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October 20, 2006, 01:16:21 PM 

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1   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What would you say to Dr. Afif Safi if you had just one chance?  on: October 18, 2006, 03:19:44 AM 
it's one thing to give me musar yiss. on how to treat newcomers... it's quite another to take down my legitimate grief with his ideas... so now... "UNFINE..." nik. out...
2   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Acco Yeshiva Under Arab Siege"  on: October 17, 2006, 02:24:19 AM 
'... all we are saying... is give war a chance..."/// and that is what is called for now... war IS the answer... but the right war... facing down a mob like that and killing as many as possible in a terrible situation like that would go a long, long way in restoring order... settlers rising up and attacking arab villages who occupy our land WOULD BE a G-d send... and of course the right course to take... re-taking gaza, lebanon and kever yosef and hbron... the right thing to do... bombing and shooting up the "arab street" when they are in the act of riot or lynching jews G-d forbid... or while mourning their "fallen martyrs" (read:murderers) would be the appropriate response to all of their evil deeds and machinations... nuking whomever and teaching them a lesson once and for all... priceless... dragging down those two monstrocities and abominations off of har habayit... would be a precursor to moshiach's very iminent arrival... and of course the opposite or lehefech would apply to not doing any and all of these things... nik. out...
3   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Is the "Kahane Movement" Torahdik enough??  on: October 16, 2006, 01:05:23 AM 
rav meir said nothing of his movement was or is just politics... it is all torah and the effort to bring torah law to the fore... it is the torah which mandates the actions and policies of the movement and therefore your critique is mistaken and stems from a lack of understanding about the real struggle and goals of the movement... might i suggest you read or re-read "40 years" before you make ridiculous statements like the one above...  while it is true that since the churban Hashem only has the 4 els of torah halacha to reside in but that only means that torah must leave the beit hamedresh and conquer every single solitary daled amot of the world beginning with all of eretz yisroel... and no force on earth must be allowed to impede our march to victory for Hashem for the survival of the planet depends upon our spiritual conquest... and nothing and no one can turn us aside from our making this objective reality... lest we all perish as an am, as a nation and as a religion... this is what we face and our backs are up against it and the wall of hatred and enemies will crush us all if we stay trapped like this and refuse to come out of our shell and fight to the death if necessary against the slime... against the slime erev rav unjewish jews and against the slime american/british/vatican led western world of esav and the eastern world of yishmael... they all constitute amalek and they are all arrayed against us to destroy us and either they go down or we will... G-d forfend... and none of this is politics... all of this is pure torah-true judaism and monotheism and ergo the very essence of our historic mission and destiny for G-d... nik. out...
4   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Acco Yeshiva Under Arab Siege"/"...and a time for war..."  on: October 16, 2006, 12:56:36 AM 
next time not one alone but they should ALL shoot their rifles and guns at the mob of sewage-refuse... and not just in the air... shoot to kill... shoot to kill... this is the only way... nik. out...
5   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi Kahane at Brandeis U  on: October 12, 2006, 10:02:54 PM 
where are the other two parts? nik.
6   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 12, 2006, 05:33:14 PM 
either buried deep underneath all the rubble or broken down to dust and blown away by the wind... nik. "all we are is dust in the wind..." nik. out...
7   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 12, 2006, 03:19:41 AM 
again it is revered because it never fell like the other 3 walls surrounding har habayit did... north, south and east... and because legend has it that the 20% remaining Divine presence is lodged there... behind it... and so it is fitting to pray towards it since that is where a portion of the shechina is dwelling... nik.
8   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 11, 2006, 07:04:02 PM 
again... the kotel was outside all areas of the beit hamikdash... it (was) is just a retaining wall... nik. 
9   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Kfar Tapuach Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 11, 2006, 06:03:31 PM 
great pics thanks... chag someach... nik.
10   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 10, 2006, 04:52:08 PM 
no he's not allowed up yissachar... someone who simply goes to mikvah b'zman hazeh is not tahor because we lack parah adumah... and even back then when we had it... you needed parah adumah sprinkled on you on yom shlishi v'shevii plus tevilah plus the eight morning's sunrise dawning to remove completely tumat meit in order only then to be allowed to resume going up on har habayit... to where the kedusha even today still is... the parts which herod built on as an expansion of it have no din of beit hamikdash and thus have no kedusha and this is why we are even allowed up there at all in the first place... and this is l'kulae alma... according to everyone... some of whom maintain that even then we can't go up lest you hit upon a spot that has real kedusha rendering you chayiv meita b'day shemayim for your troubles... a similar siyag to asuring shofar on the first day of rosh hashana which falls out on shabat lest someone carry and defile the kedusha of shabbat... and this was and still is an area entirely behind the retaining wall known as the kotel hama'aravi... the western wall... this was and is not a wall of the beit hamikdash... but only of the har in general... so if herod's stuff was not mikdash then what staus do herod's edifice and grounds have...? is herod's addition at least also called har habayit...? i wonder... i doubt it... because the mountain top of the har where the bayit was is by definition and hence the term for it... "har habayit" which is off-limits for anyone spiritually and ritualistically impure... only starts where the actual beit hamikdash began... access to which is asur for any tamei person... even those tamei by just the lesser kinds than tumat meit... but we are all tamei met nowadays here in this as yet still unended golut... and we are at the highest stage or level of tumah possible and therefore certainly forbidden to tred on har habayit ground which held the beit hamikdash and will again soon even if we go to mikvah prior to ascension... so get your facts straight... nik. out...
11   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert with a Yechi Yarmulka and Orange Shirt  on: October 10, 2006, 04:28:38 PM 
and what was wrong with my little holiday ditty and kind wishes of cheer for his nibs the efing pm which you pulled...? nik.

anyone wishing to read what they pulled down send me a message and i'll send it right out to you... n. [email protected]
12   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 10, 2006, 12:09:55 PM 
no genius... your source for the wall being of intrinsic holiness... because if it were we wouldn't be allowed to touch it since we are all tamei matim... nik.
13   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 10, 2006, 02:00:05 AM 
this is one fight i'm ready for... yiss. proof... bring your source... nik.
14   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Uri Ariel Visits the Temple Mount  on: October 09, 2006, 03:57:08 PM 
no the wall is not holy... it was just an outer retaining wall and has no intrinsic kedusha of its own... however it is revered because it withstood all that the goyim threw at us during golut and it is still standing... it is a place of prayer because the gemora says the shechina has never departed in total from har habayit and remains at 20% of its glory (as to where this figure came from ~ vais zoch nisht)... but that percentage of the Divine presence is said to lodge behind the kotel and that is why the goyim can huff and puff but they can never quite seem to find a way to blow this one fragile wall down no matter what they do no matter how hard or often they try... and now you know... the rest of the story...

as to this guy's visit... so what...? just another politician jockying for position among the right-wing camp... don't be fooled... and don't get excited... nothing to write home about... nik. out... 
15   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a message from david hamelech for our time...  on: October 08, 2006, 11:25:24 PM 
what no takers on this piece...? nik.
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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October 20, 2006, 01:17:52 PM 

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16   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 08, 2006, 11:22:04 PM 
yes bk... he started and owns habitat for humanity... you didn't know this...? nik.
17   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 06, 2006, 05:03:58 PM 
fine but we don't want that slimebucket carter anywhere near our youth... just use the concept for the street kids and that is all... nik.
18   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a message from david hamelech for our time...  on: October 06, 2006, 05:01:37 PM 
i didn't get to finish late last night... the point of the above is that this is the true meaning of why we say "david... melech yisroel... chai v'kaiyam..." in order to awaken within ourselves a yearning for his malchut so that we can be redeemed... i never knew any of the above nor why this  phrase is said in places like kiddush levana... and it also explains why on sukkot we say... "harachaman hayakim sukkot david hanofelet..." in reference to the pasuk in navi which is talking about the beit hamikdash named for david and not shlomo... because it was david's idea and he put together all the blueprints and source material and funding for the project as well as the music for the various sacrificial services...  of course the two b'm are refered to as sukkot because of their transitory nature and history and they are called "nofelet" because they both fell when they were destroyed...

but the main chidush for me here in all of this is that clearly it teaches us that we have to rebel... we have to announce that we recognize no human authority over us... neither jewish or goyish... only Hashem and His torah and His chosen leadership.... but ultimately only moshiach will have power over us and by our yearning for him now we are bringing him closer to coming at long last... and the more we daven for him and the more we ask Hashem for him the more freedom from the slime we attain for ourselves even if he hasn't arrived yet... this is key to our revolt!!! nik. out...   
19   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a message from david hamelech for our time...  on: October 06, 2006, 02:59:43 AM 
from the new book just out... "secrets of succos..." by rabbi dovid meisels...

david hamelech asked Hashem: "how can i guarantee myself a place in gan eden...?"  Hashem replied: "live a life of tzar... of anguish and distress..." (of deprivation and adversity)...

from avos d'rebbi nassan he brings the following...

"since david hamelech provided sustenance to the jewish people ~ G-d pledged that He would be at his side wherever he would go... so whoever attacks the kingdom of the house of david... is considered as though he attacked the Shechina (Divine presence) of G-d... so whoever rebels against him incurs the death penalty..."

and from the sefer "sukkot shalom..." comes...

"the jewish people were sent into exile ~ only when they disdained the kingdom of the house of david... and they will not be released from exile until they seek out the Shechina and the kingdom of the house of  david once again..."

hence the first question to every newly departed jewish soul... (along with... "did you set aside time for the regular or daily learning of torah...?" and "were you honest in business..?" "were you mitzapeh l'geulah...?" "did you anxiously await the coming of the final redemption...?"

and so we see... the life of rav meir as possibly that of moshiach ben yosef was to bring "light to david..." moshiach ben david... "meir l'david..." the light of moshiach ben david into this world... to be its precursor... from rabbi meir david (kahane)... this was his job and his given name foretold this... nik. out...

20   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jews Prepare: More Amona’s On the Way?/ cutting it up...?  on: October 06, 2006, 02:02:17 AM 
unless of course it's not... nik.
Quote from: YBY on October 05, 2006, 09:17:15 PM
olmert is hanging on by a thread. Another expulsion and the thread is cut.

21   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 06, 2006, 02:01:17 AM 
leib... talk about provocative... how do you know his "eyes" are upon us...? nik. who regardless will never back down until justice is served on the slime... out... chag someach everybody!!!! gog's gonna take it hard on the chin again in navi during the last days of yom tov... here's hoping bush and blair and olmert are the ones who in the real historical end of days are going to get waxed and soon now... very soon... please G-d... n.
22   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 05, 2006, 11:23:22 AM 
don't be so sure that all we are is talk and that nothing will get done here... nik.
23   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 05, 2006, 12:38:28 AM 
just as long as we are on the same page for once... chag someach... ta... nik.
24   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 04, 2006, 10:03:14 PM 
agreed... but there are differing ways to help them... no one monolitic huge rehab center or detox or deprog. unit is going to work for all of them... because they each need different things... so they each require a differing approach... the hilltop youth need renewed faith in themselves and their cause... the russian jewish kids need tough love... and the goyish vermin need the orkin man... nik. out...
25   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 04, 2006, 09:44:22 PM 
you are the one who is so amused... i thought you got it... my point is i wish to save the hilltop youth among that rabble first... then worry about the russian jewish kids... the goyish ones should be rounded up and summarily thrown out of the country with yesterday's garbage... and the remaining russian jews should be offered a broom to help work in the country cleaning the streets until they can get off of them and become more productive... they can sweep fine while high and/or drunk... and if they refuse they get a jail cell on the house until they complete rehab... no other choices just these two options... that's it... end of problem... next issue!!!!!. (oh and that sound you may hear in the background is me rubbing my hands in a dusting-off motion)... nik. out... 
26   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 04, 2006, 09:25:09 PM 
be amused all you want... i'm serious... i'm not joking around... nik. out...
27   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jews Prepare: More Amona’s On the Way?/wartime...  on: October 04, 2006, 08:15:18 PM 
i wouldn't put anything past the slime... absolutely not a thing... nothing is beyond the pale for them.... nothing is too unseemingly or beneath them... there are no depths to which they will not sink... there are no evil, sinister... really dark deeds too horrible for them to contemplate... there is no vile act of rishut which they will not run to do with zeal and relish if it will retain them in their power even for a moment longer... (i mean afterall... they've already done the holocaust in their history nd in ours... so tell me... what dispicable act could still be out there worse for them to do...?)... in point of fact this is the very manner in which they got to be slime in the first place... oh how i hate them with every fiber of my being... oh what i would do to them if i only had the power... these murderers of our people... these creatures from the blackest lagoon's of gehenom... as david hamelech once said (and at the time he was referring to reshayim jews... achitofel and doeg both members of our people who had plotted against david and had ergo and thereby sworn all-out war on Hashem's express will as well...and kol shekain (how much more so...?) did he have this fire... this burning passionate hatred for the hordes of heathen, pagan beasts and human scum who were always in a state of frenzy... salivating for their chance to drink our ancestor's rich jewish blood ... "o' L-rd... do i not hate your enemies with a perfect and a complete hatred...?" ditto for me my liege... ditto for me...  (tehilim: 139:22) nik. out...
28   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 04, 2006, 07:56:36 PM 
call in the army and give each one of them a broom or a jail cell... nik. out...
29   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: points to bring up to them...  on: October 03, 2006, 09:18:28 PM 
1) it's not over... we will yet win...

2) G-d is testing our faith... all reversals since rav meir's murder are a last test to see who deserves moshiach ben david's world... mby... died but mbd's first order of business will be to have Hashem revive him... if so... why the gra asks does Hashem let him die...? in order to test us all... to see if we have faith in G-d to save us without any human leader if necessary... so don't give up... and don't give in to despair... Hashem was stronger than paro and he is mightier than the slime...

3) the slime want you to sink into sin and into political apathy and oblivion... they win if you do what they want... and they are utter slime... they have our blood... our innocent blood on their hands... and they are covering up the fact that their predecessors did the 6mil. they did the holocaust as jr. partners and members of the world-wide nazi regime (still extant and doing oslo presently)... get them angry... get them to hate... this is a mitzvah to hate the erev rav just as it is a mitzvah to love the rest of k'lal yisroel... in fact the more you hate those trying to destroy the rest of us and ruin our land and our torah in their satanic rebellion against Hashem... the more they learn to hate them the more willing they will be to self-sacrifice for ahavat yisroel... on behalf of the true jews... the real jews... this is key...

4) they must relearn the lessons and principles of sefer harayon yehudi... all of them...

5) they must have clarity that we are all in this together... and that we all recognize that we are in a yahreg v'al yavor situation and time period in jewish history... one which Hashem has decreed we show the maximum courage to be prepared to sacrifice our lives to save jews and and defend them and our precious homeland... they must be made to understand that we are in a milchemet mitzvah right now and that we have been in one really for quite sometime already (at least from 1977 and onward according to rav meir in "why be jewish")...... and this time they must see that we feel the same way and that we too are prepared to die if necessary... only this true and sincere level of mesirat nefesh on our part can succeed in winning them back...

6) new leaders like rav binyamin and nataniel ozeri (hy"d on both of them) must be found to take their place and guide them 24/7...
30   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 03, 2006, 08:40:43 PM 
i'm only referring to the hilltop youth among them... the russian hordes are a different equation all together... some of them are goyim and i could not care less about that utter rubbish... the rest of the russian-jewish kids need what kreplach is talking about... however i just care (for now) about the disaffected hilltoppers... they were so pure and good and now they have been deeply hurt and wounded... i wish to help them first and foremost... there are plenty of other people capable of reaching the russian-jews when and if they reach bottom and want a hand up... the goyim among them should simply be deported... all they are are just jew-hating refuse... but there is no one able or qualified to save the hilltoppers except for the likes of the kahanist movement... only we have the answer to give them renewed faith and a reason to live... so let's stop haggling here and splitting hairs over nothing but pure symantics and let's get down to business... shall we...? david...? what do you plan to do...? and how can i help...? i can go to some people to get some money to send for this project... i don't yet know how much... but i'll send something by nov. 1st hopefully... obviously i should be there... i know what to say to them... i know what needs to be retaught to them... but until i am and until others like me who can relate to them are... on second thought my hebrew isn't as good as theirs and none of them speak or understand english am i right...? so i'll send you on a different thread... two or three thoughts which must be presented to them immediately... you can do it... you can round them up and begin reclamating them... until then they should be brought in and cleaned up and the yeshiva should make a program for them... it would be great david if you could take down a few of their complaints or words of harsh criticism which they must be harboring towards us all and post them here so we can get a better sense as to how we have failed them... thanks... nik. out...
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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October 20, 2006, 01:18:53 PM 

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31   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Jerusalem You Do Not Want to Know by David Ha'Ivri  on: October 03, 2006, 06:06:06 PM 
these kids have damaged neshamot... they went from an extremely high level of commitment and mesirat nefesh and they came crashing down to earth very hard in total disillusionment and from a brutally bitter betrayal ... known as perfidy... drugs or alcohol are not the problem per say... it is repairing their wounded souls and hearts that lie at the center of their critical matzav... they are heartbroken and they have been misguided, misled and let down... disappointment is what ails them not the "medicine" they take to dull the pain... you can not just alleviate the sympton alone... you must get at the root cause of their malaise and provide THE cure... WHICH IS... TO HELP THEM BELIEVE IN THEMSELVES AGAIN... BELIEVE IN TORAH... IN HASHEM... AND IN OUR DIRE CAUSE... THE DEFENSE AND SURVIVAL OF AM YISROEL IN ERETZ YISROEL... ALL OF US... UPON ALL OF IT... nothing else will work... not rehab... not love bombing... not deprograming or detoxing... they need nothing less than the fixing of their very souls... i believe this is what rav meir would say to us about these kids... he would know just what to say and do too to solve the problem... and without him... this fixing will not come easily now... nik. out...
32   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who Will Ask Forgiveness? by Shifra Hoffman/they never will/too arrogant!  on: October 03, 2006, 02:41:17 AM 
shifra... you are so right... and we will never forgive them ... or ever forget... so they will never have atonement from Hashem... never!!! not if i can help it... nik. out...
33   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Reservists: Sorry for trusting gov't, IDF  on: October 03, 2006, 02:38:43 AM 
coup now brothers coup now... nik.
34   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / TheJerusalemYouDoNotWanttoKnow/you're so right... i don't want to know!!!  on: October 03, 2006, 01:51:14 AM 
david... lenny... and yisroel... and whoever else is there... those kids (hilltop youth) the only ones who are worth saving... the one's that are our real future... they need to believe again... there is only one way that this is going to happen... here's where getting them to hate is the key... this time it is a mitzvah... it has to be explained to them very carefully that the slime... the powers-that-be want them to rebel against the settlement movement and are going nuts over seeing them throwing their lives away on sex, drugs and mindlessness... that is why the police do nothing to interfere... because they have orders... orders from the filth to let THESE kids... YOUR KIDS especially destroy themselves because these are the ones they fear the most ending up opposing them... these kids need a new lechi to believe in... they need to be made into an underground force to be ready for action should all hell break loose in the rest of, in what is left of yesh... and they don't need slogans this time... no promises of prayer being the only thing they need... they need to see a resolve on the part of their elders to stand up and be ready to fight... they need the sword... not just the word... these kids led the way so beautifully last time... but their elders let them down and held them in check and were responsible for their mighty disillusionment... and if you don't want them all to end up sucking from the table of the slime as their hired thugs you better go out there right away and embrace them and show you're ready to put it all on the line this time... me too... go and love them sure... but go and re-instill their will to die for the cause... it is their only road to salvation... if they don't get back their drive and pride they will sink so low morally they will be irredeemable in just another couple of months... you have already run out of time with some of them... i had no idea that things had hit them so hard... i thought they were all continuing to hang in with great faith... i had no knowledge of how badly it all went for them... poor little heroes... my heart goes out to them... they're still just children afterall... and they saw their leaders killed and their parents and teachers all back down in the real world... when push came to shove... and they can't go or take it to the next level because they are still just kids... WE... WE ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE TO LEAD... we not them have to lead by example and be moser nefesh... it was wrong of us to expect this from them and allow them to assume such responsibility at such a tender age... it is not their fault they ended up on the streets it is ours and ours alone... we were not men and jews... we backed down and caved... they had nothing to do with our utter collapse and failure... and now we see the disasterous results of that miscalculation... so no more hiding behind excuses... "my kids are on the frontlines for me because i can't afford to go to jail because i'm needed to put food on the table..." if we're going to be cowards... at least let's have the courage... the guts to be honest with them... tell them we can't fight... that we're too afraid to stand up with them... tell them we haven't the resolve to resist the slime eventhough we know Hashem wants us to... at least tell them the truth... we owe them at least this much...

and if we are not prepared to do this much... then... im kain... we had better get the hell out of yesh... if that is the case we have no business being there... if they can go to jail but not us... in the end they will see they are fighting a losing battle against overwhelming odds which they are prepared to do except when made to do so without their role models and thus they will see thru our open hypocrisy (they already have) and check out of the scene en gansen just the way they have... the ball's square in our court now... let's go apologize for letting them down... let's go down to them and beg... yes... BEG... their forgiveness... 'cause if we don't or won't or can't... know this... im kain the settler movement is over... dead and buried... its epitath reads: "here lies yesha... it died ignobly with a whimper and went into the night without even a fight in the gush and was utterly trampled and beaten into submission in amona..." nik. out...           
35   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: This kid at the age of six becomes a Baal TShuva - Insight from Reb Stuie  on: October 01, 2006, 12:19:33 AM 
stuie another great frined of mine here in l.a. and a tremendous force for religious zionism and torah outreach... he's the one who has the video with me asking rav meir my question and the 20 minute response i got... stuie if you read this accolade please respond by putting up that video here of rav meir's last speech in l.a. oct. 1988 or '89... if you have a link for it and not just the tape i've borrowed from you... that is... thanks... nik.
36   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Forgotten Forgiveness" by Daryl Temkin, Ph.D. September 2006  on: October 01, 2006, 12:12:59 AM 
daryl is a long-time friend of mine from l.a. i did not know that he moved to israel? anyway... he is a super good guy and has his heart and soul in the right place for k'lal yisroel... he has long done outreach to yidden on several different levels and on many different outlets... a true koach for torah... nik. out...
37   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/well here's another eye-opener...  on: September 29, 2006, 07:06:51 PM 
Chapter 6
Essential Guidelines for Deeds at the Beginning of the Redemption

The principles behind deeds to be performed at the beginning of the Redemption, the circumstances and manners of these deeds-all are similar to those prevalent during the period leading to the construction of the Second Temple in accord with the mission of Mashiach ben Yosef.  The beginning of the Redemption is the time of the Revealed End, when the following seven pillars are hewn: 1) gathering in the exiles; 2) building Jerusalem; 3) eradicating the impure spirit from Eretz Israel by planting the Holy Land and fulfilling the commandments related to it; 4) setting up people of truth in order to redeem the truth and sanctify the name of God; 5) promoting the spread of Torah from Zion; 6) waging war against Amalek; 7) healing Zion.  We, the emissaries of the Almighty, are obligated to do our utmost to carry out these goals as revealed by  “deed and gematria [numerology].”

We must act modestly, along the lines of the Vilna Gaon’s major rule that anything that will be achieved upon completion of the Redemption will start at the beginning of the Redemption little by little, with Ze’er Anpin.  In addition, we must study the teachings regarding the footsteps of the Mashiach, as described in the 156 qualities and aspects of Mashiach ben Yosef [see above Chapter 2], in order to know how the holy work is carried out, so as not to retreat, God forbid, when faced with obstacles and sanballatim [see Neh.  2:19; 3:33-34].  All this is the mission of the Rabbi Eliyahu, the Vilna Gaon, and at his directive.  May his merit and blessing help us in all our paths, and may God complete the task for us.

The Gaon always spoke about an important rule, that all deeds of the beginning of the Redemption, when the awakening comes from below — “all will be like the period of the Second Temple, ” like the days of “Ezra and Nehemiah when permission was granted by Coresh.”

All seven principles of work to be accomplished during the footsteps of the Mashiach, and the details of the deeds, are part of the beginning of the revealed end, as noted by our Sages in the Talmud (Megillah 17b), concerning the juxtaposition of blessings to the events that follow.  The promise of blessings, and the ideas of gathering in the exiles, building Jerusalem and eradicating the spirit of impurity from Eretz Israel follow one another in the Bible.  As is written: “you, mountains of Israel, will give forth your branch and bear your fruit for My people, Israel, when they are about to come” [Ez.  36:8].  The Talmud (Sanhedrin 98a} writes that this verse refers to the Revealed End.  The Revealed End was the major energizing and strong aspiration of the Vilna Gaon and his students.  The entire matter of the revealed end is the great assignment of Mashiach ben Yosef.

Through the Gaon, may his memory be blessed, Heaven informed us of this mission which pertains to the period of the awakening from below.  Of course, our mission is that of the Gaon, the light of Mashiach ben Yosef to the final generation.  In the verse: “you, mountains of Israel, will give forth your branch, ” the Gaon saw a hint to his name, revealed by “deed and gematria.” The verses which hint at the Gaon’s mission, and related ones, as well as the 156 appellations and aspects as explained above in Chapter 2, can teach us much regarding our work.  According to the Gaon, we are to consider the verses and aspects as Urim v’Tumim that inform us what we must do, with the help of God.  Below are the paths of the beginning of the Redemption practically, at the time of the awakening from below.  The following are the circumstances and manners of Redemption:

1.      gathering in the exiles-how will this occur? To what extent are we, emissaries of God at the time of the beginning of the Redemption, obligated to engage in gathering in the exiles? The minimum number of exiles that has the power to bring back the Shechina to Israel is the number our Sages considered when the term “population of Israel” was used, that is, 600, 000.  This number has the power to vanquish Samael at the gates of Jerusalem.  As our Sages stated concerning God: “For I will not enter Jerusalem above until the population of Israel enters Jerusalem below” [see Chapter 1, 15].

       My grandfather (R’ Binyamin) once asked the Gaon what to do if it becomes possible practically and naturally to bring all of Israel to the Holy Land at one time.  According to our Sages, if we do not merit it, the Redemption will come little by little like the dawn.  The question is, what should we do? The Gaon replied: “if it is possible, then 600, 000 should be brought over at first, because that is the number that can overpower Samael who rules in the gates of Jerusalem.  Then, in any case, the entire Redemption will occur.  The Gaon gave me a wonderful hint concerning the verse: [Isa.  2:5] “O House of Jacob, come, let us go in the light of the Lord.” The initial letters of this verse [# ] amount to 60; the word is the same as in gematria; the second letters of the words in this verse  [156] equal in gematria.  The final letters of this verse  [618] equal “the heart of Jerusalem.” Thus this verse hints that the words “come, let us go” refers to going to Zion together with 600, 000 people, and all are connected to “the heart of Jerusalem.” The Biblical verse does not even lose its literal meaning, that all must be in the light of God, that is with the internal soul of the Holy Torah.

       What is the number necessary to begin gathering in the exiles? Even one from a city or two from a family [Jer.  3:14].  From where should the ingathering begin? From the North, as is written: “behold I will bring them from the land of the north, etc.  (Jer.  31:7), because the main ruling power of Samael is on the northern side, and Samael is referred to as “the northern one.” It says about him: “I will distance the northern one from you” [Joel 2:20].  And he is the one who drew the main part of the exile of Israel to the north, as noted:  “out of the North, evil will break forth” [Jer.  1:14].  Therefore, the beginning of the ingathering of the exiles must also be from the place ruled by Samael, from the North.  Thus it is written, “awake, you from the North, ” and afterwards it states, “come, you from the South” [Song, 4:16]. 

2.   building Jerusalem.  How will this be accomplished? To what extent are we obligated to act to accomplish this during the awakening from below? Our Rabbis said that in the future Jerusalem will expand as far as Damascus.  In the future Jerusalem will extend as far as the Great Sea (the Mediterranean).  The procedure will be gradual.  Our Sages maintained that the redemption of Israel will be like the first rays of the dawn: just as the dawn comes gradually, so will Israel’s settlement come gradually, and likewise with regard to building it, etc.  The building will be accomplished even in poverty, as is written: “that God has established Zion and the poor of His people take shelter in it” (Isa.  14:32).  The building will start from even one stone: “behold I am laying a foundation stone in Zion, a tried stone, ” because God wishes to put us through a severe trial, by building Zion from even a single stone, and this “will be a precious cornerstone, a secure foundation” [Isa.  28:16], etc.

       Our work consists of fulfilling the commandment of expansion: “expand the site of your tent” [Isa.  54:2].   “The commandment of expansiveness” means ‘expand, do not restrain yourselves’.  The verse teaches us that we must not stand still; we must not retreat, God forbid, when confronting any obstacle.  Yet another verse, connected with the commandment of expansion, hints at the name of the Gaon; as known, for in gematria the verse: ! [606] “expand, extend, strengthen” together equal ! [the name of the Gaon together with his father’s name].  In that same chapter it states [Isa.  54:7] [ 606] “with abundant mercy I will gather you.” The term “I will gather you” is the great mission of the Gaon, as explained above in chapters 1 and 3.  According to our Sages, the method used should be the  equally measured gardens [Baba Batra 75b] mentioned in connection with the building and settlement of Jerusalem.  Practically, there should be complete equality on the line of equality for all, as explained in the Tosafot concerning the building of Jerusalem.  This approach is also included in the Gaon’s principle regarding the verse “a perfect and just stone, ” another verse in which the Gaon saw a hint to his own name.  There it states that there should not be two kinds of measurement in one’s home: “a large one and a small one” [Deut.  25:14].  According to the Gaon, the term ‘home’ refers to the land of Israel, because immediately after this verse it states, “when the Lord your God grants you rest à in the land [Deut.  25:19], etc.” Jerusalem was not divided among the tribes, and houses are not to be rented in Jerusalem.  Also, ben David will not come until all measurements are equal, and all prices are equal.

       Another point made by the Gaon is that when we build Jerusalem, we are obligated to fulfill all the means of inheriting, including literally taking it by force if necessary, except in the case of building the Temple.  Force must not be used to build the Temple, the Gaon says in his commentary on the Song of Songs.

       What should be built first? The northwestern section of Jerusalem should be built first; from the peak of Amana because Mashiach ben Yosef comes from the North, and the Shechina is in the West.

3.      eradicating the impure spirit from Eretz Israel by planting the Holy Land.  The three groups of exiles depend on this, according to the Gaon, especially the commandments concerning leaving the poor man the gleanings of the crop, the forgotten sheaf, and the corners of the field.

       How much should be planted and to what extent? The land should be planted until it is no longer desolate, until the holy land bears its fruit.  The goal is to drive out the spirit of impurity from the land, to purify the holiness of " the Revealed God from its klipah, etc.  The holiness of the Revealed God rests upon the fruits of the Holy Land.  This is the secret of the reason for the commandments “when you come to the land you shall plant...” [Lev.  19:23].  According to the Midrash, you should not occupy yourself with anything except planting û this is the main part of the mission of the Vilna Gaon in connection with the verse “a perfect and just stone” which hints at his name in the Torah.  For following the verse is the command to wipe out the name of Amalek.  Afterwards the Torah discusses obligations “when you come to the land” [Deut.  26:1].  The verse in Deuteronomy “when you come to the Land” is reminiscent of the comparative verse: “when you come to the land, you shall plant” [Lev.  19:23]; therefore the commandments are connected.  The Gaon revealed to us that this wonderful idea is the main secret regarding the revealed end mentioned in the Talmud.  It was the energizing aspiration of the Gaon.  Our Sages speak of the revealed end in connection with the verse: [Ez.  36:8] “you, mountains of Israel, will give forth your branch and bear your fruit for My People, etc.” The Gaon considered this verse to hint at his own holy mission.

       The planting of the land is one of the duties of Mashiach ben Yosef as in the following verses: “who will ascend the mountain of the Lord” [Ps.  24:3], etc.; “you will have mercy on Zion” [Ps.  102:14], etc.; “you will have favored her dirt” [Ps.  102:15], as explained above in chapters 1 and 3.  Also above, the mission of the Gaon is mentioned as being in the line of Mashiach ben Yosef.  The Gaon delegated all his missions to his students, directing them to carry out the missions practically, with the help of God.

4.   setting up people of truth in order to redeem the truth and sanctify the name of God.  While we are on the threshold of the Redemption, we must set up a powerful and strong force of people of truth, for Jerusalem was destroyed because truthful people had ceased to exist there.  Accordingly, God forbid, there will be no permanence to our work in gathering in the exiles and building Jerusalem unless we set up truthful men, as is written, “if God does not build a house, its builders have worked in vain” [Ps.  127:1].  This means that if a building was not built with the spirit of God, then its builders worked in vain. 

       The people of truth should be people of Israel [chosen by God, i.e., Israel, as in Isa.  45:4 “and Israel My chosen one”], men of truth, because the goal of the Redemption is redemption of the truth, as explained above regarding “redeemer of Jerusalem.” This means that there will be a city of truth because of the truthful people.  The fundamental base of truthful men is to ensure fulfillment all the principles found in “the Interpreter’s seven repairs” as explained in Chapter 5 above, to ensure the repairs according to the “covenant of truth” [Neh.  10:1] that we arranged with the help of God.  The presence of faithful [truthful] and righteous men is included among the principal characteristics of the Revealed End mentioned in the Talmud (Megillah 17b; Sanhedrin 98a).  Jerusalem is the source for the specialness of people of Truth in all aspects; it is therefore referred to as a “City of Truth” [Isa.  1:26].

       The purpose of the redemption of the truth is sanctification of God’s name.  The purpose of sanctifying God’s name is repair of the world in the sefira Malchut of the Almighty, so that each person should merit achieving the holy spirit that every man of Israel is obligated to draw upon and achieve in clear colors.  This is the main goal of all the activities of the beginning of the Redemption during the footsteps of the Mashiach.All the deeds mentioned here, all their principles and details, even minor ones, are only to prepare for the main principles of the revealed end, that the end of the Redemption should come nearer, that is the repair of the world in the Malchut of the Almighty.  Then the complete and perfect repair will be accomplished of the seven areas requiring repairs, as explained by the Interpreter above in Chapter 5, and as explained by the Gaon in his composition, "  The Luster of the Dawn. 

5.      promoting the spread of Torah from Zion.  Studying the teachings of the Kabbalah and uncovering the secrets of the Torah during the footsteps of the Mashiach are primary in bringing the Redemption closer, as explained by the Gaon at length in a few places.  This is one of the main goals of the Mashiach ben Yosef who is in charge of gathering in the exiles, the assignment of the Gaon.  Such studies should take place especially in Eretz Israel in general, and in Jerusalem in particular.  This is what is meant by “the Torah will come forth from Zion” [Isa.  2:3]: the Torah will be uncovered; that is the soul, the essence of the Torah will be revealed in Zion. 

       Similarly, it is incumbent upon us to begin by establishing a general institute for studying the Torah in the Holy City, may this occur in our lifetime, because the Biblical verse literally states that “the Torah will come forth from Zion, and the word of God from Jerusalem” [Isa.  2:3].  Our Rabbis, may they rest in peace, said: In the future all the holy places of gathering (synagogues) and houses of learning from abroad will be established in Eretz Israel.  This accords with the Gaon’s important principle, as explained above, that all future things that will be occur upon completion of the Redemption, will begin little by little during the beginning of the Redemption.  It is what the Gaon said about the verse: “on the mountains of Zion and in Jerusalem there will be refuge” [Joel 3:5].  The refuge will be for the ingathering of the exiles and for our holy Torah.  As we say in the prayer: “for the escape of their scribes.” Accordingly, the reference to the refuge in Zion and Jerusalem also applies to the escape of their scribes.  In addition, the verse: “I will return your judges as at first, and your advisers as at the beginning” [Isa.  1:26], refers to Jerusalem, for at the end it states: “afterwards, you will be called a city of justice, a city of Truth” [Isa.  1:26].  This is a major aspect of the Revealed End as it appears in the Talmud (Megillah 17b).

       On the Gaon’s way to Eretz Israel, with the intention of dwelling in Jerusalem, he told us many times that that is one of the main holy principles.  He also told me something top secret about the verse: “saying to Jerusalem, ‘you will be built’; and to the Temple, ‘you will be established’” [Isa.  44:28], as well as on the verse: [Jer.  31:16] “there is hope for your end.” In gematria, if we count the filled out letters of the word  [ = 611], it equals .  This means that at the end, the Torah will be fulfilled when the children return to their border.

6.   waging war against Amalek.The war against Amalek is from generation to generation.  The war against Amalek is against three types of foes: a).  Amalek of the heart, that is, the evil inclination and vices; b).  the spirit of Amalek, the general one, the Satan who destroys, the adversary of Israel.  This is Samael and his hosts.  His main power is in the gates of Jerusalem, when its lands are desolate; c).  the material Amalek, that comprises Esau and Ismael and the mixed multitude.  As explained by the Gaon: we are commanded to inherit it [the land] by force. 

       The strength and rulership of Amalek’s spirit is in the gates of Jerusalem, as mentioned above, but only when there destruction and desolation near the gates and in the unwalled areas of Jerusalem.  As long as the spirit of impurity rules there, the feet of the cypress tree cannot stand there.  This delays the connection between the Jerusalem of below and the Jerusalem of above, that is the connection between the Shechina and the Knesset Israel on which the entire Redemption depends.  The war against the desolation is waged not only by setting up tents of Jacob and dwelling places of Israel in their respective places.  It is waged not only by planting its land and fulfilling the commandments dependent on it.  The war against the material Amalek always depends on the time and place, and necessitates counterattacking [lit.: returning the battle to the gate] with force, as in the days of Ezra and Nechemia, and like the conquest during the days of Joshua.  This is signified by the fact that ! together [391] equal .  In the war against the sanballatim [Sanballat, satrap of Samaria, who opposed Nehemiah and obstructed the rebuilding of Jerusalem] who disrupt building in Jerusalem, and whose strength is that of the mixed multitude, may God save us-in that war, the dweller in Zion will help us, and “they will neither hurt nor destroy on all My holy mountain” [Isa.  11:9].  Also, “no weapon formed against you, will succeed” [Isa.  54:17] as it says “with abundant mercy I will gather you” [Isa.  54:7].  The last verse also contains the name and mission of the Gaon, may his merit help all those who occupy themselves faithfully in such holy work.

7.   Healing Zion.  This refers to two aspects.  Zion is the source of healing as it says “He will send you help from the Sanctuary and support you from Zion” [Ps.  20:3].  The term  always refers to healing and health as in “will support him on his sickbed” [Ps.  41:4].  Therefore Zion always needs the abundance of upper medicine.  It is written, “I will heal your wounds” [Jer.  30:17].  This is one of our Sages’ explanations of the verse “this is Zion--no one seeks her” [Jer.  30:17].  From this we learn that Zion requires seekers.  “I will heal your wounds” refers to all kinds of wounds--whether spiritual or material.  God will heal the ailments and repair what is broken, whether spiritually or of physically.  The reference is not only to the people of God who dwell in Zion, but also to Zion itself, that is the very land of Eretz Israel, which requires spiritual and physical healing when it lies desolate and in ruins.  The spiritual healing entails eradicating the spirit of impurity from the land by settling Israel on its land and fulfilling the commandments that depend on the people of Israel being in the land.  Physical health refers to eradicating the sources of diseases there, may God save us, during the days of its destruction and desolation.


this is not a good rendition of kol hator... i will endeavor to get ahold of my copy which is in storage which elaborates better on chapter 6:6 (sub-section 6)... look above... however even in this version the gra is quoted as saying that the physical amalek in the world (at the end of days) is comprised of esav and yishmael (how much of them is unclear but who of them is clear all their leaders thru history especially those who will be their heads and fight moshiach) and lastly he clearly states... the erev rav... the "mixed multitude" (meaning the spiritual descendents of them among the jewish people... who consider themselves jewish who were and are historically a part of our people since yitziat mitzrayim... their disgusting influence and evil zoamah has never been eradicated from our midst and is perniciously the driving force of all rebellions in our history beginning with the chet haagel... tzadukim, bytusim, karaim, essenes, yashkaites, etc. and of late ever since the shabtai tzvi/jacob frank heresies which directly led to the reform and conservative and re-construction movements and to secular, political zionism... the people involved at the highest echelons of these endeavors comprise the erev rav... and they are all scum by their own free will and volition...

and the gra goes on in my copy to say right here in this section that these three taken together make up our arch-enemy amalek... and... AND... they are all in league with each other... working together to keep the 2 mashichim apart from each other... and that for each one of us it is our job to... all of us... ALL OF US... fight them to the death... to fight them in all-out warfare... spiritual and physical... and with no excuses... all of us... none of us have a p'tur... some of us must daven and learn with their downfall in mind... others are required to do actual physical battle or at least wage political and economic warfare to vanquish them... but all of us must fight them in some fashion... one way or another... and we have to fight against them as much as we can... with whatever we have to fight them with... 24/7... until the end of the redemption process... furthermore he states that anyone choosing to sit this war out... someone who for whatever reason just will not fight... even if they refuse just on account of pachad or timidity... out of their extreme fear of them... for those of us who do this... he says... it would be better... much, much better... we would be much better off... if we had never been born because the din that awaits us in olam haba is truly nora v'ayom... beyond all words to describe its horror and beyond all possible imagining of the awesome level of onesh... and why is this so...? because he says anyone not fighting them (kol shekain anyone actually on their side and working for them)... but even by our just hanging out on the sidelines... one is helping them to win and roll back and prevent the geulah shalaymah... ad kan d'burov...

and so people... take it to heart and start resisting the slime and find ways to begin fighting all-out against them... we are all obligated... we are all in this together wherever we live... whoever we are... and this is a true milchemet mitzvah if ever there was one before in our history... and may Hashem be with us and grant us victory and send us our holy mashichim... (mby & mbd)... or just mbd if rav meir was already mby... gemar chatimah tova everyone... nik. out...

38   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yby not what he pretends to be...  on: September 29, 2006, 03:43:42 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the proper course or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argumentation by destruction of the reputation of your opponent, or by put-down, name-calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method that they employ... and is always how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in and of itself an asinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the requisite guts to challenge my statements of fact and claims of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure what you are but i have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this site... your claim to love and revere and follow rav kook is also a sham and a sheker... either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenuous and actually sickening outright)... furthermore... and here is the real rub...  besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... who should receive no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... for what they have done to us all for over 100 years now... when all they should be feeling is our outrage and our oath to see them all justly punished with outright eradication... instead you defend them and seek to decimate me... when i have harmed no one... when i have loved everyone and felt their agony and their pain and have come onhere to try to speak up and out for them and cry out over their suffering and abuseful treatment by the slime... and this is your derech of approach to someone like me who truly cares... who truly is wrapped up in the anguish of my fellow brothers and sisters and yet you lash out at me rather than those causing their deaths and the excruciating loss of their loved ones and their homes and families and their livlihoods andthe shattering of their life-dreams...?!? so now all here on this site can see for themselves quite accurately and quite clearly your true colors shining thru the mist and see your twisted and demented loyaty to the scum and filth which are now showing through despite all of your protestations and pretenses and claims to and of righteousness in an attempt to conceal your evil... besides the fact that you are just pretending to be insulting for show... because indeed... truth be told... you just don't give a damn... all you really care about here is that people like me who really do seek the truth and nothing but the truth... and who endeavor to find a way to come to the rescue of our people and land... while your only real concern with all of us here is that we get shut down by any means necessary and/or available and at your disposal... you have much to be proud of... what a hero!!! way to go... shkoyach... ta... nik.
39   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yby not what he seems to be...  on: September 29, 2006, 03:43:10 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
40   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yby not what he seems to be...  on: September 29, 2006, 03:42:02 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
41   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yby not what he seems to be...  on: September 29, 2006, 03:41:20 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
42   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yby not what he seems to be...  on: September 29, 2006, 03:40:25 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
43   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yby not what he seems to be...  on: September 29, 2006, 03:39:43 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
44   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yby not what he seems to be...  on: September 29, 2006, 03:38:44 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
45   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yby not what he seems to be...  on: September 29, 2006, 03:38:04 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
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46   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:37:20 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
47   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:36:39 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
48   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:35:52 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
49   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:35:10 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
50   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:29:39 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
51   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:25:16 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
52   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:23:55 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
53   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:21:26 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
54   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:19:31 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
55   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:18:59 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
56   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:17:57 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an assinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... no forgivenenss and no forgetfulness... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing through besides the fact that your are just pretending to be insulting for show... ta... nik.
57   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 03:10:27 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a very personal tirade of character assassination assailing my honor which just so happens is not the propercourse or appropriate way to debate... and besides i am not the real issue here... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attacks on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jews are... thereby you are in essence and inherently defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an asinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing besides the shows...                                                                                                                                                                         ta... nik.
58   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 02:31:44 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a tirade of character assassination which is not debate by the way... i am not the issue... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attack on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jew is... you are defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an asinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing besides the shows...                                                                                                                                                                         ta... nik.
59   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 02:31:02 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a tirade of character assassination which is not debate by the way... i am not the issue... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attack on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jew is... you are defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an asinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing besides the shows...                                                                                                                                                                         ta... nik.
60   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 29, 2006, 02:29:53 AM 
now i know for certain... you're a plant... instead of looking up the reference in kol hator to verify or reject my quote you go off on a tirade of character assassination which is not debate by the way... i am not the issue... the words of the gra are and we all know (except you perhaps who he was and how great he was)... furthermore you are defending by your attack on me when i am not the point but the gra is and the erev rav jew is... you are defending these slime and filth... so you must be one of them yourself... and your manner of argument by destruction of the reputation by put-down, name calling and of course by false accusation or by inuendo is of course the ploy, the gambit and the derech of the slime and the method as to how they operate... and it is totally reprehensible and is in itself an asinine and childish way to debate to boot... nor do you have the guts to challenge my statement of fact and claim of truth with any source material of your own... and so i know now for sure but have been suspicious all along... you are here to debunk by snide remark any and all truth spoken on this sight... your claim to rav kook is either because he too was a fraud and sold out and was a willing tool in the hands of the british scum and jewish agency slime as i have heard claimed but still cannot and have not been able as of yet to coroborate and validify... or you are in and of yourself a member of the slime and just pretend to embrace the tzidkus of your "mentor" whom you just praised and thanked the other day in such a weird seeming way... (at least to me it seemed contrived and a tad bit disingenous and sickening outright)... furthermore... besides defending absolute scum who deserve no mercy... no quarter and no capture... just outright eradication... your true colors and demented loyaty are showing besides the shows...                                                                                                                                                                         ta... nik.
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."

