace it is now crawling along at but we do not deserve any more or any better... only now the goy has morphed into gog u'maygog and is coming to retake the land away from kl'al yisroel and deny Hashem His final victory and triumph over them... and so they are even being successful of late to actually roll-back Hashem's redemption process but this too is just a ploy by Hashem to sucker them all in for His killing and slaughtering salvation recorded in navi thousands of years ago...   

but think of it... had we been all frum they never would have ever let us have a state of our own... holocaust or no... because the one thing they will not allow if they can help it... is for moshiach and the third bm to come to pass as envisioned in all the naviim... "ad chetzi hamalchut..." nik. out...

502   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!/another pure gem...  on: May 16, 2006, 11:49:43 AM 
yes... indeed... hallel for yerushalayim even though they plan to give it to the vatican soon simply because G-d once made a miracle for us there in 1967... but r.binyamin says... "those who say hallel and don't back it up with an all-out war against those who would ruin and destroy the miracle are themselves wanting in terms of emunah and mesirat nefesh...." read the article... i couldn't have said it any better than him... oh yeah... it is exactly what i have been saying here for years now... of course i got my inspiration, insight and passion from his words and those of his father in the first place... but that's not the ikar... the main thing is... if we don't rise up and fight... it won't just be the traitors who are to blame but we ourselves as well... and Hashem will surely hold us accountable too... nik. out...
503   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 16, 2006, 11:37:32 AM 
unfortunately your analysis may be correct... but despite it we must make the effort anyway... success or failure is up to Hashem in the end... all He requires of us is our toil... thanks for your imput though... nik. out
504   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re:sorry that all you guys so misunderstand me...  on: May 15, 2006, 03:59:25 PM 
bk i am not issuing any orders... all i am doing is what the founders of this movement had in mind when they started this site... to awaken jews to their heritage and to raise jewish pride... pride in being jewish and pride in their torah legacy... and that is all i am trying to do with all my kochot... nik. out...
505   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why non Jew russians should be exterminated  on: May 15, 2006, 05:23:26 AM 
we should do things l'shaim shemayim and let Hashem protect us or not... His decision to make... while ours is just to stand up for kiddush Hashem and fight chillul Hashem even if we have no one to win the war for us let alone govern the land afterwards if we win... we must be like nachshon ben aminadav and the entire shevat binyamin who were the first to jump into the yam suf... nik. out...
506   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the british are coming and they are just romans in sheep's clothing...  on: May 15, 2006, 02:38:33 AM 
that can't be... bar kochba would have to have been moshiach ben yosef because only a son of rachel can defeat and cause the total downfall of esav (edom ~ rome)... which he almost did... now r. akiva could not have been moshiach ben david either because he was the son of a ger... who among the rest could have been moshiach ben david..?. would have had to come from hillel's line and thus rabban gamaleil and his sons and grandsons... however hillel was only a descendant of david hamelech on his mother's side of the family... ergo he could not be (they all could not be) the line of moshiach ben david... who then and where?

ta da... why in bavel (babylonia) of course... because the resh galutha was always known to be line of malchut extending from david down to the likes of rashii and then the maharal mi prague and from there to the gra or they say those at the very top of the torah world ever since... but back in the days of the resh galutha they were only second best because the gaonate always had spiritual hegemony and sometimes machloketim and harsh disagreements with the resh... and the greater talmedei chachamim were known to have been the successive gaons... from out of this messy entanglement and mix comes down to us someone who in our dor IS ROI AND READY TO BE MOSHIACH BEN DAVID...

so while moshiach ben yosef must deal with esav and fight the military battles and wars... it is moshiach ben david who must defeat yishmael and rally all jews back to torah observance and learning... these are their desifgnated jobs as per the gra in kol hator ("the call of the turtledove..." a remez to redemption) a mystical work about the inner workings and the esoteric and lofty task of the two meshichim... the gra goes on to  state that mby and mbd have to come together and work side by side for their mission to redeem kl'al yisroel forever to come to pass... and that the nexus of yishmael and esav converging with the erev rav jews is to fight to keep them apart and thus to defeat them separarely and stay in power themselves forever... and to wit under armilius (the sar shel this nexus... or cabal) all share the din of amalek and must be eradicated but they are too strong for us and either moshiach apart on their own are not strong enough to defeat this third entity... this more powerful enemy... and it further states in kol hator that only moshe rebenu himself can eliminate the problem by destroying the erev rav jews... and thereby rectifying the mistake he made in mitzrayim to allow them to follow us on our way out of egypt and join our faith and mission when they were in no way really qualified or shyach to this level of ruchniut especially since their souls had not been prepared for accepting the burden of the torah cause and they snapped early-on by the golden calf and of late in the generations since the 1600's of the shabbtai zvi cult, spinoza, and of course the chilminitsky slaughter and holocaust throughout poland... all of which broke the nerve and back of these jews and led to their defection and vicious rebellion against judaism and they ever-so slowly increased their power and openly unified themselves with that part of the goyish world wishing to do us real jews all-in and do the same as them in wiping out torah-true judaism... and ever since then they have been in league with each other trying to find a way to do just this... and all of this sickness and madness came to a head just prior to and leading up to thee holocaust when the plot was finally hatched to go for it and try to do away with G-d's people and law once and for all... and these jews... these ugly, disgusting trash... they willingly participated in the world's effort to eradicate torah judaism and am yisroel from the earth for alltime and in one fell swoop...

and aiding the nazis and the british war machine and the american nazi-economic and financial moguls who were on board to come to power in this country and share the fascist world rule with the other elite factions then in power and then ruling their own fiefdoms and corporate empires around the globe... including the arab world especially the oil-rich world of saudi arabia and kuwait... not to mention the emirates in and out of the uae yachat... and also iraq and persia later to be named iran... thus oil drove everything and gas as well... the entire baku valley of armenia was decimated to remove the million and a half armenian christians there so as not to upset the moslem majority and let anything interfer with the deal for gas and oil struck with the arab/moslem world by britain and america (rothchild and rockefeller) and so they would stop at nothing not even at genocide and murder to gain and maintain control of the fuel source par excellance which was the wave of the future of technology, industry and military might in the 20th century and beyond now...... and this entity clearly was the flow of energy... gas and oil...

and so all of israel's original rulers were in on this nefarious plot and gambit to create a tiny jewish enclave and vassal state in the guise of a british colony for security purposes only for the oil fields and to lock out every undesirable element of jew not in league with this evil oligarchy.... and they recruited to this ploy as well... the powerful american jewish "rabbis" and laity who made a pact with chaim weisman, britanin's jew-boy and especially the rothchild world banking cartel's chosen intercessor to make sure palestine conformed to their design and careful planning which included the necessity for the holocaust of nouveau-riche western european jews who were seen as potential competitors to the british/rothchild scheme to run the middle east for oil concerns alone... and of course to wipe out the poor, backward jews of poland and russia and the remaining parts of eastern europe... who could mess things up vis a vis the cozy arrangemnet with the arab overlords who held the keys to the kingdom of crude oil and natural gas... weissman a scientist by profession helped to get this perfidious deed done... and to do so... he even participated on the project to devise and fashion the perfect weapon to get the job done in europe against the jews... and this main instrument of death turned out to be... cyclon-b gas... yes poison gas and not acetone for tnt as recorded for posterity the lie that he was attempting to assist the war-effort of the allies... when really these poison chemicals combined just right were produced and designed and manufactured to end the lives of millions of his fellow (backward) jewish brothers and sisters and their richer co-religionists who were too successful and upward mobile for the british empire to tolerate or to ever allow to emigrate to palestine... and to go along with the gas... the concentration camp replete with trains and crematoria were devised... actually the british had created it to house their political and military enemies during the 1890's boer war in south africa... this is documented and hitler was just the hired help to implement this british/euro/american/rothchild/rockefeller plan and plot against world jewry...   

and weisman chief-executioner for the british/american/german/saudi third reich and the right-hand man of ben gurion ran the show after they found a way to have hertzl meet with an untimely death at 44 and thus with him eliminated and permenately out of the way... they took over zioinsm for themselves and along with other jewish-nazi traitor cronies at the world zionist congress assured that only a secular and fascist israel would be able to rise out of the ashes of aushwitz and came to power by infesting its way right up through the ranks of the entire jewish chain of command... among others the jewish agency in israel along with the histradut, the jnf, the palmach and haganah and of course the hadassah movement... they put a strangle hold on israel that lasted until begin who got in by some nes only to be ruined and decimated by sharon who was placed by begin's side by the cabal to stop menachem from truly transforming israel into a jewish state and Divine commonwealth... and to get the job done in the 40's they enlisted the services of like-minded american-jews... thus falling yet further in moral and ethical decline and utter bankruptcy... these forces now being pooled from and being comprised of and made up by influential jewish members of the various jewish institutions in the u.s. like the federations, the b'nai brith, the adl and the american jewish congress... they all did their part to thwart any rescue attempts by keeping the jews of the free world in the dark about what was really transpiring... and keeping them from mounting any meaningful protests or objections to the wholesale slaughter of their brethren... and so this is a glimpse at whom armilius rules over and guides with such demonic strength and such cunning skill....

this nazi-nexus of yishmael, esav and erev rav jews who seek to make sure moshiach never comes and no third temple is ever built in yerushalayim unless it is their sick, demented and satanic, not to mention vatican-controled, gnostic/masonic/illuminati/shabbtai tzvi/frankist vile heresy and imposter of a version of our destined and preordained, yearned for one of pure holiness dedicated to Hashem and not to ba'al...

and so to deal with this seemingly invincible threat that all three united together weild over b'ney yisroel... we are taught that Hashem will defeat them when they arise to destroy israel and capture jerusalem one day in the war of gog u'maygog... but this will only come about totally benign for jews if we merit the downfall and exposure of these murderers the battle which can only be won by mbd and mby being united in war with moshe rebenu himself... and then surely they will prevail forever as the geulah shelaymah breaks out for good over the planet...  (more to come under separate new topic and will end my run on this site)... nik. out... one more post to go!!!!     
507   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 14, 2006, 06:51:08 PM 
yeah... that chazal says that at the end of moshe's life Hashem showed him all of jewish history until the end... until moshiach... along the way... moshe rebenu saw rabbi akiva teaching torah by interpreting the tagim... the crowns on each hebrew letter in the torah... moshe rebenu did not understand any of that and was ashamed until Hashem told him that he knew all of that torah from another source within torah she bal pe... and that this one of r. akiva's i guess was his own chidush... how that can be i do not know... but in relief and in response... moshe asked Hashem... if so... "why did you give the torah to me when there will be someone as great as rav akiva who can do what he, moshe, could not...?" Hashem of course just responded that moshe's humility kept him from understanding that every thing he saw r. akiva teachings emanated out from moshe's own teachings in the first place and without them r. akiva would never have known and/or would never have been able to mechadash the derech of torah that moshe saw him teaching... it doesn't say this but i imagine moshe rebenu was also mighty impressed with rebbi akiva's holy martyrdom and desire for it!!! and that is why he also felt rebbi akiva to be even greater than he... just my idea is all... nik. out...
508   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "to be or not to be" that is the poll for nik.  on: May 14, 2006, 04:44:11 PM 
no because filth is filth... and not knowing of this skin-head outrage i have been blasting away at the need to fight the arab/erev rav united scourge even if it means all out war and violence... for years now!!! and all i ever hear from any of you is that i'm nuts and we can't or won't do anything like you call for... and then when i "calm down" and try to come up with a non-violent way to fight back... then you all mock me and scoff at some very good ideas that i came up with which if implemented would work in getting many, many jews awoken and involved and all of this just might get us redeemed... so it is you guys who are the impediment.. or do you just want me to go away? i will if that's what you all want.. "you can't squeeze blood from a turnip"... as the old-saying goes... so let's take a poll... "nik.. does he stay or do we want him to go..." and "why"... now i'm not trying to insert myself into the equation and become the topic of discussion... but i'm sick and tired of all of your hypocrisy and frankly petty jealousies you all seem to have of me and of each other i might add... i've seen it in your interactions with each other aside form with me... so put up people or shut-up... i'm ready to take my own advice quite literally... so cast your vote and speak your mind... nik. out... 
509   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 14, 2006, 03:49:09 PM 
no easter bunnies ...not so far as i've seen as yet krep... but i'm not through all the way to the end of shas yet... i'll keep you posted...

however you were almost right in your other post just above...

r. akiva was the gilgul of yosef hatzadik and the ten holy martyrs were of the shvatim all except binyamin who did not sin... and yes they were told that they were all to atone by dying al kiddush Hashem so that once and forever the sin of selling yosef could be rectified... it must have been necessary because Hashem felt that we as His people could not make it and be able to be held righteous enough by Hashem for Him to rescue us from all the never-ending waves of tzorot we have undergone in history and in order to objectively justify to His heavenly court on high His preservation of us during this long nightmare of an exile and hellish golut right down thru the ages... and Hashem decreed that without this tikkun at the time that it occured we as an am could not have continued and would not have made it until our destined ending with the coming of moshiach...

we have other historical sins we are still paying for... the egel hazahav and for the sin of the meraglim... and these will not be fully paid by us until moshiach finally arrives and our geulah is complete... but the onesh due kl'al yisroel (to all of us) for the sin of the brothers has been finished long ago... thank G-d...

now one could ask why does yosef's gilgul have to come back down and be martyred to atone for anything?  yosef was the aggrieved party so why does he need this tikkun too...? answer is because yosef might have been guilty of a few things which we all already know about which may have meant that he provoked his siblings into their hatred and subsequent sin and therefore he too is chayiv for their sin and needs to pay...

this is why we pray (erev yom kippur in the pre-kol nidrei piyut tefilat zaka and every night in the intro to hamapeal... where we ask for Hashem to forgive the sins others have done to us and wish that they not be punished on account of what they have done to us and that we too forgive them for anything negative they might have done against us...)  and in these two tefilot we literally... beg Hashem that we not be held responsible for another jew's suffering and onshim... which we take to mean by us having led them astray in some manner or by our anger and hurt at their having wronged us... and thus due to our worry that we may have to return here to be metaken this if we are indeed ever held responsible for the harm that comes to jews who have wronged us (for either reason)... and therefore not just out of love and/or kindness and mercy and forgiveness that we may maintain and harbor for a person who hurt us because for all of these reasons we feel we WANT to forgive them but even if not.. even if we still haven't reached the stage of desiring to forgive someone... check it out.... then we... those who know of this concept... we have a need purely for our ownsake to forgive them even if we are still pained and/or embarassed by what the other jew has done to us... we still have an invested interest and a deep need to let it go lest harm fall to our neighbor and we be held accountable by the judgement of shemayim...

and this befell even the exalted and truly holy yosef hatzadik!!! so what about us??? this pshat by the way may go a long... long... way in helping us understand that if yosef was so holy and so were ephraim and menashe... then how did so many of their descendents end up so horribly arrogant and so utterly lost in avodah zara? now some of this may be due to the other sin of yosef late in his career when after yaakov avinu died as much as he really did forgive them and love them... he couldn't escape even just the tiniest bit of feelings of rejoicing and vindication which led to him being noheg b'rabanut pridefully (lording it over his brothers) just a smiddgen... which cost him chazal tell us 10 years off his life because they knew somehow (i don't know how they know that davka only 10 years were deducted nor do i know where they get this from... what's their source? anyone?) anyway they knew somehow that yosef was supposed to live until 120... so this too is a hint to the future troubles... also we know it from yaakov's worries when he said... "mi aleh?" when he wanted to bless them... menashe and ephraim... and make them full shvatim each one in their own right... and we also can sense it about all of kl'al yisroel when yaakov said shema because he was worried there might have been a pasul in one of his sons' characters or perhaps a flaw in one or more of their steadfastness in faith... emunah baHashem... in any event i believe all of this is interconnected within yosef's personality right from the start of his lifestory and although he exhibited such great strength in rectifying this flaw of his but even still a tad was left unrectified or imperfect and thus unforgiven... and so r.akiva had to be born and was made to undergo all that he went thru on account of his neshama's intergration with yosef's...

"a word to the wise should be sufficient..." and so i think we all can grasp this and get what it is trying to teach us regarding those jews close to us in our lives... nik. out...   
510   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why non Jew russians should be exterminated  on: May 14, 2006, 01:03:16 PM 
this you guys are on board for... but not for the same for the arab menace and the erev-rav scum? nik.
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511   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: In Case You Ever Wondered  on: May 14, 2006, 03:14:26 AM 
tremendously interesting insight... thanks for sharing it monarchist... nik.

and while we are on the subject of girls... (one of my favorite subjects)... the sefer now out in english which i highly recomend to everyone... called "the fire of ephraim..." has within it the best and real emet pshat as to why we jewish men say "shelo asani isha..." (thank G-d for not making me a woman)...

it is for none of the reasons you have ever heard as good as some of them are...

he says and the rabbi's name escapes me at the moment... he says it is because women are under an awesome burden and responsibility spiritually legabi their mitzvah of tzneut... they are chayiv and they are dand on every spilled drop of semen that they cause by men looking at them and being turned on by them... eventhough they may be modestly dressed and refrain from flirtting and the like... and the men may be lustful animals and not really good jews... and still she is responsible on some level just for becoming their attraction of the moment... this seems unfair but it is in any regard their great obligation and avodah and we just stand there in awe and in fear and say... wheew!!! thank G-d i (we men) are not held accountable like that for our mitzvah of tzneut or for any other commandment... women on the other hand who are under this awesome strain... can only be accepting of their lot with love knowing it comes from a G-d of mercy who loves them and does and has done everything in the history of mankind for our good and so she merely exclaims..."she asani kirtzano..." (thank you Hashem for making me according to your will)...

simply one hell of an amazing and mind-blowing explanation and insight into creation... of course all of these differences spiritually at least between men and women only began as a result of the sin of adam and chavah... nik. out... 
512   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 14, 2006, 03:10:38 AM 
sorry... i can't help that... when i write it is a stream of consciousness that just can't wait around for periods and capitals and everything else... i do go back over it several times when through to correct spelling and delete or add words to help the flow of understanding but i will not waste anymore time turning them all into term papers... nik. out...
513   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 12, 2006, 12:07:27 PM 
to jonathan...

did i say tuna? all this time? sorry... i meant luna with an L... i wish us all to boycott the moon!!!! nik.

to yby...

yes i am disturbed... disturbed and distressed at the lack of ahavat yisroel and concern for jews in the throes of sekanah... as expressed by all the joking around on this site...

and next to bk...

what grammar? i don't write to follow the rules of some offical grammar... i write to communicate and you can't if you mispell words but you couldz still get your message across if you ain't got no gud gramma!!! but if you misspell you look like an idiot...

and lastly to bc...

if you don't read my long-winded posts that's fine with me... but it's your loss... there is some great torah and hashkafa in there... if i do say so myself... oh well... can't win 'em all i guess...

ta... nik.
514   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 12, 2006, 11:57:47 AM 
your version of the story is also correct but read the little paperback book from aryeh kaplan called tisha b'av and you will see my version therein... nik.
515   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 12, 2006, 11:45:36 AM 
also i might add... r. akiva seemed to be justified and vindicated in his assumption that bar kochva was indeed moshiach when he led his army to completely rout and chase from eretz yisroel in total the entire roman legion then stationed there... the only problem occurred when subsequent to this great feat bar kochva refused to follow r. akiva's instructions to immediately begin building the third and final temple... bar kochva felt instead that since the romans were certain to return and with an even larger contingent next time it was premature to celebrate... the mistake though was his... because tragically for us he ignored what was always known... that the geulah shelaymah from this golut can come at anytime even as early or earlier even than the 100 or so years after the churban during r. akiva's generation and that it was also always known that there are destined to be only three batei mikdash in history and if he just would have constructed it as advised it would have stood for all-time... meaning Hashem would have been with him and his troops to eradicate the next wave of roman hordes... and we would have been free forever after... but since he was ultimately not working from a spiritual source but a purely derech hatevah oriented basis he did not listen and caused his own (and our own) downfall... upon hearing his response of the urgent need instead to rather build up and reenforce betar for a defense of the next invasion... r. akiva immediately tore kriah and knew he had been in error about bar kochva and that his generation's attempt at redemption was now doomed to failure... and thus it was... and bar kochva went down in history not as a false moshiach like many others after him but as a failed moshiach like chizkiah hamelech and others with the sole difference being chizkiah was always righteous but now bar kochva became a kofer to the extent that he said to Hashem... "i can do this on my own without you and the rabbis... so don't help me... that's fine... just don't do anything to hurt me or work against me..." and we all know the final outcome of that next battle... and it is well-known as well that there can be no geulah without tshuvah nor any freedom without torah, emunah and kedusha.... nik. out...   
516   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 11, 2006, 05:59:24 PM 
and to all of you naysayers i respond:

1) to yby...

your spelling is simply atrocious... therefore your over-all intelligence has to be called into question... and these aren't all typos either because

a) you make them consistently just like avichai did... and

b) a person of serious caliber wouldn't want even accidental mistakes to hang out there and block the efficacy of his/her words...

2) to monarchist...

true i don't think either that i have the power to reach, effect, inspire, motivate and rally millions of jews all over the world to action for our cause... however... there is a difference between me and you that is fundamentally critical and necessary in order for one to become a moser nefesh and a truly, selfless servant of Hashem... and that one nekudah is... i will not allow  my obviously apparent and admittedly extant and all too glaring limitations to prevent me from striving toward our common goal and destiny for salvation and complete redemption... nor will i accept my feelings of ineptitude about myself and let them get in the way and make me second-guess myself and let that disuade me and make me lose my drive and conviction... nor ever shame me to stop me from trying the things i truly believe are crucial and dire for kl'al yisroel's survival and preservation... i see the matzav and i know it to be a truly sekanot nefashot one for all jews everywhere and for the entire land of israel ... so it is asur d'orita for me to lose heart and thus NOT attempt to do everything i can and whatever it appears to take to help save our people, land and torah from Hashem's historical enemies...

3) and finally to ltkn...

the tuna boycott is to be nothing but an admittedly timid and mild firststep... but one which leads to bigger and better things.. it's true goal is to stimulate jews to stand up more forcefully and more completely and truly without fear of the goyim and its intent is to train us to break out of our golut mentality mold and shake off our lethargy, apathy and cowardice... our lack of faith and trust in HaKodesh Boruch Hu... and give us the courage and fortitude to put it on the line for Hashem... so take your mockery and latzonot and you know just what to do with it and where to put it all... 'nuff said...

meanwhile back to work... scoff on jews... scoff on if you must... this has never been about me... i don't care about myself... and as i've told many of my rebeim i don't care a wit what people think of me i will pursue my vision until either the error of my ways is made clear and apparent to me or it comes to me on its own or the real danger to our existence that i perceive has passed for all-time or even just via yet another only temporary yeshuah... at least this crisis will be over and the next one will then only be years and years away like it was after the 6 day war of '67 until the present emergency which has been building up excruciatingly over the period of the last two decades... hopefully our suffering and anguish will be over permenantly this time... and not ended for always... this time forever with the long-awaited and yearned for coming of moshiach ben david... amen selah!!!)... and that as they all say is that!!! so put all of this in your peacepipes and smoke it!!! ta... nik.
517   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: One of Rav Binyomin's Best!  on: May 11, 2006, 05:37:02 PM 
yes a favorite of mine too... this one has and says it all... nik. out
518   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 11, 2006, 12:54:31 PM 
gee monarchist... i haven't heard that all torah jews united did so much of this agenda... could it be i slept through it...? i'm talking about getting millions to comply not what? l'mashul... a hundred thousand or more at a one day rally at the kotel and the next day nothing... as good as that is... and it's gevaltic... don't get me wrong... but it is only one day that the memshelet zadon has to ride out and then they are back in command... i'm talking about a sustained campaign... relentless... one which never lets up for a year or more... (or as long as it takes to depose our enemies)...  nik.
519   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 11, 2006, 12:09:05 AM 
sorry guys not letting this one fall off the charts until i get some feedback and/or you respond... nik.
520   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / time to step up to the plate and make an accounting of yourself...  on: May 10, 2006, 04:02:14 AM 
i will not let this one fall either... but i will give you guys a couple of days to read it... nik.
521   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (plan B)...  on: May 09, 2006, 08:20:23 PM 
and here are the next 5... (to be updated)...


1) unrelenting pressure day by day... week in and week out of jews going up or trying to go up to har habayit... rallys at the wall and other locations without surcease... all leading up to the event next erev pesach of jews from all over the world attempting to bring a korban pesach... thousands upon thousands of jews in yerushalayim for seder night with their unslaughtered lambs (if this occurs) allowed to mill around and cause havoc and disruption to the authorities... (of course none of these lambs will be hekdesh since we will not declare them so unless and until the last possible moment if we... when we... are able to bring them...

2) public fasts and prayers all year long... (say every yom kippur katan... erev rosh chodesh... save for those months when fasting is asur... i.e. at the end of tishrei, kislav (it's chanukah still then anyway) and the end of either adar (is it a leap year next year?)... which leaves these months for these fasts and prayers... the end of cheshvan, tevet and shevat... these are sun-up to sun-down fasts only for the able and healthy and the prayers to be said with mincha are already extant in your selichot books and machzorim... extra effort by those willing and able to really fast and say selichot on the b'hab fasts following succot next year... (during the first weeek or so of mar cheshvan)...

3) particpation in the tuna boycott... (see plan A)...

4) declaration of intent (petition of pledge optional) to boycott and sit-out all israeli elections until and unless this sham-democracy is uprooted and all parties are allowed to participate equally no matter what their orientation of belief... (just like everywhere else in democracies around the world)...

5) besides the step #5 of plan A... (which of course is necessary in eretz yisroel as well)... the publishing of our jewish declaration of independence... (i have a rough copy and version which i have written based word for word on the american model... good for starters at least)... all-out campaign to call for an immediately implemented and empowered torah-true state... all leading to the ultimatum being expressed of the desire for seccession from israel for failure to heed the will of G-d as stipulated in His and our torah... utilizing plans for the rise of the state of yehudah (judea) which rav meir had...

and there you have it.. this is my (our?) ten step plan for liberation and redemption from golut and from the memshelet zadon ruling the earth... please G-d... we shall not fail... with the help of G-d we will succeed... amen kain yehi ratzon!!!

522   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (plan A)...  on: May 09, 2006, 07:47:55 PM 
and so this is the plan... (to be updated)...


1) move to israel immediately... cashing in your chips and pulling out your financial support for america or britain, et al... this alone is your openly declared warfare against the goyim and the jewish goyim here and in israel who don't want us in great numbers to ascend there and make a huge wave of difference economically and politically... not to mention of course... spiritually...

2) those who must remain behind must make their presence and numbers felt... we must find ways to hurt the goyim's sense of well-being and corporate wealth... i.e. my idea of a boycott on tuna fish... specifically aimed at starkist... (it could be any product or products this is irrelevant) but it must be possible to do and it must be widely accepted... in other words the ban should be imposed upon oil, gas and cars (the real evil here and around the globe driving middle-east policy) but it is impossible to carry off and therefore it is doomed right from the start to fail miserably...

3) a massive jewish rally in support of torat Hashem and kedushat ha'aretz slated for rosh chodesh nisan 5767... (or there abouts baseball not withstanding) next year... in yankee stadium in new york city... the rally calls for a prayer vigil (mincha/ma'ariv and tehilim)... followed by the recitation of the bracha for a gathering of at least 22,000 jews in one place... (to be researched: if this halacha brought down in the 7th perek of berachot only applies for a seudah just prior to birkat hamazon) (in which case we would have to scrap the idea or find a way to work out the logistics to have everyone wash and make hamotzie over bread and thus have the obligation to bentch together)... in any event the rally in support of our israel is specifically geared to coincide with pesach and impact what jews will hopefully be doing on har habayit or attempting to do at least... 2 weeks later on erev pesach... (see 5 step plan below for israeli jews)... it will include inspirational divre torah from torah leaders and also provide musical entertainment... and it will all be free save for a $26 check to help the displaced refugees from yesha which will be collected at the gates on your way in and will be made out to an organization so that everyone knows that we the organizers of this rally are not making a dime... total l'shaim shemayim... that is why we will try to make it without media coverage as well... so that no one thinks we are attempting to make a name for ourselves... if reporters get in with cell-phones... well... what can we do?... but... no cameras of any kind inside the stadium and everyone pays the tzedakah fee to get in... jew and gentile alike... attendee and reporter alike... if we can get television coverage live or via satellite feed we may consider allowing this to publicize our solidarity with our israeli brethren and to exhibit for all the world to see our feeling of unity of purpose with jews in israel and clear across the globe... but the main reason we are doing all of this is for each other and the main thing is for all of us to come before Hashem... our G-d and Father... without fanfare if possible but without hesitation to go public if necessary to demonstrate our total lack of fear of the goyim... not caring one iota whether or not they approve of our united pledge of our fealty and solemn dedication to our one King... a loyalty we owe only to Him and to nobody or to no thing else... and thus through all of this... finally and emphatically we will be standing up for our G-d-given inheritance in defiance of the current and historical middle-east policy of the gentile world and of the gentile jews... telling Hashem if not the whole world that we believe in His rule on earth and that we are willing to "go down swinging" for this penultimate and solitary truth...

4) anyone willing to do the special fasts and prayers along the way next year with those doing so in israel and/or whoever is prepared and able to go up for ole regel for pesach next year... by all means have at it!!! everyone around the world is encouraged to do so... especially all circumsized male jews over the age of 13 years and one day... (see plan B)...

