I think some men look GREAT in a kilt 
I had to wear one to school and I dont think I looked like a man
I am proud when we have the Highland games and I see the Scotsmen in Kilts. 
Its an honor to wear the tartan 
And I can just imagine a wee bonny Scot being told to remove thy kilt

I know. It ROCKS!
I also live a man in a kilt. They DO look GOOD as Kelly said.
Too bad I'm not Scotish or Irish. My ancestors come from England (we were the bad guys in Braveheart, lol )
I thought about asking this because some people were saying that women should not wear pants because we cannot dress like men. SO...I was curious if they would have an issue with us wearing kilts. Would it be forbidden for the sake of us not "dressing like men"?
I can't wait to hear what people think about this. So curious! 
I think the Torah prohibition is that men and women should not cross dress...or dress in such a way that a man might take a nother woman for a man or vice versa...and like wise with women the same way.
In other words, it's not good to try to look like the opposite sex because it can create confusion.
And so the Rabbis built additional fences so that a man or woman is no where near being confused for the opposite sex.
With these fences we have to be careful of what the actual Torah reason is for a certain commandment and not make a new commandment out of it. That's just my two cents.
But you are aware the kilt is not a womans dress. It was solely a mans. So they are not dressing as a woman.
precisely. In the scottish culture, this is men's clothing. Nobody can mix this male celt with a woman.
But literal cross dressers..Men who wear dresses, wear wigs, stuff their boobs to appear as women..well, that's prohibited..
Or women who cut their hair really short, where a suit and a tie, put a mustache over their face, hide their chest...well that's prohibited..
And to build a fence around it, I belive the rabbis had to really extend it further out all the way to the point that men not wear anything that was female and that females not wear what is male, including pants so that niether would come close to even breaking the actual rule.
Somteimes it APPEARS to me that some very religious jews make the actual rabbinicial fence the commandment..without going straight to the bottom line of what Gd actually meant in the Torah. i have no problem with fences if it is meant to keep those from coming close to the sin..that's the whole point of the fence..to keep one far away from screwing up. However, it seems that some make the fence the actual rule from the Torah.
My take is that some get tempted more easily than others and therefore they need a fence that is 10 miles wide while others need a fence 100 yards wide. Howver, everyone shoudl have a fence just to be safe.
Like being addicted to cigarettes and knowing it's bad to smoke. Some are tempted to smoke by the smell of the cigarettes and therefore stay in another room to not smell it, while others are soooooooooooooo tempted, that they will not stay in the same building as someone smoking a cigarette (obviously that's an exagerration..however, I think you see my personal point of view)