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61   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/no... but now you will...  on: September 28, 2006, 01:09:55 PM 
i will respond to y'all later... but suffice it to say for now...

yes... i believe whoever is in the gov. and part of the slime ruling class... they will never repent... their kids and grandchildren might... but they never will... and as i am a convert late in life (in my 30's) to rav meir i do not rule out the rest of the hamoan am... just those in and out of gov. (but within the elite media, courts and business sectors and some in the idf) and those in and out of the state of israel (i.e. those jews around the world) who are a part of the erev rav unjewish jewish club and fraternity... men and women... they are all spiritually pasul descendants of the slime that moshe rebenu mistakenly erred and took out with him when we all left mitzrayim...

so yes... i hold and firmly believe that they will never do tshuvah (though chamish says rabin was doing so and THAT and nothing else is the real reason why they killed him... and i believe barry and take him at his word here... so every rule has an exception and this is it and there will be no more in the "end of days" scenario which are now fully upon us all)... and i have told you the gra holds in sefer kol hator that these jews will (do now) have a din of amalek and be in league with yishmael and esav to keep the 2 mashichim apart and prevent the geulah shelaymah from occurring... (gog u'maygog)... hence they all deserve to be and will be killed when moshiach arrives and when al pi navi he commands us to wipe amalek off from the face of the earth at last; once and for all... they are and will be a part of that exaction of vengeance and thus they will be removed permenantly from life and not just from their former privileged status and trappings of power... and this is true for the entire upper echelon and elite crust of world leaders and bankers and financiers, armed forces, and industry and media moguls and captains .... they are all pasul for moshiach's world and ergo they are all amalek and will be made to share in and suffer this prophetic fate... a good 10-15% of the planet are these aristocratic, blueblood, nobility class of peoples who rule world wide and this includes jews within and without israel... and they are blocking Hashem from redeeming us all... and therefore they will all have to go... they will all end up dead and once gone the rest of mankind will breathe easy and all willingly do tshuvah and be permitted to live in moshiach's world... but the slime... the scum... the filth must first be strained off from the lip of the "cup" and be properly filtered from the surface of the "kos" and then the "wine" will become drinkable at long last... and the throne and name of G-d will be complete and full forever... but first "they all must go!!!" nik. out...
62   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!(finished)...  on: September 28, 2006, 12:49:18 PM 
my above post is now edited and in its complete version... i had computer trouble yesterday... sorry for the inconvienience... gemar chatimah tova... nik. out...
63   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Sanhedrin's blowing Shofar on Shabat  on: September 28, 2006, 12:25:25 PM 
as far as i understand the halacha and that may not be very far at all... when it says "tokin b'mikdash" and the same for lulav and etrog for that matter (megillah is another matter altogether because then anyone who can see har habayit from surrounding hills can also read)... (come to think of it the mishna in megillah where all of this is brought down allows shofar on shabat in those places as well... but not lulav and etrog... is this correct...? someone...?) anyhow... when it says you can blow in the b"m that is so because the sanhedrin... beit din hagadol sits there in lishchat hagizah and therefore thatwould imply that you may only blow if you have a court of 71... is this so by this court...? if not why are they allowed to blow... leaving off the subject that you need the real smicha to have a sanhedrin and ergo you need eliyahu hanavi who has it to re-institute it... how could just 23 of them blow if that'sall they have...? and even if they are 71 how canthey blow if they werenot all present at the time of the blowing...? or does this not make a difference at all by either of these last two points...? nik. out... 
64   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/no you haven't just wait awhile...  on: September 28, 2006, 03:37:59 AM 
and what pray-tell is "dst"...? look... i know you guys would never vote for peres even if he grew a beard and peyot... but you would all do so if bibi or eitan did... now... the beard and peyot is just allegorical... it stands for anything done by the slime to make them look like they are on our side... or have converted over to it... you all thought olmert had become a hero and a ba'al tshuvah overnight... i was there... i saw... you guys wrote as much here just a few weeks ago... you all voted for sharon and before him bibi... by netanyahu i was also fooled... i admit it... but then i read rav binyamin's piece in his collected writings and he convinced me that this is their ploy each and every time... to send up someone who looks good and sounds great and hurray for our side... etc. and we vote for them and then they do exactly the opposite of everything that they swore to us they would do... so no more... i won't fall for the same trick twice... but you guys are on your fourth or fifth time...

bibi is changed...? ha!!! he wanted to ban feiglin because he has a record for being arrested for protesting oslo!!!! for crying out loud... that's like saying david haivi can't run for knesset because he was guilty of inciting to riot with those blasted tee-shirts... that's like saying rav meir was not fit because he got arrested for trying to save soviet jews... that's like saying david hamelech is unfit to be king because he slew goliot... it's ludicrous... it's outright fraud... pure and simple... it would be utterly laughable if it weren't so wicked and evil... it is their way of denying us rulership... these ploys are designed to keep power out of our hands like they did when they banned rav meir... bibi is an unrepentent slimeball ad hayom hazeh!!! what don't you get here...?

eitan is on record last year of saying that if right-wingers take the law into their own hands against arab dogs who are in the throughs of activities threatening their lives and all the more so if they carry out reprisals for past atrocities or horror of horrors if they pre-empt an attack or "chas v'challilah" they should ever initiate a first strike action... and dare utilize the "bush doctrine" of unilateralism... that they should have the book thrown at them... i read this myself on arutz 7... rav moshe feinstein paskened in 1983 or 4 by those boys of the "jewish underground" that they did nothing wrong and that they should be immediately freed and be given unconditional amnesty because they had a right to take matters into their own hands for their own safety and security and for that of other jews b'aretz because the government was negligent in its responsiblities to protect adequately the lives of its jewish citizens... and this in 1983 or '84!!! kol sh'kain sh'b'kol sh'kains by us in 2006-7!!!! but you'll vote for him despite this statement... you will... mark my words... because of the kippa on his head and because he bled at amona... (i'm convinced it was a set-up to make him look good to us)... and because rav meir's words are now going to be on his lips... watch and see... you'll all vote for him... i know you will...i know you all too, too well...

and that brings me to my final point... yby you said i'm mistaking the medium (the messenger) for the message... that it is more important to get the truth out than to care who seems to be supporting it at the moment... that at least they are saying the right thing now about kahane etc. and so what if they don't mean it completely... or who cares who speaks rav meir's words just as long as they get them out there... but this is just plain wrong... this is flawed reasoning... because...YOU CANNOT ASK OR PERMIT A RASHA TO DO G-D'S HOLY WORK... bilam can't become moshe rebenu... and neither can bibi or eitan become rav meir... it won't work and it won't succeed... in the end... even if they don't mess with us as i say they will... AS I KNOW THEY WILL... THEIR TORAH IS JUST NOT TORAH... their usage of rav meir's teachings are completely disingenuous to say the least...

the din by a sofer who is a rasha... goy or jew... who is kofer b'ikar... (an avowed atheist) who pens an otherwise perfectly kosher sefer torah... the din is we are not allowed to layn from that torah scroll and indeed we must bury it and some hold we should burn it... a real sefer torah!!! nothing is wrong with it...every letter and word are correct and other than his failing to be a maimon (a believer) it is the exact sefer torah scroll letter for letter; word for word that we all have in our shuls and yeshivot... and yet it is asur to utilize or even keep in one's possession!!! same here... so too here... bibi or eitan are pasul to carry the message of rav meir... they are unfit to wave the banner and standard of kach... and they are unqualified to assume the mantle of rav meir... and even if they mouth his words... especially because they don't mean it... or at best they only recognize them as politically correct ideas either as an expedience or as a tool for power... (or even if they really, really have had a change of heart... still this is only so for the moment... who knows when or why they will change their minds yet again even if they can convince us that right now they are being sincere in their hakarah of the rav... who knows what tomorrow may bring with these bastard politicians...?)... but by rav meir as he said in the "yoke of heaven" video... his views are not subject to change because they are not political... they are absolute... they are immutable because they are torah law... Hashem's will... and thus eternal and unbendable to fit the whim of man... and rav meir was honest in his research and had humbled himself to the acceptance of and the service to the word of G-d... bibi and eitan have not and never will... period... indisputable fact... end of discussion... and ergo their use of rav meir's teachings and ideas are suspect at best and dangerously deceptive at worst... nik. out... 
65   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question on HY"D/the answer is pashut...  on: September 28, 2006, 02:54:18 AM 
if the jew killed was killed by another jew because the first jew was being a good jew and keeping torah and mitzvot or even if not but was striving to free eretz yisroel from the iron-grip of the slime... and if either of these reasons are why this other jew killed his fellow jew... than yes... i would say hy"d on the martyred blood of the first jew and yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam v'aed on the second scumbag jew... yes i would and i don't care what anyone else says on the subject...
"libi omer li emet..." "my heart tells me truth..." that this is righteousness and so it is!!! show me where it says we should not seek and exact vengeance from reshayim jews for murdering jews or having them murdered... and show me where as well that it says i should care about the filthy swine of a jew who has just killed a good and decent jew (even if he, the victimized jew, were not dati at all but was killed for standing up for us all and on behalf of our land) tell me where and why i should love this vile bestial, predator jew and pray and work for his repentence...? tell me where!!! ada rabbah the torah says just the opposite in the last perek of sefer bamidbar that when the blood of an innocent jew is spilled anywhere in eretz yisroel no matter if by goy or jew... same din... the land becomes tamae and can only be cleansed and made tahor again by the spilling of the blood of that guilty human being (be he/she jew or gentile)... the one who murdered a jew in cold-blood must die or the land becomes defiled and if this happens often enough (lo alenu) the land can and will spit us out because it cannot stand or tolerate for long the unatoned shedding of dam naki... and even if it was only shed  accidently... the goy must die and the jew must go to one of the aray miklat (cities of refuge) or if he refuses or ever leaves before the kohen gadol dies.. then the goael hadam (avenger of blood) is charged with cleansing his relative's innocently spilled blood and therefore he MUST kill the accidental manslaughterer as well...  nik. out...
66   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Ariel Ziber says it to a tune - the government is in a coma like Sharon..  on: September 28, 2006, 02:32:03 AM 
ah what a song... a song for our age...a song for the ages... a song to revolt with... "tov sh'hakodesh boruch hu/od oseh lanu nissim..." beautiful lyrics... holy shir... rise up am yisroel and through off their ol ~ yoke... kol hakavod lecha ariel... nik. out... 
67   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!  on: September 27, 2006, 01:05:26 PM 
sigh...i still will not go away... i still will not back down... i still will not cease... mock on! and when sadly your new-found mirage disappears i'll still be here warning you when the next one appears ~ when the next ruse they try materializes... you are all misunderstanding who these bastards are and what they are capable of doing... and how low they are prepared to go to destroy the dream of moshiach... nik. dejected... down for the count... but not knocked out... out...
68   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/you see nothing at all...  on: September 27, 2006, 12:02:02 PM 
my rant DOES apply to all of you just like i said... and the proof is in your own take on the matter... by your even saying... "at least he put rav meir's name up in a public manner..." they got you... that's the first step in your succumbing to the same old; same old of the slime... the filth have you in the palm of their hands and they can play with your emotions... twist them in any direction they like... anytime they choose... just by getting your hopes up they win... their posting the words of kahane do nothing for our cause and they were never intended to do so... they were put up there for one reason and for one reason only... they were put up there to give you all false hope that we have finally turned a corner and that we are actually winning now... but it is all just another mirage in the sand... all just wishful thinking yet again... getting you to believe that the slime are really doing tshuvah this time for sure... that they are just now... at long last waking up to see the error of their ways... they want you to feel this way just to keep you from revolution... from an all-out rebellion born of abject desperation... (which IS the true nature of our present matzav... but these moves of manipulation drug you into not feeling the true urgency of our real and actual situation that we are all alone with absolutely no power of our own which means therefore that we cannot stand up to them and prevent them from destroying the jewish state physically and spiritually)... it's all just another big lie but you fell for it yet again... hook, line and sinker... just like they knew you would... and this time they even used the image and life-work of their most bitter enemy that of our one true leader to keep you in line and get you all to fall all over yourselves in glee in a renewed sense of hope only to dash those fresh yearnings and demoralize us all even further later on somewhere down the road a ways when they next get the chance... (oh how they must be enjoying this one though... using rav meir to do this to all of us... they must really be having an orgazm this time around and you all are the one's who they "screwed in the ass" yet again that is giving them this satisfaction and victory over us and their greatest hanah ever)... i hate to be so crass... i never am... but this time damn it... you guys deserve it!!! hey this isn't even my vort...this is r. binyamin's... so why won't you listen...? why won't you heed his dire warning...? why do you all think you know better...? right now the slime are on the ropes and you are letting them up... letting them off the hook easy by showing even the slightest interest in their mentioning rav meir or his words in public... you are all an utter, utter bunch of saps... shana tova... welcome to a brand new year of sticking it to the real jews who just can't seem to get over their fawning (swooning, really) attraction to the power of the scum... as for my "growing up already..." if i've told you once... i've told you all a thousand times... i will never back down and i will not stop my "keeping on" this way no matter what anyone says or thinks of me... until jews wake up and until jews stop dying violent deaths at the hands of our enemies as guided by the unjewish-jewish slime who continue to rule over us by fiat in open rebellion of Hashem... and when this finally happens... don't worry... i WILL then simply fade away into the background and disappear... i promise... nik. out... 
69   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Now I've Seen Everything!/yeah you saw the same thing by sharon...  on: September 27, 2006, 01:35:50 AM 
SETTLE DOWN...don't get too excited he hasn't done tshuvah... again... repeat after me... the right will do whatever it has to to shore up and get the nationalist camp especially the religious segment of it into its corner and once there then proceed to betray it yet again when it finally comes to power... over and over and over again they have employed this same exact ruse... in football that's like calling the same exact play five times in a row... eventually it dawns on you... hey they may run it again better watch out for it... so you utter geniuses... hello? does this thing work...? does anyone have any brains left in their heads out there...? THEN STOP FALLING FOR THEIR CHEAP PARLOR TRICKS AND SILLY LITTLE GAMES ALREADY... DAMN IT!!!! and i thought i was the one living in lala land... sheesh you guys are pathetic... with a capital PA... as in palestinian authority... because that's exactly what you'll get more of not less of if you put that slimebucket rasha bibi back in power thinking he's our savior!!!! you'll end up with the vatican ruling over har habayit and the pa over half of the country... SO WAKE UP ALREADY AND FACE THIS ROT AS A MATURE ADULT AND STOP WAITING FOR EREV RAV SLIME TO MIRACULOUSLY DO TSHUVAH... IT JUST AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN!!!! NO WAY... NO HOW... NAH-UH... LO HAYAH V'LO NIVRAH!!!! you guys infuriate me to no end... aaaghhh!!!! nik. in disgust... out...
70   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Sanhedrin's blowing Shofar on Shabat  on: September 26, 2006, 11:50:45 AM 
oh thank G-d they blew shofar on shabat... my rebbe rav bulman zt"l told us that whenever the first day of rosh hashana fell on shabat and k'lal yisroel didn't do the mitzvah of shofar it was always a siman that we were in for a very difficult if not tragicly harsh year... and that this was known by chazal who were gozer to protect the sanctity of torah, shabat and the jewish people... they knew this yet they decreed this out of their great concern for our kedusha and kavod shamayim... but now with this blowing not just by any shul or group of jews but by the sanhedrin who represent all of k'lal yisroel... and in yerushalayim ir hakodesh where halacha says it can be blown despite the gezarah which applies to the rest of us... and so bs"d we can look forward to a simchadica year... hopefully... although i am still bothered by one thing... that not all 71 were present... do they even exist...? the halacha says they blow in beit din hagadol in yerushalayim... doesn't that mean there can only be a blowing of shofar when the whole beit din is assembled and present... and thus constitute the high court hearing it...? nik. just wondering... out... 
71   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert Secretly Meets With Saudi Leaders  on: September 26, 2006, 01:10:30 AM 
yeah... well i mean to nuke them anyway... i just would like to do to them what they once did to some of us... it's pay back time people... "how sweet it IS!!!" nik.
72   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert Secretly Meets With Saudi Leaders  on: September 25, 2006, 08:26:20 PM 
here's a deal... the saudust royal pains-in-the-ass family take all of our slime off of our hands and we will think about not nuking mecca for awhile... say for the next 10 years... same deal your blasted muhamid gave those jews of ours a little ways back there... wink... nik. 
73   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Shanna Tova from Hasan Nasrrallah and his band  on: September 22, 2006, 05:53:48 PM 
rock on!!! too bad they didn't bomb the studio where they were recording this number... nik. hahahaha!!!! 
74   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D  on: September 22, 2006, 05:52:36 PM 
there has to be footage somewhere... it's to big a story... the bbc should have it for sure... they should have been seething in anger over it... nik. out...
75   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: USA fighting iran (politically) only if pal state/ rav nachman kahane amush.  on: September 22, 2006, 03:20:36 AM 
wow extremely interesting... i met rav nachman once... i went to the old city with the express purpose of speaking to him and i sort of invited myself in for shabat... i of course knew who he was and had studied some of his chiddushim on shas from his sefer may menuchot is it? i forget now... anyway... he challenged me to leave ohr somayach and become a full citizen and go to the army... i didn't want to and anyway as a levi i thought i was patur... and of course i wasn't brave then... not that i am so much more so now... i won't know until and unless i'm tested in war or the equivalent... but legitimately i had been training to be a rebbi and i wanted to teach and i felt that going back to america was important to bring torah to the masses... but "the masses are asses" as rav meir once wrote... or i haven't been a great enough teacher because i sure the hell am not reaching any big numbers of jews... anyway... i asked him if we are all supposed to push the envelope and do the things that we are not so sure we can do... why are you sitting here comfortably in yerushalayim near the kotel instead of being out somewhere in yesha...? i won that point because he conceeded it right away... he looked at his wife when he said he had always wondered that himself... and it was apparent that he would have himself but his wife didn't want to... anyway... my line was... if eretz yisroel is the be all and the end all even over kiruv rechokim... then why didn't moshe rebenu just simply state to k'lal yisroel... "you guys are just too much trouble for me... and you are all a bunch pains in the neck... and i don't give a rip about you guys anymore... in the morning i'm going off to eretz yisroel and whoever is with me is with me and we're going and the rest of you stinkers can can just go suck an egg..." why didn't he say that at some point if eretz yisroel is the highest value...? and so i  concluded i'm going back to try and save american jewry... and of course either i over estimated my abilities to communicate or under-estimated the power of materialism to distract jews from their true selves... myself included along the way from time to time...

i remember rav nachman as a truly decent and compassionate man and jew... and i feel for him and his family to have lost so much preciousness and undergo such heart-rending tragedies... may Hashem bless him with kol tuv... nik.out...
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76   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA  on: September 22, 2006, 12:52:34 AM 
someone told me rav aaron kotler refused to let money for rescue go to save chabad jews... all because of something that happened to his sister...? what's the story...? and is this true...? nik. 
77   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a very special idea to unify the entire country together and against the slime  on: September 21, 2006, 06:42:25 PM 
i'm still finishing although we don't need the campaign i was thinking to launch... just as well... yissachar you can tag this onto the end of the first unfinished as yet post on this story... if you like... otherwise leave it separate i'm always up for that... but now it doesn't matter (thank G-d)... it would still be a good idea come to think of it... to make a pilgrimage with hundreds of jews to their k'vorim on the yortzeit which was march 22, 1945... or... 8 nisan 5705... a huge rally at their kever!!! how about it..?. then another march on har habayit with lambs in tow for korbonot...  "tennis anyone...?"   you guys say you want to broaden the scope from just kahane... well here's how!!! this is a great, great way to show we love all jews and that we are reaching out to them now with the same ahavat yisroel that rav meir had!!! nik. out...
78   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video: Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs Prof. Alan Dershowitz  on: September 21, 2006, 06:35:38 PM 
that would be super!!! thanks guys... i can't wait to hear the first debate tonight sometime... nik. out...
79   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D  on: September 21, 2006, 06:32:01 PM 
i remember in l.a. seeing the bodies being brought off the plane but i had no idea what it was all about... '81 wasn't it...? can we get that news footage put up here...? staff? hey where has he gone anywho...? nik. out...
80   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Beware...  on: September 21, 2006, 06:29:00 PM 
right... well rock on... you guys no better than me what's going down on the ground in israel... i bow to your superior knowledge... nik. out...
81   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA  on: September 21, 2006, 06:20:39 PM 
what you are reporting is truly shocking but we also see this point made from rav meir's essay on the shoah... if you haven't read it yet... please do people... it is a real eye-opener... can we have it posted here...? it's not too long and r. binyamin gave a great shiur on it as commentary and perush... lenny? thanks... nik. out...
82   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: USA fighting iran (politically) only if pal state  on: September 21, 2006, 06:15:40 PM 
right on!!! yby you're on a roll lately!!! 2 thumbs up!!! way up!!! nik. out...
83   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Good ol Effie/same old liars and fakers...  on: September 21, 2006, 05:57:26 PM 
until he actually says kahane tzadak in public... clearly and unequivocally i will never give him the time of day...

and if he makes it into power saying this and then doesn't follow thru... then where are we...? where does that leave us...? we would have swung for the same ol' sucker pitch... yet one mo' tyme!!!! "suckers!!!" we would be called as the left laughs all the way to the bank pulling the puppet strings this time of our first shomer shabat (is he really?) pm... so what good is any of this rot...? to have our hopes raised high again only to see them dashed to pieces as usual after we supposedly WIN!!!

and what does it do for any of us to send the message you claim will be sent when it is apparent to all that it was just another campaign promise-lie like sharon delivered... like bibi pretended to represent... only zevi was different from the secular nationalist right and we all saw what they did to him for even thinking of bringing sharon's gov. down by walking out on him... again r.binyamin said this loud and clear over and over again and this is why the slime had him offed... this is the real reason and the only reason why they killed him... he instructed us: "do not trust the electoral process... we can not change the system any longer from within... it has to be replaced from without... we had a chance until they banned and then murdered my father and even until they banned me... but no more for we all see that they cheat and lie and do not play by the same rules that they make the rest of us comply with... and...


SO HE SAID... "WHAT GOOD IS ANY OF THIS...? AND WHY SHOULD WE FALL FOR IT TIME AFTER TIME..." as far as my position is concerned here... it's what r. binyamin said all the way for me baby... all the way!!!! COUP NOW!!! COUP NOW!!!! VIVA LA REVOLUTION VIVA!!!! nik. out... 
84   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Beware.../double standards to the very end... our end... chas v'shalom...  on: September 21, 2006, 05:36:31 PM 
how immoral is this equation...? they kill our people even women and children in sheer hatred of us and in total cold-blood without warning or legitimate reason and in retalliation we take out their empty brick buildings but with a good solid hour heads-up... a policy which is just rotten to the core!!!! nik. in disgust and fed-up up to here with this utter obscenity... out!!! 
85   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA  on: September 21, 2006, 06:36:07 AM 
wow... way too bad... the pressure from the slime on the rabbis must be intense!!! THEY ALL SEEM TO CRACK UNDER THEIR HAMMERS!!! everyone except rav meir and binyamin... that is... thank G-d we have their stellar examples for all-time to come... they were pillars of fearlessness and towers of strength and shafts of light in our dark, weak and tormented age... thank Hashem for them!!!! nik. out... 
86   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Good ol Effie  on: September 21, 2006, 06:30:48 AM 
maybe... but if he then goes on to sharon us what will that accomplish... that will only mean and demonstrate that the slime are able to corrupt to the darkside even supposedly religious zionists... how would that be a good thing...? nik. out...
87   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Thank you pope... now perish please in flames...  on: September 21, 2006, 06:21:12 AM 
halavai they should go to all out-war with each other and just wipe each other off the face of the earth... halevai!!!! this would be the greatest possible scenario we could ever hope for save for the one where mbd shows up and leads us in war against the both of them to reap our own vengeance from the world for what they have done to our people all throughout history!!! nik. either way is good by me... just as long as it is exacted from them all!!!! i know i for one would dance in the street if the vatican got leveled to the ground by anybody's missle!!!! just as i would if someone took out mecca and those two abominations on har habayit!!!!! nik. out...
88   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D/ oh my!!!!  on: September 21, 2006, 06:01:33 AM 
oh my G-d!!! they WERE kodoshim!!! i was thinking that the other day when i thought that they were still in egypt... that what would it be if they came home intact? and blew everyone away!!! this is a nes akin to that of betar when for fifty years the roman garbage and refuse refused burial to our warriors yet their bodies did not decompose... wow!!! boruch shekavanti!!! i really hadn't heard of their return... this is proof of their righteousness... just like ehud when he assassinated eglon melech moav... he was a terrorist in the eyes of the enemies of k'lal yisroel but a liberator from tyranny in the eyes of israel and more importantly in the eyes of Hashem... and now despite the obstacles and the propaganda machines arrayed against us... we must continue to bring the fight to the slime until they are destroyed and removed from power... by any means necessary... this proves that revolution is not only mutar but holy as well!!!! man!!! and like i wrote on my thread... they weren't even dati... although hakim said viduy bet zouri wouldn't because he was an avowed atheist... but i hold that when he said "thank you rabbi for coming" at the very end with the noose already around his neck... i hold Hashem accepted that as his viduy and identification with his people and nation!!!! tahorim!!! they were tahor!!! and they did a maesa for the ages of k'lal yisroel no different than the chashmanoiim... this is magnificent inspiration going into the yomim naroiim... which this year precedes the most crucial year to come yet in our entire history from what i have learned from mekubalim!!!! nik. reduced to tears and shaking with passion for redemption and vengeance at last... out...   
89   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video: Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs Prof. Alan Dershowitz/where's round #1?  on: September 21, 2006, 05:55:28 AM 
so where is the footage from that first debate... don't tell me no one thought to record it for posterity...? nik. out...
90   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D/whoops!!!  on: September 20, 2006, 08:56:24 PM 
thank G-d... i did not know... excellent!!! there IS some small measure of justice in this world afterall... since i just read this book from the trial i assumed it was never done... where are they buried? when i get to israel i'm going to make a pilgrimage to their kever(s?)... shamir did not forget them... thank G-d... though he abandoned perfidiously pollard... still he was the lechi leader who sent them on that dangerous mission which helped free us from the bloody brits.... so for that bit of news i am grateful... truly i am... my only problem now is why, how and when did shamir get so compromised that he started playing ball with bush sr. and the rest of the nwo scum who are and were the carry-over from british colonial enslavement...? and we will never, ever forget or forgive him for having rav meir banned... he did that in a cynical power grab or to salvage his and likud's power and look where it got him and led all of them... right down the ol' drain... down the tubes... fitting justice if ever i have seen it... he should have joined or let rav meir join him and together rule and do the things that he and likud said they truly stood for... it just shows that all along they were not really on our side though they sounded like it and pretended to be with us... it was the torah taking over that they too despised and feared which made them join forces with the left to stop rav meir... and/or rav meir saw thru their snowjob of everyone else and that is why on the "yoke" video he said we musn't support a secular party even if they say they wish to implement the same ideas and goals which we have... they are not to be believed even if we can prove that this time they are really sincere... since we know it comes out from their political views as a matter of policy which can be altered, changed or compromised at any time or place... while we stand for these things as stemming out from torah law... G-d's commandments and thus they are all immutable with us and we will never sway from these truths... 

one last thing... does anyone know of any site to go to to view the news coverage from the two eliyahu's re-interment and their being brought home...? i'll bet that was very moving... i would love to see it... anyone? i wonder if i vaguely remember hearing about it...? i wouldn't have followed it though because i was unaware then of their story... nik. out...
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91   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA/slicha!!!  on: September 20, 2006, 08:50:44 PM 
wow... and had i known this i could have at least confronted him and ruined his day... i won't be so blind next time... in fact i'm going to carry this creedo with me from here on out... any rabbi or gov. official from israel who speaks in any shul in america has to be of the erev-rav scum and refuse which we are fighting... no one will ever get a pass from me like this again... wherever they speak i will endeavor to be present... and especially in any shul which refused rav meir access... this is war!!!! i will never let another one get away scot-free if i can at all help it... sorry to have let you all down... i should have done my homework so that i could have torn him limb from limb... nik. contrite... out...
92   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Good ol Effie/and here comes eitam on his white horse to the rescue...  on: September 20, 2006, 08:35:34 PM 
next we will see and hear how he plans to run for pm and champion our cause and everyone will come running so that we can all get screwed in the ass yet again like sharon did to us twice in our lifetime... make that three times when he helped botch begin's invasion of leb. to destroy the plo once and for all... and we fell short of the target bec. of sabra and shatilah... which he did on purpose so that the international outrage would halt the progress and success of the war... just like peres pulled off yet again with that "accidental bombing" of which city or town was that? anyway... it doesn't matter... the lessons to be learnt here and internalized are these...

1) "a people who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it..."

2) "the more things change the more they stay the same..."

3) "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duke...
     then guess what? it darn tootin' probably IS a duck!!!"

4) "meet the new boss... same as the old boss..."

and so... while you all kvel and slobber over our "mighty savior" effie... as for me...

5) "i'll get on my knees and pray...  pray like i did yesterday...
     pray that we don't get fooled again... no... no..."

nik. in total disgust... out...
93   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: USA fighting iran (politically) only if pal state/it figures....  on: September 20, 2006, 08:18:54 PM 
this should teach you all that no matter how many jews they kill... no matter how much terrorism and violence they carry out or support... there will never be a call to ditch the oslo/wye suicide-piece process roadmap to hell... there will never be anyone who stands up for us and says enough is enough... go ahead you jews... you've taken enough abuse... you deserve it... you have earned it... so go ahead and take it all for yourselves and do away with all of that rot and filth and scum... (the arabs)... and yet... inspite of the truth of these facts and words... some of you people here and other jews elsewhere fall all over themselves telling us what a great friend we have in the white house (beit lavan)... "never anyone better" i hear over and over again ad nauseum... hello!!! he's esav... he's a goy... he may even be gog... or at least amalek and you all cozy up to him and swoon all over him... there will be a price to pay yidden for all of your fawning idolizing and hero-worship... there will be hell to pay for this as well... and that hell will be measured in jewish blood... (G-d forbid)... and that price to be exacted (chas v'shalom) may very well be the ultimate price of the existence of a jewish state of any size, shape or form... such knavery!!! after everything we've been thru in history... it just boggles the mind... how we can still act and be sooo stupid!!! we are indeed our own worst enemy!!!! nik. out... 
94   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin answers his critics  on: September 20, 2006, 03:13:38 PM 
that's just not true... many youth today in israel and alot of them not dati... especially among the sefardim have heard of him and are influencied via computer and video by his teachings... besides it is the tremendous ahavat yisroel that the man possessed and carried for us which is his greatest living legacy and for this alone i know that he will never be forgotten and his teachings will never die out... but just the opposite... and in fact i believe that they are destined to sweep world jewry... and that eventuality coming to pass and the avent of that day of realization of his vision is closer to reality than any of you may think because it is the light of moshiach... (mby)... and so it will burn forever and can never, ever be extinguished... nik. out...
95   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video: Rabbi Meir Kahane Vs Prof. Alan Dershowitz  on: September 20, 2006, 03:06:58 PM 
yeah but dersh held his own speaking strictly from a debator's perspective... until the very end and then only at that point with what rav meir did with the rambam and the "write that down line" and the line to the guy challenging him from the audience... when the rav said: "i could quote you a rambam that would just devastate you... just devastate you..." those two sequences were amazing... other than that he did not wipe the floor with him as with so many others... did i see right here...? there was a follow-up debate with dersh. sometime afterward or was that 2 debates with prager or someone else...? nik. out... 
96   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Haven't we heard this a million times in history  on: September 20, 2006, 02:47:45 PM 
oh yeah... by the way... note to idf... take a page out of this playbook... follow this example... learn from this event and go for it... coup now!!! coup now!!! nik. out...
97   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D  on: September 20, 2006, 02:46:19 PM 
good point yby... but it is my contention that all of us (like-minded) are the continuation of the kahane-vision and if we would just pull together and pool our resources and kochot we could accomplish great, great things for kiddush Hashem, eretz yisroel and am yisroel... like my idea for a campaign to bring the two eliyahu's home... they were heroes and martyrs and helped start the british disease out the door.... we should do this... bring 'em home!!! nik. out...
98   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA/clarification as to my attending his lecture...  on: September 20, 2006, 02:43:31 PM 
oh i forgot to tell y'all this past shabat aviner came and spoke in town i heard him in his frenchie-english and was totally uninspired and thoroughly unimpressed... what are you all so worried about in regards to this guy...? he seems like such a non-entity...

as to the above i do not know this guy but i take david's suggestions and if he is not a kahanist you can be darn sure i'll give him grief during and after his presentation.... i go out of my way to face down these is. polit. bastards every opportunity i get... nik. out...
99   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: MK Arieh Eldad in LA  on: September 20, 2006, 12:00:25 PM 
thanks david i will try to be there... nik.
100   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Haven't we heard this a million times in history  on: September 20, 2006, 12:32:20 AM 
every last jew there should leave immediately... the golut is disintegrating just like rav meir said it would... this will spread all over the world... nik. out...
101   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Singapore rabbi lauds crackdown on radical Islam  on: September 19, 2006, 07:32:36 PM 
o.k. so...  whoopdie doo... at the end of the day am yisroel is still in golut and 99% of the rest of the muslim world wants to drink our blood and eat our flesh for breakfast, lunch and dinner... obviously the way to control arabs and moslems and islam itself is by sheer rutheless and unrelenting force and by adamantly sticking to your word when you threaten reprisals for actions inimicable to the host country's sovereignty and its populace's security... understood... shkoyach!!!! next issue!!!! nik. out...
102   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the aftermath of the demise of the two eliyahus... from "the deed"...  on: September 19, 2006, 04:27:09 AM 
(pages 292-294): aftermath of the two eliahu's dual martyrdom...

" palestine, in the major cities, the hazit (the underground ffi or lechi  news rag... similar in idea and conception as the darka shel torah parsha sheets and news... nik.)...

these were the words of yisroel sheib (dr. eldad ~ also sambaton) (#3) ~ one of three ffi chiefs (he was the ideologist among the leaders of lechi who together took over "the stern gang" after the murder of avraham stern)... he along with yitzchak shamir (#2)... (chief of operations and the one who gave the orders for the hit on moyne) and natan friedman-yellin (#1) (successor to avraham stern and chief of the the three-man secretariat of the ffi). and so here are dr. eldad's immortal wrods... they read:

"the curtain is not down. the hanging of eliahu hakim and eliahu bet zouri is not the end; it is but one of the pages in our history. the book is open and its pages are written in letters of blood. we do not always see clearly the meaning of the blood that is shed. but these two names will illuminate our lives for there was a meaning to their life and a meaning to their death (and how!!! nik.). they lived and died according to the laws of honor which bind all freedom fighters from one generation to another (from their's all the way back to tenach... to ehud hashofet and forward to the time of the chashmanoiim... and from their own time forward to rav meir and binyamin's era... nik.). they sacrificed themselves in our war for a better furture. they died so that the will to freedom should be rekindled in the heart of the nation. the fire that burned in their souls they sent out to kindle other sleeping hearts, to wake them for the fight for freedom. THIS FIRE WILL NOT BE EXTINGUISHED. (emphasis mine... nik.)

the curtain is not down. at no time and at no place in the world did a tyrant succeed in putting an end to the fight for freedom by executing its fighters. THE MORE HE SEEKS TO SUBDUE US, THE MORE HANGMEN HE EMPLOYS, THE MORE THE NUMBER OF REBELS, THE GREATER THE REBELLION. (exactly the point i made on the thread about dropping the kahane name about r.akiva's and rav meir's legacy of kiddush Hashem... nik.)

the two who died in cairo were not alone. there are many more. we know that every youth in the homeland is like hakim and bet zouri: ready to give their lives. we shall draw fresh strength from their bravery and self-sacrifice. our generation has been educated to suffer and to sacrifice (and so has ours... nik.). in the end we shall stop the occupation of our homeland by strangers (and so shall we from the erev rav unjewish jews which the bastard brits left in their place to be able to continue to rule over us after they departed thru these jewish kapos... nik.).

their names will shine in the darkness.

they believed that the objective for which they gave their young lives will come true (and it has and it will again... nik.). and because they gave their lives for their country, they have the right to say to you, TO ORDER YOU; FIGHT UNTIL VICTORY!!!" (amen selah... nik.)...

"in tel aviv, moshe bet zouri, leaving the post office at the end of the day (where he worked... nik.), bought the latest issue of the evening newspaper. he opened it and on the front page a headline sprang to his eyes:


he went home, tore the lapel of his coat and sat on the floor weeping.

in haifa, simon hakim and his three sons rent their garments and their voices joined those of his wife and daughter in lamentation.

on the outskirts of cairo, in an area time has long since passed by, is the ancient bassian cemetery. here those of the hebrew faith have been buried for centuries. among those said to lie here are mosesmaimonides greatest of the medieval jewish philosophers, who died in 1204, (all true save for the burial part... legend has it the donkey carrying the body wouldn't enter the grounds of this place so they let it wander where it might and it ascended to tevaria where it at last came to rest and they buried the rambam there... thus claims this legend... nik.), and rabbi jacob ibn hayyim, mystic and miracle worker, whose weeping folowers brought him here one thousand years ago (anyone...? who was he and is this true?... nik.). the yellow sand has crept over everything.

here, in a remote corner amid the debris and neglect of ages, one finds a single square stone, taken from the hills of mokattam, the low mountain range near cairo from which the pharohs quarried the stone to build the pyramids (or to make us... as their slaves... do this... nik.). it is not large (their tombstone... nik.) ~ perhaps three feet wide. there is no name on it, but only the words, chiseled in hebrew:


(as if they did anything at all wrong... thank G-d they blew away that accomplice to and full-partner in the murder of the 6mil. nik.)

beneath it, eliahu hakim and eliahu bet zouri sleep together (this was also disgusting not to have deemed them worthy of separate graves... how and where did they correct the matter when they brought them home...? nik.), as they were buried in one coffin, curled up in each other's arms as children. they lie curled together, like sleeping children, under the eternal stone. (yeah they sleep alright... until they awaken and get up in glory by techiat hamatim that is... nik.)

no one guards there grave now. (thank G-d this wasn't the final chapter on them... boruch Hashem... how awesome and wondrous to behold are His deeds... nik.)

the sands of the desert blow. nothing grows there ~ no weeds, no foilage. only the sifting, creeping yellow dust over everything, and in the cloudless sky, a molten sun.

in the ancient earth, in the nameless grave, they lie together, under imperishable stone.

few remember them now." (circa... 1963... nik.) (we just have to make a movie of their story!!! don't you think...?)

"in the ancient earth, in the nameless grave, they lie together, under imperishable stone.

few remember them now." (ah... my dear author... but you are mistaken... you are so wrong!!! for the G-d of all the heavens and the earth... their G-d... the G-d of israel... Hashem remembered them... he was pachad nifchad them as a siman for us that we will be as well remembered and redeemed... and like atzmot yosef and those of the others comprising the whole of the shivtey Kah... the progenitors of the twelve tribes of the am Hashem... they were all remembered and brought home to eretz yisroel... and so were their distant offspring... the two eliahu lions of yehudah... less than 20 years later G-d remembered them and brought them up!!!


and as well... (tehilim:psalms:113... from hallel):

103   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / the final hours of the two eliyahus from "the deed"...  on: September 19, 2006, 02:39:43 AM 
(page 285- 293): (march 22, 1945... 7:00am... cairo, egypt)...

"now a shuffle of footsteps was heard outside. the door opened to show bet zouri and hakim surrounded by towering guards. they were wearing the faded-blue prison attire. the two boys glanced about; when they saw the assembled officials, they knew. (that they were about to die...nik.) they stood side by side, somewhat remote, a slight smile on their lips.

an hour before, police had awakened bet zouri in his cell in the cairo central jail, given breakfast and, telling him he was going to see rabbi ochana, he escorted him to a closed police car. inside he found hakim. it was the first time the two had seen each other since the trial, and they embraced each other.

their car came to a halt before the prison. they were led up the steps and through long corridors until they reached the warden's office, to enter and see the group waiting for them. in the group were several newspapermen. the night before they had been summoned by telephone to the governor's house. there each was presented with a small white envelope. inside was a brief note: the verdict rendered upon the murderers of lord moyne would be carried out at 8:00am the following day. they were invited to be present so that they could report to the people of egypt and the world that justice had been done.

warden chudar pasha rose after a moment, and in a loud voice read the verdict to the two boys. they listened, standing: hakim with his head down, now and then shifting his position; bet zouri, legs spread a little apart, staringat chdar pasha, his face pale, the same two red spots burning his cheeks that showed when he first heard the words in the court: 'the facts in the case have been submitted to the mufti.' (i.e. death for both... nik.)...

now the boys were separated and rabbi ochna was permitted to spend a few minutes with each. first he saw hakim. 'my son,' he said in a trembling voice, 'you have to return your soul to your Creator. in a short time you will see the Master of the world.'

'yes rabbi.'

'it is a decreefrom heaven, my son, and you must accept it with love.'

'i accept it, yes, i accept rabbi.' hakim's voice faltered for a moment. 'but i want to see my parents. i very much want to see my mother and my father ~'

warden chudar pasha, who had entered a moment before, said gently, 'you have already seen your brothers. why add to the grief of your parents?'

hakim then asked if he might write a farewell note to them.

he was brought paper and he wrote with painstaking care, 'my parents, i ask you not to grieve over me. i send my warm regards to all the jewish people of palestine and i ask for the redemption of our people in israel.'

had he any other requests? warden chudar pasha asked.

hakim said, 'i would like to shave my beard. it is very rough. i have not shaved for ten days.'

'there is no time,' said the warden. 'i am sorry.'

then rabbi ochna asked hakim to repeat the confession. hakim rose and repeated it word for word after the rabbi in the little room.

warden chudar pasha stepped forward. he had been waiting respectfully until the two had finished the prayer. 'we must go now.'

'i would like to see my comrade, if i am permitted,' hakim said.

warden pasha made no answer. he signaled, and moalam shoura, the hangman, approached with the traditional execution suit made of red burlap. he took off hakim's slippers, so that he was barefoot, and helped him disrobe and put on the red suit. as he put it on, hakim said, 'this is the finest suit i have ever worn. i wear it with pride.'

the warden signaled again and a guard approached with a pair of manacles.

hakim drew back. 'you do not need these,' he said. 'i promise you i will not resist.' then ~ 'but, after all ~' and with a ghost of a smile he extended his hands and his wrists were manacled.

warden chudar pasha said resignedly, 'it is the law.'

hakim walked with them into the prison yard to a small brick structure in which stood the gallows. it was brilliantly lit. they brought him into the execution chamber, before the waiting witnesses.

he stepped forward and stood upon the trap. moalam shoura prepared to place the black hood over his head. again hakim protested: 'there is no need for it ~'

and again he allowed them to do what they wished.

now the hangman was about to fix the noose about his neck when the hooded figure put his head back and they heard him begin to sing. he was singing hatikvah, the hebrew song of hope, later to be the national anthem of the state of israel. the hangman steeped back a pace, his head bowed, and waited.

the song ended. they heard hakim's muffled voice. 'i am ready now.'

the hamgman steeped forward and placed the noose about his neck. again they heard hakim's voice. 'i ask you to bury me in haifa.'

they were his last words. the trap was sprung. the body fell.

there was a silence. a doctor placed his stehoscope to hakim's chest. then he announced, 'this man is dead.' it had taken four minutes and ten seconds.

the body was left on the rope for a few minutes more, then taken down, wrapped in the ceremonial prayer shawl of the hebrew religion and placed in a waiting coffin.

while the hangman had his way with hakim, rabbi ochana, who could not bring himself to watch the execution, was closeted with bet zouri. the rabbi is almost distraught: bet zouri will not recite the viddui. 'i am sorry, rabbi,' he says, 'but i do not believe.'

rabbi ochana pleads with him. 'i implore you, i pray you make confession.'

bet zouri is firm. 'i cannot. i will not, as i do not believe.'

then chudar pasha speaks to him while moalam shoura helps him into the red hanging suit and removes his slippers.

'have you any requests?'

'no ~ but i would like to write some letters. to my father, to my sisters, to my girl ~'

'i am afraid you do not have any more time ~' the warden says.

eliahu adds suddenly, 'i would like to embrace my father ~'

the warden shakes his head. he remembers that eliahu has no mother.

in the execution room eliahu, too protests. 'why must you chain me?' he too does not want the hood to cover his face. but he allows the hangman to do what he must. standing on the trap, he speaks. 'i thank you rabbi, for coming to me. i thank you warden, for treating me with dignity.'

then he lifts his voice in the hatikvah.

everyone waits, their heads bowed in respect.

the trap is sprung. the body falls heavily.

after three minutes and fifty seconds, elihau bet zouri is pronounced dead.

outside, slowly, at 8 a.m., a black flag is raised to the top of the pole high above the prison. at 8:25 a second flag is raised. the black flags hang there, fluttering slowly in the gentle wind."

(skipping)... (bet zouri's sisters aviva and devorah waiting for the rabbi to come to their hotel room in hopes something can still be done...)

"...not until nine o'clock does rabbi ochana appear. his eyes are red and he is a broken man. the girls look at him numbly.

he sits beside them and holds their hands in his. 'it is all over, my daughters. they are martyrs.'

aviva asks, like an automaton: 'and the funeral?'

the rabbi's voice breaks, 'they are already buried, my daughters.'

aviva again, not knowing her own voice: 'and how did eliahu act? was he strong?'

'they were heroes. they were both heroes, my daughters...'

that afternoon, as it happened, professor harroun hadad, professor of islamic institutions at the university of cairo, made his customary call at the house of mohamad haidar pasha, the director of prisons. twice each week professor hadad tutored haidar pasha's two young nephews in french and english.

when he entered, after the sudanese houseboy had taken his hat, he was greeted by haidar pasha himself. the usually imperturbable egyptian official shook his head with surprising warmth. 'ah, professor haddad,' he said. 'what i have seen this morning ~'

professor haddad, a little alarmed, looked at him questioningly.

clasping his hands together in an astonishing show of emotion, haidar pasha said: 'i saw two young lions die today.'

professor haddad suddenly knew. the government had carried out the executions. he sat down heavily. 'the two from palestine?'

his host nodded, 'yes,' he said. 'this morning. at eight o'clock.'

there was silence for a moment. 'i did not know them, though they were of my faith,' professor haddad said thoughtfully. 'i never set eyes on them. i heard about them, i read about them ~' he looked up quickly at haidar pasha. 'who did not? yet, my heart goes out to them.' he was silent for a moment. 'excellency, how did they die?'

haidar pasha said, 'i have seen nothing like it before. they were very near to G-d all the time. they were in a high world, my professor. they went to their death clean, clean as white candlewax...'

that evening, in another section of cairo, a physician, dr. isaiah selim, was making a call at the home of mohamed shoura, the hangman. mrs. shoura was ill and dr. selim busied himself looking after her needs. as he was about to leave, mohamed shoura met him outside his wife's room and took him aside. under the dark imperial red of his tarboosh, his face was pale. 'my dear doctor, i must speak with you,' he said. 'you know, i carried out a duty this morning.'

dr. selim nodded sadly. he had seen the report in the afternoon newspapers.

moalam shoura paced back and forth ~ a huge man, fingering his black mustachios nervously, trying to find words. 'i must tell someone, someone who will understand,' he began. 'as you are a jew and a doctor, i can speak to you. this is the first execution in twenty years in which i had the impression that i am a criminal for what i do. i was emotional for the first time.'

he stopped. 'do you know, sir, what they said to me? they saw that i trembled. they said, 'do not fear. we know you only do your duty. we will be of every help to you.' '

he resumed his pacing. 'i accompanied them from their cells to the execution room. i helped remove their uniforms of prison and to dress them in the hanging suits. such courage they showed, such bearing. even then, as i attended to them, my hand trembled. i feared i would be unable to carry out my task when the time came, and i am very proud of my skill ~' he paused. 'i heard their singing before i approached their cell. their rabbi was there, seeking to comfort them, and when they comforted him, he, too, wept.'

he paused opposite dr. selim, his black eyes enormous. you are a physician; what i tell you is indelicate, but it must be said. in every hanging, always, in the last moment, the bowels and the bladder open. (from fear... nik.) there is complete loss of control. in ninety-nine percent of the cases. but not these two. i say to you, my doctor, they were smiling and singing at the last moment when i placed the hood over their faces. smiling and singing ~'

he could not restrain himself. he suddenly threw his arms around the man opposite him and kissed him on either cheek. 'i embrace you. this is a kiss for the two boys. for them!' "

"in palestine, in the major cities, the hazit appeared. (the ffi underground paper)... it read: (to be continued)...