5) increased learning and better davening and more tshuvah, tzedakah and chesed... maasim tovim...
523   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the 2-pronged 10 step plan to save eretz yisroel and yerushalayim... (intro)...  on: May 09, 2006, 06:57:42 PM 
(this may not be complete when you get to it so please refer back to this from time to time)...

yby asked me what would be my proposal for the appropriate 5 steps jews in the golah should take to fight for israel... likewise the 5 things jews already in israel should do... so here goes...

first and foremost none of these actions need be violent in nature... nor must they absolutely be non-violent... the situation will be gorem (will dictate or cause) what needs to be done each step of the way...

secondly... we do not need to succeed all the way in getting the american, british or israeli governments to relent and back down from their evil plans... success or failure is always up to and in the hands of Hashem... HOWEVER... we absolutely MUST succeed in getting masses of jews to participate or our endeavor to be melamed zechut on and for kl'al yisroel will fall short of the intended mark... and then we will all really be in trouble... chas v'shalom... so we need to show Hashem our resolve to hold israel for our people and demonstrate our faith in Hashem's rule and power by being moser nefesh (which means self-sacrificing not just martyrdom) (again Hashem will determine whether our role need be the paying of the ultimate price of death or just the willingness to suffer and endure privation and undergo trepidation and fear for His cause)...

third... in light of the first two points just made above... since it is Hashem who must fight for us and win this war... and it is His decision whether they win or us... we have to be prepared for any outcome and not be shattered and avud if things do not go our way as we pray they should... for surely Hashem has a plan as announced in all the prophecies of the t'nach... and he will certainly wreak vengeance upon our enemies if they should succeed... G-d forfend... our standing up to oppose them and fight them is to give the whole of am yisroel a late... albeit an extremely late merit (for this should have been done by us long, long ago) to hope for a more positive outcome with less yesurim... less suffering, hardship and heartbreak for kl'al yisroel... a geulah beito with some measure of achishena mixed in... exactly as was our yitzat mitzrayim... (maesa avot siman l'banim)... this is our goal... this is our mission... let us embrace it with open arms this opportunity to wipe away chillul Hashem from our slates... and please G-d eradicate it once and for all from the world...   
524   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a good topic for us to discuss...  on: May 09, 2006, 06:38:44 PM 
again what you all always fail to realize is that there is a fight to be made by jews right here against the goyim and erev rav jews who have more power in the golut than the lapdog israeli gov. kapos have who only suck up for money and recognition to which ever topdog lifts his leg for them to do his bidding... the powerful jews in israel are really sewer rats compared to the wildcats that we have to contend with living here... THE WAR FOR ERETZ YISROEL PEOPLE... IS HERE IN AMERICA AND IN BRITAIN... they are the ones driving the agenda for eretz yisroel to collapse and commit suicide and we have to find the guts somehow and the nerve to stand up to this here with all the risks this implies and entails especially since the jewish gov whose job this specifically should be will not make this fight... so we have to...we must because those on our side in israel already have their hands full with what's going on on the ground there already and besides they (you all) don't have the access, voice, money or political clout that some (not all) of us have here to go up against the powers-that-be... we just lack the resolve, clear vision of the danger and threat to israel's survival nor do we possess the requisite conviction of our ideals that would give us the courage to summon the strength to stand up and fight... nik. out
525   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a good topic to discuss..  on: May 09, 2006, 02:49:48 PM 
it isn't letting me edit some of my mistakes i'll get to it later... got to go now... nik.
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526   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and here's my one weapon... the only one left in my arsenal...  on: May 09, 2006, 02:37:44 PM 
o.k. i will... just give me some time to formulate my approach... nik. out
527   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a good topic for us to discuss...  on: May 09, 2006, 02:36:29 PM 
why do jews in israel think they are the only ones with the right and the obligation to worry about the land and to shepherd it to safety?

why do we in the golah have any less responsibility to do the same or have any less culpability if we fail to show our care, concern and support?

why does every move for the torah way of life to be implemented have to originate with those on the ground there and each fight only be aimed at and against the erev rav jews who have stolen and hijacked the country...? why can't we all see that the real enemy driving all of this is america and the corporate cabal that runs the world and that this is every jews' duty to protest and rise up against their destructive policies?

and lastly when everything is all said and done and moshiach arrives... are only those who already live in eretz yisroel going to be considered servants of Hashem and reap the reward for faithfulness and loyalty but not any of the many who will be moser nefesh to fight for moshiach's success from golut..?

true there are those supposedly torah jews and rabbis here in the diaspora who are letting eretz yisroel down and thereby hurting kl'al yisroel... but i submit to you that there are unfortunately quite a few otherwise good torah jews by you who are doing the very same thing... and true also is the fact that there are quite a few of us here (though not there right now as you never fail to point out to us) who genuinely love eretz yisroel... am yisroel... etc. and are striving with all their fervor to help... and so much of what is written here discounts the truth of this last paragraph... over and over again only the dwellers in the land are serving Hashem... only they are the good ones.. all the others are bad and failing to live up to their calling... nothing positive is ever forthcoming from them unless they move here... this is not true of course... but nevertheless...


in any event it is a dead wrong hashkafa and it would behoove this forum's members to be cognizant of just how self-righteous this attitude makes you all sound... nik. out...   
528   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and here's my one weapon... the only one left in my arsenal...  on: May 09, 2006, 12:24:00 PM 
you guys just don't get it... i'm not telling jews in eretz yisroel to stand up and fight for har habayit... i'm telling every jew anywhere on the planet that we are all going to be judged by what we do or don't do about this evil about to take place... you guys think only you guys are in charge of eretz yisroel... you're all making the same mistake that the memshelet zadon over there makes all the time telling the world that they run the show and that they speak for israel and that they make the final decisions "because afterall we're the ones who are living here and we have to live or die by the path we choose..."


true many more of us should be in the land right now... true we are sinning (most not all of us) by not being there... but that does not mean we have no stake and no voice... since it is Hashem's land to begin with and secondly He gave it to the am as a nation and not to just the first ones to return home or the ones with the most money and/or political clout...

and finally... you all miss the point entirely... you guys over there have the mitzvah of standing up to those rabid dogs running the show over there... HOWEVER...WE... here in chutz l'aretz have a different mitzvah... (besides getting our sorry butts over there and stop stalling and procrastinating)...

we on the other hand have the mitzvah to stand up to the so-called jewish leaders and rabbis here who are mute and thus complicit... and/or even some of them in favor of this sell-out... and we further have the mitzvah to stand up to the goyim (along with you all... since that is the point of your standing up against the unjewish jews... they are only aping their goyish masters)... 


529   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and here's my one weapon... the only one left in my arsenal...  on: May 09, 2006, 03:16:50 AM 
there is only one question anyone and everyone in kl'al yisroel should be asking themselves...

what does G-d want us (me) to do?

does He really want me to say nothing and do nothing while the satanic jews and bloodthirsty goyim strip jerusalem and har habayit from our hands?

maybe... maybe He wants us to lay low and let Him take care of the situation... perhaps... many, many jews would and do argue for this course...

but if G-d expected the dor deah that left mitzrayim to show faith and do the korban pesach right in the faces of the idolatrous pagan egyptians who happened to be the most powerful people on the planet at the time... and if He also later... just one week later... expected these same just freed slaves to jump into the yam suf to earn the miracle of the splitting... etc... then what do you think He wants and expects from us right now in the face of all this news about the ultimate perfidy and unbrotherly betrayal...?

i mean... look... we are taught "that the tzadik lives by His faith..." correct? and we have also been informed that in the end of days... the last generation will lose all connection to the entire torah but to be redeemed all Hashem will need from us is a show of faith at the right moment... the maximum moment of truth... well this moment is now... right now upon us... we were taught that all that would be left is our emuna and our bitachon... and so it is.... and now we all must know what course of action to choose and do so immediately... because there just ain't anymore time left to us... folks this is it!!! they are going for it all now... end-game...the knife is being slipped into our backs right now as we speak... they will not rest until they finish it off and us along with it... they are going for it all right now... all-in...

and so... what do you really think Hashem wants from us right now? how many times in our past history has He demanded the ultimate sacrifice from us and we responded faithfully always for the most part... most of us anyway... well it's time to make our stand as a generation... the decision we make tonite... tomorrow... this will be our legacy... the sum total of our worth as a dor... and it is all up to us... it can either be a record of our most glorious moment of triumph or it might be our end... a memorial epitath to our callossal failure...

look... this really should be a no-brainer for all of us if we weren't so damn afraid...

if we really face the circumstances rav meir foresaw... if even back then in 1977 it was already a din of yehareg v'al yavor... then im kain we must decide... do we follow the halacha and put ourselves at risk... or do we gutless it out and fail to do our duty? for there is no question rav meir was right... he would have been right even if the goyim were all our friends and really loved us and actually believed they were helping us achieve a truly long-lasting peace... we would still have to turn them down because we must be davek to the ratzon and d'var Hashem... all the more so is this true when we know they don't mean our benefit but their own advantage and that they really hate us and are attempting to destroy us completely now... first thru subterfuge and later thru open conquest and via weapons of war...

eretz yisroel is ours; given to us by G-d in a special covenant... and it is a mitzvah to so state this openly and unequivocally... and ergo it is an avera to give it away... even the tiniest portion thereof... and it is also as well a grave sin and chillul Hashem to openly deny our connection to the land and the truth of our selection by G-d to be His people upon His land keeping His torah...

so ask yourselves... if i do nothing... if i say nothing now... as they cart off our most precious and cherished possession and with it our connection to all that we regard as holy and Divinely blessed... how am i serving Hashem? how am i representing my faith and my heritage? and what will Hashem feel about me (and about all of us)?

it's time to stand up for Hashem and His land... for His people and His torah... nikmatdam

530   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: who's afraid of nikmatdam-wolf?  on: May 09, 2006, 02:38:27 AM 
oh but i was provoked... he tried to lay that egg on us about non-violent kahane-torah... that tipped me off that he must be a plant... can't help my reactions now can i? but i'll leave him alone as much as possible... but people be warned... i smell a rat! nik. out
531   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: who's afraid of nikmatdam-wolf?  on: May 08, 2006, 09:34:06 PM 
sorry yby... my bad... i sent you ltkn's message to me... i just assumed several complaints included you as well as it surely did staffie-kins... nik. out
532   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: who's afraid of nikmatdam-wolf?/oh brother the both of you...  on: May 08, 2006, 08:14:31 PM 
yby... ltkn said you both... as in BOTH... complained to him... am i supposed to think he is lying?

staff... you really don't get it do you...? what time is it and how's the weather over there in your little strictly pc universe...? oh and that should have been pettiness... with an i and not with a y...

nik. out of his mind to waste his time trying to "communicate" and "build a nice community of friends" fehh... WE ARE TRYING TO SAVE ERETZ YISROEL AND KL'AL YISROEL FROM VICIOUS JEW-HATERS AND THEIR UNJEWISH JEWISH KAPO-LAPDOGS... and you guys are worried about a little name-calling...? for crying out loud!!!!

yes no wonder we're in the sorry shape and sad state of affairs that we are currently in as a nation... no efing wonder... n. 
533   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / who's afraid of nikmatdam-wolf?  on: May 08, 2006, 07:37:27 PM 
apparently yby and staff who went running home to mommy (ltkn) to complain about a little name-calling...

listen guys... as i always say... "if you can't stand the heat... stay way the hell out of the kivshan haaish!!!"

come on guys now... we're all big boys and girls here... let's act like it... if you have a problem with me... address it to me directly... publicly or privately... i could care less which...

you guys wouldn't have held up very well in the days of the gemora... man! they called each other some whopping-insults... take my favorite one for example... "shinna" ("idiot") which literally and sarcastically meant "o' wise one" or "genius" or "o' very learned one" over some stupid mistake they were making or over some flawed reasoning, etc. you get the idea...

why isn't any of that called loshon hora? because it was done in the heat of battle... in the moment of extreme passion searching for the truth of Hashem over some halacha or inyan... it is called the "milchmta d'torah..." "the war over the learning of torah" and far from turning each other into enemies... at the end of the session when the emet was uncovered it brought the combatants to their feet for an embrace of brotherly love... because they had fought each other l'shaim shemayim and had achieved together reaching the light... the truth... the ultimate will of G-d... and this made it all worth while and no one's feathers were ruffled over a little good-natured ribbing or even downright put-downs... that only made the guy on the receiving end that much more ardent in his pursuit of emet...

so that is all i am doing when i froth at the mouth... for we are searching for the same truth of Hashem here over eretz yisroel and am yisroel...

but... in order for you guys to see that i am completely contrite... i extend my apologies... and i offer you both this scolding of myself in public... 


yby and staff: "yes ma'am he did"

mamadam: "BAD NIKMATDAM... BAD NIKMATDAM..." (the sound of potching and whimpering heard in the background)...


nikkie-pooh: "all i said was that yby should shove it and that staff was a jerk-off..."

mamadam: "i want you to say you're sorry right now to your little friends..."

nikkie-pooh: "ah ma... do i have to...?"


nikkie-pooh: (sheepishly looking down at his shoes)... "sorry..."

mamadam: "that's better... now young man... you march yourself straight upstairs and into your room and you stay there until your father comes home and there will be no t.v. or desert for you tonight... now get going buster..."

nikkie-pooh: (downcast and contrite mumbles under his breath)... "yes ma..."

mamadam: (to the two boys)... "now you two kids just run along home now and go play... and if my little nikkie-pooh ever calls you another bad name... why you come tell me right away and i'll fix his little red wagon but good... understand?"

yby and staff don't say anything they just turn around and hightail it out of there...

mamadam: (watching them tuck-tail and peel out of there as if their own fannies were on fire... grins a mite while shaking her head... and whispers under her breath)... "sissies..."

the end... this has been a nikkie-pooh and goodnight production... all rights reserved... thank you... ta... nik.
534   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron/only the beginning... only the beginning.  on: May 08, 2006, 01:58:05 AM 
my word... so very very easy for you to say ybbyie... your blood wasn't spilled to win it in '67... and hold it lo all these many years... and i doubt very much you'll ever risk your neck to win it back once it's gone... chas v'shalom!!! and let me stop you right there in your tracks... yes i will try to hold it and risk it all to see if we can't reverse our bad matzav... nik.
535   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 08, 2006, 01:53:34 AM 
and what do you mean by "golut apologist" (should have been spelled this way)...? and what exactly makes me one? explain yourself o' great one... don't just throw out accusations without backing them up... and no... i don't do this myself all the time... i always have a reason for what i'm saying and i let everyone hear it... nu? zucht... if you got the guts... nik.
536   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Knowledge Is Power/but it is insanity in yby's hands...  on: May 08, 2006, 01:24:27 AM 
shove it!!! yby... put that rot where the sun don't shine... what dribble... i didn't say that those under the influence of the erev rav can no longer do tshuvah... i just said that it's very late now and they are running out of time... but i did say the erev rav unjewish jews are long gone... yes i did say that... and i'm standing by it... their sins are so severe that "ayn b'yadom l'asot tshuvah..." which means: "it is no longer within their power or in their hands to do tshuvah..." which is taught to mean not that they absolutely can't because they no longer have any freewill... but that for the gravity and multitude of their sins... G-d wants to punish them very badly and so while still holding out hope and even yearning for the worst rashayim among them to repent... however He knows full-well that they probably won't... not a single one of them... how does he know? because on account of their sins they have earned the badge of the completely wicked and evil and the concomitant stripping away from them their guilty conscience and along with it even their faintest desire to return to G-d has been lifted from their souls as well... and that's why chazal say especially for the sin of "machta et harabim" (the leading of the masses to sin) they have no more power to show any remorse nor will ever again feel the need to beg for forgiveness...

and so we might as well know the truth and recognize this reality for what it means... and therefore we should resign ourselves to the fact that they're all empty shells and the klipot of tumah have totally absorbed them into the vast void and that their souls are not and may never have been truly jewish ones... and thus we must just throw them over and consign them to the ash-heap of jewish history... and not because i'm such a great maven of our teachings and traditions but because the ramban and the gra were... and they said this would be the case with them... so go suck on an egg... you sound like an erev jew your own damn self... i don't trust you no more... nik. 
537   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Religious Jew  on: May 08, 2006, 01:19:12 AM 
what are you saying yby? that eretz yisroel's torah is a whole lot better? yeah what a prize... after what shas and agudah just did? nik.
538   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: dealing with shas' treachery... and their dealing with their own lies & flaws...  on: May 08, 2006, 01:15:18 AM 
right back atcha bigfellow... yby... i promise you this... whenever i see you you deny our faith and creed i will call you on it... every single time... count on it!!! nik.
539   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: dealing with shas' treachery... and their dealing with their own lies & flaw  on: May 07, 2006, 09:01:11 PM 
i'm not joking... i just mean this in a different way than you are presently taking it... i am not an arrogant fool... i am just a humble and imperfect servant of Hashem trying his best to find a way to help his land and his people...

it's just that when i smell a rat... like in yby lately or in this staff... i have to wax assertive and above my "station" for the honor of Hashem and torah... not for my own kavod... anyway... kol tuv... nik.

<this isn't the place for personal attacks, so I cut some words out. please try to be more mindful in the future - LTKN>
540   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 07, 2006, 08:35:00 PM 
no it's not leib... because unless a civil-war breaks out or a coup d'etat which either of which i have no control over nor any power to influence, direct or guide... so none of the above are likely to occur by my hand... i am referring to AFTER MOSHIACH COMES AND HE AND ELIYAHU HANAVI GIVE US OUR ORDERS... I AM MERELY A FOOTSOLDIER AND A BUCK-PRIVATE LIKE ALL THE REST OF US... I WAIT TO DO THE BIDDING OF MY LORD AND KING MOSHIACH AND TRUST WHAT HE SAYS THAT IT COMES STRAIGHT FROM SHEMAYIM FROM THE MELECH MALCHEY HAMELACHIM... HAKODESH BORUCH HU!!!! so let's be clear about what i'm saying and not saying... nik. 
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541   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron/it's going to be a long, long hot summer/  on: May 07, 2006, 08:26:13 PM 
just because he may have said we will lose it for a short time and then win it back... doesn't mean we have to roll over and play dead... we can still fight to retain it to the bitter end if need be... and our efforts will be looked down upon by Hashem with favor and who knows perhaps our mesirat nefesh can be the difference maker and our losses prevented entirely... please G-d may we only be found worthy  of such a nes... nik. not counting on a miracle but taking steps to encourage Hashem to send a miracle and a yeshuah shelaymah to the true am yisroel...
542   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Religious Jew/indeed he is... but not in deed...  on: May 07, 2006, 06:01:26 PM 
great post kreplach... yes that's exactly what we're talking about here of late... right on!!!  nik.
543   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Knowledge Is Power/and does not belong in your hands staff...  on: May 07, 2006, 05:50:38 PM 
true staff true... but not by the path you preach... nik.
544   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / edited response.../reread please...  on: May 07, 2006, 05:48:33 PM 
anyone not reading my posts despite my awkward style does not care to embrace the truth of rav meir's teachings of torah to us and are therefore is no one to be concerned about reaching... you have just added yourself to that list and that's fine with me... good riddance... you are a phony... you are no right wing... conservative or settler-type... you are a ringer... n'uff said... i won't waste my breath on your hoped for pseudo and false teachings of a non-violent torah that renders its adherents unable and unwilling to rise up for its own vested interest of survival... for the principles which are eternally binding and which are truly holy and always relevant... the holy of holies of our faith... the ones which belong to and are in the exclusive province and sole domain of our one King, Master and Father... Hashem Yitborach!!!  a torah judaism that does not know when and where to stand up for itself and defend itself and everything we and Hashem hold dear is not really authentic torah-true judaism... so try selling that slop to kadima they make a living out of lying and disinformation... nik.
545   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Knowledge Is Power/better a little with humility than a lot with arrogance.  on: May 07, 2006, 05:41:43 PM 
sorry staff it is almost too late for most of them to repent... and as for the erev rav usurpers of the throne of Hashem... they are without a jewish soul and the ramban and the viln goan paskened them to have the same din as amalek... and you know well what this implies... nik.
546   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 07, 2006, 05:19:08 PM 
so typical of you... and 1500 posts later you still do not get it... or won't get it... you got to be a plant... vengenace for 3300 years of spilt blood by haters and schemers and disgusting slime who took our wisdom, genius and creativity and then took our wealth and finally enjoyed and rejoiced over taking our blood... the blood of such precious neshamot too... no there can never be true peace and blissful harmony and raproachmant... without justice first... the justice that was Divinely sworn to us in hazinu at the end of chumash for these days... the end of time... "and i will avenge every drop of spilled blood of my people (of my one true servant)..." look it up... i assume you know where it is... and for this post of yours we are in open warfare me and you until and unless you recant... this has nothing to do against good goyim and truly decent people everywhere... this only has to do with the true and real evildoers of history and toward those presently still walking this earth and wish to destroy us and Hashem and let their rule over the planet be immortally extant... no less do they seek and no less have they always done and acted for this goal and aim... and you should know this and wish for their downfall just as much as i do... you should also pray for their percipitious and irrevocable demise along with me... there can be no love... true love without atonement and the payment of blood debts owed by them to our sacred am... they cannot be allowed to get away, completely unscathed with what they have perpetrated... they musn't be allowed to live in moshiach's world unaccountable for any of their multitude of sins and crimes against us and against the rest of humanity as well... they just can't... they have to pay the price... and it is just too bad for them and i have no remorse over the well-deserved fate that awaits them...and i certainly will not show them or exhibit in any fashion any mercy for them... they have earned none... it cannot appear to the world as if they have committed no injustice or atrocities against us... and be permitted to go along their merry way as if they have done absolutely nothing wrong to us ever... especially since they all know only too well what they have done to us we shouldn't want them to get off with a simple apology or some other form of compensatory sentence... no!!! we cannot forgive or forget the world's treatment of them (us)... it is not on us to say they have repented... it is for the martyred and Hashem to so decree and concur... nik. dismayed and disappointed... and enraged at the thought of peace without justice first... never can happen anyway... never... not true and everlasting peace leastwise... n. 
547   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: dealing with shas' treachery... and their dealing with their own lies & flaws...  on: May 07, 2006, 05:02:44 PM 
don't want to rain on anyone's parade... but let's stick to the subject... it is moot already that they erred and/or wilfully did evil... they should have refused to join no matter what or who else does or does not join... they know what this gov. is about and what they are bent on and set on trying to do... pure meridut against Hashem... there is no further discussion on the subject and yes the utj are just as complicit and guilty and even more slimey to let the sephardim make the majority and they just tack themselves on afterward and pretend they're just innocently going along for the ride and nothing is their fault... bulll!!! they made this deal... this is also sickening if you examine what probably went on and got discussed behind closed doors...

once again people now... all together... from zechariah...

"and yehudah will fight with and alongside gog against yerushalyim..." this prophecy has now finally come true... we can only trust ourselves and those who feel as we do and who teach what rav meir said real torah commands us and requires of us... real torah... not a golut-ridden fearful torah of weakness and openly admitted now cowaradice in the face of danger... nik. truly sorry to see this day come... but it was predicted and forecast and we did not merit it not to come to pass... but all is not yet lost... read my previous above post subsequent to the first on top...
548   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "har habayit b'yadenu..." the wait is finally over... if... we merit it!!!! ed.  on: May 07, 2006, 03:55:24 PM 
let's keep our eye on the ball...

they shouldn't have done oslo in '92-93... and knowing all that we've learned about since and suffered with so much agmat nefesh these last 13 years... knowing all that we do... they (shas) damn well shouldn't have done it again in 2006... it is just too sickening to see them be so cowardly and to not give a rip about the rest of kl'al yisroel like this... come on now!!! no one can possibly be this blind!!! how stupid do we think them to be? and how stupid and timid do they take all of us to be? how do they dare to presume and to arrogate to themselves the right to save themselves at the expense of the survival of our unified am and at the cost of our precious holy spots and sacred land? how do they come by the audacity and the unmitigated gall to even consider selling eretz yisroel, yerushalayim and even har habayit!!! for G-d's sake... is nothing too wicked for them to perform and to agree...? is literally nothing sacred anymore...? i'm really asking? this is not a rhetorical question as on the face it may seem... well? is nothing then sacred? nothing? not even har habayit? have we really  come down from our souls' lofty heights and descended to this disgusting level that we are not preparred to lay down our lives and die even over the site of sites in the history of the world... especially considering everything it has meant to us and what it truly means to our... and only to OUR... people, historical legacy and eternal heritage!!!!?

are you telling me... that even now... we still won't fight and we will even yet rebel and will, even now, even over this place... remain stubborn and continue to refuse to sacrifice our lives...? we're just going to stand by and passively watch as they dismantle our dream...  our yearning for paradise and peace on earth and goodwill to man that can never be found or achieved without the world turning back to G-d in full rpetence for their meridut and hatred throughout world history... even now will we continue to let them sell-out our destiny and the world's destiny... Hashem's willed and desired and Divine destiny... and will we really do nothing while they dismantle eretz yisroel and yerushalayim and all of us as well...?

well fine... so be it... (G-d forbid) but not me... count me out... even with no help from any of you... i at least am willing to go out and throw myself on kiddush Hashem if nothing else can be done to stop them... and if i bite the dust... G-d forfend... so what... because just like avraham avinu said before they threw him into the kivshan haaish... "im kain... tov...for i do not wish to live in a world that has no G-d and that is only run by reshayim and their utterly false... and non-existent gods.." as for me... avraham my father... i do not wish to live ina world where G-d's will is not kept and har habayit is out of our hands... we being its true owner as G-d has commanded and has so informed the world of this decision of His ever since har sinai and matten torah 3330+ years ago already..." it is time for the world to finally relent and submit to the omniscent majesty, power, wisdom and ultimate will of Hashem... the G-d of israel and the only G-d of creation... it is time already... it is long overdue and way past time... that time has finally arrived for the world to get this once and for all... 

for don't we all truly know about the secret clauses: 90+% of w. bank guaranteed to them... (nowhere written in the open, above ground version put out for public consumption and for their peaceful, placid, sheepish somnolance (to put us all to sleep... once and for all... forever)... clauses... agreements... sheesh... what fraud... whhat sheker... what utter lies... and of course my favorite one (because it's thank the good L-rd the one that's gonna get them defeated and destroyed)... this one that they're trying to foist on us all now.. the one they're just aching to do to us all right now... out in the open public airwaves with no shame and no guilt and no remorse... and thankfully without any brains... they're salivating so hard now... panting actually to get their hands on her and sink their vampire teeth on it... they wish to so openly defy and rebel against Hashem that they aren't even aware of what's about to hit them and put them down for good... boruch Hashem!!! and now as for us... the true true actual faithful of this world... we too see and understand what and why they are doing this... most importantly we see how also and we know what it would truly mean if they were to be successful... and so ... in their foolish haughtiness they are attempting to skip the step of the rest of the first and announce prematurely and in total defiance of and arrogance toward Hashem and in total disregard for and rather complete disdain actually of the actual will of G-d... they know better but Hashem has tricked them into convincing themselves that they can really do this and succeed and get away with this... oh are they in for a rude awakening... and massive shock!!! and so as we watch them all now as they are set to totally go against our most sacred spot... we too must take stock of ourselves and account for ourselves nobly and honestly... and objectively we must admit to ourselves that we'd trade the whole universe and all of this crazy olam hazeh for that one centimeter of space on earth... for the kodesh kodashim!!!! it's all that ever mattered throughout our painful history and we have it now in our possession and must wrest it from the usurpers of Hashem's throne on earth... remember?

say it over and over again outloud and in your mind... go back people... back to june 5th and 6th of 1967... to koach iyar... and say it with me now...

"har habayit b'yedenu...." "har habayit b'yadenu..." let it sink in... shh... quietly now... "har habayit b'yadenu!!!"... once more...  "har habayit b'yadenu...." "har habayit b'yadenu..." anachamol... "har habayit b'yadenu..." again hear the words... "har habayit b'yadenu...." it's right in our hands... Hashem gave it back to us already.... He will never allow it to leave us ever again and go back out into another long night of golut... it's all done... we did it already in part anyway... "har habayit b'yadenu..." were really all through paying for our sins... it's the world's turn now to pay for theirs... we will never let them give it away... will we? we will stand up for what Hashem wants from us right now... "har habayit b'yadenu..." we will in any event see how Hashem denies them their most agonizing goal to wrest it away from us somehow... when they let us go back... and they let us... on some level or another... out of guilt or to use us... or out of shame at how far they had gone last time to almost wipe us out... and they realize they can't but each new generation tries afresh... "b'chol dor v'dor omdim alenu l'chalotenu..." yes we will see the great G-d of israel step into the picture forcefully, masterfully as soon as they reach out their hand to grasp it"back"... they will suffer the consequences... but so will we if we don't stand up now in faith and trust and show Hashem that He is in control and more mighty than all of them with all their nukes and weapons of mass homicide... better make that mass genocide... for they have been pulling the strings on all of those wars and decimation... for centuries now if not longer... but no more their power ends here forever!!!! they have chosen their path... and they will now see the reigning glory of G-d rain down their onesh and recompense for all the blood they took from us and from the rest of mankind...  for we are all G-d'sl children and He is the common Father of us all... and if this is really so... then He and He alone has determined what will befall His people... His first-born son will live... and triumph... and prevail... and the more we show our belief in this undeniable truth the easier the agony of the final labors of childbirth for the advent of moshiach... moshiach ben david... at long, long last... but first... our duty and then our reward... and then the world will finally be at peace forever...

the har habayit has long been returned to us already... ages ago... now the time has come to reactivate its sacred holiness and bring the final redemption into reality and fulfill all the sought after visions of our prophets and teachers... throughout all-time... "har habayit b'yadenu..." and at last its time for the show... time for the final curtain... Boruch Hashem to be alive and to see this b'aynenu!!!! no matter what the suffering we may now have to go through... hopefully we will be found worthy and we will not have anymore tzar... it's all up to us how we finish... Hashem waits now for us to make the first move if we can summon the requiisit guts to prove our metal... but even if we do not awaken and arise... even still Hashem our G-d will not let His final redemption process be reversed, stimied or defeated.... for His Name's sake if not for ours as well... He will not allow this chillul Hashem to occur... and He will be mekadish His Holy Name in the world in the view of all the world in the full noon hour of the light of the day... "b'etzem hayom..." and none of them will be able to stop Him or prevent Him from His sanctification... when on that day finally after all this agony... He will be One and finally... His Name will be One... and also His people will be lifted up because there can be no ultimate sanctification of the glory of G-d without His one people by His side... serving Him and proudly showing the world how His torah is real... the only truth... and that we all honor it and pay homage to our king... Hashem... our true king and only king... when the world finally witnesses this they will shut their mouths forever... and the evil kingdom will go up in smoke... like the smoke of the kivshan (furnace)... and He will be vindicated... and so will His land, His torah and His people... "har habayit b'yadenu..." never to be stripped away from us ever again... nikmatdam with love of G-d for our am and land.... may we only be found worthy... amen selah... "har habayit b'yadenu..."     
549   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "and you shall not go a whoring after your heart and after your eyes..."  on: May 07, 2006, 12:59:54 PM 
well then... the same goes for them... as it says in zechariah ()... "and yehudah will fight alongside gog against yerushalayim..." and yehudah my rav always taught us means the rabbis... the very best frum jews and biggest talmedei chachamim!!! so i'm not surrised in the slightest... nik. disappointed but still pounding away at it... 
550   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 07, 2006, 12:54:45 PM 
enjoy... the boycott has not yet begun... and it will only be a voluntary ban at that!!! nik. putting it all together...
551   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 07, 2006, 12:50:12 PM 
btw you and me bk... when moshiach gets here i want to be wherever the best action is in picking up a rifle and taking vengeance!!! as i always say here and elsewhere... i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance!!!! nik. on his way back home again but hoping to exact revenge all along the way!!!
552   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron...  on: May 07, 2006, 12:41:39 PM 
keep fighting for every square inch... constant, unrelenting confrontation is the key here... keep on keeping on contesting every move the memshelt zadon makes... never give in or give up.... the fight will grow and the anger will esculate until we will prevail with the help of G-d... they are actually our best friends now as their sick actions are bringing us together in righteous indignation... nik.
553   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: HEY!!! ON "HEY!!!" (why is this becoming personal?)  on: May 07, 2006, 08:29:44 AM 
you are not the ones wronged here... whose message was destroyed, distorted and blatantly kept from viewing!!! so rush away people... i'm ready for you and i welcome your challenge and your charge!!! i promise you all i will give back to you as good or better than i get!!! i am certainly not afraid of any one of you!!! so have at it!!! nik.
554   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "and you shall not go a whoring after your heart and after your eyes..."  on: May 07, 2006, 08:22:49 AM 

and once again i reiterate... i did not refer to shas as a bunch of whores...."CASUALLY"... i did so purposively and with great anger befitting their disgusting act of perfidy against us all!!! n.
555   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: HEY!!! ON "HEY!!!"  on: May 07, 2006, 08:20:27 AM 
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556   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / HEY!!! ON "HEY!!!"  on: May 07, 2006, 08:09:52 AM 
557   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: HEY!!!  on: May 07, 2006, 07:58:46 AM 
no it wasn't ltkn... it was used because that is what they (shas) have become... they made oslo possible with all its incumbent agony and now they have made possible the unthinkable... the giving away of parts of jerusalem and with it the har habayit... i would say calling them whores is mild... they really should be called traitors!!!! nik. out...
558   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir and his call for all of us to go up to the land...  on: May 07, 2006, 07:50:36 AM 
i unlike the vast majority of american (diaspora jews) have a purpose to be here now helping other jews see the light and the real truth... when this mission ends or changes i will certainly come home for good or for awhile depending on what Hahsem wants of me... i serve Him and not myself nor anyone else of basar v'dam... i am rav meir's talmud and i will fulfill his wishes and directions... his teachings and his message... in any event i do hope and pray to be in israel this summer... it has been 26 long years since i have been home... nik. 
559   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / dealing with shas' treachery... and their dealing with their own lies & flaws...  on: May 07, 2006, 04:30:13 AM 
if no one here is willing to take them on and discuss the general and specific issue of what they have done by joining the government... then i will have to do so...

hirtzu (pay attention) shas...

i know it's hard to be moral and ethical and do the right thing al pi torah legabi k'lal yisroel when you have been and are thoroughly corrupted and guilty... and while the diseased and demented have the goods on you... we will forgive you your sins and failings, shas... we will stand with you when they arrest you, try you, convict you and jail you for your "crimes" (ones they have all done equally and far worse ones as well... like the murder of jews, etc.)... just leave the government and don't let them give away hebron and jerusalem and the rest of eretz yisroel... leave tomorrow... tonight!!! and we will forgive you... leave these sinners now and don't get swept away with them in their and by their sins to high heaven and low hell... to stay and remain passive and silent and allow others outside the gov. ruling clique to do the dirty work for you is unacceptable... to let these vile beasts in and out of the ruling coalition decide the fate of eretz yisroel while you stand aside paid off and threatened... blackmailed... is still to be complicit when they act against all that is holy and G-dly about our homeland and people; our torah and our G-d... and therefore to do this dastardly deed of perfidy, betrayal and sedition for any reason good (for money for torah education) or evil (to keep your sins secret)... is the same as fighting with them in order to help gog u'maygog win... to aid britain and america and the vast cabal which IS really out there in the world... all over and throughout this world is to sin against am yisroel and Hakodesh Boruch Hu for all time... for to help them prevail in their sought after goal to rebel against the Al-mighty even just by your timely and mute abstention is tantamount to actually pulling the trigger and destroying am yisroel and all we hold dear and sacred!!! for our rabbis taught us... "shtika k'hodah dami!!!" ("silence is the same as aquiescence")... if you will act like korach you will surely become korach and suffer his same fate... and you will be anihilated right along with these nazi-kapo overlord cretins so set upon our demise and the permenant obliteration of the am Hashem and the dream and real meaning of the land of Hashem... make no mistake about this... you will be judged the same as them if you enable them to be victorious... you cannot escape culpability and harsh punishment with this flimziest of denials and alibies... nik.
560   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 07, 2006, 02:07:15 AM 
maybe true... but on the right side and upon the right path... wish i could say the same for you yby... there is no good reason for you to scoff at this proposal... it can work and it can be effective and it can make a difference... and i for one will never stop and i'm going for it!!! we'll have to watch your true motivations for what you say from this time forward... rav kook pic or not... nik.
561   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Don't shake my hand and don't take my land  on: May 07, 2006, 02:02:16 AM 
that's what we need... every jew to take his/her stand wherever possible... whenever the opportunity presents itself... every jew... everywhere... now is the time of our redemption...NOW!!!! nik.
562   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 07, 2006, 01:41:58 AM 
i am not going to allow this post to drop and be out of the top two or three until you guys respond to it... i'm not kidding around... this is serious... this is truly our obligation and duty right now... wherever we live... nik.
563   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron...  on: May 07, 2006, 01:09:22 AM 
our time has come... with Hashem's help we will be vicorious over our enemies... the sabbath violaters and their goyish scum human pets ( dogs) will not prevail this time... please G-d... no more chillul Hashem... now is the time for maxim kiddush Hashem no matter what the stakes... no matter what it takes... by all means possible... their hatred of G-d and torah; the holy land and the am Hashem shall not win-out... the erev rav unjewish jews... these vile idolators and blasphemers will fall!!! G-d will reign over His land, people and creation (the entire world)!!!... nik.
564   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Things really heating up in Hebron...  on: May 07, 2006, 12:41:58 AM 
no this will not be another amona... no matter what the outcome this will be a true kiddush Hashem...   now is the time to confront... they started it... Hashem will finish it... Hashem will be with us!!! nik.
565   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / rav meir on holding israel and keeping it solely in jewish hands forever...  on: May 05, 2006, 08:12:46 PM 
and because this is the case and therefore it is encumbent upon us all everywhere and anywhere to keep and guard this mitzvah for and in all generations and the duty of all jews in each and every dor... and so i bid you to go and look up rav meir's work... "why be jewish?" and on pages 202-210 or so... you will see the following...

a) rav meir calls for jews everywhere (inside and outside the land) to stand up for judaism and for the jewish policies and actions needed to be done and not care what the goyim think or worry what the goyish jews may say or do if we stand up... (but that we should demonstrate that we only care and yearn to do what is truly right for jews and for true jewish policies and values as expressed in the torah of Hashem)... and remember he wasn't saying back then in 1977 that we had to go out of our way to forfeit our lives and put ourselves in danger just to show ourselves to be brave and courageous for G-d...that we shouldn't do so just to prove we are not afraid of the goyim like so many of you think his message was to us... no... HE WAS SAYING THAT WE ALREADY WERE IN A TIME PERIOD OF CHALLENGE TO OUR G-D AND TORAH IDEALS and that there already was a real and true crisis (and this same crisis is even graver today because we refused to listen and act accordingly back then)... he was trying to inform us that we must summon forth and find it within ourselves to rise up and speak out and take a stand for Hashem, torah, eretz yisroel and k'lal yisroel (whatever the current crisis is determined to be... a little bit of each i say)... and he thus told us and taught us and reproved us and remonstrated against us that because we already ARE in a matzav of danger and supreme choice and obligation to act for G-d and israel (people and land) it is all up to us to do the right thing and tell the world about our decision to stand by our firm conviction and resolve that this is our duty in our service to the G-d of israel and we dare not waver... and he cajoled us that thus anyway if we don't stand up now we will fail the test for Hashem to redeem us from this process all the way and only be saved partially because we don't deserve and are not worthy of more but He will not allow them to destroy us completely because that is His promise to us and His covenant He made with our avot... and so ... if we won't stand up like we should now for kiddush Hashem... to sanctify the name of G-d... then we will blow it big-time and have to go thru another long cycle of part golut/part geulah until the next crisis rises to a crescendo and then He will have to test us all over again to see if we are more worthy next time... or not us but our kids because if we won't stand up now who says He will give our generation another chance? and so i beg you stand up now and we will be redeemed... all of us...not  i... not even rav meir... but HASHEM PROMISES THIS TO YOU!!!! HE IS BEGGING YOU TO SUMMON FORTH THE COURAGE AND VISION AND CONVICTION TO DO WHAT MUST BE DONE NOW!!!! HE IS BEGGING US!!!!

and the final rayah (proof) is what we all missed about rav meir's teachings all along... and he was saying to us JEWS LISTEN UP PLEASE!!!! b) that we must realize that this is a tekufa of the goyim trying to break us of our connection to a mitzvah of the torah and when they do this as an open persecution and oppression to have us deny the truth of any mitzvah even one less significant (seemingly) as that of our commandment by and from Hashem to possess this land and never relinquish control over it or let go of any part of it to return to goyish hands... despite everything you know he taught us of chillul Hashem vs. saving and preserving our lives and safety... etc... etc... etc... ad infinitum our usual discussions and debates here and elsewhere over the issue of who is right in their pesak... yadayadayada....



and if the worse should happen because of our stand... G-d forbid... az mah? 

"ayn davar... tov lamut b'ad artzenu!!!!"

"tov lamut b'ad amo u'b'ad amcha!!!"

"tov lamut b'ad hatorah hakedosha u'b'ad mitzvotav!!!"

"v'gam tov lamut b'ad ELOKENU... V'AL KIDDUSH HASHEM!!!"

566   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 05, 2006, 02:07:39 PM 
au contraire... sunkist is a huge corp. with huge profits every year here and in israel... and around the world i would venture... we CAN hurt them and hurt them bad and make our point and take our stand... but it will take hundreds of thousands of jews to make a roshem... nik. out to lunch but not eating any tuna fish...
567   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ...Whore.. (very relevant to Torah and Am Yisrael)  on: May 05, 2006, 12:09:20 PM 
hor d'oerves anyone?
568   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: whores and pimps in the knesset...  on: May 05, 2006, 12:02:19 PM 
"oh how this once formiddable state sits like a whore with no one comin' a'callin' anymore!!!"

good pusuk reference rafi!!! ta... nik. 
569   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: tuna in a can and the jew in a pickle...  on: May 05, 2006, 11:56:53 AM 
most families have kids and kids eat alot of the stuff not to mention the parents.. i bet 5 bucks is an underestimate... closer to 10... and the impact would be enormous if millions of jews did this and went on record saying why they are shunning tuna... it wouldn't stop the amer. and israeli fascist nazis but it would show the world (and us to each other) that at least we are beginning to fight back with something... by any means possible... and then perhaps by any means necessary...

and going to live in yesha only solves the problem if masses of jews go there to live... one more jewish soul there right now does not make that great an impact nor much of a difference in the war to save yesha... just my take on things... in fact... over there there are less freedoms to express yourself and much easier to be silenced... none-the-less i am planning to at least come for a trial year there sometime this summer... shabat shalom l'kulam... ta... nik.

570   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / i forgot these two whore references...  on: May 05, 2006, 01:26:00 AM 
how could i forget...?

"shall they treat our sister like a whore?

"hakezonah yaseh et achotainu?"


and of course this one... how could i forget?

"and it was when about three months had passed that yehudah was told, 'your daughter-in-law tamar has committed whoredom and moreover, she has conceived by whoredom (harlotry)...'"


and before that in (38:13-23) all about the incident of yehudah and tamar.... shame, shame, shame... Hashem used prostitute and harlot and whore multiple times... tch... tch... tch... nik. out and about and taking no guff!!!
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571   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "and you shall not go a whoring after your heart and after your eyes..."  on: May 05, 2006, 12:55:45 AM 
boy i see what you're saying... what a sheer waste of time that site became... nik. off to the races...
572   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 05, 2006, 12:50:59 AM 
shas' cave-in the other day angered me and made me want to go public with this tuna idea... and yes it includes all fresh tuna too... and not just because of its mercury level... as i stated we are trying to protest america and israel's middle-east policies legabi the west bank and jerusalem... yesha and har habayit... we are trying to deny moolah to one mega corp. so they can start to feel our ire!!! arrrg! nik. teeth sharpened and ready to pounce!!! 
573   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "and you shall not go a whoring after your heart and after your eyes..."  on: May 05, 2006, 12:41:03 AM 
(bemidbar:15:39)... third paragraph of the shema...

or how about this one y'all...

"do not profane your daughter to make her a whore (or a harlot), lest the land become lewd, and the land become filled with depravity..." (vayikra:19:29)...

or this one...

"israel settled in the shittim and the people began to commit whoredom (or harlotry) with the daughters of moab..." (bemidbar:25:1)...

or of course this priceless gem of a pasuk...

"Hashem said to moshe... 'behold you will lie with your forefathers, but this people will rise up and whore (stray... zanah) after the gods of the foreigners of the land..." (devarim:31:16)...

or this one...

"there shall not be a whore (a promiscuous woman) among the daughters of israel, and there shall not be a whore (promiscuous man) among the sons of israel. you shall not bring a whore's (a harlot's) hire or the exchange of a dog to the house of Hashem, your G-d, for any vow, for both of them are an abomination of Hashem, your G-d..." (devarim:23:18-19)...

should Hashem have use a different word for prostitute? just wondering... nik. out but not whoring around...
574   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and proper, appropriate hatred and anger will surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 05, 2006, 12:10:15 AM 
hey guys this is about the tuna!!!
575   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and proper, appropriate hatred and anger shall surely set you free/tuna repost.  on: May 04, 2006, 09:58:04 PM 
o.k. so shas are a bunch of "top notch" fellows... there now can i say my piece on tuna?

on pesach this idea came to me...

we should ask the rabbis and the gedolim to issue a voluntary ban and boycott on tuna fish consumption and purchase for at least one year if not two... all shuls and yeshivas too... not just a boycott by individual frum or dati jews...

we are going to try to hurt some industry and corporate wealth here and in israel... any product will do... and others can be added along the way if we wish to expand our protest... we must hurt the american and israeli economy... and hit their governments in the pocketbook too with less tax revenue and the downturn of one of their big industries ... the bottom line is the bottom line with these people and kesef is the only thing they understand... i would call for a boycott of all oil and gas products but it is just not possible given no alternative energy and fuel sources in heavy and ready supply... it would be a gezarah on the public sh'eefsher hatzibur l'amod bo... so i'm choosing tuna instead because...

a) the kashrut on o-u tuna has for years been suspect due to dolphin and porpoise meat perhaps getting into the tuna canneries... ban would also show Hashem our concern for our purity of eating...

b) announced last month new findings of increased mercury levels in tuna... harmful for the frail... the elderly and the very young... side benefit of added health precautions...

c) all proceeds of saved cash (est. $5-$10 weekly) should be sent to help the dispossessed of gush katif and amona and for future problems in yesha... or the moneies can be given to any tzedakah you like... just deny profits to this one corporation... to any one to show we care and are not just standing idly by our embattled brothers' blood... for it is an isur d'oraita for us to sit here or in israel or anywhere in the world while our brethren in israel or around the globe for that matter are being murdered, beaten and driven from their homes... this should be obvious but we are doing nothing publicly to protest and stand by them and stand up for them and stand up against our enemies... the israeli, american and eu governments...

but in no way is this just another fundraiser for endangered jews... no!!!

we will clearly state with some mesirat nefesh summoned for once... that we are refraining from tuna for as long as it takes to send our angry disdain for the jew-hating policies of our governments and to oppose their continued implementation...

and we will announce our overall displeasure with our so-called jewish leaders to kowtow to the gentile world and under duress conceed precious land from our heritage and historical legacy... the land Hashem gave to us... despite the mitzvah to hold onto the land, conquer and dispossess the goyim of it and to settle the land... despite all those mitzvot we are violating by giving up the land of israel... there is a specific chillul Hashem we are doing by allowing the rolling back of G-d's redemption process and also as such in the face of the gentile world demanding we relent and give up the land there is a mitzvah in the torah not to listen to the goyim attempting to remove us from any mitzvah of G-d we have to keep by Divine command... in fact... because it is brazen and public we are bidden to die for the mitzvah... it becomes an inyan of yehareg v'al yavor... we must choose death over transgression... thus according to rav meir in "why be jewish" (page numbers and his sources to follow in a separate post... please G-d later tonite or tomorrow)...

the only way we are going to get out of this golut is by demonstrating our faith in HaKodesh Boruch Hu by standing up in protest against the goyish will neged Hashem Yitborech!!!! just like in mitzrayim eventhough we were abject slaves... still G-d required of us a significant level of mesirat nefesh... that of brit milah and korban pesach b'rabiim in the face of the egyptian masters and overlords and against the authority of "almighty" paro himself... b'kevodo v'atzmo!!!

if they were expected to do something even back then when they knew virtually nothing of Hashem's ways and power certainly we are expected to act and to do so with righteous indignation... to at least do something... anything!!! and not sit here in silence... as we are doing... as many did from our fathers' and grandparents' generations during the holocaust from america... we dare not repeat that great, vile sin... we have no excuses as they pretended to have... no foreknowledge of the death machine and/or no political or economic clout and of course fear of "rocking the gentile boat" and making things bad for us right here as well... all bogus arguments and all sins to G-d and against our ancestors' blood... and so only thus... by finally exhibiting courage, valor and conviction for our fellow jews and for eretz yisroel... only this can save us... only through faith... true faith and trust in G-d when it matters most in the face of real danger and actual threat of life and well-being... only thusly can we help bring the geulah shelaymah...

for if we do not respond this time around we risk incurring the wrath of G-d by our cowardice to help our brethren... we risk G-d's punishing anger if we are apathetic or turn a blind eye or a deaf ear to our fellow jews' plight and suffering or even by our just being too frightened of the goyim... we will be held accountable... (rav meir's exact words on this to follow too)...

this is what i posted and should see reposted minus the title which was objected to... just like some other posts of mine the titles were changed as per the wish of the moderator and webmaster, etc. thank you all for your support...

nik. out
576   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / HEY!!!  on: May 04, 2006, 01:34:11 PM 
what happened to my tuna boycott post? nik.
577   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the definitive reason we should all say hallel on yom atzmaut/ by rav meir hy"d.  on: May 03, 2006, 11:39:38 PM 

however... all shitas are legitimate within the torah fold and world as far as i'm concerned... a true machloket lesahaim shamayim if there ever was one...

but this is the crucial data to know and it ends the discussion...

from: why be jewish... by rav meir...

pages 192-196: (OH HOW WE MISS HIM)...

"there is a 'time' of redemption for the jewish people. there is a final redemption, a final day when the majesty and kingdom of the L-rd shows itself before the eyes of the nations and the LAW AND KINGDOM OF HEAVEN REIGN FOREVER AND EVER. on that day will the glory of G-D and His people be enshrined and the final redemption attained.

we live today in the final era, in the footsteps of the messiah. it is incumbent upon us to understand this and to clearly know its consequences.

we are deep into the period of atchalta d'geulah ~ the beginning of the redemption. one who gazes upon the incredible millennia of wandering, suffering, and miraculous survival of the jewish lamb among 70 wolves; who has seen the terrible holocaust; the phenomenal return of a people exiled for more than 18 centuries as it resurrects its state, brings to life a language, and gathers in the exiles from a hundred lands of dispersion; the miraculous victories against overwhelming odds of 1948, 1956, 1967 and 1973, the most miraculous of them all; the astonishing liberation of historic eretz yisroel with our return to the wall, to hebron, to judea and samaria ~ one who has seen all these miracles and signs of G-D and does not believe that we are a divine people and this is the era of the redemption and the beginning of the jewish state that can never be destroyed (just transformed eventually to a true torah-state... nik.)... (one who doesn't see all this) ~ is blind.

yet such there are. there are the vast numbers of non-observant who do not believe in G-d or who pay lip service to HIm that renders him irrelevant. they see in the state of israel a state like all other states, the product of a nationalism like all other nationalisms, a natural and rational phenomenon. for them there is no hand of G-d, no beginning of a Divine redemption, no miracle. since it is a state like any other, there are no guarantees; such a state has no Divine insurance policy. such a state can be destroyed and it is thus only natural to look at the black clouds of destruction and consider dangerous concessions or emigration to canada.

but even in religious circles there has been a debate over the religious legitimacy and place in history of the state of israel, centering about the very honest question: how can the religious jew see the hand of G-d in a state which was created and is run by jews who are not only non-observant but who quite clearly either deny G-d or are at best indifferent to His meaningful existence. (or who hate G-d and torah-true judaism as we see and experience today... nik.). how can one compare this state with the first two which were created by believing jewish leaders and which were both destroyed precisely because jews behaved in the manner of the jewish rulers of israel today? indeed, many religious jews refuse to give religious recognition to the state, or at best accept it on a de facto basis, while a large number of others disregard the seeming contradiction and declare that a state is the expression of Divine will, though they are hardpressed to explain themselves logically.


the key to understanding our era and our future lies in comprhending the true meaning of the creation of the state of israel, why in a generation such as ours the redemption has begun. the prophet ezekiel, in one of the most dramatic and profound visions of the bible (ezekiel 36), spoke to the jews of his time and beyond, of the day when the exile would end and the jew would return home:

'and I scattered them among the nations, and they were dispersed through the countries; according to their way and according to their doings I judged them. and when they came unto the nations, whither they came, they profaned My holy name which the house of israel had profaned among the nations, into which they came. therefore, say unto the house of israel: "thus saith the L-rd G-d, I do not this for your sake, o' house of israel, but for My Holy Name which ye have profaned among the nations, whither ye came. and I will sanctify My great name... and the nations shall know that I am the L-rd... when I shall be sanctified in you before their eyes. for I will take you from among the nations, and gather you out of all the countries, and will bring you into your own land..."'

here is the essence of our times. here is the reason for the rise of the state of israel and the impossibility of its destruction. it arose and was created to wipe away the humiliation of chillul Hashem, the profaning of the name of G-d!

'and when they came unto the nations, whither they came, they profaned My holy name.' THE VERY PRESENCE OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE IN EXILE, scattered among the nations, a minority without a home, a group defenseless and exposed to the whims and power of the majority, a people persecuted because it is weak and has lost its land, government, army and pride ~ THAT IN ITSELF IS CHILLUL HASHEM.

and it is obvious why it must be so! when 'men said of them: "these are the people of the L-rd, and are gone out of His land."' the nations look at this weak and defenseless people upon whom they trod, whom they persecute, rob, despoil and shame, saying: 'if these are the people of the L-rd and we can do this to them, HE is weak, powerless or non-existent!' it is the scorn and disdain of the gentile for the jew and his G-d of which the psalmist cried: 'wherefore shall the nations say: "where then is their G-d!?"'

to the gentile who can, with impunity, trample upon and murder the jew THERE IS NO JEWISH G-D, for if there were He would not allow such a thing to be. and so the gentile mocks this jewish G-d and declares Him to be non-existent. and this is CHILLUL HASHEM, from the hebrew word CHALLAL, meaning vacuum, empty, void.

in the awesome description of the final days when the nations will gather for battle with israel, the prophet ezekiel describes their utter defeat by G-d and says: "and My Holy Name will I make known in the midst of My people israel; neither will I desecrate My Holy Name to be profaned anymore..." and the biblical commentator Rashi says simply: 'the degredation of israel is the desecration of G-d's Name.'

it is through the jew that the jewish G-d is either profaned or sanctified. when the jew rises to the heights and emerges victorious, it is not only he but his G-d who is vindicated and exalted. and when the jew is beaten and disgraced, it is the name of his G-d that is profaned for seeming inability to save him. the essence of auschwitz lies not in the murder of jews but in what that murder implied for the existence, power and truth of their G-d. if we could degrade, humiliate, gas and burn all these helpless jews, sneered the nazis, "where then is their G-d!" there was never a greater CHILLUL HASHEM than this.   

(to be continued later)... (last paragraph)...

and so we understand, finally, the true meaning of CHILLUL HASHEM, and through it the reason for the rise of the jewish state in our times and THE IRRELEVANCY OF THE RELIGIOSITY OR NON-RELIGIOSITY OF ITS LEADERS. "I do not this for your sake, o' house of israel, but for My Holy Name which ye have profaned among the nations." it is NOT because the jew was worthy of it that the state of israel came into being. whether the jew remained the same or became worse was not relevant, because it was not as a reward for his piety and deeds that G-d created the state. indeed, as the age of science, rationalism, materialism and internationalism raced ahead with giant strides, it became clear that the jew would never become better, only worse. for the jew was eagerly backsliding. so the jewish G-d decided that He would no longer tolerate the profaning of His name, the disdain and mockery of the nations, and He decreed that there should rise a jewish state WHICH IS THE VERY ANTITHESIS OF THE EXILE.

if the exile, with its humiliations, defeats, persecutions, minority status, and supping as a beggar at the tables of others, is CHILLUL HASHEM, then an independent jewish state which gives the jew a home, a majority, his own land, his own army, and his own trampling of the enemy on the field of battle IS THE VERY OPPOSITE. it is KIDDUSH HASHEM, the sanctification of the Name of G-d! it is the reaffirmation, the proof, the witness to His presence and dominion, His control of the earth and all therein..."   

578   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../jokers to the right of me...  on: May 03, 2006, 11:10:16 PM 
and stuck in the middle again with yuz guys... chiefboss!!! and don't you forget it!!! nik. out of here...
579   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../cynics to the left of me...  on: May 03, 2006, 10:54:10 PM 
if you guys would only get your heads out of the jars they're stuffed into right now you would know that this time i was not predicting nor prophecyizng this possible attack but... and here's the rub... i was DEDUCING it from info i had learned or heard about guiliani and silverstein... in other words i put two and two together and got 4... not 2 or 3 nor even 5 or 6... 4!!! so put me down for just doing my math homework and shut the hell up the both of youse with all your cyncism!!!!
580   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../ALERT!!! update for the brainnumb among us!!!  on: May 03, 2006, 05:35:24 PM 
well just so you all know... at the moussaoui verdict read today a reporter here in l.a. mentioned that the evidence in this case shows that he was part of or supposed to have been a part of a fifth plane or a second wave of planes to attack both the white house and/or THE SEARS TOWER IN CHICAGO... so there you have it... nik. not so paranoid and out of his everlovin' skull as people may think around these parts!!!
581   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../m or n... all the same to me...  on: May 02, 2006, 07:14:16 PM 
that one question and fact was not the be-all and end-all of that last post... just the opening salvo... but thanks anyway for stopping by and helping us out some, son... don't want to pasul anyone before their time... however... eitaM is already on record stating that if any settlers or right-wing types take up arms to defend themselves from terrorists and/or the govt. that they should be arrested and have the book thrown at them and the key tossed away on them!!!! so i have no use for eitam either... with or with out a broken scalp or whatever he had... lip? eyelid? arm? (story keeps changing)... he's one hell of a pure opportunist plain and simple... and rav moshe paskened in '84 that we have every right to pick up arms and defend ourselves because the isr. govt. refuses to do so adequately... and this was back then!!! before oslo and before even the first intifada!!! and yet he already felt then that the jewish underground guys had acted properly and nobly and therefore deserved and should have received a full and an immediate pardon, amnesty and release from custody... if he were still with us... what would he say now? nik. out of his flippin' lid and way, way out on a limb for k'lal yisroel... not that anyone cares...
582   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../and so...  on: May 02, 2006, 05:53:29 PM 
are rafi eitan and effie eitan related...? bros? then they are both pusul and not on our side just like sharon wasn't and don't let the kippah and frumkeit or the broken bones at amona fool you... if rafi did to pollard what arutz7's newstory today suggests then they are sick jews and should be shunned... nik. just mindin' the store while i completely melt down!!! ta... nikie pooh and goodnight... also please G-d... let this issue before the israeli courts take down this perfidious coalition before it even takes office for a single day... amen... see how in reporting yesterday the news that shas joining put them over the top how they lumped together as one figure (36) the 28 of kadima with the 8 of the pensioners? that means they were in cahoots all along and the 36 combined was always there for the taking... they just made it look close or some other disgusting political rot reason to appear to have been opposing and competing parties when all along they were duping the voting public as to their affiliation and duality... probably cooked the books or votes for the geezers as well so as not to have to cheat on too great a scale on their own party name and accord... you can fool all the people all the time... but you can't fool Hashem or me... nikmatdam one of His humble servants... the whole damn thing stinks to low hell and high heaven... take rafi eitan out and those 8 seats will crumble leaving just 59 left.... thank you very muich Hashem... boruch Hashem!!! justice for jonathan pollard now!!!! a true, true jewish hero and prisioner of zion... an exalted jew of great suffering, yesurim and superior mesirat nefesh!!!! i mean he really laid it all out there on the line for us!!! be grateful and show hakorot hatov by davening for him and by davening for the death of all those involved in his arrest, conviction, incarceration and most of all for his betrayal... may he be blessed with freedom and light and goodness all his days and forever.... amen selah!!!! (i am mekanah his olam haba... it is awesome to contemplate... but i just pray he gets a little of this world as well before his 120 are up... and let us all say amen again!)
583   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: this guy gets it/this guy didn't! moi!  on: May 02, 2006, 05:43:27 PM 
my apologies too in that case... been gone too long i guess... didn't pick that up... nik.
584   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../yuk it up morons just as long as you don't f-ck it up!!!  on: May 02, 2006, 04:42:52 AM 
bravo!!! author! author! you guys crack me up... mock me if you must but that doesn't alter the fact not one iota that israel is staring doe-like into the crosshairs of another holocaust (chas v'shalom) right now!!! and the same "fine" folks who brought you 9/11 did the holocaust and ache to do another one on us and are indeed plotting one right at this very moment while you guys are all so busy being consumed with yuking it up!!! so have at it guys!!! get a good laugh at my expense... just as long as our enemies don't get the last laugh... that will be enough for me... i will be glad to have been nothing but a raving lunatic and we are and always were really safe from danger all along... that will be much to my satisfaction... i will be fine with that... but if i am right... G-d forfend... what then? will you also be fine with all of your unkind latzonot? nik. out of his flippin' mind!!! huh?
585   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: this guy gets it/he gets it alright... right between our eyes...  on: May 02, 2006, 03:58:30 AM 
this guy gets it huh? what are you nuts? half of israel will be gone and we must then learn to deal with it, move on and try to love each other again? with half of israel gone we will be dead meat waiting to be devoured by hungry wolves.... you're insane!!! he's out of his flippin' gourd!!! and i must be a lunatic because everyone seems to have already drunk the punch and so i am the crazy person and you are all the sane ones... well if so... i wish to be out of my mind forever... i want to be certifiable!!!!  mark me down for the looney bin because i will never ever agree with what he and you wish to resign all of us to have to endure.... give it all away and get a life both of you on the left and on the right... what a bunch of hooey!!! such immoral and indecent political rot.... smacking of obvious disdain for true ahavat yisroel... a collective death-wish the two of youse!!!! my G-d you're both blind to the truth of another holocaust looming... G-d forbid... you refuse to see the real intent of our enemies to see us completely destroyed once they put us back behind the aushwitz borders and relegate us all back to warsaw ghetto status... or worse turning the whole of eretz yisroel into  one of their great crematoria and concentration camps the rest of which the world still keeps in tact as a constant reminder to themselves of their past success in almost destroying us all... keeping the welcome memory (to them)  of those awful chillul Hashem days and years alive and still ticking...  a cherished monument to that greatest chillul Hashem of all-time... a chillul Hashem they hope to top next time in the holy land...

i say anyone stepping foot in any of them or into any holocaust museum (the way they are presently configured, run and set up) is perpetrating as large a chillul Hashem as when a jew openly attends a church  or mosque service... esav and yishmael... we forget that they are both our enemies... they both seek our total demise... and this includes am rakia as well...

i say burn down all the concentration camps left standing in germany, poland or the ukraine or wherever else they are... burn them down and then raze every beit avodah zara in the land of israel... raze them all straight down to the ground forever!!!! please G-d... nikmatdam... i'm back!!!! deal with it!!!!

just like when the arab scum tell us that they are all going upstairs to heaven... if that's the case (and we know it is not)... but for argument's sake... if they are right than i want to be put at the very front of the line forming to sign up and beg Hashem to be allowed to go to hell and be as far away from those bastards as possible!!!! nik. just about as outraged as one can possibly get!!!!
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586   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: listen up.../behave people...  on: May 01, 2006, 12:35:54 PM 
i'm not making any excuses... i really believe he won't sit... of course i'm disappointed at today's news that shas was so shamelessly bought off... and if that is the difference then i was wrong... but it took a bunch of traitors to make me so...

as far as 9/11 and 7/7 are concerned...

only the ignorant, the petrified and the complicit will refuse to see the connection and the convergence of guliani and silverstein... of course satanic larry didn't own the train stations in london... or did he? hmmm! nik. out... way out... huh? 
587   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / listen up...  on: May 01, 2006, 01:43:41 AM 
while we wait to see if i'm right that olmert will never sit as pm on his own direct election... we have something else to worry about...

the only man on the planet to be in ny on 9/11 and in london on the day that their bombs went off was none other than his nibs the "wonder" mayor of the world... rudy guliani... and he was at illinois univ. less than a month ago predicting that 9/11 would not go down in history as the only date on which an al qaeda terrorist strike on american soil occurred... (his actual words)... (he's already correct because okl. city was the first one anyway) but that's another story; not for now...

meanwhile thanks to the loosechange video on 9/11 we now know that the satanic jew... larry silverstein the then owner of tower 7 leased the rest of the trade center bldgs. and property from the rockefeller conglomerate group barely 6 weeks before 9/11 and insured it from terrorist attack to the tune of 3.5 billion dollars worth...

and so... well... i'm sad to have to be the one to inform you G-d forbid... but i'm afraid here we go again... because i just learned that last week or so he leased the metlife/sears and roebuck bldg and complex in... you guessed it... none other than the windy city... chicago, illinois...