104   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a very special idea to unify the entire country together and against the slime  on: September 19, 2006, 02:24:14 AM 
webmaster please leave this up a separate for a couple of days and then you can subsume it under the "the deed" thread if you so desire... thanks... nik.

david... yisroel... lenny...

just like rav meir wrote about zev jabotinsky and binyamin about avraham stern...

how about a campaign to lobby the israeli and egyptian gov. to have the two eliyahus who helped strike the death blow for the beginning of the end to the evil and cruel british rule over us... how about pushing for their remains to be brought back home to the land of their birth for re-interment and a proper funeral... that of patriots and heroes as they so richly deserve...?

this campaign would unify sephardi and ashkenazi... dati and lo dati... haifa/tel aviv with yehudah and shomron... it is the perfect campaign for the times we now live in... (if i dare say so myself)... think about it... we who feel the is. gov. is nothing more than the british gov. was before it... in tenor, methodology and in motivation... we would be rising up in protest all over again for what these two brave lads gave their lives for and we would as well be sending a direct message to the whole house of israel that we should throw off the yoke of the former jewish agency which was complicit with and in collusion with the goyish taskmasters of the world to kill the 6 million and deny israel and the jewish people the jewish state it deserved and yearned for... goals which they still strive for until this very day with their campaign to judenreine all of yesha and deliver yerushalayim and har habayit to the vatican just like the british did by keeping jews out during the shoah and just as the jewish agency did by sinking the altelena which sunk our hopes in '48 of having enough firepower to capture and control yerushalayim... this concept also shows our love for all jews (as long as they are not erev rav slime gov. officials and other such unjewish jewish filth)... as neither of these two were dati and in fact bet zouri was an avowed atheist or agnostic... no matter... they died al kiddush Hashem and all was forgiven them... and just as important... they died for k'lal yisroel and for eretz yisroel and as such we now rise as one nation unbowed and together as one man to honor and cherish their memory and we wish to show them reverence and respect posthumously... knowing full well that they both have been purified of their sins and both know the truth of Hashem's torah by now...

so let's bring 'em both home...

i will finish the other thread tomorrow recaping the event under discussion... but let me here conclude on this thread their final day... nik. out...
105   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a book you should all read... "the deed" by gerold frank...  on: September 18, 2006, 06:43:35 PM 
when it is done and i get it completely up here it will be more than obvious what the point that i am making is and how great the book's true value to ever one of us... just give me a sec. to finish... nik.
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106   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a book you should all read... "the deed" by gerold frank... (incomplete)...  on: September 18, 2006, 05:35:22 PM 
this is the story... excellently written... about the freedom fighters for israel (ffi) (run by yitzchak shamir after avraham stern's death)... they were an underground group split off from the irgun due to disagreements in philosophy and approach to fighting the british betrayal of their league of nations' mandate and the balfour declaration between stern and jabotinsky/raziel and were reconstituted from the stern gang and responsible for "the deed" ~ the courageous and well-deserved assassination of british ambassador to egypt... lord moyne... by whose authority all policies from whitehall... (london's state dept.)... vis a vis palestine and british relations with both jews and arabs were conceived, ordered, directed and carried out... including the white paper blocking all jewish refugees fleeing from nazi europe having access to and finding sanctuary within the land of israel... our biblically ancient and eternal homeland...

in any event i found here-in these few passages and some quotations to be of great import and of amazing note in understanding what is going on at present between the slime gov. of israel and the settlers and the zionistic torah communities... it is absolutely startling the similarity in governing style (method and hashkafa) between the british mandatory government which ruled palestine after ww1 thru may of 1947 and the jewish agency which became the israeli governement from then right on down until this very day...

to see this phenomena... all you have to do is read on and substitute names, dates and facts to current events to see the connection between the two of them and to realize and understand that all along ben gurion, weizmann et al were nothing but british puppets carrying out nwo orders and that the israeli gov. remains so today... and this is why i maintain that the british never left even when their troops were pulled out... and that together with the u.s. they form and command all israeli policies... both foreign and domestic... and have done so since day one... as the old adage goes: "the more things change (in israel and in the world) the more they stay the same..." the point is the slime gov. of israel has always treated its citizens exactly as the bastard, perfidious, british colonial gov. had treated them... exactly the same!!!!

(page 4): (ambassador moyne during his summer of '44 interview with hungarian jew, joel brand who had brought to the british in syria and then under arrest to cairo the deal that adolf eichmann had offered him to negotiate a trade of "blood for goods" with the british to save a million hungarian jews):

" dear fellow, whatever would i do with a million jews?".

(page 14): (immediate reaction to slaying): "in london, parliament met in a cold fury. churchill, whose close friend moyne had been for thirty years did not trust himself to speak at length. (to reveal his true hatred for the jew... as we shall see soon... nik.). it was eden (anthony... true jew-hater) who announced details of the shooting to the house of commons: churchill would deliver moyne's eulogy later (we'll see it too... nik.). king george and queen elizabeth telegraphed condolences to the bereaved family. in commons one member rose to ask if techniques of the spanish inquisition might not be used on the two murderers.

in palestine the jewish community was stunned. people stopped each other on the streets to speak in striken tones. if the egyptians feared reprisals, the jews were even more alarmed. they were haunted by the memory of the riots and pogroms after the shooting of petliura, butcher of the ukraine, by a young jewish watchmaker in 1926, the killing of a nazi diplomat by seventeen-year-old herschel grynspan in 1938, the death at the hands of the czech underground of reinhard heydrich, nazi hangman of moravia in 1942.

the hebrew press could not find words strong enough to denounce the deed. it was an 'abomination."...'since zionism began,' lamented haaretz, the most influential newspaper in the country, 'no more grievous blow has been struck at our cause.' the jewish agency expressed its horror 'at this revolting crime.' in london, dr. chaim weizmann, who two days earlier had a long and friendly conference with churchill, said that his shock had been, 'far more severe and numbing than that of the death of my own son,' raf flight lieutenant michael weizmann, missing in action against the germans. (truly cw was a very sick, self-hating jew... nik.) that the revered world leader of zionism could utter such grief-laden words perhaps more than anything else shocked the jews of palestine into a realization of the enormity of what had been done.

their anger surged (the jewish agency's... nik.). the killers could only have been members of the lunatic stern group. the fight against terrroism (jewish!!!! waged then greater than the one against arab terrorism everhas been... nik.) had been going on for months, almost to the brink of civil-war: now there could be no half measures. terrorism must be stamped out. 'the bullet that struck down lord moyne,' wrote a distinguished zionist leader, 'was aimed not only at him but at our own hearts.'" (truly, truly twisted and demented stuff... nik.)

(page 229): (the author speaking about the day of the assassination moments before the teletype came over the wire on monday november 6th 1944 at his location at the offices of the palestine post): "on this night preceding the american (presidential) elections (between fdr and dewey)... i was to dine with julian meltzer, new york times correspondent in palestine. when i entered he had just completed a dispatch to new york reporting the seizure of forty-six suspected terrorists (jewish) in a raid on petah tikva, a town some forty-five miles away. i glanced through his story. british police, aided by indian troops had surrounded the town before dawn, set up huge wire cages, routed every head of household out of bed, herded them into the cages and for hours searched for arms, ammunition  and illegal literature. possession of any of these could mean long prison sentences, even death by hanging. floors were ripped up, walls smashed through, beds torn apart. women wept and threw themselves at the soldiers on display, raged helplessly. the police were grim. shortly before the, police superintendent j.j. wilkins of jerusalem had been shot to death, constable after constable had been killed, police stations bombed..."

(pages 244-250): (the speech of defendant eliahu bet zouri to the egyptian court trying him and his comrade elihau hakim for the murder of lord moyne): "bet zouri brought forth from his pocket a few sheets of penciled notes. he placed his foot on the chair and began, almost formally: '...i shall now explain to you the reasons that caused me to act as i did.'

the room was very still.

'for this purpose i must go back a few years to a scene i saw when i was a boy in tel aviv. i remember standing on the balcony of my father's apartment and watching many people gather in the street. it was an interesting sight for a boy of twelve or thirteen ~ this large crowd of grownups shouting, carrying flags and so on. grownups standing near me said, "this is a demonstration." as i watched, i saw police, among them british police, come in from the surrounding streets with sticks and stop the demonstration. it was a little strange. i knew that an english policeman is a man coming from england to be a policeman in my country. and when i saw one of the policmen bring his stick down on the head of a demonstrator, i asked myself, why should a man leave his home and family in a far-off country and come three thousand miles to my country to be a policeman? why can this englishamn hit my people and they cannot strike back?'
again there was a rustling as egyptian turned to egyptian with knowing smiles. not only prime minister ahmed maher himself had been involved in the black hand terrorist organization but even some of the members of the court (this one... nik.) had been nationalist terrorists in their student days. hassan djeddaoui. 
107   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D/and rav binyamin too... hy"d...  on: September 18, 2006, 04:59:46 PM 
i also met r.binyamin once in l.a. on the occassion of a yartzheit of his father... he briefly spoke at a shul in no. hollywood... torat Hashem... by rav tzvi block... a close follower and talmid of rav meir... as well as one of my chaverim/mashpiim here in l.a.... i must say i was less than impressed by binyamin's talk... he spoke a broken and heavily accented english and he was less than inspiring that night... i forget the year... anyone know when he came to l.a. for his first and only (i believe) trip out here...? david? lenny didn't you accompany him and we spoke also? if memory serves... i asked you about translating r.meir'swork and you told me that if i already read sefer harayon i got all of that teaching already... do you recall which month and year that was...?

anyway it was not until i began to read his shiurim and collected writings on parsha and other topics... or the pamphlets on his lectures on yom tov and on the shoah that i began to see what a towering torah figure he really was... what i saw was how retiring and unassuming and how humble he was... but he burned with a ruach that was pure heavenly fire... i'm sorry i didn't have a chance to say more than a few words of consolation to him over his father... i think i also encouraged him to run for knesset... anyway... that was it for nik. and r. binyamin hy"d... like i said... another horrendous loss for am yisroel... nik. out...   
108   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Thank you pope...  on: September 18, 2006, 04:16:40 PM 
now that pup has apologized... doesn't that mean he is not infallable anymore...? just asking... wink... nik.
109   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: See New documentary on the Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane and 9-11  on: September 18, 2006, 04:15:03 PM 
thanks bc... nik.
110   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: How I met Rav Kahane HY"D  on: September 18, 2006, 04:12:51 PM 
great story... everyone should post theirs here as well... nik.
111   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin answers his critics  on: September 18, 2006, 04:10:14 PM 
you are pashut wrong... you have no idea how kahane is sweeping israel's consciousness... you have NO idea... zero... ta... nik...
112   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin answers his critics/he hasn't answered this critic...  on: September 17, 2006, 11:35:56 PM 
wrong...yby... time to pick up his fallen mantle and carry it forward and if we fall too than others will come after and continue where we leave off... what you are saying is tantamount to saying rebbi akiva was killed so his way is failed and we should not follow his example nor fight on in his derech... which of course is absolutely ludicrous... because the lesson of r.akiva is to be inspired by his mesirat nefesh and public kiddush Hashem and find a way to follw on in his vision based upon the path that he blazed... so too with rav meir... nothing has been lost, broken or failed... we only will grow stronger with every passing dor until the full redemption is achieved... if the slime kill 100 than 1000 will rise up to carry on the struggle... and if they in turn are slaughtered 10,000 will come at the slime the next time... just like in mitzrayim... paro tried to destroy the jewish people and despite all of his cruel and harsh decrees... Hashem folied his plans and made us increase many-fold over the amount he was able to eradicate... nik. out... 
113   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Feiglin answers his critics  on: September 17, 2006, 04:51:47 AM 
all well and good moshe... but rav meir destroys and dismantles what you are trying to do... just watch the "yoke of heaven" video... early on he states how foolhardy it is for a frum jew to vote for a non-torah party let alone work for one or run in one... sorry... but my vote goes to and with rav meir... you are making a huge mistake and error... nik. out...
114   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi Ginsburg Detained by Police  on: September 17, 2006, 04:48:46 AM 
rectifying the state of israel...
115   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: See New documentary on the Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane and 9-11  on: September 17, 2006, 12:05:26 AM 
thanks... n.
116   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi Ginsburg Detained by Police  on: September 17, 2006, 12:04:49 AM 
what article where...? and what did he say...? nik.
117   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Thank you pope.../nazi-hypocrit bastard!!!!  on: September 17, 2006, 12:03:35 AM 
and the church doesn't have a long history of violence...? nik.
118   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: See New documentary on the Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane and 9-11  on: September 15, 2006, 07:26:45 PM 
leib not finished when you read it... see it again after shabat... good shabat... nik.
119   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / nik. meets rav meir... (4 times)...  on: September 15, 2006, 05:55:02 PM 
i met rav meir 4 times face to face...

the first time was at the shabat table of a friend of mine in '87... rabbi kenny cohen (the founding rabbi of young israel of century city)... i davened with kenny and came home for lunch with him... only to be greeted by rav meir... who said he wasn't feeling well that day so he hadn't gone to shul... at the table we discussed my studies of rav hirsch which was then my pet project... he told me that rav hirsch was as anti-zionistic as they came... and proceeded to tear apart my defense of him and told me that i was just afraid of the goyim... and that was why i followed rav hirsch's universalist torah philosophy and approach... which he said even rav hirsch himself would have abandoned if he had lived thru the holocaust... but i wasn't convinced... i wasn't yet ready to hear his musar...

believe it or not... i was still a big lib back then all the way up to that nov. of '90... (in fact i had grown up a "poster-child" for all things left even after becoming a b.t.)... i was then working on an election campaign for an enviromental initiative... "big green"... proposition 128 or something like that... the election was the next day... tuesday november 6th... the night before was when i heard the awful news... i turned on the tv saw him laid out unconscious on a stretcher and went home... i barely did anything at all for the campaign on the following day... my life is sometimes so strange as i recalled then that the previous shabat someone had said to me at kiddush in shul what a great loss it would be for all of us if something ever happened to rav meir... that then people would see what he really meant to us and regret how they had treated him... (indeed he was due to be with us and speak to us again exactly a week and a day from his slaying)... but i remembered that man's comments in a reaction of stunned silence and my immediate feelings upon learning of this earth-shattering news were that regardless of whether i had agreed with him or not he had been an immense source of strength, vision and courage to us all and that this was just a terrible blow for us... and that now that he was gone and not going to be around any longer there was now a huge gaping vacuum and giant void of jewish leadership torn assunder and opened up wide in the wake of his too soon demise... one which no one was ever going to be able to fill until moshiach ben david arrived... and that therefore we were all going to be so very much the worse off for it... and from that day something began to stir inside of me and i knew my life had been altered forever... from that day forward i began to find out and thus appreciate rav meir and i discovered much to my sorrow and eternal chagrin to just what magnitude his loss really was for the whole house of israel... and i told myself from that day on... i will have to try and find a way to fill it at least a little bit... i can't explain it but i really sensed that it was up to me and everyone of us to make up for what we had just lost... and that this effort was especially required from those of us who had not fully appreciated him and his life's work while he was still with us...

i have since felt the same over the tragic loss of r.binyamin... and i know his is also an inestimable and irreparable wound to k'lal yisroel as well... one we all have to strive to mend... (thank G-d my reaction was a far-cry from that traitorous bastard lawyer who used to be a follower of rav meir... thank G-d)...

but back to my story here... i had already begun to turn toward rav meir after the egged bus incident of '88 when that arab-dog had rolled it off a cliff... one of my "good arab buddies" on campus with whom i had been attempting to "dialogue" with (what an utter waste of time and energy that turned out to be)... he tried to tell me to settle down... that it had just been one lone, crazed arab nut who had done this... and i said... "yeah... one this time... two the next... it's all of you!!!" i screamed at him... he also tried to get me to stand in protest outside with them the day rav meir came to campus... i refused.... telling him that i was going to do my protesting from the inside and as things turned out that was to be our final conversation... (even then as far left as i was i knew it was wrong for a jew to march with arabs... even when they might be right as i then maintained)... they later (the four of them) staged a walk-out in the middle of rav meir's speech and tried to get all the jews to follow their lead... no one budged... rav meir calmly called out after them as they departed from the auditorium... "and the next time you start up with us we're going to get back even more of eretz yisroel..." and then he said to all of us... "aah how great it feels at last to be a winner!!!" and that was it for me... within a few months time i was on my way to being transformed... all the way over to the otherside... to where i am at present... as my brother tells people... "here meet my brother... he's just slightly to the right of attila the hun..."

but i wasn't quite through yet for a couple more years as said leftie in all areas... and i was to continue to confront rav meir whenever he returned to l.a. and as i said during my outreach days on the campus of cal  st. northridge rav meir came calling in may of '88... i even got a loud ovation from the 400+ crowd on hand when i challenged him waving pages of a letter i had written to the school paper attempting to blunt his effect on jews... they had published it that morning along with an article in which they quoted me as saying in reference to rav meir's shita of compensatory exiling of all the arabs... i had quipped... "he says he wants to avoid violence but he has to know that it must come to that because a million or so arabs aren't just simply going to take his check and walk out of israel without a fight..." (i saw him reading my letter and that article before his lecture began... and when it did and i got finished standing up to him b'rabim... he then proceeded to just destroy me... tearing me apart limb from limb... once my little ovation died down... i was through as he totally decimated my entire argument which had been... how could he mis-represent torah-true judaism in such a twisted and racist fashion when avraham avinu was the one who had originally brought and taught the concept of brotherhood to mankind...? (my applause line)... and then all he had to say to rain on my little parade was... "avraham avinu...? what happened when they kidnapped his nephew lot...? HE WENT TO WAR!!!" rav meir thundered down at me... and when i tried feebly to reply... he ordered me to sit down... and i knew i was done... you could put a fork in me... by the time he finished responding to my challenge it was clear i didn't have a leg to stand on... (and as it turned out... he was so right... and i was so wrong...) i was embarrassed badly... i realized that i might be wrong... (if anything i have always been intellectually-honest with myself)... and so afterward i went over to him by the exit and asked him who his posek or gadol was (he indeed said it was sephardic chief rabbi mordechai eliyahu)... and then i asked him why the other gedolim didn't hold of him... he just said because they are all anti-zionist and he was a zionist... and it all rang true to me from my yeshivah days in israel...

but still not yet 100% of the way won-over especially because he had yelled at me and had made me look bad... (yes... nik. had an ego at one time)... so i continued to throw down the gauntlet at him... and i wrote him a long, long letter (20 pages or more) asking him all sorts of kashas on his books which i had then begun to read... when i again met him at his kach banquet in l.a. later that same year... when they saw me... people there were telling each other about how rav meir had converted me from a paper-waving left-wing detractor over to his side... i wasn't as yet totally there... just on the way... he told me that he had read my letter and that it was sitting on his desk in his office in the knesset and that he was going to make a tape recorded reply and send it to me... (alas i guess he never got around to it)... i told him that i was thoroughly convinced about his trashing of reform and conservative judaism... and that his tenor and choice of words that he used with great sarcasm and ironic humor to utterly decimate them were exquisite and that i had enjoyed them thoroughly and agreed with him completely... but that i just wasn't on board fully yet with his arab position... (i was back then as i still remain to this day a very stubborn guy)... he looked at me a little bewildered as if to say "how can you see the point on one matter but not on the other...?" but he didn't respond and just let it rest at that... 

the next year ('89)... his last trip to l.a. he spoke at b'nai david/judea in the pico/robertson neighborhood... he had been banned the previous fall i believe... and he let loose for two hours... it was a masterful drasha... he remembered me and called on me to ask my question which this time was... to the point that he should forget about politics... why was he involved in it at all...? that he had such a great koach to champion torah-true why didn't he go around the world mikareving jews to torah with his gift...? besides i insisted... if Hashem wants to punish us for lack of torah observance (which is why the arabs are permitted by Him to torture us so)... and that even if he could eradicate the arab problem and menace by the very next day... if Hashem was still angry at us... he could bring the chinese or anyone else to give us grief until we do tshuvah... and i finished by offering this summation of sefer shoftim in tenach which demonstrates over and over that whenever k'lal yisroel sinned another goy dominated us until we repented... and each shofet in turn who arose in succession to free us from our suffering and the bitter yoke of subservience we were reduced to at the hands of our many enemies all around us... i told him they didn't just bring a sword with them to do so... they brought a torah message of musar until we repented and then he led us out to vanquish our enemies and throw off their rule from over us... (i really felt this was an awesome challenge to his position and shitot and that i had bested him... boy was i in for a surprise)... he spent some 20 minutes answering my query... it's all on tape... hopefully i'll ask a friend of mine to upload it here... suffice it to say... he said my first mistake was to think that what he was doing was just politics and not torah... something i only really fully understood when i later read sefer harayon... but the rest of his response to me was gangbusters... and i understood he was just that a navi and shofet trying to save us all from both our sins AND our enemies... he explained that only with the surcease from the agony of the arab atrocities would come the peace of mind for sephardic jews in particular who never were and still are not (he insisted) so very far from torah like their ashkenazi counterparts in and out of the land of israel... i still went up to him afterward and begged him to tour america for american jewry to have a chance to be won back to judaism...

i'll never forget the look on his face as he heard me say that... after all he had tried to convey to me over our 4 meetings... he really, really looked hurt when i said that to him... the last words i said to him... and until this very day i feel that i let him down and was one of the many jews the world over who were just not zoche to get him and get his message while he was yet among us... and for this... i feel responsible... that it is due to me among the many others that we lost him... that Hashem found us unworthy of having this fearless giant in our midst guiding us... and so He took him away from us for our deep sin of kafuey tov (ingratitude)... and that is the way i feel to this very day... and that is why i'm fighting so hard for you not to turn away from quoting him... and if i ever make it home to eretz hakodesh... after the kotel and har habayit... i am going bli neder straight to his kever to beg mechilah... rav meir i love you and miss you and i am so agonizingly sorry for letting you down... please forgive me... nik. out...   
120   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: See New documentary on the Murder of Rabbi Meir Kahane and 9-11  on: September 15, 2006, 01:56:25 AM 
truly sad and depressing... but truly amazing footage... thanks david... hy"d... nik. out...
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121   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Techiat HaMeitim for German Jewry, R"L!/can holocaust#2 be far behind...?  on: September 15, 2006, 01:23:15 AM 
you guys have no idea how really sickening this news is... if you get the book "to eliminate the opiate" by rabbi marvin antleman (in 2 volumes) you will see how disgusting this is... the rabbi traces the reform (and the american version ~ the conservative) movement back to shabtai tzvi and jacob frank and their satanic heresies... abraham geiger is another story... what a true rasha he was... rav hirsch took him on polemically all the time... geiger is famous for his statement deriding orthodox jews (and he is responsible in the first place for labeling true authentic judaism as orthodox as if it were just one version of many... all legitimate)... he said we respond to doing mitzvot like pavlov's dog... Hashem rings His bell and we jump up and supinely perform our instinctual rites... the lowest area in gehenom is where this efer is roasting for eternity and now he has produced aneklach or nechdim in the very country of the tzora which as rav yaakov emden said... "it is because you have made berlin into your jerusalem and have forgotten the torah and the land... therefore it will be out from berlin whence will emenate the magefah to punish jewry..." and he said this way back in the mid-1700's!!! it is bad enough that these german jews tried to "reform" judaism... but it is far worse still because all along unbeknownst to most of you their true goal has not been simply to modernize it but to seek its total eradication and with it the destruction of authentic torah life and its people... they are the true erev rav jews and they are like their famous fellow german-jews the rothchilds, warburgs, schiffs, etc. all working alongside the vatican and the illuminati-jesuit new world order types to do just this... their "finest hour" was the holocaust and they hope to be able to repeat it someday soon... this is what they are working for... that is why they refuse to take down and remove the camps... and as further proof of this... these filthy jewish-pigs and slime took to burning the foreskins from their sons' britim instead of burying them as the halacha states... their wish in doing this is to one day see all of torah and torah jewry consigned to another holocaustal conflagaration... another kivshan haaish... this is their dearest and most treasured and precious dream, desire and yearning... thus rabbi antelman... get the books...  nik. out...
122   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / taskmasters are not overlords or masters.. they too are just serfs or grunts...  on: September 14, 2006, 10:00:16 PM 
their armies are not the overlords... they are just the serfs as well... the masters are the elite... gov., banking, corporate magnates, generals, media moguls and bluebloods... they are doing in iraq just what they want to weaken both of their armies for the nwo nato/un army and gov. to take over soon... at least that is their intention and their gameplan... nik. out...
123   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video - Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Yoke of Heaven  on: September 14, 2006, 09:56:37 PM 
no... it just came to me... nik.
124   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video - Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Yoke of Heaven  on: September 14, 2006, 05:50:12 PM 
i wish to correct the record of my last statement... if rav meir were here... i would be wherever he was... working for him... but if for some reason this was not possible... when i informed him of my plans he would understand why i have to still be here to do this... none of the other reasons i gave are what i meant as the true reason why i am not there... they were side discussions of the other worries and concerns i have had over the years before i hit on this idea... furthermore this idea was not arrived at to lengthen my stay here... it is a chance to explode the golut spiritually (not with actual bombs)... and a chance to save many jews who then could be rescued if i am successful... if not i am going to move to israel no later than 2 years from now... either my idea will work by then or it won't and then i will know what Hashem wants me to do... again these are not delaying tactics... i believe i have a real mission here to perform... from Hashem... nik. out...
125   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Interesting. Bombing a cemetary?/what is holding us back...?  on: September 14, 2006, 05:37:42 PM 
furthermore... the only reason we do not do these kinds of things... like bomb the hell out of that plaza while those wild animals were lynching those two poor jews hy"d... remember? why didn't we just send in the choppers and kill the lot of them on the spot? the answer always given are the same 2 tired and worn-out phrases given of old over and over again ad nauseum ever since ben gurion yemach shemo v'zichro... 1) "havlaga"... "we are better than them and we will not descend to their level..." and of course my favorite... "what will the world say...?" ("we are bound by the constraints of our committment and responsibilty to the international community")... but these excuses are utter lies though... the real reason the slime then the same as now do not take revenge or really go all-out to eradicate the terrorist menace once and for all is because they know these groups are their assets in the war on torah and G-d... they are the tools by which the slime and their american and british overlords rule the land and rule the earth... this is the only reason... nik. out... 
126   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Interesting. Bombing a cemetary?/sechel trumps mekorot...  on: September 14, 2006, 12:02:55 PM 
where would you look... in hilchot milchama...? you know... there is a famous saying of the talmud... "sachel hu... or... sevora hu... lama li kra?" "it is common sense or logical to do such and such (whatever point is bering made) so why do we require a pasuk in the torah for proof or permission..." nik. out...
127   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video - Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Yoke of Heaven  on: September 14, 2006, 11:57:24 AM 
cold matter... there were two non-violent revolutions that worked...

ghandi's in india and mlk's in the u.s. black civil-rights movement... those are the only 2 that i know about... but neither strategy (and the above were slightly different from each other)... neither of them would work long-term as moshe feiglin's attempts with zu artzenu proved... oslo went on unimpeded by his demos and he abandoned them for the likud...

leib... rav meir would understand what i am doing here still... (me as an individual jew and servant of G-d)... he would also realize how israel has gone to hell-in-a-handbasket since his demise and how much worse things have become from his day and therefore he would realize that legitimately jews need to stay in the golut until some changes are made b'aretz which would inhance their safety, protection and security... he also has said that barring an upheaval he knows there will never be a massive western aliyah until moshiach comes... though he would know as i do... that sans moshiach or coup d'etat... the only hope for israel right now is massive aliyah to vote the slime out of power... but again he knew this will never happen because of our comfort, wealth and fear of the arab terror... and nothing has changed until this very day... but all of the above... at least for me is not exactly why i stay... i am not comfortable here economically or culturally and i certainly am not wealthy... so their is only the fear and trepedation-factor to deal with... which i have largely put to rest for myself... however it is what i am trying to do here which i am not at liberty to devulge right now which keeps me here... and even this may not be an impeidment soon and i will move to israel... proper gov. or not... nik. out... 
128   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Interesting. Bombing a cemetary?/absolutely!!!  on: September 14, 2006, 02:48:24 AM 
what a ludicrous question... of course you can bomb your enemies during one of their funerals... without hesitiation... are these solemn occassions of dignified people mourning their dead or are they rather golden opportunities for our haters and murderers to be indoctrinated into further hatred and enmity against us... where their slime-clergy whip them all up into a frenzy to go out and slaughter us all... with the cries of "ichbad al yahud!!" (lo alenu... v'chas v'shalom) on their lips...? what kind of a question is this...? what? we should let them all live to continue to kill more and more jews...? of course we should bomb them every chance they give us... we should take advantage of anytime all the bastards are rounded up and gathered into one place to do away with them all once and for all and dispatch them all to the allah and the muhamid they all so wish to go to... then they can have one big funeral... and shoen ganuk with all of them forever!!! halevai we had the courage and the guts to do such a thing and stand up to the world and tell them all when they vilify and condemn us for this to just ef off and go to efing hell... and i have news for you... it would be a mitzvah not an averah... "when someone comes to or gets ready to slay you... rise up ahead of him and slay him first..." the ultimate in not only logical and normal self-defense but in line with the supposed "bush doctrine" of pre-emptive justice... and furthermore... clearly a fulfillment of torah justice... that of collective accountability... if you ask me... refraining from the opportunity is an obscene act of cruelty and a callous disregard for the safety and welfare of one's own people... and if you ask me... america is insane and has a death-wish... so let 'em perish if they want to... who gives a damn about america? especially because as i have discovered they are trying to destroy us (i know you all do not believe me... but also who cares...? i'm going to say it anyhow)... we jews have a mitzvah... a commandment from G-d to do whatever it takes to survive... especially so because we have no true allies that we can absolutely depend upon to come to our rescue... as the monumental lesson of the shoah should have taught us all by now... nik. out...
129   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Video - Rabbi Meir Kahane - The Yoke of Heaven  on: September 14, 2006, 12:37:30 AM 
« Reply #25 on: Today at 12:06:57 AM »     

ah... pure torah... pure emet... l'amita... and this is who and what you guys wish to stop quoting by name...? how can you be so heartless and so senseless...? rav meir and his torah are the way to the geulah shelaymah... period... if rav meir wasn't moshiach ben yosef i have no idea why anyone else is even necessary... (except of course for moshiach ben david)... for rav meir came and taught us the correct path... taught us all the torah we need to follow to be redeemed... to earn our redemption thru mesirat nefesh and thru our knowing how to be mikadesh shem shamayim b'rabim... and to think you guys would even attempt to forget about him even in order to better mikarev others... but you will fail and fail miserably by this approach because it smacks of kafuy tov (ingratitude)... but i believe the real reason is not this as stated by some of you... but merely to protect yourselves from oppression... "but you cannot have your cake and eat it too..." you cannot save yourselves or k'lal yisroel by denying the teachers of torah who bring us to geulah... just as you cannot teach a mitzvah by doing it wrongly... you cannot teach torah without following the principles of its transmission... one of these being "b'shem omro"... you simply cannot... but we've already been all through these inyanim and this nekudah here at length... od kahane chaii... nik. out...
« Last Edit: Today at 12:20:54 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
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     Re: Videos of HaRav Meir Kahane ZT"L HY"D/quashes feiglin's efforts in likud...
« Reply #26 on: Today at 12:27:47 AM »     

in the speech at yu... he decimates what moshe feiglin is trying to do... rav meir said you cannot support or vote for a party who does not follow halacha even if they are essentially saying exactly what you know to be right according to the torah... you cannot trust them and you cannot follow them because they deny torah min hashamayim... it is not the same for rav meir to say throw the arabs out or if anyone else even a feiglin (who is a yore shemayim) but would still be speaking out from a G-dless likud platform party agenda... it is asur he says quite emphatically in this speech because rav meir is following halacha...  torah law... while the rest are doing even the same exact things from a standpoint of politics... out from the reasoning and the logic of man and not from the concept of mitzvah... from the perspective of avodat Hashem... our obeying the commandment of Hashem... out from our duty to adhere to the gezarat Hamelech... solely and exclusively by virtue of our acceptance of the ol malchut shemayim (the yoke of heaven)... nik out...
« Last Edit: Today at 12:33:42 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

"i am nikmatdam and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance..."
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i meant to post these two comments on this thread not on the other one... sorry... nik.
130   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki" turned to be half-Jewish  on: September 13, 2006, 08:44:48 PM 
the caption on that last one should read... "hey man... pass the nargilah..." nik. out...
131   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Rebbe and The Rav  on: September 13, 2006, 08:39:51 PM 
it's brought down by rashi that bilam was given his level of prophecy on a par with moshe (only the 4 times recorded in chumash)... all done so that the goyim would have no tainot on Hashem as i said... check out rashi there... nik. out...
132   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bk in search of bilam... or "why does everything have to be so complicated..."  on: September 13, 2006, 07:35:50 PM 
you are correct of course but bk seems to think that you can't just say this no matter what the torah says or the derech Hashem... because he keeps insisting the issue is more "complicated" than this... he says bilam was higher than moshe... when his powers were only equal though his medraga was lower and his ultimate power of seeing never reached moshe's level because of his arrogance and evil... though he was granted those few prophecies recorded on moshe's level in order to head-off the complaint of the goyim as rashi brings down... who feel cheated that had they a moshe rebenu they too would have accepted and kept the torah... which of course is worse than bogus... it is outright b.s. nik. out...
133   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / complicated shmomkilated... don't mess with the ramchal...  on: September 13, 2006, 06:57:52 PM 
the ramchal answers that question as well... moshe is the only prophet who could have his prophecy on the level of "face to face" without any separation... as one person speaking to another... or with only one sheet of "clear glass"... the thinist sheet of glass possible called... "aspaklaria"... and this is true because he had attained the highest possible human level of purity... the 49th gate... and was called an ish elokim... "a G-dly man"... the only one in history... also his was highest as i said before because he had to reach up the highest and pull the entire torah down to earth... no one has had to do that since... nor will anyone ever again need to do so so that level attained will never again be reached...

secondly or thirdly... no other navi could have his nevuah while wide awake in command of his full faculties... if in a vision by day he would fall down in a trance and even at night in a dream he couldn't achieve it without any of these physical side-effects like of losing consciousness or loss of body control (spasmatic or ortherwise)...

and lastly only moshe could say... "wait here and i'll see what Hashem will answer you..." in other words he could request nevuah at will... only shmuel hanavi reached this level once... when he asked for a sign of a freak summer storm to prove that Hashem was angry with k'lal yisroel for requesting a king... but moshe had this power of prophecy his entire career...

all other prophets had to await Hashem's coming to them... prepare themselves spiritually... "get up for it" while moshe was always on that high of a plateau and never had to either purify himself or get in the proper frame of mood for it (be b'simcha, etc.)... elisha for example had to have someone play music in front of him to remove his depression... while yitzchak had to have a sumtious meat meal served to him like jews later had in jerusalem by eating korban shlamim in order to rise to the level of nevuah during oleh regel times...

and of course most other naviim had their visions while aslepp and in riddles... or dreams... plus some would not even merit having Hashem directly speak to them even thru thicker veiled partitions... more opaque and less translucent... each lefi their medrega... and some would only merit to have melachim deliver to them their visions and instruct them in their shlichut for Hashem to k'lal yisroel... and all of them would lose body control to receive the Divine...

so is all of this complicated enough for you... or do you require further proof that the ramchal knows what the hell he is talking about...? nik. out...   
134   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bk back in the saddle again... ride 'em cowboy... yeeehaaa!!!  on: September 13, 2006, 04:33:35 PM 
go look it up yourself genius... it's translated into english for you... all you have to do is open it up and find the right page... i think you can handle that... but i might be wrong... ta... nik.
135   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Abu Suhayb Al-Amriki" turned to be half-Jewish  on: September 13, 2006, 04:29:14 PM 
how nice... another ba'al tshuvah... nik.
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136   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it...  on: September 13, 2006, 01:18:40 AM 
got it... n.
137   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: the rankings of prophets...  on: September 12, 2006, 09:16:58 PM 
man... do you guys ever learn any torah? the ramchal states quoting chazal very clearly that moshe is the top navi of all-time because only he brought us down the torah from shamayim... only one such navi was and is ever required for this... so he is it and he is #1... next are the avot in a tie... until moshiach arrives (ben david only i believe)... and then he will be #2 all-time and the avot will drop to third place for the rest of history... thus from the sefer derech Hashem... nik. out...
138   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it...  on: September 12, 2006, 09:10:50 PM 
now that's not fair... i asked truth and not you... nik.
139   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it...  on: September 12, 2006, 06:56:31 PM 
truth... does this mean you hold aviner to be a tzadik...? if so why...? nik. out...
140   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it.../and we should flatly forget that he said it...  on: September 11, 2006, 08:19:46 PM 
Quote from: Leib770 on September 11, 2006, 06:32:19 PM
I'd be more impressed if I hadn't seen Eitam the Kapo in Neve Dekalim. He was 2nd fiddle to Aviner.

and there you go... what more need be said...? nik. out...
141   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: He finally said it.../ so the hell what!!!!  on: September 11, 2006, 03:42:26 PM 
i don't believe one word he says... 'cause he said a year or so ago that any "right-wing" jew who takes the law into his own hands and does what the idf and the gov. refuse to do to protect jewish lives... he said they should receive the maximum sentence possible and basically throw the key away on them... i will never support this opportunist... and neither should you... can't you see he is positioning himself to run for pm and win the settler vote just like bibi and sharon both did before him...? and just as i warned over a year ago... are you all blind...? or has altzheimers set-in by you guys already...? nik. out...
142   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / arabs and muslims for peace... (this is not what you might think it is)...  on: September 10, 2006, 11:07:57 PM 
i have a great idea to help re-start or jump-start the oslo/wye/road-map-to-hell suicide ~"peace" (piece) process... (man... that was a mouthful)... we offer muslims (mostly arabs of course) in our midst for peace... all takers get oodles and oodles of these gevaltic creatures to come and live with them in their countries and we in return get all of our fellow jews out of there and brought back home to live with us... (yes... us... because as soon as this proposition is even floated in the public arena... i will be on the next plane out of l.a. for eretz hakodesh)... and then... voila! thus we... jews... finally get the peace and quiet we desreve and yearn for... and the rest of the planet gets one hell of a humongous migraine for christmas or for ramadan... just one caveat though to this cheery idea... this is a one-time... one-shot deal and opportunity for the world...  because after this fair and compassionate offer expires so do all of our very charming and lovely arab-swine neighbors... and guess what...? oh alright i'll tell you... simmer down... for you see... even if we have to go to plan-b for israel and the jews... in the end... we still get peace... peace at last... i know... i know after the invasion by gog angry at us for killing all of his terrorist thugs and hired-help... well... that's just the way it's going to have to be... so let's get on with it already... Hashem saves when we show courage... nik. out of his everloving mind... i know... but mine is the only sane approach... especially when we show... at long last that we really, really, really do mean business this time... and... AND... that our resolve is forged in granite... like it actually was once...when we nuke mecca as well at the same time and drag those two monstrocities down off of our har habayit... ah... what a beautiful scene, scenario and world that would be... ta... nik.   
143   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Memorial for Rabbi Kahane zt'l  on: September 10, 2006, 10:53:33 PM 
bli neder i will try and be there... thanks... nik.
144   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Gog/Magog Invasion Force/ada rabbah... let'em come...  on: September 04, 2006, 05:11:11 PM 
we as jews need to stand aside and not get in the way... we have to let our Great G-d... the one and only G-d... do His work with His creation... He at the stage we are arrived at presently in the history of this world has decided... He has determined... apparently... to my mind's take of events... that we will see them come and die...  and perish horribly just like we all witnessed already once in our arduous journey thru history... and so just like we were all by yam suf... maesa avot siman l'banim..." so too we shall stand and be silent... and Hashem Yitborach will fight for us..." and afterward... "we will never see our enemies forces arrayed against us ever again..." know this jews... we are being redemmed... we are in the process... we are just moments away now... For Hashem is livid at His world... He is angry with mankind... all of them... and still a little bit with us too... there is room for tshuvah in this upheaval for each of us as well... for what they (and we on our one and only degree and scale of balance vis a vis our expected torah observance... how great it is or how insignificant it is to the whole equation)... have done and have even just done to try and finish off k'lal yisroel... the last war was a ruse under guise of an actual melchemet mitzvah to sucker us into a no-win war where attrition of all kinds of our forces would have been great and costly... and so now His anger grows and He has determined perhaps for absolute certain that He will take us derech yam suf to our geulah again... mida k'neged mida... so let 'em come... if they dare to come... let 'em already... Hashem wants at them... Hashem will take them all matter what else does or does not happen to us... know for sure... this time it will be for keeps and Hashem will finish them off for good this time... this time for good... and forever.... after this round... Hashem agrees... "NEVER AGAIN..." this IS milchemet gog u'maygog... without a doubt... bli shum safek...nik. out...
145   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question l'kulam... derech eretz kadmah l'geulah...  on: September 01, 2006, 10:56:16 AM 
more on this after the weekend... shabat shalom... nik.
146   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question l'kulam... derech eretz kadmah l'geulah...  on: August 31, 2006, 11:45:24 PM 
o.k. times up... no one had anything to contribute toward an answer... so let's turn over all the cards and cut to the chase here...

rebbi akiva endangered his life to teach torah publically because to do so in secret due to fear and trepidation of the goyish conquerors of our land would be tantamount to acknowledging that torah is something the goyim have authority over (they absolutely do not)... also it shows an incredible lack of trust in the power of Hashem... and even though it seems that Hashem was absent from saving rebbi akiva we have 2 pshatim for this... the first is straight out of the gemora which says they all knew the gezerah against them (to die ~ not to not learn torah) was from Hashem Himself and it was coming to atone for the sin of the selling of yosef... so rebbi akiva knew anyhow he was destined to die via a death sentence especially after their rebbi rav eliezer had on his deathbed foretold the meshunadica mitot destined for his 5 or so main talmidim for not visiting him and learning with him despite the sages' edict against him as a zaken mamre... and he informed r.akiva that his death would be the worst and most horrendous of all of them...

secondly... in addition to the above...  r.akiva anyway yearned to die al kiddush Hashem... as we all know from the famous maesa of his saying so... so r.akiva wished to go out in a way which would inspire all future dorot of yidden to defy the golut edom and refuse to loosen their grip upon torah... and only by setting an example of a public display of defiant resistence to the goyish enslavers of our people and land... only by his open rebellion against their orders and laws would he get us all to know the preciousness and dire need we jews have for torah... this goes along with the other story on that daf about the fish and the fox... i'm sure you all know this one... but in case one of you doesn't... very briefly...

rebbi akiva made a moshol (a parable) about our need for learning torah... he said that a fish was scurring around in the water and a fox happened by... and asked the fish what was wrong... to wit the fish replied he was afraid of the fishermen's nets... so the fox offered to protect him if he came up on shore... out of the water (whence comes the expression: "like a fish out of water...") the fish told him he must be nuts... that if his life was in danger even in his element what chance did he have to survive outside of it...?

and of course the meaning is clear... torah is our life... our air... torah is to the jew as water is to fish... and r.akiva taught us by this moshol and by his mesirat nefesh leading to his kiddush Hashem... martyrdom for G-d's torah... that if we have to slink around and hide our learning from the goyim... or in this analogy... our type of torah from the unjewish jews ruling eretz yisroel... we will never survive the golut... we will disappear from the world and from history as the am Hashem... torah learning has to be carried out unabashedly and unflinchingly in the light of day... and if the goyim (or the jewish goyim) slaughter us for learning that which is our very lifeblood... our ocean... think about what they will do to us if we ever cease studying the torah (and certainly in our present generation... we already know what happens... a holocaust descends upon us)... so what will happen to us if we stop learning or only do so in private...? if we demonstrate that we are fearful of the goyim and their jewish lackeys and only pursue torah learning and its application to real life in a cover-up sort of fashion... hiding rav meir from view... in an ofen (manner) in which our fellow jews may or may not know of our secret committment and real devekut to it... torah can only survive and the jewish people thereby thrive with torah held aloft and shouted out to the world... and even if we whisper it; not abandoning it totally we will still lose our grip from it and perish as a nation in the process...

so too if we treat rav meir and his example and his words of torah like we are not allowed to raise it up as a banner... we will lose our koach to spread this courageous aspect of torah far and wide... his message is vital... and not just so that we are inspired and continue on his path... but his name and his torah are syncronized and fused together to enable jews to return enmasse one day soon to the torah-fold... and i would venture to say only his torah style has the power to do so...

and the proof of this is in the pudding... as rav binyamin was always want to say... whenever his yeshiva was raided or closed down... it made him realize... even the slime know the true power and koach of rav meir's torah... they don't close down any other yeshivot... even though much of the same things are taught there as well... why? because of the WAY it is taught... because sadly... all those other places teach in a manner which is not a threat to the gov. to sweep the country or a "danger" or red-flag to their minds that these other mekomei torah and their brand of torah teaching might coax and encourage a spiritual revolution to erupt within eretz yisroel... only rav meir's torah AND his name have the potential to awaken the soul of our people and touch that pintella yid and move it to return home to the torah path of Hashem... all those other places are fine institutions teaching the truth... but only rav meir's legacy sends shivers running down the spines of the filth who have usurped and have stolen our country from us... only rav meir's name strikes fear in the hearts of the slime... and causes them to become panic-striken at the thought and the certain yehdiah (the sure knowledge) that one day soon their hold over us will end... and filling them with the pachad that very soon now and in our days... finally and at long last... their "crown" and glory of rulership... in defiance of Hashem and His torah... will come crashing down around their ankles and they and their rule will then disappear forever... amen selah... rak kach!!!! nik. out...
147   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jackie Mason sues J4J  on: August 31, 2006, 11:36:43 PM 
he was ordained orthodox... nik.
148   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jeff Seath's Hearing Next Week!  on: August 31, 2006, 11:31:24 PM 
i haven't heard... what false charges do the slime have him up on? nik.
149   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir's take on the chet haegel... "what mesirat nefesh really means..."  on: August 30, 2006, 03:07:27 AM 
this drasha is now complete... nik.
150   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who built the Dome of the Rock?????  on: August 30, 2006, 02:24:18 AM 
me too... because isn't it interesting that it is the other mosque which they are defending to the death... and face and bow towards... the other one belongs to rome and rome is the one clamouring for that one back... they want it bad... and they share at the highest echelons and in the most elevated corridors of power on this earth... they share... esav and yishmael share this domain of har habayit... and only allow into their "club" the "right" jews to use our "jewish genius" for their evil dominion... the dome of the rock is the vatican's... and this is known by the moslems... and they have theirs next door... but we... the real jews... the torah jews... we cannot even utter a word of prayer up there... nor bow or shed even a single tear... we must take them both down... christianity and islam... and of course the real truth of their rebellion against G-d... those two religions are just to pretend at monotheism in order to control the masses of their two giant halves of the world... "their spheres of influence"... they at the top know the utter falsehood and complete lie that is their made-up religions... and the masking of their continued paganism and heathen sun-worship (nimrod's/and/paro's cultic babylonian and egyptian mystery religions continue for them beneath the surface... until they together can finally come out into the open and forcibly rule the planet and make G-d and we His nation into abject and eternal slaves... avraham vs. nimrod... maesa avot siman l'banim... until the end of all time... until the final curtain at the end of days... i can't believe it... i found it all out with the help of Hashem... he led me these past 5 years (really 30) on a derech emet... a real path of truth... to quote eliezer from chumash... and Hashem... he opened my eyes and now i see it all... i think... i am overawed... and i prostrate before Hashem's glorious throne and pledge myself to only His infinite and wise service... and so should all of us... His eternal people... we all must bow to Him and worship only He forever... the truth will out... "for truth speaks louder and endures far longer than mere mortal word or gun..." (from one of my poems... "the rebirth of clarity" i'll put it up another time)... nik. out...
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151   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who built the Dome of the Rock?????  on: August 29, 2006, 11:55:04 PM 
i know i read that the a-rabs only covered it over... an extant building with a dome... i know that i read that... and it is the a-rabs that used the area as a dump for hundreds of years until we liberated it in '67... kach shemati... nik. out...

look... i don't want to quibble... i believe everyone who possessed her (yerushalayim) over the centuries mistreated her and did so with contempt and with hatred because she represented all that threatened what they all (each one of the conquering nations in their own turn) wished to be their eternal rule over the world... and anyone else in the last analysis if they could no longer hold it would relinquish it and conceed their rule over the planet when they (each one of them once again in their own turn) lost the ability and power to continue to rule... and they would eventually stop warring to undo the paradigm-shift in geo-political hegemony and altered mindset of mankind's order over human minds... (now a german world order, now british, next american... next...? chinese?) you get the point to all of this... each one eventually accepted their past fate as at least temporary for the next 100-1000 years ("who knew what would be?" they each wondered aloud and in secret councils... however only we jews and Hashem knew they were each through for good and awaiting geulah shelaymah we would say... "NEXT!")... and so we continued to wait but they... they let go of the top spot reluctantly of course... just as long as it wasn't ever again yisroel who was now taking over... anyone but us... just not israel ever again as they worried over and knew it was at least foretold that we would rise again to rule the world and this time for good... anyone they would let rule if they came with the strength to take it over... but we they never will... not without a fight to the very last fighting man upon this earth... the whole world united as one to stop these nevuot from coming to pass as predicted... because then it would have all been true... the prophecies, the torah... the legacy and heritage of the patriarchs and matriarchs... the bible itself... our's no one elses would have been then proven to be true... and then they all know if it is indeed true... then it's all over... and we and Hashem have won... we have been victorious...  and they have all lost... big-time... for good... end game... we win!!! and that they won't abide... not if they can help it... no.... no sir... they want to rule and will make every effort and expend every ounce of energy they possess... in order to do anything and everything  humanly or satanically possible to assure their continued hold onto ultimate, maximum power... because they all know... every last one of the mamzarim... that if it's gone... once it's gone... so are they... for they will not have a kiyum in G-d's world... in moshiach's world... they'll be through because they represent satan and the yatzer hora and when he's vanquished so then are they... and esav (especially amalek) don't ever want to give-in or give-up... no... they (amalek in gansen and esav's elite to whom life is only worth living if you have power and can be in complete control)... they know so much better than most jews what's at stake... because though some of esav may survive and be allowed into the world that will be transformed into becoming a new recreation of gan eden... one day soon please Hashem... they all know that the torah says they are done for... that it is curtains for them and that they will not just lose their iron-clad grip over the earth but that they at least will all be eradicated from it forever... every man, woman and child of theirs... including animals... lest they continue to escape by shiftchanging...

and in not so many other words... suffice it to say here... purely and simply...

that only we love and have loved yerushalayim and desired her for her ruchniyut and torah-morality and ethical purity... all the rest just wanted her for a maidservant/slave/mistress/whore... for raw power... only we wanted to marry her and make her our queen... and Hashem our king... only we loved them and wanted them for our parents... only we yearn for real kedusha and not for raw power and dominance... ruthless and cunning sway over humanity... we were tamim... all we wanted and still want is harmony and peace... real peace and a geulah shelaymah so that we can have Hashem speak with us and live with us on earth again forever this time... they want Him dead... or at least removed and kept distant and out of the picture permenately... like He seems to be right now... and like he appeared to be lost and powerless (G-d forbid) during the holocaust... and so this is why they don't take down the creametoria and camps because they wish to use them again or at least... have them always extant as a monument and a testament to their conquest of G-d and His chosen people... we want to live to see kiddush Hashem and Hashem's glory and awe return to rule the earth of mortal men... they wish only for chillul Hashem and to turn themselves into immortal gods... this is the war to the death which we are currently embroiled in and engaged in...  wage war hard jews... no mercy... for they will have none for us should they prevail...daven and learn torah as much as you can... as long as you can... as hard as you can... for we and Hashem must win... we need to win... because none of us would ever wish to live in the world that gog has in store for us if he... perish the thought... has his way and emerges triumphant... none of us want to ever see that dark and evil day dawn... so fight hard jews... fight hard... with everything you've got... nik. out...     
152   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Origins of "Sivuv Shearim"  on: August 29, 2006, 09:34:07 PM 
the idea stems from one of the tehillim we say as shir shel yom each week... it comes from the one for yom sheni (mondays)... (kapitle#48:13)...  which says: "sobu tzion v'hakifuha, sipru migdaleha..." which means:"encircle tzion and surround it (or march around it... hakafa) and number its towers..." and thus we are bidden to go around yerushalyim and actually count the buildings as an indication of the coming final redemption being very close at hand... nik. out... 
153   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: US Military  on: August 29, 2006, 07:56:05 PM 
they ARE indeed going for iran next... but first they want to sucker iran into hurting israel bad (i.e. a nuke) so that they can then claim justification to invade iran on behalf of an ally... sounds like a decent plan to me... only hope they get exposed for this before they are able to pull it off... in fact i just read that ghwb's pres. campaigns were contributed to by iran thru a certain bank in the heart of texas... (name pending my finding the article i read)...

them good old boys are and have been playing both sides of the fence for decades now... only thing that can stop them now is Hashem fulfilling an ancient prophecy (by destroying them as they are morphing into gog u'maygog)... or by our exposing the bastard u.s. gov. and its cronies for the disgusting slime that they are... really the enemy of israel and sworn to our destruction... either we go all-out and get the world to see this truth... or we get hammered and then Hashem saves us from extinction at the very last moment possible... these are our only two options... we already can no longer get redeemed by pure acheshena (since the gra's days)... so the only two options left us are either pure b'ito or acheshena b'ito... we will get the pure b'ito if we do nothing to rise up and fight for ourselves and at least make an effort to stand up to and battle against the mamlechet zadon (the forces of darkness and the kingdom of evil on earth)... or if we still refuse we will receive what we deserve... pure b'ito... and G-d forbid... pure hell on earth again... as we suffer yet another churban and upheaval and yet another holocaust... G-d forfend... these are our only two choices people... and each one of us individually (not just collectively) are going to be made to choose... so choose already jews... choose!!!! nik. out... 
154   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who built the Dome of the Rock?????  on: August 29, 2006, 07:41:57 PM 
david... didn't you say what i paraphrased in your book? nik.
155   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who built the Dome of the Rock???/certainly not the arab-slime that's who...  on: August 29, 2006, 12:07:11 PM 
it was and is not arabesqe in its architecture... it was built by the romans to replace our beit hamikdash and worship their god of the sun jupiter... then the byzantine christians took over when they supposedly swept the roman pagan empire... (a ruse that rome ~ the vatican is hiding to this day)... but then they built over it a church or cathedral from which the moslems turned it into a mosque upon their ascension to power and conquest of yerushalayim... as they did by kever yosef where they burned it to the ground and then rebuilt it with a dome over it and turned it into a mosque... that is what they did on har habayit... but they may not have done the burning part first... they just put an incongruous dome on top of a eastern-european/greco-roman structure... this is the famous... dome of the rock... the other mosque... al-aqsa is authentically theirs... this is why they started an intifada/jihad over this one (al aqsa) and not the other one (dome of the rock)... because only that one is really theirs and not the original one which they just topped off... i got all of this from a book i read a while back... trouble is... there are too many i've read to recall offhand right now which one... back with it later... nik. out...
156   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / read this and weep... and then get angry... very angry...  on: August 28, 2006, 08:19:31 PM 
Date: Mon, 28 Aug 2006 17:15:49 -0700 (PDT)
From: "nikmatdam" <[email protected]>  Add to Address Book  Add Mobile Alert
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Subject:  Fwd: ISRAEL'S TERMINAL ILLNESS (by an Arab Zionist)
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read it and weep... nik.