and so you guys can do the math from here... put two and two together and you can easily see another 9/11 in the offing... looming just beneath the horizon... perhaps as soon as june... chas v'shalom... beware and be forewarned... and get the word out... suspect any land or bldg. that silverstein either owns or leases... these nazis think we are so stupid that they can perpetrate and get away with anything and right under our noses to boot... what arrogance and hubris... what disgustingly evil men and women {condi} they all are... they must be stopped... we have to stand up against them or they will enslave the world... nikmatdam... out...   
588   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Reclaiming the Temple Mount - book review  on: April 09, 2006, 01:04:25 AM 
a few typos corrected... feedback requested... lenny? david?  nik.
589   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: an idea whose time has come... (in fact it's long overdue)...  on: April 09, 2006, 12:59:18 AM 
i'm not into killing anyone... i am into ridding israel and torah of its enemies... jewish or goyish enemies... i am sick of them hiding behind the banner of freedom of thought or the "we're jewish too" mantra to dismantle the jewish state and destroy authentic judaism... just calling for their banishment will send shock waves and cause a huge drive to rally to save k'lal yisroel from subversion and death by attrition... terrorist attrition led by peres and olmert now... nik. out...
590   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is it really "apathy" or lack of faith in the system?  on: April 03, 2006, 12:19:55 PM 
i'll leave that for you all to decide... but when the truth finally emerges into the light of'll all know how much i already knew eons ahead of everyone... and then we'll see who's smirking... nik. out...
591   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: an idea whose time has come... (in fact it's long overdue)...  on: April 03, 2006, 12:14:42 PM 
thanks... i think you're right... but is that the one on the sidewalk or on my wood floor at home? nik.
592   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: an idea whose time has come... (in fact it's long overdue)...  on: April 03, 2006, 05:56:35 AM 
i know... we can still be accused of inciting to riot and discriminating against a group of israeli citizens based on creed or religion... but if you read the law banning kahane and kach... it never mentions race it only mentions religion... as if rav meir wanted to throw them all out (the arabs) solely because they were or are all muslims or christians... so we can turn the tables on them and say not only do we not wish to rid israel of these "jews" because of their race (since we are mostly the same as they)... but also not for or over their religion... since either they have none or because yet again... we are the same religion as them as well... and so... we got 'em right where we want em'... boxed into an inextricable corner... we want them and the arabs out solely and only because these two groups are a direct and immediate threat to the survival of the state of israel as a jewish state and even more importantly a dire, clear and present and imminent danger to the survival of the jewish people in and out of the land of israel... nik. out...
593   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / an idea whose time has come... (in fact it's long overdue)...  on: April 03, 2006, 05:38:13 AM 
one united national/religious party dedicated to the formation of a torah-true, jewish state... whose first operational goals are for the immediate implementation of all torah laws and... AND!!! the necessary transfer of all secular, anti-torah ashkenazi jews out of the country... we will repatriate them to europe or to uganda if they wish or to any other country on earth they desire to be sent to and to whichever nation will take these human refuse.... these thoroughly diseased and worthless jews by accident-of-birth alone... these disgustingly unjewish erev rav jews... they are not the sephardim... narry a one of them... our curse is these ashkenazi self-loathing and G-d-hating filth... "THEY MUST GO!!!! i'm serious people... they can't arrest us for this platform because most of us are ashkenazi ourselves... just not torah-haters... so they can't accuse us of being racist.... now can they? ha!!! we got them all now!!!! checkmate... game, set and match.... and after we throw them all out we can take care of the arab-scum... like rav meir always taught us... "we don't have an arab problem in israel... (that we can solve and take care of in 5 minutes)... we have a JEWISH PROBLEM and only a jewish problem!!!" so put that in your pipe and smoke it olmert!!!! we're coming to power for sure now!!!! just wait and see... nik. out...
594   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is it really "apathy" or lack of faith in the system?  on: April 03, 2006, 05:24:42 AM 
neither... by the priory de zion, the free masons, the carlyle group and by the knights of malta... scoff if you want or must... but i know this is the truth... i know it!!! ta... nik.
595   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Hazit & Herut vote count?/WE DID IT AGAIN!!!  on: April 03, 2006, 05:03:50 AM 
ONE MO' TYME!!! yes sir... disunity on the right and within the religious parties does us all in yet again!!!! think about a combined party of likud plus all dati parties... everyone checks his/her ego in at the door on their way in and does something completely and purely l'shem shemayim for a change... for once in their lives... something positive for k'lal yisroel instead of all this chaos and anarchy and in-fighting... i know... i know... lo haya v'nivrah... never, ever happen... not in a million years... right? but just think about the impact... how many seats would that have meant this time around...? 40? 50? we are truly our own worst enemy.... mazel tov!!! nik. out... so voting is really a waste of time until and unless we all pull together and join as one... i'm coming to live in israel soon... and i will never vote... never... i may run eventually to make noise and draw attention to our issues... but i will never vote unless there is a right-wing nationalist/religious unity party... n.
596   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: upon request... (final edited version)...  on: April 03, 2006, 04:10:22 AM 
david here's what you asked me for... i put it up here not to draw attention to myself but in order to make sure you receive it... one of your e-mail addresses which i have for you and the one from which your request came to me seems to have both gone lost as it wouldn't put my response through back to you... hope this is what you wanted... see you soon, hopefully... oh yeah and you forgot to sign my copy of your book... and please don't forget the letter i need... thanks... chag kasher v'somayach... mosh.
597   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: kadima won. now what?/say goodnight gracie...  on: April 03, 2006, 03:57:02 AM 
kadima won the right to fold and announce to the world that the vast majority of the people of israel want "none of the above" and that for the most part they can't stand really any of the parties vying for power... they alll suck and stink to high heaven... (as opposed to low heaven)... i told you guys before... olmert will never be pm by his own election... i still say this is so... let's see if i'm right... ta... nik.
598   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: obligation to establish a state/yetziat mitzrayim is the proof of the obl.  on: April 03, 2006, 03:54:02 AM 
the rambam may quote the pasuk which is the mekor for a mitzvah but he rarely if ever gives you chapter and verse... that means you need to look at the chumash and know it... nik. out...
599   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: obligation to establish a state  on: April 02, 2006, 07:53:36 PM 
or you can just learn how to look things up on your own in the chumash... it's not that hard... nik. out... of course you can find them in rav meir's writtings as well... ta... nik.
600   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: obligation to establish a state  on: April 02, 2006, 07:23:44 PM 
rambam is not a source... chumash is...

shemot(parshat ki sisa):34:11-16...

"'beware what I command you today: behold I drive out before you the amorite, the canaanite, the hittite, the perizzite, the hivvite, and the jebusite. be vigilant lest you seal a covenant with the inhabitant of the land to which you come, lest it be a snare among you. rather you shall break apart their altars, smash their pillars, and cut down their sacred trees. for you shall not prostrate yourselves to an alien god, for the very Name of Hashem is 'Jealous One', He is a jealous G-d. lest you seal a covenant with the inhabitants of the land and stray after their gods, slaughter to their gods, and he invite you and you eat from his slaughter. and you take their daughters for your sons, and their daughters stray after their gods and intice your sons to stray after their gods!'"

and again in devarim (parshat devarim):1:19-21...

"'we journeyed from horeb and we went through the entire great and awesome wilderness that you saw, by way of the amorite mountain, as Hashem, our G-d, commanded us, and we came until kadesh-barnea. then i said to you, 'you have come until the amorite mountain that Hashem, our G-d , gives us. see ~ Hashem, your G-d, has placed the land before you; go up and possess (it) as Hashem, G-d of your forefathers, has spoken to you. do not fear and do not lose resolve.'"

and in devarim:3:21-22...

"'i commanded joshua at that time, saying, 'your eyes have seen everything that Hashem, your G-d has done to these two kings (sichon and og); so will Hashem do to all the kings where you cross over. you shall not fear them, for Hashem, your G-d ~ He shall wage war for you.''" 
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601   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Labour as Leader/perhaps better  on: April 02, 2006, 03:39:12 PM 
if all the religious parties are in the coalition and show a spine then it is better than the kadima nazis... nik. out...
602   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Reclaiming the Temple Mount - book review  on: April 02, 2006, 06:55:23 AM 
Subject: revava to the temple mount... press release...
To: [email protected]
for immediate release... 4/2/06... 4 nisan 5766...

david haivri's superbly written and newly published
book... "reclaiming the temple mount" is a breath of
fresh air in an otherwise stale political environment
in israel... the miraculous victory of the 6 day war
has all but been reversed and turned into an utter
defeat and a catastrophic desecration of the sacred
name, honor and glory of the G-d of israel... the
jewish people currently lie prostrate and supine...
the re-enslaved doormat of the gentile world... at no
time since the holocaust has the jewish future looked
more bleak...

long forgotten and faded once again into abject obscurity is
the vision of the return to zion for which our
ancestors yearned... for which they dedicated their
lives... for which they ceaselessly prayed... and for
which they were all too often called upon to lay down their lives
and be martyred over their unshakeable and persistent belief in the
surety of the eventual fulfillment of this prophetic truth...

and that singular, euphoric day, like no other in our
history, which finally arrived for us after 1900 plus
years of a murderous and hellish nightmare of an
exile... that special, unique day of friday, june 6th,
1967... the 28th of iyar... known ever since as "yom
yerushalayim"... when the bbc broadcast along its
airwaves the distinct sounds of hebrew emanating out
from har habayit via israel's armed-forces radio
carrying the immortal words of general motta gur...
"har habayit b'yadenu... har habayit b'yadenu..."
("the temple mount is in our hands... the temple mount
is in our hands...")... to wit, no jew then alive old
enough to have heard this moment of exultation and
knowledgable enough to have understood its message...
could not help but be reduced to sobbing... to weeping tears
of joy and gratitude accompanied with the feeling of that sublime
tingling sensation of electrical current running up one's spine and into
one's brain... at the realization of "the dream of 2000 years to be a
free people in our own homeland... in zion and inyerushalayim..."
but alas that vision, that dream and that glorious day of days has
been shattered now into a million tiny shards of disappointment,
disallusion and utter despair and ruination...

but into the breach steps forward david haivri...
and from his pen, like a surgeon's healing-bringing,
life-saving knife cutting through rottening and diseased
flesh, comes a book to restore jewish hope and pride...
haivri's tome reverberates with holiness and out from
its pages echo forth the plaintive voice and clarion call of our
biblical and talmudic sages and our modern teachers as
well... summoning each one of us to action... for
herein lies the clear path and the unmistakeable
blueprint for not only the restoration of our ancient,
fallen tabernacle of our true king, david hamelech but along
with it the re-establishment and re-emergence of our very reason
d'etre... our very core faith in our mission to be the servants of G-d on
earth and "a kingdom of priests and a holy nation" performing unwaveringly
and unapologetically our duty  to resurrect our torah-true judaism and hold it
aloft for all the world to see...

reclaiming the temple mount is, sine qua non, the most
crucial issue and value of our era... a plea and a rallying cry for
the assumption of a level of righteousness, greatness and
courage which we must heed and a call-to-arms that we dare
not fail to answer... this book is truly our one and only, real
"roadmap to peace"... toward an authentic jewish peace...
and therefore "reclaiming the temple mount" is destined to
become a must read for every jew extant on the planet...
for its missive of dire warning and with it its vital import as to
the mandatory measures necessary to insure our survival...
we only continue to ignore at our own extreme peril...

rabbi moshe parry
eshel avraham
los-angeles, california
[email protected]

603   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is it really "apathy" or lack of faith in the system?  on: April 02, 2006, 03:35:59 AM 
no apathy in the system... it's just rigged... here too in the u.s. all elections are fixed... nik. out
604   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "the british are coming..." part 5a...  on: March 25, 2006, 10:43:27 PM 
i am getting to it next... it was a fake or a dodge... of course they needed cotton... but they planned to "have it all" after the war anyway... but had to appear to be against the u.s. government... as always beforehand... also it was a way for them to get aid to those in league with them within the south (traitors to the south's position) who were working with the northern industrial complex and these british agents had to be the go-between for those in the north who could not for obvious reasons be seen aiding and abetting the enemy... unfortunately alot of these southern traitors were jews... german erev rav jewish scum!!!! and they were in league with their northern german jewish erav rav scum... to do america in... and serve british/german emperial interests... jews were prominent in these masonic and illuminati groups but they were far from the majority and far from being in charge... however like the warburgs and the schiffs and the wises before, during and after ww2 and kissinger in the 70's and now wolfowitz here in the 21 st century... they are a powerful destructive and evil force... helping the cabal of america, britain, germany, saudi arabia, dubai, etc. helping them genocide and mass-murder the planet in the name of their corporate intersts for ultimate domination and increased wealth... and they are as they accrue more and more power forming and shaping the advent and the coming of gog (britain) and maygog (america)... whose chief aim is destined to become the all-consuming desire for the utter destruction of eretz yisroel, torah-judaism and am yisroel... they hate Hashem!!!! all as i will also spell out in detail next installment or two... nik. out... it is all so sick and disgusting... but so so true.... n.
605   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: policy question/the answer is to mekadesh shem shamayim...  on: March 17, 2006, 04:02:39 AM 
and give them what fir... for 2000 years of torture, death and hatred... so...death to all of europe minus the yidden there... get them all out and nuke that vile continent good and hard... top to bottome... east to west... nuke 'em to hell and gone!!! fry them to a cinder!!!! nik. out
606   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment/down boys down!!!  on: March 17, 2006, 03:42:36 AM 
whoa!!! i do not daven for the death of those who disagree with me... and this is true be they jew or gentile... i daven for the death of those i deem to be reshayim and whom... jew or goy... i feel are trying to destroy torah, k'lal yisroel and eretz yisroel... and i made up the term... and it is valid and o.k. because i am praying for our enemies to be vanquished and for our lost brothers and sisters... to be avenged as per G-d's promise to us in parshat hazinu... "Hashem yenakam dam naki hashafuch!!!!" and i only wish them dead immediately if... IF!!! G-d (not i) has already determined that they are too far gone to ever do tshuvah... in that case i am davening for them to die now so they cannot hurt anymore yidden or eretz yisroel... i do not wish for them to survive any longer than absolutely necessary... not to receive their reward for good now and not later nor to set them up for a greater fall from power later on... no sir... and even though i know that this is exactly why Hashem keeps them around so long after they have gone beyond the point of no return... still because of the sekanah that we are all in right now i am asking Hashem to suspend some of these rules right away and i am asking Hashem to curtail this mida of rachamim which He has for all His children... for truly all mankind are His... and why do i request this... 3x a day... 7days a week? because so many jews are suffering due to it... due to their extended lifetimes and eretz yisroel is threatened with extinction and so i wish for them to all die now and by G-d's hands alone so that it can become apparent and objectively speaking very clearly visible that Hashem Himself is doing all of this and not any mortal men or women... and thus and thereby Hashem's name can be truly sanctified (mekudesh) in the world... throughout the world... and so i daven for their demise and seek revenge and if Hashem disagrees with me... oh well... so be it... that's His decision and His alone to make... He is in charge... but from my perspective this is the feeling i have that they deserve this and we need this kind of a rescue and in this way we also are doing something to try and help rather than just sitting around with nothing better to do... or what's worse going out and getting our heads bashed in and our teeth handed to us on a silver platter... with death davening we can do more... we CAN do something to fight back... even if we cannot right now use other weapons of war for whatever reasons... we can still use the "kol, kol yaakov..." it won out and ruled the day back in mordechai and esther's time... so why not now as well? nik. out 
607   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Divine Punishment by Hashem's "hand" and not mine... unless ordered by moshiach!  on: March 16, 2006, 12:56:44 AM 
and that's why i won't go and do what he is accused of... i'm not stupid... i will death-daven for what i want to see happen and if Hashem agrees with me we will see more and  more of them fall or become vegetables... thank you just the same...
608   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment/hang 'em all!!! hang 'em high!!!  on: March 15, 2006, 01:52:37 PM 
i still want much more than peres' heart on a platter... i want them all!!! i want so much more blood vengeance that i can literally taste what i want in my mouth... you have no idea what a rage i'm in over the innocent slaughter of decent jews over all these too many years... you have no idea the carnage i want to see happen back at these bastards... my blood-lust for revenge is truly savage!!!! nik. out
609   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pic of a policeman throwing stones at Amona protestors/throw back!!!!  on: March 15, 2006, 01:47:41 PM 
now that's the spirit guys... we need more of this positive fighting-mad attitude!!!! kain yirbu!!! ta... nik. happy shushan purim everybody!!!
610   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment for peres is death by Heavenly decree...  on: March 15, 2006, 01:33:42 AM 
not me brother... i don't want him in jail... i want him DEAD...  dead tonite by Hashem's hands... don't put words or deeds in my mouth or in my fingers here... i want them dead... i want vengeance against them for rav meir, and rav binyamin and his wife tali... and for tali hatuel and here five children... and for all the rest... i want revenge!!! i want their blood!!!! do you hear me now? loud and clear should be your only response... what utter nonsense to throw a bloodthirsty monster like peres in jail... first of all it would be more like a country club like happened by martha stewart over here... what a joke!!!! but much more importantly... putting them in jail is not and would not constitute Divine mishpat which is what i seek... anything less is a dereliction of duty... a sick charade and an afront to all the thousands of good jews he has harmed... nik. out... 
611   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / policeman throwing stones at Amona protestors/throw some back!!!  on: March 15, 2006, 01:26:15 AM 
you got that backwards and wrong... kcvk... those policemen who are like that nazi bastard should not be in uniform at all... and as long as he and his comrades remain in one... it is we who should be throwing rocks at them... and worse even... of course then they would fight back and get permission to shoot to kill because they and the gov. (the evil empire) do not have to worry about negative public opinion for killing or maiming jews... only for arabs do they fear firing back... only for the arabs... because the world doesn't give a damn about jews... in fact when the whole eretz canaan was insenced and aflame with emotions for revenge after what shimon and levi did in schechem... but whatever happened to the counter attack that was sure to happen... one answer is that they all lost interest when they went into the city and saw all the dead canaanim for they noticed all of their recent brit milot and said... "oh well they converted to become like the ivrim... no need to go to war over a bunch of dead jews..." and there you have it!!!! nik. out...
612   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "the british are coming..." part 5b...  on: March 13, 2006, 06:17:16 PM 
so the blacks are not loved and cherished and their needs and concerns looked after by the powers-that-be... no... african-americans are cynically manipulated and used as a political tool in the hands of the cabal to accomplish their nefarious machinations... they were employed here in america enmasse to help destroy white south africa and thusly deny israel a good and dependable ally on the african continent... as was previously again the case 100 years after the end of the civil-war by the civil rights movement being of use to the northern-industrial and military-complex... because from this they laid the foundation for their southern strategy by attributing the "blame" for the negro rise on the democrats eventhough almost all the southern- democrats voted against all the voting and other civil rights bills... and in this way turned all the white folk down there into republicans forever... and now no northern democrat (outside of the cabal's auspices) can ever again hope to win the presidency... and the republicans have had a virtual lock on the white house for 28 of the last 40 years... and the 12 of the democrats were both southern presidents... and more on the side of the cabal than any of you know... and this is how nixon finally broke thru with southern help and why president bush sr. was able to win despite being a yankee born (milton, mass.) and bred (greenwich, conn. and kennebunkport, maine) simply because he moved down to texas and called himself and acted like and pretended to be a southerner... and so fake or not he was accepted over the pure northener... dukkais... in fact and here is the rub... georgieo's pappy... senator prescot bush from conn.... nazi all the way... (more on this point later)... was the political mentor and  guru for young richard "tricky dick" nixon who consulted with him before the infamous "checkers speech"... that helped bail his sorry ass out of the sling... and thus this aspect of the rise of the eleventh horn is the nexus of nixon in conjuction with the house of bush... that house being born during the civil war in you guessed it... none other than... columbus, ohio... which brings us back to the first, initial rise of this evil axis of torys and brits before, during and after the civil war...

and so now we can see and understand what transpired... abraham lincoln was the perfect innocent righteous and unassuming american needed to front the war... to put a good spin on it and elicit the proper patriotic spirit to carry the war forth... "to preserve the union"... as lincoln phrased it with sincere and utter honesty and belief... while he, unknowing of the political and economic forces forming and plotting against him and against his worthy and altruistic policies, so while he strode about trying to do everything in his power to save the union from total disintegration... these radical republicans and some democrats in league with them... were covertly manipulating abe and the south and pushing them both inexorably and inextricably forward on a collision course to all-out war... and once the war was over when lincoln's plans included such things as early and easy rehabilitation; calling for brotherly-love and an open-armed willingness to see the south's speedy reacceptance back into the union with mercy and in a generous spirit of forgivenenss... all of which did not jive with the post-war effort plans of the savage industrialists and financiers of the north and in great britain who were salivating and chomping at the bit to get at all that land and property and keep it for themselves... and so they had lincoln killed to stop his plans for reconstruction and for them to be able to take over and smother the southern re-emergence into grace and especially into renewed wealth and prosperity... and that's why so many "carpetbaggers" as they were called came down south... to work for the northern monied-interests wishing to control and dominate the crushed and vanquished south...

slavery was never the issue... even lincoln did not want to go to war over it... he was willing for peace to keep the status quo of the missouri compromise... except from his administration onward he would restrict slavery only to the south where it was then and deny its spread out west and eventually then he felt it would gradually die-out by virtue and weight of its own stagnation and war could be avoided... but behind his back the unseen forces arrayed against his noble leadership were conspiring to utilize the issue of ending slavery now in order to force the issue of war upon the south... to leave them no choice other than to seceed... and fight for their dignity, self-determination, state's rights and basic right not to be told what to do as serfs themselves... look at the attitude up north after the war... abolitionists notwithstanding... the majority of the white men in the northern-industrial complex hated and loathed the blacks and ghettoized them when they flocked north during and after the war... the south except for the humiliation and degredation of the institution of slavery and the abuses that some engaged in because of their elitist positions... but without a doubt for the most part the southern whiteman poor and wealthy classes... got along with the blacks and were always more neighborly and freindly with them than ever were their northern counterparts even until this very day slightly over 140 years later... with the exception of the klan of course... but their hatred and racism is contrived and northern-spun... paid for by the powers-that-be to constantly keep the south embroiled in turmoil and disunity so that it cannot thrive without the input and direction of the north... and so people like george bush sr. are dispatched down south to make it appear like they are southerners at heart in order to better do the bidding of wall street, the cfr and the other power groups like the carlyle group which the wealthy and powerful utilize to run the show here and around the world... bush sr. was born in conn. and he is a yankee as thru and thru as any other blue-blood tory or brit...
past, present or future... his son the current president may have been born in texas but he was bred at yale in the north in the heart of the cabal and works solely for their interests today... the recent dubai (uae) ports deal-debacle is a great case in point underscoring my contention here... in fact as we are supposedly in the middle of this great "war on terror" there is no other way to understand this heated move and attempt at-all-costs of a veto-threatened bullying by a president who saber-rattles even before he supposedly knew of the sale's idea in the first place... it makes no sense unless everything is a lie from start to finish including now the "u.s. entity and company" that is going to now bail-out the president and help the arabs save face and salvage the deal for beaucoup bucks and moolah... can anyone say haliburton?

so while the south was fighting for its survival and dignity and lincoln was fighting to preserve the union... the power structure in the north was hell-bent at nothing less than the total decimation of the entire south... which is exactly what they got when that insane meglomaniac sherman marched thru georgia to the sea into south carolina razing everything in his wake and torching and burning it all to the ground...ruthlessly and mercilessly laying waste to all that the south was and ever had been... ensuring that they never could or would ever rise again... not without the north's military and economic stifling stranglehold and utter control of the whole damn region...

so the assassination of the greatest man ever produced here... abraham lincoln was the first horn knocked off during the ascendency here of the nixon-bush house of evil... only back then the leader was stanton the masonic bigot and secretary of war... pushed and thrust upon lincoln though a democrat when salmon chase and  william seward lobbied for him to replace the corrupt and ineffective simon cameron... however seward who was secretary of state (and had himself attacked and wounded on the night lincoln was killed to avoid suspicion of a coup which this assassination most assuredly was)... seward as secretary of state had tried at the beginning of lincoln's administration to get his brother radical conservative republicans into senior cabinet posts... chase for treasury (he later had it in lincoln's very abruptly interrupted second term) and a montgomery blair for another unspecified position... all of these men emenating out from the great state of ohio (except chase who was from ny and most probably jewish at that... unfortunately)...but it is from ohio where most post-lincoln presidents stemmed and from where was fashioned
the stolen re-election "victory" of dubya in 2004...

now how many want to bet that this blair is related somehow to the current prime minister... one, tony blair over the pond in merry old england...? just like our loveable george herbert walker bush (#41)... is a direct relation of the very same spencer family high up on the peerage... whence hailed the very lovely but sadly very late duchess of wales, princess diana... and we all know who killed her and why... and so it all fits neatly into place... the pattern is unmistakably clear and openly transparent... torys and brits all around us... to the right of us, and to the left and center as well... and we are stuck in the middle with no where to go, no where to hide, no one to turn to and no way to stop them from wreaking havoc on our world... in fact in the unauthorized biography of bush sr. by webster tarpley... he is characterized as the american calligua... a most dreaded and evil emperor of ancient rome... and upon his ascension to the throne... er... uh... i mean upon his election in '88 to the presidency... bush sr. is quoted as saying that there is no good reason anymore for us not to be much closer to great britain in our various dealings with the world than we have been in the past... and that is how we have come to "the coalition of the willing"... which is really just the u.s. and england in this non-war, war on terror... which is all really for oil, gas and a foothold in the region to replace our saudi one and stay in shouting distance of and in order to better be able to humble and break... israel...

but regardless of the modern trappings of all these developments... one thing is certain... the gameplan and script for world dominance was real and was carried out relentlessly until it finally struck paydirt with the advent of the civil-war... but the take over was not complete and see-sawed back and forth until world war 2... where we will pick up next time the thread of this evil eleventh horn's heady rise to power and eventually in our day and age along with great britain to the seemingly invincible and unassailable perch and plateau of gog u'maygog status... (stay tuned for part 6)... after purim... please G-d... nikmatdam... out...

613   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "the british are coming..." part 5a...  on: March 13, 2006, 06:13:38 PM 
"the british are coming... the british are coming..." er... well actually the real truth of the matter is... they never left...

and this is just as true for israel after 1947 as it was for america after the revolutionary war in 1777... allow me to explain... first in song...

"a day in the life..." (lyrics by john lennon of the beatles)...

"i read the news today oh, boy
about a lucky man who made the grade
and though the news was rather sad
well i just had to laugh and
i saw the photograph...

he blew his mind out in a car
he didn't notice that the lights had changed
a crowd of people stood and stared
they'd seen his face before,
nobody was really sure if he was from the house of lords...

i saw a film today oh, boy
the english army had just won the war
a crowd of people turned away
but i just had to look
having read the book,
i'd love to turn you on...

woke up, fell out of bed,
dragged a comb across my head
found my way downstairs and drank a cup,
and looking up i noticed i was late...

found my coat and grabbed my hat
made the bus in secons flat
found my way upstairs and had a smoke,
somebody spoke and i went into a dream...


i read the news today oh, boy
four thousand holes in blackburn, lancashire
and though the holes were rather small
they had to count them all,
now they know how many holes it takes to fill the albert hall
i'd love to turn you on..."

"aqualung..." (by ian anderson of jethro tull)...

"sitting on a park bench ~
eyeing little girls with bad intent...
snot running down his nose ~
greasy fingers smearing shabby clothes...
drying in the cold sun ~
watching as the frilly panties run...
feeling like a dead duck ~
spitting out pieces of his broken luck...

hey aqualung...

sun streaking cold ~
an old man wandering lonely...
taking time
the only way he knows...
leg hurting bad,
as he bends to pick a dog-end ~
he goes down to the bog
and warms his feet...

hey aqualung...

feeling alone ~
the army's up the rode
salvation a la mode and
a cup of tea...
aqualung my friend ~
don't start away uneasy
you poor old sod, you see, it's only me...
do you still remember
december's foggy freeze ~
when the ice that
clings on to your beard is
screaming agony...
and you snatch your rattling last breaths
with deep-sea-diver sounds,
and the flowers bloom like
madness in the spring...
feeling alone ~
the army's up the rode
salvation a la mode and
a cup of tea...
aqualung my friend ~
don't start away uneasy
you poor old sod, you see, it's only me...
leg hurting bad,
as he bends to pick a dog-end ~
he goes down to the bog
and warms his feet...

hey... aqua....lung....."

and of course as before at least one or two for america...

"military (nuclear) madness..." (lyrics by graham nash of crosby, stills, nash and young)... (this one is for both britain and america)...

"in an upstairs room in blackpool
by the side of a northern sea
the army had my father
and my mother was having me...

military (nuclear) madness was killing my country
solitary sadness comes over me...

after the school was over and i moved
to the other side
i found a different country but i never
lost my pride...

military (nuclear) madness was killing the country
solitary sadness creeps over me...

and after the wars are over
and the body count is finally filed
i hope that the man discovers
what's driving the people wild...

military (nuclear) madness is killing your country
so much sadness, between you and me...
war, war, war, war, war, war..." 

"the night they drove old dixie down..." (lyrics by robbie robertson; as sung by drummer levon helm of the band)...

"virgil caine is the name, and i served on the danville train,
'til stoneman's cavalry came and tore up the tracks again...
(and told of the tragic end) (alternative lyric)...
in the winter of '65, we were hungry, just barely alive...
by may (the) tenth, richmond had fell,
it's a time i remember, oh so well...

the night they drove old dixie down,
when all the bells were ringing...
the night they drove old dixie down,
and all the people were singin'...
they went ~
na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na...

back with my wife in tennessee,
when one day she called to me, (she said)...
'virgil, quick, come and see, there go the robert e. lee!'   
now i don't mind choppin' wood,
and i don't care if the money's no good...
ya take what ya need and ya leave the rest,
but they should never have taken the very best...

the night they drove old dixie down,
when all the bells were ringing...
the night they drove old dixie down,
and all the people were singin'...
they went ~
na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na...

like my father before me, i'm a working man,
(i will work the land) (alternative lyric)...
like my brother above me, who took a rebel stand...
he was just eighteen, proud and brave,
but a yankee laid him in his grave ~
and i swear by the mud below my feet,
you can't raise a caine back up when he's in defeat...

the night they drove old dixie down,
when all the bells were ringing...
the night they drove old dixie down,
and all the people were singin'...
they went ~
na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na...

the night they drove old dixie down...
now the bells were ringing...
the night they drove old dixie down...
and all the people were singin'...
they went ~
na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na, na..."

so why do i do it? why do i cast the themes of my messages in rock 'n' roll songs?

it's because i find great meaning in the work of my older peers of my childhood... i feel the music of my youth brought me to torah... but even more than this... i see in some of these songs i have quoted the feeling that people everywhere get it.. though they can't seem to express it in words... but the music comes through and lifts you up and you can see and feel the truth... the truth of what the-powers-that-be of this earth... past and present... the truth of what they've done to G-d's great and beautiful creation and how evil they are... and how we must band together and fight hard to take the planet back from them before they destroy the world and everyone and everything in it... and that's why i quote these people even though i know morally they haven't been the best...but they were and are still today trying to find answers to the enigmas of life still out there... grappling to find the emet... and thus we are together battering our brains and wracking our bodies and souls with pain and anguish to search for truth... the truth... the one truth... the one which i found when i launched my personal spiritual journey some 30 odd years ago... the truth of...

"the rebirth of clarity"...
(by moshe parry)...
(l.a. ca. summer of '74)...

"C is for concern...
the concern for the well-being
of our fellow man;
and the care for all
of G-d's creations...

L is for love of life...
to keep the laws of G-d
and will no harm to earth,
nor any living thing...
and to attempt to live in
laughter at your own life's

A is for awareness...
the awakening from the dream
of life;
and stepping then,
to the joys of life's
dear pleasures;
safeguarding its
gifts and treasures...

R is for righteousness...
you need not travel very far;
for all paths, if sincere,
lead to the same place...
but one must tred upon G-d's foremost chosen,
yay, intended course for
each individual man and woman...

I is for innocence...
the innocent song of
the morning dove;
and the ease and beauty of
the child at play...
for this reality,
these two companions
i do seek...

T is for truth...
the one truth that can never
be kept from G-d (the Holy One);
nor hidden from the pious man or woman
for long...
for truth speaks louder
and endures far longer;
than word or gun....

Y is for the yearning....
the gentle beat of the heart;
the soft flow of tears...
yearning for the dream
of paradise ~
peace on earth ~
goodwill toward man;
to reach the promised land..."

and that's why i do this in my writing...

and now to continue where we left off in part 4 (and i believe we will need to go to a part 6 as well because there is just so much to tell)...

we left off explaining the meaning or the representation of the eleven horns on the metal monster... how ten came before but the smallest one the eleventh came up late and displaced three of the horns and had eyes and a mouth like a human... and proceeded tp blaspheme G-d and war against G-d's holy people... which ultimately leads to the destruction of this creature or beast at the hands of G-d through the battle of His holy ones... and we said the horns represent the greatest leaders of this nation... and if that means america than it means its presidents...

washington, adams, jefferson, monroe, lincoln, teddy roosevelt, wilson, fdr, jfk and reagan... the eleventh horn being to my mind a combination of nixon and the two bushes... as we will see you could make a case to substitute in either truman or harding or both... but i'll get to them later... whoever the ten greatest are they did nothing to anger Hashem but the last one... the eleventh is evil and a usurper... really a pretender to the throne and not worthy to be in the pantheon and in the company of the others who preceeded it... and as we shall see in order to rise to power they had to knock three of them off along the way or they probably would never have ascended to rule... those three are lincoln, fdr and jfk... all murdered... i know... no proof by fdr... but i will make the argument later that they poisoned or drugged and induced him into a brain hemorage much the same as peres has just done with sharon... yemach shemam v'zichram...

this past shabat i had a strange dream...

i saw a bunch of men from the 60's walking along a corridor of power in washington... it was jfk and a voice said to him... "stop south africa from selling access to africa to israel..." then there was a pause and the voice said to me... "do you understand?" and i said "yes"... then i awoke and i knew the meaning...

america took down south africa's white ruling class and government... not because of any great love for blacks or out of concern for their human rights, well-being and dignity... especially for those in africa... but solely in order to deny israel an ally in the world other than itself (america)... and that led me to think of the u.s. civil war and it clicked... everything fell into place...

but first you must go back before the revolutionary war... at the time there was a split between the northern mostly ny, pa, conn. and mass. who were torys (british loyalists) against the war... and the virginians and other southerneres who were for the war... the pro-revolution forces won out and the war of independence was eventually won and freedom and liberty were secured from the british king and his iron-clad grip...

however there still remained the loyalist, tory faction... and there remained the fact that despite their loss great britain still ruled the earth and besides france america had no allies or business partners... so how was america to function economically in a british run world market? not very well... that was the reality... the old city of london with its mercantile and business and banking behemot exerted much pressure from without while their collaborators and (traitors to america) did so internally within the colonies... and things like a federal banking system was established with authority and jurisdiction over the smaller individual state-run financial entities and thus though the patriots and minutemen won the war... the torys and the bloody brits made sure that they lost the peace...

slowly but surely american independence was slipping away... so much so that by 1812 the brits thought they could launch an invasion and win back their colonies... and they almost did... burning washington d.c. to the ground and exiling the u.s. government... and if it were not for a miraculous and unheard of freak hurricane storm they would have held it and finished off the re-conquest in short order... in fact despite the winds driving them back to their ships and preventing them from occupying the capital... the americans barely held out at ft. mchenry in baltimore and later at the mississippi headwaters in new orleans... america barely won the war... all the while though the torys were hard at work trying to acomplish a secession for themselves (the north) from the south at the convention of hartford, conn. in 1814... it failed and shortly thereafter so did the british war effort... but this sowed the poisonous seeds for what was soon to come by the 1840's and 50's leading up to the civil-war...

with all of the above in mind we will now discuss the real truth of what was going on in this country back then...

britain and her american torys were still hard at work attempting to undermine america's progress to becoming a world power and remaining free from english control... brits sent here as spys in every facet of governemnt and enterprise was of course going on continuously under the guise of interested private "investors" etc. trouble is they always sided with the worst elements... those who wanted to kill off all the indians and take their lands and rich resources... those who wished to build raillines and other projects even on the back of poor citizens just trying to eke out a meagre living from the soil or from industry... the environment and the small businessman or farmer always managed to lose out... the idlyic american agricultural and home-spun business way of life was always undermined, compromised and eventually destroyed at every turn...

big industry and industrial machinery, manufacturing was on the rise... and big conglomerates and precursors to the modern-day corporations were beginning to grow and thrive with the advent and on-set of the industrial revolution or age... machines like the cotton- gin were going to put alot of people out of business and make quite a few somebodies extremely wealthy in the process... most of the technological advances and invention initiative was going on in the north... from textiles to construction and from transportation to energy and fuel... so again pitting torys against southern plantation owners with their farming system and slavery... a slavery which could have been ended amicably by going to sharecropping and other forms of renumerative arrangements which all came into existence after the war surely could have been inacted without the war ever happening... except for the fact that the north and their british masters wanted a war... a war to crush the south and enable the north to occupy and exploit it for generations thereafter right down to our own day and era...

so the brits in the early 1820's or 30's outlawed and banned slavery and the slave trade... not because they suddenly realized how degrading and inhumane it was but because they knew the abolitionist fervor would spread to america and the south would be eclipsed by popular sentiment and eventually undone by being provoked into war... a war deliberately and sinisterly devised and carried out... smilar to the way the war with mexico had been fomented in the 1840's and 50's by land grabbing over the rio grande... and it is the very same play called again right out of the same old playbook over and over again by the civil rights movement to again gut the south in the 1960's as well as the way south africa was brought to her knees afterward much later in the 1970's and 80's...

614   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Will Kadima close hesder?/are you serious?  on: March 13, 2006, 05:03:02 PM 
of course they will... they can't afford to let potential "coup" officers gain a foothold... nik. out
615   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A Thought for Purim above and beyond the levity and drunkeness...  on: March 13, 2006, 05:01:44 PM 
amen... kain yehi retzon...
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616   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Divine Punishment and only Divine punishment... that's the only kind there is...  on: March 13, 2006, 05:00:16 PM 
ridiculous... absolutely daffy... all of you... you really think i want or need these things to be true...? that i desire our two governments here and in israel to be this evil and this capable of wholesale slaughter and cold-blooded murder? what are you... nuts? nik. don't bother answering... it was rhetorical question...
617   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment/9/11 was not from Hashem... cfr driven...  on: March 13, 2006, 06:11:17 AM 
the sheer truth stares you in the face... the questions destroy the gov. story and version of events and you quibble over the poor quality of the video? my G-d!!!! your fear and paranoia can be felt all the way over here thru my screen... the weight of evidence is so compelling that it all was an inside job... the coincidences mount up to an unbelievable and sureal caliber of pure sheker... and the truth literally engulfs you but you won't accept it... because you are too afraid of the consequences of that acceptance... too petrified of what might happen to you if someone finds out that you are now a non-kool-aid drinker... admit it... for whatever reason... YOU GUYS JUST DON'T WANT ANY OF THIS STUFF TO BE TRUE... too disturbing... too frightening... too true to be the truth... you can't take this much emet... your brain won't compute it... your soul can't tolerate it... your entire system is tilted and put on overload by it... i pity you... and i fear for our future as jews because of your cowardice and helpless state of denial... nik. out
618   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment  on: March 12, 2006, 12:36:58 PM 
and so what if chamish smokes grass...? so what? doesn't prove he is sick in the head... grass is relatively harmless... less so than cigaretts or alcohol for certain... sugar, chocolate, cafeen and coffee are all drugs too... with deletrious effects on all of us... nik.
619   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment will come to those who won't open their eyes and see...  on: March 12, 2006, 12:30:43 PM 
bk and lt~kn i didn't say that chamish has all the facts.. i don't know one way or the other what happened that day... i just said his argument and bringing of proof rings true and as presented with ballistic differences between his rifle and the bullets in the arab-bastard bodies is compelling evidence that boruch goldstein was set up... and why would he wish to lie about it? what does he care or gain if boruch is a martyr and went off to protect jews or was a patsy used by the shabak to take the fall for right-wing jews and make them lose credibility and thus hebron as well... it makes alot of sense since we have so many other examples of them whacking out jews to look stupid when they go off and kill arabs... barry isn't saying this exactly happened by boruch but that the idf used him to look like he was the shooter when really one of their own bastards did the indiscriminant shooting and shoved boruch in to be trapped and killed and take the fall for the event... barry uncovered the plot thru the rifles not matching... he did great investigative work here and further uncovers the left-wing plot to undermine our hold on eretz yisroel and destroy our reputation with the rest of the world and more importantly with our fellow jews everywhere... this is a sick manipulation going on to this day and it includes their targetting jews for death like rav binyamin and shows that behind every terrorist attack since oslo the hand of peres, et al is there murdering their own people for their political power and gain... this is what i fervently believe and if you want to call me a whack job i couldn't give a flying ef... truth is truth and i'll stand by it even if the entire world laughs in my face... they can all go to hell anyway (and will) jew-haters that they all are!!! if you guys want to join their ranks by all means go right ahead... i couldn't give a flippin' ef about what you guys do... just don't come in here and tell me this plot isn't going on against the datim and settlers... because it so obviously is... nik. out... and about to stay out if this mess continues... ef you guys for being so blind!!!!
620   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Are Jews still commanded to blot out Amalek?/just aching to do so...  on: March 12, 2006, 12:16:03 PM 
the shulchan aruch only speaks to halachot which are in vogue and in practice today during golut... no mitzvot hataluiot b'aretz are discussed as they are in the rambam who talks about all 613 mitzvot... so therefore since mechiat amalek can only be done al pi navi and since it can only be done after there is peace from all our other enemies around eretz yisroel which implies most if not all jews living back in the land which therefore implies yamot hamoshiach therefore the shulchan aruch leaves this mitzvah off as it does the mitzvah to eradicate the shivat haammim as well... nik. out
621   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment  on: March 12, 2006, 12:59:00 AM 
he actually presents a pretty cogent scenario on what might have happened that day... i believe his story that boruch was framed and did not go nuts or even do the shootings to prevent a pogrom... i think he was used no different that yigal amir was set up or any of the others... all to make the right look demented... nik. out
622   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Are Jews still commanded to blot out Amalek?/yes!!!  on: March 12, 2006, 12:52:29 AM 
there is a mitzvah to wipe out amalek... it is one that is supposed to be done al pi navi though... so the mass extinction of amalek will have to wait for then... probably during yamot ha moshiach... however the gra identifies amalek in sefer kol tor as a combination of erav rav jews, yishmaelites and esavites in league with the other two... all three together combine to become amalek...

rav moshe feinstein paskened that if it became clear that someone was an amalekite and could prove it via lineage or whathaveyou... it would not be an obligation to kill him but a mitzvah nonetheless if some jew did do it... however to avoid chillul Hashem it is only permitted he said if the jew knows he can do it undetected and get away with it so as not to get caught as the goyim won't understand his heter and mitzvah to kill this guy and it will result in a jew being tried for murder which would constitute obviously a chillul Hashem...

the interesting thing about this discussion though is that rav moshe made no reference to dina d'malchuta dina... ("the law of the land is the law")... and this is so because the mitzvah to eradicate amalek trumps any and all goyish or man-made law... even the laws of murder which are Divine to b'nai noach can be set aside here to fulfill the mitzvah of mechiat amalek... nik. out 
623   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona).  on: March 12, 2006, 12:41:07 AM 
b'nai noach may not drink blood... it is part of the isur of aver min hachai... who ever told you that is mistaken... however since they need not shecht or kasher they can consume all the blood they want via the meat... justa as long as the animal is dead when they begin eating (raw) or cooking... nik. out
624   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment/comes to all those who earn it!!!  on: March 10, 2006, 05:09:08 PM 
he's young... 50ish and though an avid smoker he shouldn't be having such a serious illness so early in life... so you do the math... nik.
625   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment  on: March 10, 2006, 10:28:49 AM 
i know him and he's not whacked... in any event i can't talk about him right now... 'cause he just had a stroke nebuch!!! and i feel for the guy so i can't comment further on him for the time being... nik. out
626   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals  on: March 10, 2006, 10:24:00 AM 
amen... thanks all... i am better now...
627   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / question l'kulam... someone delete this please...  on: March 10, 2006, 10:22:59 AM 
was the site hacked by arabs yesterday... or just my computer? and if so... why aren't we talking about it? just wondering... i'll delete this if you all want after i get an answer... nik. i saw my answer down the line so someone please erase this it is a waste of space and time... the system won't let me delete a topic i've started... i understand why... 'cause what if i don't like the replies i can just silence them by erasing my own effort and offering and get rid of theirs as well... so someone please do me the honors here i request it... shabat shal-om... n.
628   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Has the world gone mad?/absolutely!!! without a doubt!!!  on: March 10, 2006, 10:21:30 AM 
look... there is a difference between an individual evil man who does his own evil deeds and his children not being punished for those sins of their father if they do not follow in his evil footsteps...

but here we are talking about a nazi father who did evil on a world-stage level against millions of people (and not only against jews)... and therefore his son should not be let in to the am Hashem because his yichus is pusul...and i know that the slayer-general nevuzardan of bavel after he slaughtered thousands to try and stop the boiling blood of zechariya hanavi (v'hakohen).. is said to have converted... but i don't believe it... i think the real pshat is that he took his own life out of fear for what he had done just like the roman who helped ease the suffering of one of the holy asuray harugey malchut who had been set on fire but had wool placed over his heart to delay his expiring and maximize his agony and the roman took pity and removed the wool and then leapt into the flames himself as an act of tshuvah...

conversion is not an act of penitence... and it should not be allowed to be used this way... if this son-of-a-nazi-dog wants to atone for his people's sins let him go around the world and start slaughtering remaining nazi bastards... or let him take his own life in recognition that it isn't worth an efing damn because of who he is and what he is... in any event when nekamah comes to the earth finally all of their lives will be forfeit anyway... may that day be soon...

and of course they better not let him in... nik. way out...
629   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Separate Torah forum, yes or no?/14 posters don't need to worry about this...  on: March 10, 2006, 10:00:57 AM 
not pointless to have the forum... pointless to worry over separating out different categories for discussion... there are not an abundance of people posting so we don't need to have a torah-thought only segment to this site... sorry for the misunderstanding... i should have been clearer... nik. out
630   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals  on: March 09, 2006, 01:45:41 PM 
stress hives... my body gets weak from over exhursion and i get sick... only happens once every couple of years now though Boruch Hashem... it used to hit me every 6 months... i am suceptable to extreme shocks to my system... to hot... too cold... all started 15 years ago or so with an exposure to some tainted tuna fish... i almost died... nebuch!!! nik. out
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631   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Divine Punishment sure to come soon i pray! i can't wait for it! i ache for it!  on: March 09, 2006, 01:42:34 PM 
yes exactly right... and it all started when they helped hitler come to power with the hope to nazify the entire globe because fascism is good for business... at least for the one's in full-control... and they wish to complete the job today and crush us all into serfdom once again... that is the plan... has been for centuries since 1842 and the illuminati garbage came on the scene... just continues unabated down to our times... nik. out..

chamish is right about everything he says... and so i know that site must be sick and diseased and i'll stay away from it... thanks for the info... n.
632   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals  on: March 09, 2006, 01:37:25 PM 
i do... i just didn't catch his name... i've also been sick in bed for a week now... nik. out
633   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Has the world gone mad?/stark-raving!!!!  on: March 09, 2006, 01:35:41 PM 
the story above from david hamelech which i quoted is also the source for the stupid maxim... "don't kill the messenger"... this amalakite was not killed because he delivered the bad news of the king's death but because he participated in harming the moshiach Hashem and taking his very life... can't the stupid world see the difference? answer of course not because they are too busy hating us to take instruction from us as to the authentic pshat of torah and tenach.... i hate the world!!!! ugh!!!! disgusting excuses for human beings!!!! nik. out before i really go ballistic!!! i'm in one of my rages this morning... n.
634   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals  on: March 09, 2006, 01:28:23 PM 
who is ilan hamilis?
635   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Has the world gone mad?/damn it!!! it has!!!!  on: March 09, 2006, 11:58:49 AM 
they can... the medresh esther says haman's sons or grandsons converted and were learning torah in b'nai brak... but since the sons were all hung it is a bit strange that some were still around to convert... so some say that it meant the sons of sancherib of assyria... who killed their father and did convert and who sheamayah v' avtaliyon are said to descend and who became one of the zugot mentioned in and quoted from perkei avot...

the halacha states... an amalkite is forbidden to be allowed in since he is doomed by G-d to be eradicated from off the face of the earth... even more than any other stam esavite... who is allowed in with open arms but only his grandson (jewish) of the third generation from him is allowed to marry a jewish woman... he and his son have to marry geyorot or mamzarim...

however... if the amalkite tricks us and disguises his lineage and thereby slips passed detection we are duty-bound regerettably to accept him as a jew... such is the story in david hamelech's time... an amalki-ger came running to david to report the death of shaul and to give edut that he himself had helped kill shaul upon the king's request... lest he fall alive into plishti hands and david was so enraged to hear this guy's story that he immediately had him executed... saying: "how dare you! how did you not fear to harm the anointed of Hashem?" so he found a way to get rid of this amalkite-convert who had weaseled his way in for safety from our mitzvah to slaughter him... and we should do the same for gohering's grandson... and we should not permit him to live as a jew among us... and no jewess should marry him... find a way to kill him al pi torah... no nazi should be allowed to be one of us... we have enough natural-born nazis to contend with... thank you very much!!!! nik. out... this story enrages me to no end... you have no idea how much... n. 
636   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment  on: March 09, 2006, 11:45:00 AM 
will do... thanks... i really have only enough time for one site... and i like this one just fine...
637   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Has the world gone mad?/yes  on: March 09, 2006, 11:44:03 AM 
he should never have been allowed in... nik. out
638   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between you guys and the rest of the jewish people...  on: March 09, 2006, 11:43:09 AM 
ye all of little knowledge... you just don't understand how true everything i say is... such a shame... they (amer./britain) really are this evil... they are... at least the rich and ruling classes in each country... nik. out... wish you guys had eyes to see... spiritual myopia is a jewish disease... n.

just remember... there are only three kinds of people who dismiss out-of-hand the truth of any and all conspiracy theories... the ignorant... the petrified... and the complicit... which one are y'all? nikie-pooh... later...
639   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment  on: March 09, 2006, 11:34:51 AM 
o.k. thanks i took a look... but who and what are they... nik.
640   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / turn the whole damn europe into one big cinder-block of burning ash.....  on: March 09, 2006, 11:32:26 AM 
o.k. right you are... but they're doing more than just "reminding" they're dispatching us straight to Hashem with a one-way ticket before our time... they did it before (during ww2) and they are planning to do the same again today... nik. out
641   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Poll: Separate Torah forum, yes or no?  on: March 09, 2006, 11:28:49 AM 
listen if there is only 14 of us on this site who participate... then what's the point...? nik.
642   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Divine Punishment yet to come...  on: March 09, 2006, 03:41:05 AM 
no sillies... the bastards in washington have planned and now have begun to implement the flooding of the country with mexs' in order to change the demography of our country from a nation of americans to a borderless, economic region and a free enterprise zone and in order to impose their order at some future point in time when we wake up and protest they brought in these a-hole violent-types in order to use them to riot and hurt us when and if we rise up in anger... and this is the truth of this whole capitalistic venture... read: fascist-nazi state... and this is what they are partenering with their cronies everywhere especially in the middle-east... including in israel with the reshayim erav rav unjewish jews to do by us... make us over from a jewish nation into a secular bi-national or even tri-national or ethnic-interest bloc... one world order baby... theirs not ours... open up your eyes and see the real-world reality... ta... nik.
643   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Some things in common between Pope and British royals  on: March 08, 2006, 10:15:11 PM 
you don't want to read proof that germany did not act alone in planning and carrying out the holocaust? this isn't news to you!!!! what is the matter with you? nik.
644   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: US Condemns Israel and Arabs/good!!!!  on: March 08, 2006, 10:12:12 PM 
i condemn them too!!!! of course i condemn america also and most of the rest of the world for that matter as well... nik. out
645   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / other things to worry about?  on: March 08, 2006, 03:07:09 PM 
you're joking right? the same bunch of bastards who did the holocaust and then later turned things over to their children and grandchildren with instructions to finish the job... are now trying to do just that by getting rid of israel altogether and if they have to nuke they will... that is why they let iran build up... because it was in the works all along with them denying all the way their own involvement... they brought the ay-hole to power... because if they didn't... what stopped them back in the '70's from invading and taking the whole damn place over? nothing... proof positive there is lying and subterfuge going on here with iran all these years... nik. out... WAKE UP JEWS... AND SMELL THE NUCLEAR FALLOUT!!!
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646   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / u guys didn't read what i'm saying here/uk planned and then executed the 6 mil.  on: March 08, 2006, 11:52:36 AM 
ye of little knowledge... power guys in uk call the shots along with rockefeller, kissinger, cfr, etc. over here... they're all one together ruling the world... and the queen her empire is built on drug running all-over the globe... always has been for the "royals"... nik. out
647   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Pope and British royals/u.k behind the scenes runs the planet...  on: March 07, 2006, 03:58:34 PM 
little do you know what influence they have... little do you knowthe full and complete truth of those disgusting human beings... who have bullied and connived and grovelled when they had to do dominate the world so long... ugh... what they are doing now to destroy israel and the rest of us jews is absolutely nora v'ayom... if you only knew... nik. out...
648   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: America- Enemy of Israel?  on: March 07, 2006, 04:20:05 AM 
and right you are ish tam... right you are...
649   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Pope and British royals/all nazis... each and every single one of them...  on: March 07, 2006, 03:19:22 AM 
no matter what this says and i printed it off to read it carefully and will get back to you on this... but i can go farther... they are still holding the truth back... they were all in on the scheme hatched in the 20's to kill off the jews of eastern europe... you know the shtetl jew... the filth... the unwashed masses in order to split the palestinian mandate and keep jordan for themselves... how could they justify breaking their pledge and their trust to the jewish people which the league of nations and the world expected them to honor their dictate and wishes for a large jewish homeland of 12 million or so inhabitants?... well the brits did so by saying well if we get them all killed off somehow in a future war then we don't have to reserve all this land for the x millions who are going to perish... then they could and did start beforehand already dividing the land of israel... our homeland... they divvyed it up and sold it off piece by piece reserving for themselves ultimate control and sovereignty... that's what i know... the british nazis and their american nazi cohorts and counterparts here were all in on this deal and so was the jewish agency of ben gurion and chaim weizman and they all helped arm germany and the ss ukrainian and polish mobs to do their dirty work for them... just like this generation uses all the terrroists to fight secretly for their imperial interests and against jews and israel... same playbook... same play called today as during the holocaust... and eichman visited israel and ben gurion in '37 to lay plans to kill our ancestors off... to relegate them for wholesale slaughter... and this monster (this cabal) still lives and breaths today... not under a german agesis... no... but under a combined british/american/israeli/saudi/uae/taliban/al qaeda and hamas axis of evil... they are all caught up in this nefarious war against israel... torah judaism and Hashem yisboruch... and they are certainly gog u'maygog... (more later on this point of contention)...

come on people... give it up... you know damn well i just hit the nail on the head... you know in your soul of souls that i just knocked it out of the park and that this is all true... sad but true... just the same... now give it up and get mad!!!! we need to fight back... damn it all!!! FIGHT! or die... G-d forbid... nik. out for now... i'm supposed to be sick in bed right now... so that is where i'm heading off to early tonight... but i'll finish this piece soon... G-d willing... nikmatdam...

they killed 6 mil. to keep the land for themselves the utter bastards... they undermined and destabilized a sitting democratic government the weimar republic and brought hitler to power to do their bidding and to help them overthrow their own governments as well (england and the u.s.) have a newpapaer clipping to a foiled plot at a coup here in wash. in '42... ny times i believe... front page...

also i have business side to this scheme... a despotic fascist state is always better for making tons of mullah... control supply and demand... keep down or beat down competition and by all means capture and never relinquish monopolies of any kind... and fight back hard to destroy those who want laws to control and limit this kind of activity...

oh i got alotta mo' fer y'all... taking it all the way back to before the rev. war... the civil war... and of course up to the shoah...

yep... they did it... isolationists they told us america was... why they were staying out of ww2 for so long... wrong!!! lies!!! utter lies!!! they spent the 20's and 30's allowing america and its people to languish in a severe depression and invested all their wealth in german industry and infrastructure including military all against (or mostly) against the versaille treaty which ended ww1... no matter "the ends (their wealth and power) justified the means" (killing jews... becoming nazis and trying to nazify the whole entire planet)

they are the ones... the brits are... who taught the germans where and how to set up the concentration camps as they had employed them first in the boer wars in south africa... date anyone? i'll look it up for later on... they got them to put them in poland and the ukraine so as not to upset the more genteel and refined, cultural sensitivities of the german peoples who were too squeemish to murder... some of them anyway... and would possibly have revolted... maybe yes maybe no... i don't know and i don't care... all that money going to germany from america... not isolationist in the slightest... they were more than just sympathizers... more than just collaborators out of fear or for profit... like switzerland... they were all in on the "kill" for and as full partners in a plot to rule the world together forever... each in their little nazi-feifdom around the globe...

this answers all the questions and explains everything that has transpired and befallen us jews and good, decent people everywhere... since 1922... and i'll just leave you with this little tid-bit of lie and cover-up for you to ponder and mull over...

what if chaim weizman wasn't as they claim in the history books working for the british to develop "acetone" which made bombs more leathal... what if he was really working on cyclone-b gas... to speed up and make more swift the execution of european jewry? told by the brits to expect 2-3 mil. and to go kill hertzel who would not go along with this plan... and to keep amer. jews in the dark and not protest too loudly... and then of course they doublecrossed their little jew-boy and tried to exterminate all 9 million or so on european soil... only managed 6 mil though and this explains why their german lackeys worked so hard to complete the mission as they were collapsing and on the verge to lose the war... and then deed done... a job well done for the brit/amer. cabal... providing them with cover that the germans did it not them... "they knew nothing about it"... "at least not the extent of it" bs every sylable.... and then most of the german and polish and ukrainian nazis and ss hordes got their free pass... get out of jail free and their visa to canada, america or south america... and as long as they kept their mouts shut they remained safe from scrutiny and prosecution... but if they looked like they might squeal... bam! eichman is dragged in by the israelis... not to try him... not to kill him... but to shut him up and make him disappear.... either for real as in dead or just under a stiff warning that next time he talks it's curtains and then he sailed off into living oblivion but still alive... and probably with a new face carved out of the old one... also explains why germany launched against poland in sept. '39 instead of spring '40.... because jabotinsky in poland had recruited an army of 200,000 jews to fight to liberate israel from the filth ben gurion and his piece of [censored] weizman and the rest of that company of zionist-jewish-nazi-bastards and [censored]!!!! so they had to break that one up in a hurry because jab. was trying desperately to get his guys on the move to israel...

oh there is so much more to tell that i have put together... and if they can kill 13 mil don't you think it is child's play for them to kill a measely 3 thousand... mostly jews and liberals anyway... on 9/11? it was like cleaning their eye glasses... ho-hum... yawn... o.k. now let's go get all that oil in iraq and the gas-pipeline up and running thru afghanistan and oh yes... all that lovely money from the newly planted and freshly harvested poppy fields... both of which (the gas and the fields) those dirty taliban had denied us... and after all that we did for them too... ingrates... wined and dined them in houston at ghwb's largese... and then we put them in power and told them they could torture, mutilate and enslave their own people anyway they liked and rule over them with an iron-fist forever there... if they but gave us the mere 2 things we most wanted and required from them for our ("our"... sheesh... theirs and theirs alone... certainly not me or you) enrichment and increased power and influence in the world... and of course next this answers the question "if we went into iraq for the oil and only for it... why are our prices so high...?" answer because they want to rip us off too... they don't give a damn about us... nor do they want to share the spoils of war with us... when are you people going to wake up to the truth of these texas/london cowboys? to who they are and what they are... WAKE UP!!! all this stuff is going on under your own noses and you are so asleep!!!! WAKE UP!!! nik. out... more to follow shortly... please G-d...

oh and by the way... you all do know about the truth of bush sr.'s father... dubya's grandpa... you know he cleared a mil and ahalf from his investment in aushwitz slave labor camp manufacturing whatever it was... steel companies in germany owned this site... another thing few know anything about... and how they (avriel harriman and prescot bush) were arrested under trading with the enemies clause on the law books but nothing was stopped or revealed and no one went to jail or paid a fine... they just moved their offices around the block and picked up where they left off before their orignal nyc address and site was raided and shut down... all stuff i have proof about... n.
650   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: America- Enemy of Israel?  on: March 07, 2006, 02:58:06 AM 
purely on his otherwise america first priority against nafta. etc. purely living as an american shifren is conservative like buchanan... he doesn't want amer. embroiled in warfare all over the world and he wants jobs here and manufacturing here to survive and come before... "sourcing-out cheaper options"... shifren doesn't believe israel is at fault like buchanan but he believes all the foreign entanglements should be undone and all foreign aid stay in american coffers and that is what he had in common with the jew-hater buchanan... even so much as to disregard or not let bother him... i certainly fnd that strange but to his mind it works with his sense of "patriotism"... nik. out
651   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Poll: Separate Torah forum, yes or no?  on: March 07, 2006, 02:46:27 AM 
NO!!!! that's my vote ... and aw shucks... i thought you guys were saying yes to me and wanted to start paying me here per word... darn it!!! nik. out
652   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Do the ends justify the means?/midvar sheker tirchak...  on: March 06, 2006, 01:11:12 PM 
as in response to monarchist to mine above... france etc. is a stick of anti-semitism to teach the jews there to leave and they have been in droves since it all began over there... however that is Hashem's cheshbon to make and His alone... we fellow jews on the otherhand have a mitzvah gedolah to rescue jews in danger... sure we should plead with them to leave but even if they won't we still have an obligation to save them and to undo the grave chillul Hashem whenever a jew is attacked and/or murdered...

as to the rest of what you said...  the pasuk above teaches us chazal say that even for a mitzvah (to do something good in the world or just to fulfill a mitzvah... any mitzvah in the torah) we should stay away from falsehood... so for example while certain averot l'shema have been recognized thru hitory like yael in the battle against sisera in 4 shoftim... and by purim where esther according to most peshatim went willingly on mordechai's behest to the scumbag acheshverosh and so committed adultery (she was married to mordechai and/or stam zenut with a goy)... but she did it to rescue her imperiled people... but these two cases aside we are not allowed to be meshaker... even for a mitzvah and thus we have examples like lulav hagozel... the psak is you are not yotzei (you do not get credit) for a mitzvah where you stole the object in order to accomplish the fulfillment of it...

but as my brother pointed out this past shabat... it only says "to distance oneself from falsehood..." it never says do no falsehood ever... as there are times when one is allowed to lie for shalom bayit...

like when the brothers fibbed and told yosef after yaakov's death that their father had begged them to plead with yosef for forgivenness and thru them yaakov was asking yosef not to take any vengeance... all of which never occurred because according to many... not until the nevuah on his death bed did yaakov know what his sons had done to his precious yosef... and as my rebbe taught me... never during the 17 years while yaakov was reunited with yosef down in mitzrayim... not once did yosef allow himself to be misyachaed with him... he always brought someone else along... like either menashe or ephraim... just so his father would never have the opportunity to ask... "nu what really happened to you on that fateful day?"  so here we see outright lying is o.k. for shalom bayit...