Note: forwarded message attached.

From: "moshe parry" <[email protected]>
Subject: Fwd: ISRAEL'S TERMINAL ILLNESS (by an Arab Zionist)
To: [email protected]
<[email protected]>
Subject: ISRAEL'S TERMINAL ILLNESS (by an Arab Zionist)
To: "Yeshivat HaRa'ayon HaYehudi" <[email protected]>


Jerusalem, Israel
HaRav Yehuda Kroizer SHLIT"A, Rosh Yeshiva

Israel's terminal illness
By Joseph Farah

We've all known brave soldiers who fought courageously in multiple
only to succumb to lingering and debilitating illnesses years later.

Likewise, history tells us of nations that never lost a battle in
only to die because they lost their sense of purpose, their will to

I think that's what is happening in Israel today. I think the Jewish
is terminally ill.

Israel may have won three major wars in its 60-year history, but it
will be
lucky to survive another decade of morally bankrupt leadership.

It's not just former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon who is comatose. It
the whole current Israeli government is brain dead.

How else can one explain Israel's agreement to Lebanon cease-fire terms
amount to unconditional surrender?

I know few other commentators who have explained the development in
stark terms, but this is the reality of what Ehud Olmert's government
done. It represents, in my opinion, one of the biggest strategic
blunders in
the history of the country.

Let's review what Israel has done:

It launched a war on Iran-directed Hezbollah terrorists after they
two Israeli soldiers, killed eight others and rocketed northern Israel
towns. From the beginning, Israel demanded the return of its troops and
disarming of Hezbollah terrorists.

What did Israel get in the cease-fire deal? No return of the kidnapped
troops and Hezbollah terrorists remain under arms.

For the life of me, I don't understand why Israeli civilians are not
in the streets of Jerusalem demanding the immediate resignation of
and his Cabinet. The Israeli army is returning from Lebanon with its
between its legs.

How can you ask soldiers to kill and die for a simple objective that is
later abandoned without explanation or reason?

Does Olmert not understand what his surrender means? It means he has
aid and comfort to Israel's enemies. He has handed Hezbollah its
victory since former Prime Minister Ehud Barak unilaterally withdrew
Lebanon, handing the southern part of the country to Iran's proxy army
positioning it to claim it had defeated the Jewish state.

He has also proved to Israel's other terrorist enemies – those in Hamas
the Palestinian Authority – that rocket attacks, assassinations and
kidnappings are winning tactics against the Jewish state. Prepare to
more of them under the terms of this "cease-fire."

He has demonstrated for the entire world that Israel has lost the kind
resolve it had in previous military campaigns. When the going gets
today's Jews evidently will just sue for peace.

Hezbollah has won. That's the unimaginable bottom line after this
The terrorists have won – not in the battlefield, mind you. But they
before the war ever began because weak-kneed, cowardly, morally unfit
leaders in Jerusalem would never permit Israel to win.

With Hezbollah's victory, Iran and Syria have been emboldened as well.
is bad news not just for Israel, but for the entire world.

If you think I overstate the case, ask yourself this fundamental
Is Israel more secure after abandoning its conflict in Lebanon or less

You know the answer. Everyone knows the answer.

Israel may have one of the greatest military machines in the world. It
have an intelligence apparatus that is the envy of superpowers. It may
have right on its side.

But Israel is being led by men unworthy of its history, unworthy of its
sacrifices, unworthy of its hard-fought victories of the past and
of God's sovereign promises to bless the Jewish state forever.

It's clear the only enemy that could ever destroy Israel is the kind of
internal moral rot we are witnessing today in Jerusalem. Israel has
just one
shot at surviving its terminal illness – cutting out the cancer that is
Olmert government.

Today we all know that Rabbi Kahane was right! Help spread the Jewish
Idea -
Join the Jewish Idea's E-mail list and spread the word!
[email protected]

157   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jackie Mason sues J4J  on: August 28, 2006, 01:58:58 AM 
he grew up frum in yeshivot in ny... 1 of 5 -7 or so brothers who all including himself became ordained... he left it long ago and he is no longer shomer shabat or kashrut... etc. a nephew of his teaches in a yeshiva h.s. out here in l.a./// nik. out...
158   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jackie Mason sues J4J  on: August 27, 2006, 06:05:16 PM 
i hope he bankrupts them... nik.
159   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The Rebbe and The Rav  on: August 25, 2006, 08:19:17 PM 
i've heard all of this too... tell you what i think later... nik.
160   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / it's all a matter of one's perspective on zionism...  on: August 25, 2006, 05:24:34 PM 
i'll have more to say on this issue after shabat... however... my contention is divided into two separate categories of the yeshiva-world rabbonim and gedolim... and don't get me wrong they are huge talmedie chachamim and many if not most are not just gaonim but tzadikim...

however there is a great divide among them... those here in the galut and those in eretz yisroel... and even among this pirud there is a further division... those who support the state and those who do not...

we are mostly angry at the neturie karta/satmar shita rabbanoim because some of their actions to befriend and join forces with arabs are not only counter-productive but downright disgusting as they are endangering the very lives not just the land of jews... i am not referring to these sick bastards...

i refer to those whom...more soon... right back... and we're back... i refer to those whom i spoke of and inquired of rav meir... as to why these yeshivishe, ashkenazic rosh yeshivot and gedolim associated with agudat yisroel in america and degel hatorah in israel did not hold by meir kahane and his positions... i asked rav meir straight out once... "why don't the gedolim hold of you...?"

now some are on the right page with us... but most are not... and it is not just like yby and others here say always that it is solely over a matter of money for the yeshivot that they join the govs. of israel or lend support from afar from america and they remain silent in the face of the slime doing things like the expulsions from the gush and amona which are inimical to the welfare of all the rest of k'lal yisroel and certainly to the religious as well as non-religious... and so they appear to be totally selfish and completely self-absorbed in doing that which they are doing... seemingly all for their own benefit alone without  caring for other jews outside of themselves... i can't fully judge if this is their sole motivational drive here in their policies toward the various governments of the state of israel and their ignoring of the larger issues effecting the future of the state and jews world-wide...

but i do understand what rav meir told me and it is true and it makes perfect sense to me... without a doubt his insight is the one i've heard here or anywhere which puts all the pieces together... and explains perdectly what is really transpiring here and what is actually driving their attitudes which infuriate most of us to no end...

rav meir said to me that they object to him because they object to zionism in general and therefore anyone frum or not... rabbi or not... talmud chacham or tzadik or not will get the same treatment and shortshrift from them... and everytime they will put their interests ahead of those jews who support zionism and this is true both in agudat yisroel in america and degel hatorah in israel...

shas and the sefardim are different tsug altogether because they hold of the state and embrace the concept of zionism... even secular zionism... and though their positions of joining the gov. involve their need for money... true enough because they have alot of poor and need to educate their kids... but they also have, world-wide, many wealthy sefardic jews to raise funds from... perhaps more than ashkenazic rabbis have... but that is not just the case with them here... the issue with them is a matter of equality with the powerful ashkenazic religious and secular forces arrayed against them they feel... they feel inferior because of their more recent backward historical sociological moorings and these people... who really have nothing to be ashamed or embarassed about... regarding their purer and more simplistic emunah-peshuta and "less" sophisticated and "more naive" worldview... but they do feel such shame and spiritual busha... and they know they are looked down upon for all of this and that they are thereby dismissed and relegated to the status of second-class citizenry... with them it all boils down to levels of higher secular education and the number of professionals out there that they have produced and they have much less of these and live a less multifaceted and a more down-to-earth type of exisitence... less complex.... and not as intricate seemingly to the outside observer... so that any power base they build must overcome these precieved shortcomings and this is why i believe a "tzadik?" (i've heard he can be harsh and rough) like ovadia yosef is in all the suicidal "oslo" govs. since '92... and also because of a good many scandalous secrets within their world which they were set up for and bribed and then blackmailed over by the filthy scum running the place overthere in israel who do much worse on their "best" days (on those days that they just sin a tiny bit... only sinning a tad that day instead of their usual wad)... than the sefardi denizens of our land have ever been guilty of doing on their dirtiest days... 

but above everything here... and all else... is the sinister and sickening threat emenating from the yu/o-u type rabbis here and in their equivalent counterparts within israel (the "more central" or "more modernish" rabbis) who are... many of them... literally selling the jewish people out by their diseased and demented attempt to reach "rapprochmant" (the french version of the word which is clearly much more apt and fitting here in the context of their sad backstabbing, betrayal of all we jews hold precious and dear)... they are in the process of and in the midst of negotiations with peres and his pack of jackasses in consultation with the vatican to give over har habayit to them for some nebulous form of mea-culpa from the catholic christian world for historical anti-semitism and all of the "wonderful" jew-baiting and jew-hating they are guilty of fomenting throughout the history of the last 2000 years... and i'm sure they've been offered this "apology" with a deal-sweetner and perk of tons and tons of cold, hard cash... oodles and oodles of it i'm positively sure of this... (more here on this nekudah after shabat... look for it)...

and so there you have a synopsis of why some or alot of our gedolim and rabonim are letting us down and bringing us close to sekanot nefashot... thru various vices... (and you can find many rabbis to fit each bill or several of them)... (in no particular order here we have)... their greed and avarice... their naievity.... their ignorance... their arrogance... their spiritual shortsightedness... their lack of political savvy... and also included within this diatribe... in their honest, sincere but misguided mistaken notion that real peace is achievable in this world without moshiach here and while the yatzer harah yet lives... and it is this error which is the worst and leading us to the brink... hanging us out over the proverbial abyss... and threatening all of our jewish lives and our sacredness and heritage... some may even be in league with our enemies even though they are rabbis and gedolim... i do not know for sure... no for certain who if at all... but i worry about this for two reasons... (otherwise i would reject this notion out of hand like i used to)... the first is because of the nevuah of zechariah in perek 14 and the commnetaries there... where he warns us that in the end of days... in the great pachad and tribulation of the coming of moshiach... the political climate we are told will be such that rabbis will be frightened to admit they are versed at all in judaism as it will conflict with the world-wide held beliefs over eretz yisroel and about what torah judaism's real role in this world is... (in other words our enemies will be so politically and militarily superior and seem absolutely invincible... so much so that they will deny their knowledge of torah which contradicts this immorality and ethical sinning... (this is apparent quite literally from isaiah: 6; i believe... i'll check it for you and get back to you) and thus zecharia informs us from Hashem that these rabonim will go over to gog's side... "... and yehudah will fight alongside and with gog against yerushalayim..." (in the end... just before moshiach apppears... out of fear of the world malchut of gog and his vast legions at his command and in the face of their overwhelming might and power)... 

however there is something else which we need to discuss after shabat which will clarify the other urgent concern i have that i'll mention now but you will not be in a position to accept this until i prove it to you then... but some of these so-called "holy" rabbis are fakes... frauds... some... i'm not sure yet which ones... but they exist because of what i have discovered over the last 5 years... which i'll tell you about later... but it is certain and it is true that there are really some orthodox and even giant rabbis who are utterly corrupted and are not just caving-in to rome and into the slime appointed by them to control us and eretz yisroel... they being the joint convergence of the church and the throne of england along with the rest of the satanic-sickos of "cultured" "blue-blooded" european "nobilty" and aristocracy (p.u./ their evil stinks to high heaven) who along with the american elitist gov. entity and most of its greatest historical figures (then and now) have been all in league and still are... today even stronger than ever before... and they are on the verge of final victory now which spells eternal doom for us jews and for the entire planet as well... and in their quest to rule over us all and take eretz yisroel away from us by force if necessary... they will stop at nothing to have control over us and hegemony over eretz yisroel... and in doing this they have found a way to corrupt orthodoxy too at its highest and most sensitve levels either by instilling pachad... fear and dread in THE most timid faction of k'lal yisroel (the yeshivishe and chassidishe world)... and where they are not met by our timidity... like with rav meir... they have murdered us... and thus also won over more rabonim to hide and mask their fear by platitudes of how great america and the west are (i.e. how fabulous chrisitanity is) and how they have changed and are remorseful over their past atrocities against us... and their wish to make amends seems so sincere and their words are so convincing that rabbis are falling all over themselves to get on the "tshuvah" bandwagon...  but there is still more... two main points to make... both to be proved later...

1) i have discovered the truth of what and who the vatican really is... nimrod/esav's religion and cult of satanism and sun-worship... which obviates everything they try and tell us about chrisitanity's "new" attitude toward israel and the jews... we buy into it at our own dire peril... as i shall explain after shabat...

but i have also learned...

2) that besides the destruction reform and conservatism have brought to us... not to mention the damage done us by of shabbtai tzvism/jacob frankism... (and all of the isms which jews flocked over to... right down the list from communism thru nazism)... but even those who we thought could never be bought... have been... today's rabonim i know not yet of them by name or sect... but suffice it to say when i tell you who in the past they got to and another few that they might have gotten to... you will be shocked... and stunned... as much as i was...

they include...

a) moses mendelshon

b) yonatan eiphshuitz,

c) the herzog dynasty

and even possibly... sad to say... i truly hope i do not find the smoking gun to this one as i have by the above three...

d) the kook-clan

there i've said it... now i'll pause for shabat... back with much more... please G-d afterwards...

nik. out of his mind i'm sure you all maintain... out... shabat shalom...

161   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Information needed/and not provided from moi...  on: August 25, 2006, 03:11:11 PM 
i can't be of any assistance here... i'm in l.a. ca. and i have been back here from israel since 1980 and have no info or knowledge of the inner-workings  unified or not among the various groups who claim to represent the jewish idea concept of rav meir... my connection to him and his work was and is thru his books, tapes and the lectures i attended... and a couple of one on one face to face meetings that i had with him and the time i've spent with david and yisroel... you should speak to yisroel and lenny they are the two besides david who i know of who were the closest to rav meir and rav binyamin his martyred son... all the best and if you're not a plant i hope your work has success in bringing many jews to the awerness of the truth that meir kahane brought to the world... nik. out...   
162   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question l'kulam... torah or untorah?  on: August 24, 2006, 04:12:59 PM 
Quote from: nikmatdam on August 24, 2006, 11:29:20 AM
and all of this begs the question... just begs the question... why did rebbi akiva teach torah publicly so that eventually he was arrested and executed for breaking the roman edict and decree forbidding the study and the teaching of torah...? why didn't he do so in private... underground so that he might live and so that he and his students could "get away with" breaking the roman law...? 

and the other million dollar question is why did the romans care so greatly that we learned torah... secretly or openly...? they had conquered and vanquished us... so what did they care how we spent our time under their rule...? was it to force us into shmad...? or was this an exercise in cruelty and sheer dominance and crushing brutality...? why...? what...? (back later to finish this crucial piece of torah i first learned years ago in yeshiva but really was made to sink in when rav binyamin wrote in one of his essays about his multiple arrests and closures and property seizures... (back soon)... nik. out...

so while you all ponder these questions i've posed i'll prepare my own answers and get back to you soon... nik. out...
163   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question l'kulam... slime, sludge and filth... time to call roto-rooter...  on: August 24, 2006, 04:02:32 PM 
and now back to rav meir...

there are no other seforim in yahadut like his... so unless you study them you CANNOT get the ruach which emenates out from them... you simply cannot...

but what you are all avoiding is the central issue here... david, et al are under excruciating pressure and an intensely heated raging inferno of hatred against kahanists... they feel persecuted, hounded and hunted... but if they agree to go dark on rav meir... they will lose the war... this unrelenting lachatz and oppression is being exerted and applied by the filth because THEY ARE LOSING... they know they can't kill all of us... nor throw us all in jail... because then the revolution and anger woud only exponentially grow and explode... as gasoline does when thrown on an open fire...

their only avenue to victory is to get us all to backdown and back-off... we have them on the run now... they are backed up into a corner and if we resist just a little bit longer the flood-gates might come crashing down upon all of their heads... anochomol... they can't kill us all... for then there would be no one left for them to rule over and have their fun with... they are slime and slime needs dredging that is the only way to get rid of it... and for this scenario to finally occur we need more and more rav meir... not less... and absolutely all the time... shoving it into their faces until they all implode and all get washed away down the drain where they all belong and which they all so richly deserve... nik. out...
164   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question l'kulam... derech eretz kadmah l'geulah...  on: August 24, 2006, 11:48:45 AM 
so to continue for a moment before i go to daven...

forget about rabbis and teachers... what about seforim...? what if they told you you could learn tanya but not sde'i chemed...? or you could learn chumash but not gemora...? or how about this...? you could learn hilchot shabat, kashrut and nida but not hilchot melachim in the rambam or hilchot ir hanidachas and avodah zara... or the halachot of sanhedrin or of batey dinim...? what would you do and say then...? would you comply or defy...?

so there is no difference here... it's the exact same thing... believe me i know the intense scrutiny and torturous pressure you all must be under... but they win if you never teach rav meir's works publicly or refrain from referring to him and his ideas by name in the political-discourse arena... it is like the declawing and defanging of a tiger and then sending it out to frighten and threaten people... it'll never happen... if they emasculate rav meir's concept by removing him from the picture you become a toothless, clawless beast which they can all the much more easily control, tame and eventually slaughter ...? besides none of us have his stature to fill the void and have a great enough public appeal and impact to counter this ploy they have forced you into... nik. out for now... will be back to answer the 2 questions from before about rebbe akiva and his throwing down the guantlet and open defiance and flaunting of the evil roman decree against torah...
165   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: question l'kulam... torah or untorah?  on: August 24, 2006, 11:29:20 AM 
so then i heard correctly and what you are now expressing is sheker... because what i am referring to is not hero-worship but following in the footsteps and path of the shalshelet hatorah... to cut out or off an important link to rav meir is tantamount to "reforming" judaism... like i said... we would never willingly obey a law that told us... "torah is fine but you musn't learn the works of the gra or the ger rebbes... etc. and never mention their names in public or quote them or refer to their authority on a given subject... would any of you guys really agree to comply with this order... stated or unstated...? declared explicitly or undeclared and only implied...? nicely requested and hinted at and alluded to...or openly commanded and demanded with menacing threats of consequences?

so in my opinion... i think you guys have caved... caved into the intense pressure... no one will judge you... no one will condemn you... but i will not bend to the nwo... and i will not bow to their satanic cajoling and bullying... because i know this approach is dead-wrong because of what i stated in the first run at this above... (see there)... and so we have a sad parting of the ways here...

i'm so sorry... i understand the immense torture you are all under... must be under... but we simply cannot allow them to dictate to us who are rabbis and teachers are and which words of torah have their stamp of approval on them and which are rejected, frowned upon and outlawed and banned!!!! for then we really wouldn't have a real, authentic torah at all...

and all of this begs the question... just begs the question... why did rebbi akiva teach torah publicly so that eventually he was arrested and executed for breaking the roman edict and decree forbidding the study and the teaching of torah...? why didn't he do so in private... underground so that he might live and so that he and his students could "get away with" breaking the roman law...? 

and the other million dollar question is why did the romans care so greatly that we learned torah... secretly or openly...? they had conquered and vanquished us... so what did they care how we spent our time under their rule...? was it to force us into shmad...? or was this an exercise in cruelty and sheer dominance and crushing brutality...? why...? what...? (back later to finish this crucial piece of torah i first learned years ago in yeshiva but really was made to sink in when rav binyamin wrote in one of his essays about his multiple arrests and closures and property seizures... (back soon)... nik. out...
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166   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / question l'kulam... derech eretz kadmah l'geulah...  on: August 24, 2006, 05:00:26 AM 
i recently heard that it has become revava's strict policy to proceed viter politically without mentioning rav meir specifically by name at all... just proceed as he said to do without political campaigns and slogans per-say... just torah and torah commentaries... so that no one can get "in trouble" with the slime running israel... he may have attempted that himself... to humbly remove himself from the equation if that would help get the vital tasks at hand accomplished... this was his perogative... it decidedly is not ours...

first of all is this the real truth?

second... why is this the best way to go... following a policy which "denies" our masterful teacher and refuses to give him his due... his "beshaim omru"...?

this is not a political matter... rav meir is a kodosh... he and his words of torah and guidance and advice... ARE torah... pure and simple... they are not politics... they are not political science... they are not geo-political policy-making or strategizing... they are as pure a collection of torah truth as any sefer or gadol including the likes of the ramchal and the gra... he may not have been on the level of rashi or rambam... nor even the chofetz chayim or the rebbe or rav moshe... but his torah was as holy and pure as theirs... and unique for that matter... and lifesaving...

so since he was a living sefer torah while with us... his legacy deserves it's proper kavod and respect... one which affords him and it the true dignity and hakorat hatov becoming of and in concert with such an awesome body of work which he achieved... and we must always do so in any political clime with a grateful and appreciative acceptance and acknowledgement of its holy worth... we would never willingly abide by an unspoken edict to openly deny and distance ourselves from moshe rebenu or any of our other historical torah heroes... and we shall not do this now with rav meir... i for one will never cease from having his martyred name AND NOT JUST HIS IDEAS AND WORDS OF TORAH on my lips... for in this respect he is no different than rebbi akiva or any of the other esur harugei malchut...

this is a flawed idea and concept unworthy of the great people here involved who themselves are all moser nefesh for Hashem, torah, k'lal yisroel and for eretz yisroel... on an hourly and daily basis... with every fiber of their beings and every inch of their strength...

far be it from any of us to deny rav meir his proper place in our history... especially now when absolutely every syllable he ever penned or uttered appears to be mekuyam at the highest reaches of the vision of our earliest and greatest prophets of old... if he wasn't moshiach ben yosef only someone even more powerful and courageous than he would ever be able to fit the bill as mby... and such a jew and man at the very least... would be completely unafraid to use the name of rav meir kahane with reverence and awe and loudly proclaim it and thus "wear" it proudly as a sacred badge of honor, glory and courage...

a truly, TRULY valorous man of iron-clad conviction ("barzel") once lived in our midst and willingly gave his life to save us and our precious land and we dare not... WE DARE NOT ever allow fear and injustice to come between us and the truth... we dare not do this i say... if we truly desire to be redeemed in our lifetime... there is no forgetting... nor will there ever be any forgiving of any and of all of the far, far too many atrocities done to our people in history and those done to rav meir were among these... nik. out...   
167   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir's take on the chet haegel... "what mesirat nefesh really means..."  on: August 24, 2006, 02:52:40 AM 
part three... lovingly dedicated to my dearly beloved though sadly departed parents on what would have been their 54th wedding anniversary... aug. 24, 1952... happy anniversary mom and dad... hareney kaparot mishkavam...

now we will end off with the conclusion to both my vort on rav meir's d'var torah and his... but first the last thoughts of his incredibile piece of pure genius and insight... (to be continued)... and let's finish...

so the lack or filling of the hands at and by the miluiim process was to make up for aaron's and all of k'lal yisroel's lack of true mesirat nefesh like chur exhibited... we were thus not pure enough or holy enough to use or have in our midst this mishkan until we undid this lacking and flaw and gaping failing which we all had demonstrated that we possessed by our lack of courage... and so... this made up for it... and aaron and we were all forgiven for the sin and the missing mesirat nefesh which was the real and ikar sin here in reality... and now we were most of the way back... and Hashem came down to take up our offerings as a sign that we had rectified enough to regain this level... but not yet completely for we are visited throughout history for all our other sins with judgement and onshim from time to time and a little bit of the onesh we get each and every time until the last of it... includes a piece for the chet haegel and a little of it is also for the sin of the meraglim... and thus we will one day be forgiven completely when moshiach arrives and we will be through sinning ourselves as individuals and thus also be thereby through paying for these two historical sins as well...

now how do we know that aaron and we can undo our chet by the egel...? (this is from me on rav meir's vort)...

this is how... for afterwards when Hashem took the offerings by the nessiim of each tribe... he comforted and told aaron that he is not at fault for not thinking to bring for shevet levi that which each other nasi brought for theirs... for aaron was not remiss nor were the entire shevet levi remiss in bringing with alacrity all they could to build the mishkan... and we were cleansed from the sin... the little we had to do with it by the miluiim process which we underwent for seven days and did so by being put through the purification process of the leper (the metzorah)... and so we leviim atoned with aaron and his kohanic sons...

and aaron knew all this because Hashem told him that he would light the menora everyday and this would be accepted by G-d always from his descendants... this is why he shouldn't worry that he sinned by the calf... this is why he shouldn't fear he is unworthy... and this how he was told not to view the offerings of the nessiim as further proof of his unworthiness because he, as leader of shevet levi, had not come up with this korban...

now on the face of it... this teretz doesn't work for me for several reasons...

first... the kohen gadol doesn't have to light the menora twice daily... any other kohen can do so as well... any part or aspect of the avodah... the whole of it... is the perogativew first of the kohen gadol to perform it if he wants to... if he insists upon it... but any other kohen is allowed to do any and all of the avodah at all times... kohen gadol permitting... except the yom kippur service which can ONLY be done by the high priest or his replacement waiting in the wings if he should suddenly drop dead or some how become tamei...

second this priveledge only lasted as long as the two batei mikdash endured...

third... it was a mitzvah in the torah for the kohen to light... so how is this supposed to be a comfort and a consolation for aaron that a) he is truly forgiven for the egel and b) he is not unworthy of ruach hakodesh and to blame for not having come up with the insight of the need to bring a once in all of history ~ voluntary offering for his entire shevet...? how does doing a chiuv mitzvah undo not bringing a nedavah?

the answer rashi says is that Hashem is not consoling him with this one mitzvah... but that this lighting of the menora would later inspire all of k'lal yisroel to light menorot for generations because of a miracle that his descendants will initiate and be responsible for... that his sons would later be the chashmanoiim and lead an uprising against all odds against the majority of dominant and wealthy upper-class but sinning k'lal yisroel and wage a war to vanquish the idolatrous masters of the earth of their day... the syrian greeks... the helenistic and pagan yavanite culture and creed... and this showed aaron that his tshuvah must be complete... that tshuvah shelaymah was possible and that he had indeed achieved it... for they had inherited from him the genes for such mesirat nefesh and kiddush Hashem... on the level of chur... but they came from aaron's line and not chur's... so this axiomatically proved to aaron that he had rectified his downfall and shortcoming... and it was as if... retroactively... he HAD stood up to the erev rav... otherwise his children would never have had the mental strength and agility nor the spirtitual power and ability... the requisite fortitude, courage and conviction to stand up for torah and for Hashem in the teeth of and in the heat of the fierce hatred of all of our internal and external enemies and the enemies of Hashem Yitborach.... and they would never have had the koach to summon forth the mesirat nefesh to defy decrees which meant certain death for their non-conformance...and "rak kach"... "only thus"  was it possible for them to have done what they later were able to do far-off into the then distant future by the chanukah story and maesa... this was aaron's comfort stemming from the concept and mitzvah of kindling the menorah in front of Hashem in the mishkan and the historically subsequent 3 betei mikdash... and chanukah as a holiday (yom tov) each year and as an obligation for all jews to light menorot in their homes 8 days out of each year... beginning with the evening of 25th of kislev... will forever be an obligation and a mitzvah d'rabbanan... and finally thus was our great and holy and humble and contrite forefather aaron hakohen able to find healing, grace and consolation for his terrible slip... because Hashem and not just moshe...  had with the revelation of the chanukah maesa to come al yedai only his sons... finally been able to convince him that not only was his sin forgiven and atoned... but rectified and it was now truly as if it had never been perpetrated... and had never even occurred... nik. out... 

168   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rav meir's take on the chet haegel... "what mesirat nefesh really means..."  on: August 23, 2006, 04:41:26 AM 
part two...

o.k. so now that we have all of the above as background and as an overview... we can proceed with rav meir's d'var torah...

he says that the source of aaron's feelings of unworthiness over the role he played for the rationalization (as good and correct as it was; still it was an excuse "to save his own skin")... that aspect of his inner mind and heart workings was still unassailably true and he just could not face it without feelings of inadequacy and of having let the entire am Hashem down... he was mortified and couldn't shake his depression over his chet...

this was even further driven home to him by Hashem when bezalel was chosen to be the master-builder and architect of the entire mishkan and all of its kelim... why so? (and do not forget... bezalel received this calling at the tender age of 12 years old and so he was clearly invested with this ruach from Hashem which over-awed everyone in k'lal yisroel as it was a clear and huge nes (miracle) for a mere child to suddenly reflect such awesome artistry and craftmenship... out of nowhere... and even if you'll say jews knew how to build things because of their enslavement in mitzrayim... but still... a child of 12? no way....

and this is so because bezalel was the grandson of chur... and because his grandfather was the first jew in history to martyr himself al kiddush Hashem... to become a kodosh by being moser nefesh; laying down his life for G-d's torah and His will of our observing the mitzvot... especially the commandments concerning avodah zara ~ idolatry... so what do we mean by all of this and what is the proof in the text of the torah to make this fact so...?

because rav meir says nowhere else in the entire torah do the pasukim recall a lineage that does not go all the way back to yaakov avinu... except for two times... the two yaakov prayed to Hashem not to have his name associated with these people and their sins... shimon by zimri and levi with korach... there the verse records who zimri and korach were tracing each one's line back to the tribal chief shimon and levi without finishing by mentioning yaakov's name as well... in other words... the torah almost never gives long intros of a guy's background... in fact usually only the son followed singly by just the father and no more... are brought down... is the official way G-d did things in His torah... which in this case would have been bezalel ben uri... and that would have sufficed to inform us of whom Hashem is speaking about... once it goes a third generation back to a grandfather in this case chur... once it gets here it ALWAYS goes then all the way back to yaakov avinu (the only exceptions being the two cases where yaakov specifically prayed for his name not to appear and got his wish)... and so this case which yaakov and the rest of bezalel's line would have loved to have their names associated with the life and works of this great master-builder ~ bezalel... here where there is nothing bad or evil to wish to shy away from... here it should go back all the way 'cause it reached the grandpa level... or... once again... it should just have stopped at the usual father and son positions anwhich would have then been enough for us to understand who and what is going on...

so then by going only to the grandfather... chur... and by virtue of the fact that this is the first and only time which this occurs in the ENTIRE CHUMASH... is absolutely a mindblowing observation by rav meir and it is of course true proof as to what he had been saying that herein we see clearly that Hashem is trying to convey a message to us... that bezalel was chosen solely due to the valor and self-sacrifice of his grandfather... chur...

and thus aaron realized the great magnitude of his terrible sin... and that the tikkun (the repair) was thru this service being delineated by Hashem thru this building project... and by doing the avodah as commanded by Hashem in the mishkan and later on in the mikdash... so actually the mishkan is dedicated and consecrated in the name of chur... and his mesirat nefesh...

and thus rav meir teaches us here a very valuable lesson in life that this is our great task, mission and avodah in this world of ours... to raise ourselves up in willingness to do whatever it takes to worship on this level of committment and kedusha that we are virtually ready to give up our very lives (literally) if necessary to keep from transgressing or condoning others to transgress the torah law of our G-d and of His people and of His land... and this is why bezalel built it because this is the signpost along the way for us to know as shown to us by Hashem... that He will always honor and reward the ruach and true courage and conviction of a chur to stand up for G-d in this world... for Hashem's honor and glory...

and that is why aaron felt so inadequate... because his actions by the egel were less than the level of chur's even though aaron seemingly had a good reason for doing what he did... and this is why we have what seems to be a humiliating process for dedicating the kohanim and the leviim to service in the mishkan... it was called the miluiim... which literally means... "the filling of the hands"... a very strange term for dedication, consecration or even for mashuach (anointing)... and they were all basically given the same "cleansing" process of the metzora (the leper)... all hair over their entire bodies shaved off... the mayim chayim with hyssop, red-string and the blood of the bird... etc. the blood being applied to the big toe, the thumb and the ear-lobe of the kohen (all on the right side of his body)... for seven consecutive days running...  and so we wonder... what is all this and why did Hashem command it? rav meir here answers that miluiim is the filling of what aaron and his sons and even the rest of shevet levi all lacked... filling their hands with the missing mesirat nefesh which chur exhibited and which he, aaron, and they all did not... and even the leviim only rallied after moshe returned... perhaps they are being faulted for not stepping forward early enough... where have i heard that one before...?

anyway once the process was completed moshe could step aside from acting as kohen gadol and aaron and all of them could take over the avodah from the eighth day onward... but first all of the kelim had to be purified... sprinkled with the shemen hamishcha like aaron, himself, had been... why? what had they done? and since bezalel and moshe were the only ones to touch them from the time when the people had donated the raw materials... so they were not rendered tamei (impure)... so what gives here...?

this is my answer on this prat (detail or point)... the vessels did not sin... WE DID!!! and so those kelim made by bezalel al yedai chur who were so pure and holy... they had to be sprinkled not to make them worthy of our usage of them... but to make us who fell and did not hit the high mark of mesirat nefesh which chur had achieved... WE... not they had to be made pure and become uplifted to deserve to be allowed to use such kelim which had such a high exalted level of kedusha attached to them... the kedusha of kiddush Hashem and mesirat nefesh!!!!
169   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / rav meir's take on the chet haegel... "what mesirat nefesh really means..."  on: August 23, 2006, 12:45:38 AM 
part one...

i thought long and hard for quite a few minutes about where to post this d'var torah... and i came to the conclusion (obviously since it's right here and nowhere else) that it needs to be here on the political forum because to put it on the torah forum would imply that this vort has nothing to do with real-politic and is somehow divorced from real life... and absolutely NOTHING! could be more further and distant from the truth...

you see this is what they want to scare us into believing and accepting that torah belongs in the beit medresh and in no other place or setting... and of course torah is vital for the survival of mankind and the planet and so it belongs everywhere, at all times... in all conditions... for all-time and simply in any place on earth... and this is also why i am dead-set against ever using that discussion board recently made available to all of us...

and so the word of Hashem as it came down to us thru rav meir david ben yechezkel shraga hakohen... zacher tzadik tohar v'kadosh l'vracha... (from the end chapter of sefer harayon yehudi)...

aaron hakohen the first kohen gadol of k'lal yisroel was held to account more than any other individual jew involved in this penultimate fiasco of jewish history... he long felt unworthy afterward and never fully recovered from his failing... but he was consoled which we shall see at the end of this drasha in an addendum of my own to rav meir's teaching here...

in the aftermath of the event he felt crushed and as i said unworthy of his high position and calling... he felt that he had let everyone down... k'lal yisroel and his brother moshe rebenu and Hashem Yitborach... and it wasn't until the shechina descended on the eighth day of the dedication of the mishkan that he felt relieved and a little better... but it was to be a very short-lived relief as we shall soon see...

but first this intro culled from the mefarshim and my teachers on the subject... what was the true chet (sin) of the golden calf? it wasn't pure, unadulterated avodah zara (idolatry)... so then what was it? it was the wrongful attempt to bring G-d down to them in the guise of an intermediary that was not chosen by Hashem as moshe was and all of our prophets and leaders have been... this and the fact that like our avodah (service) in the mishkan and later in the beit hamikdash on har habayit in yerushalayim ir hakodesh demonstrated the goal of life in keeping the torah is to elevate your own soul and that of all mankind upward toward Hashem thru work on oneself and via worship and other mitzvot... (thru our avodah sheb'lev... the inner work upon our hearts)...

that which was beloved by Hashem from the avot... their erection of matzevot to the name and glory of Hashem (monuments for specific events of union with Hashem in their lifetimes)... became hated and therefore forbidden by Hashem for their children to follow suit and likewise emulate and perform... why?

because that which the avot succeeded in doing to begin to bring back down the Divine presence into the world... was only a start... in order to finish the job and coax the shechina to come down in full and dwell permenately down here... the task required our perfecting ourselves internally and "raising ourselves" up to G-d as symbolized by our constructing mizbachot (altars) and thru the sacrificial laws offering ourselves up to G-d so to speak in order to meet with His desire and fulfill His will for man in this world...

hence how graphic and ugly the sin really was... and how heartbroken and downcast the spirit of aaron as a result of his participation in this deed... what did he do? and why did he do the things which he did?

first... as we are all aware... moshe was seemingly late in returning on the morning and afternoon of what the people thought had been the 40th day... the day moshe promised to return to them with the full torah... the 10 commandments only being an introduction to the 613 mitzvot... but they were all mistaken... the initial erev-rav (goyim who converted and departed with us from mitzrayim {egypt} after having witnessed and having been inspired by the awesome display of the 10 makot) who were the true sinners and instigators of this crime together with the 3000 jews-by-birth who actually "worshiped" the calf alongside the mixed multitude rabble... these are the ones who erred and thought the 39th day was the 40th... and saw a vision in shemayim of moshe being carried dead upon a bier...

anyway they all rebelled and only chur the son of miriam and calev stood up against them... everyone else including aaron, his 4 sons and all the rest of shevet levi were frozen in their place too afraid to move against the traitors and those of too weak resolve and faith... and so the defiant mob killed chur who stood in their way... their panic and lack of bitachon drove them to murder...

and rightly or wrongly... probably correctly (but that should not have mattered)... aaron felt that if he too opposed them in a direct frontal-confrontation and they then killed him as well... then there would be no hope left for the am and they all would have been wiped out in G-d's jealous wrath for His exclusive rights as our G-d and king... hence aaron stalled for time and tried to hold them off hoping for moshe to return and back his play... and the rest as they say... is history... recorded in the chumash... (shmot 32-35)...

when moshe returned everyone felt their error and wrongdoing... from aaron on down the line... the leviim who hadn't stood up but who hadn't been guilty of any deed herein rallied to moshe and WERE THE ONLY ONES TO DO SO... exhibiting their higher-maintained level of ruchniut throughout this whole misadventure... and they slaughtered the erev rav (some of them) and the 3000 and the rest lost their glory and honor as G-d's chosen princes on earth at least temporarily as they then were made to wait 80 days to regain some of their fallen stature in their fall from grace and to reclaim some of their intended glory... but the firstborn (the bechorim) from each tribe lost their birthright as priests to G-d to be replaced by aaron and his sons and assisted by the rest of shevet levi who had at least stood up in the end and who had not been guilty of any sin by the calf...

but aaron was shattered at the reproof moshe and Hashem gave him for his role in this horrid affair... and even after the am was forgiven and recieved the second luchot (tablets) and even after the mishkan stood complete on the eighth day... still aaron felt unworthy because of the golden calf... and he felt even more certain about this as the avodah took longer on his first day at the helm in getting the shechina to accept the offerings and dedications presented for this unique... once in history... occassion... than on the previous 7 days moshe had performed the avodah and "miluiim" as he was then the only truly fitting person in k'lal yisroel to serve as high priest... and things had gone much more smoothly those 7 initial days under moshe's tutelge than under aaron's single solitary attempt on the eighth day... but he was relieved when after an extra prayer session in the ohel moed together with his brother and some extra b'samim did the trick and produced the desired affect they had all been anxious of Hashem coming down and burning up to Him the sweet-savour thusly accepting aaron's fealty offering lying on the mizbaeach... which then made him proven to be the chosen high priest... for Hashem had just then accepted this service and offering from aaron's hand... and He never did from anyone not fully authorized like moshe and then aaron were to offer Hashem k'lal yisroel's prayers and karbonot... see what happened to korach and his olam when they tried to offer hashem something out of turn and out of place (also by nadav and avihu... aaron's 2 eldest sons)... and hence un warranted and unaccepted by Hashem... replete with the death of the presenters for their arrogance to arrogate to themselves this lofty post and closeness to Hashem... so aaron was visibly relieved and revived that he was answered by Hashem...

but no sooner was aaron at last pacified and mollified then the nessiim showed up with their special dedicatory offerings in tow... and a miraculous one it was at that... they all atoned for their lack of zerizut at the call for donations to the tabernacle project and here with 12 exact duplicate copies... one for each shevet from their tribal chiefs who working independently had each come up with this exact idea and absolutely similar offering in number and measure... everything precisely the same but each item within having special meanings and representations for each individual tribe's own unique charactertraits and Divine mission for G-d in this world...

and now poor aaron was again crestfallen because he as the head of shevet levi had not had this insight or inspiration... and so now he experienced again the feeling of his unworthiness and sinfulness... but he had misunderstood... he did not have the insight because he had not done the sin of the other tribal cheifs who had all been slow to respond to the summons for funding, etc. for the building of the mishkan which as a model world... a miniature or microcosmic universe... was now to be a kapora and an atonement for the egel hazahav... as it taught the jewish people the proper usage of and true proportions of this physical universe and how we should treat it... "l'avda u'l'shamra" ("to work and to serve or preserve the work of creation") as adam and chavah were commanded in gan eden before their sin with the eitz hadat...

but before we handle this bayah let's return to the beginning of this maesah and to rav meir's brilliant instruction...

(to be continued)...   

170   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / truly an idea whose time has come/if ever an oppt. for this that time is now!!!  on: August 21, 2006, 10:08:02 PM 
i've said this before and i'll say it again... especially with the report of what rav kook zt"l said to both british and jewish authorities alike by the 1929 hebron arab riot and massacre of jews, as reported on arutz7... so with the courage and conviction of his words still ringing in my ears and echoing thru my mind... let me say this once again... just one more time again and let me be clear... as i re-iterate... ah... what a great report... what a great jew and man...

i say we take every arab piece of filth and vermin we have in our jails... men, women and children... bind them and gag them... but don't blindfold them... let them see true Divine justice being served and delivered up (or down to them as the case may be)... both to them and to their entirely good-for-nothing scum of a people... let them all (from top to bottom) see the following unfold...

strap them all with explosives which detonate on contact but cannot be tampered with by them... put them all aboard cargo planes.... fly them over gaza, the west bank and so. lebanon... and release them... let them all go.... dropping them all sans parachute on top of their own towns, people and communities' head...

and let the arab world see and feel terror and know the sight of the flow of their own blood like torrents of rivers and streams... for all the blood they let loose from unsuspecting and innocent jewish neshamot and gufs... and let them realize the awesome kiddush Hashem of the full fury and the open wrath of G-d... that of the real G-d... the only G-d... the one G-d... descending upon them all enmasse... mida k'neged mida... measure for measure... for decades now they have used planes and suicide-bombers to terrorize us and the whole entire world... and so now let them get paid back in the very same fare of their mete and in the very same coinage of their realm... what they did to us... we shall do back to them... and then we should go out and set-upon them all and drive them out from our midst and rid our land of them forever... they can leave quietly or die... let the rest of the world get a chance and an opportunity to have the pleasure of their most wonderful and excellent company in their midst... why let's have a population exchange... all the jews in the world for all the arabs of greatest-israel... our moshiach boundaries... and let the world behold and be taught the lesson... to be aware and beware of the eternally awesome reigning malchut of Hashem!!! nik. sensing the awesome glory of G-d about to befall the world!!! OUT!!!