also we learn this lesson to leave stuff out from Hashem Himself who told avraham that sarah had laughed and wondered how such an old woman like her could yet give birth... leaving out the part that she also wondered how avraham who was even older than her could still beget children... and so He didn't tell him this one additional point in order not to cause any friction or resentment in avraham against sarah... especially at this most crucial juncture when they were about to finally have yitzchak avinu born...

so there is a gray area in torah... put in by Hashem Himself... and utilized by Him too... so the ends that time certainly justified the means... as Hashem Himself did it... and also by the brothers as well... nik. out
653   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Poll: Separate Torah forum, yes or no?/ we are kulo torah here already...  on: March 06, 2006, 12:38:55 PM 
the only thing wrong with this forum's format is that it does not allow for e-mailing posts to one's private account... so i'll have to go out and purchase a ream of paper to copy my file... now i realize because i'm such a blatherer i have more to do than most... however... my father olav hashalom once told me that dicken's works were so very lengthy because he was being paid by the word... per word x amount... so any takers for mine? nik. out
654   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Do ends justify means?/do the means corrupt the ends? i don't think so...  on: March 06, 2006, 04:35:52 AM 
i forgot one point above... rav meir's brother reb nachman disagreed with rav meir's position vis a vis his direct spelling out of his planned agenda when he would become pm... and while r. nachman did not advocate outright subterfuge and lying about his brother's policies just that they did not have to be so openly stated during the campaign... therefore he told him straight out that he felt that rav meir was under no obligation to reveal the most shocking of his plans before being elected... he felt that his brother should just run and if elected just go ahead and do what he knows to be best for k'lal yisroel and eretz yisroel... much like sharon, yemach shemo v'zichro did his entire premiership... but rav meir wanted to be open and honest and transparent... so he said it just like it was going to be... as soon as he took over he was immediately going to go to war with all the arabs... all of them simultaneously and daven to Hashem... "you have two sons... yitzchak and yishmael... so choose!"

of course this could be one of the mistakes he was making and it might have turned out disastorous for us and maybe that is why Hashem did not let him succeed... but there is no way of knowing this for sure unless via nevuah... (but alas i'm not a navi)... my mind tells me we are worse off now to go to all-out war than we were back in the early 90's before oslo and therefore perhaps rav meir was right... and not another holocaust we would have brought down upon ourselves as many shocked to learn of this plan have cried out and stated... but ada raba... now in our weakness and confusion we are inviting and awaitng an attack by iran and so what have we gained by stalling and allowing the arabs and moslem bastards to get so strong?!!! and what are we still waiting for? we should go tonight to defend ourselves and take out iran and to nuke mecca good and hard... once and for all and be done with it already!!! finished!!! nik. out...
655   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/nik. error!  on: March 06, 2006, 04:23:32 AM 
whoops! sorry monarchist... i meant to lambast torahzionist for his suppor of kadima... look back it has been corrected... ta... nik.
656   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Stop "Paradise Now"!/it got stopped...  on: March 06, 2006, 01:44:38 AM 
all's well that ends well... no oscar for the jew-haters... and no big-time one for the faggots either... i guess hollywood has at least a smidgen of a sense of decency left in them... just about a single inch long of it... but better that than nothing whatsoever... ta... nik.
657   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: America- Enemy of Israel?/14's on to something huge people...  on: March 06, 2006, 12:39:23 AM 
that's huge with a capital U!!! wow excellent blog 14... everyone should go there and read what the soney yisroel led by great britian are planning to do to get money to the palestinians by circumventing the appearance of feeding it directly to hamas... they are in clear league with everything going down there and just salivating to get rid of us... ta... nik.
658   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Do the ends justify the means?"ace l'asot l'Hashem... chaforu toratecha..."  on: March 06, 2006, 12:23:30 AM 
rabbi kahane told me to my face in '89 here in l.a. at the place he was supposed to speak a year later the week after he was killed... he said... "there is a time and a place for violence... but you have to know when and now (in '89) is (was) not the time..."

but it sure as hell is right now... especially out in the west bank and in france... in fact we should go over there and kick the ever-living crap out of those arab punks... and the rav held that israel... the idf is chayiv to protect jews everywhere... if the goyim won't do the job right then we should move in without hesitation and secure the lives of our fellow jews and the goyim be damned!!! they can all  just go to hell over there in that whore-house called france... yemach shemam v'zichram l'olam vaed!!!!

in a dream... a couple of years after his death... (i am not making this up) rav meir appeared to me and told me that he had made some mistakes along the way... but that was the whole of it and i'm left having to figure out which ones and where and when... so violence is necessary and allowed... you just got to know where and when to apply it... most of the time it just starts at a breaking point of and on its own and then snowballs from there... so when it breaks out... it breaks out and then we should embrace it... as it says in psalm 119... "ace l'asot l'Hashem... chaforu toratecha..." ("it is a time to do for Hashem... because they are wontingly breaking Your torah...") teaching the maxim to stand up kulo l'shaim shemayim and fight to stop or put down a rebellion against the torah of G-d... alternatively the gemora says this pasuk also alludes to a time to break the torah of Hashem itself if you have to in order to save the jewish people or the torah of Hashem or eretz yisroel... when? only in a case of dire emergency or severe sekanot nefashot... like when rebbi hakodesh wrote down the mishna eventhough the torah specifically says that the torah she b'al peh is supposed to stay that way... remain strictly oral... but he saw the extinction of torah under the roman oppression if he kept to that law so he broke it in order to preserve the torah for future generations and for all-time to come... he was right then... and i'm postitve rav meir was right to help soviet jewry the way he did... nik. out...
659   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/let him have it between the teeth...  on: March 06, 2006, 12:07:18 AM 
supporting kadima is like having a death-wish... i can't believe you said that torahzionist... open your eyes... how can beating settlers be good for israel? nik. out
660   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: nuke mecca now!!! "the nuke mecca first" option...  on: March 05, 2006, 06:24:22 PM 
difference is you can measure the response level of the filth by how far you go against them and where... the closer you get to the har habayit the more violent and crazed they get... and then you have to start mowing them down for a long while to get them to calm back down... remember they (the arabs) are a "pera adam" (not an "adam pera"... which would mean "a wild-ass of a man") but a pera adam ("a wild-ass in the form of a man")... "ish elokhim" stands for "a man of G-d" or a "G-dly man" but we never say "elokhim ish" "G-d who appears in the form of a man")...  thus we know they are sub-human with no real soul despite being born from avraham avinu...  and so what you have to do is nuke mecca at the same time you go get those abominations down from off of our holiest sight... then they will be floored and have no response at all... if allah can't even guard himself and his "holiest places" how can we (arab/moslem scum and refuse) ever hope to conquer the world for allah... and now that they destroyed al aqsa, etc. we are through..." and they will be... go after har habayit by itself and you'll end up with ww3... you will... do in the whole moslem religion at one time... in a split second and even iran will cease to be a threat.... period!!! it will all be over... all over... nikmatdam
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661   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The same two who in 2002 went to the Mukata to meet with Arafat in the hope...  on: March 05, 2006, 03:51:43 PM 
time to rid the holy land of all mekomot of avodah zara... this kiddush Hashem alone would bring the geulah shelaymah in a heartbeat!!! nik. out
662   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / rules are made to be broken/break the rules of golut... chains of bondage...  on: March 05, 2006, 03:45:21 PM 
the closer we get to chodesh nisan the more chance we have to be nigal and this is an auspicious year... very!!! here's hoping it finally breaks loose for good... nik. out
663   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sefer Hamakabi/the call to greatness...  on: March 05, 2006, 03:42:13 PM 
maybe true... but i feel a calling to do something here on some level before i depart... nik. out... and we are all in danger right now... as long as one jew is threatened anywhere in the world we are all in sekanot nefashot... we are all in the same boat together... wherever we reside... n.
664   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/dig a pit and push him in...  on: March 05, 2006, 03:39:53 PM 
yeah but according to the gra "beito" late... at the last minute will be with tremendus angst and horribly painful suffering... and we have already suffered so much since 1993... the longer it is delayed the more we will suffer... i want to see a little "achishena" in the "beito"... and the only way to earn this is thru our collective mesirat nefesh for am yisroel, torah, eretz yisroel and of course for Hashem yisboruch shemo!!! nik. out 
665   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sefer Hamakabi/looking for happy hunting grounds...  on: March 05, 2006, 03:35:30 PM 
well it looks like my campaign from hell which i wanted to leave l.a. with is on the verge of not coming to pass... for want of the $1621 by march 10th which it takes to register to get my name on the ballot... so i may be there right after pesach now... but i was going to turn this city on its ear... jews here were going to run me out on a rail by the time i was thru with them... and goyim were going to hide under their beds when i walked their neighborhoods... and you don't think that would have been worthwhile? ta... nik.
666   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sefer Hamakabi/the call to the jew to rise up and become a true jew...  on: March 05, 2006, 03:28:35 PM 
marketing shmarketing... it's the one true emet and it has to get out to us englishers as soon as possible... rav meir's works are our lifeline out here... without him we perish spiritually and we die physically as well!!!! GET IT OUT!!! the haggadah of rav binyamin besides being a beautiful perush and a work of art... lay-out, cover and translation wer all superbly done... but it had one special ingredient... btym... it is the only haggadah out there with any relevance... who needs yet another haggadah with vortlach for the table... we need emet and we need to know how to get the hell out of this golut... and that sefer gives us quite a few insights into our goal... i'm betting that perush hamaccabi will provide the rest and give us the confidence and tools to fight off all the internal and external hinderances to geulah... hamaven yaven... nik. out

you and your guys are doing great work lenny.... heroic work!!! G-d's work!!! keep it going and never stop!!!! n.   
667   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: American Jews align with neo-nazi organisations/waste of time to worry about  on: March 05, 2006, 03:20:09 PM 
they're neturei karta right? they are sick and demented and should just be ignored... no one pays them any never mind anyhow... nik. out
668   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/let him begin with himself then...  on: March 05, 2006, 03:18:12 PM 
i can't wait for that day to eventually arrive... meanwhile they are helping to hurt and kill am yisroel and the dream of geulah and our hold over eretz yisroel... thus i want to do something against them all now!!! nik. out
669   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / rules are made to be broken/all rules except torah are meant to be broken...  on: March 05, 2006, 03:13:57 PM 
what's going on...? why all the rules all of sudden ish tam...? are you getting pressure from the government...? we deserve to know about it... so tell us... nik. out
670   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "rabbi" calls for mass suicide/kill him before he kills us!!!  on: March 05, 2006, 02:50:39 PM 
any "rabbi" who makes himself into an "erav rav rav" (pun intended) by supporting the "death-by-suicide" process and the road-map to gehenom... should be taken out and horse-whipped in public... he is a traitor and a rodef!!! ta... nik.
671   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Do the ends justify the means?/yes!!!  on: March 05, 2006, 02:46:32 PM 
for example throwing a molotov cocktail into a russian un mission or airline travel office was mutar because it took the issue of the plight of soviet jewry from the backpages and put it onto page one... and therefore and thereby russian jews got out of the soviet hell-hole and came here or to israel for a better life... and for life itself period... so yes i'd say the ends justified the means on that one... in that case... nik. out
672   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF to wake up!!!!  on: March 03, 2006, 04:44:59 PM 
o.k. but i want inserted a prayer that the idf not be afraid to fight its internal enemies as well... a bracha that it finally wakes up and sees the truth... then i'll say amen again... nik. out
673   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Defamation of Barry Chamish/ unwarranted...  on: March 03, 2006, 04:32:56 PM 
i know barry... i have vetted him good and hard... and have read his sefarim thoroughly... i believe him and i believe he is on our side... so i dismiss any and all kook labels... again... the only people who dismiss OUT-OF-HAND any and all conspiracy theories or suspicions are either... ignorant, petrified, or complicit... i think what he has to say is true... when someone comes under this kind of character assassination it is because there are those out there whom he threatens by his work and therefore the first step is to publicly trash and smear him... to counter his info and its potential impact... if no one bothered with him i'd say he must be hallucinating... it is all just like rav binyamin said... "when they break in and trash and comfiscate and close down the yeshivah of the authentic jewish idea ... i know we are teaching the emet... because they are afraid of our message and since they don't close down any other yeshivas around israel... must be that they are not afraid of what they know or teach or stand for... but we they are afraid of... because our call has the chance to spread all over... to sweep the land and bring down their evil empire..." kain yehi ratzon... rav binyamin... we love you and miss you... may Hashem soon be yenakum damcha... ta... nik.
674   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: It this true?/hope so...  on: March 03, 2006, 04:17:57 PM 
i hope to G-d it's true but only if done by legitimate torah jews... and not by shabak trying to make us look bad... nik. out
675   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Sefer Hamakabi/if you're looking for's in chazon yishiyahu...  on: March 03, 2006, 04:16:23 PM 
besides i'm betting the stuff rav meir wrote to isaiah under sefer hamaccabi is far more intriguing and crucial... we know shemot pretty well now over the years... we need to hear more navi... david is there someone on that one? lenny? nik. out
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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October 20, 2006, 01:59:26 PM 

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676   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "to eat or not to eat...? that is the question... whether it is better to..."  on: March 02, 2006, 05:39:09 PM 
pitcha is also calf's feet served jelled hot or cold with mustard... it looks crazy like clear jello or that slime goop in gefite fish jars and cans... (i call it filthy fish)... but the pitcha stands up and is cubed and hardened a lot like jello and it tastes...? well i don't know... never had the guts to try it... the two times it was ever served to me both times i asked for the fish instead... yuk!!!! big-time!! uhuh.. none for me thank you very much... yeesh!!!! and i gave the same response to the dude in meah sha'arim who one shabat wanted to and actually did offer me... beef... lung and brain... that is... ah no... no i don't think so... i'll pass on those too... thanks anyway... and as long as we're on the subject of grossed-out and disgusting food... how about these gems from my non-kosher days... (all of which i have seen but none of which i actually tasted except the frog's legs once a couple of bites)... frogs, eel, octopus, lobster, crab, snails (escargo). rattle snake bug or insect pops (candy suckers with an actual  dragon fly or mosquito to suck down to and then eat... yuk... yuk... and double yuk... and of course my one and only all-time favortie... choclate covered ants!!!! mmm mmm good!!! ta... nik.
677   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "tin soldiers and the bushes comin'..."  on: March 02, 2006, 12:48:52 PM 
you tell it like it IS!!! yby... like it REALLY is!!!! nik.

as for you kreplach... thanks a mil. you just sewed up my case complete... i owe you man for that last bit of info about yale... not here not for now... stay tuned for part 5 of the british are coming... it'll all be in there... you'll see the west is not dumb shooting themselves in the foot... the powers-that-really-be here (gog u'maygog) they know exactly what they are doing and apparently they don't give a rip if we see what they're doing and know why as well... they are just out there doing their thing and they don't care that we know the depths of their tumah and rishut... they are not afraid of us... if this were a legitimate aftermath to a real event of an act of war against us on 9/11... the enemies' relatives would not be attending the same university as the current and 2 former presidents of the u.s. (or attending any university whatsoever on u.s. soil for that matter)... it just wouldn't be happening... not after such murder!!!if they weren't involved in it (they being the cabal in washington and in london)... if they weren't involved in it (which has always been my contention that of course they were all in league with the terrorists... in fact they were directing them... the terrorists worked for them... were hired by them to do whatever they deemed necessary for them to retain and increase power, hegemony and economic sway) and from the moment i learned of it i never wavered from this belief for a single solitary moment... "i knew"... i just knew it was a fraud... deliberately done to gain political power and strike fear in the populace to make us tame... (read the book v for vengeance by steve and alan moore and david loyd) go on just read it 'cause it's all in there in black and white... the whole damn scenario is laid right out for all the world to see... the entire disgusting game plan unfolding appears to be not just a tale in a book or soon in a movie... but explains everything that has occurred here in real life... and not just about 9/11 no sir... not by a long shot... about everything... the 60's/ lincoln's assassination even... back to the founding of the nation ~ america... and along the way back it stops by the holocaust and it comes to teach us about the shoah that it was a staged and planned affair... conceived in the 1920's and carried out in the 40's... and it accounts for and explains everything that went down... clarifies what really went on and why!!!! stay tuned please... when i reveal my take to you... your minds are going to explode in rage and passion for k'lal yisroel.... that's how much i'm going to blow your minds!!!) i'm going to blow you all away.... every last one of you on this site...  blow you all away... the truth will out and lead us to geulah!!!! amen selah>...

nikmatdam... just here doing my job... 24x6.... 
678   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "amona"... "hundreds of jewish skulls bashed in amona!!!"  on: March 02, 2006, 03:09:35 AM 
to the crosby, stills, nash and young tune... "ohio"... on the "4-way street" live album...
(words by neil young)...

"tin soldiers and nixon coming;
we're finally on our own...
this summer i hear the drumming ~
four dead in ohio...
gotta get down to it;
soldiers are cutting us down...
should have been done long ago...
what if you knew her and
found her dead on the ground?
how can you run when you know?

gotta get down to it;
soldiers are cutting us down...
should have been done long ago...
what if you knew her and
found her dead on the ground?
how can you run when you know?

na na na na 
na na na na...
na na na na
na na na na...

4 dead... (4...) 4 dead... 4 dead... 4 dead in ohio... (4... 4...)

tin soldiers and nixon coming;
we're finally on our own...
this summer i hear the drumming ~
four dead in ohio... four dead in ohio... four dead in ohio...
how many more? (4... 4... 4... 4...)
four dead in ohio... four dead in ohio... four dead in ohio...
how many more?" (4... 4... 4... 4...)

and now for "amona"... (by nikmatdam)

"gentile soldiers and olmert coming;
we're finally on our own...
this winter i hear the calling ~
hundreds of skulls bashed in amona...
gotta get down to it;
soldiers are cutting us down...
should have been done in the gush...
what if you knew him and
saw him bleeding on the ground?
how can you run when you know?

gentile soldiers and olmert coming;
we're finally on our own...
this winter i hear the calling ~
hundreds of skulls bashed in amona...

(hundreds and hundreds of) skulls bashed in amona...
skulls bashed in amona... skulls bashed in amona...
(hundreds and hundreds of) skulls bashed in amona..."

how many more?
in how many other settlements?

na na na na
na na na na...
nanananananana.... nik. out
679   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / or no parking in Amona... still parking it right here in l.a.  on: March 02, 2006, 03:06:11 AM 
yeah i know just what you mean... i once read in public at an open mic a love poem i wrote as a kid of 18 or 19... i introduced it with this phrase... "here's a poem i wrote when my heart was young when i still had time for love... before the weight of the world descended upon my shoulders like a ton of bricks..." you should have seen the smiles on the ladies faces when i said that one... that alone was worth the price of admission... and that's why now and everyday a little bit...  i've taken to listening and watching dvd music... jethro tull... the who... beatles... csny... neil young... the cat... cat stevens before he became a soney (probably)... etc. etc. pure pure nirvana still to this very day... check this one out under new topics... ta... nik.
680   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona).  on: March 02, 2006, 12:03:05 AM 
i'll go along with you guys... i want this thread to hit 100 replies... how 'bout them dodgers? rams? lakers? as for me and foodstuff... i'm simple... nothing like a good sports event with a cold beer and a hotdog smothered in mustard and raw onions chips or fries... no dif.... nothing sweeter!!! ta... nik.
681   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: America- Enemy of Israel?  on: March 01, 2006, 07:48:05 PM 
excellent post 14...
682   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / ArabTerroristStabs2atbusstop-his reward/waiting so very long for peres' reward!  on: March 01, 2006, 07:44:21 PM 
as i have said so many, many times over the last 13 years... every drop of blood of our people that is shed... is on the heads of and on the hands of every jew alive who supports the "suicide-now process"... it especially oozes out from every pore of peres and his ilk who planned and carried off this tragic fiasco for our nation... i can only wish him and his kind a speedy as in soon death by Divine caveat and a most painful and agonizing one at that!!! i want them to suffer as so many of us have... i want their deaths to be as excruciatingly painful as humanly possible and i will continue as always to death-daven for this to befall them all!!! death to the murderers of our people!!!! death by Hashem's hand alone so He can register the greatest possible kiddush Hashem from these happenings... but may it be soon... and in public so we can rejoice and praise G-d for Divine justice being restored to the earth!!! amen... kain yehi ratzon...  i am nikmatdam... imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption... and i ache for vengeance!!!! nik. out
683   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / America - Enemy of Israel?/you better believe it; no doubt about it...  on: February 28, 2006, 11:05:40 PM 
kreplach that's wiVes not wiFes... anyway there's more than just smoke there's some fire to all those accusations against shiffren... but... and i don't know about the rest... but the rabbi moshe antelman dude (originally from massachusetts)... is legit... he put kissinger in cherem after the yom kippur war... he was with rav meir at the start of jdl and his books vols.1-2 "to eliminate the opiate"... are must reads as they illuminate with excellent research and bibliography... the rise of the sabbatian/frankist heresy which directly paved the way for the satanic creations of reform and later conservative "judaism"... he also gives you the low down on all the goyish illumanti/masonic cult garbage (its real but its garbage) so... real garbage... and where it worked along side the sab/frank. characters and later the ref./ conserv. bastards and... AND... he shows you where, when, who, how and why all these forces were in vogue and cruisin' back in their heydays...he teaches communism/socialism/fascism origins, players and followers... and of course he exposes the secular zionist barrel-full of poisoned apples... pure unadulterated poison... and so i dig him for all that he opened my eyes to and furthered me down the path to know the emet of the last 1-200 years... i see the truth... i know what happened and why and it ain't pretty... believe you me... just wait until you see part 5 of "the britsh are coming..." you are all going to go nuts... i guarantee it... but it will be the G-d-honest truth i promise... i wouldn't waste your life or my own on lies and deception... it really happened and we have to expose the nazi bastards and we have to hold their sins up to the light of day for all to see... get the world to hold them accountable and make them pay... really pay for what they did to us... (to k'lal yisroel)... and continue to do to us down to this very day in different shapes and forms... and one day... one glorious day... the truth will out... and then they will fall in shame and derision forever and ever... and the lepers that they truly are will finally be apparent to everyone and the world... the decent part of the world will no longer fear their nazi-despotic power and will shun them and treat them as anathema... one day soon... very soon now... please Hashem... nik. out... 
684   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the british are coming... actually they never left... part 4b...  on: February 28, 2006, 04:22:22 PM 
1) the lion = the british empire (england)...

2) the bear = the soviet union (russia)...

3) the leopard = the 4 prussian reich states (germany)...

4) the metal monster = the united states (of america)....
upon closer scrutiny we see unfolded the following details to nail this interpretation home...

1) the lion ~ england... is dead on because the coat of arms of the royal monarchy of the british isles has always been depicted by a lion... and one standing upright like a man to boot... just as depicted... plain and simple... very straightforward... also the eagle wings plucked off by angels from the lion's back which made it have to fall back to earth and stand upright and receive a human heart (read: become mortal) and cease to be a threat to be eternal and flight-super-powered which would have somehow rendered him invincible... and in strictly historical terms one could say that had britain maintained its iron-clad grip over its north american colonies it would be far more prodigious and all-powerful than it is today and would perhaps never have declined so precipitously as it did after ww1... also the eagle wings could be construed as a reference to america anyway since the u.s.national symbol is the eagle... but since the last creature is america this is not totally accurate... also this is not an exclusive depiction since the roman empire also utilized the eagle as its standard... and therefore one could just as easily lay reference to this part of the prophecy to the relationship between rome and britain and/or between rome and bavel in chazal's original analogy... but again i much prefer this lion being a forecast of the british empire... and the eagle wings which are utilized in torah as a reference to the "pinions or wings of the Divine Presence" ("the kanfei HaShechina")... and so i understand the ceremony of the removal of these wings from the lion's back to be a signal thru the fog that england (the cream of esav) will not be allowed to be or refuses to play the role of becoming G-d's elite messenger to bring the final redemption (the geulah shelaymah) as it later on would appear to have stepped forward to become when the balfour declaration was announced in 1917 stating that "his majesty's government looks with favor upon zionist desires to re-colonize and settle in palestine and establish a jewish state upon its historical jewish homeland of ancient israel..." and we see this has come to pass due to all of their subsequent backpedaling and backstabbing that later british governments conceived, carried out and imposed upon israel (as we shall discuss in more detail further on) from the policy formation stages right on through to the implementation of their evil designs into actions creating many now irreversible facts on the ground the consequences of which israel is suffering from still to this very day almost 100 years ago...

and just like esav himself refused the mission to be his brother yakov's protector and guarantor thru history so too his descendants have proven to be no less heartless and hateful toward the children of israel... indeed, i remember the description of one of my teacher's here in l.a. ca. of esav who is always characterized by too many of us as a mindless barbarian complete with loin cloth and club... caveman style... yet who in reality is an intellectually savvy and worldly genius who can be and often is a truly ruthless tyrant and despotic murderer...  but who can just as easily make himself appear to be a very refined and elegant and charming gentlemen and a cultured diplomat when he absolutely has to... to wit this great ploy and stratagem of esav has been passed down to esav's most distant english offspring "perfidious albion" which the british are so well-deservedly and infamously referred to by historians for their vast capacity to pull the ol' double-cross, to divide and conquer and for their utter rapaciousness in and penchant for never, ever keep their word... all of which they have over the centuries so greatly perfected these special and unique "talents" of theirs and have even succeeded to elevate them to a veritable and rare art-form by now...

2) the bear ~ russia... is also more accurately to my mind a depiction of russia rather than persia... because "devour much flesh" fits the slavic and baltic areas of eastern europe to a tee... for that part of the world has probably seen the slaughter of more people over the course of human history than any other region on the face of the earth... between the huns and the mongols and the cossacks and the arabs and the poles and the ukrainians and the bulgarians and the romanians and the yugo (united) slavs; (the albanians, bosnians, croats, serbs, etc.) not to mention the russians themselves... billions have died in warfare i'll wager since creation... and besides that persia represents a pleasure-oriented or hedonistic society is not altogether true with the exception of the purim story and achashverosh's lust for wine, women and song... it did not necessarily mean that the whole of that society and populace were always like that before and after him... i mean i can't say for certain i just don't know persian history that well but surely anyway "flesh" in the sense of killing is more apt a description and likely to be a much more important and significant insight into the legacy of this beast's contribution to the history of civilization... the "three ribs in its mouth" could be an indicator of something about the nature or the type of victims that the all-consuming daze of their ravenous lust and insatiable appetite would destroy before its time in the sun was or is complete... jews, christians and moslems... but this is just pure speculation on my part... i have no idea really... it could represent the three classes of people always exploited by them... the serf or peasant farmer, the middle class, blue-collar factory worker and the professional soldier...

3) the leopard ~ germany... of note is the fact that the flag of the undermined weimar republic or second reich had a leopard on it... the four heads would have to mean the four different eras of its ascendancy... the fourth is the current form of the german republic post ww2 (the nazi third reich)...  and does not have a militaristic bent to it as the other three previously had...but it is rather a financial conglomerate and corporate mega-giant... and the fact of the four wings in light of the wings removed from the lion appear to be significant as well... i would say it relates to the power of this beast... and since it says that "dominion was given to it" this certainly indicates that the power of flight gives this creature a distinct advantage over all the other animals in our little prophetic zoo here... and longevity... now it may seem strange since the nazis lost ww2 but as i will explain later on and with the knowledge of modern germany's comeback and economic prestige in today's world... we see that this is true and really behind the scenes germany is ruling today... and the nazis did really win ww2.... but not hitler and his henchmen and hordes... and due to their defeat in the 40's their hegemony has been confined to a backroom, board room level of ceo power and not in the more open and revealed manners of political rule and domination or of a military dictatorship or even a lesser one... a junta... (but as i mentioned before more on this idea and concept is forthcoming... so bear with me)...

4) the metal monster ~ america... first of all it is not an animal like the others but a sort of non-human appearing... kind of frankenstein.... or one of those frightening sci-fi creatures kids play with today... and darn if it doesn't act exactly like the history of the american white man... chewing and stomping and destroying literally everything in its way... either by devouring it or by crushing it with its monstrous feet... exploitation of natural resources... over consummation of goods and services... materialism to the nth degree... no conservation... raping the land... marching non-stop from coast to coast... and paving over paradise... with steel and stone roads and bridges and train tracks leading everywhere... this is and has been the hallmark of america... hasn't it? no saving some for later... no giving it a rest... no taking a break for awhile... no satiety... just give me... give me... give me... mine... mine... mine... all mine... nothing for you and nothing for later on... now... now... now... always right now! instant gratification... eat... eat... until engorgement...  ba'al taschit (wastefulness), tsar balei chayim and slavery (abuse of animals and people), achilat gassa (gluttony, greed, avarice, graft and huge forms of corruption wafting over the whole length and breadth of the land)... like there is no tomorrow... and absolutely done with no concern for the environment's or for society's future viability and ability to regenerate itself and any of the vast wealth, energy or toil consumed in such mindless and reckless abandon... and always the mantra is profits... profits... and yet more profits...the bottom line is always and solely the bottom line!!! nothing else ever seems to matter... as per the mafioso creed so well known: "hey buddy... nothing personal... it's just business..." and as you enter thru any of her many ports of call the sign says: "welcome to america... the land of the (carnally) greedy and the home of the grave (of spirituality)..." and as far as all the stomping around and trodden under foot of everything in this monster's path that is depicted herein gives us a glimpse into its genocidal tendencies which obviously came into view and was undeniably employed in their dealings with and relationship with the red men... the indians... the indigenous, aboriginal populace found in the land which this monster claims to have "discovered" and to have "colonized"... not to mention the further subsequent oppression and over-exploitation of successive waves of immigrants forced or willingly coming here from abroad... blacks enslaved, oriental coolies to build the railroads...dirt-poor and starving irish as mercenary soldiers for the north's consumption during the civl war... jews for the factory sweatshops... any lower economic-strata women and children of any race or creed used up as well everywhere... mexicans for farming and construction purposes... you get the idea...   

and alas as the illustrious vilna gaon foresaw and wept bitterly over and then related to his talmud muvhak... reb chaim volozhin... "the torah is going into golut (exile) in america!!!" a long and ugly and cruel a treifa-medina... a gilded-ghetto where the "streets are lined with gold" but where you have to sell your soul to mine that gold... to a place where the jewish people would prosper materially and grow wealthy and enjoy a super-abundance of everything and all things physical... but many would lose their souls thereby thru assimilation and moral turpitude and by virtue of an aversion to or an apathy toward idealistic righteousness... and where torah learning would eventually thrive (but not right away) and where the giants of the spirit of yesteryear would not be produced there in any great numbers and would become few and far between... and where eretz yisroel and the geulah shelaymah (the final redemption) would be delayed for an agonizingly long stretch of time... due to the fear of the gentile becoming king replacing what was once the abidingly ubiquitous and crucially sincere fear of G-d which the jewish people always exhibited, maintained and demonstrated with an exceedingly awesome display of self-sacrifice (mesirat nefesh) thru nearly 2000 years of a harsh and bloody exile of martyrdom and kiddush Hashem (the sanctification of the Sacred Name of G-d) before coming to these shores...

and the gra foresaw as well that the eternal fire of the torah itself was destined to suffer there from an apparent diminution of its previously nearly universally acknowledged transformable warmth and light...and that it would instead become mired in a place from which its words, laws and stories would no longer be taken seriously by a world gone increasingly stark-ravingly mad... nor would its liberating, life-affirming ethical message of the brotherhood of mankind be heeded any longer nor would its once globally recognized vouchsaving and provision of true inner-freedom be felt or considered worthy of our attention or pursuit... furthermore the torah was to be sent to a place where its real-life sagacious advice and life-sustaining guidance would not be sought, desired or even perceived and finally the torah was headed for a place where the depths of its true worth and purely elemental and indispensable objective truth would not be explored, plumetted nor probed by very many at all worldwide for a very long span of time... not until after the very advent of the end of days... and as our sages teach us... at the torah's first coerced translation from hebrew into the greek language... it was tantamount to the caging of a lion... and so too here, sadly, the torah's forced sojourning in america has relegated it to relative and shameful obscurity and its power has literally been stripped away leaving the torah to languish forlorn in loneliness and pain allowing it to be indefinitely consigned to heavy chains of bondage...

but this creature has much, much more to reveal to us about itself and its forecasted future history which we can surely see has truly come to pass and quite accurately at that and in amazingly minute detail....  now certainly all of the above attributes of this monster could be adequately represented as an accurate description of the vicious and callous roman empire... but how much more powerful, dangerous and menacing have the destroyers of america proven to be in not even yet two and half short centuries... rome had over 500 years; half a millennium to do its worst and wreak all of its havoc upon roughly speaking only a half of the planet... while america in just a quarter of that time has unleashed such a ferocity and an onslaught of violence and a hunger for gain which has inflicted and registered such severe and fatal damage with such force and exertion with a reach of virtually every corner of the entire globe... so you tell me which nation this monster as described and shown here in our nevuah is better depicted and more precisely portrayed... rome or america!!! and i believe with this point i can finally rest my case... or vendel jones' in any event... and thus i can now go on to prove my other points of contention... the political, historical and conspiratorial ones which make up the gist of the accusations that i am leveling at the powers-that-be who are tyrannically ruling this planet in fascist form and fashion... and i can also now begin to deliver the dire warning that my vision unfortunately portends and which does not augur well for the shared destiny and future of all humankind... especially for the jewish people all over the world....

so we turn now to the perplexing portion of this beasts ten horns... eleven really with the one smaller one with human eyes and a mouth coming up after the other ten are already extant and in place... which indicates later on in history near the end of days... as this horn displaces three of the ten upon its advent, then starts to blaspheme G-d and in the process begins to hold sway over and be soveriegn over those described as Hashem's special people (am segulah) within their land... (gog u'maygog... britain and america combined as we shall see next week) and due to this small horn's grevious transgressions it causes the whole entire beast to be slaughtered in the end by the holy ones (k'lal yisroel led by the two messiahs... moshiach ben yosef and moshiach ben david)... and while the other three beasts are given a short-term repreive from destruction and are granted a time of favor to dwell peacefully with the new world order and final dominion granted at long last after a heated and fiercely pitched final battle... the fourth beast is no where to be found as he has not even a short range kiyum into the messianic age...

and we see that this is so because another prophet yeshyahu (isaiah) also spoke in similar terms  about the lion and the bear and the leopard (and also the wolf ~ spain, france) and the adder (serpant or snake ~ the arab world) as living quietly and in harmony... at peace with a child or a lamb or a kid goat among others... and this is quite unususal and therefore quite significant... because two prophets never prophesize in the same manner... each has his/her own signon or theme, style of poetry and imagery... and for two of them to envision and describe the future almost exactly alike bears great meaning and truly indicates that their prophecies will come to pass as any doubling of dreams or prophecy in the torah means its certain truth and speedy realization and establishment in real life... in history...

and thus as it says...
in isaiah:11:6-9...