"u'v'chain tzadikim yiru v'yismachu... viyesharim ya'alzu... v'chasidim b'rina yagilu... v'olatha tikpatz piha... v'chol harishah kulah k'ashen tichle... ki ta'avir memshelet zadon min haraetz..." ("...and so too... the righteous will see and be glad... the upright will exult... and the devout will sing and be mirthful and break out in glad-song... {at the sight of and at the news of...} as iniquity shuts its mouth... and all wickedness [on the planet] will evaporate and all go up in smoke when You will remove the kingdom of evil and its world-wide domain forever from off the earth")...

we've waited an eternity it seems... an awfully long time for this to come to pass... we know that our fathers and mothers were slaughtered for dreaming and praying for this nevuah to come true... and so now that it's finally here... let's welcome it in now with tears of joy and hearts of golden gratitude... for Hashem... and let's rejoice for all of our fallen fathers and mothers and brothers and sisters in our tear-soaked history... this is for us... yes... but it is truly for them as well... nik. out...
171   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbi Yoel Bin-Nun - a Very Confused Jew...  on: August 21, 2006, 06:41:50 PM 
everyone be on guard now for these matunations as we draw nearer to civil-war (G-d forbid) or closer to the coming of moshiach (please Hashem)... the nazi-kapo rulers and usurpers of our land will not go down easily nor go away quietly... without a fight, i'm afraid... they will sink to any means possible and necessary (for them) to survive... thank the good L-rd the clock and the count-down to their utter demise by Hashem has already begun... thank G-d their kaitz (their "end-time") is already ticking down on them... their vicious power and evil rule is ending!!!! thank G-d!!! thank G-d!!! they are about to be paid for their parts and for their predecessors' roles during the holocaustal genocide of our 6 mil. immediate ancestors... we all forgot that their "day" would come too... hopefully this is that time period right now and hopefullly it will soon be the turn of american and british co-conspirators as well... please Hashem!!! 

so... give all praise to G-d... give up to Him that which is due only to Him... and do so with a true heart and a fully maximized soul... return to Hashem!!! go back to G-d... to Hashem... the real G-d... the only G-d... nik. out... and pray for the welfare and safety of the whole house of israel... amen... n.

172   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Reservists Refused to Remove the Flag"  on: August 21, 2006, 06:31:52 PM 
may only the wrath and full fury of Hashem be poured out over them all until they cease to exist!!! can i get an amen on that one, brother? nik. out...
173   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What happened to the other regulars on this forum?  on: August 21, 2006, 06:29:20 PM 
the knights of malta are holding them ransom... nik.
174   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert the liar/"here come d' Judge..."  on: August 21, 2006, 06:26:54 PM 
now that the fake war is over... here comes the real one... i hope we are all ready for it... Hashem saves!!!! nik. out...
175   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Reservists Refused to Remove the Flag"  on: August 21, 2006, 05:09:40 PM 
great point yby... but those giving the orders have to be on the same page as the rest of the fighters or it is a no-win... no-go situation... and could spell disaster despite all of our tefilot... nik. out...
176   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: United We Fight by David Ha'Ivri  on: August 21, 2006, 05:01:01 PM 
"shmuel b'doro v'yiftach b'doro"... ("shmuel in his generation and yiftach in his generation")... we all must follow the leadership of whatever level or quality Hashem has deemed us to have at anytime..." thus saith the gemora... it also saith... that we get the leaders we truly deserve... l'tov u'l'rah!!!

but that only applies to jewish leaders of a jewish state... a torah-true state even with a weak and not so righteous leader... but one that does tshuvah for his own sins and gets us to do the same... THEN!!! and only then does he lead us off to war and with Hashem's help and blessing grants us overwhelming victory over our enemies who were only allowed by Hashem in the first place to torture us and inflict death and harm upon us because we were sinning in Hashem's eyes and angering Him... but now that we and our leader have wept over our sins and sworn and resolved to return to torah completely... NOW IS THE TIME TO FOLLOW AND FIGHT!!! this has not been the case up until now with this little fake war to try and destroy all of israel and overrun all of eretz yisroel and so it has not been the time to fight all-out.... soon... very soon when we have a proper leadership... one that we can trust explicitly... one that we truly deserve ('cause this one we do not any longer deserve... for we have done some of our requisite tshuvah part-way leastwise!!!)... and so there you have it!!! this is my understanding based on 30 years of learning torah and following the path of Hashem... and this is the way i'm going forward no matter what you all say... want to fight? want my support in doing so...? then either prove me wrong or climb aboard and acknowledge that this is emet l'amita... and accept the truth of my words... in the meantime while you're making up your minds... i will as well... check them out with my rebbe)... nik. out...
177   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Reservists Refused to Remove the Flag"/i can feel moshiach in the air...  on: August 21, 2006, 04:44:02 PM 
you see? if you are not a disgusting unjewish erev-rav jew... if you are truly a jew no matter how distant or lost... when it comes right down to it... a jew knows that "only moshiach (and Hashem) can help us now"... so be it!!! and thank G-d that soldier said it!!! we are going to be redeemed very soon... i feel it in my bones!!!! any minute now!!! and america and the rest of the world's governments can just go to never-dying eternal hell and remain there forever!!!! they tried to sucker us into a war of annihilation but Hashem wouldn't let us fall for it... Hashem is with us despite our despicablely unworthy world-wide so-called "jewish" leadership... boruch Hashem... yom... yom!!!! thank G-d!!!! nik. out...
178   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rumors of a military coup!  on: August 21, 2006, 04:22:43 PM 
did y'all read the letter david published...? that says it all... shemer is a shem tov!!! we must demand the gov.'s resignation or we must go and take it away from them... but it can only happen if the idf does it itself and/or if moshiach shows up to lead the way... to show us the right path to take... whether to war or to a holding pattern... whatever Hashem really wants for us... and this is exactly what we need... a coup... not a false one orchestrated by our enemies around the world... but a real one... one which will accept moshiach into its highest ranks if Hashem sends him... a coup which will grant us finally his coming... and then he will lead us al pi Hashem... upon a true path to a full peace... a real peace... a for all-time-to-come peace... immediately or eventually... and along the way he will lead us to victory... an ultimate vanquishing of our enemies... he will one day really (hopefully starting this very day)... LEAD US IN A WAR OF VENGEANCE, TRIUMPH AND LIBERATION... A WAR LEADING TO TRUE FREEDOM FROM ALL HUMAN POWERS ON EARTH AND TO BINYAN BEIT HAMIKDASH... THE ONE WHICH WILL LAST FOR ALL ETERNITY!!! PLEASE G-D!!! PLEASE HASHEM!!! nik. in revived hope and tears... out...
179   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: stated and unstated goals of the war against hezbollah... (all perfidious)....  on: August 21, 2006, 03:52:12 AM 
none needed... the vast majority of lost idf soldiers were settlers and other dati jews... case closed... end of discussion... nik. out...
180   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: United We Fight by David Ha'Ivri  on: August 21, 2006, 03:50:26 AM 
the law of the torah about milchemet mitzvah as all other mitzvot assume torah-true leaders and commanders of the army... without this there can never be a clear-cut psak that this is a milchemet mitzvah... l'kol hadeot... in fact... degel hatorah were all calling for an immediate cease-fire and i guess they got their way on this... i wouldn't be surprised if their attitude stems from my same sensitivity here... we need to bide for time to get rid of this gov. and perhaps... perhaps Hashem at long last will send us moshiach tzidkenu to lead us to war for am yisroel and for eretz yisroel... amen selah... nik. agreeing to wait it and gut it out... out... 
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181   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: serious question about Bint Jbail  on: August 21, 2006, 03:42:59 AM 
yby... well stated... nik.
182   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rumors of a military coup!  on: August 21, 2006, 03:39:51 AM 
of course that's what i meant... the french expression... "sans moshiach" means "without or barring the coming of moshiach" our only hope... derech hatevah... is for the idf to turn on its own masters... nik. death davening for a coup... out...
183   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: something really sickening to consider...  on: August 21, 2006, 03:37:16 AM 
if true and he goes forward with it... that will set me off big-time... (just so we're all on the right page... that eruption or meltdown of rage inside of me will be expressed by and with a molten barrage of venom from my mind not from any physically violent intent)... just so we're clear here... nik. out...
184   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Real aim of the smOl'merde surrender to UN...  on: August 21, 2006, 03:34:25 AM 
SORRY!!! wrong!!! everything bush et al say in public is for amer. jews and christians to lap up... the saudis and other a-rabs all know that's code for... we the u.s gov. are trying to help you guys destroy israel... and we will hedge them in at every turn despite whatever false, lies of support we make publically for israel..." you just don't understand the way the game is played... these are the rules of engagement... sadly we jews find ourselves (as usual) on the outside looking inward for salvation ("looking for love in all the wrong places")... we are so utterly alone!!!  nik. out...
185   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Peretz Wants to Talk to Syria  on: August 21, 2006, 03:28:10 AM 
i got a whole nickle to contribute for ol' peretz-baby... LET HIM BUY HIS OWN DAMN TICKET!!!! HE CAN CERTAINLY AFFORD IT!!! nik. out...
186   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: This week's books: the Palestinian fallacy, and the ONLY solution  on: August 16, 2006, 03:01:27 AM 
i have read this book twice cover to cover... thank G-d for her testimony of the following undeniable FACTS...

1) there were no serious amounts of arabs living in israel west of the jordan river until after 1922 when the jews had begun to reclaim the land from swamps and desert...

2) she explodes the total myth that the arabs treated jews decently while we lived under their rule in their lands... she records three hundred years of abuses and pogroms...

3) she proves that since their was no "indiginous" arab people living "from time immemorial" in palestine... that the flood of arabs found there before and after ww2 which was not yet the case right after ww1... was the mendacious doing of the british home office of the mandate located in egypt... upon orders of course from london... and they are the ones who flooded first jordan and then the rest of the palestinian mandate with hundreds of thousands of filthy arabs... all to deny jews a homeland of almost any size or shape... and they felt free to do so... because all along they planned for nothing more than a tiny israel with a pathetic vassal gov. of jews over a miniscule area of land... only for a temporary stay of 100 years or so... no more... and they felt secure in doing this betrayal to their own laws, accords and treaties because already in the 20's they had plans to wipe out eastern european torah jewry in the ww2 they already were planning to create and foment even before they perpetrated the ww1 murder upon mankind... and so too today they are moving rapidly to realizing their long-planned for ww3 which will give them (they hope) total supremacy and hegemony over the earth for all time to come... lo alenu... chas v'shalom...

and therefore... the only question remaining is where did she cull all this info from?

answer and this is documented on nearly every page of atrocities...

from the homeland office of the british mandate files which she flew to london to read...

so the british had recorded every time jews were slaughtered or rioted upon by their arab hosts... in every land except iran (persia)... egypt, syria, algeria, morocco. tunisia, libya, yemen, etc. of course she also records how we were driven out of saudi arabia at the advent of mohamid (spelled incorrectly to insult)...

next question how or why did the british have all of this info on file...?

answer not only did they keep track of these attacks on jews from post ww1 on but all throughout history in any lands of the arab world into which they had access... and since i know that they are all about preventing moshiach from coming and building a third temple on har habayit... and that they later on are primarily responsible for planning and carrying out and implementing the holocaust... so therefore i know... as in KNOW that they were responsible for paying off and getting their arab puppet gov. to rile up and excite the masses against the mizrachi jews just as they together with catholic rome and europe were responsible of exciting the masses their to rise up against our ashkenazi ancestors and continuously kill off as many jews as possible all thru-out the centuries of our golut... the powers-that-be that mainly reside in england and in rome are the ones who controlled anti-semetic murdering historically and they today are behind all the terrorism of our world and of our age... since the mandate of palestine was given over by their puppet league of nations into their sick, demented and murderous hands... perfidious albion... the blasted, bloody brits are the scourge of this earth... not the people just the crown and the elite... but they are really just an extention of rome and have always worked with the vatican to conquer the world for their sick demonic and satanic cause... nik. out...

no need to review "they must go" for you all know what it says and how right he was!!! n.
187   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: rumors of a military coup!  on: August 16, 2006, 02:50:36 AM 
halevai... kain yehi ratzon... if only it were true... sans moshiach a coup is our only real hope... nik. out...
188   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: serious question about Bint Jbail/ rome then and now...  on: August 16, 2006, 02:35:04 AM 
good synopsis nitz... but one thing you missed... they didn't seize power by the altalena murder... they already had it... ben gurion and weizman, et al... were hand-picked by the british crown and elite... including the efing rothchild's to be britain's lackeys over in the middle east... after they wacked out hertzl who wanted a real zionism opened for all jews everywhere... then they finished off jabotinsky who save for not being frum was the real deal and could have been a sort of messiah as he was raising a jewish army to fight its way into israel and depose the unjewish erev-rav scum... and thus once they got rid of these two major threats the field was left wide open for them... begin was their only problem and they barely missed waxing him too on the altalena... these are vicious, vicous scum who rule by murder and who participated in the killing of the 6 mil. in order to set-up the type of eretz yisroel that they and their bastard esavite masters wished to create... and to this very day they rule with them in mind... at the time the brits quit it wasn't that they quit having control over the jewish agency... they turned everything over to the arabs anyway but they also still controlled ben gurion and so each step along the way... even when they couldn't destroy israel out of vengenace for what begin and shamir had done... they still exerted pressure on ben gurion and upon all of his subsequent successors for years and years after they exited in '47 getting israel to heel and much later on, failing that, they got the american gov. to do their bidding by proxy for them and continue to apply their stranglehold upon israel... and so in essence... the british have never left... and now with the damn peacekeepers descending enmasse... they are back... bigger and badder than ever... it may be the french on the ground but the bloody brits will be calling all the shots... and so the armies of gog are now beginning to assemble upon eretz yisroel proper... and soon, please Hashem, we will live to witness the carnage of their decimated hosts... by the L-rd of hosts... amen... nik. out...
189   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: stated and unstated goals of the war against hezbollah... (all perfidious)....  on: August 16, 2006, 02:18:43 AM 
which arm?
190   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: United We Fight by David Ha'Ivri  on: August 16, 2006, 02:13:33 AM 
it was a milchemet mitzvah but olmert refused to fulfill the Divine command to really save and protect jewish lives and so the war was a disaster and one is patur from participating even in a milchemet mitzvah if one's own commanders are attempting to lose or even just not win the war... it is a case of real pikuach nefashot then and as the talmud states... "chayecha kodmim..." ("your own life comes first")... if you know at anytime they may try and kill you off by giving insane orders or even if only being more concerned for the lives of the enemy bystanders over the lives of one's own soldiers and one's own civilians... then it is permitted to go awol and no cowardice is done here... and no sin against nor defiance of the mitzvah (the law) of G-d is committed thereby... pashut this is what rav meir would say... again i ask you all... if you are not allowed to fight to win nor permitted to fight to vanquish... what then is the point of fighting and going off to war...? nik. out... 
191   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / something really sickening to consider...  on: August 16, 2006, 02:02:33 AM 
if in the end olmert gives more than just the war's pows of hez. back to lebanon... in other words if he actually frees any (even one) of the imprisoned terrorists which both hamas and hez. were demanding for the return of the three kidnapped idf men... then we should bring olmert up on murder charges for the lives of civilians and soldiers lost in a war that could have been avoided by "caving-in" at the beginning rather than at the end... i can't think of anything more despicable than this scenario playing out... if he gives any one not captured in the war in exchange for the 3 jewish sh'vuim... i am going to go ballistic... and if you all think up to now how insane i am... just wait and see how i lose it if they free even one prisoner (excluding the however many pows they are now holding since the outbreak of hostilities)... just wait... you guys ain't seen nothin' yet... nik. waiting for the other shoe to drop... out... 
192   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Real aim of the smOl'merde surrender to UN...  on: August 16, 2006, 01:54:00 AM 
olmert didn't LOSE the war... he THREW it on command... nik.
193   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Peretz Wants to Talk to Syria  on: August 16, 2006, 01:52:21 AM 
AND i want to talk to peretz and tell him what a horse's ass he is!!! nik.
194   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Damn! Why don't they do more than talk about it!?  on: August 11, 2006, 05:00:07 AM 
they will monarchist... they will... just be patient... this is the end of the memshelet zadon in israel... the one over the rest of the earth will take some time still to eradicate... but fear not... we will get them all!!! .nik. out... shabat shalom...
195   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: serious question about Bint Jbail/rome then and now...  on: August 11, 2006, 03:29:55 AM 
truth... what you are unaware of is... that the truth be told (no pun intended)... all the terrorist groups... chehnyans, hez, hamas, al-qaeda... all of them are bought and paid for and given their orders from the very people pretending to defend us from them... huh? you heard me...

harken back to the time of the roman republic and their semblance of rights and democratic rule... julius ceasar and a couple of other guys conspired together (this is why senators killed him to try and stop the cabal's tyrannical take-over)... they were in league to destroy the roman gov. and install themselves as dictators and despots to rule the empire... they accomplished this by heightening roman citizenry's fear of terror... huh? you heard me... same play out of the same playbook of today's roman savages and pagan tyrants...

they armed and helped them to break free of their bondage... fooling spartacus and his hordes that ships were coming to allow them to flee and when they were double-crossed it was either march on rome or die or worse be re-enslaved... so they complied and scared the crap out of the avg. roman and patrician class alike so that the three newly formed triumvant got the people to relinquish all of their freedoms, liberties and rights and disband the senate and their constitution and allow them to ascend the throne as emperors of the nwo of back then as payment for raising an army to stop the rebellion of the gladiators from vanquishing rome itself... and the whole thing went off without a hitch with no one back them discovering the ruse...

so the whole thing was designed and staged to bring the roman populace to their knees in total fear of "terrorism" in order to ultimately enslave them to their rule... the long night of the dark ages swiftly fell over europe after this especially when the church came along to consolidate and salvage what was left of the power and control of the roman empire before rome fell from the heavy burden and weight of its own internal abuses and corruption of that era of the ceasars... but this was not done with the freeing of the people in mind... it was not arranged to give them back their original status... not to bring much needed reform or to facilitate a return to the yearned for republican days of the empire's history but this shift was cynically and manipulatively imposed in an attempt to crush them down even further into the feudal system of what they planned would be (as the new romans of today are also planning)... eternal serfdom (a caste system no different than india's or egypt's)... and to suck dry all knowledge which was power in the eyes of the tyrants... and so then the church ruled rome... pretending to be monotheistic (christian) because judaism and the real chrisitianity movement was sweeping the empire due to their iron-clad rule and so in nicene in 325 constatine adopted christianity as the state-religion... but they never truly converted... they use it as a facade or a mask to hide their paganism behind it so as not to blow their cover... they are still working toward the very same ancient-already pagan-roman goals (which are the very same sun-worshiping religion and satanic cult along with the exact same aim of world conquest and totalitarian domination as conceived, begun and almost completely realized and implemented by nimrod after the mabul)... nothing has changed... when nimrod fell... paro took over the reins of seeking this quest to rebel against Hashem and His will for the destiny of mankind which He created... then the babylonians under nevuchadnezer took up the mantle... ultimately esav (who slew nimrod) thru edom/rome usurped this goal and mantle and have carried it forward and aloft ever since... only pretending to change along the way to modify themselves to accomodate public-opinion when they absolutely had to and bide their time historically until they could reach this point of nearing the total decimation of their opponents and finally they can come back out into the light of day and drop the monotheistic mask that they have been wearing for nearly 1700 years... and show their true colors and true paganistic beliefs which they truly have never stopped serving... and so these are the artifices and cunning schemes and deceptive trickery that they have employed to keep us all in the dark... unaware and to "pull the wool over our eyes" in order for us not to rebel against them and overthrow them...

to wit as recently as dubya in 2000 said: "i wish i could be a dictator... everything would be so much easier for me to get done..."

and pappy bush once said a few years earlier... "if the american people only knew what we are really doing in their name... they would hang us all from the nearest post..."

end of rant... proving the terrorists all work for our so-called leaders... the elite of ancient rome, in the parlance of football, once called for an end-around to gain absolute power... and so too have our modern-day roman "heroes" called the exact same play from the very same playbook... end of discussion... nik. out...     
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196   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Looks like war's over/what war? there was a war? why didn't i hear of it?  on: August 11, 2006, 01:45:03 AM 
i for one am happy about it being over... if we're not going to be "allowed" to fight to win i do not want to fight at all... because what then is the point...? nik. out...
197   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: stated and unstated goals of the war against hezbollah... (all perfidious)....  on: August 11, 2006, 01:02:41 AM 
sorry i forgot one of their other main goals...

4) clear out southern lebanon but not before the terrorist scum inflict heavy damage and carnage to northern israel so that the armies of gog will be welcomed without protest (w/o putting up a fight) by jews everywhere as peacekeeping (read: enslaving) forces upon jewish soil for the first time in modern israeli history since the british (yemach shemam v'zichram) departed in '47... nik. in disgust out...
198   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: stated and unstated goals of the war against hezbollah... (all perfidious)....  on: August 11, 2006, 12:20:15 AM 
no... let the leftist and atheist unjewish jews fight their own wars their way... if they wish to fight to lose... let 'em... they don't need us even if they want to win anyhow because we are still a small minority of the total israeli population... we should all fall back and defend our own homes and towns against our jewish and unjewish enemies and all who are coming to destroy us and our homeland... this is it folks!!! this is the real deal... nik.
199   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / stated and unstated goals of the war against hezbollah... (all perfidious)....  on: August 10, 2006, 11:24:15 PM 
all religious jews should refuse to join the idf and those in now should refuse to fight and all go awol... it doesn't matter for the outcome of defeat is already assured us and there is nothing they can possibly do about this now because the erev-rav unjewish jews of the nwo who control the israeli army are fighting to lose... and even though we need desperately to fight the arab scum and the vile terrorist vermin and destroy them all... it is impossible to accomplish this at the present time due to the indisputable fact that our "fearless leaders" are all working against our total victory... their aims and goals are these:

1) weaken israel and the idf and achieve military parity with the arab nations so that when the real war comes the jews and arabs will mutually destroy each other so that they along with their nwo masters (gog) can inherit the entire earth...

2) declare a military victory afterwards anyhow in order to "prove" that the west bank and the golan heights are both unnecessary for israel to retain in order "to be strong" and be able to defend ourselves and to defeat our enemies and protect israel's populace...

and here's the really big one... 

3) working in coordination with the terrorists to set-up and get killed-off as many dati and settler soldiers as possible to weaken the possible future resistance to the next round of judenreining jews from off of the land of israel...

and that's it folks... welcome to the new world order... all hail the one world government...

nik. out in utter disgust...

coup now!!! coup now!!! coup now!!!
200   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The "Israeli-Arab" Uprising Will Come Sooner Than You Think  on: August 10, 2006, 12:20:25 AM 
rav kahane was right... isn't that what we all say... well then if he was (is) then one day the 5th column vile arab scum will rise up against us because we did not follow rav meir's advice to throw them all the hell out... what is the great surprise or wonder here...? this concept is a no-brainer and not any kind of chidush at all... nik. out... 
201   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / serious question about Bint Jbail/you'll be asking this alot from here on out...  on: August 10, 2006, 12:12:31 AM 
they know enough about war to have done the right thing there... any five year old knows how to move in for the kill in boardgames (checkers, etc.) where or when he has a freeshot... so the real answer is... the tyrants and dictators of the nwo ordered him to throw the war and he is complying... next question... nik. furious out...
202   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: United We Fight by David Ha'Ivri  on: August 09, 2006, 09:46:24 PM 
also more later... but absolutely correct... jewish unity is the key to victory... unity of ahavat Hashem, torah, yisroel and eretz yisroel... davening, learning and chesed... this is our power... the koach of dibbur... of the peh... avodah she b'lev... but political unity and military unity can only be felt... k'ish echad b'lev echad... if we rally around the above principles... any other cause or reason of unity save for plugging ourselves into the destiny Hashem desires for His am... for k'lal yisroel as the am hanivchar... any other form of or reason for unity is destined to fail... and the truth of this is irrefutably and undeniably proven by our historical record upon this earth ever since sinai... nik. out...
203   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / realignment is off/we wish!!! but hardly so no matter what they say right now...  on: August 09, 2006, 09:23:17 PM 
dream-on sailor... the nwo will never allow him to back out now... sharon reneged on giving jerusalem to the vatican and we see what happened to him.. they will never stop coming for us and our whole entire land until Hashem Himself... b'kvodo v'atzmo... defeats them and wipes them off the planet... in their (gog u'maygog's) attempt to reverse and cancel-out Hashem's redemption process... no jew except moshiach ben yosef or moshiach ben david (whichever one we are currently deserving of or holding by appearing right now)... NO JEW... will be able to stand up to them and defy them except moshiach... and btwym i doubt very much that olmert is either one of the two moshichim... nik. out...
204   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: In the year sixty-six the Messiah will appear in the land of Galilee  on: August 09, 2006, 06:46:40 PM 
more later from me... but if this is all true... here we go... od mi'at v'nigallenu!!!! nik. out...
205   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rebbe's strong demands about fighting on Lebanon  on: August 06, 2006, 09:09:27 PM 
not ashkenazis... you don't have it straight... 'cause that's strictly a term initially used primarily for german jews of the land called ashkenaz by chazal... from there it went on to refer to russian and polish-jews and all non-sefardic jews as well as chassidim for that matter... although the last utilized nusach ari or nusach sefard either of which were different from nusach ashkenaz then in vogue by all litvishe and yeshivishe jews... which of course is the point you are trying to make...

but what you mean to convey is that the jews annoyed by the chassidish switch in nusach (among several other things especially the teaching of cabala to the hamoan am) were the jews of the litvish or yeshivish world who because they disapproved of the chassidishe movement and regarded it as another possible or even probable shabbtai zvi cult and fraud coming down the pike at them... so they violently resisted and rejected the whole tenuah for its first century or so... and thus they became known as the mitnagdim (or those opposed to chassidut and chassidism)... a mitnagid was a yeshivishe litvak who disdained chassidish thought and practice...

so get your terminology down, man... nik. like out dude...
206   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: We Can't Let Down Our Guard - Gay Events Still Taking Place in J'lem  on: August 06, 2006, 02:38:54 PM 
yby yep heard the same story as well... canada has really gone to the dogs... hasn't it? nik. out...
207   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us not Forget the Jews of Iran  on: August 06, 2006, 02:37:40 PM 
too bad they should be evaced against their will then... nik. out...
208   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rebbe's strong demands about fighting on Lebanon  on: August 06, 2006, 02:36:22 PM 
"eyes upon the land" is excellent... absolutely terrific... i highly recommend it to everyone... i'll have to get my hands on the other one soon... nik. out...
209   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: wtf?! Mitnagdim at it again  on: August 06, 2006, 02:34:40 PM 
me three...
210   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who's side are you on?!  on: August 06, 2006, 02:29:37 PM 
oh my G-d!!! how disgusting... this is the cretin i faced down and tore apart when he came to speak at long beach state for the muslim brotherhood on campus... it was quite a scene... y'all should have been there... nik. at his finest and very best... but who cares? what did it accomplish...? this guy has gone on to bigger and better chillul Hashems as we can plainly see here... what to do...? (sigh) don't get me started... nik. out...
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211   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "We Told You So"  on: August 06, 2006, 02:04:15 PM 
i agree with yby... absolutely correct!!! couldn't have said it any better myself... nik. out...
212   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "We Told You So"/so did i... 13 years ago already...  on: August 06, 2006, 01:45:51 PM 
nik: "now what...? this is the $64,000 question...
i think we're really screwed this time...
we're damned if we do... and doubly damned if we don't...
what to do...? what to do...?
to fight or not to fight...? this is the existential question...
whether it is indeed better and more noble to..."

nik's alter ego speaking on behalf of the entire planet:

"ah shaddup already nik. you're driving us all crazy...

nik: " who...? little ol' me?"...

ae: "yes you... ya big dope... nobody wants to hear from you... nobody cares about what you have to say... now pipe down over there... i'm trying to get some sleep..."

nik: "o.k. but i told y'all this was gonna happen... years ago when they pulled out of lebanon in 2000 and even way back when they signed oslo in '93... i was horrified at oslo and i was absolutely livid by the lebanon retreat... i just knew after each event that the whole place was going to go straight to hell in a handbasket because of what israel had just done... i knew already back then that we'd only have to go back into any area we ceeded to the vile scum and at great loss of precious jewish life too but no one would listen to me... and..."

ae: "enough!!! you made your point already!!! now stifle yourself!!!"

nik: "no i didn't... olmert has... he says: 'you want a war to kill all the terrorists...? fine... but it's gonna cost you the west bank and jerusalem...' talk about a deal with the devil..."

ae: "i said enough already... you sanctimonious little twerp, you self-righteous coward sitting in l.a. ca. while we're all out here bleeding and in harm's way..."

nik: "but i was right!!! you know... I WAS RIGHT!!!  and i could have prevented all of 'our' suffering if only you would have listened to me... years and years ago already..."

ae: "i said stow it... everyone hates a know-it-all... a goody-goody-two-shoes who is always right and in everyone's face all the time tellin 'em off... now shut the hell up!!! or i'll pound you..."

nik: "but this was never supposed to be a part of the equation!!!"

ae: "i'm warning you for the last time... one more word and i'll..."

nik: "(sigh) no need to get violent... i'll keep quiet... sheesh... i was only trying to help..."

ae: "that's it!!!"

sounds of nik. getting whooped...

the end...

nik. out... thank you all for coming...

this has been a nikkie-pooh and goodnight production... all rights reserved...
213   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Million Click Campaign/and the journey begins with a single click...  on: August 06, 2006, 05:55:39 AM 
but let me first view the film and see if it earns my click... i can tell you right now that i'm not going to fall for any more soap-opera, emotional tear-jerker flicks like i did last year by the video and song... "lo yehiyeh v'lo yikra..." you won't get my support for that kind of mindless, feel-good media event that gets nothing done in the political reality arena... spirituality is of course fabulously great and to be encouraged and furthered but it didn't get the job done by itself before the expulsion and so i am now wary of these attempts to win my heart over and think that this is doing the job... getting it accomplished and really doing something... had the video and song really swept the nation and put a stop to the expulsion i would be this genre's biggest fan... but since it most definitely did not i have a "show me first" (and prove its true worth) attitude about these kinds of endeavors... and i vowed to myself... bli neder... that after the disaster and debacle of gush katif... "we (i) won't get fooled again..." (the who)... nik. out...
214   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: We Can't Let Down Our Guard - Gay Events Still Taking Place in J'lem  on: August 06, 2006, 03:39:49 AM 
yeah...? well have someone from canada tell you about the man who held up a sign with the appropriate vayikra quote... with chapter and verse prominently displayed on it from the top of the steps at his church as a gay-pride parade passed by... 5 or so gay thugs ran up to him from out of the parade route and beat him within an inch of his life and forget about a protected free speech suit... the man never even received an attempted murder case from this event... in fact... the sicko canadian gov. brought the victim up on charges of inciting a riot... can you believe this...? the outcome as i understand it is that the man died from his injuries and the state is still suing either his estate or the church for the damages he was convicted of... welcome to sedom 5766... and how about that? gay-bangers instead of gang-bangers... and the banging is of straight people's heads instead of each others' fannies!!! the world continues to get weirder and weirder with every passing day!!! nik. out...... 
215   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why should only we suffer...?  on: August 06, 2006, 03:31:24 AM 
anyway as you all can plainly see... it's been done... thanks one and all for your imput... nik. out...
216   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jordanian king enraged by war/ah... poor baby...  on: August 06, 2006, 03:28:47 AM 
ah... is the little knigsy-winzy having a hard time seeing jews kill arabs...? well isn't that just too efing bad...? if you are really that enraged, cretin, how 'bout your coming into this war so that we can get our land back from you...? what...? no? thought so... now just sit tight and shut the hell up!!! message from the idf... (at least the one they should be sending the little runt)... doesn't he remind you of the comic-strip character... "the king of id"...? nik. out.../
217   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us not Forget the Jews of Iran  on: August 06, 2006, 02:48:22 AM 
yeah... ditto for me what yby is saying... if they are in trouble in iran... then just like rav meir said... the idf should fly into tehran and hold the airport and evac all jews out and THEN bomb the sh** out of' the bastard persian moslems... nik. out...
218   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: wtf?! Mitnagdim at it again/everyone's a critic...  on: August 06, 2006, 02:41:47 AM 
o.k. enough!!! thanks to torahzionist i now proudly display a pic of one of my rebbeim... rav nachman bulman zt"l... this should effectively end the problem with my choice of avatars... can we now get back to the job at hand...? thanks... sheesh!!! nik.  out...
219   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: wtf?! Mitnagdim at it again  on: August 04, 2006, 01:39:56 PM 
the boys should either stay in yeshiva and learn and daven for israel or they should go up there to do so if they can summon the courage... or they can go up there to help out in stores or post offices or what-not... but absolutely it is no time for vacationing and enjoyment for us jews... that is... for we jews ANYWHERE in the world!!!!! ONLY SOMEONE VERY CALLOUS AND INSENSITIVE WOULD GO ON A TIUL OR GO ON CHOFESH TO EILAT OR MAUI OR SOMEWHERE LIKE THAT... (and if you already have vacation plans and packages that you cannot get out of... i'm not talking about you... or if you back out of it your wife or kid will never speak to you again... i'm also not referring to you... although they could sure use a good lesson in "k'lal yisroel aravim zeh l'zeh")... but right now... we must all do the things that make us "imo b'tzar" and show us willing to be "noseh b'ol im chavairo..." nik. out...
220   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: We Can't Let Down Our Guard - Gay Events Still Taking Place in J'lem  on: August 04, 2006, 01:28:26 PM 
yeah... i hear lavender tote bags are all the rage this summer... but you can only carry them on shabat in an erev... nik. out... 
221   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Map of rocket attack on Israel  on: August 04, 2006, 01:27:12 PM 
it's in need of an update unfortunately... 'cause it doesn't show any of the afula strikes yet... nik. out...
222   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why should only we suffer...?  on: August 04, 2006, 01:26:13 PM 
o.k. o.k. i'll dump it... just get me some more options to deal with please... nik.
223   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is this guy from Revava?  on: August 04, 2006, 01:25:05 PM 
yeah... he has to stay late after school and clean all the blackboards... n.
224   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: We Can't Let Down Our Guard - Gay Events Still Taking Place in J'lem  on: August 04, 2006, 01:17:14 PM 
simply disgusting and tragic as well... very bad news for k'lal yisroel... i hope some of the demonstrators that come out get violent with the marchers... this is definitely a moment and a place for all our zealots to come to the fore... pinchus where are you when we need you most...? we could also use the jdl of old... even the one with irv rubin weilding baseball bats and chanting menacing slogans at kkk rallys would be a welcome sight right about now... nik. hoping for the best... out....
225   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / LetusnotForgettheJewsofIran/fine but let's not let them get israel nuked either!  on: August 04, 2006, 01:03:00 PM 
let them flee to america or anywhere else if they will not or cannot go to israel because of whatever valid reasons (or unvalid ones for that matter) that they may have... and yes bk if i stay here too long and israel has to attack l.a. ca. to save israel it will be just too damn bad for moi that i'm still here and then in harm's way... the fault will be mine... and mine alone... israel must survive no matter what... and america already long ago has been THE enemy of all of our too many enemies... we just don't want to admit this to ourselves yet or face up to the reality that this is the case... nor do any of you see or know the things that i have learned that make this point absolutely the truth and an indisputable fact on the ground here... nik. out... shabat nachamu shalom... 
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226   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why should only we suffer...?  on: August 04, 2006, 08:33:46 AM 
well if i knew how to put up my own pic i would... or you could cast me with a different musician... say neil young or cat stevens (before the fall... before the fall)... in fact when i was much younger people thought i looked like the cat... nik. out... 
227   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is this guy from Revava?  on: August 04, 2006, 08:22:35 AM 
now that you explain it... i understand it... it was of course the scenario i described above... you were trying to get jews to see the error of their ways... it just sounded like someone in revava's name was (ala yigal amir's mentor avishai raviv ~ no friend of the right as he pretended to be) trying to harrass and bully jews (in order to trash revava's reputation) which on tisha b'av (or any other time for that matter) is not only counter-productive but axiomatically the antithesis of what we are supposed to be aiming for on this (or any other) day... warm regards yisroel and have much hatzlacha... hope to see you soon here or there... nik. out...
228   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Map of rocket attack on Israel  on: August 04, 2006, 08:14:16 AM 
wow... great site... thanks... nik.
229   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why should only we suffer...?  on: August 04, 2006, 03:41:58 AM 
i don't know him or his music... but i like the way they have his face lit up... like moshe rebenu lehavdil... nik. out...
230   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Let us not Forget the Jews of Iran  on: August 04, 2006, 03:40:27 AM 
i hate to sound so harsh... but they have had their chance to flee as they should have long ago... along with all the rest... except for those too old or ill to be moved... the rest have no right to be there now that we need to take iran out to save eretz yisroel... they have to realize that the welfare of our homeland has to take precedence over their situations... we should still try to get them out... but we should have bombed iran like yesterday already... and every hour that goes by only adds to our mortal danger... we can't let iran use jews as human shields either or half of all of israel may get nuked as the price we pay for our hesitation for their regard... leave now jews of iran or else we cannot and will not be able to save you... very sorry... but you have run out of time to come home... and you knew this day might arrive at some point... since '79 you have been playing with fire to remain there... well... that fire is now a raging inferno and we need to put it out before it puts all of us out... please understand and get the hell out of there!!!! nik. out...
231   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Israeli Jewish Blogger The Muqata writes...  on: August 04, 2006, 03:27:22 AM 
time to take the microphone away from the reshayim... we have to finally make them eat their blasphemous words... and in this case make them pay for their cynical manipulation of the death of a truly courageous jewish hero... it just sickens me to hear how they twist the story to suit and to fit their satanic plans... nik. out...
232   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is this guy from Revava?  on: August 04, 2006, 03:22:39 AM 
this doesn't sound like revava... unless he was simply trying to get jews to see the error of their thinking and that they should all demonstrate against their all being relegated to a sideshow lo' these many years instead of having access to the main event...

unless this is his true story here he is just another plant to make us look bad in the eyes of jews the world over... nik. out...
233   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / who is wise...? the one who can see the future...  on: August 02, 2006, 09:25:29 PM 
yeah just saw this too... finally they tipped their hand as to what all of this is really all about... now we can plainly see why bush is giving israel so much time to win decisively... so that olmert can tell jews all over the world... "see... we can fight and win and vanquish our foes as needs be from tiny, little israel... the pre-'67 one... whenever we have to... whenever we want... just trust me and us (america saves!!! not...)..." this is the message...

but it is a death trap to accept this proposal and policy... they don't mean this: "that see we are so strong we can make peace..." if this were truly their message that would be bad enough for their lack of critical judgement and their lack of understanding what a huge separation of 1000 miles all around eretz yisroel would mean for our security... missiles or not... even nukes or not... try telling america... "look... you are so very strong militarily... you don't need all this land mass to protect yourself anymore... give some back to mexico... give a little over to the indians whom you totally dispossessed when you flooded over this continent like the great deluge..." THEY OF COURSE WOULD NEVER DO THIS... AND NOT JUST BECAUSE OF THE LOST REVENUE AND PROPERTY... but because it is suicide to ever weaken yourself no matter what... because one never knows when the land could come in handy to protect oneself from attack or what some enemy may come up with later on in history that would make their possession of the american southwest vital as an in-road for the enemy if in their hands... or for the side of the present occupants (the u.s.) it could turn out to be an outright lifesaving and fortunate stroke of good luck or smiling-fate to just happen to be able to defeat the unexpected new threat by virtue of having never relinquished these lands in the first place...

so besides all the torah thought here... just plain military strategy and defence planning negates this utter lie as being solid good planning and shows it up for the satanic perfidy it really is... that they including the erev-rav unjewish jews in control of israel... they in league with america and the world cabal secretly want us to acquiesce and give away the precious and vital land so that just this nouveau thing they may have up their sleeves for us can work and wipe us off the map... but don't worry for our current is. leaders and gov. though... they will all be spared and protected and survive the coming cataclysm (G-d forfend)... the entire ruling clique of erev rav scum will be just fine thank you... well taken care of in their new european chateaus and villas or even in their plush pashaesque estates and palaces in israel when the nwo casinos come rolling into gaza and the west bank... and don't fret either for har habayit... it will be just fine with a grand temple and monument to nimrod's god of the sun built by the vatican who just pretend at christianity until it is safe for them all to come out of the closet and take off their monotheistic-masks that they (rome/egypt/babylon) have all been wearing lo' these past 2000 years or so... and don't you worry and stay up nights and be overly concerned for our fate as well... because there is no need for us to be wary of our own future... for our places, yours and mine, are truly secure in the coming nwo... and they will be just dandy ones to be sure.... for...  WE WILL ALL BE DEAD OR CHAINED IN ETERNAL SLAVERY AND BONDAGE.... THUS RENDERING EACH OF US FAR TOO NUMB ONE WAY OR THE OTHER TO EVER CARE OR WORRY ABOUT OUR WELFARE EVER AGAIN!!!! welcome to paradise... "happy" tisha b'av 5766 my fellow jewish brothers and sisters... look what we all have to look forward to one day very soon... unless we awaken from our dangerous nap and confront this sick evil head-on... and wouldn't you know it... just look at the time... it's way past late... it is already so, so late that it is almost too, too late... please Hashem rescue us before it really IS too late... G-d forbid... nik. in real fear but with trust in Hashem and hope in you all to see the truth finally and act... n. out...
234   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: why should only we suffer...?/beware the hides of our arch enemy... esav...  on: August 02, 2006, 02:03:31 AM 
how i know bush is lying...

two things show him off for the disgusting liar he truly is...

1) yesterday's speech in florida his favorite hiding place...

calls for war to proceed until hezbollah is reined-in...

reined-in??? why not OBLITERATED... as declared in your war address after 9/11...?

proof positive that they never intend to let israel finish off her bitter enemies...

and remember back to 9/11... the week afterward syria... SYRIA... got elevated to security council status... syria!!! and i heard the syrian un-sicko's speech too... where he said..."syria has been fighting terrorism in the world for thirty years now..." (i.e. the israelis)... and i said to myself... "my G-d... syria IS terrorism like toys R' us!!!! and if this is what america and the world do in the wake of 9/11 something truly sickening is going on that we are not being made aware of and off i went to search for the truth which i can say 6 years later almost... that i have surprisingly found things i did not know then which i do now which are truly shocking and which make my hair stand on end... and cause me to genuinely fear for the future of the human race and especially for the jew...


2) the joint press conference with blair at the white house last friday... missed most of it... but caught this priceless gem...

reporter asked him if he was giving israel so much time because he wanted israel to win the war...?

now... besides the fact that these political bastards always avoid answering directly to any question asked of them... here you can see the real rishut come to the fore... because this is the "war on terrorism" supposedly... so his answer should have been an unequivocal... "YES OF COURSE, I DO... HEZBOLLAH AND HAMAS ARE TERRORISTS WHO WONT STOP ATTACKING AND ISRAEL IS OUR ALLY IN THIS WAR... AND OF COURSE I WANT THEM TO WIN... WHAT KIND OF STUPID QUESTION IS THIS?"

that is what he should have said without hesitation... but he did not... he evaded a yes or no and went on to say how we want a new middle east and all the lines they have him and rice parroting all the time these past few weeks... and then he also said how he wants a long-term armistice and not just another short-term cease-fire as usual...

now why is this proof he's lying and deceiving us jews...? because as i said before in the first part of this thread... everything was coordinated with the saudi-gov. in attendance in the oval office with condi before her little juncket over... why wouldn't bush be seen on the news in conference with his cabinet... why are the saudis all of a sudden our defacto foreign policy staff...? why are they in washington holding press conferences even without bush a saudi spokesmen went out after the meeting to dispatch rice and spoke of "deep concern for the fate of the lebonese people..." what are we? has america become a colony of the kingdom of saudi arabia...? that's the way it looked last sunday...  and besides... we all know that the terrorists have but one goal on this earth and that is to wipe out israel and as many jews as they possibly can get their dirty, grubby hands on to kill... they all held by hitler and the nazis in ww2 and they are no different now in their rhetoric and in their poisoning of their youth today...

so for their to be brought forth now and put into place a new treaty introducing peacekeepers and taking yet more land from israel as the result of this war... this can not possibly be seen as bush supporting israel and taking the war to the terrorists... and so... i reiterate my oft' asked query... if this is a real war on terrorism... why are all the terrorists still standing... still walking around above ground and still terrorizing the world almost 6 years into this "war"...? and now add onto that question the following update and addendum... if israel has been finally given a green light after all these years of agony since oslo ('93) of being restrained and held back from self-defense... why won't bush come out and say we have his support and blessing to finish them all off...?  answer is... "survey says"... this is not a real war on terrorism... this is a facade... a sham... and therefore the real purpose of the fake-war is to make america and britain with the vatican and the saudis and maybe china as well... together... the sole powers on earth... and in order to accomplish this they have to foment a war at just the right time so that israel and the arab world wipe each other out... and this time it didn't work quite right... because while hez. and hamas have shown resilience to withstand the initial incurrsions of israel... they still do not possess the firepower to destroy israel... and so another holding period for their mutual destruction will have to be found... and unless my timing is off... that would be a year from now when iran finally has her american/saudi provided nuclear arsenal in place... for i firmly believe we are heading for disaster here... and bush's non-acknowledgment of wanting israel to win is key... because there is no reason for him to deny this regardless of arab-oil concerns... for afterall... this is supposed to be the brave new world after 9/11... remember? the one in which blackmail and extortion will not scare off the free world from acting decisively for the safety and security of all mankind... utter hogwash and [censored]!!!! they don't mean a single word of this declaration of war on terror... AND NEVER EVER HAVE!!!! this is what you guys just refuse to understand... you refuse to get the point here... though the evidence is staring you in the face everyday in the media when you do not see american or british soldiers fighting terrorists anywhere in the world... not in indonesia... not in the philippines... not in bosnia or chechnya... no where!!! six years in and we are not fighting anywhere at all!!!!

and so my friends... israel is in mortal danger right now... no doubt about it... they are not being allowed to take the fight to iran or syria... nor have they invaded with their groundforces which pm begin did the first day of the '82 campaign the one that should have once and for all taken care of this problem and there should therefore have never been a plo/oslo accord or a hamas or hezbollah operating on our borders... but sharon was sent in by you know who to screw everything up and he sure did do that... yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed!!!! anyway that's all for now... nik. in utter disgust... out...
235   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Great Pictures From The Battlefield  on: August 02, 2006, 12:12:26 AM 
there is absolutely no doubt that this is a "wag the dog" misadventure so far... why? because i'll bet you anything all the negative pr from the disengagement of the gush will now make them look like heroes saving jewish lives in the process... and they planned to use this as their saving grace from that debacle all along... because they were instructed to go to war at this time and they are not free to ever make their own decisions and take their own actions because the cabal leads the world like a master does his dog on a leash... so this is cynical manipulation and it is leading now to four or five distinct results... 1) the sedition of giving away the sheeba farms as if hez. and leb. deserve anything after putting israel thru this hell... this is just sick all by itself... that filthy [censored] rice and her sneaky tricks... 2) two-state solution they're still pushing after all we've been thru... absolute garbage... as if an oath has to still be kept when the other party breaks his a million and one times over... just disgusting... 3) and then nato or now even un stormtroops are coming to fulfill the biblical prophecy of gog's army coming to meet its doom upon the mountain tops ringing around eretz yisroel... 4) and of course we might still see a "prisoner exchange afterall this mess is done... but 5) the real wicked idea here is afterward there is going to be extreme pressure applied for us to foreclose on the entire yehudah and shomron and give away yerushalayim to the satanic pope in the vatican at rome... just sick!!! we get attacked... we have to go to war to defend ourselves and then we have to capitulate to every single point the enemy demands of us... (all which they could have had 100 years ago but went to war instead... and still could have had it as late as 2000 but went back to terrorism instead)... so why the hell do they get to have it all and still there is no guarantee... none... that they won't be back in a month or a year to yet again try and wipe us out... this much agmat nefesh is just too hard to take... and it is for this hypocrisy and this utter hatred of jews from the world at large from which stems my venom and my rage and spurs me on to death-daven for the world... i loathe this world with every ounce of strength i still retain... i'm spent already because of all the vileness of their treachery and prevarication... but i keep on digging deeper... to fight in my own way... 'till the death if necessary... "mayim ad nefesh... Hashem... how much longer...?" nik. out...
236   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Great Pictures From The Battlefield  on: July 31, 2006, 10:35:49 PM 
great pics... thanks... real kiddush Hashem... may all of their orders and all of their battles be delivered by and fought from Hashem Yitboruch's command alone... amen...
237   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / why should only we suffer...?  on: July 31, 2006, 12:50:46 AM 
if there has to be death and destruction... one way or the other... if 50 kids must die from somewhere... then i choose it from them not us... we have suffered enough in history... this time let the holocaust rain down on someone other than the jewish nation... upon someone else... anyone else... just not on us... we've had enough of them for one history... thanks just the same world... but we'll pass this time...

and world please stop all of your hand-wringing and crocidile tears-crying... we know all about how upset you really are over the deaths of children in this world... we know when arafat yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam va'ed sent his goons into ma'alot in the early '70's and wiped out 40+ precious jewish kids... we saw how you all wailed then... we watched with utter horror when chechnyian wild-animals destroyed 300 russian children and we watched you world and took your pulse and not nary a beat did any of you miss on that black day... so spare us all of your acrimonious theatrics now over how terrible this act was even if begrudgingly you have to admit that this time it was justified because of the jewish children who fell under the sights of the rocket launchers hezbollah put inside their own people's baby carriages and cribs... thinking they could "have their cake and eat it too" as they have had it for so long... that they could kill our children with impunity as we felt the humanity you never exhibit to not want to take innocent babes from their mother's arms... and if we did strike back then you used their deaths callously to have a hammer over which to bludeon us with... well no more... thank G-d... no longer ever again... please G-d... if you strike at our children then yours will also pay the price from now on... and of course world, yes... yes we know how deeply you care only when jews kill innocent babies by accident or by design... when the jew is up against it and you have us pinned against the wall and our only other option is to kill your babies or do nothing and watch as our own soldiers or people die and bite the dust instead... thanks alot world for that one... one of your greatest gifts you've ever given us... you demented and diseased scum and refuse... thank you for this torture and agony which we have had to endure for decades now because of the evilness of your heart and due to the vileness of our own leaders who cared more for your babies than for our own... for so long... for too long... and so world... you can all go to hell with your sobbing and carrying on about human suffering... and "the children... the children..." for we also saw you all in glorious action back when israel wasn't even involved yet in lebanon... we saw how much you cared for lebanese children when a civil-war raged between arab-christian and arab-moslem and saw you just sit back and watch as they tore the place apart for 15 long years... yeah we heard you then world loud and clear as the silence was deafening over the lost little children of that war... and we watched you for years pretend not to see or hear when we lost our children to terrorism almost on a weekly basis since oslo in '93... tali hatuel and her 4 little baby girls and her 7-month old baby boy fetus were all murdered in cold-blood on sunday may 8th 2004 and we saw and we heard how you cried for them and for the agony and suffering of the father and husband who had his whole family genocided in one afternoon for no other reason than that they were jews trying to live upon the land that the G-d of the bible deeded to them almost 4000 years ago...

so stop the games and all the play-acting already... we know you don't give a damn about anyone's children save for your own elite, aristocratic, blue-blooded ones... we see how slow you are to respond to tsunamis and earthquakes and to hurricanes when the lost are from the third world or from the "dregs" at the so-called bottom of the barrel in the first world... we know about all of your genociding of africa on a regular basis and of the one in asia from the korean war thru the vietnam war... we know how much you really care for the sacredness of human life and of course for the preciousness and the blessing of innocent, pure children whom you starve and kill-off in wars too numerous to keep track of... or use them for political-footballs when it means giving jews and israel a hard go of it... yes... yes... we know... "the children... but the children... my G-d the poor children..." yeah... sell it somewhere else sister and brother... your words all ring hollow... your sincerity is suspect... your proven track record in history reads loud and clear... loud and clear... and it is to the opposite pole... you are heartless and callous and cold-blooded... except when a jew kills a goyish baby... then... oy vey... then do you show us how much you care!!!! oh Gottismere do you let it all out then and spew forth and harangue and wine and nag us and and carry on a hullabalu... until we cease our fire and agree to take more jewish deaths rather than produce more goyish ones instead... you love us when we participate in our own suicide for you... doing what you want us to... but when we decide enough is enough and say that we would rather go on living... then do we hear from you about all the human suffering we cause in our own defense... then we hear from you kofi, you anti-semitic piece of cowpie, scoundrel... (i won't let you in on what your name means in hebrew) but not a word from you or any of your cronies for the jewish babies thrown out from gush katif or out of amona with beatings to boot... or all those precious little jewish cargos now spending their summer vacation not in camp but in bomb shelters and soon if you all have your way... G-d forbid... and you won't!!! but if you only could you'd have them all back in concentration camps wouldn't you... you thoroughly filthy scum of an efing jew-hating world...!!!?

and you go on and on... about israel's breaking of international laws even though it was and is solely being done after decades of abuse simply to defend herself... and we hear about how disproportionate our defense of ourselves is... how unfair for the attacker to die and we remain of the living... how dare we!!!! right? you utter bastards.... and you go on t.v. and point to residential areas totally bombed out and say only in israel's defense that... "we don't know what was in-between these buildings..." bull you didn't... and bull you don't now in other villages... you know exactly what was there but you dare not utter it for the cameras lest israel get positive coverage of this war... your hypocrsiy and jew-hatred wreak to the high heavens... you make me sick you diseased of soul, sewer-rotted so-called leaders of the goyish world... you vile vermin and gutter-snipes... go to efing hell the lot of you... you good for nothing leeches upon this earth!!!!

and lastly we turn to "poor" yishmael... the same who shot arrows at tiny, innocent and purely holy yitzchak when he was a mere lad of two or three... pretending not to notice where they were flying and landing... hoping one would "accidently" pierce the miracle boy and kill him dead... you miserable piece of filth... you whose latter-progeny hid under the swasticas and black and brown shirt and skirts of the fascist nazi regimes of the world and pretended not to notice as the 6 million died in the holocaust and then smiled your sick grin and held up your hands to show their cleanliness from this shedding of jewish blood... not to mention for the hundred years of terrorism you launched against us at our return to our homeland... well hear this now... know this well... G-d knows the truth of what you did and whose side you supported during ww2 and before and afterward as well... and how they promised you the sun and the moon for your oil and guaranteed you that the vast majority of european torah jewry would never make it here and would not be emigrating ever to the shores of "palestine"... you knew and you agreed to the plan and so you shed that blood too and now the G-d of all souls comes for you to exact from you the price you must pay... the one you so richly deserve and have earned for your participation in the holocaust and for how "wonderfully" you treated G-d's holy, chosen people throughout history when we lived at your largese and mercy and at your very beck and call in all of your lands these last two thousand years almost... we know how innocent you all are... and how deeply you are concerned for your own arab rif-raf, rug-rats... yes we've seen how you love them all... each and everyone of them... my what fatherly and brotherly love you have had and have so faithfully shown and demonstrated toward your own... what great role models of virtue and compassion you have always been to them... stellar... yishmael... just stellar...

and so if there is to be another holocaust in this world then let it be yours... we have already had ours thank you all very much... we have paid long and hard for our historical sins and now that they are just about at the end now... the golut is over... the geulah is here... now at long last... and how delicious it is to witness... happy the eyes who are alive to see the nikmat dam avadecha hashafuch finally arrive... now at long last our time of suffering is over and yours o' esav and yishamel is only now just beginning... only just beginning... finally it is your turn to burn at last... burn long world... and burn true... you have earned everything you are about to receive... so enjoy!!! i know i will take great comfort, solace and pleasure in seeing you finally get what you have truly had coming to you for lo these many, many (too many) years now... long may you burn world... long may you burn... for all of what you have done to us from time immemorial... a pox on all your houses... and then let us live and not you to see the final peace of the coming of the L-rd back to yerushalayim ir hakodesh... amen selah!!! kain yehi ratzoncha... nik. out... 
238   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Arab MK Attacked in Acco  on: July 30, 2006, 11:16:17 PM 
yep... it would appear that rav meir was right about this one as well... nik. out...
239   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Arab MK Attacked in Acco/just a matter of time now...  on: July 30, 2006, 01:22:38 AM 
yeah but just the same finally something to cheer about on the home front... it is only a matter of time now before "israeli-arabs" get into this thing and open up on jews... just a matter of time... they've been waiting for this moment for 60 years and foolishly we let them just sit there and bide their time and plan and get ready for their day to arrive... well that day is finally here... and soon we may get a peek at what they have been laying aside for us... and now with the idf otherwise occupied (funny word in this context) they can literally pick their own target and almost without a hitch at least carry out one solid operation doing a ton of damage (G-d forbid) before israel wakes up to the 5th column threat which they represent... about which rav meir screamed his head off over and over again without success in our heeding his warning and taking action to thwart this ticking time bomb about to explode in our faces anyday now... yep... just a matter of time... stupid, stupid jews... nik. out
240   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Igal Amir was right  on: July 28, 2006, 01:35:48 AM 
it should be obvious... nik.
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241   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a call for justice...  on: July 25, 2006, 10:57:33 PM 
everything is real here... it all fits into place... this is the true machinations of america and the others attempting to control the planet and do with israel as they please... you my friend are the one living in a "dream world"... nik. out...
242   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Celebrations in Shfaram  on: July 25, 2006, 09:02:26 PM 
what about the un outpost? they're saying is. deliberately hit it... wonder what they were up to... probably up to their eyebrows in helping hezbollah escape or hide or shoot at is. from behind their cover... nik. out...
243   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Hashem has given PM Olmert a brave new soul!"  on: July 25, 2006, 04:16:17 AM 
not if things can get out in public that the whole war is being fought to allow nato troops to be on israel's doorstep preventing israel from attacking syria which is necessary... or for that matter the bekka valley in leb. which has all the terrorist infrastructure still in place which this war is not addressing... and now israel can not bomb it bec. refugees have flocked there from all over... here is where syria encamped when they occupied leb. here is where terrorist training camps are facilitated... here is where saddam's wmd are stored i'll bet my bottom dollar on it... and here is where the west has pumped tons of money into to keep their surrogates hamas and hezbollah in business in order to exert pressure on israel to conceed territory and make "peace"... and out from where they may exact their punishing price if ever israel does not live up to its agreement to participate in her own liquidation... nik. out...
244   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Time for the Cigarette and Blindfold...  on: July 25, 2006, 03:52:20 AM 
amen truth and until that day finally arrives we have no leaders and no gedolim... not until one of them stands up for Hashem... His people and His land!!!! rav meir was so right!!!! he said real torah leaders don't exisit anymore... because none of them can see and appear to know the true nature of what Hashem has been doing vis a vis eretz yisroel, am yisroel and the geulah process... nik. out...
245   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: bull that this is now all of a sudden a policy shift...  on: July 25, 2006, 03:47:12 AM 
send me anything you like... [email protected] nik. out...
246   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: video of pro Israel rally in LA with Gov. Schwarzenegger and counter-rally  on: July 25, 2006, 03:46:27 AM 
i refused to attend because that son of a nazi was coming to speak and pull the wool over another generation of jews... also because the jewish federation sponsered this rally which means it's true aim is to prompt israel to fall into line with the coming one world government and tyrranical nazi new world order... nik. out......
247   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Hashem has given PM Olmert a brave new soul!"  on: July 25, 2006, 03:44:36 AM 
halevai monarchist... halevai!!! amen selah!!! nik.
248   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a call for justice...  on: July 25, 2006, 12:31:23 AM 
jump in a lake yby... until we rise up against our kapo-captors we will continue to get killed... be chased from our homes and see eretz yisroel go down the tubes... the agonizingly long, slow slide into oblivion for israel as a jewish state and the decent into a renewed and this time permanent serfdom for the hamoan am of the world has long ago begun already and been put into motion since even before ww1... (around 1887 when albert pike conceived of three world wars for total domination of the planet... check out the site (and for us in israel ever since camp david on that black, black day back on sept. 17, 1978)... all that is left remaining for their utter and total despotic control over us and the rest of mankind is a few minor details... one of which is the fomenting of a war which "proves" to jews everywhere the urgent need for america and nato to protect us... they are the ones who armed hezbollah in the first place via syria and iran which they are all in league with through their "eternal friends" the saudis... they are the ones who gave hamas and hezbollah their orders to start this "war" with israel... how soon we forget... don't you recall iran/contra? they were caught with their proverbial "hands in the cookie jar"... america dealing missiles to iran... and the saudis laundering cia drug-money for the purchase of arms for the contras... with israel herself implicated in the dealings with iran thus enabling the u.s. to use israel as the eventual scapegoat when they were caught red-handed in the act and their whole entire boondoggle got exposed... (givng further cover for america since then they could claim israel came to them with the deal in the summer of '85 which in truth was really the other way around actually having been begun by the u.s. a year earlier in the summer of '84... this fact known to us but apparently not a part of the final committee testimony and report... due to the fact that jonathan pollard's role and involvement in this whole gesheft was buried and suppressed... as he was responsible for helping to bust the first boatload of this seditious stuff to iran when one fine day in the summer of '84 while at his post just doing his job as a u.s. naval intelligence officier he blew the whistle on an undocumented plo ship leaving greece for the persian gulf... check all this info out for yourselves in "the secret war against the jews" by john loftus)... all of which they ended up lying under oath about before the congressional investigative committee by saying that it all was done to get those 7 or 8 american hostages in lebanon released... (hmm... lebanon yet again!!! even way back then they arranged for their own citizens to be taken captive in order to have an excuse to arm iran without getting arrested or tried for treason... ever think of that one?) anyway... in their efforts to get them back they sent weapons to iran... also stating it was in order to have mullah from which to arm the contras in nicaragua against the sandanistas when congress refused to pay for it... they also said they were trying to arm a faction within iran which they claimed might revolt against the hardliners and create a new opening to the west... but all of this is utter rubbish... total bs... nothing but a bunch of hooey!!! pure unadulterated hogwash!!! because as i have uncovered convincing and well-documented proof concerning the truth that every problem of this magnitude in world history is of the cabals' creation and own design in order for them to be able to eventually impose their already pre-determined and pre-planned solutions full of all thier nice pre-conceived and completely contrived notions as to how these steps are good for us when they are only really good for them and thus enabling them to accomplish the geo-political strategic maneuverings, goals and aims that they desire to implement to further their own cause to rule the earth forever... and thus it turns out that it is quite probable that all of that scandal way back then was simply nothing more than an elaborate ruse and deception to cover for their real motivations and actual intended purposes which was in reality all perpetrated to create and to put into place and then set into motion a long-term, back-burner scenario of a growing potentially catastrophic hazzard to israel to check our power and to eventually bring events around to the very point we now see unfolding right before our very eyes (which therefore also has to include as well america's surrepitious giving of nuclear technology to iran!!! and there is much proof to support this contention because when prime minister menachem begin bombed iraq's reactor way back in '81... american gov. types went ballistic and demanded that reagan severely sanction and punish israel... they were absolutely livid... which means that since they set-up saddam in power in the '70's in the first place it was intended to be iraq who got first crack at secretly representing the u.s. to destroy israel for them... and now that this had failed it immediately became iran's turn to get the job done... i.e. and this time around with protective measures in place to make sure now that israel couldn't give the world a repeat performance... this fact known by virtue of the reports in the news that state that iran has multiple "dummy" sites up and running to conceal the one real one... thus making it much harder if not virtually impossible for israel this time around to rid the world of this menace... and we also know how bush jr. made sharon swear awhile back in washington at a press conference that he or israel would not bomb iran's reactor... furthermore i know this to be true because i heard sharon make this statement myself on tv that day... and we also know all of this to be the absolute truth because we have known for years and years already that throughout the 7 year iraq/iran war in the 1980's america was arming both sides against each other to hedge their bets and benefit from whomever would ultimately prevail)... and all of this has been of america's own doing... all of this maddness and insanity and playing G-d and playing with a fire so awesome it could torch the entire planet... all of it... clearly in order to create facts on the ground so threatening to israel's very survival that we will back off and let them get their troops inside israel proper under the supposed pretence of their coming to our rescue and aid but in reality providing them with a staging point by which and from which to later launch an invasion of israel to destroy or occupy us if necessary... if ever we rise up against the nwo now marching seemingly inexorably to fruition... if we ever present a real threat to their little totalitarian one-world-order creedo... what if all of this is the real truth and all the other noise is just that... an elaborate and ingenius smokescreen... come on now people...give them some credit for being able to keep themselves in power for so long... afterall you know these guys have been at this game for two thousand years already ever since the rise of rome... (actually since the advent of nimrod and paro who initially set the standard for the purpose of human life to be soleley about the ever-increasing accruation of more and more power in their singular quest for world wide conquest and absolute dictatorial and tyrannical domination)... so give them their due for being able to create the gambits and the mechanisms necessary to keep and increase their hegemonic hold over the earth.... for in truth we only denigrate, discount and belittle their widely extensive abilities and the quite formidable level of control that they already have leveraged over us and their amazingly awesome kochot in these regards confronting us... in these crucial matters before us... surely we only do so... to our own dire detriment and ultimate peril and abject misery... nik. out... 
249   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rabbonei Pikuach Nefesh Protest  on: July 25, 2006, 12:11:18 AM 
o.k. but some of them paskened to let the closure and expulsion happen without protest and others worked with the yesha council to wear down the people with wasteful and exhaustive protest marches that only accomplished getting them fatigued and misdirected and distracted from what should have been their real goals and many or some of these rabbis actually convinced them that the "lo yiheyeh v'lo yikrah" slogan would work... (i must confess to have been caught up in that one myself as well until barry chamish set me straight on that) the video was that great and that moving... i though it was sweeping the country... i was wrong too... but i will never be fooled again... i've taken the measure of our opposition and i now see the true depths of their evil and the true nature of their depravity...

but what is even more sinister is that i met a rabbi in town here from there who wanted us to come over and protest with them... now this sounds all well and good until you take into account rav meir's warnings that getting your faces bashed in is not the right approach to stop an expulsion... barricading yourself in with warnings delivered that it will be to the last man... he said this is the only way to give them any cause for pause to maybe save a yishuv... so someone asking me to come over and join in a futile form of protest which only gets people hurt or maimed or possibly even killed... G-d forbid... is not doing me or anyone else any favors or any good... so this rabbi was "in on the kill" along with the erev rav reshayim running israel... he saw how strong my rhetoric was and he said he even used my rant from sanhedrin 15b about the isur of destroying even an ir hanidachas if it lies on the borders of eretz yisroel for fear of its ramifications of encouraging the goyim to invade and destroy the rest of the country... so i think he was trying to get me hurt on purpose... he wasn't offering me any long term teaching job or position of some future worth to help alleviate the suffering... he just wanted me to get my head handed to me on a silver platter... no thankyou very much...

so i know that some of the above said rabbis might be evil and just as erev rav as the best of them over there... all of their torah learning and mitzvah observance not withstanding... the need for us is grave and urgently dire to ready ourselves for the fight to come over the rest of yesh... and to be able to distinguish between real rabbinic leaders and authorities and those who have sold-out and have become horribly compromised... nik. out...   
250   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / RabboneiPikuachNefeshProtest/&when they came for their students where were they?  on: July 24, 2006, 11:07:15 PM 
where were all these rabbonim when the humble but G-d-fearing torah jews of the hamoan am of gush katif and amona were being manhandled and disrespectfully treated...? i know it may be worse to do these same kinds of things to rabbis... but when the rabbis themselves do not protest forcefully enough out of fear of the reshut for their own safety and stand by and watch while their flocks are being oppressed and afflicted then when it next becomes their turn... they are simply receiving what they so richly and rightfully deserve... and so it is difficult for me to have any sympathy for them now... nik. out...
251   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: bull that this is now all of a sudden a policy shift...  on: July 24, 2006, 11:02:05 PM 
as i will explain in a separate thread... the insertion of nato into the region is the start of the invasion of gog u'maygog... this is their long range plan now coming to fruition... this war will give them the opportunity to accomplish this strategic goal without jewish protest or revolt... (G-d forbid)... nik. out...
252   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a call for justice...  on: July 24, 2006, 10:41:58 PM 
to answer the 2 above queries... 1) yes they are all chayiv mita... not only are they currently a bunch of rodfim... but their redifut of the past has led to the callous, cold-blooded murder of thousands of jews since the inception of the state which they are just as guilty of committing no less than the arab scum who actually blew jews away or pulled the trigger to kill our people... their policies and acts of perfidy and sedition has led to all of these jewish deaths... (not to mention the jewish agency's complicity and participation in the holocaust) and so it is my studied opinion that we... try 'em and fry 'em... each and every last one of them... that's what i say ... and 2) no there is nothing more important for us to do right now than to eliminate these disgusting traitors... they are the cause of all of our past and present grief and as long as they are permitted to remain in power they will continue to be the architects of all of our future suffering and agony as well... lo alenu... nik. out...
253   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / bull that this is now all of a sudden a policy shift...  on: July 24, 2006, 05:28:34 AM 
yahoo news is reporting that israel has now agreed to a neutral force on its northern border... not the un but preferably nato...

and so i now see what all along this war has really been all about and why america (not our friend) has been so quiet and so staunch in our support of our right to defend ourselves... and so herein lies the rub people... this has all been scripted from the start in order to get the jewish people in israel and abroad to entertain and accept the insertion of foreign troops upon our soil... (considering that in truth lebanon until the litani river is ancient israel proper ~ kivush of david and shlomo)... so this is what olmert and all the jewish traitors of israel and the diaspora have been conspiring in secret to foment and accomplish... 

now i see where all of this is going... i thought it was leading to iran nuking the west bank... but this may be put on hold for awhile because nato will hem in israel... hedge her away from opening up against syria and the bekka valley and ultimately may be utilized (these nato forces) as enforcers of a broad-based israeli (jewish) withdrawal from all the rest of the west bank... "now that our nato-saviours and heroes will be protecting us and guarding our backs..." or in case we settlers rebel... they will ride in and push us off...

read the cards we have just been dealt and weep jews... read 'em and weep... checkmate!!!! "olmert... Hashem gave him a brave new soul..." ha!!!! what knaves we are... and we walked right into it... walked right into it with our eyes wide open but unseeing and our minds dazed and unknowing... what utter saps we be... death knell for israel if this "shift in policy" is carried out at the end of this "war"... nik. out in tears...
254   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: a call for justice...  on: July 24, 2006, 04:41:04 AM 
i'm calling for a universal recognition of this truth first... leading then to an uprising... a revolt by all jews everywhere calling for the immediate resignation of all current gov. officials and trials for all past gov. policymakers leading to their execution under Divine law when the torah becomes the law of the land... this will all occur anyway when moshiach finally arrives... i'm just saying since we know all of this to be true already about their sins and crimes against jewry we can save moshiach the trouble if we will all rise up now... in fact this act of rebellion against absolute evil is guaranteed to bring moshiach immediately... nik. out...
255   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / calling all jewish leaders...  on: July 24, 2006, 03:49:17 AM 
problem is he is not prosecuting this war correctly and america is not really backing israel's play here but cynically manipulating israel into a no-win type of war... i.e. not allowing them to attack the right people and places... iran, syria and the bekka valley... and hence this is not olmert doing tshuvah or anything close to this...

i saw today on the news... condi in the oval office with dubya holding hands with a saudi prince as they spoke for an hour or so before she departed for israel and the story goes she will meet with israeli leaders tom. and then immediately fly to rome to meet with reps. for hezb.

what does all this tell you...? this is what was reported and shown on the tv screen to millions of americans tonite...

we clearly see that the meeting to go talk with israel was not... WAS NOT and can never be construed as a pro-israel session... a concern for and a real defense of israel's postion if the crucial instructions and shlichot was being mandated in conjuction with 5 saudi gov. officials in attendance... some other agenda is going on... and for her not to meet with hezb. somewhere in the mid-east... egypt or jordan should also inform and instruct you all that the sinister plans call for vatican interference and influence here also from the eu...

this is all very sick stuff... this is not in our best interest... none of this should be taken as support and care for israel... rather it should be viewed as upcoming severe hardship and pressure for israel soon to be weilded against her... the knife is already in her back since camp david and later even deeper with oslo/wye and now we see condi coming in to begin twisting it in order to finish her off once and for all...

people... jews and christian supporters of israel are blind to the real-politic going on behind closed doors... they see and hear only the outward lies and propaganda spewed in public like cess... and they lap it up as if it were spring water... but we are all being poisoned and lulled to sleep while the powers-that-be prepare for the final execution, slaughter and demise of the jewish state ("the zionist entity")...

it is so... so sad that even our leaders are asleep at the wheel and do not see any of this coming... they think bush is "the greatest friend israel has ever had in the white house"... they could not be further from the truth... they could not be any more mistaken, more deceived or more wrong...

i saw one such jewish leader interviewed on tv this morning... and he is really a great, great jew... but his argumentation was flat and fell far short of pursuasively accomplishing any movement of minds and hearts toward sympathy and empathy for israel... as such he came off weak and ineffectual... on the other hand his lebanese counterpart and opposition fared much better in my estimation... he said and said so quite correctly... "if iran and syria are behind hezbollah... then why bomb us... bomb them!!!" how true... oh how true... how right he was... and this is the crux of the problem... there is no real war going on against terror or terroism or even against terrorists... just the facade of a war... a ruse is all... to enable other agendas to operate without exposure to the light of  day... without worry over accountability of their true policy aims and deeds to achieve them and in order to do so without suffering any consequences from public scrutiny and debate... which there has been alot of but none which brings them crashing down for their crimes against humanity...

the above mentioned rabbi could only defend israel's actions by quoting un resolution #1559 passed in 2000 when barak took israel unilaterally out of lebanon (out of israel proper really)... which stated that now that israel has retreated the lebanese army and gov. are to be held responsible for and now become obligated to disarm hezbollah and monitor the border... he kept referring to this as if it were some irrefuttablely sacred passage in the bible... one which would sweep the world and get every nation on board with israel's invasion and right to defend herself... but alas... how can the words of an institution dedicated and consecrated to the very destruction of israel ever be used to convince an anyways already thoroughly jew-hating world which brought into being and actively maintains in existence this vile inst. in the first place... and which openly without reservation supports completely its goals and policies and full-heartedly oversaw the passage of the 1974 resolution that "zionism is racism"...  how can he expect that its further rhetoric will all of a sudden cause all its member states and peoples to switch course in mid-stream and come to israel's side...? absolutely ludicrous... no? without a doubt... an utterly feeble and untenable argument...

what is also manifestly clear is the point he should have made instead... and one he should have made repeatedly... (and this is further proof that there is no real war on terrorism going on just the outward show and external trappings of one)...

he should have quoted the battle cry of the u.s. in the wake of 9/11... he should have said what dubya himself said to us all... the central concept and rallying cry...the sine-qua-non, fundamental rationale and elemental idea of the war on terror from here on out... the one we were convinced bush really meant... he should have decried terrorism and pronounced the creed of this war that... this is a war to the death... and that premptive strikes were now to be considered the rules of engagement and that the basic definition and true nature of an all-out war to be waged against all terrorist groups around the globe HAD TO INCLUDE THE CLAUSE THAT THIS WAR WAS NOW JUSTIFIABLY TO BE CARRIED AGAINST THOSE WHO HARBOR THEM AS WELL... THAT THE TERRORISTS AND THEIR HARBORERS WERE INSEPARABLE... ONE AND THE SAME ENEMY!!!! remember the now famous words? "you are either with us or against us... and if you aid and abett terrorists you will be treated like terrorists and suffer the consequences and share the same fate with all of them..." these are real fighting words!!! this is a winning debate!!!! and lebanon had 5 or 6 years to act knowing of this war-cry... and they did nothing... and they never called for help from america, the eu or the un... and so they are chayiv and now with israel being given a green light (one it shouldn't have to be required to get in order to defend itself but for argument sake since this is real-politic and israel is not her own master... but a green light it has received) and so... it should be clear to the world that lebanon had its chance and failed to act and so now it is "time to pay the piper..." and the whole world should be made (should get it already on its own but also in dealing with reality) at least should be made now to understand and accept that lebanon is not a weak, innocent bystander who could not have called for help... but a vicious co-conspirator... an accomplice... a vile and dirty one... pretending to be neutral or a friend of the war on terrorism crying in her soup... "oh woe is me..." saying: "but what can we do we are so weak and poor in forceful options...?" bull!!!! she is a harborer of terrorism no different than the taliban of afghanistan in regards to al-qaeda or the sunnis of iraq with saddam!!!!

and this is the argument he should have made... one with teeth in it... one which calls the goyish world's bluff... and exposes them for the vicious jew-haters they all actually are... would that i had been on that program... or better yet... would that rav meir kahane had been there instead... this is our great loss... this is our great sorrow... this our true tragedy... nik. out...
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256   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: IDEA! - Posters available.  on: July 24, 2006, 02:46:13 AM 
a guy i met here in l.a. is in the poster bus. he's a friend of david and yisroel... he's eccentric but does great work getting homeless guys in santa monica to help israel... nik. out...
257   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a call for justice...  on: July 21, 2006, 12:09:52 AM 
all members of israel's past and current gov. should be rounded up and shot for their policies which led to this war... these policies have led to the death of many jews in and out of the idf since their implementation and now that a new war is being fought all civilian and military casualties are on their heads as well because without their retreats over the past few years these deaths would not be occurring today...

didn't we all know that if we left lebanon we would only have to go back in at some point in time later...? didn't everyone say this? there was no doubt in our minds and now we see we were of course right... same with gaza... and it will be the same with anything further... golan, yesh... (the a in yesha can now be summarily dropped... how many more letters will be chopped off in the future?) and what about yerushalayim...? these guys have to be stopped now... pronto... or there will be nothing left of us or of the land...

we know we are correct... we know they are dead-wrong... and now you should all know from me that they are doing this not out of a mistaken notion or misplaced yearning for true peace or out of some bad policy-making decisions but out of a malicious and evil intent and design to go along with the world plan to eliminate israel... despite all the lies in the media and the diseased and poisonous rhetoric of the gov. propaganda machines to the contrary... and by now... you should all know this truth to be so... nik. out...
258   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Israel is fighting a loosing war  on: July 20, 2006, 11:46:19 PM 
and we need to occupy damascus and bomb to oblivion iran... and of course... "nuke mecca now!!!" nik.
259   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Hashem has given PM Olmert a brave new soul!"/ha!!!!  on: July 20, 2006, 04:11:07 AM 
i am only railing against the erev-rav and reshayim jews who are in league with esav and yishmael to destroy eretz yisroel, medinat yisroel and torat yisroel...

and no... wishing someone to do tshuvah will not get the job done... and only speaking good of reshayim will not get them to repent... and olmert himself showed his own depths of degradation and evil intent when he spoke to the joint session of congress (i saw the speech on c-span)... when he quoted from sifrot devarim and yehoshuah... quoting moshe's and G-d's appeal at yehoshua's induction as the new leader of am yisroel... repeated by the malach to yehoshua after the victory at yericho...

"rak chazak v'amatz..." ("only be strong and of great courage...") to do the will of G-d and conquer all of eretz yisroel from all of the canaanim... and never stop learning, davening or doing the mitzvot of the torah... etc...

this the bastard quotes in front of the whole world but in order to twist it neged the will of Hashem... to abandon and continue to pursue a course of throwing away eretz yisroel and relinquishing sovereignty over har habayit and yerushalayim...

"rak chazak v'amatz"  let us continue to go forward with the "peace" process he said... be strong and of good courage to continue to rebel against the explicit will of G-d and His desire to bring the geulah shelaymah... but no... jews and gentiles of the  world let us be like nimrod and continue to fight against the vicious G-d of shemayim... of the mabul... etc. let us continue to defy His wishes and His will... let us be strong, brave and courageous to keep the meridut going... and seek "peace" (the nwo of no israel and no countires only a one world order under the rule of the vatican and the throne of england)...

so no thank you everybody... this slimeball will only have my prayers to immediately die!!!! i will never go along with any of you supporting him, praising him... wishing him well... praying for his tshuvah... nu uh... can't fool me... i see thru it all... don't fall for his vicious sinful rebellion against Hashem... defy... defy... defy... rebel... rebel.... rebel... otherwise you are aiding him and amer. and brit, etc. in killing israel... in the murder of jews... WAKE UP DAMN IT!!!! WAKE UP!!!! nik. out...   
260   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Israel is fighting a loosing war/sad but true...  on: July 20, 2006, 03:36:26 AM 
he is absolutely correct... unfortunately and bitterly at least i am grateful to be in concurrence with him for the first time since his and shmuel sackett's great and truly heroic days in and of zu artzenu... go moshe!!! but still give up that likud rot stuff... if anything at all drop the name and pick up the fallen mantle of menachem begin and herut... leave sharon's likud treason in the dust please!!!! i will never join it unless G-d and moshiach tell me to... otherwise no one can ever convince me to go their rout!!!! nobody!!!!

oh yeah... message to israel... bomb the friggin' bekka valley... that's where all the terrorists train and live and that's where all the terrorist stuff is located... stop making american construction companies rich when they get to come in and reap fortunes re-buiding lebanon... stop feeding their avaracious mouths and stop lining their pockets with gold... you see i am totally onto them and their sick manuvers... that is only one aspect as to why they are letting israel have such a freehand to bomb and destroy... when usually amer. etc. reign in israel and bully her into inaction when that suits their purposes at the time better... but here something even more sinister is adrift... is. is told by the u.s to bomb so. beirut because that is only the secondary strength and fortification of hezbollah and their western-supplied resources via syria and iran... by bombing the less valuable site they leave undestroyed the bekka valley where the real rich terrorist deposits and assets lie and are buried or otherwise hidden and then they get the added bonus of forcing the populace... "innocent bystanders" from their homes fleeing to the bekka valley primarily to now become human shields for the real power structure and real vile filth which hangs out there and runs the show and operation from this safe zone almost a dmz of sorts... especially now cause the arabs made their citizens flee there to help protect it from obliteration should israel wish to rebel and not obey its master's commands to only limit themselves to secondary sites and help the amer. and brit. construction and dwp and other energy industries by creating a crisis and a upheaval for them to enrich and engourge themselves by and feed of of and capitalize on and from the misery of so many unwashed masses of those usual suspects once again put into motion to assume their role as munipulative political footballs... that is how i see what is unfolding... the real targets... syria, iran and the bekka valley of lebanon are being bypassed and ignored... and protected from israeli "treachery" and betrayal if she should ever wish to really fight for her survival and no longer continue to follow their suicidal orders from their masters (rome and the west)... and so by orchestrating the flight of thousands of refugees into that region it gives thereby hezbollah and whatever else the hell crawls in and around and out from underneath those valley rocks... to give them respite and protection from israeli reprisals and revenge... when they are the real ring-leaders inflicting pain, suffering and mourning upon jews and israel... can't fool me... all of this is as clear as day to me now... i got it all figured out... the whole sordid mess!!!! thank the good L-rd... nik. out...
261   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "Hashem has given PM Olmert a brave new soul!"/ buy a bridge anyone...?  on: July 19, 2006, 01:43:12 AM 
he is not a jew... he is the erev rav that the gra said would rule here before moshiach... they will never do tshuvah... they will only fight with esav and yishmael to keep the two mashichim apart... they all have the collective din of amalek according to the gra in the 6th perek of kol tor... yismael, esav and the erav rav jews all together comprise the zerah of amalek in the end of days... the gra says this openly... the ramban supports this as well... stating that just like yaakov went back to eretz yisroel a guf bli neshamah... maesah avot siman l'banim... so too will am yisroel at first return to sovereignty over eretz yisroel in a secular, unG-dly gov. fashion... as a body of jews without souls... as we still see today... there is no hope for these slime to repent and do the right thing...

there is only what yby alluded to... lev melachim b'yad Hashem... that Hashem if He chooses (and i hope and pray that He does)... if He chooses He can take over their bechirah and make them fight the fight that He wants us to wage against our enemies... despite their wishes and will to fight this half-assed way accomplishing nothing but more misery and agony for k'lal yisroel... they do not intend to kill out the terrorists... they only intend to pretend to be fighting them to gain credit for strength and courage among jews to make up for olmert's and his cabinet's lack of military credentials... and meanwhile instead of waging a war which vanquishes the enemy we see a war that allows them to inflict pain, suffering and death upon jews everywhere in our land... and unless Hashem steps in (or we do thru rebellion) all we will get out of this little charade is more and more pressure exerted on us to capitulate in total... it's a sick, twisted and demented game they are playing with our hearts and minds (and bodies)... but they don't care... they (the  is. gov.) and the world are all in it to see medinat yisroel obliterated... there is no other objective... this is their plan... this is their goal... their only goal... why am i the only one who can see thru the lies and sheker...? why am i the only one who hasn't drunk (and will never drink) the kool-aide...?

if this were a real war... hamas and hezbollah would either have surrendered by now or ALL be dead by now!!! that they are still standing... still defiantly fighting on day 8... is proof positive alone to me that this war is sheker and/or a politically correct war... one which tries not to win... tries not to inflict real death and terror to get the other guy to quit... can't anyoine else see this...? and if as olmert claims... syria and iran are responsible... why haven't we bombed them yet? what are we waiting for...? for them to nuke us or send over saddam's chemicals...? we have to be the most insane people and nation on the face of the earth!!!! bar none!!!!

anyone else on the planet facing extinction would not play these cat and mouse type of games... they would slaughter the enemy; not his highways and byways... they would kill their gov. and their armed forces; not their power plants... this is all just a ploy... a ruse... a cynical, manipulation of our fears and our trust... they are our murderers not our saviors... they are our persecutors and tormentors not our protectors and leaders... this is perfidy par excellance... all of this happened right after olmert's trip to america and england... they scripted every move... told the terrorists to kidnap and told olmert to attack back but only in this demented way... all is coreographed... every single move... even the sick show of bush's mic being "accidentally" left on so that we could hear him blame syria for all of this... is just a play for american jews to swoon all over him as our great hope and hero come to our rescue... just a fake and a dodge to pretned to be on our side while working behind closed doors to get his surrogates to destroy israel... this is the only objective... our demise... sorry you all don't have eyes to see... nor ears to hear... only Hashem can save us now because we are too stupid, too naive and much too foolish to rise up and fight for our own survival ourselves... we are such a tragic people... nik. out...     
262   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: make that 8 jews dead in haifa/big whoop that it wasn't as bad as first reported  on: July 18, 2006, 11:18:43 PM 
i will never back down until k'lal yisroel awakens... and i could care less what time of year it is... or who i am or am not!!!! nik. out... i will continue to chide... to be dismissive of our false-hopes and false-gods... and to be utterly derissive of any and all of our bad midot and muddled thinking... to the bitter end... n.
263   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "HashemhasgivenPMOlmertabravenewsoul!"/and has given all of you a ruach shtut..  on: July 18, 2006, 11:01:15 PM 
and you believe all that rot...? shame on you... he is still going to judenrein the west bank and give away har habayit... don't fall for this deception... he's not killing terrorists only their buidings... stop this childishness... you guys are so gullible... my G-d what utter knaves!!!! i must be out of my mind to even try and convince you of your repeated folly!!!! you fell for sharon's lies and now you are falling all over yourselves yet again... this time for olmert's sheker muchlat!!!! when will you ever learn??? rav binyomin would be very disappointed in you all... how much do you want to bet that right after this war is over with... he's going to tell us all... "see... missiles can reach anywhere... land did not protect us... the golan is not necessary anymore... we must have peace..." any takers...? i'll match anybody's wager.... you utter idiots... this is a set-up to completely dismantle all of eretz yisroel and convert it into a nwo economic zone... removing all vistages of a jewish state of any size, shape or form... what a bunch of fools!!!! fool you once shame on them... fool you twice...SHAME ON ALL OF YOU!!! you guys will never learn... what a bunch a pantywaists... you disgust me!!! all of you that believe the above article!!!! a soul of courage my ass!!!! ugh... this burns me up!!! i can't take much more of this maddness and insanity!!!! wake up and eat the katushas already... THINK!!!! why is the solution to give it all away... and not to destroy all of our enemies forever... to take all of their capitals and kill all of their leadership and armed forces...? but there is no sense talking to you... you don't have any sense at all... no brains in your head... only wishful thinking and wistful dreams... i pity k'lal yisroel... we are pathetic... nik. out...   
264   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: make that 8 jews dead in haifa/big whoop that it wasn't as bad as first reported  on: July 16, 2006, 12:58:24 PM 
o.k. but i'm not condeming... i am giving musar... and rav meir used to speak and write this way and no one could cinvince him that he was doing an averah thereby... so i would appreciate it if you would give me the benefit of the doubt here before you consign me to the ash-heap of the sinners of israel... i am trying to awaken anger and courage... i am trying to wake up a sleeping giant before it is too late... you cannot improve a terrible matzav unless you first identify and acknowledge what is wrong... we are a people practising ostrich-judaism... we hide our head in the sand and hope that our troubles will just simply go away and vanish on their own accord... we also at the same time refuse to view and examine our collective shortcomings to see if we can find a way to avoid unnecessary tragedy and suffering... but we instead deny our failings and adamantly refuse to admit our errors and cowardice... prefering to wish away our flaws and pray for Hashem's miracle to arrive to bail our butts out of a sling yet again... a sling which has been of our own doing and making virtually each and every time... but Hashem is merciful and He has done this for us time and time again... but He is also waiting for us to get our act together and show real faith and true bitochon in Him and in ourselves as the am hanivchar and overcome our fears and stand up for ourselves... rav meir attempted to deliver this message his entire career... this was his main thrust of involvement... and he never spared us from hearing the bitter truth about ourselves... about our mistakes and character flaws... he used harsh words to castigate us like a whip... not to beat us into submission but to lash us into awareness of the danger confronting us and to shock us into the proper responsive actions... and he did all of this with great mesirat nefesh and at great personal cost of his comfort and earning-potential  (eventually paying the ultimate price) but he laid down his life for us willingly and did so out of love not hatred for our people... and due to the fact that he considered us to be in a 5-alarm state of emergency he never minced his words when he spoke to us or penned his sefarim... and so following in his footsteps... my rhetoric may be as harsh but it is inflicting the much needed pain of the surgeon's scalple... we need rectification from these terrible midot we display if we are to survive... and i for one will never stop trying to instill them within any jews that i can reach... and if shaming them is the only way to deliver this life-saving medicine to them then so be it... that is exactly what i shall do... rav meir always felt this approach was necessary and i agree with him... kol tuv... nik. out...
265   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: make that 8 jews dead in haifa/big whoop that it wasn't as bad as first reported  on: July 16, 2006, 10:22:40 AM 
right you are... pathetic is indeed the most apt word to use to describe israel and the jewish people in general... so appropriate and so well-deserved... we are both absolutely and consumately just that... pathetic... nik. out...
266   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Haaretz's Nadav Shragai comes out against disengagement  on: July 16, 2006, 10:01:50 AM 
too little... too late for these bastards to line up now and concede their mistake... too many jews have died or have been injured physically and/or emotionally and have thus been scarred for life... for even a heart-felt mea culpa to have any meaning... especially since the lackey, kapo-gov't of israel is still planning to throw it all away and finish the job of suicidal retreat in the very near future... nothing has changed just because of this little half-assed war of theirs that they have cooked up to pretend at strength to gain the support of the populace of israel and jews around the world... or worse... to frighten us all into going along with their insane concessions and with their evil, ruling maddness...

for no matter what they say in public about how good this will be for israel... they are all lying... and not just about the "peace and security" which will never transpire because of their ill-advised schemes... but because they are all doing this in collusion with america, britain and the vatican to go along with the general plan to let israel die as a jewish state and indep. entity so that a nwo economic zone can arise in its place... and no matter what you hear or read... this has been the seditious goal of their so-called "peace-making" all along the way since oslo... collusion, deception and betrayal... and for this they will surely all burn in hell forever... but so the hell what... if we all burn along with them and not just in the beyond but right away in the immediate here and now... nik. out...   
267   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / make that 8 jews dead in haifa/big whoop that it wasn't as bad as first reported  on: July 16, 2006, 04:43:07 AM 
only a sick and demented and horribly disfigured and diseased of soul people would respond to the murder of its own people by little or no reaction for years on end and finally way past the time that warfare is called for and justified... go to war but then only allow itself and limit itself to the timid and tepid response to the death of its own people by "killing" only the bridges, roads and other infrastructure of its enemies... we are indeed a deeply disturbed and abnormal people... when will we start to target the enemy...? the people and not their buildings...? WHEN...?

and not just inside israel either... but here in america... in shul this past shabat i read a flyer screaming for jews to call their senators and congressmen and women to implore them to vote next week in congress for a bill supporting israel's right to self-defense...

what a chillul Hashem... what a pathetic worm of a people... a spineless, gutless, self-hating and utterly frightened creature... guilt-ridden thru and thru with a golut-mentality of such fawning fear of the gentile... of pagan animals who do not deserve nor merit the kavod or respect we smother them in...

what other people or nation would look to another to agree with them publically that they had an elemental, inalienable right to defend themselves against terror and murder...? which other people or country would even feel the need to ask...?

ugh... i am so throughly disgusted with our am... so i ask you all... when will we ever awaken to become the jew... the real jew... the true jew of yesteryear...? WHEN...? nik. out and off on a rage!!!
268   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: What is the world coming to....  on: July 14, 2006, 02:20:55 AM 
the world is coming to an end now... olam hazeh is just about over and done with... thank G-d... soon the party for eternity will begin... right after the long awaited nekamat dam avadecha hashafuch takes place... nik. out...
269   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Not yet a year since the geirush, and war is already breaking out!  on: July 13, 2006, 01:42:36 AM 
on the one hand i'm not allowing myself to get my hopes up that this will be a war to finish off all of our arab enemies... because in the past everytime i got excited i was let down and disappointed when each and everytime israel withdrew just as they were reaching for the jugular... it has gotten so agonizingly frustrating i could and do scream out in rage and pain......  on the otherhand... i still have trust in Hashem and therefore i am yearning for this to be the ultimate time when Hashem decides to do His work by neutralizing the reshayim ruling over the idf... with Hashem taking a firm hold upon the reigns of power and using the idf as His great instrument to deliver us from our enemies and finally herald in the messianic era... afterall... "yad melachim b'yad Hashem... let's hope and daven... nik. out...
270   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them?  on: July 12, 2006, 09:56:44 PM 
where can i go to get my measurement taken so i can be fitted with my very own straight-jacket ...? boy oh boy this is so exciting... my very first straight-jacket... my parents would be so proud... until someone can prove to me that what cbp is saying is untrue i will accept what he wrote by virtue of the fact that i have reglaiim l'davar... i have coroborating evidence to the things he said about the rubins... you know yby you can really be a horse's pitut sometimes... why let anyone say anything here without first clearing their message with you first...? but i like that! i think that's an excellent idea... let's make everyone here have to run everything they write by you... all hail king yby!!!! now... go do you know what to yourself... nik. out...
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271   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them?  on: July 12, 2006, 12:05:20 AM 
matt... cat got your tongue? why won't you respond...? shtikah k'hodah dami... if you won't answer i'll take that as an agreement that they are and were corrupt just as cbp stated... and therefore the next question becomes... so if he is correct about what he wrote about concerning the jdl and its ruination under irv and shelly... then why should i not accept what he writes about you and the rest of you b'nai eilimers...? nik. out...
272   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 12, 2006, 12:01:59 AM 
i love elton john's stuff... too bad he's a faggot but according to my rav... rav nacman bulman zt"l... the immorality of the artist does not hamper or m'tameah the music they produce... mozart was a huge menuval but his music is absolutely exquisite... some of madonna's stuff is likewise beautiful... not britney though... not only is she a slut but her music is pure gutter-trash... just my opinion of course... anyway my rav says you could take a melody of almost any of them and use it for a niggun or a zemer... or in davening for that matter... and ergo it cannot be trief in the original either... nik. out...
273   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Fliers in J'lem offer NIS 20,000 for Killing Gay-Paraders  on: July 11, 2006, 11:54:58 PM 
wow if only they would have this much passion against those who pervert torah on many, many levels and thru the desecration of so many other mitzvot besides zenut... and against those of the ruling-elite class of jews who trash the land of israel with their insane policies... we would really be somewhere!!! see what it takes... it takes sodomy to wake these people up... why can't they see that the preservation of the land in our hands and the protection of or the nekamah for  the sanctity of jewish souls endangered or destroyed by the sickos who run israel is just as dire... is just as crucial to fight against for our survival...? i will forever be confused by these people with their one-track mind... is sexuality the only thing that gets their motors running...? don't answer that... we already know it is... save for the few stone-throwers over driving on shabat... what a shame... what a crime... nik. out...
274   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: No Jews Allowed - sign north of Jerusalem  on: July 11, 2006, 01:01:15 AM 
sign of the times... sign of the times... sigh...