"the wolf will live with the sheep and the leopard will lie down with the kid; and a calf, a lion whelp and a fatling (will walk) together, and a young child will lead them. a cow and bear will graze and their young will lie down together...and a lion, like cattle, will eat hay. a suckling will play by a viper's hole; and a newly weaned child will stretch his hand toward an adder's lair... they will neither injure nor destroy in all My sacred mountain; for the earth will be as filled with knowledge of Hashem as water covering the sea bed..."

and so we see what is in store for us and the world a little bit down the road...

so getting back to the horns... they represent the ten greatest leaders of this nation/empire...

so who is it referring to edom/rome or the united states of america...?

i think it makes infinetly more sense to be the ten from one cohesive unit like the u.s. rather than be from the disparate nations who have ruled the roman empire and wielded power for over 2000 years... for it is only the 11th horn that gets this metal monster destroyed for blasphemey and attacking G-d's chosen people whereas so many leaders of the roman empire have been evil and have hated torah and Hashem and have attempted to wipe out the entire jewish people... and have succeeded in destroying the second beit hamikdash...

so for my money i lay it all on america here... and besides... which were the ten greatest leaders of edom of all-time... titus, caligua, jukius and agustus ceasar, nero, constatine, charlegmain, napolean, bismark, queen elizabeth or victoria, lenin, stalin, gorbachev, washington, lincoln, jefferson, fdr, churchill, kennedy or reagan... hitler, arthur, the louis' of france the henry's of england, the czars of russia , the popes, mussolini, franco of spain or king ferdinand and queen isabella, king richard the lionheart...? just whom would you choose to include and whom would you leave off of the list of ten symbolized by the rise of the ten horns on this beast... and which were the three horns that were and are knocked off or displaced by the eleventh one which comes up only at the end after all the other ten have already held power over mankind and had total hegemony over the earth each in turn for a little while...?

one thing in agreement here that works for either side and scenario... the small horn is the house of bush... absolutely no doubt about it... but i will get to that later in the next installment... 

so we will see in part 5... please G-d that this creature is america and gog u'maygog is britain and america conjoined and who exactly is responsible for ww1 and 2... and why... who did the shoah and has been running the secret war against the jews and israel before, during and ever since the holocaust... and who is amalek in this world of soiled and impure bloodlines and impossible to reconstruct and follow lineages... applying equally so to royal ones or otherwise alike... and we will take a look at current events since 9/11 and determine the shame and degradation of mankind which is going on now all over the globe... the re-enslaving or re-serfazation of humanity... if you will... and so for next time then... we will see you then... nikmatdam... out (end part 4)... part 5 to follow shortly... n.

685   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the british are coming... actually they never left... part 4a...  on: February 28, 2006, 04:20:19 PM 
and into the wee hours of the night nikmatdam writes on... summoned to serve his Master in this way... and hark... what do we discover? what is this? what do we find? why it's unbelievable... at long, long last... the promised sequel (part 4) to parts 1-3 of "blare blair everywhere"... and so shall we proceed? why, but of course:

"behind blue eyes"  (the who) (by peter townsend)

(heard him say that he wrote this song in utter disgust over the bloody history of his european civilization)...

"no one knows what it's like
to be the bad man
to be the sad man
behind blue eyes...

no one knows what it's like
to be hated
to be fated
to telling only lies...

but my dreams
they aren't as empty
as my conscience seems to be...

i have hours, only lonely
my love is vengeance
that's never free...

no one knows what it's like
to feel these feelings
like i do
and i blame you...

no one bites back as hard
on their anger
none of my pain and woe
can show through...

but my dreams
they aren't as empty
as my conscience seems to be...

i have hours, only lonely
my love is vengeance
that's never free...

when my fist clenches, crack it open
before i use it and lose my cool
when i smile, tell me some bad news
before i laugh and act like a fool...

if i swallow anything evil
put your finger down my throat
if i shiver, please give me a blanket
keep me warm, let me wear your coat...

no one knows what it's like
to be the bad man
to be the sad man
behind blue eyes..."

and this fine number from the same group...

"won't get fooled again..." (the who)...

we'll be fighting in the streets
with our children at our feet
and the morals that they worship will be gone
and the men who spurred us on
sit in judgment of all wrong
they decide and the shotgun sings the song...

i'll tip my hat to the new constitution
take a bow for the new revolution
smile and grin at the change all around
pick up my guitar and play
just like yesterday
then i'll get on my knees and pray
we don't get fooled again...

the change, it had to come
we knew it all along
we were liberated from the fold, that's all
and the world looks just the same
and history ain't changed
'cause the banners, they are flown in the next war...

i'll tip my hat to the new constitution
take a bow for the new revolution
smile and grin at the change all around
pick up my guitar and play
just like yesterday
then i'll get on my knees and pray
we don't get fooled again
no no!!!

i'll move myself and my family aside
if we happen to be left half alive
i'll get all my papers and smile at the sky
though i know that the hypnotized never lie
do ya?

there's nothing in the streets
looks any different to me
and the slogans are replaced, by-the-bye
and the parting on the left
are now parting on the right
and the beards have all grown longer overnight...

i'll tip my hat to the new constitution
take a bow for the new revolution
smile and grin at the change all around
pick up my guitar and play
just like yesterday
then i'll get on my knees and pray
we don't get fooled again

no, no!!!


meet the new boss
same as the old boss..."

and this from phil collins of genesis...
off of the "selling england by the pound" album...

"dancing with the moonlit knight"... (genesis)...

"'can you tell me where my country lies?'
said the unifaun to his true love's eyes.
'it lies with me!' cried the queen of maybe
~ for her merchandise, he traded his prize...

'paper late!' cried a voice in the crowd.
'old man dies!' the note he left was signed
'old father thames'
~ it seems he's drowned;
selling england by the pound...

citizens of hope & glory,
time goes by ~ 'it's the time of your life'.
easy now, sit you down.
chewing through your wimpey dreams,
they eat without a sound;
digesting england by the pound...

young man says 'you are what you eat' ~ eat well.
old man says 'you are what you wear' ~ wear well.
you know what you are, you don't give a damn;
bursting your belt that is your homemade sham...

the captain leads his dance right on through the night
~ join the dance...
follow on! till the grail sun sets in the mould.
follow on! till the gold is cold.
dancing out with the moonlit Knight,
knights of the green shield stamp and shout...

there's a fat old lady outside the saloon;
laying out credit she plays fortune.
the deck is uneven right from the start;
all of their hands are playing apart...

the captain leads his dance right on through the night
~ join the dance...
follow on! a round table-talking down we go.
you're the show!
off we go with: ~ you play the hobbyhorse,
i'll play the fool.
we'll tease the bull
ringing round & loud; loud & round.
follow on! with a twist of the world we go.
follow on! till the gold is cold.
dancing out with the moonlit knight,
knights of the green shield stamp and shout..."

and this from crosby stills and nash... (reported to have been written after the experience of visiting winchester cathedral in london while on LSD)...

"cathedral"... (crosby, stills and nash)...

"six o'clock
in the morning, i feel pretty good
so i dropped into the luxury of the lords
fighting dragons and crossing swords
with the people against the hordes
who came to conquer...

seven o'clock
in the morning, here it comes
i taste the warning and i am so amazed
i'm here today, seeing things so clear this way
in the car and on my way
to stonehenge...

i'm flying in winchester cathedral
sunlight pouring through the break of day.
stumbled through the door and into the chamber;
there's a lady setting flowers on a table covered lace
and a cleaner in the distance finds a cobweb on a face
and a feeling deep inside of me tells me
this can't be the place...

i'm flying in winchester cathedral.
all religion has to have its day
expressions on the face of the savior
made me say
i can't stay...

open up the gates of the church and let me out of here!
too many people have lied in the name of christ
for anyone to heed the call.
so many people have died in the name of christ
that i can't believe it all...

and now i'm standing on the grave of a soldier that died in 1799
and the day he died it was a birthday
and i noticed it was mine.
and my head didn't know just who i was
and i went spinning back in time.
and i am high upon the altar
high upon the altar, high...

i'm flying in winchester cathedral,
it's hard enough to drink the wine.
the air inside just hangs in delusion,
but given time,
i'll be fine..."

and so you see dear reader... even these goyim know the emptiness and bankruptcy of their european culture and creed...

but let's do just one or two more... but this time for america... "land of the greed and home of the grave..." the greed for materialism and hedonism and the grave for all things pure and spiritual... (and soon i promise you will see why the u.s. has to be included in a piece about bloody great britain)...

"no more mr. nice guy"... (by megadeath)...

"i used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
'til they got a hold of me
i opened doors for little old ladies
i helped the blind to see
i got no friends' 'cause they read the papers
they can't be seen with me
and i'm gettin' real shot down
and i'm feeling mean...

no more mister nice guy
no more mister clean
no more mister nice guy
they say he's sick; he's obscene...

my dog bit me on the leg today
my cat clawed my eyes
my mom's been thrown down out of the social circle
my dad has to hide
i went to church incognito
when everybody rose, the reverend smith
he recognized me
punched me in the nose...

no more mister nice guy
no more mister clean
no more mister nice guy
he say you're sick; you're obscene..."

and finally... from the poignant words of freddie mercury of queen comes a song whose lyrics really sums up the entire history of the white race... (from yefet thru esav... from yavan to edom; greece and rome... down to britain and america)... 

"white man" (from "a day at the races")... (queen)...

"i'm a simple man
with a simple name
from this soil my people came
in this soil remain
oh yeah...

and we made us our shoes
and we trod soft on the land
but the immigrant built roads on our blood and sand
oh yeah...

white man, white man
don't you see the light behind your blackened skies?
white man, white man
you took away sight to blind my simple eyes
white man, white man
where you gonna hide
from the hell you've made?

oh the red man knows war
with his hands and his knives
on the bible you swore
fought your battle with lies
oh yeah...

leave my body in shame
leave my soul in disgrace
but by every gods' name
say your prayers for your race...

white man, white man
our country was green and all our rivers wide
white man, white man
you came with a gun and soon our children died
white man, white man
don't you give a light for the blood you've shed?

what is left of your dream?
just the words on your stone:
'a man who learned how to teach
then forgot how to learn'..."

now dear reader i put you through all this to show you how prescient  these songwriters were about a certain prophetic vision of daniel... (chapter 7)...

"in the first year of belshazzar king of babylon, daniel saw a dream and visions in his head upon his bed; he then wrote down the dream, and told the major parts. daniel began and exclaimed:

'i saw in my vision at night that behold! the four winds of heaven were stirring up the great sea. four immense beasts came up from the sea, each different from the other. the first was like a lion, and it had eagle's wings. i was watching as its wings were plucked, and it was removed from the earth and stood upon two feet like a man, and it was given a human heart. then behold! another beast, a second one, similar to a bear; it was placed on one side and there were three ribs in its mouth between its teeth; and this what they said to it, "arise, devour much flesh!"

'after this i was watching and behold! another (beast), like a leopard, with four bird's wings on its back; the beast had four heads, and it was given dominion.

'after this i was watching in night visions, and behold! a fourth beast, exceedingly terrifying, awesome and strong. it had immense iron teeth, and it was devouring and crumbling, and trampling with its feet what remained. it was different from all the beasts that had proceeded it, and it had ten horns. as i was contemplating the horns, behold! another horn, a small one, came up among them, and three of the previous horns were uprooted before it. there were eyes like human eyes in this horn, and a mouth speaking haughty words. i watched as thrones were set up, and the One of Ancient Days sat. His garment was white as snow, and the hair of His head like clean wool; His throne was fiery flames, its wheels blazing fire. a stream of fire was flowing forth from before Him, a thousand thousands were serving Him, and myriads were standing before Him. the judgment was set, and the books were opened.

'i saw that after this, because of the sound of the haughty words which the horn spoke, i watched until the beast was slain and its body destroyed and consigned to a flame of fire. as for the rest of the beasts, their dominion was taken away, yet an extension of life was given them until a season and a time.

'i was watching in night visions and behold! with the clouds of heaven, one like a man came; he came up to the One of Ancient Days, and they brought him before Him. he was given dominion, honor and kingship, so that all peoples, nations and languages would serve him; his dominion would be an everlasting dominion that would never pass, and his kingship would never be destroyed.

'as for me, daniel, my spirit became uneasy in its sheath, and the visions of my head bewildered me. i approached one of the standing ones, and i asked him for the truth concerning all this. so he spoke to me, making the interpretation of the matters known to me: "these immense beasts, which are four: four kingdoms will arise from the earth. but the holy supreme ones will receive the kingship, and they will inherit the kingship forever, forever and ever."

'then i desired to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from them all ~ exceedingly terrifying, with teeth of iron and claws of copper, it devoured and crumbled and trampled what remained with its feet ~ and about the ten horns that were on its head, and the other one that came up as three fell before it, that horn had eyes and a mouth speaking haughty words, and an appearance greater than that of its fellows. i had watched as that horn waged war with the holy ones AND WAS PREVAILING OVER THEM, UNTIL THE ONE OF ANCIENT DAYS CAME  AND THE HOLY SUPREME ONES WERE GRANTED JUSTICE; AND THE TIME CAME, AND THE HOLY ONES INHERITED THE KINGSHIP.

'this is what he said, "the fourth beast: there will be a fourth kingdom on the earth which will be different from all kingdoms; it will devour the entire earth, and trample and crumble it. and the ten horns: from that kingdom ten kings will arise, and another one will rise up after these, who will be different from the former ones, and he will humble three kings. he will speak words against the Supreme One, and he will exhaust the holy supreme ones, and he will plan to alter the seasons and the law; and they will be given over into his hand until a time, and times and a half a time. but judgment will be set,  and they will take away his dominion to be annihilated and to be destroyed completely. and the kingship, the dominion and the grandeur of the kingdoms under all the heavens will be given to the holy supreme nation. its kingdom will be an everlasting kingdom, and all rulers will serve and obey it."

'until here is the end of the description. i, daniel ~ my thoughts frightened me greatly and my countenance changed; but i guarded the matter in my heart.'"   

and thus we see this nevuah and know it covers all of history... especially so because the rest of the book of daniel address just this period of time... the end of days... the coming of moshiach and techiat hamatim...

so now we have to explore the real meaning of these visions daniel had... mefarshim on the spot teach us that these 4 creatures represent 4 different empires or civilizations   

1) the lion = bavel (babylon)

2) the bear = peras/madai (persia)

3) the leopard = yavan (greece)

4) the metal monster = (rome)

and there you have it and if there was nothing else to this it wouldn't merit continuing this essay... but what worked for an interpretation early on in our history may need some adjustment because of all our other developments over the last almost 2000 years... but besides the fact that there is an accepted kabalah or "tradition" as to what daniel saw and it has been authentically and accurately recorded and preserved from the time it was written to our own day and age... all i wish to offer is a clarification and/or a variation on theme to account for a more precise accounting for our times since chazal anyway taught us that all prophecies extant and incorporated in the bible (and i am only referring to the Tanach here)... were done so because they have a message which has bearing on each and every further generation in the future until the end of time... and so i offer you now the idea of one righteous gentile... vendel jones which seems to me to be right on and helps extend daniel's vision down to our own era... take this for whatever you think it's worth... but i feel it is excellent and well done... quite a bit in tune with daniel's words... and i am able to elaborate along the way with additional insights that i found within his great interpretation that fit like a glove and seem to belong... as if woven together into a fine tapestry...

he writes (paraphrase)... the vision of daniel must be speaking of a later period of time than the one believed by earlier generations... and that even though in daniel's day and age all of history after the babylonian empire were yet to be played out... still the murkiness of the vision and the fact that the creatures each in turn arose out of the churning water and did not descend from heaven to earth.... that he feels this means it was a vision of the then far, far off distant future... because the rather more prosaic pshat of the archetypal progenitors of human society and civilization... world conquering and dominating entities each greater than the previous in turn... which would better be represented if they had descended from heaven similar to the concept of the archangel (sar) which we are taught in torah represents each nation and empire in world history up in the heavenly courts of affair... and therefore we must not be referring here to those primordial, predestined and a priori world-altering empires...

and so mr. jones proceeds to lay out quite convincingly the case for each creature representing a rather more limited and a much later-on-in-history developed nation/state...

also as an aside before we launch into the particulars here... the animals portrayed only vaguely represent the 4 major civilizations... the lion ~ bavel because they were first and took down the first temple and therefore they are like the "king of the jungle"... and the bear ~ persia because of king achasheverosh of the purim story fame... and his penchant for hedonistic pleasure... and the leopard ~ greece for alexander the great's fierce, ruthless and relentless pursuit of world conquest... and finally the metal monster ~ rome is depicted for its all-consuming, rampaging devouring of all in its wake and path...

all well and fine as far as a general description and overview give vendel a shot and see how much closer to perfect depiction these creatures appear according to his take on daniel 7...

so once more...daniel sees them coming up out of the murky water or ocean... rising up and taking control and holding sway each in turn over the entire earth... and vendel sees this as a far off and distant vision of human history... thousands of years away... which makes sense to me because why should 3/4 of the nevuah be about the future and 1/4 current events as bavel already had "arisen" and was then ruling the world... it would be much more exact to say a navi sees the future... his whole individual and collective prophecy that is... not part future and part present... especially in light of the fact that we are told that these prophecies in particular are carefully stored and conserved in the holy bible for all-time because their relevance is for all generations and not just the era in which they were proclaimed...

with this last point in mind as well we will examine vendel jones' rather excellent viewpoint and explanation of this prophecy... and so may i introduce to you... "the four beasts of daniel 7...":

686   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF/"military madness is killing our country..."  on: February 28, 2006, 02:53:49 PM 
unfortunately they are yby... the nusach of the prayer for the idf does not distinguish between the hero and the bum... so i cannot be a party to answering amen if the bracha will benefit those bastards and nazis as well... what will be with the good ones? they should resign as i've said... what will be with us? Hashem will take care of us and we will learn to fight for ourselves... nik. out 
687   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / PrayerforIDF/"the army's up the road; salvation ala' mode and a cup of tea..."  on: February 28, 2006, 02:45:38 PM 
correct yby and then when he is ordered to turn his rifle on us... and he does... what then? what does that make him...? so if that makes him a coward and a traitor (as should be your answer... don't know that it is)... then what is he when he see or knows of others from within his ranks who went and beat heads and smashed faces in by amona...? what should have been his response to all of this then, now and in the future...?  nik. out...
688   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: hanging ten with the surfing rabbi in l.a. ca.  on: February 28, 2006, 02:40:09 PM 
i know him... i see him from time to time around town... he resides here in l.a. but i had forgotten about that incident and did not know of this siruv for this reason... so i will get to the bottom of this and give you an answer... ta... nik.
689   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Pray 4 IDF/"take these guns off of me... it's getting too dark (evil) to see..."  on: February 27, 2006, 06:23:49 PM 
they are enlisted in the army of the erev rav who is aligned and in league with gog u'maygog...

ergo... all decent boys and girls; men and women should resign or go awol and go to jail or form their own militia and attempt a coup d'etat... otherwise they may think they are defending k'lal yisroel and their own friends and families... but in reality they are serving the forces of evil and they are endangering those they mean to help, rescue, save and protect...

coup now!!! coup now!!!! nik. out
690   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF  on: February 27, 2006, 04:31:15 PM 
where do you click for english?
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691   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF  on: February 27, 2006, 02:55:11 PM 
i will be soon... just doing a couple more things until june..
692   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / PrayerforIDF:"lay down your weapons and go home or turn them on your masters"...  on: February 27, 2006, 01:40:53 PM 
historically true but no longer so... because britain and america rule the world and they are the long dreaded and awaited gog u' maygog... so the jig is up and there will never ever again be a peaceful gov on earth caring for the welfare of israel and yidden until moshiach comes and conquers the conquerors... and devastates the devastators... these are the end of days... we have no more time left to us... nik. out
693   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF  on: February 27, 2006, 01:27:50 PM 
yby... anarchy in this instance would be far better than the "order" these mamzarim have imposed upon us both here and in israel... nik. out
694   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF: "may G-d grant you an early reitrement... amen..."  on: February 27, 2006, 01:25:58 PM 
and you don't think that every gov. in the world is corrupt, jew-hating and in league with bush et al and his greedy hordes of refuse? ta... nik.
695   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF and the medina and delay thereby the coming of moshiach..  on: February 27, 2006, 11:59:19 AM 
oh well in that case there is no way you should be praying for a gov. that is murderong its own people for profit and you should be praying for their downfall as i am... in fact we all are defacto anyway... 3x a day when we pray for moshiach to come we are praying for these bastards to go by the boards and for them to get what they deserve... gehenom!!!! nik. out
696   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF to do tshuvah...  on: February 27, 2006, 11:53:35 AM 
well tz... perkei avot aside... the source for the prayer is later than that... mideaval infact and many a community disbanded them forever or for a time whenever persecution hit them from the gov. that they had previously been praying for... like during the crusades... if you knew the secret sins of america against the jews and israel you would ONLY pray for america's utter destruction... they are a pack of liars and dirty undehrhanded connivers... they belong on the ash heap of history and soon... please G-d... there is no forgetting and no forgiving what they did to us during the holocaust and during all the pre and post days of israeli statehood... maybe not the entire gov. but a significant part (state dept.) and most if not all of the wealthy industrialists and financiers of the past 100 or so years... these sons-of-[censored] are murderers of our people for profit!!! for nothing other than pure profit... nik. out   
697   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Prayer for the IDF/not from my lips... not anymore until moshiach comes...  on: February 27, 2006, 03:04:15 AM 
gush katif proves even more than the 6 day war that G-d is protecting us and not the israeli army... so gey kaken ofen yam!!! i will only support the army of Hashem... the idf refuses to be that army so i have no choice but to reject them... read what rav binyamin had to say about their ineptitude by him in tapuach, etc... and how he knew they had become useless and totally unreliable for their defense and protection... and so he wanted them to depart from their midst so that they could take up arms and guard themselves... and he said this long before gush katif and amona... and he said this and felt so strongly about this that he explicitly said for them to leave even if they would not leave their weapons behind for them to use... that's how much trust binyamin had in Hashem... he was the real deal!!!!

besides i will never support or countenance goyish scum as mercenary soldiers or policemen in our security forces... what an utter chillul Hashem!!!... now you can go take that flying leap i want you to take... nik. out   
698   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "i read the news today, oh boy... the english army had just won the war..."  on: February 27, 2006, 02:49:49 AM 
by mike are you referring to yby or me... nik.? if me... i know but i feel i have to do more.. so i say my own words in english at the end of it before i take my three steps back...

the gemora says that the amora shmuel... known as shmuel hakatan (not because they didn't want to confuse him with shmuel hanavi... but because he never received smicha...) (this is good for the other thread... "who is a real rabbi?" as well)...

anyway... he invented or composed this paragrah and added it to the shmoneh esreh... after a jewish min (a kofer b'ikar) asked him whether there was a prayer for him and his ilk in davening... mocking of course the whole thing... and so shmuel said yes and gave it to them between the eyes... he didn't daven for their teshuvah or beg them to repent and change their ways... he was sick and tired of them being moser good jews to the roman authorities... and so he prayed for their removal from the world...

i am adding more than just these above idolators or mosrim... i am adding the current crop of kapos and collaborators with the enemy as well as the high and mighty jews who are and have been for 100 years now... murderers of our people... nik. out (just wait until i post my research findings in a day or two... parts 4 and then 5 of "blare blair everywhere"... just you wait and see!!!)... n.
699   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / death davening for self-hating jewish jew-haters...  on: February 26, 2006, 11:00:40 PM 
but i am davening for their death... that means i am asking Hashem to ferret out the enemies and kill them before they are able to kill any of us... i AM leaving it up to the One who Knows... i'm just praying for their deaths... G-d is either agreeing or disagreeing with me and anyway with or without my prayers... He is the one doing the killing not moi!!! nik. out 
700   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Prayer for the IDF/pray for them to do a coup or pray for moshiach to take over.  on: February 26, 2006, 10:53:32 PM 
the one for the u.s. gov. i sit down and do not say amen... or i walk out...

the one for the state of israel i sit down and do not say amen... or i walk out...

the one for the idf was the only one that i stood for and said amen... until gush katif...

since then... i sit down and do not say amen... or i walk out...

does that answer your question? good... glad to be of service... ta... nik.
701   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today  on: February 26, 2006, 02:10:37 AM 
why is wishing my enemy dead before he can hurt more and more decent people any further a problem? why?
702   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/death davening...  on: February 23, 2006, 07:32:07 PM 
i am davening for the death of any human being on the planet who has any power or influence (or potential for same) over the road map to hell... if they could help stop it and refuse to do so... i wish them dead... DEAD!!! nik. out... 
703   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: FW: Muslims claim all of Israel as Muslim territory (along with Spain, France  on: February 23, 2006, 07:12:54 PM 
i know bk i know... i'm just making a play on words...
704   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/the fifth son not at the seder at all...  on: February 23, 2006, 11:28:51 AM 
bc you are correct... if they do tshuvah they do it and it would be accepted on high by Hashem... absolutely... even peres' would be... as i hear from chamish that rabin had hihurey tshuvah at the end... fine and dandy...

but my point is i know longer feel that i have to or must pull for them to do so and most certainly i do not have to take their 1 in a million chance of doing tshuvah into consideration while attempting to rescue good jews from their clutches... and yes therefore i wish them dead and death daven for them because they are actively fighting against us and Hashem over control of eretz yisroel and they are harming and killing and beating and maiming innocent people and they are siding with gog and armilius, etc. in the world which spells our doom if they are not defeated and above all i am not alone in this decision...

i got it from the words of rav binyamin quoting his father i believe in the haggadah saying their is a 5th son not mentioned who is so evil and is o gone that we no longer have any obligation to love, care about or even try to bring back and ada raba we have a mitzvah to shun them and to fight them because they threaten the future of torah, eretz yisroel and am yisroel... look it up there... ta... nik. out   
705   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I wish this news was about Temple Mount/it will be and soon... please G-d...  on: February 23, 2006, 05:56:38 AM 
nuke mecca now!!! and let's drag those two monstrocities off of har habayit too!!! ta... nik
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706   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: yermiyahu 50 & 51... YES!!!! AT LONG LAST!!!!  on: February 23, 2006, 12:06:04 AM 
my bad... the mistake is mine... 50 and 51 and not 52...

707   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/huh? come again?  on: February 22, 2006, 11:59:37 PM 
what is wrong with you guys...? what is the matter? we are talking about people who beat our women and children... why do you wish them well... and don't give me this tshuvah stuff... you know they will never do it... not the haters... never!!! so what gives...? the longer they continue to walk the planet the more good and decent G-d-fearing people will be harmed... it's that simple... it's them or us and it can't be both of us... live and let live... it is more like live and let die... and i choose them to do the dying not us!!!! nik. way out on a limb this time... oh brother!!! 
708   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona).  on: February 22, 2006, 10:44:06 PM 
so too under the half-moon-k is the cambell's tomato juice if not their tomato soup... nik. out
709   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: FW: Muslims claim all of Israel as Muslim territory (along with Spain, France  on: February 22, 2006, 10:42:51 PM 
allah achbar!!!! allah is a rat!!!!!
710   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I wish this news was about Temple Mount  on: February 22, 2006, 10:41:19 PM 
thanks for this post!!! beautiful to see... boruch shehecheyanu, v'kiyamanu, v'higehyanu l'zeman hazeh... ta... nik. 
711   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today  on: February 22, 2006, 10:36:33 PM 
and some of those enemies of Hashem unfortunately just happen to be jews...

and if yehudah hamacabee had accepted your quaint little truism there... the tzadukim would still be holding services for avodah zara on har habayit... what are you thinking? nik. out... i know... i know... way out... to you anyhow... n.
712   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: yermiyahu 51 & 52... YES!!!! AT LONG LAST!!!!  on: February 22, 2006, 10:29:30 PM 
oh you are so uninformed... babylon is and was and is finally thank G-d soon to be no more... a COUNTRY!!! not just a city!!!! my G-d!!!! and all the prophecies which we have in our tenach are for all-time not just for the era in which they were delivered... there were millions of nevuot which were just for their generation's consumption and therefore were not recorded and kept on record l'dorot... there was no need to include them in tenach and so... read what yirmiyahu had to report from Hashem as to what will be the cursed fate of bavel (iraq)... thank G-d... ta... nik. 
713   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/yby not well informed...  on: February 22, 2006, 10:23:58 PM 
two proofs to what i am saying above...