here's a thought though... someone should put up a sign... "no arabs allowed..." and see how long it stays up... hypocrites!!! nik. out...
275   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 10, 2006, 10:28:58 PM 
you said it was 150 years old and developed in (eretz ashkenaz) germany, russia and poland... don't you remember saying this...? nik. 
276   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 10, 2006, 10:26:46 PM 
nope i do not... although i have heard them sing before but i do not go out of my way to do so... i know the halacha regarding them... nik.
277   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 09, 2006, 05:31:32 PM 
we are discussing history here... and he hasn't brought any proof for his contention either... nik.
278   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 09, 2006, 05:28:12 PM 
first of all... let's review... we are not trying to establish torah law here just tradition or minhag as it relates to how we layn the torah and where these niggunim emenated from... i say from har sinai and yiss. from only 200 years ago and only in eretz ashkenaz... that is all we are doing here...

i was... with this point trying to prove a point which i believe i have made from other sources in shulchan orech as well... that kol isha as it applies to layning or davening or z'mirot, etc. is not asur... that is of course an halacha... and one place i attempted to bring support for this contention of mine is from the rules of shul decorum vis a vis women having aliyot, etc. and i said it is only for visual zniut that those halachot are on the books not because of kol isha which does not apply there... as it is permitted for them to layn the megillah if no men can do it properly... and that they could therefore sing at a shabat table too as all that is m'ikar hadin asur is a woman singing seductive songs live, unamplified and especially if she is improperly clad while she does so... and this would apply to one's own wife in private if she were in nida... nik. out...   
279   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 09, 2006, 05:18:24 PM 
no that is not true... i for one would never lie and do that... i would never say someone said something if it were not true... we should be given the benefit of the doubt around here... especially on torah matters that we are not blatantly and brazenly being m'shaker!!!! for crying out loud!!! and besides... all along i have said that "i only think i heard this once..." not even that i for sure did... of course this isn't proof of any kind... but it isn't a lie or falsehood either... it is just something unsubstantiated and not yet confirmed... but it might be true!!! is all i'm saying... especially since the tagim from the gemora in shabat with r.akiva already has established that the tagim contain hints and drashot on halachot... so my contention that they also might contain the first cantilation is not so far-fetched if they already do much more than that... nik.
280   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 09, 2006, 03:58:14 PM 
again just because i don't know where the actual source is... does not axiomatically make my claim false... my rebeiim are as good a source as they come... are you questioning their integrity or mine...? no of course you're not... you are just questioning the mekor... so here goes... in lieu of finding the actual written source... chapter and verse... here's my source until then... emunat chachamim!!! put that in your mouth and swallow hard... so stop hiding behind... "what's your source...? what's your source...? how about you bring me your siource that trop is only 200 years old... i defy you to bring one... nik. out... 
281   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 09, 2006, 02:05:26 PM 
282   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 09, 2006, 05:39:51 AM 
huh?  and who pray-tell mentioned wikipedia...?  nik.
283   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 09, 2006, 01:50:39 AM 
again i did not say and never said that the tagim were the nekudot as to how to pronounce the letters in the torah... they are possibly the first set of trop marks according to what i believe i heard once and i support that with the gemora which shows r.akiva using them to darshan out halachot... and i said that if that is true my pshat about trop is not so far-fetched afterall... and i never said... "i think i heard... etc." is conclusive proof... but it is possible proof... if memory serves... because none of my rebeiim would ever lie... they could be mistaken but i doubt they would make a mistake by something this far off-base... so it just has to be the truth if one of them did actually say this as i think that i can recall... nik. out...
284   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: 4th of July Feature - American Jew or Jewish American?  on: July 09, 2006, 01:36:08 AM 
i am neither a jewish-american nor an american-jew ... both imply serfdom to the malchut (the reshut) here... i am a jew of america... meaning i am a jew first and last who just happens to be residing in america at this time and only for the time being (G-d willing)... that is all any of us should be if we are not able to be in eretz yisroel yet... especially in our age which is b'toch the geulah shelaymah... for to identify with the satanic goyim who run this country is a sure recipe for disaster even if most or some of the people themselves are good or decent... it has always been a churban for us to live in golut even when like now it appears to be the "best of times" for us here... and the american dream will turn out no differently for us here if we do not learn from our bitter history and for once get the hell out while the getting is still good... it can't possibly get any better for us here but it sure as hell can get alot worse... (chas v'shalom)... why won't we ever learn...? nik. out...
285   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: An awsome idea for this Wednesday  on: July 09, 2006, 01:32:02 AM 
great idea... go for it!!! nik.
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286   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A new IDF secret weapon against Arabs - thicker walls/and even thicker heads  on: July 07, 2006, 10:31:33 PM 
of course missles can be shot over walls... or thru them... what an utter waste of time, money and energy... all in order for them to remain in power and continue to defy and rebel against Hashem... oh i can't wait to see these mamzerim finally get what they have coming to them...  how i hate them... how i loathe them and abhor them... actually hate is too nice and calm a word for how i feel about them... i only wish i had the kochot of rav shimon bar yochai and i could zap them and turn them all into piles of bones and ashes... nik. on a bloodlust... out...
287   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Olmert is screwed/i only wish he were...  on: July 07, 2006, 10:26:47 PM 
yeah well all fine and dandy... when moshiach comes and Hashem gives that heart of flesh to us... but until then pure, irredeemable evil exists and has to be eradicated... and there is nothing more to be said about it or them... they must perish before they destroy the whole entire earth and all that is upon it... nik. out...
288   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them?/ if we want them then we need them...  on: July 07, 2006, 10:21:35 PM 
matt... is what he writes about irv and shelly true? about how they were all along against pollard and greater israel and the hill-top youth... and for the disengagement...? is that part of his diatribe true...? is that why you guys pulled out of the jdl...? inquiring minds wish to know... nik. out...
289   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them?  on: July 06, 2006, 01:27:27 PM 
now that i am back from several bannings in a row over the last couple of weeks... i had a chance to re-work and clarify my statement earlier on in this thread... i have been warned about matt whom i met and liked and communicated well with e-mailings since last summer's gush debacle... but now i see that if true... he or they were angry over misappropriated tzedaka funds... where have i heard that one before...? anyway matt please clear the claims of cbp on his web-site against your supposedly sold-out stance which he lumps you with irv rubin and his wife shelly of being virulently against freeing jonathan pollard and as not being supporters of the hill-top youth and of a position of wishing to go along with israel and america on disengagement... is any of this really true about you...? are you like 90% of today's american orthodox jewish leaders and rabbis...? nik. out... 
290   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: User Names - Why Do We Need Them?/because i say so...  on: July 04, 2006, 08:08:03 PM 
matt... is that ending meant as a piece of good sound advice or as a warning or even maybe as a threat? as for me my answer to all three of them is i choose to hang if the price is union with evil and that which evil stands for... i choose to be hung... 'cause i'll never hang myself and give up willingly the fight against pure "adulterated" (they're far down the road from the simple first evil of "unadulterated" they ared deeply, deeply adulterated to the max from evil) (pun intended)... and so i ask you... but i tell to all the rest of you out there... happy birthday america if you really mean to continue to give us the freedom to still fight against the evil in your midst... and if not... go to efing hell... (which is where you all will of a certain go if you continue to try and destroy israel like you are now pursuing...

but you are asking of us all to choose sides... that we american-jews or jewish americans should be loyal to you first simply because we happen to domicile here and not over there due to our long exile... but this is patently unfair... because you are evil if you decide to attack israel... and as for us living here... it almost matters not today which of the above two types of americanized jews you are because you are both by different methods becoming or already have become enslaved to their authority and only this third group are truly still free for the moment... hopefully, please Hashem for good always... and some of us... the lucky ones of those not already in israel... at least we are not enslaved to being america's jews or even jewish americans... as those terms clearly imply from the meaning or simple pshat of their immediate translation... we are proudly... jews of america... livng here but jews first and last... jews foremost and always... and americans second when, where and only if what they want from us is not in direct conflict to, violation of or confrontation against the torah of our G-d... for what is truly good for jews around the world wherever they currently may reside for the time being still until moshiach arrives finally... and for all the jews of the world in relation to the land of israel and to the jews there... our brothers and sisters together with us always as a family and as a religo-nation ... whatever is truly good for this entire set of people... is what is exquisitely and also truly and objectively good for the entire planet and every human being upon it this moment and for all-time to come... and this is so whether you aknowledge it or not... so of course we would be on israel's side if you attacked us there...that's like asking the foot if it would fight to save the face so far away from it... of course it would 'cause it's all part of the same whole... the same unified body...

but also it is true from your goyish vantage point as well...  because attacking israel is not to your advantage or for your own welfare... for what is ultimately going to bring G-d's blessing thru us into the world for you to have it to and enjoy your lives here is clearly only going to come to you if you treat us decently... as G-d says to abraham in genesis 12:3... "whoever blesses you... I will bless... and whoever curses you... I will curse... (read: destroy)... and you will be the one source for blessing for all the nations of the world..." and thus as avraham's direct descendents we are the only channel to bring to you good and bracha, blessing from above... and you attack us anywhere at your own peril of dying or being severely walloped and indeed punished by your deeds... the natural outcome of your actions... for no blessing even what seems to be the best thing you consider true bracha... none of that comes to you from your current rulers, sages, scientists, wizards, or patriarchs... it only flows to you from G-d and if He makes it flow to you thru them then that would be fine but that's not how it really is... but if that's the only way you can perceive it then fine don't acknowledge us... go enjoy... but if your leaders use their skills and minds to try and destroy us... what flows to you from them is not torah and therefore is not truth and is sick, vile and pure evil and even in its most elegant and exquisite form is a sin and is a curse and thus is nothing but pure poison for you all in a beautifuly seductive looking wrappper... and you will surely perish from ingesting that false-blessing...

so america if you want G-d to destroy you go right ahead and allow your rulers to attack us whether themselves or thru their many, many surrogates and vile pools of resources amassed to kill us and the G-d of Heaven and earth... so by all means go right ahead and rise up and slaughter all of us here in israel and around the world and live then to rue the day you did so forever... from that moment on until G-d comes and decimates the entire earth and everyone left in it... go right ahead and follow nimrod (kush-ham)/esav (amalek) and yishmael (canaan) joined with the elite of yefet/yavan, etc.... but know that you will die trying or very soon after your "triumph"...

or rather and this is still your choice to make at some level yet... it is a path still open to us all... thank G-d... and is going to be the measuring rod for who lives and who dies when G-d comes back down to earth and annoints the melech hamashiach to rule forever... one day soon hopefully... if you wish this you can still have it with all the good it entails... a good which is and will always then be eternal... but to gain this good you can't earn it selling-out to the evil side or even out of fear refusing to fight in whatever capacity in your life you are able to fight against it and remove it from our collective midst... stand up with us and fight them off... fight the vile filth and the pure evil ones of the world... your silence cannot and will not defeat them... only your prayers and actions have the power to do so... not your thoughts alone are enough or evil would have been already eradicated from the earth long, long ago... good intentions or wishes are never enough... have never been enough and will never be sufficient to get the job done... this is what torah-true-judaism teaches us all... the real torah of machshavah, dibbur and...AND... maesah... for this is the olam of ASEAH (action)... and only decisive action can get the job done... because we are physical entities too hence though our real fight may be a spiritual one but to make it stick we must exhibit strength and victory on the physical plane of existence as well......

so happy birthday america if you understand this message i convey to you and if not... go to hell america for then we are forever done with you... nik. out...

291   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: July 02, 2006, 08:09:16 AM 
true about the leviim part because i didn't read the article far enough to see that... hey this guy's writing it... if it's true it's true... he wouldn't lie... and it is not true that i am making things up out of whole cloth as you so eloquently state... my rebbeim in ohr somayach taught me that ezra composed a sefer torah with nekudot in them and all the other variations of a letter here or there in dispute (the few places where we now have a ktav v'kree differential)... this has to be real or my rebeiim would not have taught it to us... just because i don't recall or don't know the mekor given for something i say here... (in this case i think a gemora in sofrim of the meschtot katanim...) that fact alone doe not make it an untruth... and better yet... more to the point... just because there is something in torah you haven't learned or heard of doesn't make it a lie or falsehood that i or anyone else here has so stated it... i've already commented upon what i think of your torah knowledge and learning ability...

furthermore you scholar... you must know the famous gemora where moshe rebenu wonders to Hashem that if someone like rebbi akiva is destined to be how come the torah was given to me it should have been given to him... why does moshe say this...? because he is shown a vision of rebbi akiva darshening out the tagim atop the letters in the sefer torah which taught him chiddushim in halacha... and moshe didn't understand what rebbi akiva was talking about and so thought him greater than himself... Hashem explained to moshe that he understood everything being discussed but from a different way of extracting the knowledge...

so now... if the tagim at least for rebbi akiva bore kama, kama halachot for him to draw from them... you don't think they just might also contain somehow the repository for the original trop of the torah... that is not too far of a leap to make when you allow for this gemara... and i do believe i heard one of my teachers once say just this about trop... it doesn't matter where it's source is... if it is a correct saying... i believe i heard this and i will continue to look for its source but your rebuffs do not make it axiomatically and automatically fake and fraudulent... because you do not as we all do not know the entire torah and all ancillary perush and extrapolation... sorry but you don't... nik. out...
292   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The IDF can't do ANYTHING right..../ they can't even fake an invasion right!  on: July 02, 2006, 07:01:46 AM 
good thinking this article... (not)... let them kill masses of us and then we can go right ahead and do what we should have done 60 years ago... great idea... why don't we just save them the effort... let's all pack up our bags and fold up our tents now and head back out into golut... we always had a much easier time out there anyway... i personally love the inquisition parts we went thru... i'd just dig to take part in the hamburger role in a nice new juicy auto-da-fe... i'm looking forward to those again let me tell you... got myself a spanking brand new camera for it too and some sunscreen... don't forget the sunscreen... it promises to be very very hot inside one of those infernos... wouldn't like to get a sunburn now would we...  ta... nik.
293   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Would you join a U.S. attack on Israel?  on: July 02, 2006, 06:54:53 AM 
right after you do yby... right after you... i will do what i see needs to be done... regardless of whether anyone else can see or not... you are all blind, stupid pathetic little creatures too afraid to stand up and fight... i'm not... so i will... see ya... nik.
294   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Would you join a U.S. attack on Israel?  on: June 30, 2006, 02:31:54 AM 
why? no one knows who i am... nik.
295   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 30, 2006, 02:30:44 AM 
i didn't say the leviim taught them to layn... i told you that the yeminite and probably other groups as well taught their children torah with the trop... by the trop... their trop... have you never heard the sing-song way they teach in yeshiva...? i know it's different now from trop by ashkenazi... but it's with a niggun... it was always like that and probably back then it wasn't a made up nusach... it was the real trop...

and what does nikud mean... the dots? they are not a recent invention... they are halacha l'moshe misinai... how else would we ever know how to pronounce anything... we were taught nikudot along with the rest of the torah... in fact one of the contributions of the anshe knesset hagedolah was that ezra wrote out an entire sefer torah with the nekudot in it so it would be preserved in written form and no longer be left oral and be in danger of being forgotten or messed up with errors... nik. out...
296   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: An American plot?/you better believe it... or we are all doomed....  on: June 30, 2006, 02:09:30 AM 
i've been telling you guys for years already...

if there is a real war against terrorism going on why are all of the terrorists still standing? why are they all walking around above ground... outdoors killing people...?

answer is... there is no real war going on... just a sham to pretend to fight them while all along they are in the employ of the very SAME people around the world who are supposedly sworn to uproot and exterminate them... i.e. the u.s and u.k... but france is running and funding some also and so is russia even though they are up to their eyeballs with the chechnians... which is another great example... they killed not too long ago... 200 plus children.... AS IN SCHOOL KIDS... IN A SCHOOL!!! WHILE ATTENDING SCHOOL!!! and they have not been bombed out of existence and off the face of the earth yet because why? because what... maybe they'll still make peace and can be invited over for milk and cookies sometime soon...? if 200 u.s. children were murdered in cold-blood like that would we not go to war with whoever did it...? chechnya's right down the block from russia... they know where the hell the killers and terrorists live... 'cause it's the whole friggin' place... just like hamasniks... it's the whole damn lot of them... so what gives?

another agenda... one where the terrorists all live... long enough to destroy israel and perhaps russia too and then they get axed unless they have a plan to defend themselves from being knifed in the back by the powers-that-be who are all paying their paychecks and footing the bills for their food, uniforms, training and arms... etc.

so while we all sleep at night wondering whether another terror attack will come... the people elected to secure us and prevent it are the very ones out there giving the slime their marching orders and game plans...

this is all going on under our noses... but someone like me who gets up there and warns people about it... is called a lunatic... but i don't care about me... tell me... someone... anyone... tell me an alternative pshat that makes sense of all this madness and insanity and i'll shut-up and go away...

they want to terrorize us long and hard until we give-in to their one-world slavery government... nwo... etc. then we'll have peace and they'll say... "see we told you we could deliver for you..." meanwhile all along it was them causing the fear of disaster and doing all the wars and violence by proxy thru their surrogates... and all the time they themselves have been the problem with the world... they are the ones using terrorism for their own purposes... ordering it... controlling it... and claiming they're really the good guys... that in fact they are actually the only ones who know how to fight against it and defeat it... that they are protecting us from it...

and so i come to you tonite and i offer you peace in 50 seconds... one nuke over mecca... one over the vatican... one over buckingham palace ... and one over the white house and i'll guarantee you world wide peace forever.... open your eyes people... these our your enemies o'world... nik. out... 
297   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "get you're peanuts, popcorn, cracker jacks... right here... enjoy the show"...  on: June 29, 2006, 10:43:01 PM 
yep ol' bullwinkle olmert is a good ol' boy...

"hey rock... watch me pull a rabbit out of my hat..." and out comes a roaring lion head everytime... nik. out...
298   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: A new IDF secret weapon against Arabs - thicker walls/and thicker brains...  on: June 29, 2006, 10:11:28 PM 
makes my heart skip a beat... i feel so much safer already... now i can come to israel and feel there's a chance i won't get fire-bombed... wow!!! what a bunch of courageous genius'... and they care so much for our welfare that they went out of their way and spared no expense and gave up days on the riveria just to help us little jews feel safer (and more whimpish) behind closed doors... now if they can only come up with an armored suit so people can go to school and work in the morning we'll have the whole damn thing solved!!!! and to think i've been so negative toward my jewish leadership b'aretz... shame on me... nik. out...
299   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Would you join a U.S. attack on Israel?/ef america...  on: June 29, 2006, 10:00:29 PM 
because esav can only be defeated here in the u.s. where he is strongest and most arrogant and therefore off his guard... just like moshe rebenu took down paro after coming from within his very palace... besides in israel i'd get arrested in 32 seconds... what chance do i have of doing anything more than david, yisroel or lenny and the rest are already doing...? and every few minutes they are hauled in for questioning or worse...

the answer is here to work quietly and unnoticed until something arises that can start a movement... just a tiny spark that can be fanned into a flame which can then be built up into a conflagration... i'm not saying i'm not coming to israel soon... i might... i'm looking into all my options... but the fight is here before gog goes over there and wreaks havoc until Hashem takes him out... the fight is here to stop him before he becomes a monster unleashed and let loose on a rampage... if possible that is... hopefully there is still time... hopefully there is still a chance to expose him and topple him... hopefully there is something that can yet be found to bring him down... i'm working night and day to find the key to unravel his whole ball of string... nik. out...
300   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada/please G-d soon....  on: June 29, 2006, 04:22:28 PM 
good points bk and even if some of them would still grow up in that climate to not hate jews... (certainly a near impossibility today)... they have to still leave the land... because as rav meir states in sefer harayon... when an enemy attacks you in eretz yisroel they are no longer allowed halachically to sue for peace or to become avadim to you... they must leave or be killed... period... and any of their numbers... in this case arabs are arabs and they are all arabs of one group so even the peaceful ones must go or be killed because they are a part of a group that has become our mortal enemy because some of them (not even most of them is the criteria) some have attacked us and made war upon us... so all are excluded...

the only exception to this rule of canaanim... which they have according to rav meir... is that a member of separate sons of canaan for example horites and emorites... if one made war on us but not the other... the one gets driven out or exterminated and the other can leave peacefully or remain our abject slaves forever... their choice... as long as the whole of them has not made war on us... now arabs are arabs period... not separate entities... so they all go or they all die... this is the din by them all... nik. out...
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301   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Only Olmert can" -- bumper stickers, t-shirts and more!  on: June 29, 2006, 04:11:54 PM 
all he's doing is following orders... like the good little jew-boy peon that he is... nik.
302   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I will trust the Israeli government - They Know what they are doing.  on: June 29, 2006, 04:10:24 PM 
great thread... thanks... nik.
303   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Would you join a U.S. attack on Israel?/hell no...  on: June 29, 2006, 04:09:09 PM 
and there you go... if they're asking... they're planning... and if they're planning... they're doing... what further proof do any of you now require to see what's ahead... hurtling towards us at the speed of a bullet...? nik. out...
304   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Katsav: "Gaza Withdrawal, Oslo were big Mistakes"  on: June 29, 2006, 04:06:27 PM 
as long as the reshayim keep dropping like flies i couldn't give a rat's ass about cheapening anything... nik. out...
305   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Katsav: "Gaza Withdrawal, Oslo were big Mistakes"  on: June 29, 2006, 02:35:07 AM 
well i don't care about the rest of you guys... i for one will NOT! refrain from waxing vulgar... 

katzav you efing son-of-a-[censored] where the hell were you last summer...? go blow it out your ass now!!!! go to hell you efing bastard!!!! i'm death davening for you now as well... mazel tov! you just made it onto my list, slimeball... nik. out...
306   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert  on: June 29, 2006, 02:33:34 AM 
one correction... he didn't dedicate tehilim to b'nai korach... they were leviim and they composed their own and david included their wonderful piyutim... which amplified their tshuvah to torat moshe... in his sefer!!!! nik. out...
307   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Only Olmert can" -- bumper stickers, t-shirts and more!  on: June 29, 2006, 02:31:26 AM 
CORRECT!!! right you are... someone give that man a cigar... nik. out...
308   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I will trust the Israeli government - They Know what they are doing.  on: June 29, 2006, 02:30:12 AM 
o.k. care to let me at least in on the secret here...? i plead ignorance... nik.
309   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 29, 2006, 02:01:34 AM 
no... bk... i know about the brachot part... i'm referring to the layning part... each one used to read his portion until there were just too many people who couldn't read and so to avoid boosha they decided to call people up but only the newly initiated b'al koreh would read from the torah... when they began saying each one their own brachot before and after each aliyah is later on... i know that came later... i was only talking about the layning... and i know it was the reading part that was the trouble not the trop part... 'cause if they couldn't even read the hebrew how they gonna know the trop? but that's not proof there wasn't any trop to begin with either because when yidden knew to read they all knew to layn also because this is how they all learned... and i have to believe there was always a way to chant the torah not just read it... otherwise why would we make up a way 200 years ago when no one ever did it before...? and how would yemenites who were still cut off from the rest of us know to create a style for themselves as we had and do it exactly when we invented ours... (we all know they have a certain way of chanting even different from other edat hamizrach or other sephardic communities) and so i just know we always sang the torah in some fashion... why or how things changed over the centuries and were modified in differing climes i know not... in fact the yemenite or temani style is probably the original one... just like their lettering which includes a j-sound and a th-sound is probably much closer to the original ivra than either ours or the modern ivrit ...

in fact there is another rayah to my understanding of things because it's brought down in shulchan orach (much further back than just 200 years ago... that's at least 5 or 600 years ago or so... at the very least to there... and once you can go back that far it has to mean you have a system or tradition in something that you are following or tracing backwards... something which must have also been anciently active)... my proof therefore is from hilchot kriat shema... for it is brought down there that it is a hidur mitzvah to say kriat shema with the trop and not just say it or chant it in your own fashion of davening... so there... there is proof there always was cantilation called trop... ha!!!! put that one in your horn and toot on it!!!! nik. out...   
310   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Synagogue torched in Yerushalayim  on: June 29, 2006, 01:52:05 AM 
no make that 2... they said they got a 62 yr. old man from rishon l'zion... is that right? but true... just another lovely day in OUR land... how sweet it is to be home... home sweet home at last... "l'heyot am chofshi b'artzenu..." ah... i can hear the birds cooing and the angels singing... can't you...? nik. out...
311   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert  on: June 29, 2006, 01:43:27 AM 
come to think of it... the chofetz chaim did have a son who died early... before him... hmm... pulsa d'nura... maybe... but then it took longer than a year to be fulfilled... oh well... trotz-scumbag still paid good and ugly... so however he was cursed it worked thank G-d... and that filth was removed from the earth before he could do any more damage to yidden... so let's just leave these matters for the gedolim and mekubalim... shall we...?... death davening is still an option and open to all of us... come onboard... i'm davening hard for a few prime reshayim jews and gentiles to bite the dust this summer... please Hashem... nik. out...
312   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada  on: June 29, 2006, 01:38:33 AM 
that's correct... and we can easily do it and get away with it... they can't stop all of us all the time from fighting back... i say fight back even dirtier than they do with us... start smashing their babies on rocks and burning their schools down with their kids inside... why should only jewish children end up babyfood for the ravens...? nik. in a rage out....
313   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The IDF can't do ANYTHING right....  on: June 29, 2006, 01:32:24 AM 
and i say you're right about Hashem but He also lets these rashayim have the run of the place because we do nothing to stand up to them and take them down... we are doing nada... zero... zippo... efes... shoom davar... kloom...  nik. out...
314   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada  on: June 29, 2006, 12:21:21 AM 
no they deserve the same treatment they give us... they kidnap and murder random people whoever they can lay their filthy hands on... so we should give 'em back exactly what they do to us... indiscriminate killing of their kids is not an atrocity... it is what they so richly deserve and it will end their reign of terror... nik. out...
315   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: The IDF can't do ANYTHING right..../think about it...  on: June 28, 2006, 11:16:58 PM 
let me ask you guys a question... you know i already know the answer... but what do you say...

when the soldiers were ambushed and kidnapped a few years back in lebanon why didn't we invade? when the two from the reserves or off-duty or on leave took a wrong turn and ended up lynched why did we not invade? why only now are the idf and is. gov. all of a sudden sprung into action... with such anger and outrage? how dare you...? etc. etc.

if idf guys are so "sacred" as everyone goes on and on about why only now? i won't bother you with my answer... you know it anyway... this is staged, pre-planned, cynically contrived just for effect... you know... "conspiracy" stuff... etc. etc... but what say you as to the inconsistency in policy...? nik. out...                   
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316   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert  on: June 28, 2006, 10:08:17 PM 
so what if it wasn't exactly within the year... maybe the chofetz chaim just cursed him and didn't use a pulsa which is supposed to result in the death of one of your own as a trade off... (kach shemati)... the point you all are missing is that when he did die it wasn't a natural death... it was a tremendous mita meshuna and it was a crushingly huge and exquisitely delicious kiddush Hashem!!!! like i said... a tzadik gozer Hashem mekayim!!!! so better get your wheaties and don't piss-off any tzadikim... nik. out...
317   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada/let's give 'em back exactly what they dish out...  on: June 28, 2006, 09:56:34 PM 
hey great lines... truth... here's what i advocate... they want all their prisoners to come home... they say homicide bombing is a legitimate form of protest and/or act of warfare... fine...  o.k. let 'em all go... take them out... strap them with explosives and hurl them sans shute from planes and copters over gaza and the west bank... let's see how much they enjoy suicide bombers on their heads... over their schools and restaurants... in their homes... mida k'neged mida... man i want their blood!!!! genocide now baby!!!! genocide now... nekamah is the only path to true justice and real peace... nik. out... 
318   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / oh... would that it weren't true... would that it wasn't so...  on: June 28, 2006, 01:40:02 AM 
again... i didn't predict it... i didn't prophecize it... i put two and two together... just follow the murderers... guiliani and silverstein... but i do admit probably shouldn't say it... you won't believe me anyway... i did dream june... i heard it in a dream... not the 22nd... not that it wouldn't go down... i fully thought it would and was scared to death it might... so out of concern for those innocent potential-victims and their families... i risked ridicule and i called a jewish homicide cop in s.f. and tipped him off as to my concern and my theory... if he did anything about it i don't know yet... but if he did... maybe the buzz around chicago by the decent cops and crimefighters got it to be broken up and unable to be followed through on... they said it came from a tip that they found these guys... anyway... all i did was put the scenario together because i know 9/11 was a fraud... an inside job... and i got help from Hashem for june... that's all that happened... that's all i'm claiming...

and i know it all from book by jayne davis... "the third terrorist"... she proves a massive fbi cover-up of that tragedy and proves who did it... that mcveigh had arab (iraqi) help "john doe #2" and names him and proves he was working as a baggage something or other in logan airport on the morning of 9/11... and voila! there you go... there you have it... game, set and match... the truth is out... glaring you if you are objective right in the face... and that story as to how it could be that our gov. would ever block an investigation of foreign terrorism on our soil... that coupled with the fact that the borders were and are still so very porous and were so even in the immediate wake of 9/11... (only airports were closed and no one was flying then anyway... so no great loss or hardship then)... it just didn't make any sense if these were real events perpetrated by real enemies against our country and its citizenry... and thus this made me see it was all a set-up... all a ruse... a deadly lie... and then when tali hatuel and all her children were genocided like that on sunday may 8, 2004... on the very day the likud voted down sharon's disengagement plan... it made me cry out even more than all the other events since oslo in '93... why are jews still dying if we've caved-in and given it all away already... on paper at least... in principle if not completely yet in reality...? i said to myself it just doesn't all add up... this shouldn't be happening... none of these things... not here and not there... and so i know... i know... it's just true... all of it... these are vicious killers running our gov. running this planet... and in the face of this much evil... like avraham avinu said in confrontation with nimrod... when they threw him into the kivshan haaish... in the face of all this evil... how can you NOT rebel?!!!!! that's how i know these things... this is why my life is forfeit for this cause... as should every jew on earth do... we must fight nimrod/esav/amalek/rome... it is now or never... now or never... nik. out...
319   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert  on: June 28, 2006, 01:18:59 AM 


anyway he said....

"we are paying the price in the shmad of our children because when the jewish communists came around to harass us and destroy torah from our youth we did not take up arms to challenge them but cowered in fear... had we been willing to fight... yes we may have lost many lives but maybe they would have failed to kill our children spiritually..." or something to that effect... i have on this site in one of my diatribes the exact wording and if anyone wishes to see it precisely i will dig it up for you upon request... nik. out... 
320   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / "Only Olmert can"/"ice cream, candy, cigaretts.... get your programs here!"  on: June 27, 2006, 11:09:21 PM 
i know... and truly my heart and my prayers go out to them and their families... but don't count on olmert to save the day...  all our efforts always look good at the start of an operation like today and end dismal failures... (like in jenin... remember?)... besides... olmert doesn't give a damn about the two kidnapped boys... no matter what his rhetoric... he's just as callous and cold-hearted as peres ("missles shmissels" or whatever the hell he said... yemach shemo v'zichro too... oh i can't wait for that bastard to die... i ache as much for him to kick as i did for arafat)... anyway... that's not what all of this is about... this operation is just for show; a sick, minipulative performance of muscle-flexing and chest-pounding for olmert... he's only in it to shore up his right side and score some brownie points for toughness... (only this time it won't work 'cause we're all onto these deceptions and lies)... (been there, done that, got the photo and the tee-shirt... thankyou very much)... you'll see (hope i'm wrong)... we won't come anywhere near crushing hamas as we know they deserve... as we know we should for our own survival... only way those boys are coming back not in bodybags is if we do a deal and let terrorists and murderers walk... (people who... pchhh... "people"... animals who shouldn't even be in jail... creatures who we should have long ago executed in the first place if true justice were really being served here for us, the vicitms and their families which is never the case anymore... pchh...  "true justice"... what an empty, hollow and twisted phrase that has become)... and so  we're always left wondering... huh? what happened...? what went wrong...? we have the power... so why did we let those vile scumbuckets off the hook yet again...? and the answer is we are not our own masters... we serve rome... i.e. the u.s. period end of discussion... mark my words... nothin's gonna happen good here... lo alenu... just more dashed hopes and further demoralized jews until we give-in and let 'em give the rest of the country away... and right on cue... just when we thought things couldn't possibly get any worse... here comes the nazi-pope to take over har habayit and all of yerushalayim... while we continue to do nothing but stare out into empty space; open-mouthed in complete disbelief...  when we should be burning that evil abomination... the knesset (that nasty nest of lying vipers; that iniquitous den of gutter-swiping thieves and murderers of jews) right down to the to the very ground!!!! nik. in bitter outrage and in total and utter disgust... out... as in OUT!!!!! 
321   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Jewish Intifada  on: June 27, 2006, 11:03:43 PM 
revolution now!!!!! coup now!!!!! nik.
322   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Pulsa D'Nura against Olmert/kain yehi ratzon!!!!!  on: June 27, 2006, 11:02:54 PM 
count me in... yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam vaed... death by DivIne hand only... death davening baby is coming to a traitor near you... better eat your wheaties... nik.out... 
323   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "Only Olmert can" -- bumper stickers, t-shirts and more!  on: June 27, 2006, 03:21:30 AM 
let's see if he can even handle a crisis with a single jew... btwym my money is on hamas to make him look like the horse's ass he truly is...... nik. out...
324   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and now for something totally different... vindication!!!  on: June 27, 2006, 03:19:38 AM 
until G-d forbid it's time to cry... and that time is fast approaching because of mockers like you... laugh all you want but you ignore my warning at your own peril... nik. sadly signing out...
325   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and now for something totally different... vindication!!!  on: June 27, 2006, 02:46:06 AM 
hamaven yaven... hamaven yaven...i think it's much better for you if you don't know at all... you aren't ready for what i have to say... nik. out...
326   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: and now for something totally different... vindication!!!  on: June 26, 2006, 10:45:24 PM 
as for the rest of you guys... i see crow-eating is not one of your strong suits... you should at least give-it-up when you are proven wrong... but i guess that's expecting too much from you... huh? nik.
327   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 26, 2006, 10:43:57 PM 
no... it is brought down (in the mishna bruera on kriat hatorah) that it used to be that everyone called up for an aliyah read his own portion but when am aratzet increased in order not to embarass someone who couldn't read (as in even read)they switched to having a ba'al koreh and then even those who could read didn't... now layning without the trop is of course yotzei the mitzvah but why do we have it now in the first place? why is it such a big-deal? probably because it was always sung and our version which is only as old as you say it is is a development from what used to be... what was... not out of thin air from nothing... get it? we are just amplifying what our forefathers did... we wouldn't innovate without any reason... where else have we ever done that? to do something totally without precedent? why we changed from their ancient minhag of how to layn i know not... but i know we just didn't invent it out of whole cloth one day as a good idea to make bar mitzvah boys go nuts!!!! nik. out... 
328   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Urgent campaign to keep David Ha'Ivri out of jail  on: June 26, 2006, 10:33:48 PM 
i'll do what i can from here... nik.
329   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is a Rabbi?  on: June 23, 2006, 03:38:37 AM 
no but once the word was out that hitler was serious there were millions of jews who would have wanted to flee to israel, america or britain but were restrained from doing so... had those first few boatloads of jews been successful you don't think millions would have followed suit and fled... had there been anywhere to run to? and another thing irks me... you guys know nothing... ever hear of betar? well... jabotinsky had 200,000 almost fully armed jews in poland and he was trying to get them on the move to wipe out the jewish agency traitorous filth... but hitler struck early and davka poland... guess who gave ol' adolph-baby the intelligence that jabotinsky was almost ready to fight? jabotinsky knew what was tutzach in the velt... how those vile jews were selling out their brethren... he tried to stop them... nik. out...
330   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 23, 2006, 03:35:24 AM 

here yissacher knock yourself out... ta... nik.

History of Chazzanut and Congregational Singing (Nigunim)

The Cantorial Terms: Nusach, Scarbove, MiSinai, Freygish, Ahavah-Rabbah Mode, et al

Zogekhts: Sections of the liturgy that are traditionally chanted by the cantor in a brisk tempo (allegro) with minimal or no repeating of words. Examples are U-v'kheyn Teyn Pakh-d'kho, Atoh V'khar-tonu, Atoh Zoykheyr and Atoh Nigleyso for the High Holydays; Atoh V'khar-tonu and Mi-p'ney kha-to-eynu for the Sholosh R'golim; and Tikanto Shabbos Rotsiso Korb'noyseho for the Sabbath -- as opposed to a retshtativ, below.

(Also spelled Zogachts, Zogechts, Zogachtz, Zogechtz.) 
RetshtaTIVn (singular: retshtaTIV): Recitatives / Cantorial Solos - Sections of the liturgy that are traditionally chanted by the cantor in a dramatic operatic manner, with much repeating of words. Nowadays, are rarely used during actual synagogue prayer-services, as their use unduly lengthens the services to the dismay of today's worshippers. Instead, retshtativn are usually performed only at Cantorial Concerts. A good example is Cantor Murray Bazian chanting V'Nireyhu Ayin B'Ayin and Av HoRakhamim Hu Y'Rakheym Am Amusim (plays streaming using RealPlayer). 
freygish (פֿרייגיש): To read what exactly this term means, go to this page on the KlezmerShack website, which is entitled "The Sub-Mode System of the Ahava Rabboh Mode (Freygish)." (Also spelled freigish, פרייגיש)
oberkantor (אָבער־קאַנטאָר): chief cantor (also spelled ober-kantor, obercantor, אבערקאנטאר ,אבער־קאנטאר )
khazn sheyni (חזן־שני): second cantor (also spelled chazzan sheini, chazzan sheni, khazan sheyni)

The first reference below is an email from Cantor Sherwood Goffin of New York's Lincoln Square Synagogue, from his email posted on the website. I have edited and annotated Cantor Goffin's words -- Yos'l, March 2004.


Date: Thu, 10 July 2003
From: Sherwood Goffin <[email protected]>
Subject: Re: Nigunim in Shul (Congregational Singing in the Synagogue)

Dear Mr. Dixler, amv"sh

The oldest source is the Sefer Chassidim (R" Yehuda Ha Chasid) 1148-1217 c.e., who forbids using the melody of one part of the tefillah (prayer service) or kriah (Bible reading) for a different tefillah or kriah. We know that the Maharam MiRuttenberg, about 50 years later, started to standardize the musical nusach hatefillah. For instance, in his day, all the Kaddeyshim for Yom Tov used the tune of Tal/Geshem. During his lifetime they began to evolve into separate melodies for Maariv Rosh HaShonah, Shacharis, Musaf, Neilah, etc.

The Shulchan Aruch (1488-1575) extensively quotes the Maharil (R' Jacob Moelin - chief Rabbi of the Rhineland c.1375-1450) as to minhagei tefillah.

The Maharil was the Posek (Halachic authority) for the largest Jewish communities of the day - Worms, Speyer, Mayence, Regensberg, etc. He was upset at the "foreign" elements intruding in the melody of tefillah, and he set out to determine which versions were the true ones (MiSinai or Scarbova). He was able to do that because of the Crusades that brought Jews from all over Europe to seek safety in the Rhineland. He examined the different musical strains, and determined which were authentic. His P'sak (Halachic ruling) - that "Ein L'Shanos" - one may not change the musical Nusach of a community, is standardized as Halacha by the Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim 619). You can, of course, see that in the Mishneh Brura as well. He was also responsible for standardizing Nusach Ashkenaz in the form that our Siddur takes, and in many minhagim, such as the chazzan (cantor) starting to chant HaMelech from his seat, (before ascending to the Omed), etc.

After the turn of the 20th Century, The nascent Young Israel Movement sought to bring young people into shul by emulating the Chassidim by introducing Nigunim (rhythmic congregational singing) to their minyanim (heretofore this was verboten). Until then, no one "sang" (i.e., with a fixed rhythm) Kel Odon or L'cho Dodi - there is a nusach (classic arrhythmic chanting) that you even hear today -- that was carefully adhered to.

The Young Israel initiative started the trend in non-chassidic shuls to use nigunim (congregational singing) to supplement the nusach (NOT replace it). Believe it or not, through the 1950's and even the 1960s it was still frowned upon by mainstream shuls (and by reactionary sticklers like Yos'l).

Many of the first Young Israel nigunim were taken from the reform choral pieces of Germany and Austria, such as the entire Hotsoas Hatorah (taking out of the Torah from the Ark) melody, including "Vayehi Bin'soa HoOron"/ "Ki Mitzion." Even (rythmic melodies like) the universal "Shma Yisroel" were all reform compositions. But, there was very little else out there, and that is why they used them. Today, we have to be careful not to use nigunim where they don't belong, and not to erase the nusach (classic arrhythmic chanting) as a result.

Some (like Yos'l) think it is now frumer to NOT sing nigunim, and that is a bit of hisnagdut (opposition). Nigunim are part of Zeh Keli V'Anveyhu. We just have to use seychel (common sense). My guidelines are the 4 M's: Mode (nusach), Mood, Meaning and Min HaMikdosh (not from secular sources).

Incidentally, many of the favorite KAJ melodies are these aforementioned compositions of The Reform - Lewandowski, Sulzer, et al. I guess we have "kashered" them over the last century and one-half by using them in Avodas Hakodesh (Synagogue Prayer-Services).

Shalom, Chazzan Sherwood Goffin, Lincoln Sq. Synagogue, N.Y.,
Faculty Belz School of Jewish Music at Yeshiva University


The next reference is the website entitled The Origins of Chazzanut at At this website there is an excellent definitions of the word scarbova (or skarbove). The following quotes are from that website.


The period between the wars (World Wars I and II) is generally regarded as the 'Golden Age of Chazzanut.' This is the time when legendary Chazzanim such as Kwartin, Sirota, Hershman, and Rosenblatt flourished. Simply put, these men had the ability to make people cry. Their singing and pleading with the Almighty would send shivers up and down the spines of their congregants, and they were able to raise them to high levels of communion with G-d.

(It is, perhaps, beyond the scope of this article to rationalise this, but I'm certain that it was the environment in which people lived that enabled these cantors to achieve it. People living in poverty, who could not afford to see a doctor when they were ill and were frequently out of work, were more easily moved than we can be today in our more affluent society. When the Chazzan pleaded with the L-rd to grant people who were unemployed and living through a war 'a life of peace, a life of sustenance, and life in which there's no shame and reproach...,' it was not difficult to make them cry.)


There are also many melodies, rather than modes, which are very ancient. In the Ashkenazi (European) rites they are referred to as Scarbove Niggunim, (the word Scarbove is probably a corruption of the Latin word sacra meaning 'sacred'), or MiSinai-melodies, i.e., melodies transmitted from Mount Sinai (!). These titles undoubtedly came about as a means by which to invest them with sanctity, and so discourage Chazzanim from altering them.

Most of these Scarbove tunes came from Southwestern Germany, from the old communities of Worms, Mayence and the Rhinelands. Examples of them are Aleinu for the Yamim Noraim (High Holidays), and Adir Hu for Pesach.

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The following is quoted from the UAHC website

The two pillars of Jewish melodic continuity are: a) the cantillation of the Torah, and b) the chanting of certain prayers for a given liturgical function. Cantillation (in Hebrew: Ta'amey Haneginah or Ta'amey Hamikra, or in Greek: Trope -- also the Yiddish Trop) is the musical reading/chanting of the books of the Torah: the Five Books of Moses, the Prophets, Book of Psalms, Book of Ruth, etc.

The pattern of chanting of specific prayers (Nusach Hatefillah), as well as the Cantillation of the Torah has survived -- in spite of its unavoidable evolutions and regional adjustments to the tonality of the musical environment in the many countries of the Jewish diaspora.

Before we proceed to analyze the sources of these musical motifs, which were the basis of the "tradition" (Minhag), let us examine the form of worship, the "Service" in the Holy Temple (the "Bet Hamikdash") in ancient Jerusalem, which influenced the later "Service" in the Jewish Synagogue, and the even later format of the Christian Service:

In the Bet Hamikdash, the Priests (Kohanim) were in charge. They would perform the animal sacrifices, would bless the Congregation (Lev. 9:22), and on Yom Kippur the Priest would confess his sins and the sins of all of Israel (Lev. 16).

The Levites (Levi'im), who performed a wide variety of functions in the maintenance of the Temple were also the musicians of the Temple. They sang Psalms, prescribed for each day, played the instruments, such as the harps we mentioned earlier, the Chatzotzera, the Chalil, the Ugav and the Shofar and the cymbals.

A.Z. Idelsohn, in his Jewish Music, Chapter I, tells us that even in the First Temple (from about 955 B.C.E. under King Solomon to 586 B.C.E., when destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylonia), the Blessing before the Sh'ma (the Creed), certain benedictions, the Ten Commandments were already used and probably sung.

The Second Temple was rebuilt about 516 B.C.E. During its existence the Service was expanded, and it is from that time that certain traditions in singing such prayers as the Ahava Raba, the Benedictions of the Amidah (silent standing prayer), the Sim Shalom, the Hallel (Prayers of Praise of the L-rd), etc., can be traced. (Mishna Tamid, Mishna Arachin XI, 3-6, among the sources). The musical part of the Service was usually a responsive chanting by the Levites and the Congregation, accompanied by instruments.

Both the Biblical Cantillation and the Chanting of Prayers were taught to the Congregation by the Levites by a method which we call Chironomy: a system of hand-signs for each musical motif. This became especially formalized in the Cantillation of the Torah, which was chanted in regular intervals: every Monday and Thursday (the market-days in Jerusalem) and on the Sabbath, as well as on the Holy Days. Originally, these Tropes, the tunes for the Torah Cantillation, were taught by rote with the hand signs, which eventually were put on parchment in a pictorial way. This actually constituted the earliest musical script known in our culture. These Trope signs were eventually systematized and transcribed by Aaron ben Asher in Tiberias in the 9th century. They were then re-transcribed into the evolving common musical script, the Neumes, which were the foundation of our present musical script.

We can detect the ancient roots of the Cantillation and of some of the prayer tunes by comparing the similarity of the Yemenite, Syrian and other Oriental Jews, who for centuries lived isolated from each other; or by comparing these melodies with early Christian chants, which were sung in the Byzantine (Eastern) Church. We can follow the evolution of these tunes into the tonality of German, Lithuanian, and other European Jewish communities and see them again reflected in tunes of the Gregorian chants of the Church, the musical foundation of Catholic Liturgy.

Thus, we find that the enforced diaspora and the will for spiritual survival of the Jews brought about a way to record their original music, which in turn was used and adapted by the Christian Church, which became a dominant influence in European music for many centuries. Of course, there were elements in Church music other than the Hebrew influence, but it is this Hebrew element in Christian music which inspired many centuries of musical development throughout the Western culture.

All the patterns of musical cantillation and chanting can be categorized in a system of tonal groups called modes. Although the "mode" is the ancestor of our present "scale," and can in fact be described as a scale the tones of which are used to form a melody, the word "mode" comes from the Latin "modus," which is the root of our English word "mood," and I think this is no coincidence. A "mode" expressed a certain mood in which the tune was sung, or was meant to be sung. Thus, even though a "mode" of a prayer-tune (Nusach) may have changed in time and place, the "mood" did not, or should not. It is one of the constant factors in an ever-changing process of "minhag" (tradition).

The Modes of Cantillation vary slightly geographically, but they have certain common constant elements; the mode of chanting the Torah during the week and on the Sabbath, the mode of chanting the same Torah for the High Holy Days, the mode of chanting the Prophets (the Haftarah), and the modes of chanting other books of the Bible

The modes of prayers may be categorized into the eight modes, which more or less coincide with the early Church-Tones. These in turn were rationally explained to be based on the Greek modes, such as Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Myxo-Lydian, Aeolian, etc., which were the forerunners of our Major, Minor and eventually Chromatic (12-tone) scales.

The main modes (called "Steigers") which have survived in our Synagogue music, and which have also influenced a great deal of our Jewish folk music, are: a) the Magen Avot Mode, b) the Adoshem Malach Mode and c) the Ahavah Rabah Mode (which is also an Arabic mode, the makam "Hedjaz"). The names of these modes are taken from the initial words of prayers, which were chanted on the Shabbat. Then there are the many modes in which prayers on Holy Days were chanted, such as Hallel (Praise), Viddui (confession), Geshem (prayer for rain) and Tal (prayer for dew); and, as we said, the modes of the Cantillation.

Before we follow the development of Synagogue music from its ancient roots to the many eras and areas, let us first again go back to some of the historical discoveries of some aspects of Jewish music, which found its expression not only in the Synagogue, but also outside.


MiSinai Tunes

During the 11th century, a whole group of melodies evolved among the Jews of the Rhineland in Western Germany, which were to become the traditional Nusach Hatefillah, the prayer tunes for every occasion of worship: morning, noon, and night, Sabbath and weekday, Festival and High Holy Days. These tunes were given the name of Scarbova melodies, or later MiSinai tunes. The word scarbove is a derivative of the Latin word sacra, meaning "holy." MiSinai merely underlines the traditional character of the tunes, as if they actually came from "Mount Sinai." However, they did express, in the new tonality of Western Europe, an evolved form of the traditional modes.

It is also about this time that we can see the emergence of Z'mirot — the "table songs."

The basic modes, which originated in the Middle East, and were transformed into the various tonalities under other people's influences, were:

     S'licha — mode (penitence)
     Viddui — mode (confession and vows)
     Adoshem Malach — mode (after a prayer based on psalm #93)
     Magen Avot — mode (Friday night, later used in many folksongs)
     Ahava Raba — mode (Sabbath morning, a late mode, but Mideastern)
     The Cantillation modes of many books of the Torah.

It is interesting to note that the time of the evolving MiSinai tunes also coincides with the flowering of the European troubadours and Minnesingers. There are many melodies which can be traced to a mixture of Minnesong, and Nusach. There were also a number of Jewish Minnesingers, such as Suskind von Trimberg, whose poetry we know but whose tunes were mostly lost to us.

The language of 11th century Germany was Mittel-Hoch-Deutsch or medieval German. It was the language which the Jews of that area spoke, just as the Jews of Persia spoke Persian, and the Jews of Spain spoke Spanish. But the Jews in all these countries not only adopted the language, they also adapted it, by mixing it with some Hebrew and inventing their own idiomatic words, such as scarbove for "holy," or Mazeldig for "lucky" [made up from the Hebrew mazal (luck) and the Germanic adverbial ending –ig].

Thus, in Central Europe, Yiddish was born -- just as in far-away Bokharia (an ancient eastern province of Persia) Judeo-Persian was born, and in Spain "Judeo-Espanol" was born, which later was called Ladino. Since the Jews saved their own Hebrew for use in worship and study (Lashon Kodesh - Holy Tongue), they spoke and wrote and sang in their adopted/adapted languages.

The Jews entered Spain in 700 C.E. together with the Moors from North Africa and built strong and prospering communities there for several centuries. Together with their Semitic cousins, they also left a very strong imprint on Spanish culture, which became especially permanent in music. Ladino songs have the kind of "Spanish" flavor which is already a result of this Semitic influence on Spain. But most of the Ladino folksongs which we hear sung today come from communities of Sephardic (Spanish) Jews who left Spain a long time ago and can be traced to other musical influences, mostly from the Mediterranean countries, where these Jews settled: Turkey, Greece, Bulgaria, etc.

It should be pointed out that the reference which is made to "Sephardim" and "Ashkenazim" today, especially in Israel, bears little resemblance to the original meaning of these words: Sephardi means "Spaniard" and Ashkenazi means "German." Today it relates to the liturgical ritual customs which developed in the communities of originally "Ashkenazic" Jews in Central and later in Eastern Europe, (whose Yiddish was a Germanic language once), and in the communities of the once Spanish Jews, the Sephardim, who originally were Oriental Jews, and after their expulsion from Spain migrated back toward the East. The latter's customs and liturgy were still rooted in the Oriental origin, and therefore coincided more with the Jews who had never left the Orient, such as the Yemenite, Syrian, Iraqi and other Mideastern Jews.

Because of this common tradition, we call all Oriental Jews in Israel today "Sephardim," even though they all have had quite different historical experiences in their 2000 years of diaspora.


A final reference is the excellent treatise on The Main Modes of Traditional Cantorial Music. The website is actually entitled "The Main Klezmer Modes" -- because the modes of Klezmer Music are identical with the modes of Cantorial music. Go to "The Main Klezmer Modes, by Josh Horowitz" at the Klezmershack website

In case you've heard chazzanim use the term "Freygish" and wonder what exactly that means, go to this page on the  KlezmerShack website, which is entitled "The Sub-Mode System of the Ahava Rabboh Mode (Freygish)"

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331   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is a Rabbi?/a better question... who is a rabbit?  on: June 23, 2006, 03:22:51 AM 
yes i read the pamphlet too about the holocaust based on the essay by rav meir and the lecture by rav binyamin... and of course all the bickering and in-fighting was real... but that is not my point... my point is the holocaust was a pre-planed, premeditated slaughter by the then ruling world powers and all even america were in on the kill... and jews like the warburgs and the wises and the rothchilds and the montefories and weizmans and the ben gurions, et al... were all in on the plot... all satanic sh.tzvi niks and open nazis to destroy torah jewry so as not to let it flourish and return to eretz yisroel in huge numbers into the millions which would have upset the ol' applecart of what secular (read: kafira and meridut) zionism wanted to happen in the ere-emergence of the nation of israel... they all wanted thing this way... jew and gentile alike... each for their differing reasons... germany, britain, france, america and the erev-rav jews... each wanted the frum jew dead... each had their own reasons and rationale and each helped the other achieve their common goal...

oh is Hashem gonna have a time with this sick world when it comes vengenace-time... i can't wait... i ache for those days.... nik. out...
332   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 23, 2006, 03:13:04 AM 
we are not talking about minhag shtut here...we are talking about layning the torah with a trop... if we have a system... jews always had one... and since there are several... yeckish, yeshivish, sefardish, yemenitish, etc. and it all has a melody to it... it had to stem from one way back... what all of a sudden after 3000 years just in the last 200 or so years.... EVERYONE made one up for themselves... what we all got tired of just reading it in a bland voice... and we did so... all at the same moment in time... what ruach hakodesh we all had then.... horsefeathers!!!! every community and eidah had a system of laynen and it all developed from the beginning from har sinai... to say any different is both childish and ignorant... nik. out...
333   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 23, 2006, 02:27:27 AM 
never mind... i'll let you have it... no i'll take it... if we have a custom how we sing things in shul then they had one too... what all of a sudden after 3000 plus years... just in the last 200 or so years (according to you) we decided you know what... let's sing this stuff... ?dream on!!! nik.
334   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 23, 2006, 02:12:30 AM 
you don't know the everyday birkat hatorah niggun and the special one for the yomin naroiim? which shul or yeshiva did or do you attend? what is wrong with you? nik.
335   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / and now for something totally different... vindication!!!  on: June 23, 2006, 02:03:36 AM 
the news is out... just today they foiled an imminent plot to bomb the sears tower in chicago... i told you this was on the books... in the works... and even told you june was the target date... check back to my post#255 of may 1st... i'm not gloating i'm just chilling in my righteousness... i called this one!!! nik.out...

    listen up...
« on: May 01, 2006, 01:43:41 AM »     

while we wait to see if i'm right that olmert will never sit as pm on his own direct election... we have something else to worry about...

the only man on the planet to be in ny on 9/11 and in london on the day that their bombs went off was none other than his nibs the "wonder" mayor of the world... rudy guliani... and he was at illinois univ. less than a month ago predicting that 9/11 would not go down in history as the only date on which an al qaeda terrorist strike on american soil occurred... (his actual words)... (he's already correct because okl. city was the first one anyway) but that's another story; not for now...

meanwhile thanks to the loosechange video on 9/11 we now know that the satanic jew... larry silverstein the then owner of tower 7 leased the rest of the trade center bldgs. and property from the rockefeller conglomerate group barely 6 weeks before 9/11 and insured it from terrorist attack to the tune of 3.5 billion dollars worth...

and so... well... i'm sad to have to be the one to inform you G-d forbid... but i'm afraid here we go again... because i just learned that last week or so he leased the metlife/sears and roebuck bldg and complex in... you guessed it... none other than the windy city... chicago, illinois...

and so you guys can do the math from here... put two and two together and you can easily see another 9/11 in the offing... looming just beneath the horizon... perhaps as soon as june... chas v'shalom... beware and be forewarned... and get the word out... suspect any land or bldg. that silverstein either owns or leases... these nazis think we are so stupid that they can perpetrate and get away with anything and right under our noses to boot... what arrogance and hubris... what disgustingly evil men and women {condi} they all are... they must be stopped... we have to stand up against them or they will enslave the world... nikmatdam... out...   
«  Reply #1 on: May 01, 2006, 06:16:19 AM »   

1. Olmert WILL sit in office, so enough with the retarded "predictions"! (Although I suppose if he does you'll make some stupid excuse.)

2. I gaurantee you that there were thousands of people who were in  NY for the terror attacks, and then in Londo fo 7/7. People travel, and the fact is that NY and London are two of the biggest cities (finacially/economically) in the world... In fact, I was in NY 1 month beforehand, and I was here in London on 7/7... O oh... 

3. I think you're a little confused. Do you even know what a "Nazi" is?

It's always the paranoid or obsessive compulsive ones who refer to everyone they don't like as "nazis"...

(  Sorry, but I just love family guy!!! )
« Last Edit: May 01, 2006, 06:20:16 AM by BK »  Report to moderator    Logged 

"The Land will not be atoned for the blood which has been spilled upon it, except through the blood of those who spilled it..." (Isaiah 14:16)
Hero Member

Posts: 2002

     Re: listen up...
« Reply #2 on: May 01, 2006, 10:19:56 AM »   

Let me tell you all how really deeply worried I am about the US   Let al qaida strike and destroy half the country (without any Jews getting hurt), boo fu""ety hoo   The americans will never learn that you cannot appease animals and that economic interests do not come before morality, unless they are taught a very painfull lesson first. 
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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Posts: 748

     Re: listen up.../behave people...
« Reply #3 on: May 01, 2006, 12:35:54 PM »     

i'm not making any excuses... i really believe he won't sit... of course i'm disappointed at today's news that shas was so shamelessly bought off... and if that is the difference then i was wrong... but it took a bunch of traitors to make me so...

as far as 9/11 and 7/7 are concerned...

only the ignorant, the petrified and the complicit will refuse to see the connection and the convergence of guliani and silverstein... of course satanic larry didn't own the train stations in london... or did he? hmmm! nik. out... way out... huh? 
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Posts: 2002

     Re: listen up...
« Reply #4 on: May 01, 2006, 12:41:59 PM »   

I thought the freemasons and the templars were controlling the world! Damn it was the guliannis all along!   
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
Hero Member

Posts: 773

     Re: listen up...
« Reply #5 on: May 01, 2006, 12:44:05 PM »   

its the elders of zion i thought?
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The highest level of faith is faith which is clear without philosophical speculation. Kuzari
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    Re: listen up...
« Reply #6 on: May 01, 2006, 12:47:26 PM »   

I think that before he died, Jerry Garcia managed to dose all the water sources in the world with acid 
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     Re: listen up...
« Reply #7 on: May 01, 2006, 12:58:17 PM »   

Rubbish. I control the world! In a few days time I shall make a vague and intensely malleable "prediction," and prove my leadership of the NWO.

In fact, here's a little taster: out of the next 100 cars you see, at least one will be red.


Either that, or I'll make an inconsequental statement that cannot be disproved simply because I offered no proof for it in the first place. For example: there are aliens in my backyard, and they have formed a colony underground so noone can see them...

Wow, this psycho stuff is sorta fun - now I see why so many people do it!...   
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"The Land will not be atoned for the blood which has been spilled upon it, except through the blood of those who spilled it..." (Isaiah 14:16)
Hero Member

Posts: 2002

     Re: listen up...
« Reply #8 on: May 01, 2006, 02:36:53 PM »   

Nik is going to go postal on you guys!   
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Talmud (Berachot 17): “He who occupies himself with the Torah not for its own sake, it would have been better for him had his fetus overturned and would not have come out to the air of the world”
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Posts: 263

    Re: listen up...
« Reply #9 on: May 01, 2006, 06:23:33 PM »   

Quote from: British_chabadnik on May 01, 2006, 12:44:05 PM
its the elders of zion i thought?

 , i saw a documentary of that on cinamax yesturday ( its on demand now). on one part their was this black guy who said Jews control everything , who da mayor of dis city - blimBEEg, then the other guy is like what about when Guliani was the mayor, and the black guys like listin to what your saying - JEWW-liani. 
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     Re: listen up.../yuk it up morons just as long as you don't f-ck it up!!!
« Reply #10 on: May 02, 2006, 04:42:52 AM »     

bravo!!! author! author! you guys crack me up... mock me if you must but that doesn't alter the fact not one iota that israel is staring doe-like into the crosshairs of another holocaust (chas v'shalom) right now!!! and the same "fine" folks who brought you 9/11 did the holocaust and ache to do another one on us and are indeed plotting one right at this very moment while you guys are all so busy being consumed with yuking it up!!! so have at it guys!!! get a good laugh at my expense... just as long as our enemies don't get the last laugh... that will be enough for me... i will be glad to have been nothing but a raving lunatic and we are and always were really safe from danger all along... that will be much to my satisfaction... i will be fine with that... but if i am right... G-d forfend... what then? will you also be fine with all of your unkind latzonot? nik. out of his flippin' mind!!! huh?
« Last Edit: May 02, 2006, 04:57:14 AM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 
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    Re: listen up...
« Reply #11 on: May 02, 2006, 05:55:42 AM »   

and the black guys like listin to what your saying - JEWW-liani.

That man aptly demonstrated the limitted nature of the African "mind".   
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History will remember Israelis as the greatest nation to ever live.  They are just sooooooo cool.  Any negative characteristics they have are just because of brainwashing.  I love them all and especially all holy IDF soliders.  I heart Israel.
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    Re: listen up...
« Reply #12 on: May 02, 2006, 09:08:35 AM »   

Extazy, whats this documentary called 
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     Re: listen up.../and so...
« Reply #13 on: May 02, 2006, 05:53:29 PM »     

are rafi eitan and effie eitan related...? bros? then they are both pusul and not on our side just like sharon wasn't and don't let the kippah and frumkeit or the broken bones at amona fool you... if rafi did to pollard what arutz7's newstory today suggests then they are sick jews and should be shunned... nik. just mindin' the store while i completely melt down!!! ta... nikie pooh and goodnight... also please G-d... let this issue before the israeli courts take down this perfidious coalition before it even takes office for a single day... amen... see how in reporting yesterday the news that shas joining put them over the top how they lumped together as one figure (36) the 28 of kadima with the 8 of the pensioners? that means they were in cahoots all along and the 36 combined was always there for the taking... they just made it look close or some other disgusting political rot reason to appear to have been opposing and competing parties when all along they were duping the voting public as to their affiliation and duality... probably cooked the books or votes for the geezers as well so as not to have to cheat on too great a scale on their own party name and accord... you can fool all the people all the time... but you can't fool Hashem or me... nikmatdam one of His humble servants... the whole damn thing stinks to low hell and high heaven... take rafi eitan out and those 8 seats will crumble leaving just 59 left.... thank you very muich Hashem... boruch Hashem!!! justice for jonathan pollard now!!!! a true, true jewish hero and prisioner of zion... an exalted jew of great suffering, yesurim and superior mesirat nefesh!!!! i mean he really laid it all out there on the line for us!!! be grateful and show hakorot hatov by davening for him and by davening for the death of all those involved in his arrest, conviction, incarceration and most of all for his betrayal... may he be blessed with freedom and light and goodness all his days and forever.... amen selah!!!! (i am mekanah his olam haba... it is awesome to contemplate... but i just pray he gets a little of this world as well before his 120 are up... and let us all say amen again!)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2006, 06:40:12 PM by nikmatdam »  Report to moderator 

Posts: 739

f.k.a. LTKN

    Re: listen up...
« Reply #14 on: May 02, 2006, 06:46:42 PM »   

Rafael EitaN, Effi EitaM. You'll have to forgive me if that's as far as I managed to get with your post...
In a bad mood, as usual

336   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: I'm through with Protesting - - by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 23, 2006, 01:59:23 AM 
right you are... it's time to revolt!!! nik.
337   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 23, 2006, 01:57:49 AM 
it is in shulchan orech that a woman can layn the megillah in those above stated circumstances... and therefore you see by torah a woman's voice is not kol isha in that context... yes that is my source and i'm sticking by it... we also have a source therein where women technically can be given aliyot except it wouldn't be zneut for the men to SEE her reciting the brachot during davening on their side of the mechitza... and it is not due to their voices being heard... another rayah... and we always had a niggun for birkat hatorah... my other rayah is from az yashir moshe... you going to tell me that wasn't singing and dancing too??? you shallow, disrespectful, selective boor!!! nik. out... your torah knowledge couldn't fill a thimble!!!!
338   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: thank you politicians...  on: June 23, 2006, 01:44:25 AM 
and i'm sure they'd all tell you... "you're welcome..."  because this is exactly what they have tried to do... in concert with their marching orders to set israel up to fall in the next war with the arabs... the goal is for mutual destruction of both arabs and jews... so that what is left of the world afterwards... in the christian and moslem world that is... and among the very few remaining kapo-erev-rav jews all now living under rome in a one world gov. one world religion... led by the vatican and by the throne of england (along with the nobility of the rest of europe) and i'm sure i don't need to tell you that this does not include us and is not and will not be in a united world under moshaich nor under Hashem and His torah either... nik. 
339   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is a Rabbi?/almost nobody alive today...  on: June 23, 2006, 01:33:30 AM 
you know not of what you speak... since sh.tzvi hit the jewish world there have been jews fighting and plotting to kill all religious jews and rid the world of torah altogether... hence the planned and carefully orchestrated holocaust which was carried out almost to completion... ww2 wasn't so much a war as it was an extermination party brought to you by all of the lovely world leaders to decimate european torah jewry... and they almost succeeded... this is the real reason no country would take any jews in fleeing from hitler's inferno... save for the dominican rpublic (55, 000) and a few others... they all were in collusion to spill our blood... and this is why britain could wantonly defy the league of nations' mandate of 1919 to lop off jordan from being part of the jewish homeland promised in the balfour dec. of 1917... this is why in 1922 they did this because they had plans already in the works back then to do us in... in fact as my last post in a week or two will show... all the wars 1 & 2 were planned in advance and so is the soon coming ww3... G-d forbid... as you shall all see soon... very soon... nik. out...
340   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / yehareg v'al yavor... people now.... yehareg v'al yavor!!!  on: June 23, 2006, 01:16:12 AM 
of course it is... my point though is that we are all sinning... we are chayiv to follow the laws of kiddush Hashem over a mitzvah the goyim wish to break us of... any mitzvah... and so we have a clear order min hashamayim... yehareg v'al yavor... but we choose to transgress out of fear instead... every damn time!!!! nik. out in disgust...
341   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Yonatan Pollard's marriages  on: June 23, 2006, 01:04:03 AM 
i heard his first wife turned on the family after her release even though jonathan had signed his plea bargain (the one they reneged on) only because of how ill she was and how cruelly she was being treated in prison by the authorities... otherwise he would have fought the charges in open court... something the gov. couldn't tolerate since their case was bogus against him anyway... i mean they had him on something... just not on the thing that ol' caspar yemach shemo v'zichro l'olam vaed pulled out of his hat to have the key thrown away on him... this is the worst case of anti-semitism and the worst travesty and miscarriage of justice in u.s. history... even more than by the rosenbergs which was a lie too back then with only a smiddgen of truth to it...

in any event... when she got out she changed and kept telling the family not to fight for a re-trial because it would hurt his chances for a pardon and they got angry at her and their marriage fell apart... (this from his father whom i met in l.a. and heard speak 10 plus years ago or so... anyway that's the story from here)... nik. out...
342   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ***blake, floyd and arlo guthrie....***  on: June 22, 2006, 12:54:51 AM 
here's a little more of the goyish intent to steal jerusalem from us and to continue to claim themselves to be the chosen people of G-d (israel) they also claim yashka came down from his cross and moved to england or at least his brother james did... so they say... so they say.... nik.

(by william burke)

"and did those feet in ancient time
walk upon england's mountains green?
and was the holy lamb of god
on england's pleasant pastures seen?

and did the countenanace divine
shine forth upon our clouded hills?
and was jerusalem builded here
among these dark satanic mills?

bring me my bow of burning gold!
bring me my arrows of desire!
bring me my spear! o clouds unfold!
bring me my chariot of fire!

i will not cease from mental fight,
nor shall my sword sleep in my hand,
'till we have built jerusalem
in england's green and pleasant land..."

and now a little more from a couple of modern american and british poets...

"time..."/ ""breathe..."/ "breathe reprise..."
(by pink floyd)...

"ticking away the moments that make up a dull day
you fritter and waste the hours in an off-hand way
kicking around on a piece of ground in your home town
waiting for someone or something to show you the way
tired of lying in the sunshine staying home to watch the rain
you are young and life is long and there is time to kill today
and then one day you find ten years have got behind you
no one told you where to run, you missed the starting gun
and you run and you run to catch up with the sun, but it's sinking
and racing around to come up behind you again
the sun is the same in the relative way, but you're older
and shorter of breath and one day closer to death
every year is getting shorter, never seem to find the time
plans that either come to naught or half a page of scribbled lines
hanging on in quiet desperation is the english way
the time is gone the song is over, thought i'd something more to say

home, home again
i like to be here when i can
when i come home cold and tired
it's good to warm my bones beside the fire
far away, across the field, tolling on the iron bell
calls the faithful to their knees
and hear the softly spoken magic spell..."

"breathe, breathe in the air
don't be afraid to care
leave but don't leave me
look around and chose your own ground
for long you live and high you fly
and smiles you'll give and tears you'll cry
and all you touch and all you see
is all your life will ever be
run, run rabbit run
dig that hole, forget the sun,
and when at last the work is done
don't sit down it's time to dig another one
for long you live and high you fly
but only if you ride the tide
and balanced on the biggest wave
you race toward and early grave..."

"home, home again
i like to be there when i can
when i come in cold and tired
it's good to warm my bones beside the fire
far away across the field
the tolling of the iron bell
calls the faithful to their knees
to hear the softly spoken magic spells..."

"coming into los angeles..."
(by arlo guthrie)...

"coming in from london
from over the pole
flying in a big airliner
chickens flying everywhere around the plane
could we ever feel much finer?

coming into los angeles
bringing in a couple of keys
don't touch my bags if you please
mister customs man...

there's a guy with a ticket to mexico
no, he couldn't look much stranger
walking in the hall with his things and all 
smiling, said he was the lone ranger

coming into los angeles
bringing in a couple of keys
don't touch my bags if you please
mister customs man...

hip woman walking on a moving floor
tripping on the escalator
there's a man in the line
and she's blowing his mind
thinking that he's already made her

coming into los angeles
bringing ina couple of keys
don't touch my bags if you please
mister customs man...

coming in from london
from over the pole
flying in a big airliner
chickens flying everywhere around the plane
could we ever feel much finer?

coming into los angeles
bringing in a couple of keys
don't touch my bags if you please
mister customs man..."

ever wonder why the war on drugs is always a huge failure when all we have to do is firebomb all the poopy fields that are clearly visible by our advanced satellite technology...and depictable from miles up in space to boot? i mean it can read my tee-shirt as i walk down the street... so why can't it identify the drugs and send in the airforce to wipe out the crops? because of all the mullah they make from selling it themselves and because of the havoc and mayhem they create to keep us locked down in utter misery from everything going on... that's why!!!! if they legalized the stuff or at least the most harmless of the lot... grass... then these problems would disappear... but so would their profits and so would some of their iron-clad control over us...

the point here is... the throne of england and the vatican are our worst enemies... and if they succeed none of us will survive... they are working and have always been working to enslave the entire planet... all the wars... all the suffering... all the genocide are theirs... if we are not careful they will destroy israel... reclaim jerusalem and build a monstruous cult-temple on har habayit and rule forever... until Hashem stops them that is... but we can stop them now ourselves if we would only awaken to the truth of their evil... we must wake now!!! wake up world... wake up... it's not too late yet... but it almost is... time is not on our side anymore... time is running out... we have only just a little breathing space left... don't let them suffocate us all... wake up... please!!! nik. out...
343   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 21, 2006, 11:54:56 PM 
this is a very stupid stream... trop has existed from the beginning of torah... the tagiim on top are said to be the original score for the torah... the sephardim and the temanim have their own chants as well... all of them are musical, cantatorial lefi the differing development of their respective minhagim and mores... reading the torah has always been done in song fashion... from az yashir moshe (which miriam and all of the women sang as well)... to hazinu to tehilim... music is part of reading torah outloud... now stop the nonsense and leave it alone... if it were not for other tzniut reasons required for proper halachic decorum in shul women would be allowed to layn as this is not a violation of kol isha... and as i said where the tzibur needs to be yotzei megillat esther and no man can do it a woman can and must to provide fulfillment for her community for this mitzvah... and this is for a purely derabanan mitzvah (mikra megillah)... kol shekain for a d'oraita one like parshat zachor... which although women do not go out to war they are still required to hear to i guess teach their sons and as a part of k'lal yisroel in any regard are bidden to hear this parsha because they too are a part of k'lal yisroel and fall under the obligation to remember what amalek did to us... nik. out...
344   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Torah codes - BZK  on: June 21, 2006, 11:44:33 PM 
the codes are real... rabbi dr, eliyahu rips is a mathematical genius and a true talmud chacham and yore shemayim... nik. out... 
345   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Who is a Rabbi?  on: June 21, 2006, 11:43:25 PM 
i do believe that's what the deformers have in mind for us... nik. out...
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346   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: all the evil in the world/is it due to G-d, satan or man? (6/6/6 is comin' up!)  on: June 21, 2006, 11:05:56 PM 
i read it yes and the books it was base on... and none of them referred to 666 in the way i just did... nik. out...
347   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / beyond dispute...  on: June 21, 2006, 10:47:13 PM 
what i meant by a single posek... was one with guts and intellectual honesty to truly acknowledge that this is indeed the matzav we now live in... that the goyim are attempting to take eretz yisroel away from us and we are therefore bidden by the torah to defy this... and not give-in...

the truth of the matter is beyond  dispute... it is not a situation like by zerat requiring a cohen to pasken it so... it is our matzav whether any jew in the world recognizes it or not... i just don't want to get to Hashem and be told i needed a psak before i acted... so as not to be guilty of suicide... G-d forbid...

the matter is settled though... the filthy goyim are truly trying to break us of the mitzvah of eretz yisroel and all the halachot (that are beyond question extant and applicable) surrounding this mitzvah...

honor, bravery and valor... i'm afraid are a thing of our past... we live in a dor of zero guts... courage does not exist except for those within the idf who are also with us and of course except for the hilltop youth and their supporters and some not all of the yesha settlers... after these exceptions to the rule... nada... nik. out...
348   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / look...  on: June 21, 2006, 01:48:40 AM 
i'm working here... i shouldn't be pulled just because i feel like writing... if you are not happy due to my amount of stuff then i guess people can press reply on their own posts and put their's back on top of mine and let mine fall... if everyone does that there is no need for condensing mine or preventing me from trying to communicate... i've marked all posts which have lyrics on the subject matter line so people can choose to skip over them if they wish... and i can be read by those who wish to read me... so i have every right to do what i'm doing and i'm not interfering with anyone else and their right to write... nik. out...

as i said in the end of "won't back down"... i just finished virtually everything i want to say here and i have but one more post... two or so weeks from now... and i will be done and out of here if you like... or i'll just be here like everyone else... no more lyrics and no more dozens of posts and new threads... o.k.? fair enough sounding to me... now let me be... n.
349   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ***"won't back down..."***  on: June 21, 2006, 01:28:14 AM 
this one is now complete... the whole thread but i just closed off the unfinished part to the end of the war to end all wars about ww1, the titanic and jesuit plotting since lincoln to destroy america or take it over... (really since back in 1776) but that too is for later... and we have mentioned before in our the british are coming series... ta... nik.

with this and one more thread i will have finished my backlog of blogs and i will cease to do this again... i only have one more post in mind anyway... and then we'll see from there... i'm spent... nik. out... 
350   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 20, 2006, 11:42:37 PM 
what??? the trop is ancient and so is layning the parsha... moshe rebenu set it up for shabat shachrit and mincha and for mon/thurs./mon/ so as not go three days without torah just like a human being cannot go three days without water... and torah is compared to water...

also ezra set up to read the whole torah in a one year cycle and how many aliyot to have on each shabat, yom tov, rosh chodesh and chol hamoed and plain chol or fast day, etc. and how many pesukim to read minimally per aliyaha...

so you know not about what you speak here... nik. out...
351   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ***the british are coming for us all... parts# 7a &7b...*** (now complete)...  on: June 20, 2006, 11:37:12 PM 
this one is now complete... sorry for the delay... nik.
352   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / 666/ the magen david/shabatai tzvi, jacob frank, reform and the holocaust...  on: June 20, 2006, 10:06:11 PM 
by the way i just found out why 666 is evil to the goyim... and you're right it has to do with judaism's view of 6... the 6th day when man was created... nature as a whole... and erev shabat... as well as a siman of and for moshiach... check out the megillat rut... (perek gimmel)... when boaz gives rut some barley it is six stalks and six portions of something else... and then another 6... three sixes in a row... and now we know... "the rest of the story..." nik. out...

i have also recently learned that the magen david only is jewish since the 13th century... when it first appeared on jewish craftsmenship and architecture... the only connection to moshiach and david is the six points... in other words the two triangles by themselves stand for the pagan signs for man and woman... similar to the modern circles with a cross at the bottom for female and an arrow at the top right for male... and interlocking them and introducing them into judaism may have been a gnostic accomplishment... whose influence over us only grew in time with all the superstitious nonsense which crept into our way of life... which was and is pure kishuf... (occult or black magic) which are all asur as forms of avodah zarah... the same can be said for some... maybe not all... of the kameahs (amulets) and the segula-like objects (red string, etc.)... that then came in followed shortly thereafter by the shabbtai zvi and jacob frank heresies... and then by of course the reform, conservative and reconstructionist madness and tumah...

and where did it all end up...? well in our siddurim and machzorim on succot we pray for rain on shmnei atzeret... the word af bri appears as an angel who overseas rain... this we know from the eliyahu hanavi har carmel story to be totally false... there is no angel over rain... since creation Hashem has handled this key himself... as it says in gemora "over everything in creation Hashem assigned a guardian angel or sar to watch over it... even one over every blade of grass... and these three keys were... geshem, techiat hamatim and hibaraiyon... (conception)... so we should not mention that prayer every year... but all of this corruption of torah-true judaism ended in the horror of the holocaust... led by the likes of moses mendelsohn and yonatan eibshitz who were secret shabtai tzvi-niks just as rav yakov emden surmised... in fact i've seen the "smicha" that mendelsohn wrote for eibshitz... full of references to the sabbatean lunacy and kefira... they were into incest with their sisters and they used to take the orlah from their sons and instead of burrying it they used to burn it... in the sick, demented death-wish for a holocaust of torah jews to come to pass in the world... and lo and behold it almost did... it almost did...

read for yourselves all about this in rabbi marvin antleman's two-volume work... "to eliminate the opiate..."

nik. out...   
353   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: ***"jerusalem..."***  on: June 20, 2006, 09:22:14 PM 
there see... that's how it works... you can't possibly miss it... nik.  (i know; i know) out of his mind... ta... n.
354   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust...  on: June 20, 2006, 09:17:43 PM 
that's right truth and it all stems from the anussarius-paleolithic age of cavedwellers...  who walked this earth with very few brain-cells and even fewer articles of clothing covering their derriers... nik. out
355   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Torah codes - BZK/may all be true even the predictive ones...  on: June 20, 2006, 09:12:01 PM 
well drosnin in vol. one claimed to have known about rabin a year or so before it happened... and the one where arafat buys it in gaza in a hail of bullets did indeed come true but to his cousin... mousa arafat... and he said in vol. two... either 2006 or 7... from a nuke either in s.e. iran or in s.w. yemen where iran could easily hide one... G-d forbid of course... and the either/or makes sense too because the goyish year may be unclear... but the hebrew one is clear... 5767... in other words anytime after this upcoming rosh hashana... again chas v'shalom... it will still be 2006 in sept. and it could even be for after next rosh hashana which will still be 2007... in any event at the time of the event the world was not talking about iran being anywhere near a bomb... nor was the news filled with that meglomaniac assbite and his calls of jihad and downright gloating over the impending doom of israel... perish the thought... however all of this has built up ever since jan. 2006... and so we see the prediction starting to form and come to fruition... G-d forfend... nik. out... 
356   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / remember now... just follow the bouncing *** asteriks ***...  on: June 20, 2006, 08:10:58 PM 
o.k. yiss. i'll grant you that point... but i didn't quote 5 matisayhu songs... only one... i have done multiples of others like pink floyd, etc. but there too only on one thread... until today that is because i have another choice couple from them for a certain point i'm making... but feel free to skip over it ala the eitzaot i gave... also i am not interested in letting you find links on your own... i don't understand the problem... no one is putting a gun to anyone's head to read the lyrics... skip over them and go to the message or ignore me as you all usually do anyhow... i know you can't possibly object to seeing lyrics quoted... right? you guys aren't that anal are you? don't answer that or we all might get a time-out... nik.
357   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Safed rabbi: I really don't hate Arabs  on: June 20, 2006, 07:54:44 PM 
i'll conceed your point for the time being... nik.
358   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust.../and how!!!  on: June 20, 2006, 02:59:53 AM 
we can still keep them off and out and allow ourselves the freedom to say what we truly feel... if someone calls me a name i want to be allowed to call him one back too... retort tachat retort... or... i want to see him get a time-out too... not just me... i get one for responding because i never initiate... you all initiate and nothing happens to you... unfair and unbalanced... and definitely unjust...

and yiss. i didn't run "5 simultaneous threads all on matisyahu lyrics and see them absorbed into one and get mad..." again with your selective memory or more likely your over-exaggerated and hairpin-triggered bias against me... i put lyrics out there one or several per and each one had and has a separate and unique message and angle... they are not repeated and they are not all saying the same thing... and yes i want you to undo your redaction of them...   some of them are not completed yet...

oh... and by the way... bk this is not spamming... no one forces you to open my posts... if anyone wishes to avoid me... here's what you do... scroll down and ignore nikmatdam threads... and voila!!! no spam... i'll even make it easy for you... i will from now on put an asterik ***** on the subject line of that particular post containing any lyrics from songs in it... that should make it easy for any primadonnas here to avoid opening anything of mine that is untoward even if it would only be for a split second until you click out of it... so no need to waste even one finger's energy to bring up something you find offensive... how's that for consideration on my part...? but that also means i can have as many threads going at one time that i want... and so can any of you... creativity and prolifcisy should not be and does not deserve to be punished...

that is all... nik. out...
359   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / another gadol b'torah fails to be omed b'nisayon...  on: June 20, 2006, 01:14:32 AM 
any response other than what rav meir said is dishonest and a lie... that's aleph... we do hate them and not just because they hate us... but because of the grotesque things they have done to our people because of their hatred...

secondly... the fear factor... it's real... especially in israel... even gedolim apparently are afraid to stand up and speak out clearly and unequivocally as to the true position of the torah vis a vis goyim in general living in israel and in particular those who we know seek our death and the destruction of our G-d-given homeland... thus the real reason we do not act more forcefully and more bravely... we are all lacking in true courage, true emunah and even the smallest modicum of true bitachon...

thirdly... we live in an era of shmad... where the nations of the world are coming after us to break us of one of the mitzvot of the torah and therefore (and this applies to every single one of us)... our duty in the face of this is to lay down our lives... yehareg v'al yavor... anyone who does not put himself/herself on the line when the situation arises has sinned... no beit din can and will punish them but Hashem will hold them accountable after meah v'esrim... now i am not saying here that all of us are duty bound to immediately go out and put ourselves in a sekana to prove our faith and courage... but when the situation arises of and by itself as it has to that rav in sefat and as it did before on another thread to harav mordechai eliyahu... and as we have just seen that they have both caved-in under duress and under stress... they are indeed chayiv... for by their fear and subsequent failure to stand up and m'kadish shem shemayim... they have done a disservice to k'lal yisroel who looking up to them for leadership and courage are now even more discouraged and disillusioned than they were before these gedolim collapsed and gave-in under pressure... this is the essence of chillul Hashem... no one will judge them down here on earth but Hashem will certainly bring them to din over their chet...

and finally... because all the above is so glaringly our matzav ... and personally... because i feel the way i do about this issue... i am presently trying to find even a single posek of some stature and clout who will agree with rav meir and state that he was (and still is) correct... and that we do indeed live in a situation of shmad l'mitzvah echad... and when i do...

i am going to go out and find a way to deliberately put myself in harm's way and if no way exists... to manufacture a situation where i will openly flaunt the shita of the reshayim endeavoring to destroy eretz yisroel... in other words... i will be looking for my kivshan haaish to get myself thrown into... why? not because i have a death-wish... far, far from it... not because i have so much guts... i have long held myself to be a coward... too overly afraid of violence and war... but i am going to do this simply because i hold at least someone from k'lal yisroel must act in this fashion (b'makom shain ish...)... like nachshon ben aminadav by yam suf... solely in order to defy the will of the memshelet zadon who rule here upon this earth... and it matters not if it will do any good or not... i'm not after throwing my life away for nothing... but that doesn't matter anymore if indeed we are all chayiv anyway due to the circumstances... for r. akiva did not go out and teach torah b'rabiim on purpose and be moser nefesh because he thought he would rally the yidden to victory immediately... no... he went out to defy the romans because they were trying to break us of the mitzvah of talmud torah our sine qua non in this world... and he was willing to die if necessary just to demonstrate by example for dorot to come even if no one then would get it and be inspired to throw off the yoke of the filthy goyim... he laid down his life purely because it was the right thing to do... to further inculcate us in the principle of avraham avinu...that in the face of such utter and complete evil how can one not rebel against it...? of who wants to live in a world where this much evil dominates...? and so too i... humbly... i feel called to rise up and do so now over a different mitzvah (actually there are two mitzvot here: the mitzvah of eretz yisroel which the goyim are attempting to get us to deny publically and the mitzvah to seek vengeance for fallen jews; to not stand idly by their innocently spilled blood)... both of which i feel... represent a jew's supreme obligation and our very raison d'etre (the true essence of our existence in this world along with torah) in this life and which has been the case ever since sinai and indeed throughout our blood-soaked history...

that is all... i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for vengeance... nik. out...
360   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Safed rabbi: I really don't hate Arabs  on: June 19, 2006, 10:51:52 PM 
i will have a response for you all shortly... nik.
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361   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Mordechai Eliyahu/ a great jew who has fallen...  on: June 19, 2006, 10:48:54 PM 
i've heard this maesa as well... seems like a decent and good jew had a meltdown of fear and indecision and it cost k'lal yisroel dearly... so so sad... my heart goes out to him... he failed a test of his emunah and of his bitachon... but we all have at one time or another and we should just do tshuvah and prepare ourselves now for the present and future battles of conscience sure to come...  it has gotten alot worse for us because of this failure to stand up back then... and it will only get harder for us to stand up for Hashem and His truth the next time... but even so... we have to atone and we have to get it right finally... ust once is all and that might do it... it may only take just one act of mesirat nefesh by any of us... for Hasehm to do the rest and send moshiach finally... nik. out...
362   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / a new day dawning over revava...?  on: June 19, 2006, 10:36:12 PM 
truth i stand corrected then... didn't know anyone else has felt the knife... and i take it back what i responded to lenny about what you said about me... you were also speaking about yourself and your own post of the moment how with a turn of a phrase in the "wrong" direction it would get axed too... and how unfair that would be not only to me who appreciates the words of support you were therein offering but also to yourself and to all of the others who should get to hear what you have to say no matter what it is that you want to say... so thanks again and have at it...

and bk and yby... no we can't put it behind us now and move on... not until we discuss and vote on removing the stupid rules and regulations (read: restrictions and censorship)... nik. out...
363   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "There is nothing I hate worse than a bad argument for something I hold dear."  on: June 19, 2006, 10:22:34 PM 
i'll take the man in white everytime... nik.
364   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Truer words have never been spoken  on: June 19, 2006, 06:39:34 AM 
no... it doesn't make me think... it makes me want to lose my lunch... the death-knell for the state sounded... and rang-out loud and clear... hard and long... when they first began to let in all those efing russian goyish scum and nazi-refuse... and man are we gonna reap what we have sown... in spades... nik. in disgust out...
365   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust...  on: June 19, 2006, 06:28:07 AM 
no lenny... i think he was referring to me... and thank you both for your kind words and your understanding... but he was saying that no one should be deleted as i have been several times now... because each post a person expresses here is a little bit... a little piece of the wider and whole truth of am yisroel...

in any event... yby... the last person i would ever call on is one of the unjewish erev-rav jewish reshayim to help me in any fashion... i would never do that ever... even if i were in real trouble... and i'm not about putting out a hit on anybody... i want to be unshackled and unrestrained to fire back and fight back WITH WORDS ALONE DAMN IT ALL!!! that's all... why should you be able to tell me to go ef myself and i can't call you an animal in need of a zoo in return...? why not...? there is no basic fairness in this equation here... yiss. is selective in how he views the names i'm called... and overly dogmatic in his response to my choice few which are always in response not ever initiated unprovoked or gratuitously thrown in just for effect to shock and to wax downright nasty... but sometimes it is necessary to get down and dirty and i demand the right and the freedom to do so when i deem it appropriate and shyach... he is dishonest and so are all of you who are my detractors here... you don't have an ounce of intellectual honesty in your brains...

i want the sissified rules revoked and annulled... i want to be free to speak my mind with the total range of  vocabulary at my disposal inside my head in the normal flow of my natural discourse... i say we vote on it... i also say you're all cowards if you vote it down... you have no idea how fierce and how insultingly chazal went  at it and at each other in their milchemet hatorah during their pursuit of emet... it didn't make them bitter enemies... only better friends... so i say... let's let 'er rip and really have at it here... ey? nik. out... 
366   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Safed rabbi: I really don't hate Arabs/he will love them to death... his own...  on: June 19, 2006, 05:49:13 AM 
rav meir once said... "the lesson from the war in vietnam is clear... if you don't or won't hate your enemy... you can never win the war against him..."

he also said... "i don't hate arabs because they are arabs... that would be racism... i hate them because they hate us and kill us and want to destroy us and drive us from our land..."

and therefore in light of the above... this rabbi is the worst kind of garbage and puke there is... and he is a rodef after us all...

furthermore anyone saying things like this after what they have done to us even just since oslo ('93) has no love for jews in his heart... otherwise how could he forget so easily the murder of so many precious jewish neshamot...? especially all of the little jewish children... such lack of sensitivity and weak feelings defies logic... it boggles the mind... it is not the sign of a normal human being... this is truly sick... any of those deaths could have been someone in his own family and then if that were the case he would never say a thing like this... doesn't he realize this...? what is wrong with us...? i am utterly stupefied... doesn't he understand that he has no right to say this...? that it iis not his place to speak for our kedoshim and kiss and make-up with the murderers of our people...? he really can't see this...?  this rabbi... this jew... has no soul... he should be defrocked...

rak nekamah... only vengeance... there will never be any forgetting nor any forgiving... nik. out...
367   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust...  on: June 18, 2006, 01:03:21 PM 
we will see what david has to say about all this... i want you out... nik.
368   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Torah codes - BZK  on: June 18, 2006, 01:01:52 PM 
wow... and much more to the point... there is a potential predicitve nature to the codes which say (vol.2) israel will benuked by iran in 2007 if not earlier... check it out in droznin's book... nik.
369   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Inside Scoop on Attempted Abudction Of Girls Near Tapuach  on: June 18, 2006, 04:06:45 AM 
all i can say is kain yirbu... and against this vile filth for the deeds they have performed like the tali hatuel killing and the cannibalizing of idf soldiers a few years back... all i can say is that throwing them all out is too good for them... i want their blood... genocide now baby!!! genocide now!!! " only vengeance"... "rak nekamah!!!" nik. out...
370   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / unbalanced and unfair.... and therefore unjust...  on: June 18, 2006, 03:53:04 AM 
i see my post complaining about my treatment was pulled... this is now a serious matter to me and therefore i will again air my beef...

the issue isn't name-calling or being banned it is equal treatment and also applying the so-called rules to everybody here on an equal basis...

i feel they are not being properly managed, monitored or enforced... ergo i am taking this issue to david... this is not a vendetta and unlike what any of you think including his nibs the moderator... i am not and have not threatened anybody here... you all misunderstand... i don't want to beat you up as some of you have said... if you give me grief i said i would unleash a torrent of words at you to defend myself... not come calling at your house... what are you guys insane? over a forum i would make myself a rasha? you guys truly are nuts... or as i tried to convey in my deleted post tonite... you guys are either a bunch of cowards or big crybabies i don't know which is more appliciable... siissies comes to mind too... you can all dish out pretty well... but you just can't take a little of your own medicine in return...

now i will conclude this message and diatribe and let it go... if two things occur... first this is not pulled... and second it is addressed as a truly relevant although regrettable issue that has arose here... that is all... nik. out... 
371   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Rav Mordechai Eliyahu  on: June 18, 2006, 12:46:05 AM 
rav meir told me himself that r.eliyahu was his posek for things zionisitic... nik. 
372   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 15, 2006, 12:27:29 AM 
oh yeah... i nearly forgot... your usual ploy to not deal with what i have to say is to ignore me altogether... and in this you guys excel let me tellyou... and you're all absolutely masterful at this... balk!!! nikie-pooh and goodnight... 
373   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: mekorot for kol isha...  on: June 14, 2006, 11:49:38 PM 
no i was speaking from yiss. point of view that layning is speaking... and hence at least those two verses are singing... but i know that regular trop which in english is called cantilation... which means musical notes... is singing... just listen to the ba'al koreh on shabat... is that his spoken voice or is he carrying a tune... singing a melody? a chant if you will... but singing it still is... nik. out...
374   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: "What should we do next?" by David Ha'Ivri  on: June 14, 2006, 11:44:43 PM 
thought so... n.
375   General Category / Revava movement Discussion / Re: Stand up for Jerusalem!  on: June 14, 2006, 11:44:10 PM 
well put...yby... only thing is... in aug. i plan to be in jerusalem... im m'eretz Hashem... ha!!! ta... nik.
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"i am nikmatdam... humble and imperfect servant of Hashem... and i yearn for redemption but i absolutely ache for Divine justice and vengeance..."