1) when a hopeful para adumah (a red heifer needed to remove tumat met in order to do the avodah in a state of tehorah ~ ritual purity as required in the rebuilt beit hamikdash) seemed to have been born... a group of self-hating erev rav jew-haters said and i quote: "let's go down and kill it so that the charedim can never have their moshiach come!!!"

2) and this one you should have heard of for certain... it wasn't said that long ago...

a former shabak chief said something on the order of... "in order to keep a firm grip on our power... it may be necessary to have an altelana event in every generation to keep the right in line..." and so this includes not only religious jews but even secular, nationalistic ones as well!!!

so there you go... they wish us dead!!! DEAD!!! ta... nik.
714   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: interesting thing I read today/you shouldn't be so shocked...  on: February 22, 2006, 09:36:03 PM 
rav meir said over and over again... "in israel... we do not have an arab problem (that particular thorn in our sides can easily be removed and taken care of in short order)... but we surely have a JEWISH problem... in fact... we ONLY have a jewish problem..."

now you see the pure wisdom of his words... these are our chief enemies... it makes no never mind that they just happened to have been born from a jewish mother... they hate us and wish us dead... DEAD!!! and what is even more crucial and infinetly more important is that they wish Hashem, His torah and His land dead as well!!! chas v'challilah!!!

and therefore... we have no right to forgive them or any obligation to try and win them over (to be mekarev them) at the expense of protecting real jews... the settlers and the torah jews... mostly one and the same thing... we have to stand up and defend them and not care what happens to jews who are reshayim... it's just too damn bad!!! too flippin' bad for them!!! i have no more love or concern for them... if they wish us evil like this... and i am only speaking about the haters not the average non-dati jew here in the states or over there in israel...

furthermore... the gra writes in kol tor (chapter 6 in the final chapter) that amalek in the end of days will be comprised of a nexus between gog (yefet and esav), yishmael and the erev rav jews... the unjewish jews like peres, belein and sarid and their minions... he also says that anyone... any jew not fighting to keep armilius from ruling and conquering eretz yisroel... knowing that he is responsible for keeping moshiach ben yosef and moshiach ben david at bay... keeping them apart and preventing them from coming together and successfully defeating gog and yishmael and the erev rav jews which will spell the geulah shelaymah at long last... anyone not actively engaged in fighting them... even if they are not involved in plotting with and supporting armilius (gog) it would be better for them if they had never been born... they will rue the day that their apathy or fear or whathaveyou kept them from their duty to fight for the meshichim and on the side of Hashem against His enemies... and this in fact is so because those not fighting are actually thereby by their absence and silence helping armilius to win... because as edmund burke once said: "all that is necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing..."

and so if that should be the sorry disposition for the frightened and/or apathetic jews what should happen to and be our judgement of those jews who are actively aiding and abetting the enemy with conviction and passion?  for me the answer is quite clear... DEATH TO THE EREV RAV JEWS!!!!

nikmatdam... OUT...

715   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / yermiyahu 50 & 51... YES!!!! AT LONG LAST!!!!  on: February 22, 2006, 08:51:21 PM 
every jew on the planet should know these two perakim of navi... this day marks the beginning of the end for babylon... all bloody hell is about to break out and be unleashed in bavel (iraq) as predicted by yermiyahu hanavi... until the entire plain will be a "tel olam" (rubble forever)... as punishment for their destuction of the first beit hamikdash...

when this prophecy is complete then onshim for the second beit hamikdash will commence and europe will finally boruch Hashem get what it so richly deserves!!!! death to europe!!!!!

716   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Revava Organizer Prevented From Ascending Temple Mount  on: February 22, 2006, 02:53:17 AM 
yisroel and david both know that this issue is the one thing that can block all of the gov. plans to give jerusalem away... keep it up guys... you literally are saving our lives and eretz yisroel... be well and G-d bless... nik. out...   
717   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona)/ soup or salad?  on: February 22, 2006, 02:50:10 AM 
good idea... i prefer salads but my favorite all-time soup is cambell's tomato soup!!! hmmm, hmmm good!!! hey ya know i feel a whole lot better already... thanks kreplach... you deserve to be in a good old fashioned chicken soup sometime... erev yom kippur is your meal man... nik. out
718   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona).  on: February 21, 2006, 10:06:44 PM 
and they said the same to yehudah macabbee... don't be another avichai!!! sit down and shut the hell up!!!
719   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / nikmatdam claims all muslim lands forfeit as araye nidachas to be eradicated...  on: February 21, 2006, 10:02:02 PM 
nuke mecca now!!!!
720   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: New Chief IDF Rabbi - Rav Avichai Rontski of Itamar  on: February 21, 2006, 09:40:55 PM 
i wish the same... and we have to work toward it... we can't just sit back and pray for Hashem to grant us a nes... we have to go out and do it ourselves if necessary and/or thru our hishtadlut show Hashem our mesirat nefesh and thus "earn" His bringing us a miracle... that is what rav meir taught us anyway... ta...nik.
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721   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: bad news on the demographic front  on: February 21, 2006, 02:54:47 AM 
nothing a few well placed molotov cocktails as reminders can't solve... chase em out under fire i say... ta... nik.
722   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Revava LeHar HaBayit/ also right here in the u.s.  on: February 21, 2006, 02:52:04 AM 
count me in... we can hold a vigil here in golut too... try for next year if moshiach still hasn't come... get a stadium full of jews tp daven mincha/maariv on erev or rosh chodesh nisan... also try to make the special bracha when there are 22,000 jews present in one place... no media... l'shaim shemayim... rent out yankee stadium and hold a rally to raise money for the settlements, etc. every dime goes there not to us... free addmission... checks made out to an already exsiiting organization to help... again none for the organizers of the vigil... what a kiddush Hashem... shows the beleagured of israel that american jews are with them and "feel their pain" but for real!!! who is in? ta... nik.   
723   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Start burning cars in tel aviv. (or no parking in Amona)/burn baby burn!!!  on: February 21, 2006, 01:42:41 AM 
this is a good idea... i thought about what it may look like to sink to the level of arab scum and refuse... but we have to hurt the left where they really feel it... in their wallets... civil disobedience is too mild to get the job done against these nazis in jewish bodies without souls... so yes let's go for it!!! anything to take the fight to them and hurt them where they live... i say raze the beverly hills of tel aviv to the ground... burn it down!!!  burn down savyon... burn it!!! nik. out...
724   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Reclaiming the Temple Mount - A NEW BOOK by David Ha'Ivri  on: February 21, 2006, 01:38:32 AM 
can't wait to read it david... may we soon be serving Hashem daily on har habayit as it is encumbent upon us from chumash... amen... kain yehi ratzon... nik.
725   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Chief rabbis" to meet with Dalai Lama/instead of moshiach...  on: February 20, 2006, 02:17:47 AM 
"mah omrim hagoyim?" we simply refuse to fear G-d and G-d alone... why don't we say "mah omar Hashem yisboruch?" why can't we understand that if we exhibit faith in the world... Hashem will abandon us...? why do we think we have to do everything derech hatevah like the goyim feel they must to survive and thrive? why do our supposed leaders and rabbaiim show so little understanding of the call of the torah for us to be an "am l'vadod yishkon..."?

i can accept the kefirah of a rabin who said in washington at the oslo accord signing... "we no longer dwell alone..."... he didn't know any better... he was an am haaretz... but what i can not fathom nor refuse to accept is when chief rabbis and gedolim do the same thing and fawn over every pope or potentate who seems to show an interest in our coming to them hat in hand and scrape the dirt for their friendship and love... it sickens me to no end...

as if we haven't made it as humans if we are not invited to all the right balls and celebrations or to the highest level diplomatic functions... it really is a disease... the am hanivchar... the royal family of Hashem on bended knees begging for a place at the table of scum and filth that just appears to glitter like gold... and often it does... but there is a difference... our torah is gold mamash... their stuff glitters true enough and sparkles too... but it is fool's gold and not worth a damn or a dime... ta... nik.
726   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Chief rabbis" to meet with Dalai Lama  on: February 19, 2006, 11:26:04 PM 
i'm not saying that they are not nice people... i am saying that their philsophy of life will get us destroyed... nik. out
727   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: marzel would serve a great purpose in the knesett... fire and brimstone!!!  on: February 19, 2006, 12:45:01 PM 
and therefore he should run and go in there day in and day out and blast away at them all... like rav meir did... give em' bloody hell i say... they deserve it!!! i've heard him go off in public... he's phenomenal!!! perfect for the job!!!! nik. out
728   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: New Chief IDF Rabbi - righteous is as righteous does...  on: February 19, 2006, 12:36:42 PM 
sorry... righteousness demands of us to shun evil and work to eradicate it... not work with it and try to co-exisit with it... nik. out
729   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Input from Forum Members... it's all in the wrist when you ...  on: February 19, 2006, 12:35:10 PM 
 it is simple... the ... are pauses either for an aside (like a comma (,)) or as a period (.)... just pause when you get to the three dots (...) take a breath or a beat and then continue... that's all... nik. out
730   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: New Chief IDF Rabbi - Rav Avichai Rontski of Itamar  on: February 19, 2006, 12:00:35 PM 
not true... i don't know who gave david ha'ivri smicha but if he is a rav and not just the political leader of tapuach... i would trust him with my life... i have found him to be totally honest, trustworthy and brave... he'd make a great boy scout master... but he is a great jew already!!!! nikmatdam
731   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Chief rabbis" to meet with Dalai Lama/now i feel secure...  on: February 19, 2006, 11:58:09 AM 
now there's a great idea... let them meet with the chief object of avodah zara in the world today... let them sit at his feet and learn to out gandhi... gandhi and let's see the total collapse of the entire jewish state... yes this is the way jews... go to the avodah zara and learn to be even more passive than you already are... learn to say thankyou when the gov. tramples you and smashes in your skull!!!! ah just great! this info makes my day complete... thanks for it!!!! now i can finally sing and dance for joy again!!! what good news!!!! ahhhh.... YES!!!! YES!!!!! TA... NIK. OUT...
732   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Input from Forum Members  on: February 19, 2006, 11:53:31 AM 
whts... so... wrng... with... my grmer? 
733   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Rav Avichai Rontski of Itamar/not trying to reinvent the wheel here...  on: February 19, 2006, 11:34:07 AM 
all i'm saying is whichever rav or rosh is for the peace process even today... anyone saying yes to this direct query should be immediately removed from power or isolated or simply not followed or listened to any longer... what is so wrongheaded about this? if he ends up being evasive and not directly saying no he is not for it... he is stalling and lying and is really still for it... for money, or quiet, or position, or kavod... or power or you name the reason i don't give a damn!!!! he's got to go... the only acceptable answer is an emphatic... NOOOOOOO!!!!! and not to be just saying it and really lying... so they should answer the question under scrutiny of a public gathering and not during some private interview... i just don't trust the yesha leadership... even its rabbanim as far as i can spit... and that ain't very far at all... ta... nik.
734   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / New Chief IDF Rabbi - Rav Avichai Rontski of Itamar/new chief rabbit...  on: February 19, 2006, 02:53:06 AM 
response to lt~kn who says they are not collaborators for talking to authorities... (see end of page one)...

oh yes it does... just think for a moment... what does a rav have to know or discuss about security...? let him send the yishuv's soldiers and security people... the only reason to have the rav there is to convince him to cooperate and get his kehilah or yeshivah to cooperate in their own dissolution quietly and without a fuss... (once again proving the tana d'bay eliyahu correct)... "and yehudah (the rabaiim) will fight alongside gog against yerushalyaim..." damn it all... it's coming true right before our eyes and we refuse to see and act to fight this disease... how to fight is the only question... and the answer is simple... get each rav on the record of what he believes now about the peace process... no matter what he said back in the 90's... ask him now... anyone saying we should go along should be removed from power... period... end of statement... nik. out

735   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: can anyone understand this?  on: February 19, 2006, 02:45:35 AM 
thanks but would it were not so... nik. out
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736   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / can anyone understand this?/not without dissecting it under a microscope...  on: February 18, 2006, 10:41:22 PM 
the fact that zionism without torah is garbage i agree... but that is not the point being made above... i believe he means to support the addage that yeshivot use often still today...

"we survived 2000 years without the land of israel but we can't survive even 100 years without the torah..."

which is also true but my point is...

in our day and age the last part implies that if we had to we could go back out into golut and with torah alone again we could continue to survive...

i disagree... first because there are just too many jews so far gone that only eretz yisroel being there has any hope of bringing them back... the b'al tshuvah movement in america pales to the one in israel and always has... and always will... also torah judaism around the world would fall and fail... most of them if we ever lost eretz yisroel again... chas v'shalom...

so the idea that "all we need is torah" does not work anymore... and should be changed to...

"all we need is torat eretz yisroel..." because as rav meir and rav binyamin each said repeatedly... the torah taught in exile has become stale and is not producing the spiritual results of yesteryear... and so much of it is infused with a golut mentality that the real torah of david hamelech, etc. is not coming thru and is not getting out... ta... nik.
737   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Input from Forum Members  on: February 18, 2006, 10:25:03 PM 
for instance?
738   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bad news on the demographic front/only because too many dati remain in golut...  on: February 18, 2006, 10:12:45 PM 
nothing that a nice little coup d'etat up their wazoo can't fix... if we take over they'll flock to the exits in droves... boruch Hashem... v'kain yirbu!!! ta... nik.
739   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: justifying my writing style one mo' tyme!  on: February 17, 2006, 11:50:15 AM 
and so you say that i should edit...? this is not a newspaper... it is a free-flowing exchange of ideas not an op-ed section... hard to follow? well then don't read what i have to say or... ask me questions about what i'm trying to relate... either way... it's up to you... and by the way i try to go over my posts and do so many times to make sure i say things correctly and spell them right, etc. i have no further time to go back over them after all that and edit them down for you so that it can be spoon-fed to you as you wish... so whatever you decide.... later man... keep it real and i guess edited... ta... nik
740   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: can anyone understand this?/not with out a thesaurus for the word treason...  on: February 17, 2006, 11:45:48 AM 
yeah... same thing happened here in l.a. when r. blau of yu and rel. zion of amer. came thru at the ou conference spewing a "new" approach called abandoning the land of israel and no longer being "a one-dimensional" political movement just interested in the "issue" of eretz yisroel...THE ISSUE! not the value or principle (as important as shabat or kashrut, etc.) but THE ISSUE of the land!!! can you believe that? what insanity... he said we have to get back to what we did from the beginning of the state... and that is to exclusively teach torah, spread yiddishkeit and do kiruv work... forget the land..."

i'm not kidding... that is what he said...

so up went my hand and i asked him..."when they next come for the rest of the west bank and jerusalem are you advocating that we not fight to retain it?"

he answered... "we are not a single-issue organization anymore... and we will not become one again!"

as i tried to probe his "genius" further... i was shouted down by others... "let others have a turn!" and so i sat back awhile listening to the inanity of it all... just shaking my head... until he said... "ah but my friend in the back disagrees with me..."

and so up went my hand again to take another crack at him... (i still can't believe he gave me the chance)...

and so i said to him: "let me try to get a clear understanding of what your message really is... you are saying that if and when they come for the rest of eretz yisroel won in the six-day war and we are told to return to our former borders which abba eban called "the aushwitz lines"... you're telling us that your only concern then will be that the concentration camp called israel that will remain in our possession should be a jewish one and not a goyish one? is that what you are trying to say?"

you should have heard the shockwaves of the sudden in-take of air all over the room... i destroyed him... but of course so what... he just went on to the next ou dog and pony show spreading this vile filth and kefirah!!!

and so my good man... that is what this piece is trying to tell us as well... same garbage spewing forth... forget the land... judaism is what's really important... as if yishuv haaretz has nothing to do with torah and yahadut!!! sheer lunacy... nik. out...
741   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Input from Forum Members  on: February 17, 2006, 11:28:00 AM 
it's fine just the way it is... let it alone... ta... nik.
742   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: justifying my writing style...  on: February 17, 2006, 05:28:12 AM 
i don't like to write with all the proper punctuations... it slows me down and makes me lose my train of thought... so inbetween ideas i do this... to get you to pause and then read on... in this way it turns this form of communication into a speaking flow rather than a stiff and overly structured written work... i also don't capitalize anything even beginnings of sentences for the same reason... hitting the shift tab every couple of seconds is such a bother... also i like it that in this way i only show kavod for Hashem by capitalizing only His name or midot... ta... nik.
743   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: New Chief IDF Rabbi - not even a brave to my mind...  on: February 17, 2006, 03:34:58 AM 
another erev rav rav i see... just what i said... whoever cooperates with the evil empire is evil... period... end of discussion... nik. out...
744   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: get ready y'all; uncle sam is on his way... er... i mean... gog is coming...  on: February 16, 2006, 09:32:00 PM 
that's correct... as i keep reminding everyone here... the tana d'bay eliyahu... purported to be the authentic writings of and collected midrashim of the school founded by eliyahu hanavi... (i'll share a couple i know by heart and when i get the book back from storage i'll share some more bli neder, bezrat Hashem... but let me just say this one over again here right now...

quote!!!! "yehudah will (not might... WILL!!!) will fight alonside gog against yerushalayim..."  (DID YOU HEAR THAT? WILL FIGHT with our archest enemy of all-time; worse than hitler, titus, paro, bilam, esav, yishmael, lavan... you name him... haman, nevuchadnetzer, sancherib, hadrian etc. all of them... all rolled up into one)... no one ever bigger or more fearsome or more mighty... and more menacing and just as the rest were... aching... panting... to be the one to finally wipe eretz yisroel off the map and slaughter every single last jew on the planet to boot... gog is salivating to do this... thinking he is in as strong a position as paro was at yam suf... stronger even... like nimrod's power over good and avraham was and whose victory appeared to be assured... as certain as the sun rising the next morning to everyone who witnessed the confrontation between avraham and nimrod... they and nimrod feeling certain to destroy avraham avinu... at the moment of maximum strength and fullest of power... right up to the very second of throwing avraham into the furnace... right before the miraculous event of kivshan haaish saving avraham's life and freaking the entire world out and causing the downfall of or at least giving the initial shove which demarcated the beginning of the end of the reign of king nimrod... (which was slowly completed in stages... first this shock... then the fall of the tower of bavel and finally the war between avraham and the four kings (nimrod being one of them... amrafael)... each step of the way having him losing more control and ever more power... right up until nimrod finally perished at esav's hands on avraham's day of death)...

and this is where our enemies think they have us all over again... right now... "maesah avot siman l'banim" ("the deeds and events of the patriarchs' lives are a sign for the children...") that we will repeat their deeds and history exactly as happened to them... like what they went thru... so too will we go thru... in deeds and in their meanings and significances... and as theirs' was and turned out so will our history as well...... 

and so gog is now moving in for the kill... thinking he has it all sown up... and so does yehudah (read: the rabbis... the cream of the crop according to my rebbi; rav nachman bulman zt"l) yehudah means the best jews in each and every generation in history... the tzadikim... the talmedei chachamim... the gedolim? (jury still out on this one)... and THEY ARE THE ONES OUT OF FEAR DESTINED TO JOIN WITH GOG TO FIGHT AGAINST YERUSHALAYIM JUST BEFORE, DURING OR MAYBE EVEN AFTER MOSHIACH SHOWS HIS HAND!!!!! NOW HOW'S THAT FOR COWARDICE...? and so any rabbi living today who holds by the peace process or/and even the hidden clauses of oslo and agrees to the giving over of hegemony of jerusalem to the vatican... he is treif!!!! he is fighting with gog against Hashem Yisboruch and moshiach and against all of us little people who have faith and trust in Hashem... these rabbis are denying our own (and their own) avot and our legacy and heritage... so now you see what the litmus test should be... anyone saying give in... is pasul!!!!! or am i pasul for suggesting such meridah (rebellion) against our rabbis? either this is a real medresh or it is made up and a lie... i say it is real and is showing the fear of jews even good ones in the face of gog and the test of our emunah and bitachon that he represents....

yeshayah hanavi (isaiah) writes (perakim 1 and 6 i believe) in two places that rabbis... talmedei chahamim will deny that they are learned and shrink from leadership when the chips are most down and the all-out pachad is at its highest possible rung and maximum pressure and stress on us jews... and then poof! moshiach will burst through and save those of us who held on... as yeshayah says further... and chazal teach us as well... at the end of days... "a tzadik b'emunato yechiyeh" (the righteous will live and survive by and by virtue of their faith in G-d when it counts the most at the very end)... see the chazal (forgot where... someone? anyone?) where the sages say... its a gemora somewhere... judaism was boiled down to these many mitzvot in david hamelech's time and these many later on and from 613 you get all the way down to 11, and then 8... and then 3 and then one... a tzadik will live by his faith in the end!!!! at the end!!!! one mitzvah in the face of overwhelming odds and forces arrayed against tiny us... and yes damn it... we will hold even if our rabbis will not!!!!!

and so there it is... minus the proper mekorot because i'm sorry i don't remember chapter and verse all the time so well and it would take me maybe hours to reference them... my computer software for all things tenach or yahadut is not hooked up yet... anyway... what i quoted you is true and pure torah... i will vouch for the veracity of every word unless someone can show me where and why i am wrong... by all means... but when you hear a couple more of these midrashim you will see and know that they are for real... i just don't have the sefer with me right now... ta... nik.
745   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the rebbe vs. the rav... does chillul Hashem play a role in pekuach nefesh?  on: February 16, 2006, 01:13:05 PM 
no you are not correct... i read a sefer on the rebbe's position (forgot the name... a pamphlet really... available at all fine chabad bookstores) and he said as follows: for pekuach nefesh... to save lives... if real preace was actually in the offing... then giving away parts of eretz yisroel would be permitted... but... BUT! since he said... that he knew before oslo was signed that arafat, et al were not genuine and did not mean to keep their word... and that ada rabah giving land away would cause greater, not lesser threat to and more not less actual loss of jewish lives that therefore it was forbidden to give away any portion no matter how small... hence the slogan from lubavitch..."NOT ONE INCH!!!" that was his shita... no doubt about it... rav meir disagreed and said because of the chillul Hashem involved and cited sources in tnach where shlomo hamelech gave away land and lived to rue the day and was severly punished that this proves we are not allowed to ever give away Hashem's holy soil... furthermore the rav said that we learn from a gemora and a medresh that even if the goyim only want our crops and not the land itself... it becomes a milchemt mitzvah and we all must go to war... it's all in his magnum opus for you to read... sefer harayon... look it up... ta... nik.
746   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the future looks pretty nukie from the tnach for our arab cousins...  on: February 16, 2006, 01:03:50 PM 
all nevot we have in tnach are not over with until moshiach comes... there were millions of prophets in yisroel during the biblical era... only these relatively few prophets and their prophecies are with us extant today in our bible... chazal say because these are the only ones not for or not exclusively for the generation in which they were delivered and apply for all-time until biat goel tzedek... just thought you'd like to knw this... because egypt is still gonna get flattened and then rebuilt as Hashem has promised them and we will be the dor to see this... from yechezkel's words... sounds like a nuke affair to me... boruch Hashem! kain yirbu!!! nukes all around for my great bud ol' yishmael... may nukes rain down on all his countries and family... can i get an amen on that one brother? ta... nik.
747   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: THE RED COW...  on: February 15, 2006, 08:43:59 PM 
hey look i read shmuel whatever's second part of red cow and i commented... how do i see my reply? nikmatdam
748   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / justify sojourning in the golah?/tough enough to take it all the way...  on: February 15, 2006, 06:00:19 PM 
it's alright lenny... i'm a big boy now and i can take the heat... as i always say to others who whine and complain... "if you can't take the heat... stay out of the kivshan haaish..." and so it is for me to follow my own maxim as well... and i'm not afraid... i am prepared to do what avraham avinu did when confronting nimrod in the war against him when they kidnapped lot... as the medresh says: he said to himself... "i may not be able to prevail against such overwhelming odds... but this is such a huge chillul Hashem that i cannot just sit still and let them get away with this outrage... so at least let me go out and fall on kiddush Hashem..." and we know the rest... and though today the "rest" is still hidden from our view and we can in no way know how things will turn out... we can only have faith and hope and prayer, etc. but we can also do what avraham avinu taught us and follow his sterling and sparkling example... let us all now pledge to ourselves and to each other that we will all stand up and revolt against all of this obscene chillul Hashem... and let us all become willing and prepared to go out and fall on kiddush Hashem... if that is all that is left to us or remains for us to be able to do... let's do it and may Hashem be with us and come to our rescue like He was and did by our avot... amen selah!!!!

"at least i will go out to fight and stand up for Hashem and His land and His torah... and im ovadati ovadati! (if i am lost... then i am lost)... at least if nothing else... i will go out and fall on kiddush Hashem!!!" nikmatdam... out...

but let me conclude with an important addition here: unlike gush katif and amona... when and if i go out to fall on kiddush Hashem... i will not be doing so passively... i will be doing so like avraham avinu... utilizing weapons of war... i urge the settlers and all of us to fight back and not just go quietly and bleeding into the night enroute to a hospital ward or to an emergency room... give back as good as we get... shoot back... and shoot to kill... and thus let's try not to go out at all... not from the world nor from off of our land... if it is really down to either us or them now... then i choose them (to go) and anyway they have drawn first blood on us now for years and years already... and they deserve this to happen to them... richly deserve it and much, much more... and they are anyway sending their goyish dogs to do their dirty work for them... so why let them get away with this outrage... "habah l'harog otcha... kum v'harog oto rishon!!!" ("if someone comes to kill you... get up and kill him first")... shoot them and shoot to kill... it is the only way to fight... it is the only way to go now... without moshiach now!!! we have no other paths left open to us... for if we do not... they will take it all away from us including yerushalayim ir hakodesh and even the unthinkable... even har habayit... so ask yourself what you are ready and prepared to do...? fight or watch it all be taken away from us? all of it... every last square inch of it and along with it will also go all of our pride in our nation and all of our self-respect for our legacy and heritage... so once more... again i ask you... which are you more ready for? to fight back and perhaps (even probably, barring a miracle from G-d) lose your life... or be smashed around in futile protests and demonstrations and despite all of our best efforts and prayers still watch it all disappear in the end anyhow? the choice is up to us... (to paraphrase the venerable patrick henry): "i know not what course others may take... but as for me... give me all of eretz yisroel or give me death!!!" nikmatdam... out... 
749   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: can you justify your continued sojourning in the golah?  on: February 15, 2006, 12:40:36 PM 
you would be correct in everything you said... if and only if i were doing all of these things in total from my own volition... but i assure you i am not!!! ta... nik.
750   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / can you justify your continued sojourning in the golah?  on: February 15, 2006, 02:52:51 AM 
when i see our people being blown to pieces or shot in cars at point-blank range and their little babies wiped out as well by vicious, bloodthirsty arab monsters... or seeing them beaten savagely and dragged away to be thrown out of their homes and communities... and these latter events done by supposed fellow jews or by their surrogate goyish-filth upon their "jewish commands"......

thus after all these many years when i see even just a small part of this... i can no longer just sit here and watch silently even compassionately... i cannot justify my existence in a place of relative safety and security (at least quiet to date here in l.a. ca.) and i can no longer reconcile my docile life to their torturous and agony-filled lives... my heart can't take anymore of this bitter news... my mind can't accept and allow my being to continue to witness such atrocities seemingly now without surcease... and so i can choose to do one of two things... i can go to where my people are suffering ("and moshe went out to see the burdens of his people")... or i can bring their same plight down upon myself right here... as for me... i have chosen for myself both of these approaches...

i must act and feel that i am doing something... i can no longer just sit idly by my brothers' and sisters' (or my sons' and daughters' or my parents' and grandparents') innocent blood being shed and spilled seemingly every single day now and in virtual impunity... i cannot stand this any longer... i can no longer bear the sight or sound of these horrid things happening... i cannot tolerate another terrorist attack... not a single one more... my soul can't take it!!!!

i know prayer and learning torah... doing mitzvot and giving tzedakah and doing tshuvah... i know it all helps and i do these things everyday... but it is not enough to counter the growing rage i feel... to stifle the burning hatred my eyes flash... i am a man possessed with the need to do something... anything... to help my people survive and prevail against these sick creatures who deign to call themselves jews and against the arab nazi-scum and menace... i know what i would like to do to "bring it on home here to me"... but i know i cannot do it... alas none of us can... and we will all not be able to do these kinds of things until moshiach arrives...

and so instead i will do the following... i will run for congress here for three months beginning on march 10th and then assuming i lose even in the republican primary i will be in... then i will come to eretz yisroel to get my face bashed in along with my brothers and sisters because i cannot allow myself to be free and secure when they are not... to live in a place where i am protected when they are in peril and pain while i am not... and don't worry people... i will lose save for a nes because i am running without any support... jewish or goyish... no funding and no help of any kind... but i will also lose because i am running on a platform whose message is against everyone in this country... but i will give them all the campaign from bloody hell i assure you of this... i will become anathema and they will loathe the very mention of my name...

for i am running to tell the goyim here that their government is sinning against G-d by trying to assume the mantle of gog and reverse the geulah... i am running to warn them that they will suffer and pay the ultimate price in blood for their government's secret sins against the jews and israel spanning over the last nearly 100 years almost... (read... "the secret war against the jews" by john loftus)... and this includes participation with britain and germany and the so-called "jewish agency" of palestine in the premeditated holocaust that was launched against our european jewry of the last century... and the majority of the nazi-scum here and abroad have all largely got away with all of these crimes against our people and against our humanity and our G-d... and they have all gone on to enrich themselves in oil and drugs and arms, etc. in league with our perpetual arab and moslem adversaries... and they are now united and banded together and are all in collusion to try and wipe israel off the map once and for all... 

and i will not just sit here and let it happen because i am no one and nobody and because no one else in the jewish world sees what i see and can put the pieces together as i have and can see where we are heading... "v'chol dor v'dor omdim alenu l'chaloteinu"... but we thought after the world did the holocaust to us... that they were all sorry now and even loved us and wanted to help us... and really did begin to care about the lives of jews... we of the aftermath... of the next generation thought we were different... that we would be spared such horror and trepidation... but we were wrong... we were fools... we thought we knew better the nature of our goyim today than chazal knew all thru history... what arrogant and haughty people we are... to think we see better and know deeper the world about us than Hashem and His holy chosen tzadikim and servants...

and so to all you fellow jews of mine out there who think i am or soon will think i am a stark-raving, mad, lunatic threatening your safety and security... let me first tell you what to do... read rav meir's essay on the paschal lamb in this month's darka shel torah... know that mordechai followed this same gameplan to rescue his dor and know the truth of what rav hirsch wrote at the end of his superb piece "19 letters" when he too faced the chants of the crowd telling him he was nuts and crazy and only making things worse for us all by his fighting the goyim and the reform jugernaut for frum rights and communal self-determination as well as for kiruv rechokim purposes...

(paraphrase)... "and i see the house (of the jewish people) in flames about to burn down... and thru the fire i see a small child trapped inside (the children of our future generations)... must i... need i ask if others too see the child in danger before i rush in to save him/her? do i care if i offend anyone or ruffle a few feathers along the way to saving the poor baby? i will give all of these considerations not even a single thought... because... (and for me too)   I SEE THE CHILD! I KNOW HE/SHE IS IN THERE AND IS IN DIRE CIRCUMSTANCES! AND SO I WILL DO WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE WHETHER ANYONE CONCURS WITH ME OR NOT!!! BECAUSE I SEE THE DANGER!!!! I SEE THE SAKANAH!!! AND I AM NOT JUST IMAGINING IT... I AM NOT HALLUCINATING... I AM NOT INSANE!!!! AND THAT IS ALL I NEED TO KNOW TO CONVINCE MYSELF THAT I AM CORRECT IN WHAT I FORSEE HAPPENING ALL AROUND ME!!!!" nikmatdam... out!!!!
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."